i, a nillWne laozmn famTrfla oni1 Proccedinga. 1Sîoa-el t 11r. BUowbftlr, d.condod CtIRLiq.-The ;ant. meeting or HJAMILTON MARKETS. ~' sa rI iBfp1~ asecc f onlTaarrby NIlr. W'hi tlhiaiin vcordende witlheiton Curling Cib was field nt De 0h17 Szkino fO&Lands lLI ~~t)c Winter Stock ~ The MunisialIOuuneil on i Tnagar. thepGtino 'h I* ia eirThompo'a Motel. on Friday .6lI rI Ia . $4 ~L0 COUXT1 OJ HAITON lu Vertue. 'en*'u MITN.1ICMIE 2* 6'Ple eovedrnw a npcifiatiou and ad.l omp-eenm, etl oïb elDOW4 Boisy bj Mr_. Joseph metblpaientanlt Iadeuttnentl.. Tic vetuse for tenders ta lie remived n theDocember6h, 1867, when the following 5pfr.g Wbea ... 1.40 t101.45 120 vI?: &el EnIiiA1 Nwo lihcirddhoeta Reevo ln the chair. Membera presriutceimeeting of Council, fer a bridge. efficeru wcre eletd fohelnoonnilg Barley .... .....0.70 tol0.73 of Raltm4, belottidatetOI~tei~y 1IF4mIem> Club, nalita frit mee6'g. -'Nctn. Bity, Bowbeer, White nnd onlihe Lake Shore rend, notntthe Town year :-Preelient, Mr. iJcap Marin; Pork per oit... 4.50 to 5.25 directed for fi oIl.tim.ofarUam09 Auematdu l-s fwhte b. en.rvtiv tcie ruTrfolTrtiabeingthe firs ÂiD tingotIKONeueibo. The Minutes of lut meeini efoot-ere.Vice Preident, Mr. P B. Zimmrman, Butter prb0. 12 te 0. 14 inteal Cati tan~ea.en»therefoce teo Riv. e ut . W * Ïgl lLItN 4DMoecd l'y Mr. I3enty, noondd by Pmen....e... . .30051'i., etunut illcWetdfre., e - ahi in W. C. Beaty EeqfrDpl lcn,-habVglefocteîn rt erte rend and cenftrmed. M.Wic hclyPwN.-t r.Sccnym ruueM.WlimOc....... 0. e 0.5 1EsDa Y oéè, wTH i4Elie CgourtdHoa. e lie oo n,. and Soaens. Rail,lplrentoon, Kenedy. 1F b'oin Frnere' Club, the soi ~r Scoorni petitionstirero gerciord and vide for holding lie Miclipal lction SeottI; Palmon,John Spreut, Sr., Ee.; Potat etoo rbng ....0. 90 to1. 04'lec in je .foenoog, nt DAe ortARoRw, A.D. 1868i ê and 0- C-.ilienl'orCenneilloma. Thoy 'ta bo brongiletlorunrd frounr discusnion rend, vin. fron Joie.Andrece and lh oisournd asecoond and chird timr Cbnplin, Rer. IF. Trctene; C - Sîrnun yperea.8...700ta10- ODO«l ediublgni ni ace texdan ad hr g.ieorth4 >il ue 1 th d f5 n itcenln ameatuene ersfor tNon. I n rides Commie.-orie. traw iyperltnd...8..... .00 te 81-100, tell ischage'ublieaeo lb. mi and argtes ai tei b noncitnereuc iorThedelCdlelvr on Ns-r3 The lOy letwsanthon rend a second cor, J_ Clomence, J. Wnido, .J. Spreou, leef per caresse ....5.50 taeIr.00 lât miepaated. IUhg Ilevef oloncelipase.ncr aîne. P Toer8eoyci u mai ~ end D',ininNo. 47 ; John Alton and Moerd by Mrt. ibeon, ncenîded by sert. Fridny inoevory coek snelong ane lido. pendvt ........7.00 îe8.00 !OWNS iP l 1<AsBA&GAWEYA. ni, ara Nesonure EU or tdema.. . 0.10 u gade an il wsesoon, is aa tired frntm Muici-becemmonit nf Yeu e tinwt tt l'cefor the rection cf a bridontcMe tntlnthce T refgre le lereby tIre icee olds gond unangrood taponiasi afrykiles .........01 a00 pal liouponicelelh echemlientirelofficegi11,ordered co remit ta W il'nmSentti. te C, sknon elb ........0.1OtoO.10' N'M. Or.or îeD. Lai. COte. Ari., T.&M pa Ican, idIoairepee is cfie îî thsea- ef sei. 1 ninll tîîrefér Lot s 1, Lake Shore rend ;Thomas nom of 82 for lais servieeincxonining pay uay. Memberste b m n nethe ion_________________P. Mctiregnn.W* 9 1 100 8gf of Tounnails Ljltk, in pince of ..0.IileYen tirougi lie enlIe yard fiet, Pal'en d cirers fer a bridgeoavor tic n bridge on tire Sixch Line.-Carricd. at 1 n'eloek e. e.SirIncmm ool IIKI. Jmha lnj atT 44 24 >tacOny, uho.lnae removeel te Broute. andtWhite 1 ai endevoring te drcnr little Siateon Crecc, istCon. S. D. Moed by Mîr. Bowheor, eeoedSeerejindc e CuadlIceow muoo-l - 8 NI11EIs. Jouit sors, W ar 7 4 tourlaten tionb.optid 1ubWm. C ibeoinail'alaanlo r s ondteCuadtepopc 2 simrocoKerr, Esi., avilI probnbly b. bois e utinyteino auijet, if ail apSreet ; Johna Miller and othont for a by Me. Beaty, ta tn surenom f 8 130, o ke rlo ing tho cmter montie Dic.101h 1867. BS 178 àS l10 » 1 . aPosteraiahaMcLarene nI erand ratinea li Totirinofor pln-Corleejervery god. Tin Mdal presentd to Pl'l Wial,.. SI...8 60 le 1.65 3! B0 îso Reevehip ciii hocoitosteli.Main"- y eiort-cemiruge. An tic mejnr part ictwenaLoto Nos. 5 aid 6 in tmthe M lovod by Ic. Whilte, iecee(eddby the Miltonaud EaqneigCuriing Cus S On............Od9 la 1.40 31 5' 50 2'01 Pntr iLrn an iomnaet efen snIlec-i ta tntât1bave Co. ; W. Boaty and oticre for a granc M. Bowbeer, ihnt the cernant of E by J. D. Gordon, Esq , aind now field iarley... ........ 0. 8 te 0-80 0. T. Bailcmy, S Cernern32 7 333 et.il. ii1 opeeof fer lleeva n'0 aEeqneoiig, natden ceoorand ]- tandop ofore an fortino maintenance of Sird ecic raBey, nm¶uning ta $12 for aarveying * Cu, 'a............0.70ta 0.72 aGdaeni 'ycre my tiogirs aid a rond htweocaLoto Nos. 13 and 14in b y the MiltontCubocing tle'$non oto0.50 le 055 TOWNSHIP 0F' JEl.ON. ]leuri. ("y MrNsngýýttnnd Liad' expeession, arltien voa mienttino IStewnrt, alse tic repart et Wm.SnIch hr oaeco . Schoai. esgt o i part et lie Eaeiueeii ....erba. .5 e2 ittyotre poinoftms candidates. We mha i t susgdisposai, i fuel as thoogi nppointed te examine a bridge and Caeied. Club, wno Dot plieyed for daring lsbec o ci tca...... oD450iep 550 tria altflnre cr11 hiebut lare candi- 1I1 e el oju stieu, te tI'e onjeet,anid braiwitee on tire GîhlinoneailLot 14 loved by Mn. White, ogeormiby itr.........0 rtal JoehBy,.UsPu2& 1 dalest etc liat tioaromay ho a square Ient it Cmnt tla have fallen m eclelbyJhnSîLun MfSr. Besebeer, l'orkaea 0inteodace ae n d a gencral desiro ws ecx- Botter ...........0@.13 te 0.18 ONII F TRAIrALGAR. 1 ôegedbotrbadtho, ta. e td YJhnMLan n o .By.larseNo. - taesctolloi arond be- preused tiat ut au caly day h it ilat hu Cheele ............ .10 te 0.12 TWSI Ihinstaofaet riangutar duel. !'À,eo î'tî regard telieetinter nannagement FeX aet John BiggrcosmmlmriOnn tweoa Lots Non. 13 tnd 14 inlatle 3rd certeted for.--JonSelc 4 iW 31 ceusae of IL. S.Hall is meiolii' or of Sock, there are me meny diffrent for tireemotioni of a bridgeonn lie Busc Con., N. S. On n di intic yens -------T-- John Se E TEt7'4Gi trpuy.WuhaebordliMr X-nide o tenmnt tatilsieero IMessrs. Ilowbeer, White and th ic r.m.T. L. NWhite, ef Kilbrido, TOWNSHIP fie~OîtbîW~ .Enery cill iîie adM. Lodi î iffilutitIe tan ia ctel or if n Ree;,y lsrs et n isn ola nupeoir ta tire ohe. In lieand a note fronteA. Bnci tendeelng is -Caeencd. ("dlesniablepat 5 - ~ ~ lii tir o Ter e inaegentleman A., cio rushes resignalion ns a Ride Wuik commissionc- Tic By.iac cm tio ennrd a firet h îaIpset rcll eEtray. OG.ga Baker, Wl 16 2 wua et D&e -aaigl~Zai:tL - hropint cith grert asurance telIing for thc village of Prlerms, ane lie ro- lime, Se- Yer-acnobyatnd1 41111lrCea, i 'IM ae e ahCn, a E 1 1 pariMrteai ry i omm-ee.n Mr ober eone ymannging C' ai taof the Simoa Joinncun W Part 27 9L cdfidabatibi 1ilth ret ng nsSae hprsd fer ailTe wnr sreue ohn ?e31V10r1,0WFleîlm li h oni. bie otadnte faing flid ftrall ortefthce cmîinr edMehedby Cini :01tic 6No.iii oi- weoya,.e-,hent.J e , 'r edry hste t ent lalcceeil. Car iiolee, but iidantif ceteronying village et Palermte. etblish a publie ighwayhoctweeLet. lit poy rertI VILI.AGE 0F anA"oTOL K'nyte o e ertd ont-anytling about lieexcpenanmd Ouîil. Sluvrdloy Mn. Bowbeer, ieconded Nos. 13 and 14 in the 3rdi Con., N. S., genrgeon; and tient lIre ccprrcedculcd nvay. tILG F COI 1rumlaenldteon for I e iodut u iai tc W1 yMr. Gibeos lihaI the eoto h oybIbandblelign PR112CAIN ]rknei mvdtruagain baemndri l itSncici . , erprte i o mecrond aserconddanid Iidime inegaina as eotiit r aîi tN'IAUCIPIN CniW m hsh iwf abstirive bottîe iti a litîle teeinefood, osmm'mOaeee aem ieWha i pnr.O aublle ner OfCmpbcilaille. bec. loti, cee7. 27-3 Niéai itorOccam. LOT. BLE. ACI& TARD. Couedw~adtiub t>i iibtt the ienee ime 1iamnet sure if bho recevedacd ptaced on lie mnutes sere SMessrs. locicer, Wie ad lie ~I42 9 1 10,19 . 'W so i He.u 'o 'Btheb'jutieantie ibalance ibeel coeld cais, anyîîing fetchia Council by village ot Paierme, icee; naja meuors. lieaty and (iibsont.~. OW Tor v ho iea Cseecien ~Estra~mvi4 9 Il 101à .5 e «uelo ,audIto mttendt te secernalld ln lie tavor of Ibis macla of- trenîment. linccouait dicie Manieipalicy et -Carried. 45 Illa 15 1,* wihrequire leoilu aiier. Scmdly, FemerB. givs. aeat-Trafalgar, ami liaI Joseph Street ho Mooe bySîr. White,sncenmded by by the Pnipiî nof telieMlînî Common I4 S 15 181 apaIna.cichnit e ie.th naSusa tee-ot fSide W ,, Ir Bay , 1ohnMeIi ttlcLot 15, 711, Con. Nasif 6 i 5-41 ut cal oune te enoifctter, cntoappitdWlmor cttn onMLeana reive Scioosl.in lie NewcownHlocn Mon- I vaot3mnla1 o4 55 101 HOc dl expletinbis us e ete lioaI 't dmea 'osmcee enanIamitar..aIW>4 01. ni eerytingand adi n a eutlate, ta Paerme, ilu paee OtA. Bncire- the balance ftbils cocîrmet for building day evenirg, lie 23rdInat. Admriseion TR OeLD STEEII thne..no iili48 s 1- o lawnpry. 4p9r15 10,10 ~Nyo Gore aiiEs..mereol agialduilthier ad hi. Sock The reprt outhle Village of Palermo condition tiatliho give te ticTreasurer, cot.4ocraloe frce ncpon rprnta 10 là 9» 'e retl len i e pre aciîeft'ldfirab n egl a c i on e CmisoeiVae&emo.-Cl'ic afrigpouleic acutNo 4 i 5ngSho ppd c 21 1 564.j idtereie one uicipai honore, a- Ibive.main hoter. h tie liiîdplaeCmeaiar.VlaePlrte lu m- a cnitten guarentec chat if lie brdge parpon I eiaiag'iniApnau.WILLIAM C. 0 1 5 518 Ihoîg haleudlie oire-eleced ly as eirensmy i tatI Ineyer une a counI citirthe Trafalgar Sluuicipnilty. filin nu secuai of deicionet materiai or Doore open at 7 oelocit. Perforusnceî Nmsagaweepa, Dcc. loth, 16. 2-409 21 lis 564 ehaf eunter or steameor, aid liat mv Nov. 20,1866. blnce due ly Coin-. sokmasip, lireciii makre it Ila ut la commence ut 71 ra.t. -o cater.10 21 1-5 5,64 lj ot offi-e bas gioen uni enil[satisfaction. lmcii eqnallyan eilI,nen itier cf tho@eciad H. Hariofor laying innier for Tic Couieil licer adjoorned. £W-A. grand Drasiitg.Uoonter- rstray. 1 1 1, 5 ~V D ynaEq. hsbea aliiitdteerr c excponalve meues ut cinîeeing Sideo alk, 61.50. Nuits for repaiing JtsK rpne ameî ue i arng e i c SElt 1 pmcao a' i~i15 21 1I-5 5,64 lj aoce t t e po itin an il lik ly a y n ta I cnet gro ing it e only ure Oc o te. By Cas In trous F. W i iin- N ý o ,w l cg v n i h ,w T w ýC2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 2 8 accet epostonughtnome lirl obo oc.ForDr.cohvennnandeSioWai, 4.eoah2.4.onioîi (th, loo, 11 ogie l heNi , ý,t, ONEo..m iE VtItnTO' 0 IT ..eteatng tenip wy gi, ofta asn 8.25. Nvme.By CshHall, eon Fridmy, 20th Boat., by Miesrs. STLO , îfag olo iiiiih naebile T.ivOF.iLON Freeman le nmeat'ocadi ineofceectioa amy tiet Stock cannot lh e ipî cicieut treien. Ceooke, 810.25. 7ntai IS. ABLIAnENVT&RY C. Becket, Oeganiol cf Clelite Ciarci, talngte ii eely cn her in raeain' anv di lichemayor.nll.3v. onelr will trcta ; arn ic he ceef ouinmmdBlncdcb oeiair e~- Hanilton,anad lceso. Smith of Ihum- hlan y, relre reo li Cocdl, md Hr.tm@ eys ot grocli g jia nperfect iahong. lnmnege $1.97. Nectireîtiemeinhelulite forceaod nil te e Al of wcibla le rspettaflyaiil WEtOOSDAY, 4rru. iltion, and otiere. SeclProgrummes. ItOiAS D'EN-' *on 15 peirnnofet ne s utcessur in ltenn.i eoe ovdfei usci r. MeIYeugall movoni bis remntione monese diIi 23.f 1'. MllSt. 33 3 là 9 15 East Ward.M. Taylor uill probibly tien teancwer, an an for a, parI I feel P.. Do,.îtAor, ~on the matjetinenrperuting tir North ose,Th i soma cf Miltona inlondi-,x LtBuT WestuTeeppeund lu CnhoaNarîinetWard, bcupm nth ot o d,.addimpon e111i1n, ]et ecrirOeeepursunehie W. A. LAwczO, 'Cenmmioti. Wn cntr ntnUidnr a1 ieigrand ditnrnion tic 27th 'nt., EstriuJys. -Mtenle agin a candidate ie tic w ut narle tima orequ ieAforu .dieg se epmke et Iegi anni manie eut hrg t oh i Eaglisî's Day, - Sr ,IN ef PlaiOt.16 9 IN 8.92 1 * -IeLieu ode c eare ta o rire elifteo.ruea ngond cae.Afîe tome debate, thlic gS.Jh h vn neoaird. Jehn Decar, j, Eq., feeding animaIs onry oo la-nyeroned y r. iweir mctod lier.= a i. heitils.intheNe Ton all Agoi . %F t re rruIsest I e iie t.6.1 1- 3 1 Mr isnae h floig constin;o he n1 t.Uloeai Railday cero Quadrille Bond se-II borinattncdancc. C LtW, tY Oh Co Yd eîrn,1p' 4 1f 15 6.37 M Ooamx&tfuth eeai te ix, il le a manter oetrecut importancebcpaidi, vie. Jamen Bain for Sctioneey reporlee atnd tire Bill on tiche em rTeie ncer'.m e '.'iirsv'îd tîo pci.nc penîîony,SetealS.S 1I5 1 e a aunnro o hBcvhp,-te une tIis dry fond in lie tuent eos $8 66, mse tic Treasurer for peéage, itrodceesi. The Commercial Biakilli-We regret t c cîa utiat SMc, 1007chargesa andi thie braa. fPalho5 l l ,0 Bau h l aacpt teinittin.Wr omical mînner possible, end ufr $4 19-Carviod. Billwucndaithird ime aid panes. John Black, an ndal mah1) eeîdJAMES ARMSITRONGI.6 15 I 6.0 k i sppose tit Mr. MeGn.fi WWtliagin ey ecn indiviaduel experleace s coe- Soved ly M. Bealy, seeonded ly - ?6lpon. Dee. 1 î!thC. 27-3. - N nf Pearl SI. 2 19 là 5,98 I eentrsl i, iti him.oe.ried, Ican a ieoeca Ie.GbWaoitueaoodnn ih TtttOESY, Iotf Fonrer of Noisagawoya, wcoeoi-_______ clîlu in nirefet fal, giing thecgrcaîtichepetitien ut J. Miler and Otestho Thc debate eneNorh Westl cevan e iy apiee oftberotiokin, ia liii cliat, IprattoBedr.TO0W.N 0F OAKVILL?1. cilament f pofe d i te Oumlce orneetTeedolars ho grnted le ira- inueen. MSi. Tieu snn rged deisy. a oecga Ioc iiie A IE otnviîoecol kvp oe s .i c M .D noieA 21.0 i comtyCttitanQafEi0S0~M'peu.e aid ontlly, la the ie fer lie Vprve lie rnd boeti enLots Nos. 5' McrSagil rire arnaly ie faneocf iîuotseubodb D.Moego. _ L , iiin. heopflriicin ta M ilnon, PlArt 2.Il 8 Cudnfemrlpuseaiifiad6im tIre 101h Cor., amd liaI John tic prcjort.I rasisi tic people cf On-. ________ell ___Dr.___ om. f otii-th C fmAlSoIn îco a.nd lia i. al, îneln, Pa &D, 120118,192 I Ties Corls rreepeeet n Tes-amy ai my cern ubservationsa nid Miller and Bartiolore Coner ho tarie bied for moisy yearn given nttcntion prli ce, Imionîni go in fanr oethle Fopinteni taexepd tire mme.-Car- ce lie subjeet, ad-l ieconierod the cEr On Friiay niglit ltMe. Pnul, nae mni C.B&ETiC. eP.iiC 20 265 I day tIne101h irat, us Hosor J1idge crinf cutter, for I an ccli intiefird tint nied. prseiltishemomdkeilable limue t letb ip Walkcr, Townifine, Nelsn a htubuis ei, oe ClI. 27-aiRESTON. eimsueCD 24 4.15 l TiomonMilie, pceidiag. On lb. one-Iird lean food ilciiirrey lte sane SMoneetby Mr. Reto, accendeet by ation. Dr. Parier.inCnnel, anid racary breken into and an quanttiyoet ____________ . tinî107. 27.3A D 244,171>I Bench club habislemor cere Levi Wili- amenit oetoadck thecugi cinter dih 3r. Gibeon, Iht tic Cleni bc instrnel-Mer. Jciy, speoli eutsma icegi, anarrt S. _______A_2_4,17_ son, IL. S. Scitzer amni Arciibuid boter eants. Gond edom brigit strie. 'd le get 300 copies ci ticelMinutem, rie measure. Me. Harrison, le ci able eneaeios 1 0 . meea6 2 25.45 lx câble wbea or ot État mixd wit By-aid ainsttefthle ceonntsofetspeech, urgoni lie adoption oettie (;oet- q.euA 27.9 16 CapW Ee hefolqi ar-byanad rut up logetie, or mizeni if- iis llnieipaiity printlnd tattice: menc policyOs tic Noiih-Wcsl question. ji SMr. D. B. bMcNair, formel, EOeo'.jiiblaeiag pueci td A 29 3902 12 risteraweriaenete-l1I55rs. Bostodo, tercandu j agret nérpaen nî the prinlinng of tic naine ho Icetly tender1 Aller paiating onut licexteutîaîd agri. utf3Milton, dolvcred n in mcreting lec.KerrpoanCo., i ceî i1ilPeu ttoe.i 931 Matesou L'dl mti l e '1 et ni moe îetcri eent p-. ngoffices ina hiscultural cpbiliticeftheb country, ho heOsnok a ileei" iFe.,te-D 30 4161 > n -cirtat i- mne onoacmy. bntmsthe UnipediStateg cia OiF O tareon Edacaticm cen Georgeowcn, on gi-1,-Ohcela mi atioPuot lt Oi e- lbetFo -2 427,14 o ' mîtieuted than Whunio n thle long, Conty.-Cat'ried moeneerlaUticdSntaucrced., . ai ill bucliomn rthespo-49 ApLiringoflea U. tet Grandvrie tal. At min pecl titr.e citas Sovcd by Sic. Gibson. ioadeniiy imnjrige1allno ymeiecflsfrieti c o. iiiouCo i lu vniedItS Appli e Okvtle. n b. trndore le evrry pclabiiity f fend cing r. Bocher, thaï, ie account te'.rcci cnr eansuntat the poseson oet iten ynt sl aiea 1fur ileoif. 2 44 83,6 Jurotrsheng olled lhe foioingge- very ere , il becon ceey feeder of donc ne the Town Lne btwern T afa- tic North-W est eouunienableus te teco min ew Pay op ynnntaxes before lon- B 4 97 tonaimo 1aere te hi nisanmrd eocklogivr ipecial attention ta Ibis gar and Nelson, amonting se $4, bc poto on fail ermcesile at mutter.ý At day, and yen wiii occuce yoaîvote, mil Conradlo Saloon ire. liamoiet, A&D 49 cireUiO!l. cormunia ly prviding Bcira confrî- the eroount fer Lumbor foc raiiig on doerIh pore mnuWebiniguoa.4 57 27,13 Jams eHellnrnkc Pemne abre ablcs ued feeding racsOse lice Town Lino tweemu Equosîmg ani£Tie moral Ipoirr dO anomlet icquire by ver, Fies, Nnmn, Itofalco iioil sur il t C-ite kro,12 Trflaiiunigt 72, cp- i m.cutybl tesz iig___ tnotnu5e, Cigiîai. à. Aiteoa lareclet 7 583,6 XlnncyAiiertson, Win. Caîduncl, fruilîfuerocf moue la lie exposuai unls nonlnt 7.8 ople onriein .cutymî i3lo,13Ciicintae cuTî aito 1eRcar elt George Allen, Andree Elloît, ofatalu, partiormaly of ncrp ad 1ta W. C. Bcaly for Thomas Hansn.- Rnmccih e y great, aid dliy RR.WNLWS Ci ei eSmitii luîct aes.Cl ichare Conces, 1 6.1 JeuO S curid R, tichard Harrison, :-ttl e, laopen yards or fields, aiîn Carnioni. culel bc dingerneas lie Americîm aa. IIl (ia miW t e 5 la snrp-S2lb aeho m na e 1 * 6820 0 cut5ofiedb r, lonbeer, scoddYRrrIJge e ethIdoftatocnrc li uit elstyot etof Icites, 1%ntelesandn G. Brecnridge, Robert Honi, -mgub lire oe etfa rail fonce Sovnbyaeddcneeeel 1Fqd edeik B ey, e u L eon r , ltr, er ne thinni M ro food ly SI. Whiie,rat lu acorducu cih y, a n odouta, illig ta py cli O T E C Y U ! J w ly w ihiilb lo tc s u ig L w sW lsi,1 & 3 75 :"hif ail, i la ionoyfo heprps f hpeicmlMr eayan tcr or h enretatge for very lithoe. Fr Chutrn.m Thige tcite a il nt ee ea B l 100 J. B.Claîic, 1 68 94 0.UeCaàiînm, M. iePicm. keping upaimle.ca.Anoelargo lie Trorarer la rely atrized ý l. Langevin said peditrco imu- faclituos tc poceo et ociMilto cOO12OBAD. . Claevi64,11.72 (heege MoKay, Ba. F. Taylor, pemi t ateet by bing lendden un pytceme310l m ot il ac ecpir ee cail-Gely8,33 Jinia Wisicy, John IK. Appelie. der lact fr tracf" muitable ricksand nid lu mitning Mca.Stewart, te bc directy, and Locer Onamn isntinol ecluig y sonlîeng 0te gnosceeleing iii P 9.Tic l'iogeph Boocne ait be JacobhBatel, 72 W e p e g n i t os r . t ft ~ eed lg b ox es ; md a h ird so u rce o t given b r e ne ie deean s p ro p r.- C ar. oppo aci ta e Weste rn rex teni on . M essrs. itif nnin a io adW' il ll y ai l pi n oand aa i s ir as ad r n s ruc rno m n lth e e n g . E s lte o sA . F it p atriek i 2& 1 0 72$2 3 eltngaIoevehait r Moat si irglstodl i i.reRKensumo i-ris spoke trougyinl modie actionaid le _____ 'IIri. Dicatal, 15 72 16.11 laam , 'Jt' rcos elnllaa ftonne ce.condition le wclich Sioreni y M. Guenon, ncondcdly faveunr cf iemensur.Thn pec ol sure t oieguauc te Boucelo, *WiIli&8 72 2,7 lie. hiic ill Wods, a, oieale titey cnreni l eadily,anti .igM r e aI aJames arsadJh h mrw@a pnîtrioiandstton-eîiDeporcd uoenit miliers, Ilcilî give noreghLIIN G eorge Wne9 7 71 Maosa c lidth ar o $0 o te nnlieuKerncan w dieredy ayourolen est_-Josesf0.elbourne 26 73 l pje4tm ibisn dnly e.Crier, me tate seion f iiging t Illsih pn temn t o4 teyi mii uandtc, i __ lif cutteîren.une mbdoily ue. Ne, 1,-tot of a bridge n ticelBnse Lino ctccsii tIlNandil.. ata ..iitauana.iî.. uhfd. Lwrnce6s3r2,1 Bi Uee le.dciyrr hn Mir . eCiirauns, di ynpnnsitic îcc2tiohe lamindNew Surveyal, lie FmmîDÂT, for. Wr havre putup ail ecini tubarticle a9 D 73 0 Lcre.191 teih jti Jry l ctii ueos- al Iiea el trogi lia uttle ynrd. Comeiuiù n uigcrtfc ei Thecoceideration in cmmitee et toc trthof it hî e hae noyer loomil teô 793u gratttulti tise. an tlihgitnce efthle The firetliaI corneos lea tir nonice in cenepItic. CM edo. Rennntimu a nrefcrence te lie Northlte i of iany emberriii ic e ieer ii, AS jst o Sa Chic Aasrtmnet 6 7 4 .eaindc~ m d dflui cndy te ihe i miii mores, and i@o r e tffiira nalier NMeeniby br i we .hcerB condeelloy -W oa;t 'lorilory w sd sm5 ir and u tnhle it liiled lu a singleîr nmtacuco a le ufecto et of ioe o i sai Cor lic i ondition. Tisin1Isupposesla M. Gisa, tt lte count e George feI uciresolations nere adopepîi cmi r. cCharlesoy seBdaNonoru o f « ml a n di y m u a m u t .1 c r , w e i i .- d e e i 7 9 neo u nt fo n hy le very dry a non, A ber lon înounti eg t 10$2.40 for p a mi cut di oudson , but uet e u nli gave i no nooaru n ins a l idissatiifa tio u by C h r is tm a s P r e s e n ts , Charles B aker, il 90 19.7s Iu île Ceuusly Cou rt liera e srn end lthermtu ssof lpatrtne. Tesiene o pin.-Crrricd. îo a lîcngmry edicuonnon tIre gennel any n ca clo usd it. Ona tieccetra'.y,3 10 12.1 ot tee recerda ae e i ie ra ia ccwsaeppear tlalbe ealy in aît; îiey Mev oyed Sicr.White0, iecndeet jaTmerite cf. the questonu. Sic. Mi&t Ici al nec delighd ilm i lis ot-erution, nti Elrom lom.tl aa aieea i llle lmtatotin.The Mr. Gibsos, liaI SMer.t. Reoer aid ecrepîlm l btons4,5 nd iin atermaetfconuendaiiotc cf ilsa rcuign inal.ten' yeard nask ielet ad4 13 vuabbitaletcmrqin tgical offocmsa ndni edieal ohtuen. Wî eîimtt t.F cALM toadC remcdy 1 cili preacriba f«thentîmaje Bealybeho cmailee exmine tira chiei ,eamed ta admit liai Canmula hnd nîîaî le dem mallterlt IAT B Oiii tYiCCLLM f«M MUSON VS, lOEMAW, liaI trhvey a gwnni cra nIable, ccll bridge.scment ti Lina, aid Break- ns igil tes tua terrilnry, ne fatmramy uNOmn. arier )ennrs of capeincer.. andi- ~~sl~~D ils iiNvtbr 87 cieltasce Ireugit on Ico prns- votilaîrd, and a ccli llenc ilc of cilor oppeite Teoias Maonea place, cna.Mn. 1Blakilthaci iahle ne- pleoigZ2eue copucaMiltnnfor cite lalflsu18nt m ~i.M r. Appelb!letthe îirentmm, samdat, or smae otier matecial, andl report at lie neat meeting oethi luthnion Dcn g pranue lienneaof et ho cmhere delare. h In en,,t ilaceraatietl Plie' a taan Verdictl for mdgmatreg iecme n ur oni.Cridand tien prmecd t sre oni genal every Instance sere thinfanat bn sufer- Plaïntensd $6336a. iWir.,Lppeibe 0af mmql cari orminqýnd migit, iciti Moved loyMr- Wiite, Bicorded bly geounda againat lien' MMc îDengaîl cag traim pain aenni otian, r'.lieof ciiiDmdz O A1l B " d a ce rtific a e fr i e la te o e e m m l of c ul f cd au i h a I a b u m i- M . B o c h e , la in a c o rd an c e ih ep le n In a v ig o t usa nmd e d o ti ,o s pe e ch . l e J u tu n fi fte c a r t c n ty m in aloN o . 8 0T n exce bt t u te yardattor the rati l a dnmnistereui. cmima îuî Ilotr cli i cs gennten. el ni reste, iti l u t i îdtic petitici ed Tînmes Page anid tioesHo maiel5. Bloie'e vies ertenet tine Fi boionfrniu bl on-l iolm e îaFra-se e rymi feeetho a Grn, OtitJury beauglil iu lie 1 duritg lie dnY aed plety oftrcalter. pa'a ieg Ihai nmemctrionhle ken cen- et tic people ut Upper Canait, er na u; no onch lecte. Nonce anbno unlnelaceeel tlbn ots cySoe ailSyl nce qs eTrn heemddaoa eS Poicircthiltcoure aluitagi e dlln tnening JAMEgecoueSn rntofLo.LLsierbe orio fAe lre tok fScdamags.cdy oks Jcktbylean treaiultaToon ecaleadrrves Schleu' emîneletle Quaen c.nhudvatnl eoî o. eeieii ala fia, &mmd ie ea tofreilc otCUitTIOi& OERKINS mtd ppron, iki .njl lai elS aI eneîatdunaItaei"oe iîgdCo, . .tteeekidrgri, an plirsawid al b sltedoul Nheseiug o Bill. an i liey wlcu l o ut c n t h elin priog,1 No. 30, 2nd o. S . S1ct ll nprismd at snob vic'uee ibi g enreond Nee r r, te on Uic nuitotue wunpeîtor. lmtho îu un i pries.J MSaI IZ.Ir eat r adiT P l ouit adiourned etaI P . m . pro ftab e enier m dairy con ,, o e i n-1 e ly ordere el t intthlinR evean d . . oy n m m er of t hle L i hoeral pa ty of S i y D cggi als th ou o uiea lep en r i e î y T C nalc. W ;Ili a,-anmd lboknta1 Gilon examinetsatinme mndneportta H. e deie t at tie(hovoeeurînue um-IRde u~ îi~ ee yrr tula iIeo l sem fi alle nxî metig ottileConrli. mert c. pmpaieni e aail ie igit Jarie Oiy 2 Cets Fr ielîl.Ili Alo-ERCTForNG chai cNo. 0. in acal anns ad Iu th :130 -e W.ive ipeafl W«je m,"IY Se gumur eat ire T teBeL cw i.1efmelt&Wt4 -auWU ootla. USALE Jo lthe peseci balt ot LOT N CONTAINI »arce or lem. latur mau hlreal wlllbc givoq fi =! pera i iM the lceof a yenn, Ie May h Hlamilton. or Datei 30110 T IUSERI %Jer, Lot N Iliteio, abolt timreaSe au' faase pcspcnl , erby N 5iiae«ed te se ItSaienh lierIy .n't