w IdILTON.JULY 30, 136. The, Comi*ln-GStt mi nall The tiiin Coalition& fonncd o ycsr &go for ithe purpoan cf inaug: urating the Oovrnmcnt of the New Dominion, are rapidiy approaciog di- solution, or to apeak tmone dfinitely arn in faci maoribond. The death of thef lion. FergoamonBlair, aadthe appoint- j tuent e n'on. W. P. ilowlaod toi the Lient-Gos ornhip, havo ieft Mr. 31iaiDugall as thesale ropreaonative cf Ilera internats in the Dmini'àa Ca- binet. A preclon mbodiuieot of pria- cîpin ofay ki4d, mrancIoneuitaforta peomociplua. la thia MIr. ManDongall. Thoe Berl artpry apura hlm oas tlîir Beprenitire mon, laaing anaIruodi hiai sud foued bis compostion t be a vortlmoompond f tree paer self, tomen parimapudence. No mon hor- ing gay reipot for himueir vould re- tain hlm position in the Cabinet ondor tbe ciroumostanuai, bt vo do nt ci- pect dm MaeDoailviiib troubled bp Mmk unamidotn.a, tihe irtue of re§gsilola 0 Mivithvwhluhbnho isto- m umqaaiatsd, oedbis re? bas lieS.one mdeshbig, graaping ai and 0"ngmgt' uender ail ciroa- m ino. usp#sblI@ uilievwill bc obsvtd i. mare TIUMOs#vsiation, snob -as th Toreto csqMn, for instance, &"dJohn A. vili i etogmtis cobine t Immre tesmntAveran4aand vo Wotu id #mIJ~fir ta mec a pont part7 rusposibis for tbe-gond Govero. ment mi iis Da.lnia, iloan the pr. auî miaux Coalition *ich la uothing but Gasmmmtimm dlsguised. * sLousr Coalition, onilcr John 1lýd4mmnt fOloin athe' vakeocf tbe Dmi" oGvcnment and lcocoe gmoy3slim Madr the guidance cf J. &. lfadosal, or nlould b decline le& @N p qasdormopother-ioodcrî Tigle 4M nS a ~ ny longer con. d@MMset *ai snmalous condition cf dâiinsOt", for tti lait year, dur- lqg*pti.vus frnqueoily diffi. 4"1h r ismuta knov lis ovo Po- l"itaimda, mn rupidlyý did political ;ousnmlb oeu. Let Ssdfield form ,a nà raquestions of ose*a yrawrd for , ho viii bhmait meOlin lu ontrofing for jua#uyc.Local Parlismcot, ,b .lua m vn. He boa nov -iO ýhbÊrsp4 golden oppotuoity *0 ret.mulititude of bis las JM conaiiua-toun a amilli tisCuswdim fo c laniig bis 9sb4%î,It WlMfaBi lto other and ahI.r $3 m t h.lioon. ?bs lffl@MW, lu chia littie por bumbboighiv oaw mers aarnma mgr ofiàé"0.ln.sadoc afl t âeiglbsiag Bpublié -m = b peope, and lad ex- pmsmja*âI.&priais. Boc aus lsm~limon~li o f tiig te ib*.ý abSry nur lin. odf pÏK mW d* uad r e adrb. astI I * Smý O@W pahmingoboozi- tha*ieinthead àr b se t. W. fus t 11.Pe mieth" -bhe am<dul*ste no m e diaisbafatoc 'd »& $gs, -d aledy, tbny $oO» ~àby dsugberusl adi(ý&UniN »db rfuiag rv v**e Dow"biol'là 45US*Wb~Jibdilmitto MMM *s4r Wsfoe. »Pwvvu d la'~lm.l~t~mib t0e1bar ,s g e l ba sa t t c u s y If ~ pnavil a Ottvre bu ItNq~ m msia.aaa bny d 0 Te iltei t Qd"S1n- ftêbws 0F TE WEEK. 5cme ,ery yluabletilabur limaitenar lThiver DhfctiltY. WOODEN RAIWATE. refococeta ur hisicommtOttawa have be ~~ ~aucmibee hue rsdred -Every piper is jusi aow tcc ing IHEIR COSI AND FEASIBILIT ]-'itpE-IN byliech e. elnseof thé uOciava reor wthaggcticna in regard ta the Silver vi1i bu secs tat the mais portion of lTe Briliish Parliamet vijliproali. tenvgto o h taaR v ida an om rps oetig X PNOS rA tise taesoHaeahv eletabyb ýme ex e. iffcai.sme onother, bai ail agies tant there vuscÂoAsecîsOzzu. caforco s disouont upea Amenons aili bu 1,00me cinln fl Tbe expouses iucurred by -the Corpo- la greac nSo sinemenaisons eiag - oersi uptenrgefro, And 0 o roui4 par view t Wimbletoo, proseaing a very rto f Moatroal in connectas viîb -taken t ermdY the crus lceMPlained We have mach pleosun in laying cetpo agad1 a et i IbMr. McGe' f uereal acuni ta $2,195. cf, and ihat a mone shiadant Canadian bufor. sar rendors the fallcvhng crnas-1 amal abîrer, and ita uvery hn tfcime, fine appesice. A lire broko oui about 4 o'cbcek on cinage l asvniti- l'The Couadim onpadeucé abouta éfficientiand chap vo balopu e it hceme the uiirasl 0*Thae Police nt Rome ha-e diEcovered.Tues ...otn n he -Ilm1 ora fCmeco ootcu ala o n kcuty rele throaghoui the Province. The a Mitle tù bLier p thc forttfications To cîyieion bie.ta htil iraii omre fboicn ala o u okcuiy of Gooticclam n& or tlé ietoville. loticua loug article on ibis subjeci .J LctrLEqTras fev woostand cuni against the nhemo Moaîî Aveatine. Ire séntinela yen la afev moments tcao1 reo ctally de- rita the foloriag suggestions :-1. 0 .BomiLBqTrno whuthey have lent cuffitently hy the recenDlY attaoked ondi roandeti'e ai yd.Sevoral persans baeyscP â s hol altth emet DzAa St-I ama ta receipi of your tan a maiaivrvic o iniglt. id vida ilair lités. Ths latsi st ima- tecitle maiter ha bond. This j t a vola- the latinhst., in refereace ta 7 per ron dtisount t the rooney Brait- TVite civil oar in Japan continuai ted et about $9000.I diopensable. The currency of a couna-rooen railvays, rt héwé o e ers'offices, wiii bu gladtaco ake refuge sith machl violence. lTo Mikado, thce __________ try ho the question of questioas for the1 velopiug the district in possesion cf a sirtualade,_as______th________ enmotraifs country, and lthough youc Coampany by meaua cf a railvsy imoagst tair frlow raditers by accspt- iprta edr u ehi h iceaWest York. a govern!uint muy blundor oier sud O fln shracder. Sncb reilirs are iig noue bnt carreut cola. Ibis bai aguaitClrictinst. -noerosaîn la desling rithitidyet aeue- the cheapeat teltecabecenaitrucisd, beau rerified la Toronts, anuthetacoame itobrt Miaiy hiolfe. IirtBaron cf Thevcat scat in Wet York, d toallytte c rigiti coaerne vi sggest i_ co.iiag uot more than pisnk or gravei resaits muai follor elswere. Tora-* Craavcrth, ihe emtnet Libural Poor, ity the levatios of M, W. P. Howlndsif paî t teubiset hy theoproparntinýn-s.mI a u s roct n fin apr t, Otawa, Belleville, Hamilton, Guelpb! asdtionceLord Chancellor of Great ta the Leut-Govraorship, ril bu theise pita e tb hepoprd- eaiusu niti8hee osteheroion hvec e I ant ae or every place la innthe i, Entais, diedon ou eday lait, sonne of a bot contes ait heeaHenry 2. Silver ct, ial elacdai-é n a sfev daya, to have samcedb. viteibe largoor peau, bairangemtathhabn beun» S. HIliati, hrothcr of thc isis ma- om ifs ,eopier footing. Siver is aot, =i~t information froul the enginéer of nile t cuake siavdr atpacviiiasecu' 1clnded buivron the Czar cf Rassis, anti ber, on thé coalition ide, antd Amios i andnoexien c, iesadgasd cf vala.thueeratlvoya hieh I @hasl oubrait ta the Emir cf BokLar. Wrighti,for taasy yeusa nfaithful Re. ln ibis country i ccopies ua n csinîly u vida on cf myscti, Ie pc I amo dieetiruîa i. - - - Qoea Vicionsa v ii louve Englusi foairree a o f Eait York, assmal:.s pos~ition - e i ai te w ion pamhlef reaiy l a sor Ibis influx cf silver takaesi s crtgau1n thepbcr to.iaae gentlmen 1 'cim peaphsgfleytat ce obor. frm h.eraatoncfte crOm aI vafo arienbe ofnbevi ighmoalehr cbttha amis.of fhfty or a bundreti dollar& or moe. t 'fbevootl.ie rîly thai I have sua TesydPe ytedmnafrmus aà tsar ihroai;a Frasn, Svitaer- o il mr ,a ftme. No aiver cange egt ta buc u ctdehvavn b n e o mm the. inews f vrar. ubicla requireti a landi anti Gernma-7. tage ilae former. bus ilaelilaanti local paitia a a uoh values, for tho utm.a- drde vri h aeo e Vng ry, dépletcd bysh tacerdcmasbu sifor'influence in more tha blasceét by the pIe raao il tbsti an ot oriah i. Tbe York ho 22 miles long, aud ru» ibrongla grunik ecrrency, tai a i tos aSpis h Geerueathaidiari. u shieatLéiparliamentiry record or clver coinageOf Great Brttain is sedaet a very rongl and mouataiscoa sud ' aa.......v,..dvgo, ati compét- bt&nrms touhCtaoi, adtelte.l ilb lse content. isaply for is usas :inaal olaiqge, Id riiy country. le loks justI laoans inca lydove.ou aler.sed d b ite bavesupirciatila afaitessi mlttorre nl o d han 1sle ins - ta rond asdt he ecasrua iootbly over id sytndrov n ao. Goltw i heaialie bcioe npprs cilmlstpisieaur- Tbe notahoatifaitaes place on Msosdsy malte a £ serling ta value, asdti iere- whlite noise. ia 'ur cf vu e by vbu ioli ecectis.li,ansd thé polliag on theî Monay foeoth a loy myn at no ose con legal. Yonrs, rery truly, cr.sc a niouTbimue o hseietion.cf tbe murdérero of snd Iaestiay folowiaig. ly tesnder mgrc titan forty sbhilingsat aJONFEIG 1biag wrth mn mach hy about 6 par ello lita Prince Michael, ati their se- LAdî une ins eiver.coinage. A man rbo Ci Jng O HNiAp LEMING6 . satr, vu s ely buuehi'phy Cnpdacn- ctplc ou iitképaefrt Mi. r. H. S. Hsrlaad findîsg ibsi l10 poymeai of a debi of £5,sterling in face b odncivy sie sicr Istas, bo ouc idai pr l Caada la sec omif Lords, au the 2Itla b a oclasses if ebooios, han cenîgneti, oaly gelsshouti 93 shailings ta value, for Thebomaod, mcc paine anac rstc for snything they wistied. . ~~~Bainîu Egianathe Goversiestil; tesmaxîîetdinteUie for yclia; heyviahti'No relent.- iss., tisa Bitish Billra paaiud, asti astiMr. Wriht la cirryiig ail bufore caroful ta masufature oaly jugedenoug ng Statesd ftuno hemi r iag ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I tit a alt aoi.ti ul he Govraisut Bill fir ils portals fita. Ilislikely ibat he sili ho retors- iver for the puepos fcommerce, and agapplctfcbr. 1a ruinous polioy for Canatihas 1ta re- of the Telogroph itrr roeiveti ais fizt eti by acclamatioa. The lapse cf one iberefore the baiks, bumDg lraysauap- in ot oea liayfonih nam ilc cea ailier a par ant thon bava-ase ta g gyco a potaetnsgea cageiup8eiCa hircbtmca o ce Ss00 rmieSobrod a cu paliMpiio a itromaiColi i pr f thé Giverumest re c-oi.sidersbly oheaper dlaaa plsuk roads ta bc mad frOD the holesle deaer. lon isevidetly0isba tenoul lutekoerp ton tce«in imuer, tas fIrai construction, andtinin amain- id Mat atenucount béfon a' percasdear Mr inclniIICabotiaut viietlao tmaae.ildhutforyrcari-u proportion la tenace. h oleof uasprojecitd rioden r sbmttngtaths ltsmoors aEn Liacola 18 abuniprteiloftire -relation tate 601od einoge, the country railway from thae.Y. aH alcmadesgtta thik bai mero has d bihk id 'and ti[' au le adisanace of 47J miles, la cti- Wholo etialer, ritose profita arc lon Beverti oîeî Iott ute a.f ore inrCfusta hoee hn aetia ely os animaeiae-it f vtl iitr u ul salpeutit The aloua] meeing oetihe abovo As- silvr coiiage la g. aictallie coinage of 1,7600 ico,dteliverétiatîCeis $17601> aie dealora have cempelleti their oue- visit Quora Victoria. cciatihss iii bubeld inil.th Lecture the country, there beiig us Canadien 1,120 ft. B3. maille rails, toatcrate aynbautabiefs , bat The .Uerseicos - l a - Ygelai toucy anti vory blteogold tia"117 tiLiverei 31f6.00 poy in fondu, oi Ilcaîco opectîl airs of ths Meotmnir' Instituts, Tom- Ttsstut ermtit 1 ~ .Wt-steieei a 00 la thereta prevent tae rtai erhasts Gt al--a.. m.provala lathee .pu.,.. la osto, romtaesciag on aaesosy île 4tb iii n sAorl c e ic yga d u a i odcg, eo auti tnîciyin 40.00 sncesfalydoug 8=0mietaing. conseqaecorof the ciruladion oetrn- day of Anguai nuit, ai elevea oeilorh a. age asti a meospontiiag ine ifCana- .Justice tototaslves tdctmadeaitiporis of inteadeti movemouis of filiuai-t., sti continuen session fourtieys, dieu galtipieces, sey oin.value of $2, Toapemie1,0 naclt cketal cure. ters front the United Sictes, asdtie.ca Thé ispio of discussion arceanefol-or $5. Tisere neyer would bu asy dis- The railo ire te bc sispie, 4 x 6O h- 1 WVe are prepered ta tear tait a fer ordiuaey precauiosa von ihein-. ukea lova:-lai. ffitisdtesiroble ibs pricos ptrou iatti alu 6levri ndil te,@tr(e ot lt eavy sodeeti so tiei. uho eidher laek file sers-cta caforce the et Vara Croc asti ebschon ta guir cti b svrdeti ta the pijaila f onr aaboula ? wopaît if ttc earroncy- Esey dasad Thia forotn a sahaant. moeq oa ii mlor vhs niec in ttc habit of payisg ogoîsot ihir ealiatono. Anti if s uhatis he acLsemethoti et 3anâdsa hsket eut et a goid cinge tresgtttte tatofay itiser riliroati, f-hi ep oe nsliver at PUviil hereblle are mse ga uai -. thota? 9-' asThe irancs oabyiaggrmvatcs the cuver tiifficulty. ant is10capable et buarisg benty rolling 1it e esil O pstinotedsu par, Ib ero, ute ig g ahdyo eaarg sdkein pteatetinOtecorse you con get 901d in foriga stock, providéd te tecla hoav ia i noret ibaioiea ha ippbuto tul i-s atDo i Qacc rirobt efihaght é fac nikeiga a t etaithe bouako bY tcaia il, lu, ba e eiodle, hin itu. Flae seui anti cosr oeot btv ri son oat.fEscobedo lidhaugodt hror ai papis ia sretrdouccracftul teoch long as chere ls eoeh a v:ut cuatitiY cftiust, ubioa. gela on dhe tai aseOn c, f thhaïevItehave "mt their handetis pies. Robuiea if otsgo coaehes ig. 3rd. Ame aay ohangesosiable siver in thet osatry, 1golaviinescrcru itet lsthe wnooti he uhé lar ploc vh raedil.Teear aycmmr nte xmntonadamsso Lrbcoeocte leadiag coisage imply bu- auti foras a bordl, gritty surface, rlaisl rsy, ai bY unity and iIrmacai they cilfi llns, antidte conryhopariait.canoditiates ta the profossiosn<of téset- caue i so, sig am hm i testetttieen lîeanygratiuo by litt v il aneect. we huieatd ane Of< isg rapidiy. ing onsti raleitsatatus? 4th. îVhal Gcevoer.neO CelLeorr etrng -o ie elit gadéu seun ih 1thes bt y deh, ilver agreenirt Svma teoscou hotaken ta improv ev i-n 3,rc. ,oe cfnt ilft sel ci,-oecae rai at s, Ther of ymapeailf v a vill break fila cubter by rassgroaiing Svra cases ofchilera lavre occurretcd aseaon6ome oacs db uire st, rosi se cuver asae ili lguneiant' cr f exiteentla , the ltter or te spirit if the agrot iu n fier Yor aodichtauding -ail tac la the preaent regnîsian respetiiig the tho Stale. If ut lest a litle on the gnio)g on ila Jefor&on Connty, N. Y., : ai by their îioliîy viii tte it osor asti precautis atakea ta preréat thua dreat slceilîs asti cepywriglai et chool-hooha trasactuon, the country souitigain, andi coocerut swoenrwys. lrl. -.ert b eti fui dimsese in tic moatime, insteaut of aeutitng thé J. R. Hfulburtcujtye. the eedit of beîog ue ,uyb ott, anti the more close cnceta the baeiinierct' aI cdu-soliver ihas purchasetiont if the cons- the projectee and engleseer. A short iy ttc agreement te kepi the more Racauoaî. 'Va., JUly 27-Ibe causan? cGa.la. h i eicahîs chat the try ttidita wasy back agis heitud rend of' ihis kintiebtLy hui-&, six Miles speetiiiy viîî tac nuisacoeaa. Whao±Ren. ReUbua J. Maraies, vite vus in clanse la the Coaita cShool Act, re- have do tira il iota a bubion ut once. JoLu asbes a uccefuii.y aseti for tac Banka, Riroitis, sud tac vhobe. g&si lt Orage, N'N . asegeti euth 1110opctig Teouhai' InAneab 'mcnîcaD îilvrm Wia-c coataino mise eght ycsrs. fie ia 0ev coia*térneiaà mile mrehansavhue don, mci .rely bu , ud mrtier ci Miss army jetaopansilca? 7h Io poeu aprts et fine sîbrer, anti eue part aiioy. ritaes rail"roy22 miles Ion, te conmec séducheticu bbc Theproportioneofaiver la Canatiaa the Chues niroo mises nitthe Orwe accompliaheti by retail dealers. Siîiuiti Lamiten, ncapedlt idaghd. 'le 'but iinofcta.sexe&anmatithe atisability of coin is ilighîly more, or alant eloyan te gatehie riivay. 16 miles of the uer 1- this movémestin l aios fail, the Cou- m confession of séduction, baiticajiedtihibuSoool ir bainsna end tist n0e, but ihe difféence isnmot ce gread railnsy art early cosapiletisund a par- f nqtencowouldbe tât wein lac themander. A revard cf 8500 aas the girls msy bu nooogiced 0 pupl inhut titat the goveroment mighit ofer tio i t'ei ctual operation. acqacaces roulti bu thamae l fiais fae YGyrmrtfrhi a.te(rma co.parchaso Ameicas siiscr aid Ove per COLLuaoWOOn, May 6, 186è. -woded ot f other places vhere he ture. of the GrandTi rjk, ai uouai, viii giving goltior provinial notes ini ex- B,04 -D s.,Trr bai béon mfaihfalby tapi, A Great ralndiermshave happeact inlagraut rctnen tickets ai ibe satîon citaugefor it anti protibiliag id alie- DER SSte-I ata in reorupi of your graerdtem ent i th'hetormrri onu ewlegs1Batioreantiter.lac&, hhenan pan- ofthegvorrasetleathéner.29th Pr-it., o ts 9d n ueandn (wfo mar - msccr aiibee lteraisareidentical tiataging a very large nucasi f pro-i1 gets bis ticket il aticoket cf aicabur- for expert, or lfor re-cinage lis oCana« J î'y e rnM.Hîét iicno riacoen binsaeada n oisdcalgcsiesl a tmip is preséuied. The Great Wctera tuas money as circuaotaccointilcate.tihcie uiftea lWootica] raiivay, acar Wit dite f bsinss eCandamaie etaatad teelg cngtieule oisofr . sen Y r, EMe Hofc f I trve sawl te-e. Ir-- llite, luai. .,ata rsdnrn tiekets fze one tr Care mut bctakea, tovever, fittoOdwug e ok r ubr .ineasotac penperty cf s tara, yoc The Fenian Pie-NieaiatBuffalo pasd1cu alciter, ritu ina amembun, rîli hpimigot o ninigo iutflat i pae itle Spesoaiievii et athérebY -hls he ialuaIe cf erory off qouii. Vhs processon cnsisieti nre t ram theîrsîonier o saisu- dticaîtatatons tadîcuted. mile abou truc,thorexact ccstetic- 1. ferai in tée neghburhoaus ithe lova, cf ctohe ib tregiaieni anti about 400 ciaisa, aitVToto, a tioket uhieh viii 4. Uia tiQuarter tiollars in Cana- mpe outg upO theea3,000aene beeotae5 iaone exténsive aad Elpatr oce. lb. obu B it lehmt artrirts isn moucy aheuiti nt once be aduck.Geding fro.i thc cost of timbr.- poiaBioi éuiebiatsnasgrta beCoiryad pac n ie -ha iheaile. i cas wuu vcry oeorly by merciy lie market for ail tht a frmer ina i lla Impire' w vin v.rety adled, asti hcntr sti puy tualze i diqx of.THE NIDE FIFE. prtimpourtent v, akisg oerrthe rmeute. Tbe bittiO~ daaic.If tan fermera arn daped thce rators naid vo Casadien vecé TE NDRRFE ari u emlehat great tacon onas ay other roi, if en a nlitia ant ta ikng ilver ne par fr tholr rmbliag viih fnac. Gca. ONcilli- veuleuce woubti reait tnota their eh- rbieh depectis upün the materiai anti v Mcte iii do a tory foliit promiaes chai i t aceig Aaodher anoassa prncîiSavilla the aractien fros te commuity. The amound of treotle ret.k prodacetheyocr deaomniatioîs if ailier muet lho The Eugiuîes anevisai re cali trac- c hus1,m as l iitaéreby bc cosume i la t band.thei. hfataki ululoer rifle baiu ufiiuacnly shovu, reteineti. The secondtisuggestion mc- tien engines. They are m,vde express- miu t ak e iy.lve cénts fr every Six hantreti Msrmons frota Eagiatithat ic la not the prfeciirai thit wr ais nawhy iver isata discount. idthai îy fort'bisikiatiof rondi, n;th vhorlc e las ota fpoue e h o-adW o tube b W g nv aleli. Id 1, faunut l os it if hi soi the commercial value of one bus - conacractd i cllawytacthey me go tu clan PontOffice, Bank, Rail- mi Neis Yorktoa Mon.tay. rifles vbiab bat. genu ttrongit mach dvh estoe te aiin, ira. id]lavr muof te ta van y c "aad Statioa, ta Mony Leaders., a caacatamae av mt cf bve bccaneeénleegedtit e whe atasauta, thebmo asinîyphlarg e arc esahiedta teudemthe shotet CLIhe ity Cuni f timl reilsa curren theeut cuuiiag tc maiba. I f" cnloate basa ofite aid cirtido- abord if vhîî id realiy ahoulti -If oteues bitiiag uib theragilse.orIhem prchas anlad frota Goreraun, te the rltid $5000 for the relief ai the tuf. atitgtmecae isdlosely imua fuemero anti ochers win ulslokbot iD owabi nte ii bu aginem fortme texosiecor t th Ldletifo rui,(ser hyth hc lidibre. Marly filerifle, vhioh ia no langer Iculy co-ia ittliglt, tey viliit ndscé sec hon over'ttc ochers, inaamucb asilut iliroi ati te a muothr pnrsona, asti be viii familles bave beaua nudereti esîireiy id by the bresca-pleco, abseonsequco hcavtby a ma muet tse itho tatibea nidh grcate M n rwam 0hare ta sabuait ta a share ot five par detitute sud hoaeln.s. bigan su esépaetfmmre gai ou the ex- freta 850,000 te $100.000 hin yn, evirlot; aiu. cooti1. epr plosontfiueanouni on laIshu inandsilvlanrttir ssitancettee apectiver on a; tilea pamur- t 0tdson nh. ivrta ctact CANADIAN. puoeraofnede armitige, hihs, is taad he vibdtieraeita eCounten- lonce alte foulsam taenaledtat 3t paa ser rosidestrei it, a o ufs cuiecvimedy theai. We have thé angnei at srvtna, No ppeiisttbai yei beesumditeoynstlaoigt r teei - 4pateutei. bbc caet telivereti on yaur 0 Te commsun auesead red 'aof ihe coaaiectia-flrstby, fintîthie The Hutisn may Verritor!- oud noulti bu 87,000; the casn iii 1tiuiplayel by fimein l busineai mat- ~ta athe racat Jatigeabip f York, on bnscl-piee lies n is Dnite oneelby he- ot, ton feuer horlid, $300 nacit; for inca varant luias l aai thadadt te- the Colctanhip f Toronis, atm ors veitat, ant iiaset faitedT heIbé lloving pisteti remarks on iglt rheied 8950,-ibeseare for a dolar SmJîla A.Moidssii sai L dtova, asin other hreco-losders; sud, te HudsnaBayquesation, :raicit re frigbt. For pasonget cars né prefen rvil! nuetoeil their rbeat feradllaSr Jh .McoadadLdsecauîtly ctc tthe basé cf the eartridge tnt s iata r bu h ieo ,bu"island taIra ainty-fivo cents la anti Han. Job@sanSeai lsédoumîibasmi hn alabernti (ta malirebeapar ar-.aient heartiiy estise, rie clip iromthe ucm ineae arot riheughe ola wpaymat. If the faemig com t t ie nti Baiton Shurds1 lait. la la nid ticle) santIlinDov Dot affiîétil nceug Brnutorti Esaior: oo esti, te r carepesitlyofig uari ibsi Sir Jolan tateudu giug ta Halifax t e niat the expblon ci the povulr. 1 'best rftaconeHtiu Brfendutrîlsaiepatofrila of4o- sbovmid tebu tiitclaliy t choi ia- 0 îryci anntit ver te dificaitas lathe p"saheeynctLordofauteofhiéthenHusgsconaBta Ie atrdottafiaspi-hmtecasemmînpsnsegee e ilta$4,-c mou a d sad vii u a ompradre- ist Seils.labra iii xsa dii ih suntas tay ti.ifmne7aag aec bra miljînnii-fo-81560 the. imoutt namnd, $2,000 a mile, sil0 1 coutd sMy ncthiag dMoitu vouhout finit visiting clan place. I eciasier your qaéati6a la regard ta narov guage -3 f1. in., mont decidely, tat they ar" nat pruicilbe, cither for Inon or vooden niads, the boni possible gong. (an Most :Ikee ith me)io the UniteddStae, Most of 'Eti vide gugitbey Are claaging te it ncv.- Thisblathe an th earcofmycxprioace ln vootietil rns,IÎ eust confusi cla i rai long Iséfore I oncetdin la kisig ihero of groat service, but I bure ex- perinicatot d ndeetilbcta t-ca-, ngiano and rails, tiil I do ici heahtute, la recommonding tibemo t) the public, oil ogrorposftiv yssi w t tey scaido. baove joat ceompletati s plan and order- éd another engin for ibis rnd, Çvblch v bi budouect -oy) hich viiiaccot- piies voutiers, h it ii veiga 12 toua, asti bavc iho power cf i 30 tan loccoo- tire. As for grades. I ua ronsiag 26ô tet tethe mile on tiis nid, asnd 550 trina every day lat iteala ver the rondi. Ihavesasmallud ar that I use inthe vintarvlaeu .ths eawk is very slippcry, mometimea a inwt iuvuther I bavs teasa slinisfrota the oene on ae grdu, but no More nthoan au na ad buve overoe ie ediffi. culties ina sgrési meamae n tla oua- atruition of the vbeela. As for your ountry, it cannot bu se ronga ai cals, fer I have sot a single mile ci gocd level country onùaaiy vbole routa cf 24 tmiles. Auy information I ilaeuld bu happy ta gfcio a nieobuoetheiiugis cetan ioder taetashe a rootien rail- rondi euccesiful, clan bultiuumuai char. oaghly undcrstaud vhai la s laboutn, for there are a greai many pointasilasi muai bu jusi rigli, ami yoa oau oui; land ihem out hy expeuleace. There ta eue other rery imporea tlaing ta bu talion is ocoasideritioEa, ven 1 hala these roade i calculais every dollar nill ail bu sietin launsyou shoalti eu viola tg change them ta an ires rail. I sirnys keep ibis peint lanv in bud- ing. The bsasttsg is about thoen ai su tron reatl If yen ehoolti auccend, ia yourndertabiag i ohonld ho glad to centrici for the vhole ting, rolling etock, and alpst i grfec raunaing order.i 1vounibgdttab u ,s, fr. yeu ion atbue ubjeO. Tihe I'ena Coagresanad Pie-nie. iaiportumt meeting et tte Seuate of the a9cerdta, baiut 4viii hésii Jeasi 60.000. Fonion Berotheehont bai bers-ha session Healsty baitseasusnscshy bu aut- thia w n B u ffalo. bThe Congemec rstidhy ibe remevabaisdfe tarntr.,. begas its rmeni session on- Toestay Nambeea ocftaiiea ubeupromisse fa. «luit, ut the Feulas heuti-quartene, Pearl oaped, (carfilftiht e conacqacuon i bad acrrue, anti eloseti lis meetings Icut eveo- thmeauoeti theai -cleareti ouin vnrltkUa icg Thére rere preseai, beoiides Gea, frit item ouse,. Sevestesa baultiapa John Oficil, pecitieut, ami Jamesan lu ah ere toatceyet, anduti busé isti Guibbons, ef Philatieiphha, vice pre3iteai, damaget, 1if the ileoitierbooi, dte fuslowîsg gen- 1tjeasuacompesiug. the Squat of tte Truulgar CsuiL, 1 otier ; P. J. Mengbasl, etito f the- l"Irica Amemicus ;" lHou. J. W. Fi- toCnclmtprasteIle 5 eruti, ofCiseisoali - John Carisocf TeCuelmtprun ocl f enJersey;) Michael Fincegau, cf dte Rorve c tee cnthsie chait. 1Michiguan,anti ithens ca# peoutîlutesce it Menemapeeseid-3essr. Betty, tac Fenian ergasnzatuos. Giblson, anti Dr. fluet. At dhic Cengress affiaira if tegreai. est importance toe c isotterboot bave leaders rere then neoeiveai fer tha bes discuaiei. anti. séttiet. The cota-_ceoction et a bridge Lot-,fie. 16, bit. aiuuicaticeesuo uiela foraieriyprcvuiled Con., S. D. $., sver'thc Siauces Mit imosg chiai bigh in authority. 10nche Creek, (nom te iilbovisg pansons, cli orgunizuuisa, ao linger euahlec us te apreuti befoo or renoutrsaarecord of' JohnMeLcanfer tlae atone wrket nid, the procordingo, but nsoeaipoeed riditge, JobsnIlaltia foserloerk asti tet euy dhudattisg or etiter if great wrod ort, .also one tiseu éisuiN, moment tua ees tiecideti upso, asti Tecterad une feota W.iiai T. Cas, Canaa, ant he Briithemtpire genoriti- 'y, miii sec mitithcy viicr e e ea long. Icaens fer tee pair ef a bridegi Orle ithiag iao is mite public, $1 asti er.et fbealtuonaitimerosi vit, ihat the senateanad executire of- ttence2tsdit isslu i Oncs t toheiboid, gin lu thse eweth danSrCocsie. eity, bure meoretita ressain ocer astiLLti No. 4, S. D). S., v i::foma, John- r1attent h. greut pic-ie can st ativul s onIcLesu, Jota Ralcin aid W. S. - Moaday. This eccaion prosilues -to bumison, îentieing foc the sani. he tbcerooit isureting ast extensive Tedr r eoiefrtheecon wbich bai yet mueketi tac huetery if Tetrvreeoidfracrdc, Irisha felieo-itizcas la tbic iocoiityof a briitreeidLois 20 anti 21, lai. At the veitten cequest otte Slioveibeea I* Coa., S. Dl. S., frota Jehn McLeau,. Union, dhe gentlemen of dte Wccterosnd Win. Cims. ebevatisg ceaipaay have aigueti a piper, Also ftoihe neection cf httidge at thel .agrseiag te che claaiug of ail the ciova- f oin levia:' at Ledtfis. 12 .tacs on the ororb, in urder thai cia eo- ut.ad Ï3 nd15' trr té2' ploycea may bu permitteti ta "'j'y thé irtiCol nS.d. 5, esentaJhn eaeand 1testirities ofthe day. Ttc proprietars anti Dyee Noso. Fif the virions ceai -yards have scha rby De. Bock moveti, accoadeti0 by M. 1scorteti. ai reil aisecher geadiemen do- Bcsly, that the folicving tenstia l 1tng husmnu en nthe dooks . eday ascrpieti vin: John Fasafer ils nill thua bcunas niversal bîîiday, s<> enctien of a bridge ai Lot Net 16, 2s4 .fea aitho cmeecisi iubcumiag hateresta Con., S. 1>. S., mine lais tender 1frcro- -ef taecicty are ceacenDet. tien cf s bueubvater and uu1irs offa 1 Ihe peeecalo sdcviieosd ersofthetbridge mi Lot No 4, buiesu th2M thFena mi hitu ati cive orer nf ttc ami 3rtiCes., S. D, Ï.; Dyer J. ILUinaa'a LFteacomandrofhetnitefenatloelI tocbridigea. ai Loti; Nos. 15anti 12, lai 11Ciutc eat fer nesoa n of elCon.,S . D.S.; W. T. Carsétia - ChlDsthlat e t ier cemmo t - 1bridge nt Lots No. 920 and 21, Irti Coi., D0=1c ete oarv; ctsti viait-SD.S.,asti John NoM.ean &for bruidge- iag cinlen (mfro oati;cthieti, the etLotNo.S3,lo Irish cirie sécieties of it e ityIfud.nd tac Grain Shovebiera' associaiii; ou r Bc mvti ceuei yH The prcgnamme ne have sbecstiy Gbo bttcfciru eua ,pabi.iahid. ucotaprea agrand merién aist a the y app iatid es m5b of tac Fenian iroopo h1 Gea. O'Neh sers ta auparintesti thé erccttt>5 if lie sud Spesr, orathoni nast uitrcases by foloriag bridges, vies: Johnt Mclii peomiaeni members of the orgaiaisWila Crde ut rnauHm. .tpssciug aid varions speets. mis, fsrbe e ot-,ý1, Hosssuu ué fnar VaLÂO,-Cen., SE . ;James MnCOméî aBd TvoBiuag m NRI VIAL LAE. - Colla Smith fac bridge ai Led 20 and dia, un menr , anti Wibil Aleand e rbia,- 11,3rd Con.,, SES.; *F.Pet,"tmat0J tin olran iliam i erthîy mnt-Aldon for bridge anti heeabvtr et 114 ceepor, vr retdfetra o ie o.4, id asti 3ed CanS - 1 . îlg, o h charge of otesling goetis Rober-t Feeman andi Fea lus iu t ram bic. William White'istMore, in En-1 stan for bridge ait tNo. 12, C. An- haVlae ddiffeeni cimes beivreu deneon anti Jacoba octea for bruiui theo let ati iOtalait. Robent Fnedy Lot 13; Thomas MeDoatid 1aad lais vife Mary, Milie ageti pal-m& as Baifor bridg eat Loi15, yene "i arrested oit a charge ci' recci- a copy of thé spaclîicationa e dif viag stolon gconds. Vbey vcire uamua- peiebiigab ovr eti1 et lu the Town Hall, BEn, nefore Comaiaiiocers.-Carried. 1Meuare. Tyler anti Cerueil. J. Po'., aid On motion thc Coanîii thes adiOlue commÎtti ta Guelpha Jsi, ta avaut edtdo mect ut the culi of tbehe M 1irial a& the ousuiag Quarder Sensietîs. , .APL rMartin umdt etiO tep ch. phatogeaph gai- J .APLE b ery ibure Wbls'la atan, anti appvera ToxiesAltr isI 1ta bave enterétihymà latter tbroogb the . ad-- 1akyligbd. Hé ha. bran, noahonti for scise AN adjo.roctieaing te et il, u vei ta. put weneisg olothesa sspielousiy inéaentiat aimeha Of eHato tucdoit P'*" 1libc iluasé taliet trota White'oaombetu, Watts.oea5teti nMasuîtY l1-,a,st o .asti thia, couplid vith tha tact ilasi lactdeeportn ifth nuBomieascb muid Rihbothata vore oterbeurd plan- jeul toeortiet he iSyweat aisg the hnrglary, lui tu ch.espture. Smiti te sclai, F. OmeteS Id usocis A qeincity cf the stolon gondsi ye tara, "séo seécmstseY :Aedioa tt Ifoiati at Puudy's, ahére Martin boards. dsv.4 KObotid ndCSlà a- t,.,w The obtilad7 tolti ns hlufe fqoely gate hocinsuimiasin « lu eiet~5o w r i hem illidîle uer tiagt'" u proosala, bai contta Miltos. i5lY onecbtswt neeenpaidaiesboard bill. He iUti ta portmsulatotaiuerg a ho .zpestuti 8200 ftram ch i imaou- baalssmOkii asdi' le?, asti liveti on the expetaoation of it. c - yass tG ffli. s. ié Hlaite sgai out cifth viado ai lunrake, Eni nid uaaiautj. ' a :igPto ai.aa ~usbetauaaa ta lier, tlitchia mengsehailsé eecteWl,Omo t ,t"He batd abull vsedrobe of goond Coat relcO noatsa - 000 éhohea, toar, ati bepc getiismore aarýr, oi t se olialita e'theigt Aaru' e, usas ciiti bi rcai rouldut hlut evthe eut. e; ,b-ni,îe' st r!ota.-GUttlplit .Iteriec-. âv ut t aav LOS OVER 850,000 - Loses c, y27. A. dutetotive fine onussd l anods ou Monday the 27tb lint. em . cd la ftevart's Fansiag MiII Jasé.,, HitlcSck Street, bj aparbahm am, stemnhbolier, ad qolnkiy sprW ove thlan stire building. A large bnm» structure sztending Soath tevaudé, iI etan mrat, aast o " briline doneintheoh.sit, ovsad by Mr. bieu lir, nt cingltaisd isafos 'labt itter clan frime dvelling of Mr. stenut on thewveut aide via aiso in à bien. Thbataovsauimeticuaae, ad a. ro, of ive.atory brick buildings ou~b nriaof Hitchacock airant, ovacd bye G. G, Mage, ali conisining dg zes monte, ver. salaoupon bl ché duisW- iig elem s M sdconmplutuly gt4à Mnaavbilew k bueopi mtabffld, by nmbrl cuthonse, berna, ptuW or jamabes, , oansdImm.; ad ibm. euivard ta theise ctumnsa Isi ttie MoKeller and Stevatia sgsfeetsai. llirwoodiosrpeatc iaogPbla a ir. blnvworks, sassmellgtuîp 4aly oeRisbardmcnm Tlaîmmaôthmo &a. men tu ]cn& @1Il theiz canergtsm la ht direetio n, sud vida a litilu vatere t banod, ta enduivor ta puiessi tbe Wan. ers note[ itiif front.falla e, che Saai. Al chu presmluma aiemtioacd ver borad te the..ud Then barat dIstnoct natandi aibrtu fro theca Western Hotel tea t»u Streut, s&distance of aime t l*es bs dred feci; and caivard on thme mà" aide of Hitchcock mreet, stout thu ens distan, tac vholc pau OWm asistl-. in& otoahig buts aisaiof uolderlnx ruica. Ou ch. norila id. afttuibm*e mrant tlae ebarud rsmaiim-ubrism; villa. noverasepsn of about ta* lasdrad tft, vbile isiete r imintaate,% »b«Um Snud- gardonsin ta he u ril s i&MiaW jifdcvaiiatedtlrongboabb1 li . me.nd and Hitclacocka itreet,. fora duisce, are comploiely bloeked* is for,.itnrc, the naterisl fauta the vot. ohops, oand thoeets ef the csdmrs- ties. Tic total aontof the oJuati i *W yen mdn e- l» ogCesTb - haséc' îlogm M - r centb Chare.te Mr. as iqce ;:12rrmat1 ..d VMe. asta5sm t tseS wbâ w a ari IL Smithimsmt ..t e. tiu&& cae.5rai Tb@ . sad liait 31r. GOta5 CIaham mitaî ho ai m li dî o-pan $90uid cc"a v vi.liu hiotari IL. tb es L 0. Ichitah la saaoen , t é Idd itfor àbsin *' onseta tei othe Mauitin bethiubscit 4r Mr ghtasm. làie, I hmi a Cee.bo beaear ar sttiti Ma ties ala thu tieuy i A. t.heCu esyoug 4018", fom t 0n*a in~ Ihsl~5iai oua i ~a hausti