Tis ée h e uueth tis, Wlà mmssa velarger ttnly eumtheela S 5 me YOM' cr"Wooik w decne hile bah-, blaer MlofRE. wife, odsUty atsi ltci "ou itIc os1me duy, aimat aithil an bout cf oada other, thc larmer aeticheage of 92, and thc latter 94 yesrs, haviag beca s7'ycars mrried ', TTufs1 syro buriod îUa cisèsme~4<, u The Ùsîmfrles Burgin are being con tesîed t precont by M.Jsrdine, of Csstlemilk, Du .aaItre§ onçl . f. Naoi, a smn f vhdtt o Rer! fiaptil Noie, The frmer on beicî askcd once uhether holhadnot aun opinion of lia cas la reference ta tic disposallia 0id, . asc.f tic .rer1upcf te esta bn5,.0èm-<'Adthc peai momnt I casaci may." A irkcaltiy saayet, nameti William Young, committeicide by hsngiog hinasl!frac, tiec capin.ga cf a coal cellrvitfpisu8 f eotiaca rogo ie hai hcsa driukinj nomo tinte. ire- ionsty. A pabie meeting far tic parposf "rig*nadis a memrial te Alxandcr III., xi.gnSalaua etl i Town ll., Baratioanti, on Mnday- Roger SinWlnr Âytcnn, Es%., M. P.. la tiie glas'ir . (0»esge Setea. aed ete, Zdlalsigh. costcd tic firt _acua- lotion, vit ;-Tlat a talet, Celtie rosracm aisnle erecete the icmec,- ary f Alciander III., on tic 'Rings B:ock,'et the spot to wailcitie ings body sal a p bicllecd to ave raiditàftèslhlg otecte cliffi abclec. M. Ston, referrig ta te geccalcgi- cal cosseqtvqn,.ae - tpecctRoyal euzly itl lezaat ierII.,1 oid le bele atItthe Qunceould st bat feel a reat ttereât in lie movemeat ai m-at ieoea cubsriler la 'lha mcmorràl." Tic .resouincausacar- riedtimnsieay. A largoeadta- flnetlij10mmitte of management awa appsnttti;o Mr Robetson anti Sierif.- Clerk Barlay f Capar acre 7ppoint- eti jeiut-seeretaricc, ad Mr. Kldd, laiter, teearer. À desainba;been prprt y M. Stewart 7MGlahan, .Iiformo fa Celtie crac,. A =6!aa areýdy becs ,privatly celleeteti anti itilaproposeti toa cecpt coairilmiiensafroecshilli g pada. Itispnp-daetoaoaeaie cof th. cros timser sould le 'l.ngai heti lauaestatianifor Ring lxucer'ctieatl, foaaalia -'Wynto's Craikl,' aud on tise eUsie tise tradtion ruspectisg tise mamer la ahicis ls dati ceeur- liila a Ouriona fat týat o lenet fwoty .er.e..inaGlasgow tiareroiunatar- ily patither portrtes 46s au te entitle ihen te a vote, no fcwr tins 360 *ee mgms i tic seigilerisg. asti » msener toue o? Grccacck, huve pond limar rates, atîcagi they lid sol 1ýè eeu.d. Thia la tccunstcd for br&. eeger determinatien aicas by ti oeiag mec of ihe latter teun te alt MrN. Chistieasa mcmhcr of Parla. venmber of lada froumPaisley werc téadsiabuatishe preperty f Me. 'Wioluttonet Gleufer lieues. whcu ou fell iover Craigle Liona, 4WuPm o-r 40 fuit, andi ana kil ENGLISH NEWS. 2hs tial of Madasme Rachsel was na enetral CriminlaCourt mteStiOtlnlt. Mes.Bcrrc. tb6 plaisitff, whlte giisg -hie deeineti t; stete ber eg, cun îej"sato lýe -îuperftan lue; faletetaagre. leret omateie, but tise raman1n for lia advanoomn of ch ie.bet tc> t îctc ar Briti1511fscnies pro asaic ti éýle aitti t qtngi isi slntile BrThae abal s, s &the eie litflic e7*n seif sa a caendiat mines son la ai present slayisg qdêsfWiglni alîl Captein ~&~elaiobehraagitnp as tie ,~ ~a~lisl gentioman, ulti tic fînteclsg tiso Istilan civil sce- e6 puek Mur E - unt eE tu F4*m ofaahl t ac usse ee tie Mersey Steel by alish fane id sixlcen aounnti REAT ARCAIS' « CheapBoots & Shoes. hi *~C cesus T entomers asti tho pubilo sai. r"soaatte aegu ifmttOîi CO G U hat ho iajaaeteiagasi aujrt-, BQ(P, ICOUI' i ancatof - C. 711'hoiiipsoii s T .TVVT~ V - L l 1- J J ..K- - À W.5HO ho jet rt.oed ftendeNuleater sîscdithe snnsiaes aancot the large saAao- And hmaddeda.erct oosetiers, patgchre -obth Luest, Uhoopest andHBoa ttlaci #11Ty GOODS, ML1NI~&BUEVRIUN-GJS Fîftt- icm 8 Riga s Ever iapoted ino Hamilsn b> a retail bole. lOno5sebocaha ic cesl ba sIn leAugaftst atetr-the reanidoottnesis colltoas tIen aondscIe i. theas ',lgTyrseoyciith ofr&t"scrs.l lthtsesrChea t .em."f trrs tocloaod eiseenabledltaellIthZome1-ABULOtUiLY LWRC doi rcea eOttara IrPiroh v e ai str oalà, tae basa The publie ecao dnpo d fsc i0. t "fh@imnesokH I Bule>' & Ceacn'.ota âtla tYork shiliio. A gaosority of Drm osdIrmma or JIM ia a f saa11 oh lltoop. GoodWlte Sirdeags froc te,,cets ai> Tic irsi Coctoe Wop t 81.7. 1 et slorcd do.. $2.25. (I dCae tWarp .00. lO 'ainandaiFasoy Wiocys. a York iton Fchrarr 201h. 186&. 37-tf shilling. Sart. Ites White, Chockeranad tripcd Flacacla, ram a quarter-dollar op; _________and au cdlea.saaiety'of oiherfOOiealiy cîi.p, cISse M ~N'S 51GH? HO USE, JAMES l SR, I A LMI,&TOlr. 8'.LI TIN NA -Pl Hamisstn Set. 1,aies , BLý 31ACK DRIESSHTS 850,$S850, and 8500, LITEST NEW TORR S f LES. YOUT US', BOYS' & T. C. WAai-tf WILLIAM P. WILLCOX, lias j&st ieccived a Large .Asortmcst of' CHILDRE-NS C&'>~M ~5.4Zs. FELT HATS, Stiff and Soft CLOTH ZA.PS, STRAW IHATS, &., &o., HiAT FACTORY., Kisg ~Sibef. Corneros/Baud, HAN ILTON. J. FIELDING. Hlamilton, Ma>' 5h, 1ce8. cl-tf Fail Assizes. Cous?? Or HIALTON, JNO% TICE To Wl? T £is hece- hy giron ilat lie COU T o? OYEH, anti TERMINER ati GENERAL JAIL DELIVERY, and ASSIZES andi NISI PRIUS, fr thc aid Cuuns; of Haltca, iiile ho1didoîs îthe COURT' HOUSE, IN TUE Wc>wvv= cxsf mi1tc>=,1 ON TUESOA, Tm 6TRDIYOFOCTOBER qiXt t tihe or f TWYLVE OCLOC, Doon, o? ahîoh ail Justices o? tic Pesce Coroners, Cosstablcas, Juros, ati ail cthers csnceed, ;ro reqnired J>c take sottcesanti attend 10 do sand perforin ail daties abîci apperionte themo 0. dI1AWFORD MeRCIND SET.1t Sieriff Co. Halto,. Sierifa Offiee, ,Milton, Âug. 251h. 1868. 12 td T T1 T T T T T TTT Standiai & Boni>' are noded tirosgi Uic IJpnosy fie tisoir T. (lla nd try thc 60 cent t'.Whoiesle ad retul. E. N. ORR, Alîkiada of illurbIe aonnmcts. PHead- stoae Tsmhatoncs, Ornamenlail Chiln Posts, &a.,c onetantly os band'i. - E. N. ORR. 6-tf CROCKERY I CROCKEIY I Hlave pot one of thc ict selected stocka o? Crocher>' lanQOmgetcas. 'e do?>' competitîca. Coi ounti eocr China Sets. STANDISH & BEATY'Sc tGeorgetown. WholeeaIc anti Ietail. lc>zc4= $2oTo lbason Rea Etato IP LJI tteret ai ight per cent. Appt>' to JOHN DEWAEJa., Barristor, &. Mailtoa, Marci 3th, tees. îa-tf Seeds. Needs. ehiaou, Sir Johan la great oasOoaeco mprosunfi unap. e Ty lm l ave arrot, Mangoiti Wnrtol, Sctad ryf Ofa fes Qrden Socti. Cabhuge Socdbtihi, fboa frtic par. STANDISH &BRATY'S, Georgetown, a snlvy of thc Wholcoalc anti retoi. Binai, iti u vieu f marel of thse Lit o e es aMounao f tse .-Lit o et - RXAMNNG in ts esfftoffita, at Hilton, te upgsctei aAgo te lai Septesaber, 18 h deO i gaztted e e ergo Liringuton Jh f the]Râer. -Busch litasH R MeDosiai Hagi 8 cuts Jausu Nolan D Cunatngham Soit QanstoadMi seMarai b MOO. W. B. Dsfcost Giliberat Taser Mark Grast etis y n ta Jennis Young Fumer (15> alcituned toal P fr au>'etsabovs lettese ilpsa>'ee'ave rtis.d. y Ila W. D. e-VON, Speciol attention is directrd la tic RUSSELL, KEYLESS, WIL1111.M, SWIS. INU BETICIWED LE-VEJR WAT1ýrCHES. A large asomcrsen cf SIRING & SUMNER TRADE I Whie illhob.fosai eqaai tc ay offeei lutie Ccnt>' for ChoapaoU »d 6dura- ORDERED DEPARTXENT. C. N IEIIAUCS Deaires te iraa paticlar attention 10 his er>' ipoe6amdi0a 5atof ita baessi Ilis stock of Leatbe rseacea tic ver>' hept quaityand the qalit>' f ho wsrk ait ho féandt t compare aith an>' in h ccanty. ilnApril 7tb, t86s. 44-tf JO-HiN NE WT'O1V & ONN,, Woollen Manufacturéirs,é. LIMEHOUSE, ONTARIO. ETERY QE8CIPTION QIV Io teir lare prompt!>' donc on the MOST LIBERAL TERMS. A large Stoek cf Goode ef tlerOaa Mansfacterse cosatl> on huidi, for aale or ezehuogo for Wool. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GIVEN FOR WOOL. JOHN NEWTON. Limaoe r u April. 1060. 4-tf Said, '& Life Antm s h ch.apest and the Sist moe ocf mekse/ u acertesoeand sCe 5 ýemet for oses fasoly. c,- Ladies' aasd Gemsleieae'oGiajas, Brooces e, Ear-Ricags, Pins, SieeveoBaiuW tr ie surne o1ey 1 t ksd !~o> a eaeeJlOncrfc-. (0F ENGL ssuanceIit, Ic le Dotccesu> BtegotaHailton or Toronto 10 mole s good seleefioin n>'Essbli.sied i ie pesr .1843. Caitalîl, £10(),000 t ,g. Ooaranfee Foîd, lice, ~ ~ ~ ~ ni ha sycpee . ic c is8a tiose of cil>' Jeacleca, I esnanudti ill £800,000 Sg. 1 s eatlows. eratetou hoc y. AGreat Yariety of £Iocks Kepi Conslantil en Hand ! Varyicg froc, Two Dollars op ta Tes in price. Ai work arrinle'l. ond porcelnsi!ly stlcsded 10o. feot oarkmaoahip gnaranteed. Chargeas !oderute. SHOP-Next door bo P. MN. nMcKsy's. Milton, September 911. 1868.K 14-tf Valuato, and Comuamson Nerchant. Saleapssotsoly attoed to doorstly acoosad for inefl arof 0<thesCsasty. Commissioner for taking'Affidavits in Q.13. PLACE 0F BUSINESS-At hi, oer> siFec tre ostreetMilton' shers hoe"Il»hiesgosaamsoeap, if Potsohe petiaosc'lcleit ithe CosatY. Al goosI hsscght in hie stars cciteodlemedetan>'ploac io theoSrporati,nw c e uirseccAgent Cr teý sflote, ldoleos-corSpeotaian d tho ehoaiaodoi. tlis a ftioleu for sae- GROCEBIES. Te». Tohaos,, liai.s Waslieg Scda, Facoy So. Gecssd repper, Micile Pepper. Crsam Ttse, Miiow oo Appic Pociers. Coerst T-ohi lind Ccrd. (ait-footJoli>'. Iiaoito. Aluond Nuts, Filber. Brusl Not, Seeclices, Piohic, plame., Poa'ioe oni Shot, Cape (b ce.. C'e~r Aisas. - Blsue Vitriol, Cauftor Qil. CROCKEEY. Tea Ote. Plat",, Pitchers. Glussana, ICracha. Slittoas, Lamp Oaas tcacnp Wlohu. FANOT GOQUS. Buttaoel, Braids. Hue- Nes,, OiTir. Ssii Riitanc, Pipes, Pcrfu-y, Hocha mfd Eyes. Pins,. Seir Pin., t.ioen Ttsred. Ladisa Stoohinge, 31ilton, Sptemie lti, lIM8. MWcCus. usoCic Csctar. Fioles, Shee Moi,. STaTIOER Peý gP apr. india itber. S.allng Wax, 140<' TUE STANDARD LIFE ASSUIIAXE CO., Execu.tor-'s .Notice. (Estlsiuhcd 1825) Wilh nhiohlais caUnited N OTICE ie herci>' gîvea tIsaI al per- Thse Colonial Life Assuirance Comazey. soauewis aecisdcbtcd ta the Heaud Offie fur Canada: Late Aaron Oliphant. 1[sntreal-1tandard Ce.s Buld'ngs. Or THE No. 4 7 Great St James $. a..ff.aWM o&Anans1 eco. ncoacki UI. TOWNSIP> OF TORONTO, This Compasny havisg depied thie sau of Que Hsairei ansd FifI>' Thousaaai Dot INI TUE isos with the Reel", eresers! in cofor mit>' aillithe Ineorance Act assud last DC>Xl=t7" '>:r 2:Wee>l, Session. Asuacco il! continue to ho car- ried ont ai sscicrae rates and ontiAU the dif- Ad Province of Ontaris. Yeoman, osa frent systems in rac. deceed, arc reqneeted te psy the nome W M. RAMSAY, Manager, Canada. forhaitait Agnt for Miltonand Neighborhoei W L IA W B GEORGE SMITH, MÂrea. W L IM W S Agent at Gergetwn, Of thc Toan of Oakvile. co of tic Ex- T. HUSTON. ecutore ta the «il! of tIe sqid Late Agent at akyttîs, Aaron Oliphant; and li pereosa4 R. BAMER. hos, the said Late Aarna Olipiatt B. BAMER. tood iadehtod et thse time cf bia decease Agnt t Wllington Square, arc reqnotcdl to send la tisir clime - KEARNS. (aith tie naure of thir ecnrtieo, if 14-3m. unr) fortiaiti te thce ai! William Wua&, ________________________ tînt thc anme may le cxaminred and dis PIUNES! PRUNES! chre. Penne e EMRSO ALO, Exocators. 0 c nt s par b., a PIUNC04S OLIPEIANT, SANIOr.sn e reaa aTuos .ucgsa Wiolesale andtai li. 1 Septembre14ti, i1868, ihe INew Donion - 8TOVE AND PLOIJGH STORE~ 1 Chsrciifl. FEaq. Thoaom- B1iEu, t. Belesi P M KMD. ; Waltercr iith, E1q ThscîcaIseo. es 5John ..LiUlgtt, Pc;Sir ranos 1.yott. ex Sheriff id Locdoeanl Middlsiex ' Wil]iaaomenFocs.,Willam 2shohsse 5q Jossath..S1. Pidg_ýEwa, o., JOB. Thsehsuy, Nq.,George P li. îsci, eJh Jo-s.,.ceph M. Ware, Eeq. C0naa&an5sOlde~7.i'Stlreî et ,ota -er tesWcloîaBookitoom.JGe- oy General Agent forBraoit., Arscro'. Ooan,i.sofRclfree. Tomnsto. Johno Macdoliald Fcis lios. .Mestte, M. T, C., H laces, Metealie. Eeq.. M.>P..Hoo liche Bic , lM. cA. M. sosos, Ra-1., lso. Fn eh T E M Wocd.ýD., cot;col T 'MatssrsellB.îO .. i . Joso,-' (lasson sq. F on H Feris. MCI.. OomecAdoaoaMaisiessce- os .-Jis. eoo E. -i. The "OTAN" oSera taoosssseasthoe dvaI-us ifta wcl nl cosblisîhci buon -go manage msileeatc rats of pr5Oiums. ..c . the STA LIE ASURNC- SOIET" h,ý 1. y. icuo- f Pc udese, tassa, rrgard ehil ta Fcuture Po-iisiiieice oand Stabidli. Noexcota acge to Voiiiisteee,. ein e eon ps J. B. WILLMOTT. Algenstsfoiltiion and District. MEu ILK M Rï- llî theicrerc, he legs to 1868. SODA FOUNTAIN. 1868.' Retors nkcs fisc patfavors. aed hegecs ceUccCC 10 ti hiflamrerosse frenseee tiathie SODA FOUNTeIIN io s ii good russli'iiedcrdr, and tîsot bis ICE CPSEAMIS arc as cool as e-c-r. Les tle R<U&-ibaî DjwIei Ne la ctli protosced te pivo thecintcîstsfctionec. île o,lntiv clic ppeali te hi-c frrier mores 1teovince sU that he o c sîni the Ibes slveof lonfetonsiry. Weddisg Cake,, Casndies. &c. Sceinis. P,îc.siicc Soîreos-. WcdiicPsrties, &o., Oscpiti nwith s ere requisita in the ('ocictiiserv lice. os tIse -lortesl notiee. le aili appoint ose du-c in esch éeck in mhieh le aili ishe lin nenal routceai hie eonvoysse sicl Breadi, Cofeticeery. &.. Main Street, à1ilton, June 15t1, 1868. 2-tf William Leslie, Meadowvale, ILTON*Z 3' ACTORI mchased ftcm notify the pucthlat ho à Prepared to Exeaute allElCnda of Work ina bis Lino ina the best andi latent style, and in a workxcaanlike manner. The public are roipcctfally lavited tc cll hefore crceriag thele e'crk eoewborc. Miltea; Jo!>' 22nd, 1868. 1-3m. MM =t. M. C> CG--A 7 M- C A Begs te annoancee 10is oumerous plcrnta eibsI e aprepareti a afend ho sisi ase ith grestor failitien eiun ever. Honing.securodt heNviea or AnptnsSI'AMS ENOINE anti TUBULAR RBOlER. he rezasn tit seoqatt f mort. ond cas gtoaruntoc it le doneis- île ver>' heot s yle. CUST031 WORK PROMIPTLY Âcl'ENDED TO. LOGAN >'eteA.51N ?Sus.. JU 3t. IaaSo 2tf SBEWS X HALORO, tC.1 Agent for R. . Willi .ams' CelebratedNelodeons .1'CèW N r a 1. -and Victoria Org&flB. CONSISTIlNO oie Theso Instrumcntschave for the pant Fitoe caara tuhen &il thc BIOBROT PRIZES ut the Provieeia1 Exhibition@. Tacet>' ara tased Out oro hi>, ani pet io is unable to i sappi>' te ies',aa. Ton per centtdiscunt te Charches uaid tie Clerc>'Instumenta B3LACK WEST 0F ENGI5AND BIZOAD CLI01' aarrantcdtfve yearg Ad d'eliveedfreeof charge. N B-Be la Agent for Panos cf spprovei muhiersand anIud Instrumentse; &lac, for Heiatueaan'o Fisst Priae Piecos-slcnrracti. Blacueh s Ohs, 1luehad Bluc Veetise, Caimes, HriCouthoc Meadoavale, Jul>' ti 1c6a. 5-3ms ____________________________ English, Scotch anid Canadian,,-Tweeds0 W ALL F APER. .A.leU o a quaatity f Light Gai uobasMshsirs ess laos ,aas tsa Windou - LIa cnt rl a VERI STABLES m stawoi;asaao sIANDISH & IEATY'S, Georgetown. WVh.lçsalc ansi Iltail. MIL STREET, GEORGETOWN. Baskets! Baiskets ! haveeporehsed te lery Stables formelly Madepoitheprcmnins, waranted FtRST CLASS. nork to be Oud c1'a- Hîsving lengit a large lot of Basketc for and ces ad md oiitalic Vcîles, thoy arce emcma U hk~ PffIl eu sach as Sehooi, Market, Clohoaati aaa prepsresita ferath the pubslic aiti ho i~ ~ f a~ttt ~ Fenait Bsketsfor suie ceop eti si7 Iscet coveaaes aescoablsratet, - STNDSiI laY dS,(Pegtan, t"SegeSadeeean v tigFaso>'FteWoe SeC s tric.osstîSlaetiandsc,cto Whoesae ati etol.ia o; Uae, 1rovided on te shrtet notice, Brmcs adC bc s, n ldtatand l ofr afresa. c ie __________________ an d ocatie mon mederuto termea. i - nae huloto ose umerousa sulma.ortachceOu 'coretow, Auut -6, ifl. 2-tl1 _ EWS & HLALCE%4 ~fl th~ tharnpio" Oceeciosea. Agust 26 1808. ~ :~i~~acArs 5hp > eieCemcc atcetataraaamis ii~l <7 Wl u j SE*UBCI eR begasoance to the oltiacnci M ilsevlaî na T bus commenoed busnssla thet StreOppositii the English Ohurch, Main Street, Mijto% Whers hocailkeep consta.stly on band a beavy stock of COOkING AND PÂRLOR STOVES 0F THIE LATEST AND IMEROVED PATTERNS, STOVE-PIPINO &C, MRebasstated ta coanection wltb Ila STOVE sud PLIOG butam. W.r b eeping shillea! aorkmen, and the very boat ai Stock, bho i11b. able je as oiYýeap and good as aay in the County. Be bas aiseos band h. CkLE9 RD PATENT IR04N REÂTER, with a stock of rial; Irons. Ho ha almargsWts Wh!cb bc aill ssil for Io doUiani ahisb la eoaaderably les. ibis Case-ai are sodi ti hs igbborhood. Farmers aad do well Cc al! o<anda h m befere comasenelse %beheir fat! acrh. They are mors durable, and elffter dg are Of tb esautmodel. North's Patenut Drum Hgeater, Constantly os band. Tha celebrated Drssn,, ahicb isa d on mnaey of the in the Western States. ahere it takeo the preferroce et ail oolr. ta Save§ hall the fuel, and sudsorest yte Comcrt 1 O.riflatd*55 Enîsee 0 . E cA. acColîssa. Principal centrsl! W ins lite; Jbs Ss'et si Ilggteé# etedtflt Charefies; P.W. DsyfooeS 8lave >Pa« Z. aitso, CofettOOS so sany others. TheseheâteespOt Iand nocharire,,aie. If flot stlsfaclorY N B.-Ooohtsg apparatus cf aIl kiadu sold separateltynai ou rates. Trus...Çù Faerm Prodesce. PATRICK McDZI1EOTt! Milton, OctoseS 2, a.10? ROBERT HAWTHORN,ý MUEK U 'U £I rd Beleto auooacethat inaddition to hi@ Ho hm addod that of the Manufacture of First-Cla§m Buggies, Carriages ofail duuul,, SINGLE AND,DOUBLE HUGGtES, bMÂRKET WAGONS, &C., ocaanfsctm ns. 1wp.rbet materia, and y skillod nariea. Eeo.ohie reputatio forth iactuatsd ttOiog ahd Scaoioeble Vehieles, he cofidetly relica Outhe Patronageof <the P"inhlàh coý trise. 9 R. HAWTHORN. Mufjt.., Ecbry 2tth, 18. 3 AU Ends of Bog Onk Jeicelry, Jet Ornaniewes, d-c. (OF ENGLA-,D) 1 ý t5.4t *Mg JOH uq5 OU YaLs 1H Feor s st I VILA