~w- -- - mieei0o~ c #ui 11*Andsva Pg vag uTbheurt dwato su i à& ta the dey, beCs,. They mir badark Md @MW% lm *0qmtgla " W. ahèhr Tutu" aste vfllg th e.. Nov sI iIlt)tm, Up bor, No batif*@h, e.>' onteraf SI ili 2acte m4 the lmliece Spmkeai asld hmlsiuaemge, 'l@eveedi ifloaga&ge? VI et tli ha* louechinuber, A,» momm.t e:Wrrçotd 1 Visgeh? ahdw Olr IflWe dmlLalag va>. A V ASEIS A teýs uc o" e.w« i 1loué IliiJadha qcl i iqmethie.r. atkm m Ste SIdOpar ced. Wlyinlsan eoelRireau octroc?- Beus4#b" -m eo>te *- e jlo,. TkiuarES' madskd vhaý ho mw Mid ikf- DIsOLVM INi VLza-Prmeta of giitisg marred fr ladie oican put âW- qd.s wlim "àdamelaIr -r isbhvin. gm, ?-Wim hoin t a uin tmous Ibo, tir, h"tuw.le fsmmawa(eîl s.m "ge. m s paimb gunnief the kiug cf Main ,#hhmmpmeed hImumand,g tw o& I. m't,'WOU, thon, u Tim .Melpitmitle ejtth lvmater urne 10 peintber ?«Ms, lia (cenerMMmafOrgi le. onwh h epaesonec mî Jun: $ ate MM tipoin c nt 0 Iâmtladydos.ne ina he«.ani . . x ys m Teu lian goomc an " unto ta iyS ivdesi hile s milorofm l- dais&. Tiemiimg oild e.iim tu i A temat, én-.apef, n; r lieadc 'A. u.a lae.,ùdor tiiAewuy SMM, id, ut5 bu le.bich Visai la tii diffiee. etose a litde adail ro >lady? Tihe admmre .te kil). Ihosi ame.mle.uiloicn romordthtu _jb»ýjIiAv i hl. a g)Mat A mg ÈMI je Twemi4ffah, ssm ..5etng feeme tcc mirog ssim f * the pmrçg tnder feelingsdfimes lii la deeteiis o Bia euty editsrMW aCI'moB c vay in dée fcuodicac, 1e110 s mlegmnà av ~ ndrthse lidlothes 1 »"tlse mesthea Pu" e pau I tiwmarafsebmrmag. Taiàa "Ton wmcal tle saisaud ar," s.iia dcccrte a maidn piit-?.o'If 1 do," voas tie auto reply, "F'il oi i. Aneou d ceaider ose reeiutly ltro- duee&st-.4wMiy justice me Joie UMÉMus, Ia JoueN â iminSiti.- .111.1tr ise mtwoc 00e.55Ieml aithtis A9tIaindemibing viaI m8astâ eiit>i tly ogl,' liai ue e usohs cemme lar s .daAdei epe frt s.d mM b& 1sjr~out etililr -m- sesZ-oa - tpemmiy mta-fer bis ohming hic"t. e .u osa oc Os- fe 9 it IMMENSE AND> ATTBACITX STOCK 0IF GOOD NOW ON SHOW r'2 .he Leadling 8eer ( Whlci requIem te bi Mek te hcfully appreclate&i C b rru' i g . l d n s e s r e t , R o m i c l m n t a " wMmq Saptmbar Ssi, lutle- CIIEAP -COODS W-D. & R. A. LYON>'S L~KKK.'X'&NLm 1 phir 2 6tih, 186. Kîagdoni of Canaida! OId Styles Passing Away!1 4100DS CHIEAI> FOR CASHI. And honing juapurchesed teatiro Stock ie tradeocf te lteofira cf M'CRANEY &THOMPSONI euh Clmd ai bi&esel#rduse 101cm lineehongo fer Geed. E. C. THOMPSOIX, f D. LUCAS. IsHUII1l8£L N.B. Wc oi ibeiu 'roeiDtcf uogzo& weekly, during the eejuicg esn Broute Âpril i181% 1867. 4- tiosaiu5g New and Gomdi AT TUE E&4tJiùESLNG-STEAM FOUNDIRY, d- ,c m oans f vaitdo»i. Il lbamh-a tue pears le.as esudbugîen espîete khsad.lbaS *l iii11almau Camoasstu.p antrru tg11h, i .sàIeuas.ic~t emiuis Ctten, tintl7m fus e laiatetoné prip Abe TeeIaomWee eI 11m,,Cus.Lco.. io a. #eiEalèUW *#mm e g euttiarI« flemme Pa"me l Ve nt t- 4. icOom le. Oeglu., pour. sa, Ir«. titi ,G1tÂNf8-110w 0F NIEW GQODS.. Lnawson Brothers £te evwageuont itinett FALL IMPORTAT1'ONS 0F CHEOICE NEW GOODS, Wblis5, fer Èutm4 utlt, Cheapnoa su d Beattfat Design, caunt be suicelled la tht MevW Obmln. CASHSTORE Thtenhotsrlhes wonidJuvtîe the attention ef thoe Publete hieb LARCE ANDJAillgB STOCK Prowi*Ee, Crcebery, Glase & Errdi- coseore, BoAw i coolfioîtcry, Wll Piîperg, Wodoie S/î,aies, Serfi. W~Oc, Pllotogt-îplu AlbumseeOc1yToys, Ail i i"$otoo. Aie, o ie. stck of Ceneitîng in paît of OieeaStin, Soies,, Sort-aoc, Bedeteds, Chalret of ail kinte, Loonges, Standesud Tahbe, Wht SNette, Mattresset, Looktog-Glaffle, Ac., Ac. A Firat-Mlas P'earse! le, kepitoi ire, sud 8nnerale fornioheti on sbort notice, anti 51 lover rates cf charge thas ane>'othceea"lhomet ie the CasaI>'y. Bainadopteti the Or moite jeQUMOX SALES sud SMALI, PROFITS. W. H. YOUNG, tolhorînaStret. Cobile Septl. S 15-3m. IN OAÀ.VILLE. Barclay 4& Lawrie, Rare ta, annoonte the eompletion et their FALL STOCK OF STAPLE AM I NCY DRY GOODS, Clotbing,, Groceries, CROCKERY. &C-, &e. vhkh fer CITEAPNES3 AND VARIETY Canat bhourpenepa he Oounty ot Halton. Bacîeg udopteti the Cash system, Ail gedi are oarbed ai the lancst re- meenerstlve pricens. Gooda marhed ln plain Figmes. O2U PRICE OXLY. INÈ ECT[(tiN INVITED. flggbWtUacbet Price fer Countiry Plreeeee. BARCLA! &LUWIIE, Cocflicrne Street, sbnillls, Ontarto. D.D. CHRISTIE, Eegs ta0Ilormhlm nommemfrlnsad u tise publicgeSvmal>y', taât h hemu jomi UNEF HOM SCOJ[MO Wth a sýummene srtmeni of Faahioable Goodèl DRY GOODS t Which ocrebeuglât -FOR CA 811.' Undes hls pereonal tepecîl on t api. 'cedeutedry l1ev rtos, oving teaastagnation la tht marbeacasmeni by auovcg suppl>' e6 iIs OLASS0F GOODS He ca cenicqoctl>' affrd 10 seil)t ILIIUIINGLY LOW PRIS Whli hi edetermîneti te do. 'COME AND GIVE HIMAÀ TRIAL!1 Mile 8ho-raas vil) h copen for teopectasu N A FEW DAYS! Reepectos afretto arrivai f gooda per stemmshlp ""MORAYJAN%" About the 1511e laC. Mlton, Sep. 4th,.1867. 13-tf STQV ANDPLO¶JffH -STORE! 1s3u&B9CRTEER ltbeom to assuloo onee tw h01 mmea>&Oine ?1Olnl&bdt& tie StreO potete gIs Chiqrcb, Mahi StreetMitn Sto 1Opposte tf :t 13 A.D COOKXNQ AND PARLOR MSTOYH F TIfFLATEIST AND> 310ST IMPROVKI> PATTEENN. S1'0T.PfiriNG, Ac., wnhed hodwi h îr. o rilAUà oow Nonillion or Toruato Pric ei enaie todotbl h ?grleelCb ehe butmnietho tanennt andilnterrut teel1denatt he Creeit Pstem. nia miny yearw cf prottcal roperlence entables hlm aloc to prchae. 10the hebuataogoes hIe u s alarge tock of wrxiZ.e'~Zs~~~U'They am Whloh.heo wi sel) fru-l1A dollarui whiloi s cnidoobli le%@ than Coo-roc Plonathn are moid In this nelghborbeod. Farmers wold do weil to coîl andI ecammni the stock1 hefore commencnce hle i hi) vrk. Tisey are more durable, and esoler dranoht, and »me o the teut mode). North's Pat eut Drum Hfeafer, ».k C Contaty on bond. This celebratcd Ds., ohcb te nsed on many cf th cars. ac, n the Western Itose. obore Il tabou the preferrîce ofl ail tobee.Adi asesentîtetor. Baves balf the tueel, and addîts cratiy 10 romlori Certificates front Ecelceer 0. W. 1 t.; A. isoCalino. Priccipol Central Sclool, nam- ltor; John teei acndKing Street MothediseCherches; l'.W. Dsyfoo Stan%,Dealer; Z. Patsen, Cocfectloeer. acd macy othori. At rmeonehl These hiatera pot le aed ne charge stade, If not àtsfactery. selcqd sd ?f t-Cooelng apparatan cf aIl bleds sld sepiraeet lat1evrates. Tsrm-Cssh or <«~di re Fum rodce.?AT1UýK IMcDERMOTT, muiy ,tl ltos, Oetobes 2, l$ii. 17 -t SMITH & BtOT HEUIS 'At Our Ordered <'Iotiùng Dprtm Belng toiler the managemeai of a ýfI*rsi-<irLiss vractict Fi-ro Ibomntot nannteect ns rrmn'nfet,sta no mrepulattes fseciý B3oots ai-d S lioes, Groccries, CrockerY,1 stylebteingeunaepassc*.Ali musafcl>'iié ta ml OLASSWARE, &e., iii 10 foood on istioecrin te hoel eleird and verthy the attention of intcnding puechuocre. A cplendid qualiity e of~' GUNPOWDER TEA PT 75 CENTS PER POUND. Cmii ohere yon tan pet Firat-elais Goado at pices that canaci faîl in girc satiobieti c. Newemt Gooda in the market. SMIITH & BRIOTHERS. OUR 1ILLINERY AN SHOW M0OIS ARE ToE IYONDER OF laE Wellington Square, Septemhcer 30, 1807. 11-2mp An Immense stock il THE COMMERCIAL BOOTS AND SHo1Es-TO BE SOILD CI If yoo nant vaue for yor mise>' 19 and 20, Cornhill, London, England. CANADA OFFICE, 385 AND 387, ST. PAUL STREET, MO11NTREAL. CAPITAL-To nd-a-haif Milioa Sterling; or, twlcrie ndi-haîf Million Dollor&. FIllE ngP 14.lkLr.-l'rperty or lmnot eerrodescription Ilciorr,l agoleet Loin or tOirnse hp-P t 41Niraie Roi« of Premino. Promptitude oeil !lhîràlil, 1e the settileet O of lers moy ho h,117 sohidont. Limoes Otjotte inlu Canada titholît'celer- scs a e Eflbr Oith Diri-riorp. LIFS DEl'AIT.U 'O'?- The Capitl o e or tIhe lergeel nmonist A seoroce Comt. paeieo. thrreh tpygarait-eto, tinqneatioakle sectieil>'yto Aorat. aid lorge prt taoin% tiipalieg i'oiieî oldere. Form' Ioft'ropoin d aoitinormationcacn 10 ohîsie- cd t tha Cliel Officeorofthie Company. ohnroor roany>'ofthtie AgcnIe * >ORTABND IfOTuetO à C064 Geceroil leenteq for Conada. T, ClIlSiiOl 5MLl'tNGSION. r. L. S..liispettor aend Geeerel Sopt. FREDERICK COLE, bSecretor>'. HILTON AGENCY. Meecvý tn. Rtens-Dit. STREET. OCtober, ,15th. 1167. Bl. W ILT.IOTT. A geni 1-if Tut H.e-dqetcso for Dry Goodstu fHalton l$at BARCLAY & MQLEOD Oulober 16th,le?ît Groceries', ProvisioH AND Sl ", o I the Lrrceat aal usaI Aensort,,J StocfCHNAF RVEICiever breeplit te GEORGETOWN. 0cr ,lily uel root-,mers p'anly show wmcc has the fient andC't brpeen Gonds. Te a MIt*o 10e in15 per cetil erperrthon our.rol ou ld on ripons r se.i igly prevrnirot oeg adeesti.eore. All these e:eo adoirtPi mpe.ssbtli juis' te mon>' gogsorIdirtre oiy hoinîrd te pohlo 0ev ohenteti h tappesil cng OuF general sornitor e fgoodos essocselarge aid or I nlectes - - -... -h. Ive «8 .. rsfl Ma. -lll I *lI f. i I. ou t mu CITY 110 [EL. ITEE ROYAL_1I1IL UNE1a Dlttrar tne50inmqettllongo. and snystiamnet Of Good Sblppîng Ap JAlESNI IET, TUEBONTE & VIILTON 111L STAGE. .ITiIJGiF M]LK.A"Y. HAMILTO N. JOHN WAL LACE. Coge, tter luth. j1819- Wul. RtICiABLUSOO, Pemprmeler. o'Tt BrE ondermignrd hoing leuerd the -bore Wallace Hooe, 5Miltottpr,,ietot Tl oj»tad Q LOtÉxrc domc 1 them iddb .4bû, me avtisg renovaterd. JLoorco M iltea doit>' (Smodoy@exepted> papertt' and painîti tt heotîchoot, anid a'-.Ili~., pooinIth C tooh Pti re o,- test description, oul eoid st.,.peO nvit e bli reakfast, ccd nir-mec it-oute Station, ~ ai hio aId fricotie anti the pubie tae gv leti.a etR. 08 a-m. M i sr., Cali. Lt-oves Brofe nt 11.5 am.ow oct-ecg 'TISE TABLE 'in coesntiî co epplied t utM ilîoa --t10 pm with Il the toholsutili anetdelidudt,oTf lîica iton OC t p .Arvsn Ii b sree sitechare sre renoottahie ttt r -ne 'ItEUnttaoo ~ute ýBronte le eteet tho e,5t- ,in  W .J chiocenl Wineî. Liq1on'edan igrs.ne f r IicovinBroIte ogîtîn a 5 pni.Ar- tiebeec brandi- ant i ltoge. ivlog t Milton uil63h)S me y (g7BU raireall tLad' Lfer pautpatronage lbegs metaqeml trin ailtbeTrin% and Ste"bpoati A TE OEE "At eooesue btl<Uei 'GOOD STABLING asti an ttentiicANWCrRDSTGod i utoes htb«a Boter aloopi on bond. bnalt esokq WILLIAM RiCIIAR-"00N. Fast Aaq8 anod areai Divier#. ~ t v s tvpps JpeSotb Ramitton. Joli 251h.-1965. 18 y JOFIN WALLACE. SoeSoeic.,CpeSet" Vlrsf Prize Couef y Show, Bto 1867,î 107 7 I .- Palu and Jappan.d Timwaret de. ab, ForCoits ndFie or 1 ft &V L.FaesîrTriieci,. asd emer>' droripttit cf vorh oIuli For Ceame antiFce Woc I R EI IOV&I..ted ottb nateie soudispatch. st 1Iî ecs.Jh je 01os tIche reetinotice. Ithepobino. Rabge.. O,Pl Nv otandl Shue Se l'ri, ,-Sclr lin rovodisu the stbre 1iroet'oppe.r.ud Fara PFredmc tubîkn lubûg 10 G oi t W D LR. A, I os- nherc Milton. Octoher lUth igtib. 1V BRO.VTBT t- RtOUER-T ANDEROIO)Nq untr JAY CONRAD'S Formcrly of Milton, bas commenceet the LOW ?PRICES.Clock & Wt EstablishmaÇW BOOT AND S 81E B USIVF SS, c 0 V-ri l[>zs VAN PE FOUND AT THE FOOT 0F TUE VEXT TC A- Made ta orderu hogr notice. -a Tfriller's Ilot, Bî'onte. * " ls -iIBocl< /oee etets afe-t l Otober l6th, 1867. 10.3w.* Therc yeouwlîl Led a largo varietîy of the Very heli EXCELLEN f OPITMYvin -The Jerciai, Gilbert,an Seth TomsCI-eho, Wàlta n (:A.'; -Te kupa .Cuaseof ail stoco anti doetrItion i,0mand i>' er WItes qg0nb git ntic(em B uai reschee a 5.Ie prcmply Fecen pem oiOO~ t. , Finest Goiti andiSilier Finger Ringn., Lcst.sehc GOàD DWLELING, E. BONUS. Pirses W"sté Key KyChaieg, dppc&acle., £Ys GlcsI&Ml 40bm iltoin. OICt. Il. 1t964. 20t1bvGîses. Goîta Percha Ri go, &e., &e. AI loiotsb rosgl hI i '~~~"~ cor>' ~ynexi ouIl be Clooned send Coarmiehd Eo Cd)fo s15 voluabie otPriilci ndfc eentefoe cdsy. ame, 75 s.nto Cr .ight day, .nd-OaI oî15d,1 ~ ~L~ NXX~ ~ rla uWr r O f e finovIWêo&e.le o ee Milton. The shece 011 ib ocîti 1er leou VVIEA't0ebatantil itwoc sor>' brIck huIt-_ thon th. buildings cec, as the cwner de lotg. %st ticor Oelot the Wsleyr«ntg-e lé Isp -01. -àal- Ii hAgrsi, MileStîrset MilIce. Fcr pacice- ,>,aistt temibpply te W.Wlaws,octluths proprietér uAppli te James iteGn, .Esq, Mlten, JOHN LAIDLAW. JamesAppelbe, E, Trafalgar, andtu 1 R. UlItn, in.12 Ie? jS. Appelbe, Okhvllle, àm« e.1 14 it. Ot. ", lm. , 1-lt ij.~1.t ït h,, Clocks, Watches, Jewelle"y, and FSEy lu te CONRAD vhee yen eome 10 tho COUNTY SHOW A" mi~ FOR GOODS AT deliceril oben donc ai s»y pIne eu mai usb a the Cnt ~ l Milton, Oct. Sth, 1867 mlten, Qetober fol, 1867. collige. i dILTO 1OrsScrf* IooSri 0/lIe auni. EIt a. DR. 0. FF Cocitng Phys O FIt E13 00,.- daîl>'. med ens'>' OoeULTAToeoeDAI soudtta>' yatemOc Milton, OCt. 19. lai M. c:OgTb (L&Ttil 0 -The 1 Eai, ýlails IT 91n1.) (Ce. and 1 0elkeene andti )o,îc Oli&otlle sePt. 41k O.H. Lt lotll. Ontario. D R. T. C OppeoeSt Ai '/ Street fFics bocreit s 0 .)frow 4 ta . 1 tqimiyem itited m Lilvitîp of Viol, làemtat. of Nîdol or.IuI je ~otle of Nidsi r l.>iai ela ug otikad 3. '99w: OÏIICe ANn ROout pied ho ILC.La 4el. Rotel. - Mit.i, jue :q Ok*le sud Droit EAÀRIoemANU Rit butir si I G. T.. Ceaue4, i Wellington Squgare, Aumeeosrehe arrioul per Steumaes iTARlFrA,edeeC t OGtrea etaIlete FAI ANI WINTH MulTD1K BF RITOIS! Whrh Ihe>' oIl sllI penceethaidef>' t-mpetitlon. WINCEYS tsem 10 et,-ipoards PEINTS from Il cas. posa . neincfast calorea s9et&, adathImr articlea pro- eortliiohnceThesono ofa 1 IRGILAY &MLt tretr lndtcementa thon Xe DringIu hw mtbd riom of Lare itrmned ta ianaalaMW anleds fie prfeies,and f hi rng umopase tshai~asc ,eh, andi are happy 10 ay 'tlie ew are appeeelst.tIW gacmnet Me bslargeebmnti mont respectable la n o-t ct--a" miii aet sîrleMepre,"ote sd er g liège Mya as'ther BossI Imuses esteck of eveepimg s sabe fore rl aitnd N