'TM A TWIN.' By Rd. I._, aa.of c ad»riutors ta th .1 cs M e tee ced 11b. 1grev'ce iitaêMy bih Tisaifolk& gt tline me for has And eccis feron. cectier. It pvmtc i .erktbcand kie, Itreacted a feartat pitois; Ad iiot a sccttaaseis(nt.. ýce deyItà mcae tise mttere ceee) Bsfc r ne.eae ereiead, W gt coepetay raued ; Acailtsnyen ee te'. det,,ier (Or reuer euser. whm) MlyisrotisecJonugai ritset dme, Aned 1 Sut abrieteaaed tai! Tise tetet itee vse dcggo . Myfoatatepas eeet scis t. âAÈ4 I une ays epettinc logeit For John tureet otfoL I pt lta leeso. raeteaty Tc everyane 1 cem; M What esetit 50edo i Yau cw-n me, Te navç tbcty- ea mr.yae Our cloe raese.istaoe tue4 .eis tita .Of My daestie its, 1 Fer, Snehnsc, my itendibrlids a 8cmy kehheOi &C In Net, y-r aCter y-a, tha~e ýuAt deistaks ent an, Ad bnied bratisr Jcti. Tier. *Ave onoewpper. pnbliised ~T IaE - Keg, bsides severci mut.oce.UII BjY.Jdolamenesise- . t à*geeefOrmcrd te Europe. or vison tise .puliser ticike iimsef I fied in O oqtey eceeury. Tise .C eK4*6M a cd tise China NI-Tfl ,-&bcaeforer&,omsuring and tise ltter »Nèemeieg pq-r-e.bote ga p ~hapu>MêU5 cuite tise tatee cf tbe jihsbiitante ofaibe iaad. Tise editeru, repeer 7Xseprieteire er.Engliea- men, llteemOutCters. preceme, muclens, et., arc L'hineee. Tise nu tooeis e.eef the eigmaof iÈ&h8heefcewroY cf&e para- jgraph. Tier.er. cenatuelco or f. teeetftthcm cmplaycd le thésecoaapcej * 1rom f the Presso ce, avios et aine thoaeand emajac e acca * part f tilsnparagrapla le t o ecore necd wul itIs injdispaitilale -r',i b.ydki-f. Ncititead- ingtdame compoitora et type, nt c cnle on.ef tiscon erstaadsa eword miUd~ea e Dav oCtishe fintet ideïo elult tley ar. pleieg le type Ir h hvs nmlafac- rl~ elorprint mcdlntfeu ADrieais pritersearua ot type fater. or itis cmleu ara, s I iavè mtcised doeefeliose miile citisheir mrk, and vua nteejised t e cehcw ionbly tisry mad their fingrs flyfrom bosx to box.- 'Tsue prieters are ceaap mors-ce, aad ,ccnoide.tiseaealveo mcilipaid wisca tiey receive $15 per mentis; aed' perisape t tis % t W" vaesfor . . I~ltI n.e . There are sonme very baty ced rcpid jois prietera crn e oce Chince, mli do mork te ties enteatice oal visa ee.ploy tiseza ----ar. Chicuo Tribuae. WILL ANeWîen'.- 1 viii cet b. ieveaythieg but wvat 1Lindersteadr' 8 C e p B o s& S o s 6 eaid c ef-cadideet mn n ahalel ce.11 C e pB o s& S e .'6 'Nor viii 1,'said cantier, 'HF Sabcreber bege ta letimats te tat 'Neitiser iii 1,' chjmed jrn c third, L cestanersacnd the. publie generciti 'Gantlemana,' aidee mell nti tkecho bte entetdago wt me, vhos oa jaaeeey,anud uho et[mnto close iy, ido I uadeenled yen cocrecet- ly, tis&. you viii nt ieliece cnyttiDg Io viiit ue ti ao e d Sitabte fcr tise eais f tise trio, Wýeil, raid ties trarnger, in aay ride ~ SPIIING & SUM MER TRADE flcld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i rthegra a o alce~Coeety fe Chespneftc ced dura- thiit ?,rîgIeu cre gec e eI-W ivt b ondui t a e efr ,l au airs pgscting grue.,; do peu J ERDIFATIET hliec thtYiC. IN 1E 'A U eAndaIai s cvîa eead ceuscatc ~rare ; dos peu beiieettt ?' lemirerale draceparticeine atetioenltetais vey lrcttdeP&rtmunt of he tai isne; '0 lcr.e,'-sa giju rcplied. Hice te, k-etL'alliera -mbr&ce8tiie cary taet quacity,cnd tho qucity o' e haon vii ,Wel, theia" weccutetiy lied fer-tc founeit tecompare cilla cey je thsee cety. uir ae iidisy digestion u traîd to cj32.mrlc>m IVE>aeb1.m. letiseru ce tiseiachu f et tisero 1 ile pi ltte,41 briettra an tise tineas if theise c. I ce 'pi 7h 8" 4 veet on tiese ep, and aunthe ceeu it iad terird te biar ; oou belotve tisat getlemn?' tsa-reieMj NEWiIŽITONI 4- 80LW8 'Ye oyu aent veit,' ie rejeascit isut detoc endrrutcnd it ' Thry uerecoenfcueded ced etîcet, an eidntyasamd.a teywel W oollen iy anuiactumI Uc migt tc, A SALT LAKIc Joacs-Tise Sut Lake Sidetr aye - A vayfartr drapped jeta tis Oeci- dental Botet, in ts place, e Tceduy, te get acreasmei. *Icvng pianted hiaselfin achir enioeocf tisetables,. ie uas, efrsned tate. aiterailis 'Wtat'il yen iave ? Theso iacry oeofatened iseyapronc tise attacha la ssap, and said: 'IVist taire pen gatt iatu good? Oh, cave gai roanci eef, crrebeef, ract rnnîtoti, hoed nattee, fried lýco, ced taileit eurteu i' 'Wtaat is erltv y',cjad ithre traag- 'Cure, visy curlew le c bird cerne- thisie snip.' 1 Did it fly" 'Ya.,' -Diditi bava mitige?' tYee,' iThen I do' an nitsyeurela in mina ;enyîhing thet iad iagsancd coeid fip and djd't i eave thia brd country, 1 dott ortedineer.' A Nzoao'e TMTI-naNY.-'JoheSse, yoe ucy Seew mas de ma dat robebic pou?, 'Wao il moligisi miea it teck pince ?7 'No, sir.' ,Wau it starliglat ?' I mu as odans yen rold't.me peer hanit sfara yeur fae.' 'Weii, as ihace any ligitsi hining tram sny boueeamr by V 'othy, nne ihere manta iseuge ith an a milc cfus.' ,Weil, then if tuerae au eno n, co stsrligist, ne ligisi froen eay ionse, and s dark pou ernde't et-c e ctyuur hisad bfare peur face, isae arc yen se posi- tire that Si aven tise man, and hem did peu ec hier ?' iWhyt'sff Yen ec, mien de nigîner BlnIg nPedder. sairight dat yaa miglit sec te pick aj -â n Pdlr a pi.' vitii.isecmn tic-mare peddilrar - .calle4 np teme te dispoe eof notices Ia A RtTU'ALInTIC isoE-a .ench ac e eo iliag te ,bargin. Ho psstp villagenecar Boust,ia eofa vu c peeeverieg trader, ced navar litte Epicpo hpel hsvicg ian iscen vcald b. btnffsd off itie a short cnaw- Siiee oeectpcrichinecr eai ,or. Feues one baune ii prticuur lie off tusc proper sutisrity in a very ce resteiveo oti,1aed rebbnfe and acura- cleieciteal city, an enter fcr aneew sur- .euelisct Uethtg fiésvceed-ihcy ne- plie,, cf tise iitet, Snet lame, as a ver beýgb&scaytiig ic usai uap. Nc- preset te tishe hareis.Tise neiry- veeo iemade ia calte teadiiy uae srine, and ce didthtie cfficiating ri e elacreoud, filiicha beaonu miieler, vis, doanciaartie telicale fais eneply ta the inelr- rie, min n littie upatifird if cereextra ,motien tisat itvu unlea o talcl, macda - ubreidary cececa tise uerkbaet, miici Icnova bis parpeee t. de ea jut anecftcn n hon revareetial rnood se daiplarrat as liepleins!d- #seaufaieing tise ietter-'tJ O. D.' Oue bitt~ o tise hll rang, and Jut isai rigt tc tise symnisicroc tise go c0d t, gerr hLnte tiis, did nt t once cScur te hier; ibut from the d1n sila-uhitis they voenathiakieg thtsonerncatiaicancti. bns, t umwrvr tis e cali; vsunse quer>, hud atrcck a f.acta nein of. apnu. -eished tà oa', iesoed tisefeen- tlie decrative art, ta, vent enaspei- laa eç d." ly tismuzlistiese ervice. Ieinjg the oqt-a alIY e5a ~ cisareia mus tis eisncrolont perisioerc 'Rcvi pou any tin kitchen?' fore.it, tise gentge atee thte elj. %q'cpa'nd cvny lha -geoete gymneif ie eoticd aaythiag unusual A ar& Sels.1cpte, eisakliget n lie aboaut theecrutpce habcid ore id..tiai Lis eni vu 8 c aceaul ut ys' said tiseother, '1 aotiscd tise but. em agieSprm ein mubroider- .%Çs1snOsi& wtt.md h, Lu.1iko4e n h irbteud cat quit. (hniçon. an>, heu. ndraedc7cl msiit ,ie far,' -'Ih iensUnvi. lrouglt, andd eau ain -O,' rejiaed tise déaor, 'tist maa 'veC M ý t4qniesdfr. Thesonpces obedr of tho maker. 1 ordercd iim î4t, 5sgancd Mier ceticetes nnu- te mark tisepsrecl vien lrecut it, C. 41 îisw1ý ïesaon. diffaro tkd, ' t t i . 1D. [cash on dcivryj and tise feal -goely portonof tise peddlc's icad lieadmet and pt tisa..lttera athieta pan W»tbus. mred te tise bose. e, ou (lie rob te .ef Io usre ayiiing cls pou ucel, Vis, n, 1I dccivent an>, f tisee, AS Amers COMAtFÀnSOte-Bir cd yoseel 5 if ohcddo tem' William. Brown, e pempeen crt cf mon 15&ddae v fciny acldea ed etain-et aepariaheis naeiegmada eRne à atennt tels like gaiie.agry, Sut posala, isiris vr. oijrated t. sy e the id* racther -iekled hutm. sud haie cr- frmr iýltpe.resced, lac ejd ta, thee m«entl'anghi@ lais nte tisee ct, farmer ulhif*Wt.eing c wced. lHe bisne- «id o nwta aebe iqas.àcm t tsîboua Rinsc. t wiSi r s tisaT Iheebn flihrls Y-LW.--Jaeusvas, r 'Well, sir,ad'tha fermer, ivisat et behievâs, -noari aetis; antht.IaChad a aedf ttsaieckcil tua àtjaor ollipg, -ie leld a long and ceus, and tiseobservatian I made ma, reu.eve.to ite iim about tisa mre haceeuke thtie greneier elf ha the. ohm"< o f hfe. "Wisy, min,' aid grcm' tJeiuu.-eu 4YILarm ikeiy te dia Sir William navr e hord thae lat af t"I ueey houe.Ytebisve bee living that. fe.'1i6 Ifisn yeaeoitisout acone- v ______ ehtbUftidn-ln gougen, lie deeed. indali ;;tscet Qet die. iyou dee't If a clie Pistai h..s ir bere, scu Mucan te fsa' reflied Joee, question-. anny brrele aught n acre .pisiel te Yelj, 1ot àcmneaueeive Stcn pecra have ? tep * iAs ue r, aid a brigit emile De; Franklan noed'ta sy tact ieh ellnriaathte face f tis o domed idevu are tise cetp piece cf secand- ea,-thon ISotor, IF11 go in toe yearn bcnd géodeta tsai i m eesai .t the Iy4aw. An liedi j A vt Baya: 'tentSeransy,ieneaPa. Ai.vuZtpc jtoestr p raeaeythiig mitdy, thry kilt thc IA psevéy1i tepe i asor i dt.,,t and et onec editer ha beca 'Hemincisae-cthcp' kilned tisera fr ivo isendrcd per.' «Whyp*said'tho gallent and irnpu. aWtae e re yen going ?' asked a littie 4M aSeulm binla pumg on parklieg boy cf seotiser uhs ised jat lipped ced 1ms4geby.lps,'yen vMayphave, tiseantalles dcv, e. an iy paemrent. 'oa4dthe eeng ady. pet- in tu .get ap,' vaa tise blutât r.- .tiYoanghany, Pe. pk tend a. I me tht Yeu, gin. A man ia bttlr-raa nt eiiemed t. Çh%Wit,bu Y- hooJ s-4 uhisile tu knep ie connage op, ced tise b"ïsi ~Y-peu-&n' i Ad hitlisg of th isulete docaatt have *êi ytip5ed Ont dton edenep. 5-VERY DESCRI IlON OF Inte ir Tisse preerpt'! dace aentisa MOST LIBERAL TERMO, A targe Stocka of Goaddeat their Orne Mcesfactcartctaet aced, or sas or esctang for Wc. THE HIGIIEST MARKET PRICE GIVEN F0OR WOOL. JOHN NEWTON. Limenisen lrd utpril, 1868. Ssid, 6Lfe Amimnemethbe euetancd thsafest moetf akina erta inaan eu n .tment fr ee. tecal> Star Life Assurance Society, (0F ENGLANU) Estaniiahesl in th1pae 1843. Capital, £100,000 Sg. Gzéarautee Fued, £800000 stg. DIRECTORS :CeAiRm.NWilliam McAettao, Esq. . DEPuT CHIxuoAN,-Jon Churchill. Eaq. Tfhomas alls, e , Beheay. Rir., MAM.D. ; Walter Griffith, EAq. Thoma loetesEm. Jotan J. Lidet, Eaq.. ic Francia Lyssit. c-Stuiff of Londoand, MiddexWillia bler.y, Esq., \Williu aewbure. Ea., JonathaniS. Pidocor.. Es., Je. Thearey, Ecq. Gergre tÉ. Urting, BEs., Johan Vanner, Eq., Joephta . Wcr., Eq. Canada sBmSa Olre:-78, King Street, Tronin,, e' th. Wraleyan BoRe on, J. Greg. ory Osneras] Agent focrefrnthNorth Americ& Gouril, f e tférýe. Taronesi Jehe Macdonusal, Er., Hac. Wm. MeMaaler ML C James Mettcf. Esq., M.P.. Ide. Jetan Ro. M.t.C. A M. Smith, Es., IRsr. F,.ieý Wood, . .) BtatT.Stair>-..,., Esq., T. James CIlea, .Eq., Hos, J ace, Ferrie,', ML.C., James Adams >the*rec, Eaq.. Jeohs Tseaace, Jr., Esq. Thse 'STAR'"effer acu e ccenth. aciantagefa elat stablinsbecad bcioam-ccd manage Dlia i u'nty Ptra (and etprofiteacmongBtFPelicy-Soetders.e E itiemttantumc f Amrnc mi.ten sith s.,und m roaeset. jiB neticealby this sceits'. 'The Poliey th, "STAR LWFE ASSURANCE IOCIFETY" ha~es "'n s ef Potu',hanb, regard chiayt leutie sPennrosc id Stcddit.ff.Noexa cagehi cte Vlunteers J. B. WILLMOTT. Agent for M7alie niad Disprietf WILLIAM P. WILLCOX, FR.UTIL WITCLIiKER & JEW1ELER, Has just reeeived au ssortment of Aiso an enorrment of tise CELEBI? A ]?EDRUSSELL WATCHR KEPT C0Ns l'A%.TLY ON RAN. Allwork w ccînte1 sud panctuaily atteaded te. The bcat of wsrkancsisp guisecrtPOal. Ch..rgoer ilsieate' SllO'-Neit dînr to P. M. MeKayes. Milton, Ms6tis, 1565. 4-f GI~EAT Bà~ TI N . t la ly 'iunIrNsE STOCK 0F SFBING& SUMIIR O;»@ Ladies' Dross Goods of every description very cheap- A large lot of -Shirtings, Denims, Drills,, Cottons, &C., â Ncu rrady for inspaetion lise largout lai et CLOTHS in tise Ceatp. Il - ý QUuCSTON.-'Why is'. it that we stili take the lead in our Tailoring. Departinent ? ANswu.-Because we keep the nýost Fashionable Cloths, and malte them up in the most fashiouable style. BATS AND CAPS FOR TER MILLION* For Boots and Shoes, rery Ehevsp, gjie us a eaUl. À large lot of Teas nnd Tobaccos, very best quality. Cail and see for yeurselves J AM-ES M'G1JTFFIN. Milton, April 29tis, 1868,t 44 BEWS IX HALORO,! BW.to auc.îeaetheà numna.s riedand te.pube encaly itt tise>,have let .)V'tw Nprb.yG oeds, CONSISTIQ 0F BLACK WEST 0F ENGLAND BIIOAD CLOTHS, BWlu etaD Sin, Blaeis ced Blce Vearticu, Camicear, Metnlo itho, English5 Scotch and tanadian r[weeds, Mmea qeatity of Icit osi(ad, ascis msMnhWatd r es, teAlpaiecis linene.. Gassbmoc-, and Ction Tweedn; aInea lotcof RIADY-MADE (CLOTINGe Mael te prenis e aaenaalFIRST CLAS, vantato e and cep 1n£?Bn. GREAT CLEARING; SALE AT THE .)Tammotlk iu, GEORGETOW N, BARCLAY & MeLEOD.- Ties ,nscciierreccaingenciudad ta raiseof tise bai nceccf thear GRKTW UR tW&IXGQQ0 SPbe ' SMMRSTC Fuc<tlent, iec hit cdStitigi e'.WitSdraieSsr, Ncits S PR NciseM ER ST C Brcccnn 1.aWisee, nlitaotd nracfc en . htSisanSrfNkie,»k. Wemee taseteo Rc mermesaterunfer tair ibsra support inee coemmeeeg hsaine,cnd ertape bytgiinctisemaBred artilet a locenrate atrt a ecninwtce .1 cisc sains Mfilte, Apil titi, 18. NEW SPHIINIG STOCK.I CHEAP pRYCOODS, HARDWARE, PAINTS, Fr OLEwrol)l'iLN. Ois, Groceries and Crockery, 'Sose m mi. ma C> Q A.& IVm 0 C .& ivJw Begn ta anuace ta ies umecous estrere tiat be ta rpred tyafetnd te iteiac mans w ita grener facilitie. then ener. Hevneg cecured tise serefecaof' m'WC> lz- Xs V r3.e2 Aui pt is s STBAM ENGINE ced TURULAR POILER. ie e a attend lte CUSTOM WORK iPJOMPTLY A'ITENDED TO. LOGAN McCANN. ,Nilll , î ne a 131h, 15135- 2-tf 1868. SODA FOIJNTAIN. 1868. ]Imm :"M KD IE K «» 14W x»-M Retarra tisanke fr pat faunru an&d begu te ceceante te làa nemers, riendo. thet hi, SOD)A FOUNTAIN je eau je gsnd rning rder, and tisai hie ICE (7REAMS area a"l sa &ver. Ist the Rakbag JDeptrftnent [le je stili pcepared to kive tise uteaet satisfaton. lie ca.fidsntly appeule te hi,% fsrmer wsra ta eoevnss al tisat ibeca 8et ep tihe et tyte aortanfetienne,,. "fedding Cake, (Jeedien. &. Saelc. Pie-nies, Soir.... Weddinrg Parties, &o, sarnpideu vry reqeisite jn tise Ccnfectiseerv lune. en the cisrtest notice. Fi. iiiepan nc jectis ecisin mistis ise iliitae.hli& enuni roete vus laie coeveyaned witla Bread, Cafetineey, &e. Maie Sireet, Milton, Jane ISel, 1868. 2-if Honey! Honey WALL P'APER. For ale ciecp, wisleele and reteit. t1 WiUdem Sisadesat 5 cent. e rail t STANDIIIH BEATYS, STlANDISH & LIBATYS. teorge.towua. Gereetown. Whcleanle aed Itetail. Oranges! Lelrinfs !TT TT T TT T T K2ei coattly ce bandadned fac eale- .elac.t Steedia & Beaty are adted tiegi STADISH1 & BrATYS, Georgetown, the tCounty fr ther T. Cali1 ced fgy Whlesaccle and Rettil.. tise 60 get T. Whlsleanid retuil. BooTS AND SHoES, ClotAis1emadeaif p bfuehioabhe Taiars os thse Promme.. SW. D. & R. A. LYON'Sa Milteur Apriil.lsih, 1868. ROBERT HAWTHORN, 1UoUE K IML. -w7R»LE19 * Boti t. annoe ùke.t in aditice te tat EXTENSIVE DLICKSIITINS & WIGON 1AKING DIiSIiNESS Ilishai adtlod that i thee Namufature .<Flrot-CIau D.ggfrs, Carrnages of aIl destriptlofh, SINGLE ANDI DOUBLÉ BUGGIESM SLREXET WAGONS, &., rnatetred fmým theo ai>,boi steta cd a - .sI ua'irnrn Fc hie euttonCcthee A.anturaet Ri, HAWTHQRN. mitan, Fetaa'ery Raite, 11ene reduradtiîir prrcca isnseiny instanceu 10 Less than haif the original cost of the 6o* Tissa presetitf an iedsremeet te tise pubslie rcrrty if' aven effercd befare, moi anei s a sasst leait te c necticlearancre of tise rtesci Cosue ned ail, id Seekt coer tserveetTise 'lleueg ire e frac ef the rcdnced itices : Splendid Dî'ess, Extra Fie do Stylisb Grenadine Poplin Dresses, $1 00 1 50 2 00 4 50 Suinmer Suit, $ 41 Tweed do 61 Find Tweed do 101 iBlack Cloth, $10 to 30 Prints. 7 cents per yar'd. Factory Cotton, 7 cents per yard, Fancy Dt'ess Goods, 5 cents per' yard. 1>îiited Mnslin-;, 8 cents pet yard. Bonnets3, Hats,, Mantle@, and-ail Millinery7half pie. B. & Xel asvieg pnrceiedal tileir Ctton Geeds befasute e ent cdvsti fecmn 7 crt., te 13 cte. per lb.. arcer sabird ten oeil î'heailn et 1 0 per MoueiP th-e mrred veine. ced iiigive tiseir eeerefthc bienoît, lTuet nn.«Q tisai eu be dane viilb. orntted In malte thiSaln a saccae ni be halo§ rwush ed and spekren cf. BARCLAY & MCLEOD, Georgetown. Janee tua it68. ' Trhe New]Dominion, STOVE AND PLOTJGH S'fOI- T~ HE SUBSCRIBER bega te aceoncet te e titaeu rcf hu(l dIsr ntvîinlyiwI b ue cmrneed busnessele tise Store Opposite the English Church, Main Steet,Mib' --Wtaac tacetîisýep csnstetiyan bacnd -iisccny toais cf COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES 0F THE LATEST A -IMPROVED PATTERNS, STOVE-PIPING &C- He ha. startait lu esanetice vut is STOVE ced PLOUGH buieiO Wisers by isepieg skisited oartmen, and tis erye>,t oetStocksbe uil] t able ta do vcniscep and gond aasylethe Ceeaif Hbrismco ne tisa & RD PATENT tItO.N HEATER, wvus a stocks ofFiat Irans, eHa suteletg4e Whtcise mili oeti tee 18 doltar.ai tai oessdenehty les.tbana Cu. roie t5 ar old la n tite nrtgisorhseat- iFermera vauîd do ceafcl tce&Dit e5aD li, 0 teoe on.cmniieaiehlfatt verh. Tue>,are amcre durable, aed esalnrd il an, efthiei.bast medel. North's ]Patent Drum HcatOrs Ceesantpunbed~htaeteb~tE~)rU; vaîr le ssc an a th ie og551b tis W steBae] ce dsr i atpt rtiLet aical ibrcs ln.AC 18i1 Saesbl h ul u défra;YtanaufOtent&ts't 00; Cettficaies Ceca Englneece G. W. R. t A. aCCeIIU-Plc icn, Dle$ ;ttei John itreet ced King Street Ndetisediat Cbhtr; F-O' s>tebetIsr Z. P'ctiluee, Oceteetianer, and mae> suer.. Theut isctees parleu ced no change osande. rt a teigcetsry Te ar~ N 11.-Ceahiag appeccins cf li insieeocd eprael i crtîu e@. ero Farrn Pýsduee. PATU CMDEBMJOT 38-SmATIC IlteOdeer-il87 ma@a Winc q5us M ite ]r EL U Timo8Muedý Ambaha 4ttev ilei, .au 80S.Q Oeycionl uo bqan. le, Je Oe@a.M AxecR pied b OHN i lmg JAMES-.M-'CUFFIN BAS NOW ON IIAND BIS E ed lý- ey es ýpa a ýn it .a h 46-tf 1 BEWS L HALCRO. Milton, Ottober 2,1867.