- . tinctionla Esqeubg orWhelan-West of England. Brick was hisefat that Father McMahOn ýmortar, and the roek t li Th -- r.~~~ ~ ~~ET.EuaonnEsusn.rlewabeoetecto-y. He was in the penitentiary. I did not 'aseentstoathle gtes f te te e h m in ýe O auratepioe o" Stealing Boots, &o., froal Lewis Prud DA is-uwv btynadTHOMAS D'ARcy &gGEE told O'Reillilie did't cars a d-n for thiik much ab.ut thi, conversation at most formidabe. igT 4®r 1111 130 banl ReMoved to the 1ag and com-! Smith alias John Bottomaley, who, shDA rn- oin htyofa im. When bc was giving the namnes at the timie, but after Mr. MceGe's tkilled while defending the éI4s-" ped n# Msor. the Stoanet mforer, ymentioned in oureast, wai so elleery. anoforredrfelaepitr of the people in the gallery thant night murder it came to my mind and I re last. Our lPliss a ceIo 'a do t sar. *E h atrd ycntbeBrer wa The prisoner, at the conclusion of his est in the progrerie of edlucation in car FUR T HER EVIDE NCE. hie kept mine out. marked to Patrick Conway, "H1ow return to-morrow." - er extaide etaim .. former examination, waos obarged by L. land, and esipecially in our own conn- Do-That was very gond of hM. sôon Buckley's words came true i" tell-! -----e -- Thl e flmnd ofT.-G.mte.o, aritebrugtbeor ev Wlon Scat Prudham, a shoe-deaer in Oshawa, t fHloadhvn a pot-Imp)ortant Revelations.-Conversation A very long silence then ensuied. ing bhimwhat Bekley hadl said about PRI = à wlefadntha r- Center, J. B. Willmott and . BM. with robbing bisastore. Prisonierplead- nilties of attending several of the spring1 betwreen Whelan andDoyýle overhecard. Doyle called hbim, saying, 1 do not M. McGee; Coutiayfthen tld me tol . - ~~~Switzer, Efquires, in the Court Houe,1 examinations in the township of Esque. __ W1lhelan confesses his crimie and know what theyll do with mue. keep quiet or 1 might get intor trouble In thie Senate 21, .st * IC lld dl liÍ01. eor onierbe oy oupecad not guilty. sing, I bec thirough the medium of goisi t-vdneo eetire Whelan answered-You are ail right to ¬or Anderson the Lnn Pudham swornLost ome yu luns ,.to recorýd in a sentene O' r l and a monan amd Iexs.- nmy boy. They can do nothing to youGretNw rmAysnaGe"eral soid that tenders h a 1s; tors. ùt his stock on lst inst, about ten pair oftw, m eea impression of thle state Wh/elan betrays his dar-ing, reckles, They miay keep you a,*week or perhaps .cd for from varions lines fore * MIL TO.N. APRIL 30, 1868. Hel is very tll with a lighit stoop, boote, one hundred dollars in cash, nand of education in thlis township, in) the 81pirit. a fortnighit. Life is sweet ; I wish I inig of mails between HIalia ir*" hope tat what is encouragmng may wsa aea o.Wea adTI IGSFRRT ARE rt· S 1Grog FENIANS ---- 09g apparently About sixty, although one punch, and set for eyelet. These prompt trustees to persevere in a righit O wAjprl 14 they have traced me step by step everJ BY ASSAULT. ncdasgatehe from bis robust constitution his âge dits shown are what I ]ost. I rco3gnize the course, and that what is discouraging . . ince I came into thie country; every adjourned. th This society, which was alwaiys low lie n hmad isgayhire are booets as mine, two are odd ones, I have May warn othiera to avoid what sem, T a Iira oxtar ms bod higIhvedn he ae THEODORCS DEAD. Mir. Rose brought down few and far between. Hle appears to bie their mates in a carpet bag hiera. (W It-ormy appear to seemu temporary Caus., startl mg of ie many etariry "-traced it ; it ail camne out in the court' from thre Governor General a ," in publie estimation, by its recent devel- , es o failues. vations made im the assassination case. tody ht1'eil s -r;Itote o# Cta opments is sinking into deeper depths a man of great strength, and one, who, Dnss Compares them.) Prisoner came I need hiardly mention whant is gener o isetat they constitute, per. thuh1' an we unrcm ELAE O'TEcPIVSmtso hsms nOnS ful«n of degradaton, and th corruto i- icered, would mue a desperate to my shiop about 6 or 7 weeks ago, and ally admitted by all families w ithte' haps, thre only liink wanting te brin-, up, but I bore it like a man ; there was vice of the Dominion* ort aed maites it evident thait it is in ifs resistai ce. His features and figure asod me somte leather, hie tried to paso state of matters that Equesing lias for homore thre el.arge anmdeerDoyleth, Dot thre slightest sign on1me. TH PISO A . inr3th un,188.the i.Ad p yb fa ad lh 1 h years held a prominent place b-t, s opisnr a>Dyle---Ah, heal the last mari I ever o Fisheil rsndarM9î1 last thraces.,It is now ecarly proved t ""Ofs a ho some man, al Ough h off sheepbkmi dyed black as kip. The first-elass school accommodation and1 accomplice. The very firs time these: thoughit they'd bring up ; so hie will get mendingcres rsned a r9er4 tot that Fenianism plotted and planned thec restless down cart eye and the lowering desk, where the money was, was priediwell-qualified teachers, and thre mareb), two worthies happen to get anl opportu-I the reward ? 14,000 PRIsONERts, 28 LARGE GUNS, oeic n , hng ee Cý assassination of the most gifted son of brow give himn a repulsive ceast of court-1 open by a broad pointed instrument wu trust, will Still bie onwards.------ City of Con 'versation smece tiror confine- Wl-elan--He will, but hie evidence 10,000 SPEARS, ANDS8HIELDS TAKEN. waters. , r ohn A M il% that Erin of which they profess to be tenance. He was smartly dressed, clean and might have been rdone with this file. Forsilteiomfr improve ent.mnurderrushaelonceb ldly se p o amoutws tontid ng-allnheinow s od h ousel ODN pi 2,eean--leer that e thre liberators. D'Arcy McGee was shauven, and wore spectacles, whichhe Mr. Burger mwore that the boots recog- hDur,()ione opast eamost experie eededges his guilt, gloates over it in thre bt what s otandcoul ste M r LNDN Åri 0;eenng-he a.benp aedtoee.e brutally mnardered by a Fenian with the would look over when hie wanted to ex- nized ne his by Mr. Prudham were and thlorough teachers, such as Mîr. 1Most revolting terme, and exhiibits l, Al Idped po i -godjuy following intelligence was received from Uerg E artieroa Bar1e authority of the Society, and they ex. amine anything closely. The witness- found in prisoner's possession. Campbell, now of Milton, Mr. Laidlaw, together a depth of depravity Most pain- heansid-drngth ide h lbysia: br att ala, bet ee Langevin a Con n ion of the1, ulted when the deedl was done. es described thec party they suspected to This case was likewise sent to the late of N.o. 3, and Mr. Breckenridge, so1 fui to contempesbeenrmredta o above conversation occurred-John, the British troopt commnanded by Gen. Thre annonnement was recire - bc risonr, asbadly drsd w'tha si long the prineipal teacher in George. It may ]have nrmre htfr1you and me must quit tellhng about cru loud chees Shor II Again, where *ould we expect te find b rsnr s y rsew sie.town fschoil ; besides there are several 1some itiime past there have been bhis of what you know, You understand these leer Npierand elt eirAKysg in frsby Messrs. Holtoortsches w eed more Feninnism than in thant hot-bed of fortnighit's growth of beard and without othCiler good icachieri have left, and most cetainoadmissions which Whelan was b--rs might bie listening arounid. udrcmado hirKgi esn i ade r ,Cava .. crmiasAutalawer teloet speetacles. When Mr. Lyn, of Port Great Western Railway. of their successors, though somle of said to have b:en veriearTd malita DyeAl ih.The latter were debeatr Iankereaae arAie n ohirs ongra t tiSir a . Credit, wishied the prisoner t totk off __ them promise to do Weil Aftier a little Doyle. 4 he or g .ofte .ai asa There was a long silence and a talk unim ortant mi of thesowgereuentfrothirdcuntyand en 1 iecud W r lae a noic maexperience, being young. and only coin- follows : Doyle was confinedr] a ertinabout indifferent matters. Then wounedwm a 9 e reaa thonsa- a9 p hich fti csendred .tlad for their country's good. Accordingly, hsgass n tns tl ou W r lae oanuc rmamencing the profession, are as yet un. oeillin gaol, and one day when Whlan Doyl6 colled] to him andsasked- 1yfllwn , Mispeprtin hv itiu Bill eusecond edin8 wefid weth amd arel, fll sebis profile, prisonier at first refuised] perusal of the half yearly report o beflytoGitpae of herpr-was brought lback; ha was, plae nWa wdhs(le') orif n g been 00so ld, Gn. Napier ordt ater , nda 7 vd I8r t we fid a veteh om.dandredemanded- ' the authority for doing meeingof ashareholders of the aabove uldecessors, ireand ceit f iseitorb-elfearedin thataminWanotherd icellolcloseosby win anhed samenocorrli. i Maldrennddoe ?aanerassaninupon gda , a biQ iedged Fenian, sending a bullet into "I dmnddaD •e Cullen tist b eae ta n mthroel andoHess then. ow adciadl erdarieb torte provisions Of the Bill At 1 th. akotenbesio o rne soland when be found lhe must comply, railway, held at London, on the 8thl, somneinstances thee rools have suffere to ad o sit n near at hie andHssan Yu hea ad-he'e dilrgt Kiow n cTeorus wa slin.AIlastrge aproosd t brro o and whilena arrested red-banded in the hstepdfonwlqiensil. tatthe "De 'os'in a Most flourishing 1would by no means discourage youthful light noise attracted lWhelani's atten. Ihave your pension if you're kept. nmero wrirswreklldad o arnte£2006 i . act of slaughtering a youth who lhad He was chargced with stealing from condition, fthe management aillthat the 1talent fromn seeking to find scopielfor its tion, lhe called out - %VWh/s ;there ?'- Doylesaid - No ; theyll lose it, tnedanptarin pd snetrs nde on per centur yCe rS Atu6dper m.a never given him or lis accursed organ. Johnson Zimmerman, of Nelson, on thec Company could reasonably expect or1 exercise, for frou. this caiss; the ranks I o3le, recognizing bis vo;e rion he, Whelan-We are four married meen fthre Bitish foaned .nthe los o the crenforbis wg oud be-1lou izt__ nycueo olecth o.nght of 13th Ftbruary lest, one boy desire, the per cnag f running ex- teswr oeimedwthL nudbteeheuigwhhe- hla- rgthstreoror British int killed and wounded was 53.533t;l,$1$07,066; 3rd, ster, like Whelan, glories in his crime, osoecter n e ig ee penses are dimiminilcg, while the semni- very grat( advantage, aither things be. cording to thre evidence te t wowt-cidrn;Mupy a wo;yu aesmnal. All the British captives were andthncf0 wad;t h th, $214,7 andonl reret tht h di no su- ad to rbes anntual receipts from through traffic are ing equal, of not makling frequent echan. niesses, Whel 1madoe Admission to, two ; I]have none. found in he city ahiveand Well, antrtd o bu 2 r3 eatra cool ~~~~~~inecasing. Thmre is, however, a Smraillges, though amnother rMay Olten lbe got Doyle which nam utitoa Bconfession of Doyle said-Yo'rethe best of ern e ese s e, sen. per s in as the sinking fond i nrseai eedJohnson Zimmermgp swore fithatie falling off in thle local traffie. The l ' or a smaller salary than a good first.. the crime. The facts, as detailed by Whelan-Yes, the old woman can reuntotese osti1xpce. per cent. ; af'ter whichm he àoli a.m Again, es a third and crowning act hadl lent his horne, &c., at the timie abovre. I cas teacher may be willing to labour Detective Cullen nd Hess, are as foi- seratchi for herself. I saved Caleao'& NEW YoRK, April 2.-The ]TeruM mntwil imnih oy of infamy, Fenian emissariesl were a mentioned, and that he found his hosb ngoa etidraihsprvd on-1 for, it is for the most part very inexpe- lows :-- life one time. A fellow hadhM cover- special, date& Magdala, April 13th, reverse order in which it bailinrea d 1- - -derful advantage ta the Coirpany ; nd dient, and Ofteil very far fromn economi- On Thursday thre 16th April, 1865, ed at 15 yards. gives the following details of the captured thfisfierm fewk sys oBcaugh st ae . g ntwhea agl',sxmlsfo Bleil nthe Detroit and Milwaukeerod, which.-cal, where aone has raised himself to we went, when t te Court adjourned atAN of the great fortress:-A truce which uigdv er ota bak oo fukighm aac. heethe 6th inst. IHe was led to go there .ue o ht oiint dsenewt i e alf Pest five, to t grief, and after the CONVERSATION1BETWEEN HESS ADhdDenatedinbten eea r ebt won]& be utilgised i oui amiabe Queen, And hier happy fiam- by Badgley's writing to him that lhe is under the contro] and direction of thviesa in favour of oe at a lower salary. Governior and officials left thre corridor DOYLE. Nair n Tedou tristd eying u to ily resided; and on besing grgpp!ed with hdse h detsmnfhshre Great Western, is also assuming a more The truth of this is verified in thre case un which Whelan and Doyle are con- The following is a mem.-orandom ofa this morning. fmmediately aftier its He proposes to spend $200,000 m f by the police, two are arrested carrying Hef1 h ira Sann ilan more hopefl and prosperous con.of theso schools which have contintued fined, took up our positions inymediaely, conversation held by Robert lices ith ,tlermination, the King net havingà sur- tifications in New Brunswick ; $0 a gallon of liquid Phosphorus or Greek ntna ote eu ' ai ae Dth dicion. The Chairmani adverted to thec to retain year after year the services of outsie the door formmng the entrance to the prisoner Doyle on Monday 13th rendered the captives, Na1per placed 09II0 in Montreal,nand the balanessa i lire 1If ti theatua mhotelf kept, lbys aomaninnameded Dptchheefficient teachers. Acton, Norval and thre corridor. April: ýhimrself at the head of the Ist and 2nd jbe distributd 11 iro •iutOei fiei fti hefulmrdrofMGeHe had seen the harners at Burger's caim oabinirssdupnth iter schools mighit be mentioned as ex- lWthelan said, " Are you ther, On thr,? mght of thi murder Whelan brigades of his army and moved uip thre Kin-tonTorontoH*iton, andÏ the attempted assassination of Prince an1lie tt lehsecp h Government with reference to the foarns amples. The former of these stih John j ' called tu see im (Doyle) attlice Rus- hiltoad tefrtes-sf1a h l rLno. eea e1br phh Alfred, and the attempt te l op the advanced toanid the Great Western), andif:aitains its pre-eminence. At the Doyle said " - ý."se;] House and exhiibited to himi a re- 1asse. This port>onof thiestrong works favour of the Meadlreater wlih Ille Paae eadtecoadymre fcoller, bridlle and britching straps. He texpressed tL:e hope that a satisfactory ]ate examination, which in addition to Whelan srud, " I was na led bloodytvolver, at the samne ftime sked himn to builtwas surrendered teo-Napier 14y thre Houise adjoiurned Palce we ad he owrdý mrd ro gnized a sphice on the lharness and the resident Clergymen th-- Local Super- tighIt to day,."accomjpa"ny hin to thre larliamnent build- chiefs in command, aifter a barisk :attae,; Serean Met t Mnchste, he ler aso by other nmarks. lHe swore tth ie rneetwol emd.We heart- intendent and thre Warden of threcoun-, Dole---" Yeudon't 8say." , ifrgs to hear Mr. MlcGee makle his lest in whichl the Africans were eeted.- · enyrell explosion where over a score of ,. 4lyCongratuleae the Company and al] ty was attendued by a very large nuumber Whllielan-" les9, by J-s. Yeou speech. Hle (Doyle) wenit out of the Theodorus, observing thle English ad- N othing 'of importance was Šn lil innocent maen, women andchildren were robes nt Bergerie As being hie; knew concerned in the managem)ent of the of'parents and others fromý a distance,1 don't know who' sthe informer 1" door oif the Russell Houie with Wheclan1 vance nd its first fruits, retreated initoi the senaite. blw noaos h edn fe-oeby being- sewed with yarn. .- rodnthexeigygaifngo. the pupils acquitted themiselves most D'Yle -No . and Buckley, who was standing on the 1thre centre of the Magdala works nthre Mr. Rlose said when the ri i the exccdingýygrat'bydg co--admirably. "le examination in fhls lhelan-Alick Turt er, platformv. Buckley asked Whelan what 1Plateau having firât phmited ire (of hi ,cameisthe goeronmdnt would ndvfai t ploive lettâro, the murder of landlords, Daniel Stephena, a boy resiing ea dition of its affaire- tory, geography, grammrar, arithmetic, Doyle--No (il, a loud tonle.) hifadkept 1 im so long inside. In re- guns at the base. When Gen. Napier urge thecir views writh referenceýta tk polceanmdoter, ad hethusndPort Credit, going to school and living One great drawback to thje Company physiology and scripture kr.owledge was Wh'Iela,-Yes, b - -t;IplWeaOad4 ohn npriu-emeinsihtwih«isbrgaes lthe !charges tnow collected] on th0elàn ofTfer outrages, what sense is there in with his Uncle, who is a tavern-keeper, which we hopre by the prosperity of our of the most thiorough and searchinig I would not give sixpence for is cear- ,1r," or somothing (o that effect. Brick Kin's artillerymen openied on the ud. the D)ominiion entering Americas port, th ole o" ein hc Getwas next swori. lHe rcecognized prison- nihos1ayb eoe, si h xkind we have ever witniessed in any of case. 'There was boys there to .d y ithat ley and Whielan then 1ft, walked on, ,vance Iwith these gunls in) pr(eene of r 1andaon whielh corrceponding chiar,,sae Britain and Canada has been pursuiig. er as a man hie huad met driving over ange of American ,fond.s, lastiMr. Little is acquainted with his sub- here from thie country, from Glocser ldnsTThtwa h hth swudiilyite i 12-pound Arm-'lCanadeAn ors.in rel oaenesco Clemency beems lost, ulterly last, upon Poart Credit bridge on 13th February. year it was one third of a million of ject, and how complete his skill in, comn. und il around. fWhe'n-until about laihput twotrong n nhmonannra i GneCortrir pi the proues suc finds Wh hs ben iineror His fierse had fallen and broken the dollars ; adtels 6yastrand ndmuictigthoughts to and drawing \\ hlan anwere--Boodybad i o 'ei.,lk ine ii;, when I-pýthere ,roktgs to ing rockts intoteii, wul e and ore the Devil than Queen Victoria; fimie mored it by putting afew nails and los& through this scurce- thre services of a good tiacher being re- hlear it." Whulan the acqida I had was shotwhen1he ith the mmberd gus andbilrtetn nad barri- ito prot,]Iet iMt rAade eme it sentences, and yet they would blow lher which is like fthe one shOwn. Thre advantageously upon the scholars-- day. thre Corner of fthe Russell Iiuse W e ire mskety pfrom,.ndbehiid his , CIeates ambrliin trodce a b .Ir um and h ier innocent offsprig to iaom, .horse is f l c sane As con 2tb ug er __ PI HO .Thce inCthisvownhaiswe oen inti- %oiea gansaid - Ys bcYou eep ?' anas ked, hcy McGe is s*. vnign sgso urne'Geea e eaigtoteient e and ~ ~ li wld otdonteson if her has in his stable. He also saw pnisort lsSo em fo Fia at tutedthes shpswdertaue.iny occ- muteans a ousehee. . WYln nserdsain, ha'sNase hltd:isadaceanitenco- r:aa. ris.f hespde, fa pride. And what return have thc Cain- er about 2 weeks ago, with a different ai py a first plue?. But We thlink lno in- Whelam -.heun spoke to Dayle-1 ItT1 nothiing,1 Iiewthat." Doyle irenmnmne h obrmn fhi oks wsso oimn. esae h adian~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goenetfrtermsae os.Tepadh oei ieteoeadwas the best Spring Show yet held te!bigent trusteeeal) fail to discern fthe go bloody hard with mie ; Il' cther ed at dthe corner for a few ivnutes wtt..medtre or, n heatby sna e he Posùtu "lu in Halton, whether the numbers present 1existence of the evil to which we baresmv rg opntniayo ha te eftalkngtowardstermintied thre Briiihcommunderoh'eu ""litti ntni'y re ndtowhe kines povi ading thec Fe ianp rioown w itnes. H e ig dtowar or thre Competition in both horses an d 1alluded, nor to see it to behis duty to don't c-ire, Fi'mprepared for the worst. thle lower town; Dtyle went into thre dered an ass:iault, %which iwaslundin, t150 trraristaion ofsixty da)O orne onersin wih ony nda re psstoth Trotoboheims.Hebeevd1heavoid âi ichesection for the timie com. That b-r Turner swore bloody hard liuý,-ýIl I¡["."s o fine style. 'Thle King'"S ra-ks iwere elr. andi ,> per idiem iFor . session of le" frnir.adn omtn h enten- horso ete csamne as the one at BaOr- pogigb egre.Tedywas 1mitted to his care. When thre teacher against me , swore we were all bloody 1Doyle asked«IIes what helie old adl ried after a vigorous resist:miie le the an bny dayls. A fier a amewit b h r. a ncomtn ter. fine,.which added much to the comfort of lhas proved Ihimseif worthy of his atu2. 1- eniiai,. 'Ihere were'fourteen wittiees vs h odo n Is si,"Icnt r fteenm• Tedr o proa1de.m h blwsraa ces of the most culpable. Already do ger's, and the man to ec the prisoner thos epresent. The following is a liât of tion, is doing his work faithfully, n xmnr i wr tlewsat.vs imid, and examned; h swoe tat e ws antelyouwhatto o." Pdrnth le tengage eut was 60 k slIvsi-ýjIlI,,,sýiel llilled fint timei we hearof thir immense preparations but would not swear positively. the Prizes given :- 1endeavoring to improve Lis usefulness lEnglishmn "1tl o ht 'O" EIENC wl i and the wondied. e Engj (1)lui a ined It, 1ý1",I. i to wipe us out and put us undier the.Robsert Lynn, Tavern keeper nt Port1 by raisl,[g h:mself to a igher statusim Do)yle- 1'ou're in a Lutfx. )llr 1NýjS VDNEI ITI 15ad 0 wouided. ATtewrswre ta- thlvi ' Inf inwotane ws.dn blessed green flag. And in anticipation Credit, sworn, said a man camne along . PLOIýUIINO. j is profession. The aim should bie, il Whlelanj- 1I don't 'eare a d-n ; al)l1 1Et 1. ke mn Tedo Aru e rbwasin e a by ,t l of Senorwie aý )P! of ~ ~~ bi teraakthgoenetkethabu2motsaoad adsomte re- Perkins, honorary prize. 1st, Jonathan and to render im rall assistance in his Doyl, asked imlhad lhe a law yer. taie Itthe q ier as uadjourne aifh-',,is ltonold. llonetiwas s het tregh ntoImle his inaialsttM ent'1sonl Te lines open nighat and day. freshmtenits. He could not swear posi- Feath(rson ; 2nd, Abraham Stark ; 3rd, lual fot.Tusw ih on Wea--e.BclyH rtatcthe Magistry ate's roo. re were 1 i;].the .hea d. oeiersonis say t he was dý ay, akLfnd ati to leicthe ondTat Frm- aoereia fterOut- tively to the man, until prisoner lhad Henry lRydà! , 4th, 1T. Young. iarrive at the point .so desirable to bcehob-worth tohierslets of puiper. I tas ther wairtssexamooi eti e en- Illed dcuing ýone of the batt :lýie w la, othr late Go nmet on 11ite aIffl i noges it is folly to give quarter any taken off hie glasses and stood up, then Men's Secom Class - four en. tained whan every school tencher in the 1afraid of 0« Reily. O Reilly s litlesoIdlered adissbltithhd, bthe scn kle uii(i fir ei hth omt e icide whenher 1 hund ýj ' i nt riiho hriam ;entK 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tries.--Ist, George eatherson ; 2ndi townshid woule hold a first-class certifi. finver is worth his whorle carcase. s deuced at preset ilodt, rcl-Iithee iiitofteday gaidmlinstlehim.-ed ' t ird rivtme andf'plaled DWb longer. Wy dally with the basiliski ho swore positiyely to his identity. D McCrJilum ; 3rd, A. McIntosh. 'acte, and when of thre least eficient in Doyle ofhten ê;ud-Whiat will harpen . Iice sN NDL wENE. Tlic otng's odywtsrecoy gns ized by thend ba tie t illa pii as The res-- whc ecntasi ohcrhLt John Bull residing in Ancaster, Boy's 1tClass.--three entries.-1st. 1our 'Didst it might be said thre youths to mie ?What mwill beome of me ?- - Q B N LWEC. Tritiscaptives enreleasjiedyTheo. ed andeon tinued ntil lte, th etFna naeswocm osworn, knew prisoner as John Bottomley A. Jarvis ; 2nd, James Pickard; 3rd of this section have at leastfthe opportu They can do i othing to mie. rit is behieved fthat Quinn and Iawý doruis' two Fons were takenci pri>oners MeIssr. 31eKenjzie, 'lgung nd oL ditufb Ias.Ile exterminated. The . . E. Boak. ' nity of gainmng a superior education.- W helan answered ien, not hing renne, arrested the day before yesterday, an'l h uoenpioes e re ebr pk gI,t ay f1 h ybanvsawhim aftinr2th ist. ad • ,1•But I must not trespass frirther upon would bappen to himn as they could will be liberated to-miorrow. should suf- The interioir of threfortress of Magdala tures Of thre lnasure, but ecal iý hav ha fü wanin.,and we know rentedhimr a house and lot in Townsbip Boy s Seconld Clas.-1 entry.-1st, your valuable space, mecanwhile, I am, provo nothing against himn. fiaient bail be offered. They are taoap- peetda1xroriayadslni aanttebidngo'otfetos that no quarter wouild be given by them , of Ancster, Slhe represented himself in. lHemstreet. Mr. Editor, Doyle said--I wish youd never donc pear to give evidence whien Colled] upen' rsigttepa etglowing andos with b ar. thefotir.eybino oidereit aus- g and above ailllet every Fenian or Fen-t e he-ae HdsenteIORsES. ours &-c', it, and I wish you never came na ei o egcosdrdta hr sbie spled o TheBiot ihtbroos eshe ndi.iure of Ecney: eau ian sympathizer find CPnada too hot for bude hran , .esin n h Roadster or Carriage Hlorse.- 1st R. OBSERVER. tha"t night. ,Cause to commit thiem underthe Habe"' plundered al] at once. Thre men found waos defecnded bLy several member a' bis aboe. Let them go to their own rented ous. Thre robe shown me rtons Whleon ; 3d . . rr s t p9 n188. rear you only 1 was drunk. PATRICK BUCKLEY. thousand dollars in silver, thousands of baie cxItendin)g ove rair hours t Ir le.en Loetite shame Hbed u ri BenwEsCOD- Ihv ge r.Bow' oue Yun hleoe"doyle sid-Iamsry.aesyu Patrick Buckley risonir, now in siver plates, several lots of very rich rend a sceund time. The lOR oah mevlenbcieiese roat e otasrat- whieh içlolose to the one I rented, him. oGeneral Purpose.-1lst, A Bowmai ns The Chr nic e By iEwR esatioD. evero itlIdon't care a d--n ; F'm gaollhas been dismissed froinihis posti jewels, and numerous other articles of adjourned eraè whose preoeee cannot b tolerateBritish Splendor -" 2nd, W. Elliot's b.sbeautl in then house great value. General Napier takese by4TIl NST. among the loyal people of Canada. Jn rw.o ncseson-"Young Waxwork ;' 3rd, R. Fallis'sabenpoueihaconyatparedfo*11e notniary f r i tauthriieb o nnetedwit gteahisvctoye2, ge n s, 5,000pie standn the Senaeyetrae o fth HbenaScitbentThe prisonr as been t my place ;le -Young Wawork." of Mr. nsp e etorRomtie ao therI ds oe swing go t ha n ttite peniten . i nv Testgatinae going tdto-nih on o small ars,1000grields, 10,000 a weI re eaned aste. avedfuto opl Fenian, how comes it th'at their contri- came there about Doon on Monday 20th Heavy Draught --1t, Duf MtcCal- excise oficers. On Tuesday morning, tiary for flie ; I wouldn't care a d-n, and an expedition which has for its ob-. spears, ad many otherrile of' r si l ait n if as resle, t e lg butonsir goreulalyrep b inst,anid left 2 bags in my charge (on. louma Imported "Agricola ;" 2nd, Ste- quite unexpectedly, thley entered the only for one tihmg. ject the verification of evidence already equipmet: Te . aedBiih iediy stigs ihprajrdtheÊ200. 1 uin r orglryrpre y ..0 y rg phean'sJack' Alive ;" 3rd, Porter'& breweries of C. Huether and D. Kuntz, Doyle--What's that ? - given with reference to the hearing of captives will start for home on the 15th of thle chaplain not to exceed 20' - O)'Mahony Mndaothera, and what mans taining leather and boots, and the robes ",Young Hard Fort une." taking possession of the whole establish. The old woman. the fatal shot, and the time necessary too:pi.GnrlNpe rywl nteCmos fe otn the lth oston o thir b-las whn whch recgnie. Igav the toment, including books and anything of Doyle--Jim, I'mn sorry for you; the Pass fromt positions occupied by difer- crgnze, fall in, and return to Eng- ness h BnigB1,sd irt soya -ýBurger. He left them in my charge. T ieEiýo leCmpý any value they could lay theoir hands wholle world will know it. ent witnesses.ln n uci toc.Was5 read a third tiimeandastel s-eays tTo thconeEdintor Ilof. the Championreted leupon. T hey placed ithem in charge of Wheclai--Yes, I'mi a great fellow ; I ir. O'Reilly, Itstrict Attorney, con.- NEW YORK, April 27.--Thie Herald's The Currency Bill was pabssed throd a "De> legaies f tom he conventio n or im.bourte,îsor-a m rrested hm DEAn Sia --We find from an ob CChief Constable Kilppert, who, with shotr that fellow ; have you, poor b--r, tinued the investigation in the tssassi. special, dated Zoula, April 18, says the conmittee of thre whole and ordeeBI. "a"tleto ýof te reryhal bin g n2s but¾os ie rmPlr oucee latter in the Halton Berald of the several assistants, ts keeping guard over bere, and bore I am« myself, which. nation case throughout the whole of the very latest reports fromn Magdala repre-, a third readir.g on Mlonday. The ¡e a eot|ftesrtt nnum- From information I had and also fromi . thema. The samne day they also took moas three of us. day. before Mr. O'Gera. Polie MIs.,set that 14,000 native troops huad laid to Intorporate the Clifton ÇQPCEOI 1 "bCersnd' o :m,-d fte gntea- e sciptio f bs esaI d16h ata nalegegve bltechargze of the breweries; of George Seep Doyle asked him what he said- at tra.rte. The depositions of a number o down their arms to Napier, and thait Bridge Company was passed i r ý "cecyo hereopn, n tea- sri ono i pron resetacher of S. S. No. 6, opon a wager - and . Joseph Spetz, of Berlin. Yester- thre same time witness (Detective Cul- witnesses were taken, their evidence, it Thecodorus had. 500 soliers killed and commjittee. The report Of the conli "nualy, fee de bythe ympay tothe pisonr asthe hiefof J.Zimnerma's o tendollaonfr copetiionsetwee daytheywentto Bden ad Haburglen)turnd-rond toHess bowng hs isundertood beig cheflydireced 1500 ounddgintheelte.egageent.gentcommitee egaring heh orn ' Society," horse. I asked his name, I think lhe 1his pupils and toeo .S o ,adadcoe ptebeeisi those head. toNecallandattention to the worde. n heaflur against Doyle, who *as t-day forTmally Adie rmNpe' edureso xesswspse h om an~~~~~ Monrel Fnins elng.o hiSth thefofo.hrsestle anNetonenMcLreoasateaceranda entempdte.roud upoawichthse ovrn gratfelow; mnnme il godon t Te iqury asadjured o hesousincudng en woenandchl S. oui asemora'!rcod otels B e ev le t oc et ," an a e e m t en ar es ed h i , nd as ed hi t g w d n t is h m o is o n r i m el m e t f-ce s ct d n v ry fe s e m p o te it ."g a l, f o -t e -ur os-o-h ar ng thd en-w re al ea y n-o ue-o o u a tr ng st an1 m st1-pi ri1 et vscl a, flb hed at aushMtR and ean snderie Dognes '«h a pre icat onà le bs set wb r on aa yrd ofence, Woder te the cur to ad u Memberg,0 the chair. gev woerr eds b lM of HienryC sons, he re Mr'w. .1H paid ths fori1 186 distounlloM and . r. Jio o led by dý hby MreJ amiruel on'te court Côadouni tchair. Moved b Mr. J . dOfHnotiyC Satn el K o'oc Pe Moved1 oai the oad eO 1st7 C ron L to take the oôved b rêlâ