Vvuereýen 9 inerih in eetdlygear, 111 A T.d V i I' EL iVil Eterreullyre.nr.o 15-OIN e.KX'LLK. TInr,urtcarp a ,, o ,ervf- -1ntaglen'E-ore l t atg; B arclay jLawrie For allthoir grland orrow- (1,ftrer-ly Joh rc lay",) For ht.a stling te&U t hir wtroto Haro teaoeuote io tnpltioa of litel Cat aolbr ht ao hoerrr. FALL STOCK OF STAPLE ÀýND F1NW A T1ýASHquàsEToiBT DRY GooDS, George 1$. Kendallilee (crn Toxas fl()iJ' rocrie th the Ne.uOrleans.'Picayane' : In Oa.c1lllg, You muet al cecoliecc lite Wintcr, of Georgin, Whote rd teo trop a baking CROCKERY. &C-r &c. ana iottery opice at Montgomery, Ais. nieotfoc berna. Wel, on, afcerreoo, ne Wieer ussttieg.4 front of is oficer, a cbep CIAN S came csrortlng up on tht eaicido eta HE IES AND VARIETY bahemy boâet,,iteadaned ail ell, anueà Caanet 0f, Cupuserd in l Froaspily oppued, as ite docuSe, nitit Ziasec, de peu at a boere?' Oounity of H3alton.6 TL; ctapý1put Éapura te te soet. oe f asinad sopitroth1e enurmeça tb. off ride from utece Win- ter sutand eereteld and eavecttdC a h ys e , aiset ta.e Lfuet. Fiaally, drawnup assgst aeseoend filse .infrotîof tiseoffietht jJ geede are mabed et thse loeeo ce- rto.td vjlh Z myun ~ eratcre pemo,.ý lored thtebep, puttleng the spur sala Goods a nrked In plain FIPgtea. te hrses sfe and titiag abut ilaa cirase. j OSE PRICE ONLY. Imnt gIs-e ree cis procr,'cealla. senS Winter. Idoat usai ite herse, INSPECTRrN INVITED. aa how.' nbWitCCll jetvire (arr bine i qeeriel liglnot Msarket Pricerfoe Couatry Predoce. Ciechar, givin.- bise iter cirons tare. BARCLAT & LAWRIE, 'Tweety-flee dollars V uai Wiuter, Cothourne Streot, Oshitir, Ontario. ad not n cenut mere.' Ocfolior, 1867. 19-3m The felloW raieed iâsurf eeoly en isi lefo font 4e te oicrupn îbccm ie First Frize Couniy Show, 1867, rigitî leg aîoWly sud gracetully ove, thte saddle te îbelgcoaad basàddte rîes For Courseesud Fln. Wsct I te Wlnler. asýd quir tîly sinSt *reseefaela a d we :-f , 1(New bol and Shoa Slore 1 dollars do't top sec ine sborne trede IV BRONVTE'ý juat nom r' se interWacusete cuser of t lee rne. : Ho seul hije te a livecy stable, and ROBERT AiNDERSON la about an isorltthe per came Ca Wintcc'a offie ith;it Wit in te Formerly of mrilloo, bue commeace lte unese ofceeou n tesdid ycu senS buriscre tof suei as cnialtle me for? HiUM Ipeignalte u14,le stable l' BOOT A4ND SJOE BUSLVESS, 'à*ita t isémalter ille ise?' quotir W'itc; teo!corted about lively NEXT To meso w meee seau is.' Imbtter 1I.. Wity, ie'e riug toned, Ttillers flotel, Bronte. spevlse, hipj abot, bas te poleevil, Octoiter lOtit, 1867. 19 3m. sud my Iteiglaudered for watlI______1_______ WCulter unit tIna tootlre, laid eut- W Ii .s .~ 32.50 for Yo4ull acd Martin muCte isrse-aeut te the lieery stable, st st C iimasl doun,banS te asialailed ouI cf B st C ai O i lise stail; and on loobîng bitem ever, (oued te iad eetcy disease ecl dma la te cataioWsr. Tmssiy-fiee dolars fer toeriteareind lun dollaros ad fifîp ma$foc bono: te tudy hie ailmeale lOC PEIR GAL, -a Ionoiif tireaiy ccea dolloarssind fifty 'et& OsNiggerr, W!'o arn de fusa mas dat intectloced sjt periebuas irle Cita Davy n rDa , ef, y u'C'0 oLr e dis coloured iidiidual' 'b nue aleoa, eigcec, mitea 4 LestkRuse abosed bis euWifeeee saig a mec, lotiîg foc bit Inte5ct, 141ib teoplaces mitera I teep Bcâaugr, si oifetr ougit tc ou l." 1.1,aslobt, II ouglet ttasou nhrre lo kep bociste hure--bat I doat." A Young liadys& Setimeats.-Il il masssot gitanS <lacAdase te lot single mie.tere wmu etola wmon uesml, tom vory oemitlly guiioy sec oadhache- lors miti thtee Wrd ful of preîey girls. An Iri4a eue* anc.cvonSa miser (rose. dibuninensdiwase eaded salterpence. elyhatrsainShi, lis Cleut nil yoa gevc tee satiegyourlife.i?' Tietaskiuitzaeoced hrt, be nainS, 'WelI, faille, and I gaes it la ail ibat 10lWmoaxt. -A geetioren sciag ce rrioitman fenuing in a vecy barren, dsolcie piece of landrcaid: . Wbat are you fcnciîg in taie lot fec, Pt ? A floct of siteepe sêald eqageatý doatos titat len,'- T. L. White_& Comp'y- Kilerede, Nov. ltit 1867. 24-if YO TICE. A LL clrent ugoirt Me. Crihhrrt, %itichaker, loir of rtta, uap lie addreeaed Cc ehe uadercigenoi, ROBRT CUTHBERT. Guelpht, De ldth, 1867. 28-3t Thte Eattec of The Late Wm. Maddenr eooiitlug of te Snutlaerlp hlsf af Lut Nu. 9et Coa., N. S., Titere lean aaid Reto, A GOOD BRICK flOUSE. Good Far» Eldingor 1MAVINÇIdP1.RCHABED OVES l$20e000 Worth of Dry-Goods AI lb.thetmeat Tcsde.3aies, miich bave laites placeta Casuf, 'yAT IIALF THEiR ORIGINAL PRICES, Are deterneetlo gire lteir enstossere lt.be 4eftfte Iseeepreeedeeted bargalas they h, avo s -curA.They netoudci i. attalento o e ihe ry e plery rchaeesln Caae aTeeodm ie tatsC-4 %%oeyo 6-4 Gnla PladeidmBcsad Fsocy Site, lPut niadt.,oîîaae alinofwi h woliho so dset Immenseceductaouâ. In île8 eDrprartrret Wr bs-r crrdrd ah anc ferm, er, Overcoate CeTder-ceale Paiseaad Veses-eqaif tI ot aupeier te aoythtsc eea in Canlada, asud aI £ahaloas POETRF~ I~KtOPRTIJNI b a TTREMENDOUS SALE! And nloop hir brade trthscrrer, ODD E LIG A U i n the hy'lleave te morrat t1.1 MYP0 tlst ort watteat? als<ile Wer flit111, a-d-% M A M O TH HO USE, k64 ttematnhài; Ac4reof Lce I tsoghth ie celilo t1tratoh a. 0fte foetvallryseet. The prrrnses e Cmtrof LDit5, 3ed onesseion Ne arvery,GE R TO N rerernrecreîeec itoeflelrmsrcoTrafalgar,hsilf.aat i le roetBoy eaP.0 arrGE R T WN Biter al orneay in eorres ,c ositoot tae nalico fln o raunt et Ili& niais As winst onrld bloc n fooltirr; onnty eticet if. 1 nver geieveiee then, go - A1pi, CtJameasI CtfiflnesFq. Mlton 'B R L Y & M L O i1neea~sIeuittc.,needler Sno.me l "b re, Oheilln Par whst's thre io f lescine rier, ',% Jon.fi.ee,'167 scotoeedeBRIfX 'E D fator,,wheaenu oo eeod'n 1u -. Fashiona,4ke Tailorizng Est ablish :1ent.l MILLINERY-A LARGE ASSOIITMENT. FELT ANJD STRAW RIATS.t Altered to any Shape. B0resand .2Pantle IJa1dîng. TUE BlEST ASSOMRMENT CIF Cloths and Gebicral Dry-Goods in Milton 1 GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. J. E. itu seeareei lite servIces atm We gIn spetial atention t, sud gît titt up fta altite and durableo maierial. ti breu Z, îllb<f From Toronto, wefl Recommended. Wr bav-e Ooly t rmlu1 b e pueblite, taslIbis Pranceothtie Trarir. tee are t lrf.adn e Foire' throt of Ttroto.o O eherp s large Straff nI Fie s InOCntterc t tiOt-Cia erflgn1zurJ bborhaeeo. SetI oheap, ld gusessîre perfect fiest. C L U I 711 ýWARRANTED G60D WOMK Orer Shote'R1o,,,is replper nh &lIl-Ce noeleltR rrin te for3, Paris, Newerk end LItearliteMarkce. le the Pree oro ente uhr-t ha fîetd Mondes, Shnaing Cape, Stals, Inre, Mnlif, Carpria, Floore, eaihers, Ribhea, &-. B. & MeL. morald direct thr attention sl'all parties de8icôns et secereete rare iturgetiot lu the fut "tCleaileylr as clchded ta clerar. aultte gueatecporinte ofsItaerextesive snack, i the ~ <i~E~" .;W-4UL MW L U.W Asd greode militebc serificed le elteci thie ohject. BARCLAY & McLEOD. Georgetown,. lad Dceseter, 1867. 21-if 1 Of Canada., INCORPORLATED 1859. IIIECTORS: IION. J. H.LLYAIr1 CAMErRON1, M. P., Pree7t. LEWIS kCFFATT, E q., Vice do BION. MAI COLX CACIEION, A. T. FULTON. ESQ., jW. J. MDONEL. ENQ.. GL.O. CAMkiBEIL. 1 11. S. IIWLANI>. LSQ., IJ. SIoGILLES, COQ., GEORGE CIIA[FFbY, ESQ., 1 AR. MeMASTER, ESQ.,1 A. M. SMITH, ESQ. SOLiCITORS:-ldepsre. Duggan & Borne. lIrEINSURANCO ofctoti on every decription of pcoperty. MARINE INSURANCES-Inland and to the Leerer Forts, Ncw Eruneericit. Nov. Scoa and te"Wet Iodice. netihy stoem te Euope. Roatea s ao odetato as those of a soter respec table Ineorance Ceeepay. W. L. P. EAGER, ESq. JA0. SYDNEY CROOKEK, Agent, Milieu 'Oseger. 22-6mot (roccries, Provisions! A fS itoniand te rrgeut ao eilIet AaFsrrd Steck of CHEF ANIL GROCERIE - ever brougiti ta GEORU.ETOWNeI. %Okir deihpiey rigit cuatcmnere ptiap show -mite baste BetIsud Clecepeet Glode. Tosap tient %e-el 'And se, iyoslihocour,wunt I tescing VThe Land la of excellent quslilp. The 1'tait5noper cert esepgr 10501 ourneegece il Cta po 'te pueu basout or it' Pro-perly sill ibe uold ou verp fnvuur. ragly prrvcleet amer-g,.sdnerieers. AHi replierd *Pst. a ble, terme. joset s ep flagas ofdictreonnlp hoisted1 A metrc jcbaalsl itos mis tnS Aîcl' O PATaarCietvroo, r rg. Our genealai airtoteat aI geais s A etenjoralswbs wf ldAite AeritedPTIC, WFR), r ircerreuPpri er a foir arahctaItChE just pesented Itiemie e Sies, and uts,. te,, aisgndr e50 r adlHo - anSI for titis roason, mas sampeiJed te segloct JAURS APPELBE. ebethe hibct mart prire nilîho pet his.peper fau aoe day, ucine, thte dsjy Trafalgor, Nov~. 22fld, 1867. 25-3m mftrr, tle. Coemieg excusee: rlWe* uer. umabltle isue aur poper yeclerday laH AMAESCý OGonn AT TIGE RItiIT tonseiluesle of eso arrivai etftNeu exla o7Ee-A large lot ofCacadise tuceds, Gergtown, Octaoier lOtit. 1866. ra rgroy sud elofse laChe me'e taifted - ebhirte- snd drateeru, noc os s Ameuster Somebodj ertised-itor are, pocr, wer tukitege, sait a feu priats, alI abî umpenancaexehst1e emrans:e rOueibor, rlorageil b> freale teCe forsalIe sC a î Btert aenereliLors ef a country piper, great ceducheon by T. C. Wteibeaits, aCi failj rcllininle niîh. IVe have a the Rigint Haunse. 1l'tficeStacnieritbarecetved tate Stcre geodil fice,a dioable harcelonS rifle, evea For eheap esrpebs, ffoec and Itîalil etedeor te %V. B. & R. A,Lon, mInore suite ofoeCohies, teee tittene, s Ne- louer., rage asnld&ccr mate, go tT. C. bu te toptilojreil te sel fousdlGnd papiwegnid matete,tbirîesr Wnîhir.&, alte Iight 1liase, dsy anS tua eii tcicte. carpela os ose Fer ladies' sud l eeilrea'e cbeop - acd geero, c preel> sife, ena eue corner lot, fathitnaite roseede itremu, and blacîsot 5u ctleeoy titras otle ilacshi, ae o ut ai balesmeit iteesetà, louer@,, renthe, deitt. sud hlers'no Ie irelativres. If wofecnterî,aed ribitonsgo te T.U. Wat- a - AT Dèe aot ueslbhy.îCis a pity." iin, set te Rigit-Houare. For rbeap sinS fasîntaîble ornrg 0 1WO 'r(igs oey,bysil itereasyiting le sheo rot sgo e P bobre ?'ecquirrîl a êprctemsnofa Mde9a tT.C. Wetkine et te boy tbe su el.rpin Ueby-Riglet floue ; ho ba& itaportel au rn J(IF UIiN aaothitigjuat abbt bte, btstoucecîooeî. es tockot îerm, I lade leu arder oashoert notice. -SR suaslsc îs jalt oer tehli tb tere catting dFer cheap coiteîîrge, luetres, ced loich ode; yuý igh wak u an po drssgaulds gcersiiy, go and select tire rod jeumiglt ust apaad o ni e large Cstoc0 f bcatiifal d4s time~tr, -and colsra reoerrly impcreed by T. C The mmenlaci aned goato asfres tCWsti.e, at ite ligbî Il-oue.e mors in Spuin Oditieguiub ChriatiasneFo'r eteap and gond fianeele blatrteîe lues leear, Iti~titi5 s sen iteshirtinge, cbeelinge, greyoio0e,hoo0 S, -- V tesrsnoe ttc Bas e obeard eatebeeo y aahr tina fry gecleo - esC. riliicary, cilbous, lacaisiig goe e Cofias et au] etarosud desceiphio a mail' Otteetsrnis eprt ase es oT. C atn, IIoRgonlHes, sild Prica freai 0it te $24. dieses rery me 1-au oic onaumoes 'Street, near Rieg sîreet, EB.iPONES. 'Ouri;e ~ .puet >car.Hamniltoe, ewho gauastemdirect fraeu jitlIc. Oct. Il.r1861. 20 ly lte Britisht eafacîarers, snSdailI sh iats*%ib o urgilely spats sBil Ca ou ns cbeap as as> Masu ite'a j ilIo e mutter is giecea abats oma good Dliseinc.i d rsa I 116 t,î[l)01 Dame. I ILeoiltea, Oct. Ste 1867. 19 1laic hors, eroolo ocry expose a wosgore sînrm, these c.enp aderoleed iuelor.nibiliîies arc 11n public ciew ohenthe elhp alerrosui- was neerever ce0 la e ad Weil .uhrrtd. anonS oe boyer. We mant 300 Kegs of Gond B)air]F iaey aneonet of Good Sbipping Apples, for 19-tf JB. WILLMOTT IJ AS jet reeired a Choies Aseoetneeot of Goode, areitabir for Christmas Presents, Embrarime Elecre-eprste Ceed uats and Segar Boule, Lsdiles' cerd rases, Retieestos, Cemaspsios Ac-e In greal varletys. TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGA&WEyA. orû otOOWNEL Lon?. P. McGrcgor. W* Y Jasîlen. Otocey, w perst7 8 0. T. Railwgy, N Cerner 32 4 200 100 100 se 100 33 IL TOWNSHIP OF NELSON. i oseph Bnyti, a D.S., Part 2Ufe Jobn SIcriIU& Chtarles Bakes', George Boiter,, Jobn e tP'errss1 K'eson Jeohnsone William Frankt Ne'.5. 76,6& 28,03 TOril 10,1 44 to TOWNS91P OF TRAFALGAIL 4 il 90 39»1 TOWNSBIIP 0F ESQUESING. E Part 15 2 1 18,41 Wj 16 2 '100 U4 w Part 25 8 4 ô W Part 27 9 50 8 E4e 31 10 100 2, VILLAGE 0F ACTON. NAuis.xor Ownexu. LOT. 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 40 8 9l 10 12 13 15 2 3 45 678 9 3 9 1 10,1 21 15 21 1S 21 1-5 21 1-5 21 1.5 25 12 à 10.]W 10,10 10,10, le 16 Ï,64 TOWN'0F MILTOIX. MARTINe t3SURVET. y ef Brodte St. 6 2 8 f011 t. 33 3 TEETZEL'O OCRVET. 1q et Piac St. 16 9 1 8 of Piao SI. F 16 un 4 16 n us 5 16 Iof oecrl St. 5 là, r 6 15 S of Pearl St. 2 19 15 5 MI 1lm 15 9,5 1 '01 TOWN OF OAKVILLE. A -D ,A EI A 2 -B A&D 2 14 3-2 -12 7 3 4&t Mbilton, lOtit Wovemirer, 1967. 2 1 90Do, 1.11h 10 18.5ff2 1.1, 12 13.Q3 li 20 1260 Ji 24 2 .065 l 2-1 4,19 1à 26 4,17 Ji$ 26 25,45 1.8 27 797 145 28' 2902 lM 21Y 1.47 1lm 3& 4.61 110 4Z 27.14 1.11f 4'Z 44.q3 2.1 4-t 3.63 2,M 410 29,70 30 49 13,29 101 5t 35.16 21 57 27413 in 59 9.14 1,4 5w 33.63 231 6e, 3,13 1IX 69 20.20 1,5, 69 6,60 111 69 27,50 1,6 69 - 39,45 C. 64 11.21 I 7e 27.45 1n 72'30 , 74 '201 7 Z 32,33 2,9 7!e 16,11 1,1 72 29,73 1,0 72 27.14 >IC. 7I 16,11 1,0 7F 27,14 l19 73 419 11- 7F29.63 l'O 79 24 52 1, 86 22.35 , 9& -13530 L 94 9.73 1,74 103 27.14' 1,5 103 24,27 10 F. McCALLITM, 1'reasurcr Co. H,0 27 3â JAY CONRAD'S Clock 1& Watch Establishmelt1 CAN BE JOUZID AT THE FOOT 0 THEE o.Fklag i eBruave Tda saend Yers thtBatit ee«d tk A Titere yenu wil Ard a large variety ef lte eery best Yei ,z-TiteJeromea, Giluten, end Setk Theo Clouhe, Walthàss and oter Watehea, uarylg lu npriceraned ejeality front $3 te $50. lae cr7, Jet Irish ]Eeg Oak, Gilt and Glose Broaee sud Esc Rings- Mu k6 rinest Gold and iliver inger Riegs, Lochete.Merhaeut Pie. FOeet 101 Put-es Watcit Key@, Key Clenins, 8peetaeles, Ese Gînser, bigl i eu.l~~ Gla2eseGutta Perets Rings, &c, &e. Ail Clocha broughin pe re lu'ea uary niecl libe Cleasard and Casee Vacaiehed (Nom Cord) fau tbi10 50 cýate foc one day. and 75 cente focr igitt daj, sed warrnad Oe eur' kiade ef Watches don. ceausten snd warraated ont yja. O'W0u lring jour lc'çi Watches, Jewcllery and Fancy .A1ticl' In te CONRAD erfeen jeu cerne te lte COUNTY SHOW." AIl, ol dolivcctd mites dose at auj place pou suj wieh iente Coneefi &80*E~" Milton. October 8th, 1867. F . '. A COliq CRIJSIIFX CON RAD, SOr.ter Saloon openese Fo' E CHA' Satwrdu v,r rlteeiseen. <33 tre"n FI A Frted, lloasrod ed dSîerd. Osecro b ey ai th whelpeele sad relail."nd al artncîoles aeually kept ia a 'Cerneperpece Saloon. A Oti lieun, XRu t Tîli . 4 22 sic. A SkWrt. SuIC gLU M. SW[AN. i .d ia s e t'o sU kbtInltptrlemain V pS G; Ms Sret. iCeya 1 lii hartr 1i8rs . T. drileilc Et i Oceas otsa ied bp ln ithnitt ea Da Olta-ure î 1C ,ai ensl , oth tIts .. neeou, Jeme pei, Rr-tu.Folrî, j ~ uer ~ SURI STOHI, e PPOSTE W TS 'SD [KGSTORE. ;neeee:l Wcithcc erci I ,rnnt iF.noiooraleo fltRicittrEdCons-ee, ad - ce,_.aird ai ir-,, tiee Thtomas lhîes'e o ýL-1 epuL.irierforlt-eeg Michael lileesun, noe 4caeoil S/ueo St'o r e 1*7. Loýit Wiiice, RaineeahRree teo oe t--I. ccd rerrt-crl-t-l 1e thoreto eitrrreeîabc'voebi-Jt Rasooir enail hMuderofnO(iTS A:TO 17-luitbo he-iee2terici et î- hlorre-rha o- Clarkter nueye,-ther ii altco. eie a praeicel orkTin Oee civrcy e-crcp.-ice hein-ee A- LeaVît, auebitd hc auseetc& aetlo rteiele ihat ihote nieo lkeeo,vitLn.nelothe b;ie2hnst. JneoiHaetsr nLostte of A. PitzpeSrcn, 100K AT. OUR PuICES. lelrs, Diaottoid, 1 Geeo Ueearre Bt of............c............... $ 2 40 OillaicilMillnr, A Gon reodl oni'a.1309$ c ..................... 1 25 Grorge ier, Joeeph lIr-ihearee, A large ulocle et Wsliig and Shatiiog Brocm,. Iadioe and C.ntteorvrFit and Ruihor Esie of üI. Lenee, 0 veaecns cucinp. u4totm or ica itbracreyrortpi yate nded to. mi-e, TER1MS-STRICTLY CASII. i lioIfoveenher 2, ie,10. . ly The New Domninion lionnes BaIr literIes Baker, T H E UBECRIEFSC leg e arrenoucce tate ltitskrete etriieu anS vicIiC itai heb hbu coiamoeed hosines luthe Store Opposite the Engylish CIîurcIî, Main Street,. MiltoM, Wisere ise ulIT kerp eastetlp eon5sd n teavy stocke af COOKING AND PARLON STOVES 0F 111E LATEST ANI ST5 IMPUOiVEIh PATTERNS, STOVZi-PIPING &C.r Whiele le- lîl selnnt 20 per sent beloW RHimiltee or Torento Prient. lIe Ce. enuhied ta do Ciehs byieeg for tACOt, and ibteBaanrrtce-rdisotreet tu-rd nterrsi huceideni a ie hoCrediOstrc8ee CC-s uenpy yrnrc f praeticul osperiieceeoahibse alîs a Cporehe le the brot advanlugeo SHecbuatsalsnelage stcofa Wlieh ler atl eell fer Id doliare l tebtele e enoeHernhlp iethen Qast-.reoe Plonrlis areeeld ineti eiihborhaod. Farrrreawoold doeeelhloacalisonSdeaehe tIse of brîcre cr.mnrneg leir hll mark. Tuep are more durable, ated easier draght and are oIfIt hel murel. North's Patent Dntm Heat'er, Conslttyounlesuf. Tube crlehrated De os, woblel u ced ou maep af teecars. sud io the Western Miates. nhte it tahee the prefercceno0a ail sthecC, Aote sas entetr. Snvezs balf-tIse <sel, and, addseuaiy tas comteoritL Cerrifcatee from ngieerr f. WtV.ý. ac sCiirin .Principal Ceairai ScoocllIam.- litp; hJobsblreuet satd King Ste etS Mhodeal Clîsrehee 0P.W. De> asi finve thastr; Z. Patteon onleîtiarr. sud marneatierre. .lheee eatrs p$ inand nochre made, if nt atiefaatory. N 8. -Coirhinaeppffsof aU inal de eld epscatcip ai loteraies. Termes-Camh ar Farte Predece. Milton, Ocieber 2 1867. ]PATRICK IbcJERMOTT, 1741f ChII'd[Cn' i ns and loy Boo1SF5 À ag tcet- cholBoos.Cop: Boks, Estray. Estray. leas iba suaiprtcos , MAobMetElerr- N iroC tteLct lb, on te Nelsonmamd n.AYEl ît f,2n ur.N. .,Tr .nlgaTocnline. nbouteist a ee Il FER CT. DISCO UXT -e r:%"-' oe set to e Aeel IU Ocitoer 1 Oea orn id heiler aad 010cr pIFoeu(-r otd. Tic ooaer rue berve ','hec otner coubreni tî then it y prov. t.eaiher uuesSprevnez pcslcrtp at.d go> iug Te Tearhers cf thse MEBIO. RALL. chrges. in, rie 013 anSdlia.ingiagerges. J. B WILLMOTT, W. CI -E 'TIGLEW. J iVIlLIAl NEWELL. MiltuarUce. le, t867. 27t -i TroaIegrt Dcc. L, 18Z. 2C-tI Nclsoc, Dee u 18tb, 18Z7. 28-4t A VERY LARGE AISSO RTIFE-N1. ULOTII OYERSIIOES AND RTJB"LEPISc Commercial Bis takeni for Goods at No. 80 5 Gallons Coal 011 for $1. .Iact. ~~1ra3 C. NJEJIAIJS. )IILTtON, STOVE AfND PLO1JGH STORE If sïïe of Land~ COU.NTY 07 MALRO yvï»e JA S. HO LLIN RA K E,, aCia m il<eu on. htf an re f oeute »ivî ot i TSaxes@'o0etier .1<1 aitlslaui alcten md eç;zisufte. ~ ~ TUE~DÂt! THER 24TE DAY 0F M,&RC]à, A>3o"~ fi'lok i te fenonastise Court Bonne, la ahe Teowdàk oiîl by Fabli Astin.lise seinS Lands o,8 es unth e.of te diset cbar. suitc u r.el Taxes a isless~s jj Ph lmt ase pateated 1 %; I.. l'à