__I_ jGRAND SHOW OF NEW'GOODS. m.r, 1esPeterL "N% !Wsh.d, à".erbut itn tise too .ba w a%,? su sua PesaMd piymaare. ani 0w" id aythr liseon oaJ$ ýou eplot ef m~d1lIsd 1 ut il su you, Ane mwv peuug *fit toilr sdau.ât L mee Itu FALL IMPORTATIONS OP CHROICE NEW GOODS, ;dp o0o-iist7umidnhiatwe4il ya.ba As.g linin?....a.tue Wlnch, for Ruieni, QWmly, Ctapo., sud eatifal Design, cuonel hoe celled le the t-lwB Semis. Nominiouln. Ylen ai, Y.,fa", ~were àlind ,,WdWuumj4 'snlm Wtiln « e SPJECIA L A.rTTE N',ZTIO N'- bammnnI sd May-- ve me ovortise ja«,"--ýhmrho *a oneg dui*Uk~au mmapi"atbhmsd liqur le poisM o t e tlel -Sg Im msot sr about 1.s uv oi i7er put.oleWi ; I my,"1h0IMMENSE A» DATTRACTIVE STOCK OF 0001)5 24019ON HOW I bequcaâelis h.111e plot ab th.e ren madi 10 pour Com. Crefm, for ho has AI lie bouy dhu!gqand i su honae ansdasu boidvochngsa mns 1 t ver knew. I re e a frisai o him, Peler dm;rneyer e Z di g M r * lt lmi iontse ybave it-vouref L a1 n f r -4inak f DB 01 8.7dealis l es!vsn. Wtlotreqelre 10 o - u t. tllly apprecbbusd fbM t O ait mIlle ero ed lte Com. rog.. sued tB~~IL~ ~t[0T \iTE i. hicrs inan oe sim P ?Ai, 111usd b&Ar -ai" 1 but 1 lbd .y Isul' 5fibr115%" fMy&75 1&Corner lis1 oaci Janes ea S)TRmilfoa, Oeav 14iIu5,sd. bp turns I.,., Dsopiser 35t, lU e %%mho u ing lead *sm'à »1 - Ph Wo u " er li» ii y. vnlnt e esu nengis j'Br lidwohhe~dy4ngvcda?' a "Unr les1.tatiseuluelever f au..d haieiso gave n tow u l ishl t"umad&myaif mSie bauli; *abar l bar -delp *11e, that'i a1L . s~~-U misiesd ny father tw»h=teonerieoftli Bol le iKifa"-aoot ovlry éy. Qerm ills acal; eeomnaia lb. amâler .et -@ha$ om'le 0esn "ni mâm d «'Tfrm Etnd imo,» es ein the *Dyll IsslmesIbfr a ireaoh of pro. d..lL Ue. ecovogo10 à dm teloqueé iIsge ~roâobsd6ieulisguMfetde sur sum " "i a pmer iii ii #dul .Ms.amI.s Wb.hsILji deal sus st..ay viâ a ursaiý M6»okmbosome aimy A msm bey va. dcil a a ile. v" tb u lse aimai uemil eh r ,é7 Jb.igsPoi do ed f, bi &";sbsuIr mbaous- f ~ ssU wIlmebo A NÉ ibsai ee, ~um e q wetrais a se mmob suo ira, " lia lýb da mem, schsiqM uailibimt V WIWIF, WhugosC onqhooIn unuhi eut Os outrai suephmor o 411W. iltSa5 lvsu a"?4mise.t en bihe uli» Versm u? Rofmmaia. sud mopn u* be olaWâe s"e gmolrbMov, vh ois hot &masi 'Wos*-osÈW a. d etisyoq pD e CHEAP 0COODS &R. A. LY&N'S91 1UKKK.KUD~. 1 ormb 51, Mt 16-tf 1 Iingdoni of Canlada!t BRONTE AT TmE RioNT. Old Styles PassingýAway 1 GOODS CHEAP FOR CASHI. Anai hau uest p.rchosd& t i"i n ud . S e uofe is o o f M'CRANEY &THOMPSON, Coanly ô( lIalle. E9. C. TROMIIPOI .TIOm ,&W 1). ]LUCAS. Ji..R Wovill le inu s omms.sse ésI, "d u e "airg Isscn Boto' Apa leml11,iNa 8 8.àe>- ag ew ad .Good« ESQUESING STEAM FOUNDRY, Ai" m:.u bleKloololti1 iesd I Se 51.1 " or Pw511 drig, eDtacau twmarkj dgl,su, 11h.. o ye. au. a bu <Ivnacouplete ni~Ma. a f h.t le ie l.t st iamlu .m0Canada "P Ilm e aml Aln ntii MnIa a.ocaiera m&rad ca brne, ens.'eShîngle M etiisiUmmasines as. I9ewu agc'arBrie. NPatIetonWed amll Ma- nhîas. Ay uiy oiîOt obp OdI esfer "i. lI «Le aiBus. sala Ex 51- ~5~Oi5va. Il C-Sthd Igt. - le. DaD. CHRISTIE,1 lb. publicto gescly, Ébaiteobua juil Wiut luaceno. asunirtiet of Fasionable Gooda! Conlttng off DRY GOODSI Wtictn vore hogt FOW CAS-01 Under his e pranat Inspection, nIunopro. eedeniedty towrats, ovlng te a stgnation. la the markeý, ated by su orsrpply of" thîn CLASS,0F GOODS Re cau coaiefnty afford 10oit ai ALIIIMINGLY LOW fRICES Vhiet thodst.mln.d lé do. COME ÂND GIVE HIX À TRI&L!1 Bis S"8crm eu vtb. open forlInspectioa INA FEW DAYS 1 neoexpectesa freiN arrvai of ioula peu "MORAYIAN," Abot the luth tait. Milton, Bep. cli, 1867. Iutf1 NE W ,PIRM EX OAKVILLE. BarclayejrLawrie, Rayele au.cottc apetion of tolaf JAIL STCOC0f STAPLWà» fAINCY DRY GooDS, Clothbine, Groceries, CRO>CKIERY. , &c. C CHEAPES8 AND VARIET COmot te aurpeamelin the Oounty of Haliton Havnla olptcd the Cash Bystem, AI] goedasume ataukOt5M lie lovet re. anaerative primas Goodamarkedi pfla Pkm gueon ONE PEICE ONLY. INSPECT[&N'INVITED. Rlgbot Isuket Picn for Consiry Prdaîe BARCLAY à& UWRIE, C4oorna Streeti, Outailte, Onblefs Octobsu, )967. 19.8ea A P'RAME DWELLING H10USE, mt ene-Ift off an acre 0olansd, nioated 'eule or mat off the Teuperance Hal, in th tovn off utun. Apply10F. J. Jonee, 'Iova Clerî,.oesthec pemem ,or te SYLVESTER I EKPLE. Appet, .0, Appetby. 10ov. tIt. 1867. 24-f1n MALE OF lRIeal -EsSaie! le ho i»t4 bp PUBWO ADOTION, on fhe Wt10h te vil mseai84OWp«oe snt Uslow Kaniton or Toronto PrIem RoIs enatled io de Ibis hy beylog for CASH, 1and %bhon mvlag the disctnt sud Inlerest làooldenlé a thesCrdlitsau i Rs s y ears of patieul expnulenceeenabtesasi &W go10perchaiseteI.ls i 4atge. me bonatm a s, go.tock of Wtthih . vIii stI fr 18 dolisen i ho,.osidernby le,,tan Cnl-lrom Plo.ogta are aotd la &Itte nolghborhood. Fermera voeidovali teacai and examinete e.iod before comuenclng IthIer fUli ork. They aumre ac huble. and emler draungktl, U are et theb bt model. Norths ]Patent Drun Mater, Conseantly on baad. ýThia cetebrated Dr., whist Ia use& on mmsy ofte cerg. and la lbe Weserun Statea. wbere laboâtes heprefèero I off t oiera. Acie asa aventekr. RSaes haIfth. 110, and sadde grest tomiori i CertiiOcates Iusm Eogineer 0. W. B.; A. NIacCoiton. Princi palni tnrolSchootlinon- iliou ; John bireet an4 King Street lirîbodiat Cherces;a P. W. Dojiooc St) Deal ; 2. Paitison, Conféeoer, ecd many ottera. Thon thenters pol io. nd no charge made, Ir not sotiisfaoroy. N & -Cooelng cppraius off aU bleds ,oid soparateiy ait om rte.. Terme--Cnet or Foret Produce. PATRICK McDEIIMQTT, Miton, Ortote 2, 1887.,7i THE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANCE Co'y. 19 and 20, Coruhîli, London, England. CANADA OFFICE, 385 AND) 387, ST. PAUJL STREET, MONTREAL. f!APITAL-Twe ond--af Millions Sterling; or, ivelve and-isoif billn. Doâera. FIlDV RTM K.PEprpcamaierydarpintaedato ia ee bib.il" andi Ct"D"ri'nleas od ai tho Ot et 1 eof t Compaay, ta. lacorst, or fr.. ca f. Ago nt MOZLA!OD WATON A 00. Geiseal Agent. fou Cannda. T. CRISIIOLIR LIVINGSI ON, P. L. ., Iapeçior aad blcceral Supt. FRIDERCE06LE, Seecstny. MILTON AGENCY. MiDCcL agrunse-DE. STR.EET. 1Octee, ust, 1e67. CLTY IIOTEL, JAMES STRlEET, HAMILTON. WU. uluOnARDiON, Fuopolea. meT « R mo~alt Md anlag an.- a mlmaBlt olt dortei Mest lai-mat, I11tier anvte, ffeuîat, Ilafîlcatr. av fiee of al THE TABLE Iecueundy p ppt It aIl te anbtantiata and dellasuica off hroeao,and tectargumare enaisal. Tue BAB centaIne cens but lb. ihletlWîaea. Liqtuira nod Otgara, and of the hoatrundp and vîctae. AffO»NIBUS rona regularîy le and from al ihe TrMins aniSpemotst GS00 j.Il4DO1 d mnaettree Raielîlea. .l.1- tl , 1 18.y Fit Prix.Ceuni7 Sh.w,18, -o-( A aiW5-0ItoumoE TIJESDATY ])Er, I7TuIlw16,- At t9 o'eoeilnce, 100 Acti . , eu- Nouioo and Sboe Store lait Fncalnn.Lad, ssa , fi.0IsbahARNP ntfai fLoilNo. S, la ifflGoruln Souh ofse lidu Sfest, lastlb lO*Oàlr i Nelao, C-emi0p ff Osleo.. lsIiogfl O E T A D R N sile off oUlltint. Wllmlers.Gota ROBRmX E Umnaiab"@d; alnsa Waler Bas, MIII 1n rsundg Oudr. A -0"Orotard of Formserly of MiWIe, bisu eoMeSt Apgieaap fare«,,sbout leeveo miles uin. ro bCiaofamillen, ami four fresa a bpnuo Gond Guain Mortel, talf a ulleosty frBO OT.nv5 0 UIES a Otaret, Sheltoit onOce, &asieka. BO M SO U[R. TER»M'-St.ace &m, e, tulano, SRXT TO maie Inomu on dap af mn. WU. PURNAS, DENNIS SULLITAN, Tiller's Hotel, Broute. - - . Ipkt. Octoiser iGuis, 1867. 19 3Mt. Aie, t00 ACRES ef Nouth Pars uf Lots Nu. S and 4, tantee d Con., . D., @batsflla 7,cr 801 cura Clemiod, tte balance «el XELN coverc, i witGond tlo.dwood Timbor. vit a Sever FaifuigSpicg ol W@bc. Cleared Te hep s Land, pulncipatty ait aev. Ecclent Sou o Ctey LeOmu Spleadtd Wtcal aad Mec- GO oD D W EL LIN G, d" Fera. TERM. -ti.oft dom, Ibo balance Muw MBR- il I, mdc hncv nsadaet ofate. W. FuEtNAS14, . COTTE£, VaisoISe l'ies' Prioiicgc, and 25 Aeoll.oer. roIirstou Atmrceof .Land, Alloi IS efer te rîvate Sate, l hettcOtieiouncistvlioyenon. Tinopoconlae es YILLAGE ONFPORT NELSON bts Warc utloaseWharf, 018 Stoe,.ose Fra»o Osc- pari cf bLtn3d conceonea.Nw Cervey, L'a 1 Honad one.ilt off.au rre ofland Traalar, iblf.a.olle tfusa liyne P.0 cie beaisifso-fuhs nd--baf onsoff land, Milto. Tii. ahoe ml b. ed olds ia mlOb Brick Dvclutng Bonne, Sabe, c.tc ia ttthnitdiogaccitaiste ovee de- TII. h v.rdoirabto properiy, and .ail.ires thraie b aoent et bis aim Isd onllo. A gond Opprtutjte le ,t giobti t. eams oDennytagrate mnd ln. r tbla1 . Apply- 10 James IrOîfgn, Esq., Mlton, I.COXTER. uc' e-- AppetteE"q , Tuafalgar, an to B. Frt StNo>1f -lt 8Ney., 1867. i-d .Appette, Okyutt5 1-f. J. . WILLMOTT, Agoni, 19-if 1 TIR IVLMAIL LEUIet THE BRONTE i NILTON MAIL STAGE. JOHN WALLACE, ()y Tfi Wallace BUou, Mis", P>Oyeraor Leaves Milton a diyIedp z ld a0 5.45 son., 29181h=trngtP=iso viso ivo aynucueeo al lewtd 1er Lene BotuttL Bte &m a"r,iu at Milton Lt 1,30 P.on Icunce Milton ut 2 pon. Arrives at Dronte te icetothtie 3.25 Trains. Lînyce Breuie &goanalIii5 p-et. Ar- A NEW COVERED STAGCE, Fas Says auj CareliDrieu-. JOHN WALLACJE. Millon, Joly 24tis. 1867. 7tf. Isbegnblsenmierlneoreonoveut lethe Store sert door te W. D. & R. A, LN-onmisce h ies pcoepnred tle ouI pe- Mm oS rdor onushort aiou. MR cffi nI1ai aliS Md dencoiption sasSe prouiptly.Foietram $10 ele$28. E. BONES. Mlttoot, 11.ý1864. 1te S)y ForSale. T NE Sot th fLct Ne.o. 8,ltc e d Con., Ný . B, ., Traffagar. cotaicing 1ueo mros. mcoro es, 70 acrea otcnred. te reticdnr geod Wood laid, a gond ceoer Iiitcg priog o in te tâ. .Atno a goodlieueonBalrû,nd good well. Addrcas, GOI>FRY HUFFIIAN, 11 Trafalugar P. 0 Trafalgof. Sloc. 2th it 0. 14 let C. NIEHAUSi MILTON, MAIN STRIEY Kr. Niesa le fir.asvd ta, aiei bi vbthqu pîloacof this oitab ah- *Bd fi ngaI .4ialahle Jbot ho.blgasn me mit. emtIîbl1ah a routation for becbg 17.CIopar Mm.. ou, m u Rgavlag a large stock on baud, anc? onntantly aoilg hmceo a treaféoa asotmnt of &Bl inde. of iROOTS AN») $HO&, haoladeteraed le8oeillover lthon, aU, oier lnlRaion. Dolng a prnell oab oiisn .f maz~yoa«r'b enpees.bu feelà aalold he cam.select,& bellr orcltcl Im t1h... *ho know nolhiag ei tise hane.. ,LOOK AT OUR PIIICES. À 7o Uoarm eota. -.8 2 40 À Gon. bme' bta......... . i25 à large stock os WalUng sud SkatIng Riiola, Ladies? sud Golemen'a Veit aud lobber Overuhouas osp Coton. mort n H l& lnbces premptly altendled to »- TERMS-TRICTLY CAZSH. -m MIdlIeu. Novomber g7, 1807. The New Dominion STOVE AND PLÔTJGH STORE!, 7JTI SsRl REa bege hoannosmoe te te sonsf Mlton andmoinlly lmai ho ILboa somnenoed busineessla lis Store OppSite the Engliith Church, Main Strret, Milton, Wterete vtfl keep oonstnnîly on hané s henry .10.1 0f COOKINO AND PARLOR S'IIVES01ç' TIE LATST AND MOST1 IMPROVED PÀTTIIENS, STOVF.PIPING2i, &C.," C-REAT SALE!1 i Ijxllm 1waU-4IW Th7e Oldeqi ETE~KU,~. A! Estblihmnt v.TorHI&7 teguoccupe' heir NomPesbo Speiewrp,,. b f.sg n tae1de tb tsv ao clag qnoie f (bcda on iseed, ted lu ortrerdeos lb. bfer laigfo repoY in Doesamber. hllmtofft uecc tie Q E T BARGAINeoet knouîn Tesnoe cpooniai te fofoIng SeeKmsý- AIl Woot Scarlel unid Fsecy Flaaneâ for Tvocty-Firle Conts. Goe Grey Coteen, Sixteen Yardts for Cee Doilr.. BonutifletFast Colorci! Priais culy l'e, Cents. Splcndd Dresesnafor One Dollor-and-a-ti ai£ Dresses fit for a Queoanttemven, only Tisree-Deliso. Fncy Bop&-goosi uylia- for Tvam ond--isnfCeotn g>Ail olisor Classes cf Cose equaNllyrieati. IN OUR PWLLIUVRY DEPARITMEIT Wc wioew he lis vlnOmu i Cnado. Nucey'l'ri ined /il loâts fur (ici lot. Stylis Jackcte oandMaîtimafrenu Tv Dollars. iIEADY-MADE CLOTJIINOi W. have ronnfe-veth ie We-t part of thcRStore, and t ro detrnnoinCc Ço Style. Fit cuit Quoity, a ttu lrInemac eans i fouît stclC S .,'td'ba iGoodc oust le sd. Nluii îhe toeon-o mnuocyisytopiSonubo65 io ricen. ILR WALKER &SO0 Rà-liul .3 &i37 A'9Sel Whelrsale, 18 innd 20, CUui-ce Siret. ,18d>,i,,,Ld Torto, Oîou gett iti, 1867. il GR:2clmrM,= MIL WBIl moln tnm Zis . i a eIA.uijaad ~ GOCEIE ~vr rouin 10QU MTW. .="thr1 caatay h. v.bs ho 8.1 niva ceerou rýXeàn Dpver were careîi morg d'er.s.Aithn s.s:esp sd m3Ke esj .a. Boter af tomey 5MfWesnrouyisoae IpHnvves lb. él ood$h wminh er morest priee vrbe t. as. W.vs30 etgber ot 1, 1866. usj JAY CONRAD8 Clock & Watch Establishtùe CAN BE FOUIfD AT THEE OOT 0? TRI 'Plie, i/nulBraveJ oa27ouand leurs le Boul. an&id *. Tiser. peuvui finýa longe maiely si heîle i bM vin -Tise Jeronne, GUilert, an.4SIf b h.. Cloobi, Waltham (.Àq..ls 01..1«iReissises sog Us, Eu ms. Fînld &.1»ad irer Mnger XRage, ILoets1Meeruau.mPpa.eb~ Persee WaI.Ia Kepa, Key Chais, Spectacle, Ifye Glu"iq, higis sudW glane, Out Percisa BiDgs, &e., &o. , Ail ClSo ousghl n. 3upm »J nry nexl mili bc INsemimd an s , arntsed (New Coed),for th bu ii ]0netf;one dey. ad ZIent&o for eigb. dey, suà varraniedon pm à» aisadocambla ad varulasiou@ 3w, > Dsu'I.si brcDg jour Iockî, Watches, Jewellery and Fancy Àrtc!q ID o teCONRAD> men e .oaaome hthe COUNTI 8SHOW. AU vmwml*j delivenosi vhemdonatay place you maj ishi n thno Gonney luesetobagp Uli= c»T thbu Lse rlc Wdktc7à Enites, Octeber fois, 1867. ne4 W.D. 14T AIR. 0 SM Iauynoe 'bc. . t gra III SUTG . ce ani d t R<. WT. I Psoi ficand 9mIalt4, Xi i anuiCEots Nf o'n " ahu teIA. Put DR. ýT. ookrl O rFFIC boraffro MiSy dm'it o wI or,1QT. ero 'tmc ofRoyaCurei icti.,oroflinif Eembbr or RIiyaI Ce 11lintorg. MS-otiand. /*M. -13 Guodcase orf b.he - Drien 1ns;R iicdipac pied hi Ou. - .an , ,c3t IL C. AL PHVSICIJ.N'y tEO ]mxr13 'trcsa.iiu"cn. Salrde MoloF. b l T. tUST Chba ndlàula 8 irgint, it DÂNUAND ATT' ItOR It C7 NefOer tihc- 9, Miiue. -aB tohoe *wnoî O.T. BAS Pfllâtns o f and genil.i 1ýINTZ3I.AN X28ING STRli OlOImr.Rne ara alto O)VERSTRUNG yj~~Fo ~ Va iSd l ii