1 iutulf tl dGa ua 194 J3aLîez 8t tfosl1 , u N0s u î, Q ' De ~ti Peter 31 gtva Pie érd *od hoi~0 f- nira j s eaa hi . 1 p Mme isuoe* CI h i, hs ota O Uieti i 1toflbitcty on.andpeonu- is teiegut ec ad raf' da 'ates te dole tbdoreot, raé in5m snad Tie dg hou iui* hi sr.-mdaah. bu F. props ruop n i a. tieit téub1 4foawie.- ehsu ed imes ii pr oetus r.e su-f day mii sud Ilrun; 14 sebemaiea re aiet fcsruie EIIýaie aigustu ,apva tras1a -bock)abut»o~ ava aia gîtercthé Ireo sueW ~ aS iere co"çment o the al azetteT> arripuodo". gatb s .: For noms O TLNGeXU P the "M igolrais melurre nialns ail N ï o a t vb â epated of liharalviciaaMdUreautly facflitate the proce. eOf taatb C ir c 5jjnatiagî aitvna can bng, buin . my ot- a llahugm 1 dcn al TEN DERS, addrassed ta the penits fiicod& .HO 31esebholabOring nun al lm Yikn as «eapac uire ivçd -et Ott., dua Oosrt of mania, whjch net onl7 W!.??'iliý o karpil pàspaie in bis boustebld, bust k t - ossun Uuiniscuta hie phyiciena. Depend upon it motheru, it viii gir. test 'cslv2t ths who bave Itey fal tn- te oursclveagn aadit î fl t Aaeg pta e on clc- noerf auj HlimitesaeY~enaas. Far thisa coiveraneaof Rer lNajety mall jitia iapainra ona ai5 W0 have talnupand aldàia arile naprapaczd Cantrast for Feur yourt i r oatnd. Mx a .oucce lier Ba4kaa r l,4truth of itw eY vrbaubl *6 aeaUiOB" ae marriage a o rn oz f y te mdc-never ban BettunBrocoe Stati nssad Miteo labuhr, announeedat Turns plenry i filed "an le instance, to affect a indulgence ln bonoer of the eilan'a euro'lmènaoZy uns Neerdývé. raucehe, lot Octaber ouvI-Caspqu» tia ndkeceva uiattdls tint kubv an instance ni dimauîiAfaction bhy bemadeuIna. Wagon, SteliÈ, Cttar dlraeai Rce.Tho Pope ban fol- yanoe ho lusad it. -Osnthe eontrarvPseerte.tap ils sO u .4UPtbec by osugq ptilde a5arc Iq WjiUh. oera,ý . h'Mm*c topau4NUtQkrt,, me ~tee àovr6fr 1ea lpeid t ibis ctrIceait sbets er~t re rsaSa aaoduci. sud va cabol, perbapu bave initical cfce and mciical virtue i ienablete crihasgeach vtt Seetmurai jmoter Adre retactin. h I seak ju tit terOf IIA&T WB Do teis i n«elsRut arc Weal.Te Iran ~sotm Adrarerelos ois y "w "after yers of evpariener-. Isud renta SPtts ccmediatly attar tise aica Fatir is dtrlnad ta ro mef ~ pledgc our reputation for the fuliflnient et aid trainsanad ta arrive atsetîtcn trit. j aU aeitioe vitb thenafo4*Pu. & 90f slfe lbt hstva hre declure. Ins ailunttMAI bouemnattaeratia. et bue odh*57 Prisa &y- ecery tnstancuvbetuthc infa t in - t Frlntedd qat'coantoloinor tenti r s - ut ItaiyY iégfirmeî paincedniaoicun, rlvil]i 4a~jncataci tpropspuaud (l ho found ia fifteen or tveniy minute tract m&y ta esn, and isank ferme o NElLÂNCEMOLT ACCDENT.-Oa Sai- afler the eytup ie adsiisjtere. TenderMay bu ubtatued aet tiset Offica aia urticg visil tae op trais an Punl ditictlans forie sg eiîîi' . ufMiIeu nd Paterme., " jndI IizRsvay wu îmny eîch boutle. Nocegeouine puiesJ DZZ ~.s~abstheSspoiîJsia Bridge, a young th3 fnesmil e t CURTIPti PEItIINS .EW auaudAstrong, une ef theuerr- New York, le on thce utside vrapper. PtetOffice Inspectar finsseofMeu. azur Sold by Draa&"tathitougbuut the .rose ont.Su peetp ~on«,c Vareon an excursion t tt oit..u% fy < s 0"Trepir1rtilletý hooedoff thetop of ot.et tfel ars, O IZ by bhsbw.d omiaf ici contact vs 25 b aone tis bridg elnie dr the vhaeln of the 41 st. Peul Street, Montreal, 7-nedu. mra,sud omet vitb 0 nbekisg duels. 2 Te traiis vbie8b v2n/îg at fié qosd vjauinpod le usta, ieoible, ,- T orGat e et f Bankrupt Stock M ail Contract cW l itali etthe'o n"Oilaé~e 'taons by1 t Y c atkinet aihebuRigbî Houer,- Alimiworkeuienvat boek and fosdl'Jame Street,Hamilton, le neec ,END, drndtthf-iat tise body boribly seneglad, and lite aloeaeded by a praîtsaelo f .eviy import- I lenera, wiiibe recei-ad ai Ott&a -U Wt xtinez. Tise igt aroitaiba hasld Gonds. vhicb viii bu continueS et uetii cees, on UN pliaspe. tIa iddia, vbilae l et avu fabuloualy 1ev prieeeduring tba Spring 8- dcat uvord ront utb là"k utt inl Sar ouper; ase ieSteak as purces- EllkY *4UST t.68 *eoulder. Tisabauk@ot a)gaIldb id iLi8 eW by Mtr. J. I. Watkine, vulanvaidaetleabridge v b astreek t vbes prica vere at the lovest poitoapeedCntreèi&éoet yfor F aite sa vu .overey fraared, anâf as cenid- Iand yl ho sold lever tiraitihe prenent Thrre timese per veek each val, - rably mutiatod aboithele face and v holesle prine ef imilar goud. Ha i bdp.'.éhî»!aýdef eit bie body, bu jaat jiureba 4aà a létptof Vs-giETM 1 ONLSOTHR IwcriA flsbotweo d*arail%1 vu Sts(al vmS> )Ramni e weed., for NION&STCBL! trou trm o jurim.Auther up traincas, aI25 pr crut. babythe trapu- FrEcOe iI o teisoeut Cc y4mu vbceis vu in mottas. vu topped jat facturera priec, vhieb vitl bh o slS 4 'a I*lt , fi W inimet awtise reasoasl e.' re body 1tva erksilting,,,,thoughwilwvarths ractar. . «. nrne soracto tatis eaxcuarsioaereai, tuyau . Puîy of ether aIl utCatis-The Maile ntavcîuOotch Block o ivi ieisp in d ÇbupUe bridge. Tie dâs Tweed@, frne 50 cents sp. Unies Monday, Wedneeday, and Friday, ai ssci adssal no.. ta hava bàie rTv sfr boy. an&upu'a pestes, fmno eutr as ii enablerýhe ciercenaarrive ixo ;Wte.4a il irus.em ~ a s*" b.aasfrointa atMilteu al an bourtisforr elle Mai res buieis cpokse fe a sing hua-, bathi en- York shiiung. An imtmensecstock nf Broute Station. To teaie isMiltonn sauo Bones aed s. forlaiesregris and lspsil fe ria fsi al n ýjatdidnlduitriao, bt the apprt n tt îeadu t, rrive ut Sotch Boech oeeheur anda --"seesa sdispiaved ram the nîrtîan-, botsfrets 25 coite op. T rmmed do, huit fterrvads. - - (sie traint Nieasa!îi tisapiaaittry'loy, $1iih, NI eltan. Black Bread- Pontrd noticeeentaining further infoi. visera the fatal ueslta of ies uirne an- i coîh, anS Waterproot Mandies, for i- motion as ta conditions t propeucd Cen. tratcmaiubeseennandisînk forme of Tn- tesuumaira eavatcztsnordi.,ary, '-oand udic. froiaseen Yorkashilingsr uemay be ebiasael et thse Post Oficaaf Md furmsboes asied varsuef te thoeu r. Hoyin l'rit. h, a York shiinig; M.iton and Srcc ok dgxiuqaein. sthe axhihi- otar rint,9 cents. Good Gfes (et- ~ ~so~svaa> At tisas idaf. nij et. Ood.W>iffShirt- J. DEWE, saaa df estuL r e ldi-gi. flrent ceaie. Striped Shirtisgo,foioie sptn umding ouetaeplattorce et thecar, andl frocs103 cinte. DeLcinan fronm ;4 a sOfoui8c tntpvctoru Office.t - *aomeed ic arias. An iquest as Cohar-s anS Lustres frontil a erk Torento, 23cd Juty, iota. -3t '-bdIaI aie Suspension Bridg en sd-a eblitiG. ond Biseanmd Brovn Dan- inuit la acoadasce viîh the abava ici, front a York shilling. Pesiteansd &M ha odatod. A vidoved moher! Oeersiirts fer mcenSndbays, of the -sud e otbo eltauavthemaotntzjeut. Hc.p Carpato 7 o 6sopmd d matai te meurs bis lengontae. c'ent, Tvo-ply do., fient 50 iaq vetocccnmuuiited vithb y te- .centa TapaitiC anS Brumalis, Cry; ne ocma go tisa Bridge wu ranche- jcheap. Fioor Ù011 thfront BvecYorkM ai fo tr c sc âimoear;id in eleeavanins te racive very 1ev. Gray,' Whita, sed Scariet Wuec aisse, but sheor did soi arrive un- Fisnnrtn, frnte 25 coitst. Bonnet Rih- qi ENiEf8, uddrrtaed ente tisasuer IRuuSesiotthe trais franc Ismil- hou, Iront 3 ce.i.ts. Forty-inch Bg. J. (Sasera, st irircil t Ottawa tnuaià evnieg. Tise davas- gi.sYr hiing . Rota aSdBei-ouinoti ons ed4am"sastvenîtvi eyaar ae pa; tsat immed, aid Mu tis ef il isSa j i gust. bouessimuomr c the lOsh Royal-,> mde in tisa ment fshii-naliestyles, sud Fia ,2 t riedr.,sOes.ue...il e t i te Lma. hah VPlst nt lFer the conrevunere t Hvr Miajstys Mails, ', WatLL"lit i Me on ra peopoed Cetract for Four Yeares - c t.~ ton, BiseS roaddacddcethe.- jiothe, for Six times et wer vri acway, a àl:4________-Mntion, oit hend, ai etreineiy 1ev pri- O BIOtTH& ~~~ce@. A11W su immense Stock OF Drane Th lEIEWI&e10 loue IdaytcthOe iOset M. WtmGouda vry ctîesp s a, t MWsvapacdnàa ouater. T OWOaKIài P idt ltOctobor cent. Cavayance Oa the 3tiult,Mim Dental lcEivn, eof î 2is %S 4 ~a t. bmadae a Wgon, Cater, SiorO Ngavmwàeysb, et s dwaer__________________________ aurenget Stage, t tie option uf tise con- - DÇD. c ~ e . , Tise Mails ta trace Mltas, daiiy, Suu. At onte. on ther lti ut, Cat.iseiaITÇ lhT daU1Tpf~Sys euorpted, at 5 unm., aS adtre viSevuttthe tOte JesTmqm TscccsEq 1 t ~~Jtu csnsCiGogetavnat7-30am. ToimruiOreorge- b caaduineau4mthep»sa-csd hepe fE1_iet________ tatna duiiy enudaysexceptas uo eon as goqbe jiotibto ater arrivai otmornicg trait Ia remrésatise et , tisucne.iaI L T II O Y gîîng Wst, and enarnicaetMilton vihuin &bd eneMedlad, mnvintresinginm-' jlhouts aftarwarde. t I t wo sccatsdvsbthe, btt.y of lrdàatar A'0OLNG MAo oueS udsrarier sudJ Pvated nattces eeonî gfreur Iter- felesastacmviraeoBommae.avs genS hasist.,ansaSmoally tieolid.recoj 4noetocwOBotf oPoud ffe tbiininteiýW",tmthhýf teud@(sng ceae Mltint aid psesigrid -tatmy b en n lutemo h Ot uisailiaaiuptists isesoce e tie hIc troprvinrai state, m scdarut ofcor- Ter, de. may bucnitained attise Poet 091cr iiasl id biietdil.dcsr, »«teeesc responige rtitsoe'Yoiung Lcdtes f maof etorgetownaand Miltas. "Blaa.a55cââe edem vise inletise Lent, .Wosiihave a. objectio toeang t tie o rusat iter.' - Igraphse and or«paud nis oapersec if th"saguOfice<>< IsPe#tot ________________________eluvctr. Oec-lmormemt and n foiOSertep tr Ofie mSy. jco* fie TORONTO .li Temuta retcird 1i8n8. 0- TM TOUNO PARMER. Fslisa - i 4. 186W. Milieu, Ciii. ?1ki Wbm... ..... $ t, 150 AgttGIIS A Xfipiug Wbui-.....f 4sT te 148 AstetttO. -.5ti 0 55 -0. 5 te 0,75 List 'of làeters -0.86 te 0£86 ....... 9.50 to 055 REM-&Utt3GintiseOssvdiirPoe Offi, vi QI TBT R SEssIO1Ws! 'Peu per ie...... a540tu q 10 ASw.akFP. MudeùkCapt S. COUNTY OF U LTQrqU rJ ........... I a .0 BLi t otMaryers ie 18cFP 'S ttr..... ....0.16,ta 0.85 givdn the St h ieo outo b art Oatc.. ............otstê.o g ie* Mm M.Pet GPctatJohapet bag . D.lp5âow5o7ssofahebPesiJiand aIoAthîehu e WL e OLCKit pet. . . .00 te.O Mm itat, Wiliiam. lset Slisv ieisapetai iithem Baea Dast Wos Mmlia- Wm HAILONM KE.hla.0MIH iaMj Yuascg .CRWOI MKNSY w ________________ vI S lcubeaas-i edite" fie. Mlun ITire ~ ....... 9 1 20 List of Lenters S R Y Q ( . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... B. R0. 0Lt 0 . 5 E E c-L Xa i t h'M .............. or. 00ten0 R1EMos.a.SIt. l isa .t e, siteta, - et bey £~ s sa.gvi 1.0OPAIR-Il .A6.I dJ o «Uýi cl Farin for gai * oîu' -tme'cIV ESUAÏI TRE I RB 0F lm4 -Ladies' 1'id Boots 1 Ante arme heur and place, uses ta ho >Ma Aiauuessicc Couuiie or sale, diaPrDeIaBt$ a 2r rîS ldusder snd hy vitue a Ws~rt ef alead valu"misb , hei oumpoced o e ls Io te too3perpal .Vesdittosi ExPoss ansd Fieri FacasrluO theu eovihcviy tep ut ot St 2and Z, in I theIes'aCoburg, 01,50 ta £2,25 per pir. roidite, Fiances.eu on ot fDandsaStrrct.iu ÂS44albuca sufaS*ole tzoyc, Glto, G. CRAWFORD IIcKINDSEY, l aa-j , f aen - isa-cSiitibui- àtiesSheriff, Co. iats on a xciA4 ot (I.,StITHIS. Sheiff's Office, bMilten a2, IMa016 wter ootiguoos tevto. Tht vatar enihe 5- wil ws tn ftdep aatranmer dintee t iensv drontis.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tieai lc s b csiryceririisaSS uI sîale is funihar edjeurreedt ao af lise premii eOri$, thiet ferais a sall .1- . i-ulet of tatervisich à lsaiiu. About baSf AteO, WiUrÉ LiÂt) anS LIICSEED Oit,, 0 of tae id lceedcand thsesher rtnet uBottleS anS itatd.swpartie" sSlta0Paint auo e 4Mg hted*>euaicItuto oos hyidri a aura41b day of Juil,18 .1 -i11=2 ro -~JUTiUO W. WILLIAS , ' . SITH'S At tiesaaima heur and place. Agent, Ouhiilie. G RWODMKNSY May 271i, 1868. Mitf G. Cét TFORD Go. tdaluouAgent for R B. Willhama'Celebrated Xeolo n The 1"Singer" Blnd the IIowe"J SC0 rFI S, Sheriffs Office, Mfilieu, irul June, 1868 and Victoria Organe. S EWING BCYTHIE TOXES, 52-id Tisait Intrumeuta bave for this.eutPlftaers Yemestaisai al lietOu tEiT PEIZU MItNG FOhlnlS, j t thse Pcuvincial Exibitians. Twasey ara turned out wsehtyïcabd yso la e"sle t Aà NATHO ,Thse cýoVe noie in esppiy Oie demandi. Tes parnat stait ta ChaircisaiMid tie Cteag. luiblrOeot e BARL 'IEtrcse f'yean sd cSeiit eofaShu".isre - - - HOWELS Purthr Ad'ozrn A NBR-Nte Is Agai fer Puise etappovedMaisond aS i.eumtsca. oc 'ýZADSPuthr djured Rleiatontanc Prirtai zPalPaae-et4rtast WIf. LESLIE, eadow,#le, SPES, TOMadaviale, Jtly$tU8.i Sn - Serlt îicpe tisauin Toronto. GARDEN RARES. i IVIIlmo'Dnbl-Thca, ~iîClOORCIV Rf I ~AR Ieday, 20eh day of July,,ItD. 1868, stand - - 25 h gest cAt tiese tiiout and poce. C E A Grover & Baker's Iock-sieh szs$42,ati t hn r Cr . CRAWFORD McKINDSEY. Ray.md'& - 12 G. SMITH'@; SheriffGo. Hlton, A gemi te tisn-y. - herife Offier, Miltes, Jsy 4, 1868 r-r If aay peraou ansyen there inathe 5-id OUR STOCK 0F Willieuuo Highest Pcir ,iedrloes!ei epatphea.te bac aiy ofthOe abeve Ocatan, l. Also, fianemanaeiiBand lectreaud a, ngetiset, ai The ohoccsuie te itst. TogCh"rieuisotbeeîy toper C MTS Setvm J .~az cetaisccounit, o esro6par cent .SIH.Wù wKf3 a- Machine@eanSdlititrumeetvarrant- Sites, Jonc 24is, 1808. 3-tf T ed and doi ered nauoruiuue.zOder _____________T primptic attenduci o. E -H GS ngce, AD ~DNTTDN q'aqr'pp~iS jJJ 7V 47_jJ»At fisc tome houioanSplace, lUrIUIIIO u13NI .T ,ACK G. CA17OD -,SY T.Mazi«trat the ontli i uHaJtin DESH SeSherifrsOffice. "-tis l,, 18687-tid brynted that Ihv ee dD E S -I TS*Tise abave Suile je furiher adjourned te . e f.fiS t 82 50, 83 50, and 85 Ot Aeua00,ho cct,,AD 88 ShaU4ldofbr th* ,Doiuishuof ody thf utA.18, LcITIORlNA ui vair Iu lmc 1 1 C2l la Ci» Fait e f fS1H57, 1 Anid lsot lie nuer ar en- rdur er tiierry 3B MY OFFICE, IN MILTON. YOUTIIS', 0. T. BASTEDO, (7lrk of Ohe Pmuce, Cu.M, Iiho n. M otun, 5 7Ot14 IMB-a Gentlemen's Silk and Feit Bats Dressed. BOYS'& CHILDREN.SI L17EJOT lEW TRILsas ILace1. G. CRAIN FORD NMcKINXDSEY, Sherif Co. Hlton. Sberil's Olce. Miltons. 3rd Asugrgt 1865. 8-id L1V.ERY STABLES. FELT - HATS "1 rm subwmiserW.ot- anný-celtsht h Stiff and Soft CLOTH 9APS, STRAW RATS. BOLUL 'Ourl C Trhompson'sl Ai., &e.j T IffT -PAflTCIRV 1 Ltjii, Kie4jStru'Crnere o/Bond, Tuco Doca West of luise thîodiuî ttnrch. Main Street, Milton. ýy E. N. ORRc AI] kind, of. Marisie ousict«.IlraS- -, atoace, Temiototias, OraameatI Chujea, Pente, &c,, cesstoetly osbaud. E.N. OREf. Zimmernu-a» &Iê~ ~e .5 A.id bu aSSiS tis~vio I -a - HAitiNIILTON".IFirugt ClaSS Riga!ý Jc.PIEDING. tOsmillea. May "t, 1864. 51ê' TUECOMMERCIAL MONN IIUR4MS IJUMy. 19 and -", CGannhl, Lodon, Esglassd, CANADA OFFICE, 38-3 anS 3FK, Si. Pail Street, Motres]. CAP ITALýTvo anS a huit >Millonsa Sterling. Pi RB DNPARTUEl<T.-Prcpesty uai.l sBceadrrdescripdon ea smrefatn@t Lita or Datmsge iy Pure ai ModemeRat ffiiau P *rPromptiadeanSOia lin hc Lemmoadjiceted lsCassa isvtiseus reter- sae ttheIisr clis Direciore, LIPE DEPARTMIi4T.-The CapItal la onaetf isalargers&in, et Assurance Ca.- puatee, tseraisy paavanieerlg unqicettes- able nceuirty ta îhe Aceured. ai arge pro. inl Mnirentor trout aiy ot the Ageti, MORLASilSWATSON â; Co.. Tn pubisesaeau dltonv tueSrip st REAWONABLEPRCS John bKarshafl. Muttn. eisrat¶811h iSa, 7-tf CAflINET ORGAN4. Great Idueeouetsfor 186 T UE Sabscibur tisaubtul for great sc. cmideuothOi e tyscrutua Intite tee suppl7ls AsSena IBa, (faf Landes, Ostaeio), amdPriceva(folBsfai), NELODEOS RERD ORGANtÇ, T. C. LIcVINGSTOSI. P. L. S.,Ciseperatisamn ta csppisNy ayl iEctpectar endS (tertai Sapt. aes Iscin tisac".euefsue0. bb lVanleS ay quantiey et Buter h Egge FREiSERIC C OLE.OSeret"c. bail 20 yaana expsrlescosistb e a e ai MILTON AGENCY. Suferettsaisre, cou sith cosOdauce ne STANDISE & BEATYS, Goetov.. .vtasoAgnaiouiA4u lcsOeistec Wislula 95ButitmsnicaîavaaaDIL6Tins Cas, fer sseetaceotu e ata tiii- -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ET IStiait.10.tysand fliab-buutuai-SMPrimmed.1IBuE- _________________1867. ________&Ie, ta praterrcai, isarauscuppiy liseze bhus T(r . ops.tut inasbumastae baipar tissa pesate in- Tq~s.T~s5 Baskets! Babkets'1 itidsss coongeltisheta, a-iscimpiiv tlsm c direcut from lualeimelO.HaiDg Sais Tel% Mblet, uils, odi Rubera veny tangubsalsu a M!deosud nSOr- 134 ablt0Puila IcaiaRile Hsng badt a larglot ef Baikets for ga=uie sng tise pat ySr, hocoui ith STANL'DISU k &BEATY'S, Georgtosa, cash sou ai Scisoal, Market, Cloand pleasare auluepartiesaisiaing ta porcbaa Wisoe an esdlatail.F-rt Bai^kat for"mIséep ait tram hlm te humresa sb bave boaisa - 8TAN I,6& BS*WS. , bonemabinhP"ts usc O y-neuys, Brushes I Brushes! W.1 - usf K t&W atagens lü ban té (ts -PRUNES! PRUNES! u -" tat ufouy worarsid, WPitwà heY-i nd t T»i>IS 310 tg lb, t v4~cnu~A"n EUOiLNB JAS. HOLLINI~ARE'S. Milles, ula,8, imca. 3.3u AiND TIO te «, YdÏ&g Md 'Lmr ,Thce taumr W ted M et- rsff getmohlbe -ta totnu &M - Ca1rd ahete Wa caxsll DivatdnIC", WAT.1 ~B. WILLMOTT 11&4 reeeive&d inaS ffoig fS u t tise MEDICAL HALL, MILTO!', At Mc fQ«YW City PF-nm. equoc elîn l-idaStcabu e W *Ww rs i" paet oiu a dutm sa vOUt a t lu sMhmseByPouu A ne ua modoeMd it smn Tisa *rt "os mm it b. tdi AndS a o tacavisohmavootO Ea SteyvuWigive lbé IIIGUEST ?RICEI CL Taeyisaao te band a luong 3tt WALL rpiaE ý a wo . .àd. fd». Is Fottv isienu mit ste &4 ssuiS me nt1r.I "" À LARGE LUT 0DyIVM)OW 5MADI1 VEIkY CllAP. ÀAflstctin-fo ERT, 1ANNEI.u c ah.p% u Pacailofut 11cm arn mmmunétie- aile et e agutt isee .sau&i MA ,noszpg Bjtmgz g fpeveusso, iteesa te tAc Csaig B88 EBl!LES T, riu&s FRESII GARDEN sKEDs lut pecicl ad isy tie 0,ansd ci m igees ice Ca=rtIl ctus MnclmdT-s BeaS, jetre.dsis.IClRAI AUith tiaabuta bave bw@mpe.bmsd On ralesi aleem -Aad-Ypbs dipitsdupaia treai sad truct aMImo MiSses. IWCLLmOiI NeJs eeds. CanrI.t blsand Wmdnh Bsst anS- Onde* OS&, Cul SW Budby ti. A&nd Patout Agea;v Trasustse tun VOI&tbe Oliruvaedho ou Patoats oiter c e, ils l- c:i»6esapsaeaby Lttensa-. *8 uises*bre et Pdvai. usncdatug B fera Pertllato milgacvt te; aoac-is .Ca7~ a ml0ur0 rv ad . Uq RUGt MKAYH MLO stock et COUNTY 0F HALTOX,1 By virtjulii ITO VIT: §of% TveIAR U EPA T er g~g in , GROiCERIES Write eof Yn lPàatiâilae direotd C R I w a W MAIN STREET, V eido- u WfGietÂuLmc .~ SUÔARSJoheui aur the svosaer, Paiu«1if GEOBIACQOS,.'The Horseshoeinor De'; tm n CUAL OIL,r, - -- a is lsekrt a COTCH WHISKEY, AudS-Ricbard B. Moraisa. Plaintif, Wiflbe cder tbeaupeflatcadnce or on, JCP Ererythtng i h i* p nGINuGICR %IýNE. u seaeue. HUM. Y& a GIN. Williams 0UiD. Defendant. orcGorgctows, 2dtis Jone, l868. 1-ly PORTERt aemi n . k auesisWhotfa wankcedged te lie - PURE ~~~~ ALEO, th. allovivgisdoad bsausnt, is- E0 L.Àflu4aIcWS 0~0for lltd;iisl T éacts-it hall ofLot -sdàOnui!Atilbtalvn n h rt o 11Vr OEfFHI uBCT Seo f'acc« OL RYEF sud eCAIu>IANeicn uoL- & EOfcqismina, sare .jus utared tepaetWHISKIES, At tisa un Husdrod.Airam on or )tesiu ath clihtta sali Imwest Prices h tuhuhpTown-eclis nnnot ie N wmb. mtfw ~Oz- bF_ 7j à l~ otafonrB peror sS ai My offico in Milton, on ltariag becs lantise hstaes foose urThistesa Ysanitisa mbsetrbv iais ocuàfidiqo. --168gucgtisa lth e t otfad tli, nS vtiI verrat aItwSur i moeN biéo. ofj iteca 1lti.t L- 50 CE.N 1T TE AAt tse biseoet tva cloak in tae ller. iepbt r apcflyIvtSt ti uosadrs bl msé.eo 170ty & traw ]!leVator, aunbadetlnn. I G, CRAWFORD McKINDSEY. Fo F ericCOU3CTY DOt !HtLfrSN-.OG.ITI5 Shuri Ca. lton, Mittan, Jsly 2sd, i m. HUes 10R COXPLETE IIIG I i -~~~~ýheFff' Office, Milton, Fois. 17, l86. ____________________________ Ileh h eyltntipo-n nEa BOOTS AND, SHOES, - 3-i a Elvâtom, iw.cccsateniiiedon te t an RTis h&bc naele i IVp#ie- M slawnlp uary, 186& _For chapn u.and ffiaet-c* it 1 W.lu1 in là v ;c-s Drcat ira bit te Sw ihutetd aff- cg e4 Pl liý 1 WW 1111«Il 1 JU . qUI31IZ;j IVJLqC«UWVW f V MàqCl