4 - a~Ooan~ ~io W it~ ~ ~ tft0o -- ~ -------~~ a Po2IIMFji ! '~?I froiathe brd. My friend t fij ___________________I'kaew ta trt mn tienugh. LaicibWs R. IÉ THE FLIRTS LAMENT,. hrt bad raaovered ronsciousiaa duriig U J1.mOi ' w< fw bIK #] y »till- enI mi how bnâ tar e d, mther, inonmri:tng yàrt au orama1~ '~~~" I~~~CaUb t.I*4 L, Novw ii ,wi memet7f9 '-.i. â.~êu la~ in tibe thl ."me Ot.t?,Yu, the Hi hm ndvn- «f *0s l«oeurnYhf-aW % cd itJA M ES A A all,"Wn e eiie? iublea ne ill t as enc er endy SultIo a éfor the A N W C IlBLo ý r s ori.fnOuil4n4 flîerad SPRING&SUIMER TRAI)H He humt it a il. other.- afah.OFn SPilIér i H. ~~ ~~i'~~ ~ laîtnh hcauser 1 i it laugIo and l he iihafmbqc i ayefri U.JSE T C F S 0, wbiaka ar no a et, mother .borialI Itel Jtî ilf it vorea nliving at ih Oi b oaay dayCcnpnal ad dyord-E ',. tig ,votiltrangle. iw ud js h i ate ayfer lahity. anddure- 7[asmeinSarah ftnidte, Thero va adeep ilence. Not anaeREE DPRMN ~a ~~"z ~ tlldWirdta.. jý4 J~ A large lot of -Shirtings, Deni And the eea My athfni J, mothr, orC e I E H U S * ~ Datrel; ta dyrawpio'ttcuat mtentian ta tht. very impotnt deprtiiaot of hie buinessi: Nov ready for iuipectiae tha largmit TkTLIG. Hi. .tarh aofLothers embracrathet ry bIiahUit,,d4 thdia eUty aet 1ha vork vîlI uay.m hurt amshsdmotarbu10fanÉi tetacompe i wth aay Inthe romaty * iA~ q e bien 1 One of the greatet evuh tirat avec a-O bu.*2 ~ " He aqy~aah.ioenis, fol maakiod-.or rathor vomackind- ZfiUmxm 'Yo kow m ota flrtmot lr, ithat cart of ail bud troais aiiling! 1 ilton, Aprl 7tI, 1i8.Ota YooiuawI. iitilWtmoter, I-Athing that hiefita no anr, butinl-I 14~(SêT ~~\- JoeuluaîaY. Iera il Dot for the asi- QUESToN.-Wby je it that vie stili take the lead in OUI mm, o- deras Logus of the tattduag, mva- 1 i1i'V OW < ANswER.-Because we keep the most Fashionable Clo troubla wold ha iparad tlu aaiy ennai. ,l Who took me te the play, t 'dt S aôblr eherts. Tt batome ta ;btamltlaly ate, ls~c a oPm. io aaoildeeablil, axtent, W ole -au' actrr,]A S A D C P ero gether ta cammetice -critiriiang their F r B os«a. ioa e ifv, hl bleu hW ~ O.-~ wherh lacither tac chrîp r I E O- fa.- their treoaea; otht JJJ UKE ji iv iA Âlarge:IbofTeas and Tobaccos, veiy uest qn.lity.1 IÏ- -tht x osaà . et. aquiable iloniohlr9,188 ihiaaUW I ay.-d K"!eunug amollb' EVEIIT DESCRIPTION 0F «s- ý'4 pulted tai bave ay; pncesanid~r fbe~fuAfu K U~E KK f h ay. Thenittiaos 4 ia idividuel Iotheirlineriuompty doniion thieMOSTLIBERAL TR Alre tc o EI A C O a-inin na a Silo iid ihrrton fosto r,- Goadi01ithir Oaa Manufacture aaaaatiy oni baudfor naeor euchaage for Wool. If afi; a haakvaahamdléO, or brimmi If111311Iloftmac gideat-y. And saa segare E e nolc t iue ro etnd ndtheabir eealta hy aejs tru I ai9eii ib-uiobn *dlmhcand, but carry THE HIGIIEST MARKET PRICE G1I EIN FOR WOBOLW. n nnmca.seeiand.tht ihbgicl ht hyhu thnbar!fflii thd4ajecat arthoir in-a batmai10rzp convratio ýsahree ompletely dieet-' JOHN NEWTON. onato aini,t, tMd thmla. -if iothiig laa oaa ha Aeitéuiled thtant, Mt,- tbaîat oftbey wili rete om fanai- Limehauso, 23rd April. 1868. ut-tf . * ~~~oot~~~J7~~ . &inshcbd notion âtîtahe______________c_ __________________bu i lt Orf, nd idng fallyCONSISTIN O0F AN ~ ~ ~ 4US* i amog themarîea.eeh BE J M N F A K N vOI $ tori aut ith titir 'hit of cava," -- ~~~~addingcesnaiderahle mira as they go tata, Lfe Asurra i te hrape t anditheentoint mode ot mkingg4 ronia tndosuaaa BAKWST0iNnAD BOD LTS 4.F1,~O1 frdOO Wiltaa, cri-lng, totcommunanate lit veny arîfiden roatiroat formana% taaiy - la e ka 1kndBo eaiaCsjurMii it 490'9% MI& a pfta o nee"dat- wilvliy atesin aret thet Star Life Assurance Society, aey e tapping pae. -eri1ifyhsar4sd one of thrir mnm- bTt bas oe May mortoit ta raside (O0F ENGLAND) English, Seotchi and Canadian rTweeds, bul a u him - téimg, 'WÉcl! haail Eatohiliealin the peur 183. Capital, £100,t00 Sng. 6'oartanie Fund, Amnqntt iIttfaO, fho. trAaaa ,to aoros e~j~ d p milale, qiet-lairg citizen £800000 oSig. ba I iyofLgtG nd Tha ceede;mtfAlac, iesGmrof 0, <~si.Andl tht l, va have MF Cottn Tweed; mille. -Jaho UuoltSiÉeta~ - I~! *alaWtîDîRi~1 t ouî.Z- îaley, , .D.: Waltac Griffith, Fq Th ametl tcyarlrdWita vsmu.ity ano rasthai four or fine, niit it LaHiio, Jb .U tu, .rrii atc.cu tLna i iinwsThnarma, lesq, ohn J1. làctin, u.JhSiVomr, c. L, ex-Wrbu Ge D (L T I tcome aorh tmeh: ihtyist ihotj.,Wilyim iwbr REA of e U u hldfee wib i bi Caen»do Bench Oflce. 78. Kin t lrt, Toconto, aa h lyove Rau. e. of ugo. Upc hiitfaomotith io hiaayif, eaoldi ero mootde- oy, Geurai AgeuntacorBritish Narth Ameria- aarettied mda.chôly ued; bsMn a gfleiea, aharocîee or repoin- cae ..iiafefrrcruee oeoaiuu J.hn DacdomaldEsi., Homt.W.. jittMater, MUC, adop onthe prerises, wvnt d FIRNT C10ASS, worktteaodui"là iamore neegr a s uthoseoof in oid man.Liona of tsoprienevho ilas far ahave JniueoMtoAlte, Eiq., M0.. Hon. John RoelM.ML C.. A.L l. Smit4, E., Rer. Fn Ich He vas aftra-«eI1t Wtoa the Steady, thmais the no - aane the art. Wood, n n. sianteai T. aNfaxwli Bryam, a.. T. JaneClauuan - Eâq., Haom.J&ac mAi ee a On aeonuat 4C hie quiet ndlooýrucea ~~Frie,,MUC, aesAdnMatesn, Eq, JoihToranae,Jr, Q&T Ut001eq W-..m aTt a betat wiaoail the malicec Thc "STAR" offerse a omrna. the ndnautagesofuta wtrotblshed buina-gaadmuounaga of es e toaI dst nbr of ouf ,ct-n oaeaies o preinxi in p ati aegbobtô5 n diec at Ditndcs iu ParCroCto fita oaugtot Pliy-H.1d.. EnerIibernfootura f F iyFânlWne hraadSitne e' htSit dýaf4NcteScs » O g. o aar prium sybelttil icee a-A ean onsnitent ,ith w nniugomneut. - ntrt.ined ythls aatity. TePoiiry Colancs,&teb odvr ufrcah aimnyle amiifvasdcthi h ns ebcayatfng marriad couple vho th. STAR LIFII ASiVRANCE SOCIETY" hma lnnys hm aose f prottaea, hâi% BraaaCair Ra10sd.eylo o at a qal.4ia a e t ither- bvehein rciding amogot us fore&haut regad hiafy te Fiane Pct-aaotaeî aiStibiiii. Na extra ahage te Vpiuateeo Wcare thabtol teor maninerons austaines nfor their lBieraI niPpro taa n c U misuW ing Wiiton lt ben prruaac!d ot nyear. Thono youag peoploe snd bzniondt B. WIILLMOTaTodatil u lwraetemhtacatnune i c rme. ontroted ani dhappy ta uitcurtala J. B MiXT. tmns- BEWS & HALCRO. Ia vain bis lem ise mted hlmn haailjg elegraphera.anad îbey heid a Agent fur dMiltonan îd Ditri.ce. Mioa, Apit 1tIti, 8& - - vthte u the fvl faey-The secrt meeting potiîg ail their heads _______________________________ - ie~ ~attChne- togther, (precouloehit ebeanis era '4 t M~i e4lY here) tii doia veysanad menua vitce- gave e Zy1icehýisnt thir hy to iîîrodsae diocord and ilifeelinLIWLIMP VLoX Chnre,vwheer thr se' oa urc E IdOiin that happy homne. The osuel rlîl - - emy Tbry dii n grnet "aof good eloma oi drena. viîb insinutations s ta roïr mooley, vy* in plcing titi the inhility of the man tu afford it n sytemptatiar haute yfng ma. Did bc natt na v hat vis Dot bis ? BCCI N 14 S R N T Ck eoma aI hom vuastes ayt vithout fix- They hlienad ha did. - Neat, dida ie Han jui rccinat an ao.ortmnent of - - r aln e tesimpropaniy vhen ber hisohond mv - ~~~t*bdehlm 312ouetlMast ertaitlin thir Wao e lcl.u .T er3, --- --- Wi'e oser ndly aors thiero, ltimiati. Tht bouae thay caupirdMuonaartetf1e *amireo<ei"andsoi apaate, Mt vead hlng t all bdmot iis onmpaa3y the As nasrieto h UkWmitnt dise imute ml- i nover gardan ai hdrnkeailli haa aeif Te ha sure, ii4 ite propostion C LBvasR S-E L AT I te give tat mii;blt tareled iaacitw . KEPT CONSrA"TLY Olq HAN». H A D Y OS Aollow, 1 Butt i c cIibireuaiig af ahe 80= e hi a b e a n d varce aillber reparts faîîîag Ailvark w arranttd. and poneiually tandedtl ta. 'lite hast of vorkiasahip -u yvara a w. te praauead s uilt, ihey held gu2ronierd. Chargeesinoderaio. tteaf l a n i , h a a. ,u I Ik a td rai n ' H O P - N xt lo o r t 0 P . l I. M e K y 's- ()o-_ __oz_ __Il HARDWARE, PAINTS, yflta j d rte -fi e t r , eht acl u e to HitnrlIeeihp16. -.~~~~~~~c ho. r:ar .V )rIL N.OjsGrceris ndCrckry ~ t#. e~-A*n noriavead hipy 0 ý wan o d abi lanemi nce but. as '- howuoe -ohe si- 6 a >v .!qM IA 0 un Imd ain their detbe- p v-e ht herd r aigebxt- ilod ong it. cr0 ih e beoti r . t hir SgbeîIîne i i m ifa trn hfh a pigiarad ta attend ta a dilteir -y (Iiena' hfata iddaoad mreît w rt01 frmme e rni trn ti atir ve eald4 MCS-O-I ORK auOIIPTL AITEN E» TO-A TD S f___ Vtui6~ t icef@L M Nzq;àï- 11. in apetiraour- 2f C¶ih« d oily5êir M t va D it he y a et cmiii m their oii eantnet i n «umrn htet rfrdt tedt hi *vvi(mr".Buttheevl-.r eil nar i.t g aughtail idwkg1to ib ~ Adsa a daini o ib . rtataoeyag ILdma.lat'diesrot 86e O aFON ee avIN . 1868 WedDtheRa A. LYONoS m- iikL«wbtmitw g i deia - ecmvfingi Thfareu lity b hrehir I iq ade#p W eshonbleTUU s O te454fmi vo. Z Jaaih nte. m eaistbanefrste el-nx ba u lal va tu .. ostî uai pilb 88 ~~ ~and ehofeoa luma e s.qtig tofU ReuAhn ko fo S ryaotfGitn nd Ihag A taaaî oiLoo ta his im atentre. t=vsaig& attnk bac .goop-oicrlatiapicedit bis SOD FOuNTAIcl atito c doruil) te or esdthot iCe ___________________________ i bPthît 1y Mw or muet tb î B ttttiii mone. Te 'Li~Uu-asmvcldi-tosk eT tia bes ftiti ur eona aifa]. CUT01 W REA M PTLn as cualos iveAT hg!Mie 5 >18'ic1i, imoe isil bwîladsprdad myineflimaà, LOGite a~ q ANlmeCNN Chm-wid epecait my f eria ho m aîer aidt Â~~I~I~~ Vina- other adie, vem hacatn mdaltheniIE T H W T O I brvhij a uiac! faotra itetaidurloung my W .iro aDa.tl penedf&gnataR.sstatlfetA. eeafdcty paoO* hl;- tAnd at au bcoredes ble 1 iaw f 1 n1a8. OrDi Aînar alththiNa rta AbetIN.a ! le18684e. ~ ' à* yTOm u aiA Ftn. A tithe.t ntyrqiakatt osatotvlaa h bnlettait i AT THE .)Vanmoeth Rou8e, GEORGETOWN, BARCLAY &McLEOD. Tua- "crieriha ng ceatded i arb aoffthei. hmnaetefir SPING & SUMMER STOCK- c', liane raihuced Iliair urict nerluannDv instoncesith- Less than half the original çoest of the 0Goodo fîîuo îirecrnalîg anit iuoecnîtta flue uohlie roraîn if ever affered bhifae, and aucli an mtust lc:ud taui t nJedy leut rutnca iiithe m- c- Cnt ne c id Ilit sud trm ot frooe rouared. Theiigtoi a ire a liaof' the coduetimnga: Splendid Drcss, Extra Fine do Stylisb Gr-enadine Poplin Dresses, $1 00 i ~o 2 Jl0 4 5~ Stîttîmer Suit, $4 Tweed - do 6 FintlTweed do 10 Black Cloth, $10 to 30 Frints. 7 cents per yard. Factoîy Cottoni, 7 cents per yard... Fancy Dies, -Goods, 5 cents per yard. Printed Muslins, 8 cents per yard. Bonnets, Rats, Mandies, and ail Millinery, haif price. B. & MiL havnag piurchaacd ail] their Cotton i Gada hafora tht mcmi tadyus. frui et&. tea13 eta. lierlh.- are enohird fe aill iheisi ni irait 30 par cent ihisper ýhi-i marked vaine, ond vil gins their cuoteecithe haicitlu. hfiat ieahiug boel con ha doit viii ha omitted te anke thie Sale n sucrsu, telon ag caemiair- cd sud gepriof- BARCLAY & McLEOD. Gleorgetao. Jonc 11h, 1itta, tt The New Dominion STOVE AND PLOTIGH STORE' TBE SUESCRIBER hegs ta niieuaae, te the etîlsians liiiY e1t. d ,icttltj ]thale T bha coea er it aittîala the Store Opposite the English Churob, Main Street,,MiltOll Wbcre ha viii h.ep conoatîy o au nd % Seony Moat nC )OOMINQ AND 114"LOI1 TOVIKS OF THle LATEST AND 508t IMPROYED PIATTIXRN, 8TOVE4¶IPINQ &C., He bas stoatdiu aannratîao otidi tais STO IrsaiPi FLOILH hetoiseà ffhera by ktping itiad wor1n,su d tah vety beat etfaCto, e vîli ha ahiýe ta tact as rhemu nsud gatiU asYni te ioti Re bas a'-a coiband theiaCELEBBAI? thlcb ha viii cati fat lit 4allarool wblch le eanedernhiy leas thu Castclrca Pint8 re asîditi ,I egbborbao". Farme aold de veIt te eauapId exismtia di ela befnre commeialaDg ahîr ftllwatt. Tasey ara mate durýbte~disp rieo i a ai tha besl mattt. -'fAnt Druni geftP0e àt, wbiîh lued ISeyaif --Cil, , PIit5 CnraP ohdlaaî 'Iet. c et3u - -- ' dtatouelintcl -- i 17.11 silas R'CUFFIN ON HffAN» I RING .& SUMMIER Goes@, ýry description Tory cheap. ims, Drills, C.ottons, &e.,&, slot of CLOTHS in the Uoonaly. iTailoring Department? oths and make them up in the most fashiônable stylè FO0R THE MILLION. ru Cheap, give tus a eval Cali and see for yourselvear J AMERS M'GU-FFIN. GREAT CLEARING SALE Thijs ama Sas .iAit coter bu 'ouat w a iTaaImte U deinietî ana ttotat liera, ote, villuiR I G- Oaoff~lie audto t Y rotuint frn, 41,ci iiî teîbn t - Th. hoel Staeit suatt re ns Jvia w' - ~aat5 fi g~,ait us r2 JIThS gjM~ ~aoiià t%~mamh