m Ta.ioe therd ar S is ut ha,, Au 18g, n WEYA. LIL TAis, LOO 63,60 4 20,468 »8 120,4 Le* 76,65 Lot 88,10 b0 28.03 10 10.13 13m -i 1%,17 Mà 40,1~ 39,1* g5~ TAxn. cos% 10,18 - 5,18 10,10o 5,64 » 2%,20 lt, 15 à 9,55 i, 15 &92 1-5 6371 1 Is. 6,37 , Is 6.37 , 15 6,60 1 15 6.601, 15 5,98 18,00 *, 12.60 . 2,615, 1 4,19,-1 417 1, 25.45; l -7.97 M&4 3902 in 3,47 1 4,61 j 27,14 i 44,93 ~ U,63 ! 35, 16 8363 e . 1313 2,2 8945 11.21 2746 30,74 , 16,11 If, 14 419 22»3 l 2r18 LLUU, C&e~ 1 TREMENDOUS SALE! àlr TEE .IIAMNMOTH I4OUSEJ OEOROETOWN; 1~IVRC L AY &M'LEODri HAl~PURCIIA lED OVER .20,000 Worth of Dry-Goods At»thelesa Traie ales wbtob have tabou place lu Cansda, AT IIALF THEIR ORIIGINAL PRIGcEs, àrsdfuied te give theirsetomere lb. hbenftoteu h.precedeuhrd bat-gans they r, ,d. TIey vould ratt speetal attentioto eheir uey HrsY urchaur. ta O s,.JUsa.dltatasîs OO Wienj 6.4 Cala Plaids,eabsdhnp31m .fjýalucatURs, at of vbtoh vli b.si Id tuemmeuse roiutoas. bift eyatat vsbave exseeded ail aur frruslert,.Overeete Uusl0ereats- -m Y .etCusl, iDt uupete l sy hheuseen in Canada, sud t Fabulons Md ote rîces. Irs gise spectalatstlentlon te, aud gel heis up frusu sutabr aud durable sateral. WlUly toretnitti the Pue it i.bu thipt truerh ot ho Truie, eu-oth a" ltt ResWtoTru e 'e b pu r ~iS of FrtClaua Ccurs,LiretClemf Wu.B- elchap ud guraeerepfrl Corne ail our friends and nei Please looik into our door, ,And see the grand assorimcî Ihat we have in Our Store. ,iglibors, nte Cornesee our Sple ndid Cthing Just suited for the FallI,. Corne try our Teas and Sugars, Look at our Groceries aIL. 1 know that yon wise Fariner Complain of your poor crops, Then that's the vel y reason You shouild patronize Cheap Shops. jrrst such as No. 80 Keeps i" eut County Town,- The bui-densome«bigh piices Mr« Hollinrake puts down. We keep here iflrst-clas@ Tailors, .And good Dregs-Makers too, Tie Milliners of Halton Ail working bard for you. Ont Clothing for the Winter, Is well made and so warm, Suited for every person And proof against the stoim. In short fttr every purpose Our Clothing is prepared, At the Cheap Store No 80, 0f whiclî you've 80 rnuch heard. 0f Boots and Slîocs w've plenty, For Gents and Ladies too, Caiters of ail descriptions Ail ready here for you. Titen corne ail ftier.ds and neigbbors, Coule to the Manrnoth Store, Where ail the Goods arc clîcaply bouglît, ',tJ.Ib.J" -For Bi s, Commercial, Gore, &e. ImmfIwmslà l.e îttb 91sueDO l'touttes iethe 1tondus, P-'elg New Yrb sud QWim u.ets. 1 nletho erMp ote n mealec te round Mate, Sbatiug Cap@, hbaweu. WC>. £Sa b.0~,31~a~O Ribbons, &c. iote, Ontario. &&NOuL vasIîdit-rd the attention erae] pettien ,feeit-ouof ut ecitfue rut-arat-tutuSeisC ot a e po tes or tnoie à, *.f% ultw teJa" coutOded tucleer ot te groaer potionauethir naînuiver NB-a es'Ctlmdepoatehottnti, alocb, hy the and good work dlone. An Experienced Cutter to w~hon ~~ ~ ail work is entî-usted. We guarantec satisfaction. Ail gt*lbu[ acntflted t effe .le htset, ______________________ BARCLAY &MCLEOD. In hanery ~JAS. HOLLINRAKE, SZEALED TENERS The Late Wfl.i Kadden, it, xta i. btPrâel5eue eofthCe eoutl-eisterly cougsetiu etthe Soutleerly haIt et Lot huioth tlesWeterty haIt etfNo. 9, ltuCou., . 5, !t»T NIUMBIER FOUR 'af1 W P nllds n! There lu u iutd ECale, r asluw.gug tise Sema Ccesteof orthe ý ahp of Nassagaweya, T.et1usCouny of 0 atn F'OXTÂINU'lG FIFTY ACRES, nr lem, vIEbc receivred by the o *p es te Il o'toek numeno igaJday DOC. 21, 1867. ý,Msàd 50 menP are Seere-d vîti . PIhMs51E TIMBER TES PN5gtheone vel adaptai lu bc imfeurdjte tumbr. The sani viiibu .ld tres truse tuu- ThaeTM&" 5Are t to faleet pt-tee e 1tbcu glsutor theS psoperty upes terme ut pulie . vhesthoe pEmuiee souey de"ov,MAilethaluovsttcCtthb gine ud the expira- tsf&ser, vitte tstérest teg, ! ifurtiem arltuar sa esuonditionuset uatsusuphe lad st lise Law Office ot Pradoetsk Pentoe, Elàt, te the City et Hlamiltons, or st die Lawe Office et 3nsmegtxis,8Sullivan & Fentes, je du MWo 0eoete, er se appication gle.a nerstgsed. P&atd 3tM Noeumber, 1867: I.T.W. TAYLOR, S- Osgoed H,411, Toeoeeo. 3iàlcltlCK FENTON, Vudira &Iieitr. 26-t Estay. (lAME Itt h preusýers oethe sobenett- %J r, Lot Neo. o the 7tb Con . N. S.' 3I5t55, sbout hu middretftaul Bovember. t urd and white ONE YEAIC OLD 8117683 RSThe Ovuer Is ;equeslei to Pans Pterl, Psy charges sud tube thees bWay. ABSALON BELL. PV~. 4t Oh, l18.6 5-7 ALL Persans iudehteej tethe uubcrib ieeriNepl,er Book uccouit are re- 4P5*d ta ette the serne hy the lotday Osml>samier,uOr thee iltbeput inCourt * GEORGE 8MITIEF i. e - , m samen.Uyters = Z 2 Ad Stuvrd. Oy-ters cot ait, sud ail artictes %" ha&a aTenperum e alWno. A GOOD BRICK H1OUSE. AND» Good ]Farm Buildings. The Lesd tn of excellent qualtCy. The Ppertp wtt busotd ou verp tavoer- Apply te PATRICKo (AWI'OED, or tàeouuderstgsed, JAMES APPBLBE. Trafalgar, Nor. 22nd, 1867. 28-sm NEW MILLI1TERY iAJrs. Joseph Davis, 608 l eeuome lu ber frinds sud msed be &ateysd Drea»ktug lu att tls branuches as, ber reitdeceu, ses? the Westpau tnbl, sud wlt have h. mais F.s,bCabePatresand Trtmmtugs ront Nlev York aud Pstie..sud t-ustalievttt sueeeed lu gtvteg satsfacinltu Chose viho ma 0el111 er Att bleds of Laies dllt ut es. osAsetthe seveusty le t loy prices. Tvo on hree Appreutees Waulri imuedtatrty Ce teare the business. Miltos, 7Nu. Stb, 1867. 22-Ce Best Coal -Oi!l loc. FER GÂL.e T. L. White & Compey. n Kibrie, Psev, ttie, 1867. dtf ILOST. L T3, s Note ut Baed made tu faner ut ODR. WEBISTER Nerval, seed igei tep JoiEPtI ARTHRtS, dated Muy t6, 1887. eIx menthe aut er date. Vhes sad eote absn upa. Tien public asat-het-store catlo.eden st uegotsttug for the sue JOSEPII ARTIIURS. Aýton, Mev. 28l617. le 39 Strayed. ~CROM hu premitses et lhe suhscrthe. Lot 1Ne, 13. lut Cencessioe, N. D. rifalgar, su et-about lh. t.l ef Jus est. a YEARtLINGl8TCERo<sisrk rouneloe. Aup pet-sou glu-esuch tinomton se as ltondb teI ceovet-3 ut the &aimai, avili ne puitably revsrelei. JOlIff RAI L bRAN. Trafalgar, Nur. 2i h, 1868. 25-31' MILLINERY-A LARGE ASSOMIMENT. FELT A» STIRAWRATIS, .<ered to any Shape. »ress and i7Iantle *1Ii1nge TIIE BEST ASSORTMENT CF o I e' M $3019000000 w@WEmx4 ~ Dd*~OOD, (LO-THINGb PATOU & Clothts.aîd Gei*raI Dry-Goods in Milton -i~~:ll~: ~ GROCERIES AND CROCKERY. J. H. bus secured h.strteeso! s Prom Toroto, wefl RooommesdotL BEAD..JADECLOTIMING.9 WAIIIANTED COOD WORK. 7 A VERY LARGE ASSOMIMENT. CIOTII OYEIRSHIOES AND IRIBBERS. Commercial Bis taken for Goods at No. 80 S Gallons Coal 0OÙ for $1. Miton, Mer. fille U67. aan. ~o11±ro.ra~1~.o. 22-tf BENJAMIN JONES, Festrr Strt-, weth ie Pose Office. 4 R RTRNSthabu oc astfat-orsand legsCe tfer Chepublc Iat he is pressed lu frnlsb ny utleee ubis bus- uess' an Cabinet-Maker, anti IJtdertaker, sed, Cain, itirroru, Tabes &c -Ac, . cl rueent1stppfy asieur ihh doffes il 00h 1 et- Ctof.rotn$ e $1lu6l, an etroff fllrte,vwih ilebhi-eda ulareusouShle cetge le aey pa' r te ce esty. - 13. JONES. Xiltonuee271h, 1867. -ly- To HarnessKgakerr. TIE Subscibtr leloit te retire T frais tien Ilormeg laking Busines ut Lousrtlln, and cîileU thee reaeedr of telu stock,.Flue Stand je n gonA one, ne otheur Harneus Ituece jethe vilage. TIeu Dvrling Houeteand Steop. vith onue trets ot au ecre. eau bis rerited relIeoe ablp Up upplyieg tu JouxtFAIIFxîîît- JAMES WILSON. îLupylIlu, Nov -2fjtte, M7. 2] It IIGULAND LIGIIT INFANTIITI if you vaut tbo rerp eob u iehapest GROCERIES' of U knd àwto P. m. MeKA, s1 if you cnet Sîelioleuy, Books, Penn, P. M. MeKAY5. Mustes, Nepusuher sbIh 18G7. jtegu Cutohlu mbis friande and, Ibp prhit Cht bu i Removed ta Iiltôn, Wbeaheta ratsecl ~ For ,utu.eesof sud qssilp o! ftou nuedaý Ifron uronl teeeerv articlre, oece ~ ~ ~ ~ ý.Ç autqtt e. e l e l fIr~~re1iai Toy§of oail kieedr-, ou 0 t,, HE . fl.INT -iJ l& - To feén WrI e lie Wetean *et-ch. 105 RING STREET jlVE0T, Ir' yoe coul Fidle-r, Cencertinnioe, beW tite w a Floteu, Fi-e sti~rings, Slierot Micj, if. .-lgf ! r :clinnr C h tes dor an & c .,, ail ,erranetd. otoariea of laeFe'- - 1. M. MeKAY's. Mittn. Non. 6 O.ie.n107 t T 10 R ùO1N T 0 .« Ther brut Cli 'L OlL thet elenlue get - - - Our lestrumentsbre att cosuetrtdi vtl en trio ut "a cnt e tr galton ou 1àTE>Z" M*U(Ij1 V E'>7;1. veli fiud ut 7tl ,Kd -P. Mt. SInKAI'S. OVEIISTIIUNG DAZS, slolilct pricu in grode ulel for ALth sen taueo heee gts lutsc 1and Cleue. Gîloe, qfukic, C.Lttnu ûFeri, JeItion, nu lApgssfe Ruer, ke., Dacies ead Feinte, deador asi eÎ, at W D L M fadden, w iit taut ia, lluse, *A are TUE LAST BUT If 0FLEAS?. ut Tuhfigne à*matrseaieeite lretent WÂRNEIFRFV EfS the menienlor layettlle VPAM F ÏKMS P. M. MrKoy hae removed lebis ut-bei'Tlsfse anaesar gvtd Sha tentelerfofie Fore ehen tcOFFCE or lAIES APPE UEB13 ESQ.. I n d e xa nminer ou? stock. Dico hrpt hie Surgrry. It ju ctnnn, Torouitou. O. i. ?2-6m ucat anA tldy. Aso,ePly fNew-reepcrs etTrutoigir ..- 'ersoes ledeletedta etwayo on lund.e.nur te pdbtiCc r a I ar e re t eretototeetle nuelu ______ apeerd eu luer itie peofit. 'o chaeee-i eleneocutaid Olliec, top re iucut of tLt lo-nading Aeed if pyeti are Sotie-]t - o< 80 i d itletle Sia e ou i u get i n h e B ai A . f l l< T " l'. o e o i le fies Ihe l le eatoae t & ersery er h o p nierle li d i eo s o r e .t' '1 1 1 ,1 C t 0 . ),cKie e e 1e t e . 2 ', e tt e 3 r l P~.34. MCKAY j àith.-iAt1-1-v-E! 1t1:, :; elcîlb czt d ee eo 1.iîo ,. -, 21î1 e Ieei tN O . Qe .-io l lte j LL uIlfI,.l ,h j aiturmy . Fashioname 1 1.1 BOIIN» TO 'I.AEJIg TuE LUIÀA» The. Bush itllooutluus tttcGUFPlNS fait DRY-GOOIIS AND CLOTIIING'" Ladies' DreusGoods llu age quaat$l5i Gloves, Hosiery, LacesMedgnts, Kualinis8, q Ladies' Faro la M1ink, Geui-nando, Rock Martins, &c.,c& A God Set of Furs, Cheap$ FàîsnorjAua. . -BMQ CatI ut Wher e NO EXPENSE 1S SPARKIJ lu Obtaining flic Latest Fasliions' Gente uud Ladie' OTTER, NORITH AND SOUTUI SE&. SEAL, Beaver and Lamljskin Cap@. A large Lot of -FELT AND NJLK IITeu Cull undIexamuine for yo.enulVeisud >ou vît Le sa te s t t haleuplaieta Soiteltea Goodm 'e et Milton, Ootobe 3eth,1F47, 3- M1EICIJAN\T TAILOR SIIOV! Y -eevRews 4 licro,9 Be o l&auouneuc hat thep have juet oepoord a VEIlCII ANT TAII.OR 80P Dempsey1s Old Stand, Opposite Thompson Xune lhi be ep si keep coutuully ou baud A GOOD ASSORTMENT 0F FIRST.CLASS GOODS, $ehas Euglteb flooalothe, Iloenine and Cueirernen-, Nngo, Scotch sua canadien Tweeds; aud the tilloeriug urw liuus ef 0Godm,. ltbelFrieze. f*r Onereouts db Sheati Janktus.Motons, ansu ise llaitg lot Iob, Elilgsb Petud e4Beaner Oltou, e. AS WE AIIE PIRACTICAL TAILo1Rse We fuatter onepecivrefinit ve eau give a cberuper sud botter aut-letohus a»y uher tir tablneuinu Milton. ltyou Wuut a ondOet0u. If yoe usunt augond SkagnggJacket. If ue avwant a CoMdVert, f yotiant n ouMa 'ie Pntsor oyirg nno irCIIu ie FÂNICOSABLE TAICLlClt \NG ESTABLI ISl I FN. Prom ur long er i nr' thim tuiglhorboud ce fert that the PubialMIacnfident- ly tely opeouour ebjît sud proumpitude.