~Ibb.4awtt a fof l let vm*UtUlm&PceUr O hdâe h eaWaSat 94 upabidI»Mdu kel £*pbamoâS bemm i. eeuM "&bu. tdoohi. uc » flitglm et* ruet Dc.lpmmuvp ereetia Ibhectr atiiedith or djY' vr auuuaghem-If. if eh bo ppa- là , e t.v abak uS hilt; !eif gaacisgoina te cMs hifie bscoulis, hW bW a reasulhrigtt tue epect. a la~ No cuebhon te Wthm'au cm c Wu" en~ot eacldg pearla befora- vitat à thoira- maea De't cubcit tu e ho er off th liveMeot iitô a tdd* gettmr ty te, àdva@ciýrb-licous cf .11k and vhal, hm n m#jur eeviy bloctol hoteise gonda chalite respetse te] tup i tkr a man- t4ls"Im U centanft tlsomu nei thqM h"# - eli brit: DocettaUNtIitetcja ad teice ont te the preftte dyouracequaiclacot otit jour rmmre Slioy mcv tho diff «eeuebotwmen Ttmpece8 e Smne e ?bhompsou'à Arillicoe. And if the- biba lvthby dc't uederenad etc jMam auSainig aitout. 1Do't aMy ompiimtcrythiaga tuea Young lady t a Party vithout ira asakciag cure that ber iateedti i ataadiag bettind you thie vbol »esr*ioeepS a ldy invitatiotge ahopicg vitit ber, mnas vueu have-pro. Nvly ouureud the teegtb Of ycur M % tMop liter thmondveoc1Icet .ftlod-tkc vicat Mcd vittieet mai -Chrilecmdomt beceuce a bore allen, thel Don't blie. cey wmmmcc ta bho ae -~If yt.u foel aey ejuiptemi of' Mi-.Lcep ae a dom cf cage tea gu thbe upoz an cditiW jour husi- nse o teet over itLuis cen ea pcoible. --iààcqa iadddI if ycu tfinid eut putty cMM "a@W l acta eceider.ttly * a tc. ite viagavo are mitot- ftut ni up yde, mind about ecy «@«Metein a a hourit-tee ced velvet -*Wtovitout Irrtccakiog ycuninter'o -ae..Dcpend upon lt cee vcmae -i. et.other botter in Ove cminutes .MMM m main Ove yettra Ami. abuse sah, do't tikta Alt ina ceo budxects pe&psrt ed amycc vont the ~" ~ in tek daouesoceaiyccr Taktolctheca M uely style, mc eu veuldt t au adv-cl iti nslu, air, mnd Sita ju »audotter. îeeatgirlsotd bhamonter dm ùae~me huetevumabeut te :n'làeiee ancd quit the te ~..Sgth eut mc it k emer via dahmup.bt 4-g dàeing mcy cmee bp4é. Alimeri"unid, and Bra~hmIilc lie evcry Scie d~* bmd, PO, ot.' cd c ditey, Mc cd. rilrad.' -Wh, Sdemey illdoit issau dodept ~ohattle MgegFfmp - ~te (cgcgby thoeh"oir f WWIO aio .lg op aaeiteetioe. ce ~~êbel-~lutg.g orieg '4 gk.di% mtb t tbr cieceti lm es te bat as cD*imcvupoIt brougt àai*1 tctemo araidi" Oooep te tiu eji.Keisun te the ci. it .k*b i111M Ome - et tl&Wk. I- demat h i d "bra:i hi, by 4al b'àdmdka tàohcitCeboe. Illcet1 Tck Imc isw wu bit dtfa 4 e Sitisit.8 . ho u iot àm& laàS 89*4 ca m. . et Dg île cd li { -A JsI BLACK DRESS LIA TSm1 Uilmi1W TMI, ILES. MENa, TOUTUB', ý,ELjT HATS91 Sif ad soft CLOTH DÂPS, Cheap ~ Llmtuse, i3ed Aprct 1leS. 46-tf 1 FR.ANKZTJIN*Z "eticuti fer ocs amuI> Star' Life Assurance Society, à A mrc l 'umrr0 mi i DE~ Ladiest Dres Goo do overi descrption ývery ch.ap S -A large lot ekf ShrIf~èb~ ~Ap<ott(s,a&elle Deor te drm parttrolar attenton Rie totcof beathero ombrarf. ttc ta fernatite comuea mlbaY int. t. 4 0f STRÂW IIATS. I <IlIco Aprill tt, 1968. RIAT FACTORY, JRVW ig Sfooee. Corner of Bond, HAMtILTON. 1HEamlten May zsth, 1tee.si.tt E. N. ORR, Pont, 0bàaailp ce band. rot cASE AT Miiil Cosscý ut s Gummed ' l-y HitA 18.8 5.6-S-m 1 VITUSE COMMSIERCIA L UN1ION ASSIJRINUNUH 1I 19 and 20, <oehil, Lonone, Englocd. CANADA OFFICE, W oolien i LIMEHOU; EVERI le theki Inprowmpt'v tietereth 130 iltier Ove iacfattre C. oct. Nov eeady feho esmaethe iaigetlot of (ILOTI Si. the, 2P 9 130 1 elzlý.c M1JhD u mm a a celai? ANswEL-BeCasIUe we keep thse moot g.mbioeable (luiut sud uaktiaup in the most fasbioiuml st>i. RATIS AN»>caps POR TEMILLION. Fer MVaadff« W'tý (heu, ,pgre us a À large lot of Tees and Tobaccpý,y L gp£Jjty. CË land sCG firagBuIres Miltoe, April 2Itb, 1988. BEWS .& HALÔRO, fruwuaraamcd epbi .cey ia by GREAT CLEARING SALE .1ev, prbasg Gooda, AT TUSE CONSISTIN O0F ,h u.. BLACK WEST 0F ENGLAND BIIOA D CLO'JIS, Black Do. NMe%. Mach anti Blce Vacclisa, Cudamor, Moltoo Cletloi, (O7 ENGLAND) English, &otch and Canadian rweeds, RS&OllilacM ine cpaor 1843. Capital £100,000 Sig. Gotirato eFond, £M0,600 Sig. lit a quactity cf Ltcht Goe. a~~Metcire. Lnatrm. Apem Line, Gambreen, DIRCTIt -e.raoc-WllamMcAttnr, hq, DcpovyCoocAME"-Jeha nultto Twed; aice a lot rcf CbicdlFqThomac BAIai!, M- .Bcey aqKA.,ILD. ; Walter Griffith, taq. EojEe1ctcJ IqjetE~RF--Va cS et-ef Locnc ----f oeo ee rry, oq., ohn nerec, coq., JceocepM. rtcec q, MFa. 5 x - -- - CA PÉTAJ-Two sud a a hef lillioneF T'I'»eUt O8-*-78, King St;ccolý Torcaontoer ltheWe.Jcyan Bock Boom. J. Greg- £Y»T- AILY I oey GommaSAgent fur British North Aoorica Sterling. . am le f<fm.-Terecto. John Macdonal& E.q. o W&t MeMooter, M.La., Md h ratdFRTCA wZZU:m *iv3m ZZN. Jamis Mete&efe. Eq., M.P.. Hec. JohnbeaIte, KL. A. M. Saithit, ,R ad o 08k puh, edFISTCL FIRE DtiPARTIENI-'rdprrty ofet. WS& D.DI. MotrWa-T. Mc.nolBîy.co, Eq T JamesCloca, oq, Hoa. cm. oote eont dcer -tion t ted ý9alnot L(»& F Uel, S., Jamu AdantoMathrwoe, EAq.,elon TenmnoJr,En.*E T* or~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ araetF.ct drteat.eTe'STAR"ofe oe acarero the adraotgMof àwell-utaithodbmegodaoe r ,tti.emeet ofotlmF -atay h- fllv e rlictio Diviedc.<tPer Cent efprefittamoaetPoltoy-Beldcem Ee7hhormlfeatuecfI inCiaawt.bu ee.O.aweoN, omectnt awlth .eond maoaett. c ectertained b i..ccy. Tho PU teFFoy Flannelo. Wtecey Shicto é lt 'ae..mccWbit L-tocal.tiri e Oitcd wtbc thee c" STAR LITE ASSURANCE SOCIETY" asabu a. eo tcc=Prd , B-an m anmd CU«iatebe -,Etd =Mlrfrch a .ce te the Ene'la .It 'etera. regardethIdytcFtcr permenoeoand8toblay ..Ne etra harcteVeleotoca ertataltceuw ctecefrurlt L.lFI DEI1AIIT I' TcCapital 4 e h ifiI ara poucsotr o hï ie qlr 0. the large a nori Aeu1A rance Cee.. bedonnaomal wu hopeby givlcg tmlaa ged articeat aIo cîce, tiierebyl Gt.raoftei,, eOtetit. J. . i,3OTc'. th"m -hi e rtret ri ty te tto A miet. antilarge pr AetfrMlo an Ditc. lte te fOittpatIof Volley l Mr. PortemFo Mloecd ifi. Miltce, Api lut. 18M8 '.tp-teo.1 anti#%il ilre whc a e t , rlieChiot OGerenf te ctc.ay tena airual. ts fromt aoi cf thte Ag-nie,WILA P. LCX WORLAND %WATaItN h CO.WILA P. ILCX Getrerul Aot- fir Canada. * 1 T. 1, .IVIfZG8TOi. P. L B.. ^ &ITt FBEDIRrgCKOttILK ltoretary. FàIIJffI U1LULUiN & JKI1EL<'N MILTON AOENCY. J 1. WE..IJTT. Agent Hall juet reeired cen aewrtment cof Ifoctu za'a-DIL ATREbT'. Waoe , ~ - fatteolar i. th. 1 -tf ~~5 W r , - - - ~ UIW.~NAlec ce oeortmient cfth 13EGSfTO NsOUNCE TO H15 CELEB A rED RU[SSELL WAT%_tH bsv-inteAbo otal tm R EPT CONSTrA\'TJ,Y ON HNa~D. C O H EA P D RV !( merecLcl.Sreet. îMico, there ho WW AlIte Ont werrantel.and pecclolIy atteeded te. 'lite tst cf vrtaah te foued ee eady teotten o t e gaLe e Ca derete. Milto biachcMtm. 4 fUdN13lio L oî ',t.P. 51. PelKay' -ii Ar 7i;_h 85 . 4' b il e, efaop t, 188. 48 if A R D WV A R E , I Je B. WII1,LIOTI r EJILLN.Ois, Groceries and Ma. recalvotianddclu-cGcolofoee.Jout *0 MKEDICAL HALL. XILTO, lis. Aiftu I»mm itit'iog& 09O jDQ TS AND 8H a h, mrmm cic WALL P.&PBR, l SaFtptr ut patteau, md oeule4htcg "up ertepjcf qualfty ALiRGE LOT OF 1VID0lV SIADES VERT CHBÂP. FRESII G.-RDEN SEEDS1 8cf~ uteetveattaMEICALMAI lte atoe h avereeo pdrewad ftom téaie tcaoacd mp t. diendeti upc.m huv. cat tre toece J. BASTEDO, BTTKI AFERPORIER. 'euttemente 811k and Peit Bats ]DrenedL UJAIIA AND ff'IAW ATS (lINE> M 8.10 ai-ra u olcea fea t Ae f l o hditi hBrusiies IBrumbes I <lt.Hl.Tcl, Sa eo M d Regs o Semene ine rnerfi t-ne #bt ha hA teP@ccPed te attend te tem vte ehgeo a. tever. Hovicg macced the orvicec ef Acdpctiu a SIEAM EYtINE o dTUBULAR BOI.FR. Le pan attend tee tepy qu.ccitp cfworit. and ccc guara ee ilt' e ho dae i-.the veeiy bot c pIe. CUSTOU WORK PIO MPTLY At iSY2'DED TO. LOGAN McCANIN. Mlton, e.Juce 1 t, 1568-2-tf L-OTHIIV6, LASS, wreto e e ld ep. titteit.awd8ecus., Nea"ttmoko, ce at te noet a eciiceo f BEWS & RH£aL STOCKJ F%OODS, ?AINTS, 1Crockery, IOES, CZlV 9-40 ic~rup byfaodinabu léra li tnte Pcemi.tt, 1868. SOD I FOUNTAIN. 1868S. -W. D. & ýRe A. LYO-N'Sc Retorne henit f -r itet fnvcran ad tmteanon. ahi u s relfriocti,. milieu, April IIth, 1868& 42-tf that bis liOiA FOUNTAXNIt'owig rueeit.g t-rtioe, anti that bis ItE ___________________________ M IANS are a aie ver. nei»iil,0.tRv lahùag »eil-fio r l e mufftýv ROB ORT HAW THORN, bi n me-vma t m nmI o t n i u<t lon te toc o o ee friec. tdtg C a jndi"e &A. Peoicef. Pie-nieg.. qtrem., WeddiePtir tjemt , ce- pl d aiti .evvrmuticire in te Uaeetierlne. on the -berteet ncelle..Fie vili eppeot ncee tin AleCclki n if ho i li l aite bic smal roule vitit bls omevpece vitit Bread. c'nrectimeee. &c. blaie Street,. Milice, Juce 15th, 18M. 2-tf Hoocy ! Honey ! WALL PAPER Fer mae&tbmap, vbcleacle sud reuiait a Wieidev Shpdec nt 5 mt a rail at STANItIrt & BEATYS, STANDISEU& BEATY'S. Gergtevc. Georgetown. lblomde anti Retail- Oranges! Letrions !TT T T T T T T T T Kept occtantJy on band and for amde- cha at Olawlie àBety are eoed Ibrougi BTAISHI& BEATYSc Gremorglne the Ccupiy for thon, '. 5C.l1 and b7' WbelaV.d litetil. the 60 oeut T. Wbelesaie aed retl. ImmKx X 13V'« iq m BW oteo momm tat in otliu t te b CXNSIVE ILIifsmYINU & WIUoN 1IKING BUSINESS nie hma attict9tha0etthe Imuiuu.et Jirot-CIaoe Dugglem, Carrlagetaiful dnerlptions, fSNenLu lA"DOUILE BUGGIESt ARKEET WAGONS, emb»feter.ti fm the nMm ecteepela R. HAWTHORN. GIEORQETOW N, BARCLAY &MCLjEOI) TLe ceherritersEhning coccludeol te reeh off tLe Lohne rdet Sir SPRING & SUMMER STOCK, Have rdcee teir pnoeoe inter ininsteil Legs than haf the original ceit of the c- fi Thun pneeeeieg c. leducemecet te the tubbue rerely if ee effereti belicaà ettlch astmct b.d tee a oti- cî cre oe stocktoot ecece ted at ai tirst corne lire- ocrven. lite tedlo ctg ccc a lentofethI e doed Prices: Splendid Dress, Extr-a Fie do 'StyIitsb Gr-enadine poplit Dreisses, $1 00 1 50 2 00 4 50 Piints 7 cents per yard. Fact0iry Cotton, 7 cents per yardl. Fancy Preiss G<x>ls, 5 cents per yard. Printed Mus]ln4, 8 cents per yard. Bonnetsy, Rats, Mantles, and ail Miliicr, balf pic B. & MeL leeving rcfehcced cl thoir Ocntn tceWml e theremfot ffrit frai 7 eci. e.b B etc. rer lb. cm e-!bi t -, oeil thernentet ciM m trr bt't h n .ccried vip ne.cd l give tiseSr cttettnmer the' benoît. le faret'UIo*' Ihet C-ie Ici dnne cvi hoe omitted to mtett ibmSul, c cueeom ttcbel]mg reme ed and qejincof. BAROLAY &MOLEOD. Geergetdvne o9sb, Ifell. f ".aau ni STOVE A.ND1 lvw ioxnan PLOI1QjGU OU Tac eu rlplcaeber el toanca oté-tzn f11tcàdlIlfIW Store O)pposite the Englisb Churceh, Main Street Ila Wtrro te eilîl tep oant Oit hnacn ,hesry ctnPt Of COOKIMO ANGD PARLOR ATOVE@ 0F. THE LATEFT IUD> Nor IM'PROVED PATTERNS,, 8TOVE.PIPING &C-, Mie taonalartutaoccegice mitehbie fi - O FE cnd PLOCOR toalceel Wtoro hy tocptcg chilleti ecetten, anti t e ry 4n9t bf 8tct h. tc mut te mUt mrtoUcchvap acd gce onasanyiite Cceety. Be btac ai.eonItand teCEL Db PATENT IBO.. HKATEB, ollh a atutic ef Fiat Ircns. lcHeecalgf clut Thiet ho. viiI l for Ile titlcr! mtice ni terabytsp bac t tct10~ are mol i q ttc aclgttertcet. Farera oititicoweil te tait acteie bo betcrr e- umencolcet efr (al mort, Tory are mue r icoesud ewlef omawSlf are cf-tth e ngmode]. - North's]Patent Pmx)l Hater,. Coctaetiy on baed. Tht@ eelebtteatd Dean.mt, ce nerti or aOr flie n' in ttc v eltef e Stitec, mterm Iftae.hee îtrprcte"rieoflticiera Aàce&Ot s oo Savn bth Ic el, sud aican*p tcue-miert OerttlemecfrcmEngtcconG.WR.; A.arniupttotOtWb 1trp John htreet anti Kie i otIcîoîi lo h. IS mfO 0*erlt Z. PLItb01, oe ectcttcer. and matty ethere. Tbee oë atr tm li an e targrpt. cdr. If octamictaffory. ~ec< N L.-ZWtIettapp"ftu ofe lI tis s actieponateîp at 1c rote&- Mfilton, Ototer 2, 1847. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GIVEN FOR W0010 JOHN NEWTON. -JAýMESM'GUFFiNl. frit S umnieî'Suit, $4 00 Tweed do 6 01 Find Tweed do 10 01 B3lack (;Iuîh, $10 tu 30 00f e tehie Ito . 1 mente tOge * Adloer ~aly or gaditrîdeal anti matieogn- cmiier of This NMr .erdiaary _.Ad aoeh ih ttoatgaie ridalt mec for .Sale. &Il ttter ho pet-te" tatea frm deyaetfart Ttit:e ter atisctcd te. *tdy Dr. D. ROti Store, XMcm 0. Tcc Sast lIe. N Ribe G. Milton. 1b TIOS. %1ineîlireet Otoher I :Itbi, heu' iLiqut Upien hoe, J. S. W cOr. Office Cltercea Gradeate .t) OrrîICe oAsc R piet JOHN Ifarvors ht-g " edtoteppi xxoe MdutS Ic>cacîe, T. yocg, Jant until r- M ?FItLAGe a~UIL 1