1Id~tiiaa7 3 faleed. HZ Co1lIx MOLEOD. RSIIOPI1 &N Talwreo IXs3 NrIO M HO C SSGOOD6I .fortasa tssiiau Stod ilionceltl etel O est3 mnn thetblié su ur IlaK.M a leltet- Ir.8 h. Y&ALCE t. Guassv.u110 Ir obu-v fand5olsa7! t0 - taitoe jw(wON W.rSTREET I,5h dte of aboriblnf $2 .111 ho charged. the fdo vt intin fitor seécfstnc-a eudnieg eis Mhnleud ïellotie iedobeciafseie of eld ndse e n o adetith 1 , bid, -dths..25a gW eêonofltiW. .of15n , to bc, onl. . g a »tes eltSIOfl fc tois med th1 n foroi mon...... 15 folsmonth ...62 -ttthfl menhe ......he - e fn dortimoemnth Oc ddet l a th cnedtemt it eUIDot b hey vte innt toAue yste Adsu1frtis ne orin ïWjiacà5h5o e ynoo on Wa etneo- = .iuty Wircot bu fI. Street, X. NiMÂl.,SURGEON & ACCOUCHEUR. *eosnc-htI&teiy occu- îlik. Crooker. -îl-5uTsof*, m. D, c. r«. of the tJivevuiiy of McGilui Osiiege, Moteai. MjL TO0N, C.- W. O)m-bO doors West of w ilinotVs Org S jiMn KStrieet. Rasfbl-Oa )&i Sreet, neni iloor to 0. TsuliiloW, En. 5O% u.o1, 1866. 22-ly l*srt Swantonf Appeibe, B ,UIShTR,ATTORNEY. and SOLI- oiPOll IN CBANC RY. T. BASTISDO Cnkailiruan Le Ei, tk ftc Ulî21[, C glu. De. aca fin Co. 31TUESIN; B. A. BiR8U.M Â1T1OM~EY -AT- LAW, Mmms. IR mccy. ohcu-Oer tia"Champion" offie. iain Oret, Miatou. 0toeaam Ithe id do9nI. Dr. G.orge Olce, P llYSICI4N. SURGEON, &C. ..In MWXE, SILTO. - W'OFFIC-l'thabuilding ceapiod top *Ob& Dr. lURs. . C0ceain Oo- uYaand 84trdsu 5-49 (LATE -OrtNELSON) NiK SURGEON, &C, Côapion fls Xan-., 11N $-The L2tie Reidence of T. DI UTS..T.mday. and Frl* UW- WILLIAIftS Ie D.9 1Unbmâlw, SURGECON, à ACCOUCH- * Mou and Roidonce:a-Corner of .4padDndai1trecîa, Oakvie. -iiSept eti, toi. 13-if bf.T. CROOKER, Oresce AND lulcu: St. &drsu'sCuis. James tret. lamdilîs. tLY1cE hboums rOl à1te10, e toi4. 55 1l go@h . Patienta vils Vs;erae of ÇY adiiged on Tudapaand Satar- U' .C"r l a G, & doute *of the b 0!t~~<Of ltM& 00Cerge. Canada; = ,Of «IitvfiryZLondu. an d Me.- CollagOoIs e cof Sueon&d iqwàais)fithe nvenpofToronio. UW%&II01LLU,... ASSAGAWEYVA. R15 Ossn--That iaAe> on- pied b Li. Ra1eteon. ~1 A-YEA.R] VOL Vil.] AND COTJNTY 0F IIAITON INTELI "THE PRESS-The PaIImiim of thue Peopie'a Rizbts.go theBRe, T. RS. mNB Nâ Botete Min Rsmst aés f l BELL-lBA£RI--OIIIL.the 000, ý10 he vd T. D.Bal to I Ina DU eitiado In ",el dIGENCEIR.Fom-t etMbothber INADVANCE Mino Orilla Bock. [NTheLII Con go-ls t e e ,"Mi. J. MILTON, COUNTY 0F H)5LTON, TIIUJRSDAY, APRIL 2,1868. Cobis ta M.oo Kate IWebbs. Aerniffnid fot vm.anv 10.1 hgbda ce. WILLIAM LAIDLAW. Lneý*sà& aoLnCaTct[ us CaIAUCRmYe CONVEVANCEPa. foc., S&c., isa. Orrom- One doorevesi OS jiatîmerunev BloteS. Jas. 2418670. 33 f -O1N191)E W AIR, J r.. SOLICITOR IN CI4ANODEIFIY, COWTETAII &o. ilaiu StreeatUls I-F Batd. SiIL izou, BARRISTERS, AKD ATTORNýEYC-AT- Law, SolicitaosjanChincaca'. Coarepan. cec, Notaieublaie, &c. offic-CourtG EtietiMilieu. 0. TICE BASTEOSO. T. DION. Milton. Maifith. 1867. 51-tf S. IR. ]Lister, c DlViION COURT CLERK. COMMIS sonr n Qarraa SBennis Lic ssedN Aaetloaaec, Aceounat, h. Dehîn eoleci- eà on Commirsicn. Sfosagamrpu, Asria,84. I i-ly * E. DeGarmo, IiURLINGTON MROTEL. WELLINGýTO-Z Square. Cosfort, moierateiharges, aad1 oncceitiog atantion te gîrets esill con-i tlas, te mak the maagmnrtor tuis eirt.siase ta. TiseSabies aad Yards are cary extenssie, and acarefai Mntre os ia atteada-ce. Wellngtoa sqsnra, Ot. lu.,18e7. 201vSp Victoria Hotel, Oakiville, ARTHUR G00I150 PROPRIETOIl-- Sent f Winc, Liquars.suod Cicue's iePt eenseatlp on basnd. GcoeiSeals, gond G nlusliag ami n god She. Erry aten tiea jsid te the travelling puosso. oahvl!he Oet. ilS, 1867.-----10la' PALER.MO BOUSE, PALERNO, JOHN TAS iLLSE. rPRIOTOI. Relrnas is tlinsasire saruin5erons 0555 tamrers or theie pnvl pssroage. andhdda ta a-sure te tha olle aisiti ssiitoerdoel ie businceslunerm.cias îylc. Bles brando of liquori sud chient. 900d elais- lin asd attenti'sic besiera. -Palere. Oct. 4ais s86it1lite * XOHIANCE HOTEL, B! THOMRAS CLARK, GEO)RGETOWN, - (JW- B USS 3ES13le as front the ston es.eg-- ,ala. Eoer, at'entionm pailte lise trlen i eusse plir. CuSlabliîcn l iii- sîsiver Itola.h s31i VHOMPSON LIOISE, MIXZalmrC> IV. CHIRLES I. THOIPSON, BEGS tla forse lise publice usaI Se i. B a ie Nec and C.,mnmodiauustb-re etaep Stone Bolhos Bais SrecI.cisesie he ilît lie set happypt sa viluoaaisaii un timers and lise publie graeralp. A gond tieerp Stasle a cneLo visera flors s nCnGaieges cenaalcalue bi n an aîhînterso. itas. Fris 24. 1864. 39-Sev For futues ofanid qialp fv o se amend-r IIEINTZM~AN & CO, 105 KING STRIEET WEST, TORONT0. à Ont Instrumenaoare ail coaircit cah8 J~FlZroeIIC > 'r] m . OVERSTRUNG BASS, .French Acios, Ful.Agraffe Bar, a&c, WiII tand a n aujolivaia, ad .WARRANTED FOR FIVE VEAUS 49r Strsding n'rehaseru are meulai la cail uni eaamine sur soek. Toronto, Nov.?7, toi?. 22-tf SIIERIFF'S SILE OF LANDS. COUNTY 0F IALTON,? Bp vitue nO WIto: I otTva Wits et FizrtFACIAS ta iedibrrcîcdJ ainri tise lunis. and enements f WILLIAM CARGILL, lu lhe undre- metionac suite. Ia tise C. C. of [le Couuty cf Ilaltea. Jaon Deear <lac punoferi Plaintif, William C(Yoepll, De/eduaf. I .And Richard B. Ploresen. Phabaif. t'aillnm Corgihi, Datedant. i bava seinsi and takea la execnti0au tiae fullhiog landesaidteeeme, -cas s Tuc Narli-enstehait et Loi au'u.her airven. la tha enrt Concession et the Oaa tiunnrci Acreca-more or bss. a Wibcireopot.,. er te iutcrcot of t[lic saiu William C argill, I ouI offcr tac sleC at mypofice in M ilieu. an - . _____ - -- Sa.la canorcu, 'Mioufrithpd.ca lt obt IL~~o1iiïao P O E T R Y. liehd an larm mwaieh, and bavTmg [ho rest ot the route ta Jackson wouid The Rejected Pilleg. .îm-yO ti5hotD. R obt. D o m-ge- Batiftabgive theasamnitose oclock, I lhe good coing. Tfhe distance vn twelve MLami ta gdim Mtelda Litsa . THE PLEASUR1ES 0F MEMORÉ,. ent tlonicep. I wass soused nt the miles. I1.pdbokuo hLaol I l'ol 5mein ie or fj mblnnain vMtuma Lon.d uenrEn on' - ~~propcr inie, nnd insmediaiely et sp board and took [he vhip. I hnd thoecîc c sh oeee t oi iur ini GaoabiinMysra d BY A GENUNE C"IC. nnd drensed myself. Wharfi1I eeocied -a ea htIf s ilec o h rvre t oa far hi ;bei on MAfRhtG0bLICIEN"ES, &C, n csiseri. - tiseyard, Itound the couds ail passed stot, e efal ba 5mar- ad mes ocosni ie o r therolà..as (or rect ian e hcia tpn Oh, 'liasniseet tCa esmoso<oecar0e iilliaioda away, andtlisellicon mas shiiing brigit- moy fieira tiere iSsomaie go inlier. At et ail monkind, misetier Chrintiannor Fro! te litin lieus do-va, Palèrmo, Octaber l7tia. 1866. 20-la' lright da. ]y. The bustier mas rasily nrouoed asd nny ente soeslruck a gaiS thon ihat eveunent), and a pions physicien. Thcp Togetise mtiithtoe tamis Whien m e gasbo.lin is tioîthearle.d hy Imo o'clock I ans on lise rond. The nstoniohcd me. She hnd ladd a good nceethrisongsont lise venr in great Amd i oon, iseriasnp a titteueld cioo 05 no nico vsocollad them h y the isand. .T. 7u l'i1 clott 7 tonmd wsdeep, ani my hoeecould etneoft@i,ad tise nigl ir sicoolhacmoney as lo tise business oftîhe 10wn, SED-CRYO h t nt MUUER o Nr BIAMGE lICENSES Throagh daiuy-dohed meaoisaWisai ap et'aval ccry tasi-pet il truci me tisei nnd Sohe tit lise going. In fifleen min- bai ni Cicir fastimeeting it vas dater- STIO CtiyO tseusle. main Street Miltl. 5 26 Crs o <nec tise sensCnmnde mornmork thnn tic res ntcnssclenrod ise moods and uway me mied tea ntnck tise religions diclor. Thomas Sicrd, Esfq., [o MiessElisa Os.nuoli tr-1-it, -cliIooe, oaoiIremas ay îced ot, foc flise cnetsens ncarly vient at a keen jamp. Tise chisn side Atller îhey lissifiniolird heir troonne- Curry. WILLIAM A. AGIR, Bat aal-ro,ciisenfm nomO le ýi b.-empty, my miole stock conisiing of keptSing lie 0 leet ont. and tiscaens- tie.se et111tiseffr aid S'idiiOcm'Tour 81"d'» 10veyunl, H- 0 u s E a A I NT E R ide -n-iaout a dxnsfin pannsandi a lot et ]oose leg 1n shooît I dîd't let bienoOu.- 'Doclor, vitavenhors very hsappy in 1Ononn.i as Jo lue etd'aabre a The mhiptiscc, he sendias ato bod. regs. Fitsaîîy le Feoppeý and 'lsa few mn-is asoecitdtonvisyos the part yrar. An'dJs, a so oe sdon us,(L Glazier and Pa1ssr Ianger. ' Wiioo for marc eos,,d asd Sutter and niaise lowover on mc meni, ad in course alcs camne fitise r t fa pitol-ose aend tiie isabsiness fe tout e bas i H fOP on MainlaStreet, Miltio., Or- m ose.d. d otfaif ais houe me ert cleur etflise imo-îhvco-ouc---ee i<st atttuenrdbhsmflicndtulie TurnN-Troai-Oit tise 4th io- dera lefi out i'bompsoois otbi, oIi- e Aid tCipsc rcfaie- easesoealie. village, and n Short distance nisesi la oothr n soi îîrd. telse whimi over hbeuncte in.NSr Tirs hadMtoatheas atndî,ed ta ii.Oh, 'rislooottearennemhoeross-beyh eesgead a large tract at forent, mestly ni grant mp baerd. If I htd heau on ny sat, ahave tennd pou la bc a man o ondTorcs. DMtNNNplles. Tise rond led dircriy tisceugis one oft hosc balle, if net [vaolettheas, seasexztensive isiormation,nullseudiag IleC.àhssiith= oeyvscd reu.shatis lieneral Blaoamt, Man Street. Sam-gam- Tegois fpi tern- tiss ved, and ns rieur ns I cata remece- mont have gene [imagisme. I popped integrity nd ifethlie purent houavaîrncer. Wedmn'stCmpti oin m t. -_____tc,_on o sorntie. Of leap Cro, of mraders, of prisonra ibase, brth mtac as net <fe fr vrînwel p yLad sgnin lave a aell, id I stonishin tn us, filent aStin0 1ot For 'Oas gsnd tantadeSmve.aaotltr.' _______________________ miles. Yet tise meuon vîo in tise eani. tirantnaddep grenna, aud lien sid-'O - circtrrîud elv P.i ZEJNÂ , Wddan.ddal himc aiha. sai*this rond runnaeurly mes, 1 God utve se ! l'mi adeurd man I -is inhedtrpeourfutre publa , ! MWilam-Moore-ta is snaMari, Conratorfaribouoelidlnc.Vaialoc,A. Bsta mswereemtethe tlhoaWg e got siouilistae ligisi reugli.1Chlderu-I mnde u shnfiing toise nasCleuni ats strnotirpaiheth .Wila1bnu[oMn n ai Plnu niBuildinfgs deanon enshort notice. At sehoot foreoaeitesons 00kno-5, tered iis veod, and <oI5C, perisnpo haitmr ulnfof o ni~,ete a Tise doctor replied Ploore.. Carpenice asd ooi.îend foeh ntteadedeSeat ForGentlhmensassomola rdgret vaiTse hblan eeamrserand hieri tteeru. Fod tobisea ocaro 1,kngabI ; a mile, scien my magoîs sherisettled agala oneatiseboaor vsrd Fnwugd 'eimu ninioieg" vr Tss thito eios Miltelna' 2 ri.0Ad th. def reof6 memoYe lioe. vu uo i jr n ep sl.npvooif.r.legnigur n .uestsefceineo ts so 015i tgsa e ____a_ socanca erki 5c ai.o tend achygvngle a e hieli parvtîalinv lias led pou ta en Aiio ishave a lltls 'mome.' MilonMa_ 2iI86.n1ierenci lansation oft oanis. Caeioal poSe ml tise hait of my visip ertain etfme. 1VaI I yn Lovetie iont ierater Iho' T. j. 1VU~EL li ,,tt i. ctjoeeiebee tise dope aofisement ;SuS thtis flsot aIl 1 hourd stock.anad peeiedifh fatee filonan r oo mcs e 1yn tmNoiîlM..WîîhaOo 2 T.JWHELR, yot ! ot oe onta nneier ouece Tise man ellei ent imice mare, pret-oet. 1e0 nrswar candill er WLIM-WLIN-n2t W OS'L ihoie0-tti 5 eaihet e Whe re eold i he ? I lookei qaich ty @catn nrier tubs, as ho goC na roaly, sa ta?,lute it. e.WilliambahWi iltim st5Min ATC se aed! issbt cosîd specnoisig and lSe made somte teemeedessu codes sors t ai 'LzeWlialosofNliato. NAKER' afrei ortis, -pldvoil ad et I keem tîot ties oand I hoard on ak hro ie dsor oen, id as Cli.is iilai Tlsets'epliid, 'ea!Frfrhratcln ûa i To e egi (c hogii> ,-,o sis orp closa le me. An the iiid oheels Isua hleronade naveral atiemptiet fisa ci bieve tisai dest ilin Ie- ~~ ~ ~ ~ TBat he (-et h m i bo~~~0 otoeîigSicts eB u iitao ive.d uice ::il men ta n sînie ot perfect isaïpi- Esei uEarnu ANcaifp , Doiit tAl brA. - jeek oathtie ile. -1heri omethii anayîiing iea o ietpo per <'tssv aen ios Sisal, aisSeee,0 tGlotit1m, hrfrtetpo ycr Offlewhaendub. %_JScehe peepsn 5eeia GEOI EOWroluni tarsile ftee eae ide et tise iit.Iaînciin ith iota tuils, and eneis 'Arc peu nov happy T'Sei lseu. antgp o whee if inprpaed a epir ildecri- ndell mrred hebaer exdor WSigl blssrima-onetgon fro tiaas of lOaieheu anda( inos eh n marisWe are eildthat leediii, as henhave teeuieoleaiIas ol leo oldt h eî u nie r e eaeteta l' mridmnn aueJno leraneoili ensareesatisfatio. and utpries d out- ftiitie jae oce-sioiîcd hy lise mOeemt.boit.1 iedSudae il 0uaitI Coli o i e e hnte r n H anaogvr elfralt t'saC viii dep cempeitiOn. JircairY eslyaoai h l.a so mýy--'r It mas inîplp n mon in cpcar ! 1 caery hcavy loado tfisera. Bld s a ppyoand koutraiset bline ise7 nf u- wîle geta s Brg vsr etoi a uitti repaieed. Siits uc-e i naes0, knco ibio on ftiscinstant. Yon mat atfter al]caleSd failci, ties namp coin -. hpp.ir aevtsi opnesl vs isileug, wehabgnti sfrlrs gta reauestaé Wtaebea', (loeanad Jevriry For sale! 5s',oshaveoohetieSc i ss e n- ced mp ertselon1 creo i cu ie olr wie'tasa om, nlieeecl ', i.bugtvss igsamrukeh hove nel me up tesis monci lehesoilor mlioa' tolie oece, deicèvetai utain tSi a mi.valueaoet matrimas, I [-heabasence of Gei,-o, a.May' 17., 50, 4. 51. cse-. - cning. Tise mainpart et St opens uni Sept ifap antil lihobecats o boursc es'allâanbouPPons. wo1en -e,oiamece Croîooic sind, and horei in amfor quste 5a Ail thisinie 1 kepi pnrtLotp qaie, eliri itoas W~. Barber & ros,s Ad tisrôe "o poth la'stees eto,ia, 5.partv, peetidirg tieseioteiseneoloding tise rein firmly soi poliing theh D'enuievoeraSisan omdrind M cas c nni tar Vsitau or saderen < iiflhltfl delprett coýec. of couse I toIt pnazled. hoeseuls htise ssimip tock. tse ae naio dmesîeaieteioear civneaauti ise srsilyfo Stt IVFibli Ut îîTua usoîa Iada , ettlodd i e - - n lfe At firai I wooderad if Semne ?OO c elbom Vaasei an houe goî1,9liioetdose en Si autose esionabut co, t peurscn ha bdie boaed a nitaian. 'o r C a .. Bot tise aif ef --eeele, , eeIoad -est -iadn't i:ien luis otbald of gaffneza miles-rat s bit et if.l.Iisoiit asuehint apeuwt haticvînt han,?,siderela ceit ssiseu out of hlm. loto e rida. Bat ICsenti g-eibis np, for 1 faur-pehape 1 migSt tel the tenlhIs thiie oxitis hIje toi oigI si etinteetbihetîelm Printing là 'Wraping 2 )r Hoa lempor loi-I lin hon ,e i ne fietan dceolprsn ocishveanditayflnt lypaseailseeiSy-et- W l iseie ;huao noue.bi nue aper e oratidies tkeimi-oi-lidd felgod 5ev cme a hlul fn isin io nd, 'sespilla, oaslasiiy as honsand aoicde to ocdire lsse.leisaife. ,eitett, se ce ord iitaeii en i e -ldom Icmei S ifyonuswsilov ceSof peu one, viii, IHie landlsdy. agieoafodiét hlm Tler'. n ieaoesofmemrythr. odp lsget Iynext iea lasalfpiliai îga t Jekno tilngo nil cn m,ý1, h it olhut pain,caarry yen,.miliioneflsertses or tisree durea a day, sud aiS" W 0,C R I Gbdalu oassioyn fietklp. ae te ir snîvtllaieand inplenetmes eut ofthîs voli of trouble ; and, if hi, aetuigis[someviseta on tise hird .0..1fo neon eu a as helas iece, laui sre leagd oascouple omen pour doctrineSle ur. psce peu inu loe OLOT3I RES.mING An UnWulcome Passenger. o'nooewudbv rknit yitebanlenngdwstg oss olofpretflctWl uCý Hea' omanofhéoN r on thie niorterleolice. Coller zg nos le ,cari foerIliai peepene. Ai i tisaitisoghtisî Wol e fo,' Sapy@ia I col 'P vendof pothemlflely iip eI1raniftir omais cfare o"e~,o quantaitpy l hbc ecînved t 1 5 bil Ppis A cl ilmuids ight touaia g;i.-opeaci mp epes. WLoctct mas in thero down Soi ent round le flie isik of tish eIne ier If ge o f Suc potte autdoese . nild ainais rnfoCat. H tp ilaof eus gathered about tile osemi ire ledDk msi 1wgo.nn 'e liedaa ood .0rieo ateaýt Will yVa Tiserasire otiser Sordisg iboues, sud ha ____________fr __ ____ of et avnabat room in a New Esn aîsd 1I 1yMp noltîsougise ore oet1r.Pie. ZO? 'Ne. eir.' lits aehoie of eails. 1_ _ -t s~'.vllg.Sisortlp aftîr e orrisc , nipci j Iardimeni. île lid icrd me nap flni 'lîo are pou,'lie crici-ani hie BlnSipai eIs ts otr lis tise ascing le bsuail tise vorld -- 34D, ilag roe.u, a oirc ii soe-Yîîspouid llbecs ail sou eout, anid ef moro n liiîle, 10, ns lSe asci liee quco saWo ya ilîl ise ficdo t ar e him. Nr G ood Furmse citssaohîouli lce saaled for flicsolisi. Afiet 'coarse lic upposci Ihlsoinoe moot, ulon. , Yenntsiencuse me. gentlisses, Ile anuparteet libert[yof ehomce ha- 0. .%nplve la fce Ladsi raifsurppor, me espirecid ate wlhrie. Andin itiIis nc hue ighl '-iîs iremansehlolou tlecita0shoot., fiaemrreing peut idocrine. unlil J- îaeîs Il îdroo nd thesiene JON fl'Asebter, hd a e culoo, andsas sona as ficie ro ssfor I lii nOvee tino tlissanidîollars iii I Sdiehisi.haeSltevdaesalpuiceeil TreatarpirtSese u Mlt!l-i.0O toth, .. 19 mo ien tSe aconversatioin 'trely.- fsac. I lso capposed itliue l isadment ta eout! uc lie eleds. 10peîrrelvPQ.' ftiseoutsg ladp vianhlastsady nmpausy _________________________Several aniecdoeledaibocarelatedi, aad to ]cave thie curtîs lss s lie supnpsol u Lý iscro, ouai1, ase 000 ometaa This c'srd ttirdénie. in alvupu iheve. J E HA RIS N, SoIlytie pdîe asasecitlogicien, s a al a cisc ife lape,unod ilea ente stcppirg pace, andod ll'aIcegiSea J.EoARIO , Ily ns'len f i porolîsae in.eil c cpoisnd chocS nie, orlinonS revol ver reeedyfte enouilse nmomntoirpo Yeu go in and tise dansasl loch. dug- cro u olof ndvrolureanecdoe.-Il 'ise doîvneor poiisips nlip est ai, s aSchsw ompneshf. Nos a ly quiet.' iu n mis iryugmnloss huhh as UI'DU1TIU ~,,DEIIIIT as a cliore, tîichoct nt'a n, csBoeiere for a ride, or osotiing et'liîot srt- B r tissaini thelion-i-lai cootegs o Oaus.likot er sog as bal sond. s h VIT 11 1 IIIIlhIfhIM I gliDl, bout oty ypers oflfege."uni faon! cvi- Aillisis prontse tagla sp iîiad b oâewa Y5Ph otrad1e- Tile sntspesin.bt li- euli hlm ta pansopdofur Sesitv. s rodoale riItise TîontoVelcelose s Col- denceo re t ciplpscal tron sti. île flim ne moI hai -,et a roîn liseisole. p!oimîrd ilut e ls. Amter luis I gSliseSei n stoep 8ls i iiel rttlp epaîpaîius nture y350 tstisa dià[i legeis prrpnemsdteattendl ait fie aihrnenln-gane bils unomsas Lemuel Vioep. and Nom, I nover seade il a point te breg oile oftlese Serulla ndireut eut flela oonSlin 'akeptieml itsriatnins*' Itumat lut risque-il sppeal. eT tue Lucvre uimale. Ii Oefce. fisctheho iehome mas ln Dover, Nem flotmp etfnapocuf, but ycî Iliane scen a grenu lseeiff, and IcV i' isce asI eiliened i'd ns otfu aId gentlaeen in Blice. Eapeiallyohen mu came. houe ta peeoo. i sh iestt0io-~~iio' h siC sheboire. 1 irai et tise meehi, I una prectp cool andicontuer Lioni. The iSnt secaîn et daes ouatp, wmisetylpe niaos Gesaized pou, asuifîdues ta me, tuafie re oasaa Wi loinrsisri ieae. 'Vs cIlgentlemens,'lise commcci. eaeieadei urider dsficlleli. nl e try %erjuel comfino p soasnd 1sin scue nr s TOnsCarlyle@, ailluahlaibenue uapuocoamlrl1iotd ABOUI HALF-.hMiLE iSOUTHi IF MPII tiN okiog ise nsets ftmisapupe, . andai tomentosocamp aooltiou mac tformai. il meuhle b S rosiîiepigli. ,1es ca ked oint lie theuglit of sgnesandai lleveuli pou Savs likdiIt jour- Termssmodershe. Mdiiee fer iOases putilisg it la lis peeisci, 'Suppoae ;Still Myhoe ros anom bnee derp irasusi, tl-limnt isaime uSe niriff earie, on tsvo esena«. el ? land Caille e aloîeey ade ou 5usdflc aod ced reCne ndIkew1cuMsi ffwl 1ale mnwthiý..It'd il te ,el o'i ikRme'io irs Tirei o lentiebt aed prempelpaticdsie . onsottIesedlso ta. e1ac ciChnmIcedohpof ohlet mse onoi l ti li,,1- ol Idseuoh eeosetian Tmees 0rta-alv Stinsd Mltone. MareSTIstI. i e7. a:-t quecosi taSecnf d ? Yos sec aa noisc. Se i dom osy eeovher-I nettrosist'yl fe o oeti-caliibitrdd ingo, ami 1 dai't pelirve verydiacs i dvveusroeser Ilst yen "Ihavn an op io rgît le as lieFar \West, and ci racel ile Lai Cees.lop olot t-il i. the lsadisi ied forilotisis-aoidiseuiutI doel$ Op o resilsere teis Signe poinlasit,' saispane Sit es u i: u ~U IIPD~ îiîT ~flfl ay r Iom fe srequries he i-aieslied cise, and sure tSec; i licesoade fie. thoesti.le tld lise Chaip dises.in enci dirfg faidose dingo.. m et tire tt. VI~~~~~~~~~~~ twoJIIIJ1IJU 13 on pse dot of osethiadeaiter cedluhe eins insd wi-n- nd hosif d'aeon, thusin e rmsprpcr 1 uni mandruoeA rasnrasll Csasuoîma eoleaoOnepcnotdei a eiainReni leeic ele îolc 5O'ie ficoio ANie drngltIalena rasCam LS. WOLE SaEW MILttan. asseallire n nOmoliwhater iuart or ini Ieeai rit iecotpo Ic nhppils enoeîsh ettv leesip-o n dy- e ru 3IT .I , . 'V.Cauelp. Indiana. I rei 'tous pcepsasil cd0ou I mcci hlii landc niiic lisc sIsao lotditlise.doorth1e telivltmae I 'îl iz.idt e gis homiiîî fMi. W-a ont oteOur Most popalti ais -I serntt'tlse ms,buti il mas bisp. Tise deer of tise carl leIs dori, a cyinff. I eaog'lst siiup tise fiscs -Veî, I dont ditku saol tfilmnsiîfiefssandi teacisars nt' dîsvug. TW T 5I% tisaI hiseap mvrd la bis oea Horel. c.ouip, and ladey te be veep dorS, 1 ondi le taoenui bp flsc iaep wcii ls nhsa îiliecarme dova n ii ae os a dirige, andI gtoen imadrends sine olite mernirg.wvIle lupet uSk 1 an lise crner orTMinianid iheosmaSîreels. woctlin andicaliee orsprier, anis liai ovor sple, and so8ulsenscecurci ST a momenotlmoreo lie i filers liadinl. I papier. soi miseftrsesue say-- was interruýtod lp a rougislochlsg en@- micro lae cl taeglai Io cuis Ltli s ld my horse [akan cure et,si aller lanipadiook. Tise pîsdilook 005 ne, and eeegniscîl fle cimîP ut 0 eo. Ife wvse laFritz, ier lu seseirîg padrla isp tonner. enetomen. le lias parcd neihor paireanta st don in ise bar. 1It heg- ltathaeh-aabas, aorrdinlails plabe Sp a tise vep smano iliai nuspecec, ici his peu -de- dog imlm lioli.' -'lif pos Me. 'a-s tise PiSa some eHoe l aa si wh .. iemBaite lnI- at iglît o'ehook, and for a ,hile bit of ;uee vîik-eo tIsat a slight force fiee bhuek ctiies mere rpettelvel coe- lsArido Igelsooap toit seunacfol an eT' patronage wiii receive everyattalention. it peurci doms gooi, andsifil as g foIntrees oîlîlecoli breaok at. Pyy utelcd i vilîslise sod irîl eS. la ue imrci looks out troc de aines ost dc e ian iIun 11ans, sic." H~B e olau5 msa infora aise pall- ditkout ot doces. meonclihuinsa noIlset bachet îOm el i--ff le the ioebsp. and I tSe lich@bser- de matin vas oLisin. uni mine lle dcg 'Ves tsacis creertotadiav, I ho. lieliial lhs ruas tise Mail Nev I oonted olbe la Jackso arip flic seue of tlise oart, and I îuuip took if I slould renin is oul nil day. lie ahoomp iyit sp uni ionalike aloi-p urnve T7 Stage, imire ro-li dnp elmees ieaS erigne ao Mtlot ani real. B vie rusfnraiI Ixpc i ediit oui aed rhupped h ietatiresa ille, use Alte re iekfalftise lseril cime isown dingo. uni ho pny k ut tise soo'î dut vas 'Ver, ir," eepiod tho arinst, vho Mitge evan Miten îi eretv. ofgoods fer me, nolihI1seeanO ladis- irosliacihe Juot lippicg- ioo. and tol snc lhat I lied goit fise V7 shn ie 0prile nom taccer vam. Uoi as I tatciad hie sisilor sois elthy old Bites.FeW.AaLL18 CEn.O-p iose oe n ep cap homne, Tise matin Newe I hliail. PMp ert mou al i- ndasittiC Iooliremaiias suci mine het la de vinder de ol fiblir ; 'de pou visis yciar dauglotle Milon Fb.23d. 86 V.3- vawuli risne au ifiigia, aiad 1IMst ars, ilS asstou entame etfvisite mooeieg, I nîouîî hLave fle rewaofiainsaa ESlsle V- taire a trfIrwass Sîoelît I couli gelt isougîsthimu a , aS ndoiamue on parposa for isard Smo tiiosani dolart îos isci obers Ilu puni, Fritz, T deih peu dere liî '-No, it, nitmy dart«!Y litemeuh a [a1 ser i andss ciusage, Lrylsanauni service.1 i d i tf-týed. IIssouid mp gocia'ahl sale, Rome a paidlahapper'.1)e dog 'ae Sese "Voueeau, peeiaps?" liaee abou mdacilt mas ier"si naetp ofli elieva Itiretany eediaary mata couli psuid lic expresageni fat hringsag lis',Nntm sn ete. -B UÀ-bep- ir Na o ,abut ev. id tn eipressiema luff rleak it. I1 otanmy cari as noie- threra rm Inianaolhis, endiiea vent "Veil, I <oes te pot undbicsaeaps, a-Who tison, air ? Mot ysIuelf 1 i - ~~~~~~~~~~- - esipas C lad <et cff, aed tien srga e oek te 0etow[bran uvay in sepcarl. uinlngs ecssSalssndr oeP ' ILLIAMoIBROMLEY, anusun- prise nt ilis ; andi ased hp I dsl not napherse en, tii loepieg op pisai o I tvlise ballet haiea la ils topeof Vas dat deg emi entaille. unidOa 1 -'No. solmyselt; lut uamnbady a ous tSii asancomencai bnl- !s frorntolnItliue ht sfiadp 1 lvtau t tise distanae of' my vnheliî. juot ns I bâni roneclosi. iveno. I liaa, eerai te.dredsgtmr ifaly ot nas as Brbr n 'rssr Mhall a mile taniser I1souli came le e ee la a lina sanme Set inCis-Undinlude sesesin 1 lita noiruni lits pear-oli muin I ghtt'othor dy Batr ariao, hsucpIa a netaloisdat a oserlot ofgeosa vonaitin f oc Iad acr on. il mcd sephersa pari ,adlid1be hr1usaymnefeàck ekat)udmneLr bntidwaddnsmet1 DInrme t Jackson, and I vaaîed ta bterraIad odra. -o siCbe ieaIuenl ief-etr(bratnSuay ferray dLeat o lntartedar, ia d iramon lthé DEMPS'~YS NEW DL~~55~~ Sfori theeaprese<g t i a tis S pick Iieo np tisceagili hs rmai. sit, Ivo oft Siese ouli liane ]lIiat rousie loks aIme ni to tapdstnt evru isy>oie DE PSXI N W LCK bfoe h eprWý atuleft eh I a but t'oninutsu 51cr tis f ietst oemliseeeaboutuise sîssali ofthelickc. solem- ligciet Inîi.rti dollars oven o udu Mais-Steet. sMilittan. 1 ronag. Thora veree aa nsber c ofWnla ahbsmdiiepai il eTs.ontya fotdono Miltou, May 2iai, 1867. 46tt. people ostiirg rouo d oiile T tolul ia1 bcord n motilon in tlise cef, tolled lie Sd put is) a iseany charge et Puy- Fria. De reSttdngyo mi Tîs a eskip vnd ova-,elsuai batI toklîtlonotceut hen ue1by n grimudîs g noie, as risoulzisaiomeder, uni lis pistoi van a Lseuny one. hpvD dcas hivi ail tiglul' vt tsp li n up lel sensI ok ip netie poftuaibr. >nhiiiay ac tceher pidt-Mm li leoeilsning fsio is -iff îî "Uo -oo fair[ ,de nevepupor coule ~faliovnd Syan oh po fIboa, a iavce. I raid olieg, lutliedhea Oit ir poe ntmsssasdinad 1epen@ his-uad bpnhinQs vol; mnaiînSa, pape, sud soadry «bar un cep possessionaamil pakage f jSr me rtmeL-O yosdiakî I1alere tosa ma lidiria'sonabhcs. ALOG BOUTSE. SMoP. STABL.E, ced placarde vîlei I vae le dlicre uiSe eluc e ise îe tun hoot opiglt hP uholid or tfores al mai fersac ialit It n sidifaadrlp)s liaay"vsa 3n ACHiES 0F LAND fC-r sale cali ut oleriff at Jackson, and iheymwere notices jtîreitopo*te csrtaimsda1cotatsvcagîîiad <1Ot obisa lndibafrdea îp Cet tlua a c aDft lon inceladytvhb W fIELEGAN'S CORNERS, uamad Dick Hardîrai. Tisaselis an ftihîr <board. m5el anlodl i sali ldout, and T am rcaiy ta A Traveler, steppiug iieta inare tirtera shot th ise neiabut gave n drorription of lis pesoný andi 0f course I Snew tisai cep uaexpoct- loy un' fer tle vintar. I touai a letdolridevnEastwr khwte busi terlut[v ein e Ick. . rlls tCenl, alla mte fsseAhepi il. le ua cloe meataveoi tio vli paseaer con a villil utr lia must is the Portsocuth Pont Office lot m ssec n t, veswslY ou tise Soi- 110alte te cf be ruddcl rl aS Gaaahodelell mle A <ur anaresMil h ea a eoemeasee er eladascgf n an apht vle.Ago inerTarntai i. Ilfutctit tmas peret. lie vue Lave becua vnb-reeaver ec bItrîe r flic ta alernfl a I lanocb casuae m io. WNavin rkprdent getuiag Stand, Biainsiti, &c.. a oel Is bilI cmsu ;raih li - in anid til" isc but absoiste vilairp aod hue informme uaSPi. iadhndubrcb~is bena piaint ma 11ela pis? Apply on theses st. trame, n a ir p naceof otaeubi Sove c.iuqz blsete rescalequiet isa om ain prisona toc itn. otthoa b ave get upmn tirir lepg gsg tais fe. PAWaCM iCALLAGMAN ,n-aduni tat pladhs a- atlueth p uppoary I fl aai. 40-3. gentleman,Sanva ioleutuefca bore tSosea og adIinsîtu sti 1l' eedi[epiaaaap als gl. ______________ ar crn aro isci o oagviaittidular place. Tibue huaspît gani pus- scenig I hldthse cnaieity ut loch ai ..Huiten? bas t[mde got beak 7" Wliy ie a ftheta Dsen 11e a oU. 1859] HENRY GRIST, [1866 seau centl;eitakt for auytling bunt 006 grer o bdem and lenifer, andi prttp is cerl, and I oni tioe leur bullet 9 aIStma h oel'toni-liBsanhl ne - the index tea a illisndiaposion. 1o Ilrrdnibsn elr Ilos juet an b5e mi lid n, lhougS ilaep tînt roeshlavebea ob.igtd ta liaca pareil's evo. i5pan..tauPaumasaar. Whea C meuh ap ta epyclaumipr, I, 'Let me caS ef ttisl", lhecriess-asi ocra nese plngged uiu vitI Carias. Vii- Si al." 'Bep, viere dca tb'ms ai ge toP" nsead the landiri vise ilal san wcon, ier lprilci p ]'el !. "Yuu pcame outas la Ivas icoking, and dn -n tgo§,Owsf And ]Patent JAgent, dscribieg tle upicion dieldual. sJliftet topheai ne as te emaierlimse lovcd me lha priît (if tise 'villains 'iooT, Hoau, On Di£ '-lI$t nisreadmtta l<r svst.S Ha aid lae diifiefset tknav he. lm îrthial Siat 1 vos ittiag in5 00uselalett apon tise curt. Tlep vers Pein isqurrly brouaglit lamiidi ln no&Jslways sers&m nà adeîecy sureaa bad ceriare tînet aflarnoon, andinl-' Placr, und Iheaukci hi, sahat lh a s ani muet hanve bel imagiesa iths eaah nernaant tlIai na ose outh[eecutien Whaf la the difadrsose lto... par. Transacis tbusiness cuiisrtheCrama Lande eaied ta lhaestetimea ing thce daing on515re. force. in W'iseonsinShue randidatas cf ftisa Ire secroue und cloîioray? Gaubtisag sud ther Gevevaseenut epartmeutfat@nss Ltmeot ndlI el e- i e prisweeetaberlctovi;M iladth te l tfI ort out P»atrats for Issetatons Ohlaisrsin- t amisp. T a at asSai me why m jpied.sc 0f ni II[ilPc' ierem..n :-- "T-e- atin at1a alii creserva:M.viiuai isWaasiluniat t e o n cepor tien for Cempauie las p lre OPa- vinli ta lnov, uîsd C I sipl .acs 'Til otrohisee 1ee?1A v a sf s vmna: beron oot, Roibart Iiog and T. Il. Die. Sa lto Datu s aie Og f evt ttlae mus eauta asac amliae Telme visai our i b - or it lad ter Se'Boant, Ieg or Dit,' vuS tr oWr aitsIts a Bills duriag tise Session. &a., for parties ta- tai me, and C mrly visSed tai Sant if' sid. vraa v1ielea10be W"ip u-tiapoe.vsva o maaisala he aan siing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - eLe;-.Cva vraqaase i hiI e I l tin Lare ta leep ru pour eg, î andteoui er hostie, tha uhon Ri aarsa mliinAeCm elC, annaoel rtth lnboi up ephe s-__dpuea."Nc-Bo'.-uaiai1ya i - vaaIkl .m4mul XLIIL i :D DO z prigma