11e holding al t'han Evea r mokecbameuaite1b. -P DEpariý fl ie,-market. -' DE "SOLÉ) CIA] S& McLEOel k. 'h me 1* tek 't, P. Do vis1I% Our O ,îlyue f,<,,d.te Pra tlarLI.en td vrt o a God Sh.pptcià POOT O?,TIEE tx de adll âOi mhes entd Boflit~ .MerrehcuèlP Ma.?e iiya eaC.iih. ,i06kp bh le10 -d (Nov Ccd) for the d.y, 11,4 uare.iýd- anti FtriCYA YTY SHO(W At h le Coint? er I Lda. i Ei159- Eut> Iion af ptopv Lover Pere ew' , Ah!. C jiuasa.Md Pytdtr JUIN S77RKET. 08 h*l alil btcharitod. ....0soitfvtheftmillucert1on1 o, parpolgte cerh Bbcquent i= ct of lght lues or Item $4 e, r iW o tC o e elttaod by> "U bcrm<tI, iittby à aile of I4 jc or uaioiat.ulperode. lo Cld nhatged *o- @C PoieCh 01, telb.ajclovieb bljoaC6iB, Ité beflCkerd n Sand charged accordiagly. Ma.AUX AGiEK3ii!<T. ~ lalmir mieau ilI ho charved ho ~8jaad otheriwho dvertise by the etla nioam,.U cçeplaCna ha fe tevh Inta...840 frià months ......13 do E thre nl»th4.......15 W hthtfe itothe ...2 f<alur i mfe.........m.the15 C a fer<si mCth.... 10 a a i fat thvacjbnths.. 6 apa.ucul lato beho Icnd to lte basin..of tomaoercial houteel, vséii i t ai hheld so inelude Au- isba S.ovala, CQ-Patnorsipa, tvala AdvrtlsauCala or imdi- et firmes, Houtma Let or ld.~addvussed la *o Editor mut >~i.athrwlse they ilîl not ho h.6sPeut Office. % gimutlamcate Intfaded fer Insertion a" lbt* ofice by nomeon Wcd.aeu-, iaévlflla &il Oum, es, .ho tlti etTRuIeUetlJ iA]XIIiU). a,0oM anWema-Ta6 ialely c- D. OIUITOPI, MDLl, C. Ï9. 0u1 <61 Uavevtlyof Meilil MILT ON, C. W. IOrc-Ivo decrs West of Willluut1 ýISg SlvemXa Sreet. ai-Oc N_-a ill itreeliecd05r to 0R . FREEMAN, 4It4iahylcfap&8,gon IdéFFIGB E 1OU-Pvc motlI10 A. X. %P lll. iIeveT e.day faremooa. OOISLTAICN DÂves-Tuudq forezoon *lItaOl. >, 164. 21-ly DGeorge ie, K Mue, Mmmm. OVFO-.faholdaing oceîpled by laie Di. liveai. Oslaracocy yvuidlurda,'a. 5-4e M. CA&MLvMj, F ÇASURGEON, &K. Ompugluaofie, VXia., -I.Lite Rcidtnncc ai T. i.aYu-T.uday su" Iri- n La. *51 SUROMON, à A CCOUCBI- G~Md Roildetice--corer of bu Dandm. Streel, OskvIlle.- PL pth, 1867. 13.11 1.1.LUSK, M. 0. lAN,^ SURGEOM, &C. -Noir Tempcraac Rau, ' thiarîo. S..0 T.- . CROOKER, fro0.1ma 8 to 10. 2-to 4:and P oi atienté vllh Dieue ofr ti.lgei a Tund&%s-ddki j,@,:oer iaG'adaaior.fthe ,<V CtoraCllae, Caada; oElvferoâdoi, andad i- * C vo, Knlad, co ihourgh, and n4. CIt0fai Bmgtoam, () . . .. . o. . 1 'lm; S.m h EuWaCdvC h Fo di .aîi ~a'u ~Iiampîou A»D COUNTY 0F IIALTON INTELLIGEnCER-'e1 Si1 A-YEARI *THIEPRESU-The PalladIum. et the Peoplea Rigtgbf.[ITN ADVANCE 1 VOL. Vii.) -MILTON, COUJNTY 0F HALTON, TIURSDÂY, D", EMBER 12,1I867. [No. XXVIff. j3gn~ itiuU ob onio e E. N. OR R, P OBE Y. lutdruving-rnm. 1'h. 'gJllant' ofl- .IkttA ltter YO* at Oi*Wa 1 a aroe R b . o ma eor, vho hua tetctned frm the Ctr-a rend, or Loir roaé, befora j1ombe igeti .WILLIAI LAIDLAWmouvaarmmju NfUT nu CA16ADIAN NATIONAL ANTHEM. on 'argent privite cairas,'ailer a singe- UNBIliliiwons Mladly short reidence intiasé voeulotenift! "Th atr toiUxrmotraui- at aot.nc-totoiv&cuuvoMaTTTimofollewint; enmi are frain the yen ivlookktimbrae tan.Allusimamdchby mou ROet l15,,ier IooE#marmEanq., Çlfrk pof lthe p. Mt. Ogd n le theettlial, bc vasa ire- MDiÂi CAPTAXIV BîîaKoa,..-Iý QONVEYANOER. &oa., Sic- Palermo. Octobrtl7îh. 1868. 2-ly pet Hocu, andI a entemaveIl-knoicn jcetedauitor ofltelady, and aiim otttynhvr'p4Iv.t Orrcc-OUe d.r stetipa ffm lAlmee.' aefv e, - Mnumetm Tad- urtor..of ormccl 15c1,ited Caadien Imcf of lthe opprtunty of lbe bar- heaof tlhe.ow ews1 wu a t Jan. 24.. 1867. 53-tf« o--tsu. omtumonel, mnâ a ine - - s.raer. bock haing tarned ta biU, ta Mr. Ogdes, Aid I am equailly unable te U8IJER OILAN.IAGE IEUnSbien lItstlhe doar old country, moy hedo' commit a mont daittardly ealtait Ou thui y« suffiiently for jour ki.mdan ON DE AR1, ir.. Minm Street Miltan. 526 I-9N 011r hi.,Raaad imcdiotely beat a precipihabo in vindiegting nme aYo did. 1 am a (;D W -if fenil ber case,,, retreat. Ilflisnderetood liat Mr. 09 very, vcry sip gSirl, and 1 have mach <lfrei. deAGAR - My virtioguide bertules, may vie"cmd 0n bascpltced lhe traiter inlbLndtarpoctmclvt.Icnteu LaC. Mi i ~mahe lie lava; cf hie lagal aisier.t neyes ta la a t bM I hune Mteid SOL.IOITOR IN CNANoErtY, HOU SE P>AlNTER A TGIo ld bien our gracions Savarrigum, ad limaBrera"u, aîbfied vit bving ailoae. 7. O 1naloits o vaab, Maina Sfrccf, MUlt. lttr i& ieYHngr 26-lyNUEai. _ TA N N E Rltice cYieupo as)nddiaoomltedii insolent antagan.I neyer intelIdcd thal ho or aiy aone 1liOP cu Martia Street, Miîîac. Or- - 6504bleus he laeicg ,ubtecta af every riraet, 10k nomiacie whatever of thia parc ue aboaa>daepplanlppnir Barry-yom Bastede à Di», ders lettai Thompsaus tiatel. vilI h le 19SuhtbserieWlîl piy the and clime. - g"pha, but huaicd binaîf vi ie kunuthat. olaaItho ame tju,yoa BAIIRISTEmS, AND ATTORNEYS-AT- attendait ta. 4 v4ntd-!,. Tpreparotiona iaâifdenîal te hin relta 60teknov baie often ii hapilit h n b liv, Solicitore imîicery, Coareyan- - 9- %hut IHarket Price la Cashx 004 bleu Car nev-hara NNataobtiema m- bth eil sof ver- lu lirevcairemilicevaian aadthohtiessualImdail la. cet., N1otaries Public, ho. Oflc--Cotrt P -ZEEXN ~e prose cf the Northm; .he blicailuaof the prepesterona bail-raom lalion vithfan aural t-a Steet, SMilton. Contactecrfor ilonse Bilding, Valmtorhe. For may Qoanitly of Pora uffmpri r geg 1haaî,l, nrehldt aannhoial b avutoboardt ber Maeslys nus man litrn Mir, Ogdem, abclyah 0. TIti nASTEttO. J T. DIXO. Plais or Bildings driva an short notice. 0 mîcWrh rnet«Rp" nhswYt h 8,1 Pnt h caeo on lellaen 'I Min (y2t,16. 5-fCarpealar And toîner verb atteaded t ICk t uIý«17%]» The aîrbOn our tli; hm lrug rie nt ce orat. ovytale ef on r. theqchap of m.1hv Milo. tylih,187. M1itn ..resase.bl prlu..Tscncdntcrisfociîrni rme cmr. ltoA f as r. Ogde hinpke oft a u- di xOHN Li neOITOM, 1L. i Mitai, y2.1864. -y-51, A Large Stock ce Aeiortcd Letbeir e bt fume or loge- ~ ~ u ildvt i,î pl fyu ms 84- oKINNON Contaly on baad. Etinia«ain11g cf f.eodM Ilime giarlacsIn taeliammaions Barry Obrne Lad inga, and, fort he ima boing,1Iam 8a & P.OI NURUT Gma iahaliMaltre. a-gu NOCOhi1Irk triploe twe-lbeen doitg hia <Ity gallanbiy boovee- mfraid Liai 1 forgot pont Barry. Iam YL IC C oV1 I K Wc i xýdc., cming, etc, dais oa short mllIes. _bal een ebeeed bymanyletters bath spoketof himai1a ohm fou anala.ncly, UI 0E ORCO T O WN- luuadlaleiy. $4,00ma cvi pald fer Gond (i04apeed tht Nev Domiuion, thus P-s f reiaueA nid baoiBreratan, bat in a t 1 au cao esly mimd his.mhsene us T. J. WDEELER, aiek. SAMUEL P. TAYLOR. tich patt oi a, ev ma ithe lttera ram Lucy grad- fme.E.iland infaiadt ie eauyu.e- RIOBERT FORSAhETII, PRAMTCAL 1111110, Cett lh. 1866. 22-tf Ils aahoare mightyoctux, iebuesa# laDelly dviadled alovu fSotaone a voek duet. Bui I liai liathe ,oceurene 3I 90eilPf,8lititun 9b(anucr. * W A TOH ~Nortlaern Pol.; ta ane a moraih. -Be coutlpot iringaiatheboClarendon R otaua faltysmuak. Cc.arnar umuaaonrla., gA». Ohi 1 rightl-li athe yalty frnb imself te doutt bot eastmney,,and esod ne ta lic baceuet asy sondait, : ()ý.rlc.-Th buildng onMill SreeTliculymen te8 ywavaeulling cunogi tea ariit tebir I vil bell yyal htIyil de. 1 vl oeetpba.ir yWic. Boar, Eoq. 1>1ER. liilli Iran ad roua vîli lctrs non irritaI te tbe postal irregularities leiveLononand ot ive ihAiN l3erctou.Co Iaton C I 5.1. .nma .x.seowirc.a._ncorheaI DoutOnen du GeorgetownCo.___________W. _____ croun eteA.î ou Ibe var.V One diry Dominaon, it yMerlhtya T dey I Ty mmiii doituraa mivia o fsidatA Glliaitai - May, ho found a newupapet awiling lîarry returna. No cansidcrtiiaa" va 0a B. Lister, aimure tpreparedtlu evpalr aIl doer[i-" O yS IVýO OR LR.CMI. iniWt ii. ez e in n TOWSaamanlePOMPOSITY. hia eyes eteta on a passage whieh bad! poileboy inordercd iota. 1thiaZ sianer Ia Qapena Boncim, Lie-aaed nrA- e ndure satacion. and ai price. hen iaduotnlou.Iy uaderocced, in rder u'Il illavthît il requires sOM ev AoluarAcntot h.Deblacoliect- 'ail vil defy cumpeliliot. Jevalry acally ltaI il oaibt lot esaope hif coitei, I ille a.trengtb cf md ta cane lathis or ed aun ommimeoa. repaired. ci ODMORSEB h BUGGIES TO 19IRE Hold tol thy bond tohigi mymfrIand asofwsnthjurltatnai-demntofrutRthnntart ga&-Fctatecly ific aitt1864.v vnoofycaXit-,ieeLl.jo&adalebhotc pari fdete1miurîlonlat abI Bmthtla mo ApI 5164oi4g7 ase t iaadJeeyMe a le7164 1 1YMRET pALiS , Tebais c o ba ilbn d the guniled aecoutof theno raubo- planntid lady , and Mertije Tydvii aIe Edgaruyi ______NyTmaiBrayhad l bitail en w-i.n lrtretan fod Ogden. la deplorahly duil. I have vrittle. a tlt Edgar Bry, t3roe-oRmbSIay417 Icît.6. T. Iai.eda'sMOe. Thelio icanvlirîtliy 1to>P; licreadithle diogtîig lit eonnaiu- [ctter ta deair Hirry, tvblh I muet uitd PRIOVINCIAL LAND SUt1RY(ilitOAK- U T J ]R iEý I-i ..1 Ma:t.u. Ne. Sli 181,1. 23 And ecryclea or lvietfoeo tm I ntu oba taltecone ou a aavy a hmforI novlu ville. cdtand acîdertcard lat t>ak thicauso.Yeute______ye______for1_________ ailI li ttnduil t. mv Muaaaaeoa lon.a noureccl lu Ilia ctod-- .f l.uty'c8iltor as pvutplun end l.- your loag frieadsbill for hi.md fotra STh. ecttongntsofthe liocd Ie aaw in Loev au oneonprumiting nievii indtuce ju. ta plccd my cause an Ockile, ue. 111 ,tGt1CI InLIO bloaly iad.âabnit. flirt, and in Brerrton a treolerainait bhita, if ltelerme of nty leller do hr( 0. D'Ie LL'CO' ' <a\ ;laI o ti on o lil yfla frittil. IHtreti,îrned ta lit lent i. ant saflie laecantine,ilat nf my un- hia BULNTNlitGro, 'Ufl1TNI(Ilid ottI lcaTfbNJgl m fi? , terrible stleouf iuind, and in the ibit- ollerohie love. SuarCrL n rr, oeTON ( t .8. Ji Lia. lJ i. '.3±1 Thaucti i rihn tand and coîmt, tercent ut hiu .oreaw bheutrd taetthind "Belicve me laboet firtaieto. Thre Slbl-r ., 5,rdo 1 te r 1 t. &. e i, peah ntI flitoel.tc fi... ldl; tront int o min ubo wmu, nal Onppeat- .Evcr yoîra ment graîef cul are tory crtu-ciru, act a tarefui t iiot \,ercocvrtecfrot um t, li eun,:c t ruc, respect i00017paît otltelytvrb fi. d.aL.yE.Bsgca't iuinalBrcutecrStatioW.ifernutheisrt, ibty set- tertained ta huld au forîher cemmuai- Iue - inatena3e.te Parties-, nîn:g toiotho ieit rrties he ecation ait Luey, andl hoaciually de-' Tlarry Otblotne rend the litter fro a liroîlingîoc Square, Oct 24,i1867. 2u Ir <iStock eaudo s.c fplyi~PYnf te Tliaar tetteetiat bouae areo made ioeavtutotio t O e. hthginniag toendtai hilout oying a ord. v ________ -Uie C.We t, etthe.o. IWbeu ho finiaheelil, hoaf,ldcl it ap, fo Vrictoria Hotel, Oakville, ihO.yne, î 4i, 87 f icd frint t&evvnrda. RTHIIR CORINO. PROPRIETOR.- -___ __________ ilest of Wiat. ilqure.antd Cigure fippt Sign pof . £; LpUSj gjflgUTIIHdI llihy fientton 14gb, tiy frend, Brrrttan arrivtd aiely a alalavaMoi coogelty on bandt. (;.ad Mml, gond cf the Large Wation eradm naau ia itmdreporlei himatîf, 1 rttanVil sabior and a gant Shed. Evry ato,- Miltoan, areb l41i. 1867. 451-tf se a.u.utem i tort Lblent.tife orrc tien pai te thetravellng publc. An ieiea gie use. Fr 1 ic. viii trianpl inotlimendî- burrt ist nere ng tan.mokengonar- atynilS othn g e t fi , lon akillm eltiat. g pu167 l W.- dGerbrar & iL tinsme. Wlitlrcthi ii i libc 11,7 ilera 7 ioutly oa blo cttp.bod, and l ooiing au yan-maethisg balWytl express la va@ '0-iie c.îllt. Iy - aDr .VU--Wc env7 nu yl prdly trendl, wecel l samnwoed e ttFo euure tay ,otror -iet m ets- i 'AEÏOlIIS~ IE Ssfiserber belle te inforu lie Fab- Noreai tlt cIapin- ofwrtt.b ae e au r eiettdable - ou aicd ed Bera-eut-i FALER, iiî.iI~uiiiiT îerthat fie bfin ed-O abis ewHel, Wu, aetlt Butld ait rrla hrnd chppnea avboulook.ioeiestan-tb. oldest, bost friad I have-I 01 OUNS VAN aLlýEN, FROPEISTOR. BneBrwnuitts T migo8nlgt.stindonaat u 00ta orgire. me. 1 bave lomer forlfieir pusi P roùa nuete wetlner.. Ho ie sprote ni.ie pnu itt. -r, ydà ldby -kGdislts e s rW nemnm IlietatLi tbuclîl @fi,tlIenduct Frinting & 'Wraping _____________________ lanbthugoe!Whm datoi norienî notetad yu avpboa.th rm flqarBeeîgr. - ostiiI t indndclea ndt ol enlantmît vf is fîo afill fet n okan!WYdnto »wisi mtadynbv on h laiad attntive fiaplers..WOOL CARDING patonage yl receite etery cttention. ..R3er 7 heante? Wydmi7U dheIaman coutil. Yen tun'l favgtvc me, ial Falermeu0. t. tifi I 18-17 AXa He aounlaide nlora the pbtleir -utye cnhcndo ptll sin. n _____________________ le tfiatlfie, rues the Mui] C"ddd. Bettuse Vi. mrry t e ecyon lir.Te, al yoe u tea pel acofmahe te T VR N NOTE- LOT D .E~I geii2 ligtai-You more bkîter emptryed in p,.mg-mlaîaefricutItteotad TYRNE OTIL.Millenand Broate. 6He aise vuea dm11 'Conne, coae, getleeno," tais Twy&. lad." l'vae bnlufor the lut ltee veeks.- a, tvvctttAnS 11cs0LL. Th. is. t. on theabaorteat Botles. ColaonR"ga Iciit7OSage btyea Muilonanmd Gotrgetowa. d, eltrbrittab o ratl lne ~The fueltlIait Lmcy's aesildropes)o If -i' een'W' ,ttteoa ..t, iquanlîlyvilI forecevevd sat Ifiir Pape. r SWALC.donllrtnhe a ieoaputeata :Ifaryouhdbte 1".aauoa nboc t hn addny-m Ies mne ii, ttear. tot MihllMIIiu ,frenafor Cash. Hîcheal price Miltoa. Fefi. b3 JOHNlWi LLt. l paperushve t isut bot rd.'j one b one, pai-'thon tatiI neis _______I____1_____ utterly foIti. ote s utel tivali iaef.0- rial tinlev, r enMy udri igmyfd S) i"Plaa irecl. c.&. t at..n - den uu1recle rly avrog. PasueI -- ntmtefindbstoken d- when I was miacrable vithali b- u TteMONEY TO LOAN 3ý~I.i ot e thotuon rrleeiou't etntage of yor asne. Tfiereare .OI 1- oai 'cayhigoftekid"Nevsapper pteaimph. Wiat do ýX'CIANGE IIOTEL, (? (lfi\Oo bond for învet- tt K O N OTEL5 id ee nny'cating rofent,"sinstanesiof autit lrenchery.'te eaod o "mis îirîtyt R0 enI et ai 8 pae nt o T ATOW . dneOtoBtrtn bus Wbaido You taen7 rtynthe llbo?'l THORAS CLAM, Wu' rit o Ra Etae.JEW) OW pre8ueuad la interfere, in a partitulatly 1"Iuttn eu o, Captain Edvard lb;?3rb is; abont yaur voirv iî au ORGTOW~ OW. ILLAM AI LAW ~ J)U~!lRvimpertanent maMner, viii a toast vbieh Breretau, are a lier. 1 bava apeken A)hc blaiurdetBrrlo tprom a RE aTO N 0o- W- WLLAM BIttiLe. io.I bot propoei. W. al] knout vby.- plainly.'t Adhîcatand B.praeapitthîapes bru N JISSES teanmut roam the Sation, trg-Milton. 151h April, 1867. d-tf. UAP recentiy reettmd iîn otai, atm -We anil bo o IemCuptain Breretan 'Youhave. iadeed. Husry0eohata.ien, mD atba mNi utarly. 'Eeery attention pend taelb.xe Urldeabn aoit, and a ns mvpepi&rcoutepropauete lu ienBenotaitr, and boy ubat dons tlis matneil m &sotiis rrloac m n auitg publie. Goos) Slahling mta-M ~ y t aa. vr camd lie l.travel.Mima Beoetier rejettes)CcptancBrt-re- I and aiu Brerela., you une mn nu-comnodatin ta, reof t I si rt. Tati y yOU vas stre Hastu* --1.lag public. He iopes à9.ltale eotnt only ton. ITnder Ihose tirenianeo, tite eomproaing liar. "Teui 'hataive wuke N_____GuC araaiSeotrity. but wanlla firri clam. to ué-4ê nelarge a beot Ihing Cuptuin Brcreton (boing dc- nilvantiage ofaMy prenee èe tunu- ennI soime ta fotgire yen. Let me wr EELSON HOUl 0 1 Atply tae Marti cf publie patronageu an u a l het rertt.Me erineMintelleer iyeenanfor o d fllar, fli, mihIbe facto Iril OEL ON NOU EsJOHN D EWAR; Ir, fore recelveo. Terame mdasiei, fietl- ues)) eud ât otartea.H emn i em rafetoaor foeyen, vernedLemo VILLAGE <OF NFLSOtU, C *Mile, .O Bar1811 îeviltva Ati eh&es. w us ot long in Iearuing Ihat lessen ia me. Yot letthebCrimes ia poenasioa btectrenaYeartiaeflnbate emelvem rhse À .3. SURGER, Il _______ _______ 411,___________ limeCriatea; let hlm, nppîy il tb the of my <tîleat otatearo, Te ve.n-(iftaheynvuunv enuvrb .Prapprtacase, newta h he10in0London. îimîteîy aoquîiaîcd uIit aa engage- a Dbeont yen voir if yeb!an md er , VERY atninpais)eth rveig Je B HARRISON, Tee, thal fit on, of course i"addcdlite, meut te Min IBeeter, au ns) a y blimd * e * v v v v l Fipu lie.Gnds)Stlhing aa atta- la b r8h w ita ipsy h'trity. d nonfioudence I1viah oppy in tic -blief *l,î vaiinethmta a a Nelona. Jan. 271h, 1863. 3-y ~O rnI u an to rpeatee inabe siely voald eus), adOeborncnd mss rretou-Cap- "id _____ VIiIINIIlBrerelea, tcng te mutinns by Ogdono lioep lbe recollectios ai me mar. fulîy tala Osborne ans) Major Bmeeton-re- 0.1 Griiste f imeTuenl Tteriay Cl-W ILLAM BROMLEY, anacun. maaeirefèeiree taisto lrs irentbeforehbe. Ans) yenuhmveavmiles) year. tre)hm anue) uiLc a CANADIN HOT l, ege. la prvpired te attenamlthe alimenta e Rate Hld~, oafa hmsias el fyn oimu ihm 1~ ket ber promise te Bliean inearcoiy a erry attention a lit dta the travelliag of the Loaer Animale. Ills OMea. for the insolent ituttister fslogered viVlClnily yaur.elf in m pae.Ye myput aa ILiay sallc f neIeryfortsat, ptehe îi iea terudee e hmfimr i'vl er ns itt o l ee),fr b.alyecmtyht 1a le. B. -Italluay Traveleraeau reiy nisn Williamaisoneac, DENPS1EY'S NEW." LOCK. agaiaat lime vaol, utctaelite eround hIy thia t lin bbotur censietit vila îniiu nsenaibla. Brcretou alles) er- 5im o nr obe sat nlmn.l ylie to-tay laearuy-osargeoa.nd i) a voync 0an &m he ar. ou carcte a aRedeptte iy.Buaa nn sIlqi *.liaiC emae ati1nuti~ ar.ABI IlHALl-A-MILE SOUTH (OF PMILTOII Main-Btroh, Bilton. aad cent, and bovi8t ieahrgn.oiin u if n y ted locarttohrneBssuhotAvulaa u te Caeîe obî1e~Terme moderato. Medictne for Bornea Bilton, May 2iJ, 1867. 48-tf, llauou preaet left lte tltm. eeous)roft b r inetimdu i u riiil __________________and CaIlle aîvayo on ha"; andd order. g)uv. ose)Io oas)con a."e sire m md-bey rrdtu e Southcptopîn I&taist itromtlyamtleoded t. -te. .. bis titer fa cab andcou- lr. Osore, a onma?-be ver-le ais) adt bo n -ira is 1tOMp9orNH Sr Mitou. .-rb l't. nce7. 4-Ivoyedte i hmar nteTemplo rynutlerly, irrelamnehIj an SI!it une Dot long a$ficer o ebave rte aALroJetse., J. .fi>M. , byTvysden mmd etherswvb a butvit. "If 1 atm tin la .rtely ta hu vonder- by eat iAmry(ao. MZ 'Lb . Farnîers Read ris. n . W LLM TTthe dlotarbaice. The neut adet a.I teil YonmlinlaIynrimevr.iut. ~1ARLES H.TIONIPSONSurgeon Dtti muruing tho real charatr f istason- inernds)au umîligates) noudrel. Hang Litheeea1 1: lmMev~ uiîlotiatim~la Iapeefrs & HasabagaDioGle i. b tct wus teprcaentad ta i by Tavys. îî, mill îeîhiag avahu yen th ausnai of And theold loyvutheabedegroWn'a d f tidntm oiau 1,s £X -- a t enandasOgton Ihalbut a ver>. vaguc uy manimg . best man. ilni ______hre recaletion of lhe facto ef the preeed. ' nuva e atm aoy tt Se e l,aen Maia Street, uhare ho stiffoeia isg 1ehave Ihir Sbeep -1orrtc detc.n m t ay 40 Ilh uostaemte irait ponhbsldaiea- P eesaod lhCoghly iraus Tieka OFIE AT H 15 DR JQ STOU E iug evoaing, Ihe came tetaheucancltin Bitry, bal nohiagiilindnce me to W*.bue.8a1 bond cf "kinag <or I -thut the bust ting hc cents) duovu as eay il. Youiare apekiag under thme bresud mai g esi MM., h, ntisem afi aid ettaee a l. and ldiieasasof the akin oia do ro by Eeery opetllan aoneled v 11hlie pro-. applying eitber inperaonor IbI vvltiag fesaion afihIflIy permemd. Ata l a poltiae ta Brevetai fer hiff bobivioir influence of aime *ztmorsiniry demu- 708fl5 gentlea. m>b.e qyh oaisc Al Ipeut pais) tae hneribr. t101h insartea In ia Iaprvauàec.Ti tcds ioas o ldityen teonebgihl 111v.orlos eni vhea hst ube or a ed ta Taitz&-Six censlpar lband viti sul in terme vhicb expreoet itis regret fot for wuatt yen sy. Whar eun fofici,-voaIdy5s bhanda r aid- h p, ia e ?in t~~î aelo aor ae)ioapimtecp SupeTioT ale oai.ifoterate (71argto /1iis aluion ta Brevetons reInm ronts er, I yl proeoId you o bu lpa =g60 mmig41~et .4 vndaierv lul a «to teCrimea, senying, at tla ametinoyan are la errer.'t :Oý Berse ianCrgs) luaalvay lie Mm la atîons)aeê, Perr.oaequing tlune vaclumful mib- Breretote rigbîtateinteefer eeeou As reea ao nde Good mifnMv. Ils"UA aae. id o rme trns.CHAS. PARKS, oioitot for time natureilteetb, use lntittta10il, ans) Mis casmer.Breroen "Yeu énîl tnet '0V esveanu ibter.in-aM"oucf tmale Ilîlai. oh. 4. 101.Le-t on. 24, N. D. B., Traflgar. ri anaiaieiaoi m nt u.treates lte uhole affair uith the cena- iicted on y7011anu ïnîl flcat emputea ao ynajl aagbtra of a ers. mad tt vns st odtyate.ras J.JNTB. aW.OTle <confindentBW. afttr eiglat Foie.tpt ialdecarves) and) bah ou furilncr avsken yentea am .of jour psiio i ewIo t aie ondty vouai) ma G orgeCoka, Baq.; Memdan. J e cmploeaisfmaction teail wemaim- Teleso hefacshawveunderd ha e m&aetei Heurt, Eduard Sheria, Walter Lau- ploy fhlm. »U-9 myca Ttau 0 ufu,,tcmer n. vtatntacar ug uor 1ba rlrageevb RP Te IOes aumesippeveaamon ous)il&tay inta the relumeu of a 1îte parpoeeI'Thewofv. t il. uca-lat muaitbcg. ~. , oLVECU, POPIIEOII rfle, iauymeiMv.Thu Darig.employedtetalomaaPain in thecaxtaction mr.ing paper. The paragrapit tan' NIl74tboy.-Inmi tient. th", n"y bOm' et- la de pereuta bisameranus fri*ss i (tat. us (coya i*TINi tL -a yen ; vilI i h s).o i r tiia molltar à a uek. ad 8"liboy.. Lune 'roftbtht pbliethat ho hua tt np 1MiltonS., Oct. atb, 1967. bi-tif "AN Omc'vi A." AÀ'e]LTLZMASl.' Aid, takiag devinlis avers), lihais uils éham.kioviLiaiby the voyl tai an neir emoilaa iae n inî ila iStye, alii ispeataaenPlt o.r1. ,...ehy g irnl..f- te -A/frucs ubimi receatly lok place iateaek Brereton acroe hi. isNa chut tmtleummé,nUsePl Mgfoto gjr.tism. dry. vo aal" eart~h #I";ts q- g n..Il 1 vaut m oit lb. ioa ot, 61 boltod the duos, aad - huard hi.amy: ..Oh, Mr. Peter, vhat. malhe ; .the 014 manvoorer.. . . "Fixhhta bt 4 il; 1t! deed il, . Iloiry b. ia ùbcd 1 v niiacal.1 ap- ,About au heur ao"nd Peter, in a vnioe, that erci1, foito u jr qner, couid peroeivo vau greally sgteed ,-.e died 11ke an id batheu, O., aao4 ",Th&to badI' aaid aty hile, fa. ha wau alwaysa spalie-uuan, emaid hat-, evar vw eu ing fa the enupauj. ,lit ila nid Peter, ,butitvoei» bc vota. ifwvo ouldnthalp it. Listent tepunovarn 1; Iant yetohbelli a.L' i Ibisbusin d hors qe Sec ~ninma in gold if je do vhît I bid 7a. i~ bnau Mt lya ver. alwaya eckwWdc. tbe image.4 y fother, .ud belote la. vu tae..i~ v r. ufaitaken for 60611 îth.rgvey4iy ofehe vcpk 8317m 4ny fatber- c ovaa Weil knovaag vhy lWel, vhat Ivaa,4 ta ftr'Ve 'ta cam» over ine h oum. ap4 get imb th5 "sot heui6 Wbe OrpPaj . father treubling. "4By ane man, but by yonuvàulif a auv'ro ta pretend ta bhgvz" fathai, a@4 U"e 'orviil boffly .,d BWY Scanlanlheohanmutr.am4 vIl tell hi.. uhul laavote. bann mu afart nd .e.pytblu te si adr Lan.And as the o eblom vwiii ayoaaýd heurlot voiçe. Il uviiaon*, îhleobkt tvaanl,îma.uftî4i '-Tue rocum inI et rey dak,' -y. y ather. "Tobe sure itvill; but bave no fbar ahoody viii data ta camne oigb the. bcd, mil ycîil anly have te ounke a çrona vîlo r peu under tbe meme.. "And tihe prieat ?" mid uy fiither." "M1y faîber qnarreled -with bim Iapt reek about it e Raler di ;a n Faad ub rTom nid hed net give blu the tes ;a»d that*s lucky. Nov i cama dng, nav-quick-for ve haveaua aie ta ooari it muet bc inbe bin Miy father did netbooeMeihliane hlbi toilot, for ha jaît vrapped bis big cet taound hi., and alipng ou tie Sogute, eft the bataje. 1i@t op in tiie oket cie l ieened unlil tbey ver.a a. Moi».minutes; asud then, Ilaa caiicm as light taumy parente, anet ont net tht. lte vatl theocongrm or lta dventure. i tiîougbl ttaka shaort t, andl btc W- rc tIem; bat by bad ik 1 fr11 itoaàb..g-hole, and cal> écaped drovning tý chtance. 'u iý rai, vieot, . util ite hi-Ume, ile pets >anceebai? slreztdy bogue, I thiait 1o ie th lolo smenesIbis in nt h.,ffre INy cyes as I mat on a litt cldou, vltbone pane and thal a bruit coe, cutd onrvtyed tht procoediag. v a. a large roouut oned f wic. c a bcd.nd bemide il vas a tab-, bt phymit boîtiee, anad puon and le. .pi ; a uifle fairtber off vuiatiotîlel le at vhirh at Bih, Suaim, vil)ý Imamnetof vritiug aatimas ior. Theo cauntry peoplestlvand on.- mes tbtcedoopmtonnd lthe valis, aii atiny eager and auzioia forthe con, ievent; Peter biaelfvent frOMPia, ,place, trying te.aiother ils o , id cociooniily bclping tbc capa.i whlobcp, vbirb vas aupplivl viu- ore thon secustanaed hhetality. Ali my oaeioune.c of the deceit id triekcry cocld el t div0 ti: cos afi a ceytaia oeuizy. Tho. iy disacof the half-lighted voom - 'ahigbîy vogbt expreinaolb. hQ nétry peoplcm face, nevc amote in .ely cxciled tIbm at aome momeail thia kind, ;the b, de.,Dd.aav mtbing, nnbrokea aMye b>. * gh Gr ob; the. tribà* t f faotlaoîhgr- lae ne bant frlruad.vue s ry athua fcrsblybhruoht bock; ieae tenfi » peal Ibat, as iX lcoked. a srn age of ave stoicoscr owaîd 4»fty abouk it inir. A lav faint enutit from, th i irk co.v vbwere the bcd S"o c..dtel ose evea adeepe.rdséw&an d thon, a silene ir 'ert e huing o# a fi! Id h:bom bae.bard, aml (clp, 1Where'à BMY Searaafi v aaat-t la:», hure.hler," amid Pette6k th. bcd @ide. 1Write vbul I hid ye, UM1yi and hK, ick l 1baiWt à long limas befi, ter 0 I. o uoill gfuae q Ijl, Ageneral ahacaiet umottv mQ 'b I hali, uabahal"vaaaov tlrinlî rooas; bIllt vbether in grietowerlt., rit6st the dying man, or Ika a. ue islg aerrityaf the preu, h larIu [1di in PMscU "oUW&14»eo.- rmll mandkind." nDother chavus of theo eompàay soc.i