aiebI Bdspsjoried Id. ou te aa "ne l b aug4. aTb qu~ai -"% '4 . l Iaahitai assulycebedî Xi douaâe 'blàaa.k licv be m ~su o"Sets t liê gpa.w Is*t.c P4s a5sit " agî arm. goaL mu o îO bi aea dem, c aCicr. 1'eue.h09 )facehie c W I Vrî'ciag. "eW b6S litt' tee. Damsatja ge soue1.Os M bmra la à» mse mdeasim o " 1' batm Siela W8 ide tiown lea. idàymns1bs utba ei hg i i. aiiuitb ir ruliDeC sbMovdaeu. egl, dt hq Thse Bouas et Lords- .:ALL pemgosindehted tto , oauset proricous toets Fias jmiell ugulImittsyeýtlcmi ut fapopuler dittis breon it tte Iolti 0Éf A " , t ext, Mdecl. of the Housercf Lardesviit bult ot aller thul date. timear tote cIrith Ciurrit quetion, PLEW-IS &WAuC'UP. emmitteprodareâo imporlatn. Milet,, JIly 22ud, 18oue 7-cd ,:w -Te London lailv Nrcrinaya Iers ig he uesiotion.,t Wiat vili te lerd r, 'a'ag1îcu vqy te te cid nquimy, %Salle Ja q i, * ' U 6dnc vjtit te Lords? iwmsmoadv'ancd Frttch paliers, in COUSTY 0F IIALTON, Bp vîrtna ieuingou te iate l*seiess ver T T(ef To .,fmtthe Aaetsr Nrcfimal ceclis it, IVritsofetFîccî FAcits is me direcied l e iiiyisg taI s few more ateamach t ecdt and 1ecents of uic wil holieikeiy te brine lita Upper 4ILLIl A'ARGIL je ite ctder- gnteu itenf isereins discuion- aenîieeed ecîta. IenteC. C. of the bdlit ortsjnlyitas bsrvably irriaed Cocale of Heiten. lIo opinion and deteminalian on John Dewrar te y'meesge, Pfeicfijl; imtad pint, tan ll IItempemed V ,hoipff mte te populcr 1111 in a a4ateie meneures tiotl avite bren Wcdinm uCsrgill, Defendoant. t fersard by a body of men made 'e jiadB MmiePliciff ;j'sytoupient te icgtsitcto merciy RcadB-orsn buas s hir reme.anceclorc verxVS mmioidicrpradentummr. These William Cargiil, Defeudatil. mu, bmortepeor,Iorda hy ite as- iihavesericeti and Itaes la eurction idmie of a astdi" utas te bld thte liwtg lînnd d ttiteremneci, vit Tkfeenutl cdthe Duke cfTrite North'eustt ialf ef Lot nuSober of s. c le .ci bas lven. in tae fret tConcession f te o"eaime inj.inuig Englanti- tOwnrhip cf Natetguwept. etýtejaiof -BIcu ,fj ~t syon a d ubl tbaOse. HuctimetiActes-mon or loto. itinî stua bobal prt fa rre, Whicit urepet. cmrte juterett cf te it i.t àý,s âebutpar ofaracletaid William CargillvI il effet fo)rsale tlSod t bue, in the veina of ita etd- et uy oice in Miltn, ou &Iv MOI-risme s. WeIicstir,20i da of MayA. D. 1868 dEAlriStrw. îîbaiuefî,o'cf~k the mafier- &mu ou ashbahem I t e trou ble cf 0. CRAWFORD McINDSEY, Sheriff Co. Halte,. M gaor bad te, 0ttefe ebrlfrs Offic, Milton, Feit. 17, 186 Mfr. Francis Hiacheislete ho' 371t _jbW-fro ite Wes IndiesaOd made- aere.rlofte Dcminion cf Theo ahovo sale ix ffAà It iardly passible IbsItte jd a _e tuierites rould lho gujiy cf oZIr3.NCL e .MàIhder. Wbcn Mr. inchivain O tul bdaefr, lhevwu aiaysàartmisncWONESBAY, THE 3M OF JUNE, 18M8 iflb bhâterunt type, and qould noe Iss1tlrngdlanHavasabotlen*imtg Atl'I eeeheuritand place, tetchbo Ogiuty bccauae o liaith vra culut ld under sitd by cuce or a Weitîof &4uptaon as a poIltiIs, id& ai h all itéini ExujtsiandiFiere Fucial; "bad fotun e i.getl anImperial esidu% - tmual. Hiasaccoaeltera tlied . CRAWFORD McKINDSEY, eau oby anymileusonaumh ai te vau- Sberiff, LCs. Matou, P u m ipricg Id a mo re rtp"ble brifa office, Milton, lisp 290,i868. jkSo. Hi bu frequenliy bien ins t e>bis lvithlsadjig m, 101h tîemo.- ~ £~ORORitOeim l onit. Ho. Titi aboiesaile ce fortitre sujeausd'&o euugersw w&U uuil b. lin dm, Ibm - iM f urepo&àd gbstuegl.. Wb" à a le thaeg1, toc, il vouklieb.te Situdal, 1bhdal f ,4 I81 ln~her si oceme-or Ora nenlrof il i OnWTruàjâbes. n At he'amne hcr andi pince. 'lb atm inotime alwav eioa hm n_ GCRAWFORD McKiuNDSEY,1 Coleminjtaaaabiai. t shitmf, Co. lStut. huleovor toeaiq. WC pmegtî , - 2.1 «ilOdhavm Mr. 8" ra w R l oblil àý,tar ad J(2j't The cbovo saiele 0.,c dn e. fni,20à day of July,ÂA.D. 186, .e~~lMAR gTS~""""AItlthe acte heur and pace. G. CRAWFORD MRcINDSEY. -J*i 14 1869 Sheri Ce. Etiec. ...81 do t. JO 5ileril Alii Milon. uy , 1 ....0.75 u, Ttm0.75eît - PIO Ap- hri1e Si l. se où 4,Pck purîca'ri .5 6 10 To ...... ..... 0.16 ît-020 Ncedy,&rddogof egAuputAD. 1868,v -FlouOl ~lsr . 4 -0 te 6.59 AI îbc asene hourusti placee. 9 h.1 AMILTOygMA'IIKITS. G.CRAWîFORD McKINDEBT SbeTiff Cn. galien. f *.. HAXMILTOSIJoly 14, 1868. SheitroOffice, ltit.)ly. 1808. 7 cdP .1.l1.47 ret ... .O t 800A ceranae berby autoed flofIsnmaeby me b iutepb Oic.P .OMO 0te 0.86 sam ,of ?slauc, sr bosver, for 05, on t ........ 0 0 te .62 or ibou the 3u.l reitlet, dcecl. -o. - p« ..pi ..b.. 11 0vsmbr nmt,ss a i ae xaceed nc valise .10 O t, uoo*t the 'ue. 7.001.eOCO9.00 ALXOIE PTEO. 4M 06.650 ZIniemia, Jane 29, 186&. 441 ........... 0_1 e0.20 O. i,.. . â8Mie inbthe "Champion." i IF Ertiisla the t]ca@itopt in Georgotown, 241h Jtue, 1eeo. 1lc Or Eseqong,ihave jettteeotheutpatent rigitl toll Iatproed Pateut f 7ay & Straw Elevator, Fer lte COJNTY 0F HALTO'N. PRICE FOR COIIPLETE RIO 89-00 Thie to th e ,y istemi ttpeevemast inu Eay Eleiat.ra t, t l epatoeutetlosnlthe Tti Jant u.'usto."F ohoupuoee and officienos il cot betititu Ul"t a lcd oet in ta4 Butter & Iggs r %ected- uty' qrtty of Etutter &-Egg- u t KSTAN DISH & SEAt 1"S. Georgetoten. WhokleautsI Ieteai ItVnh nw nadyor MIL0o j,ý t, oNdlif w4gOf 11,kFreu% Vi nimemt. may raid on Canads ()Nilw robably i - -T E E mss d liS IIW in ly Theo 1 # Mý' i oodolevied on te brothebood ; jth ml.O * aE FACTOBV zzý 4fihén u" acO15 Y lbé acbmàtlbho IIOgdto 'no1 Vin km'w uhal ite bas 1 roly. Pu. - Publc Ibat bo i prrpa e tenîite &Il kiadméof wock tn ieIli.. tltebet adlts go dfthatmoney'ooe sin lowljylea"u la a woehnalke miNieL - Alalus terèis lmoq by pic sienandmd id rivt The ffasesho »ui epirtMe1èt Ob Misad teaneOI tem 10 itold a Wllloender thebeaieatdeBie of the 275k 1ns. 1This shows.UK.o K ~ U ~ k ~i~Bfone of te aie. cwf WO'Nea newimeiu' ibm h oshmfiund hiuco.l*lsv noujs itse cotributs gle o 1,eFnia« rsidnt tere,ON 0F HE ISTS O R NCA D. à, Me peoscribod lime. No vaste cf O I FT EB Î HE1,1 IIAA mouaecita marked tse profligacios aù.is Moft munelieln uoedlweg . tC f rS eaU * O'Nffls ction. What mcney ta ]rv I C« 'tl»m:cz c ý3Lot i.1ja sf091 on organisation. Thone OrgitoOS Who Waul rts uKSaihbeu ààèýt e itiesfor ov .,M =%Ieen bsn 105 .boctf i, hs*.edodent ~' udeee. ~~,avInS tuitieto*0a lcen Il~ekdo,. by& mis pud, in sddillon 10 amnmadaalary. à o~iildoue on an oronmi- . jowmle ,oitld eam. In te begin 'Yin li dJiné, althimnjelthe.____________________ = zlonylcuaddollars; est selyformdle nm out cf whirh jo Ob a ar budget, Sincethen col- SR Y0 W bijm ave bren going on, mud en aW sc - 0 . IIIJGII M KA Y » ismder3elexpenditurs Ocu N=StcaTed fratuthe ubarlbr about O'Neilhere bis poeesctabljabintmrnl , 3 weehi ago, A YOUNG MILCE se a ihoutand dollars a wme,.f ~ltaI; MCO@.ew'ifwhite oith cRone ced haires Gýx1,Goera 0 p 8 o nec an beal, ith short s hrîmudittcciWit*tn,( ~ pcsocngîvîng hnformation as Ti i jmndet; and if ho gain nol ' tu be eabouetoil te suitabty reard.. l" u àhero in lfttcJnyhominem, hoVtIII IIdB NT imal psmbly chIain applaiter among iA YN - m*pwda dmirrs or treeti Mlon . 2d,88. y Wayi 60adminstration cf Thoa f-, ~ ________- MAIN STREET, mm.-Toronto Te&gmepIh SLVYR. SILVER. (.ý\L.ET 0OLGANS, ,TmaE «GEiNius oir GIER~ reat Incrncements for 1868.ý .41Met.gMetc egn<jeve. . 4 14.e f if Oce~ri EI .P.,o HF , E'ubhcrite Itinkte fgretu- Wca,vc'.*MPt.o . 1 1r -c.r;. t t= gheooy oooottldoe fre aiu.eaotdoe aeal t peotel atention toitbis ,uteed failitiet recct.t0..a'co.p 3'tCf-lGKice ATRDTi, g Anueea rou,(of London, 5101 VAL OC A TAirE FOR Toc BEUTIFUL. outt*ttIo ad Pojot, t (of C l20ut), Th« .c.t f Chi .<. ANMtcP Cc-dt, roPltut at itt) '42t1.MOeud IZ.NTPttt (eOTItE tONÀNCR5. t h. ut .Iol Iteteut .pt-d Ite$tu.orf tVIELO0D EOXS f REP2D 0R6.4NYS, Arut. LADIIZ othafOURT o ROYAL socle. Th. 9otou . N. THE ELMPAINT 'LALA ROOKH," (leepor thet thiooan brnipplid ly ay tadt20 yoarî-upeivnce titMetodeoau of ttttt ottc tu etit ooefidtne ote- tottotetAodre Broathue bettomtde iiiCan,fuorc-weettof tone, duithtii ty cund fireol-bt Itouiltinoeso' of Boff- ale, ho profeorot, ie. ouaupply thot boauc' tifoliuntrumets bt9por tituu1ritaite in.- divtduatt ca golthtb, sutiteimportthrnt direut freut ýlthehtftCHuriaf donc avery large butooouin àle!odeon and Or- gutotdtrig thte pntiyoar, httc eueteit pleaue rc tfer partu es hing (0 peochute freti, tnte htudrrdc tho bave itoughi front him durieg lte pust te-o poaru. IIII- e il; aiuAgent for 'uanoortae. 111- tOttECKIM »le IARMTS*TUAPPINO ut-dlatrieS en s ttrated Catalogueofuratthed free ef charge is. ak thltojtCiiC HEl0'i IUOBEAST D.-N, TH-15W51OPEN TO TUEPULIC. PROF.'0Eeory iustoument luliy warrauted, WHIEcra.atOc orf Li NII tht PlID-à andcd dotiveerd freo. 1LABOOTAchLaet at euh.IL TBAOTH0F ir NEHmUSESADAM FEIUSON, Tht WA 0 CIIOiE th.,VKfEOBttte ,O ai MoqttO a.nd .titfte ilm"eJoo51 68. 2-6m Bkittt ee tho Atori ajels. Th. A' o eeresACC i 10 TueN arti hapnst te ateenf h.aathlihitt ttABL mutt h btttuercat', for etI Ttmit.s ltut 140 Nboettectcaf QUA autD Otacbcaud ZeU.a VIý ..,pmsutWori. TIE o Ta AL, 'ho use elagtoaouace flintf&hut Baskets! Baskets îamflI oBnoI2 0f -Thé na..t, e h Aruitetta sit co Titastit* publie oftb. Iouglit a large lot of Bosket foc r eriea e.tie it e y. cash sucb us Seitool, Niairiet. t.totht cuti c. .JAMAES L Ti4AVI. "cI rom-bt a CIre,, - Yfrti Ba brete, l'rrte che.p t btecwte von ÉrItcoa e teladsie. a IncihI etps STAND attao abaaeatstt!thseaettImpartilJetena.m ps n' ST N 'E&BATY'S. Georgetowtn, tc s.cea1hstsssu ctt O 'holeualc and Retuil. . W ~. M t r inec.e u is _________________ aatt 1-1 EYEAIlLE , len 0 hie c.iPuy L X EI .,WONOEL, k ds eHRdO EE Rero Nu &-nail Cart m= 'c.~at And huatidt heeitecttme Garde, Seedo. Cabtige Seed by th,.th*te 0pi ut CARLaa.CA of 1s thuAai8ci5 Firgt (1(188 Rig s STANDISH & BATY'S, Gergtownc, tiHuNO ee.rhtaiil t toeartllsD'mi". WbociealeSnd eai u M PIC K"1.2 Tops. Tops. easýtahtu.Woftirimu j PED. *ENTZ, aà d , tets pttua 'For,. Marbîe, Puzzles, Ittiua Hubier MiNtO e D]COO tà etti 0.V B.Ta nt 1 ETYGoft the .OBRIn tUL M bw t5t a h acta a _Antiepeud ce geet i eut 'e"-' l Georget w oaeb ka tut à tu E S~ 3L IIt FRNE .a t Or a Co t. s.i .. o ing*s a I 1h, pto M olrse'oarbi. a SRBE HRsE sc yar eliett at alt tecttt acstuei touterhekW- tsu.t cf .'ha- LAW, acLe stae of a r r te pecep t tai, 10 Imittesetoa18h6S.cterto, .PuIRy tet, i six ea. s 4it], 5iveinti" .ctteel t"ttahma a white bind legsYa eg Lespt onfbis ltti eaietaRutd- MRS-ot b . WINSa W W'S toi th, bûtid-Ci ttpoatt io _B S thercty ftttthe pain e l e of tenu utiu - - - - - itiyrfeilt areedtctog CAS W ITE te ION419,wM xiibt f; p m-ardt ie NS TRzylUCTONSoan Ccodic -fctiogLà,eaoctr wiOion n, eai SutFre te Regtuflite eRoeeelc. t COLLECTION 0V W D BEAST8, - - __ aid ,t.eceritahthe Dtse tet, g., gi, a. d: %ened upmn t. nîtbecoit'wellgive e' ,aimy misi» «Y ZABTl ta yourceites, asd - te cI risc E idsove Toi Moocrucae. ta'in Toroto .îevefofor mue,aceory drute. truth of it relia otornb:bwi-,Ym"h h otel a iL 2ad2,i h ocyefayothcm ,tcdîcîne-nevor ,li "' tctù 5 .aa ttet. io0l Conce,1ioa, Notith of fuda Stret, in ilfald ue i l -~ Th. ceai h aet s it hea.O hnet iTo'uhip ef 1Tfàgee. uit"ug bv ud' ure tehe e e n~tetd atCI= ilhot4ets-llcctea tthée ,7 etiutsOtl tsem of itaiti, of irooltit cur. wen i yil r dd'vfqualitlp. Thec ojuwtlifreodvalmrnhe, knîsocauite ancee oldieretiofaetiottbiit' '*XT.~2Ç" tl bas-ronlta'plo int ad a gtotd euiof tiup sue vite taed il. ou lte cectreirt nehlgT"tthZ- veo'rtudeer.r1111 11Agi-tlto teoctig-eoatrt.Ct uet h ail cr0 de iglittot titit iteperotiion. i an Zmc.TuTttlL.TM6cAReA- 'elim. e. .fýtolttetIt uieter dbtittg te $P-kin terrats of cootctendalien of' i!'tVAN flt etaItha Oua*.. Tho 05005 .Oth tol toir 19 , - 2 oVýre' i1f the eateciy ore m.atgalopt p and medlcal vimtoe s~aeteuletttietW f Ttter oTtt i.ltiu. Abtait sMei,' -in ehie utit WÉAov vo cIl 'A s8DuLmi pIràMUk *, f tho Iciii eared od the other pas-I sin KNOW." ofiecr'i r Aexperbeoe. ai bowl to adstiaete hdocty ef h, 10tuint Elé is 'ter. 'i'heweooti ou titepremiii ouit ati itictgeosur rt'patetiee for the fiil, IttU 1 "' sct -rt 1d, it. wtuld oely oeqie ipy fortte ltprop- et teitw-itere deciare. -In tilt. Iiiita -yrou .s.atrct-rtte,...p. . tet',.os-u'a oeptoINeuoucl b j. Ofipen or twenty millutlil. nt ,pt lt u'c ic etluilseret. TWt PEJORMANCE.ArEttOON A»Nti IOc. PruE dimctcefo l'or sclg iij i accont List of I1 ette~rs pea eei twic. peti lmeta the facotetile of CURTIg&"PEIiKNS 40 tIlN - -- iihî.li j1EMMNIN in lte Post 086oe,, a Mitlto, New aotk, iV the outSrB.ell Atamice rutuetîl Eju »____ TSBricet Johna- MaKes Jo .wd *1 Urueon Aetu Mceiu Joitn Fitiri<.el2O 1aaPi' ~f c ]Look out for the Procest'on utioiJ"a'Oe L8.Ms 215 Fclton Street, Newe Yorkt, trpauttntr ic làng9it, Sttgnies Ormitdoui nWvbtetsMs 205 Ijigit olborn, Londen, Esgland any Pubieiemensatutn cttcarîrdtithb era0111me .igiîcgfrte i,ve lelteO*111 41 Si. PauniStreet MitoutVeal, Canada. PesPle. pleauo natiey ui udveeelisd. 20 m iilten, Jtlp 101h, nes8. c.2in W. f. LYON, Poslmairter. M-1, _. ý Friday, 3uIy 4 SIRE uinTILIEi 1aturday, Iuly 25. I ~-REATOIMOUS- TRAME A~KAZ JAINES L TiIAYERMaq MMED DE W OI"0 Agent for R. OLIVR P.MYKE, - teire, f P.htiuti. ~qOT C~.Tie oIunstet ae f The M f ...e. .t. M eScee . . ...o- A t th. ProvcioaExhit ,c.Mdhy b, htt.AIPLYPOOTII~catd=;i . o su dc .ho 11 detpctht tJ..c UNEXIAUT5 gq -He ta Aget u l c xsIo aC c h**S1ANOARD SHOW."~.a.e h OON'T TAtI. TO iRE THE GPROWIPRCSSION! COOOII.01TET.l"_T-.I 1% SYÂIAUYWON T.E F!5t0 J O117-CLO .1GL1KI 11IE -,Tt m dNOAN. EAOCULtiK C. taon= or i ImXm MDAMS. I ATS0 D=r.»tOItB4TT. tWH CAR 0F A.UROnA, IMUSLINS, MJLLINEI{Y, MANT LES, &C., &e NOW tMIING ON AT TE *C ~E A RKN &UMLE 7 0CR LSTOCK 0F SEIO!IER GOO«DS maltou, Jtty 8, 1868i 3 The "Sîinger" mand iithe dgwe"' SICWING WtfaLELIE, Ilfeadowv le, Sella cheespet tan iaboroaie. t Wo4rrotudhic tc.$petitat lie ta PUap~pg -ALE. P' ce.t~aSiriýip Artiti,' et Lowest PkdsIni Town. 50 CENTT-EA 9l on band at BOO TS ANM10IIES, 11000 PAIR f To pick fccu, frusuthje Cciaen,&ec Stoga or lBr;ga 0 tt e rit. Ladies' KM . Boots 1 Ladies' Prunella ecôta $lîîete S2perpir, Mes'sCcbec, 19, l50 t1082,Mparcair And an immense acacrtmccl afBtiya, Oirla, and infnteui hocs, at 0. SXITH'S. Molassç-s and Golden Syrupi1 Alffo, WHITE LEAD ad IINSEEZOIOL, Mtlîrd and Rate. PwffIs. aitout ta Pat tihcc Route, isdold ai O. SMITR'S. SCYTHTE -STONES. DIJNG FOinKS, RNAT 1i8 BAirLR; FORKS, SHOVKJS, P(ES, GARDEN RAKES, &C. UR&KIIRRY & G1ASSWIIN Il gcent uartty, sud eaper ltai eear at Q . SUITHIS. 13, If ucy perces suhe o u ochere la the clitc ptulaete itît tly cf lhesabove gouda, Sater themicuty G. SiUITES. iltton,, Jeace 241h, 1868. 3-tf TnEete Sale cf Bacnkcpt Stock by T. C, Watklce, ai lte Rigiti Houe, James Streec, Hailcton, la now sanc. ceetiod by a grent scie cf îtcwly import- ed Gocds, ultich wulli bc ecuîaued aet fttbcloutly low pricro during the Spring aud Su.mccr; authbeStock euSprbs oin Europe by Mcr. J. 4. . alk, etotpricera ero St the lcvebt pcint, ccd ted be .cid lever dieu tb ieprerent wholeeule prions cffs$tailr rade. He uaigt purchn.fed a largoell fCai&a. ' dtue (ail vool) Suner Tweeds, for ecai, nt 25 par cent. bablte manin. facturer% priors, eltirh it vii'hoold ei Stve Yorktshillinga, ciîbcugb VIî vot neeu. taîýiy cf cItar &Il vrai Cana. dian Tweeds, tou50 ceetit p. Ucion ToceedL-, for boyle' end ulonapaute, tram 17 cent@. lGond Gaeabroos aram à Yeck ashillng. At. iamlçqoi ck cf Bocra,.ta end Flitti,fotilrdie eand hep., front 25 canls 'ujt. Trlm;qed do., tory eue. Sit, Mette,, IliscitBcoad- alotit, and Wiaepf Nanele, for nis-. se ad ledies. fret, amueTarkt aiillinge * p. lly'aPrtiS, àorkce- shilling; ter Preta. Ocents. God edScy (ot- l uots from 7i cnts,'onci White Shirt. iuaga, fre. anc Ontu.-e S5uiesttS4rtinoirj fren i n 1 sta. DeLamnes ",0*ls IC 'Ongcand Lp0msteosftoà 'àYods aitiieG ocd," Den- .m, frcma Yorka&Wilieg, .1Feuis and *Overebîrts forc en d boyà,' cf tita tante, at 50 coelt. Ilemp Carpets, 17 ceats. Gced Tvs.ply de., ftot 50 cets ;Tpt-ctcy cnd Bru"ai, tory thipq. Fluer Oil Clottatit.frcvSe Yack siltlinga. Curtaientid TableDaeuko, vary 1ev. Grey, Witet, Sud'Siarlet Fiunarla, frottn 25 asite. Butet Bib. tees, traeou entt. Foty-lteltBac- giag. a Yorkt shillng. IoHeMnSMdBas. nets triiunad, ati Mai,lef ail kina mande inte mont famhitsWoabstyles, and et thte tory loenrt rMt$@.À arhge lot cf SîlIs, ,Waterpmosf Met- Ioan Blackt Broad e lothosbafor Meatirs , i scd, Rpiarroury le. prî- ea. Ailats un moes eStock of Dru Gends eery cicap. T. C.WATKNS Maly 12th, 1868. 49-3m * ini le~>m. a ..pply a lit Stalutea 'Ibr thse Domitalan of CanaLda, PtE4 l for W7, And UMtAi hie euae ual readyfauilry MY OFFICE I.N MILOx. ff ioo~ 00- ilIIIams' Double-Thrcad, wth G .1 BAS- pb r~u3I{~ staad - -- G T.ASEM Greve r & Baker's loeagLuI " 42, terjo of Me a. ce, Co, liutfts. amo9o - a 412 , j51y7 lt, las&. , 1.41 ILay.nd'sFARM F*OR SALE. Orgens, e. Aisec, Puce. s1pd Rand luttru. g10A re mettnt.. ToCtur lewsadt eClrgyiipee Th e Put iL4Nêx1. .1 dCtmesmiu CorS dimrîact, oteeren tten. 1-Toaeubp of' N = O cfy mo 03" ihines anustweumaetm warrant- sehiaus t"Md S&niel u ul rd a d d ivoec saiFm or eus .. Ocuitos uh Pieu Prsuner ncentei1r (b. ot ?RUSTOfi, saa. Aeb toTA-NLISil& 4e .I3iTï'd Georgetowtn, Ithestan ad Drcrgt..Dyeatiga,âeedsta . A3 5eITPrE %viiol o le aet-ietail. Sinry39 ieteel. M .2 e ; S. Williams' VýebratedKelodeons anid Victoria Organs. for the put Fiffeeu Tedri laitesa&lHlte EIGREST PRIZES tioua. Twenty arcctucarttcutoweeity, andyetite iotunable to on pec cetdiecouat tb Churchetsuad thte Ctccîy.,intcumenca de.ltveed free of charge. Pmo es .1appcoed nmbkerS ai BSa! noansets; nis1, foc Pianet--ali waccated.1 e 1865.5-3m U~ JU.LY -SALIE! 0F GRENADINES, BAREGES, i Mmim OTU