liet o S 6.e jfr BchO<*secnt m0w er Want.I*bb h. cetet 8eem st mc I tlheeA as CordslagrpLiu Ets d n 5lg is MC Xie sIrs OUOL Hf11100 r A*t*- WlbtmthT bo a Bilv.AB.. 1 h e 817 4.10. - 4 8co th l a~e~' id pricu1eme 's aat et dye et~e 5.ETER ALi toMax ,N~es Wol. cUR, kiEQC.Usy ga», c el r 11.11 IU1If EINýZXAN & C0., 17 4tl 105 KING STREET WEST, wTORONTO. ctc~ehB1i O1IE STRUNU BASS,. lESi iVeeh cîiia Fu? 4grofeBar,r, , wil;tiàmJlen My cluate, ced are !71K YS W IIRANI R IVEYAfi 'Is, Pesa, lsleein e lg puaech'ensr e vildi .otfictcoey.fea ccii cead enatalse oer stock. goqIrutoste, Nec 7, . .2.2-lu !4~'~M..~s~sKAYS. KmEjsut eeldd wsuppi afte oti.p etMusic,'S etet2 cnt ergnoNyuEIUSH ROUND-Tolu LASIS P. m. McKAY'S. goi coe A ms pnwlshàing the ]ietancd Met -Ge d r e, k î lsbpc<vcd %oaor e Ke(yic<eocL T Wll do uelUo ati atC. NIERAUTS'Stoiea, seldeor t e cSore., hrcD. ltob e, ti, 1807. 21.4t g-u ih rofit.- iOhe an OS R.U8'S Osser Saloon openo ne sihp e he$ s 1ij- sa' oifr'tliliii cass. tern ve yo egel te lic r- e ,-1Fo;i. îto a n cid St(cw. d' ysci 'i .nt b i tor. whlesle and reil. ced aii articles P. %1. tirKt.T. aulty kcpl ina n'lenilereeec Saioon. 9A57 .-t ilioe, Nov. 7ilî 1867. 2 atueirge eu t an-C lgs ta letarm i@ ifreeds cedte ptliîc 4 t pe p mtyOl, athtc MKARY .STEWA&'TT. Remo'ved toYNIftonl NokU.t~î8 2. w<ee te is prcpcred ta shriesMi,f.ifiiî e ndRejouîr ani? lddeof q0hj*leMaofCtebcrle IJh, e s be301h, On, Fars. iWtee itet itlacktand e ing inform.ute- Tee D"oe Weut l a te Wcaicyae Chret. u in t'5 eenveq of &bc Mcii 22t. jne, wMhijrcyedcrjd. y.cli1r. 22 ,A<CI8SA DEW-SO " EW MILLI NERY CÂtJTIO.. fhuuV i$AllsTn Oomne ail oe friends i .eleig*boes Please look into our door, And see the grand assortment That we bave ini Our Store. Corne see our Splendid Clothing Just suited'for the Fail, Corne try our' Teas and SUaS, Look at oui Groceries aIL I know that youý wise Farmers Cotplain of your poor crops, Then that's the vei y reason You should'patronize Cheap Shop& Jnst such as No. 80 Keepo. in ouï County Town, The burdensorne high prices, Mr. Hollinrake puits down. We keep here first-elass Tairorer And good Dress-Makers too,. The Miliers of Halton Ail wos'king bard for you. Our~ Clothing for the Winterr 19 well made and so warrnr Suited for every persoi And proof against the Stormn. lit short foîr every purpose 0ur Clothisg ie pre1îared, At the Cheap Store No 80, 0f which you've 50 rnueh heard. Of Boots and Sýhoeq. we've plenty,. For Gente and Ladies too, Cakiers of ail descriptionse Alil ready here for you.. Then corne ail friendg1 and neigbiborm,. Cone to the Manîrnoth Store, Whiere ail the Goods are clleaply bouglit, For Bis, Commercial, Gore, &a. Milto, outaria. N.B.-Far-mer-s'Cloth made up on the shortest notice, and good work donc. An Expeîienced Cutter to whom ail wvork is entrusted. We guarantee satisfactioni. cOla #àWitiicum'wae oran cdeelerelves frs.1 Jose pli Davis, îlot c3 1 11lis istactns m ber ep.cdeece, scar the wegiey aet,,ped,,juIhavete Mos Liit'f ief.t h hedlt cc s end trust sabcahI O l tc P j ffcec tced a gtvseng n sBI,'a IIDI. IlaZ U L eesit uopvacete 1tikoeof aCLdie .~u ~ ter A-1 - I t9lI or.saZ e stye le: R ut Immla Ml -tvlue ru e Apciite " b-lw Milteet, Slv. t, 1817. 22-18 MsjManel damd ndes WutO.- Fashiosuable laitering -Establishment!* Mille James RATE Tenders Cec the Cacycec &frt i.afaChrlisins E. Ye c-er May Jaee Wcnt, PlaeOelsng, Paiting ccd Glas- ~ )i,&lo.àcibldin o nw huc, o.hoercedonIAt MILLINERY-A LARGE A.S_ ORTMENI.. licg5" Richard Ne. 6, fard Coeceseaso fEcîjoriel, ciii uice eMié m te reecleed ty the aedensignetCh Mclleay Ioet l Mileon. 0. , ep te 23rd NYea 7te, 1812. MoCese Jeta lices ed Spaiieaioae saY tacasea hF LTAnO"t. A S Nialsgia iniatte La Officee f.:Lidiaw, BI"en s T A D T A i2ddi~i Te 10est oraey oteten~der not aceh .1 'Nuites Me cd ucee ateruiae sciisCacitoey. Ststs NVie, j IL. LAIDLAW, ~ Sittewat Aleander Chiemas lidie .g CetMnittee. .<ered to any Bhape. b lWalsisghama - Seteh Blot, Esqaeieg, Oct. 28tt. 18611, il ri-oC the ateve lait- _____________ cèt:yae cdvetileed Pasuaiu. 5ACLY.Lsra. reps. and lMIangle >lakiag. itS. AilE mb9 ihn e prci su ie usli ~ e. Lot No. le, led Conessioe, N. Pl-, ist Trafaig *but etclai otaleslet, Litof Ltters .THRimEiWs, ihvle, cce n te IIEES? ASSORTMJT Or DUK0LING la he Pst Oe a.001p«t paî op s et lt Nov. 1 Oý 1 GEORGIE BOUSPIELD. Id MOl8O~ wcci Ms, rc~2, Nev. 61b, 1867. 214 Cloths and GeneraI Dr) -Goods fis Milton. Baj Séewart George P ROTESTS NIEE We li., ilcrA O mWieBabeeer. n . C@IlioWlyoiboeBl Au5ern hâ es feroed RCEISAND) CROCIERT.. ' Use* ,un+.or UVsesrdtanftabWlk'C e. 5.LYON. PeetucJ.H.cletfdth eri.f o etof css&e mm Milca- pad inCA0MCafer 00MClsb MchlShble ~ putieLo ieea.- Apply ait tIrain et cil kiadsde d.lcered ci O&M.,tt 6. 21tf, . OoTTER' Old tand, ci Port Neles. lfliTiig!IfUIMIJUI~ PrtliicsM2t Bpîî8T. i.C - Frorn Toronto, well RecommendeiL - . B~ADY'1i1D.~ClàOTIIING, -QVART]ER IESS11ÇS! WARRANTED GOOD WORK. B~"1~ <;T CL OUNTY OIIALTON, ,Tk J3J.ldAILIî d L» y gi tt te enerci Court et Quartas >leem' 5*1, s*ar flaPool Office. S 0uof-s et tPeas. mad &c o nt yei 0 4 ltiWà>1CIRPà»fOU svud - lu eld At h le wslatorte tt tte ls A VERT LARGE ASSOiITItENI'. M~d U3oetAer. x U is o &fle d aw tolofcine&CLOTR 0 VERSIIOES kNID RUBIBERS. 4Tu~sdy, eceber~ ~ Commercal Bis taken for G66ds at No. 80 A t tise tas, of TWE'LVE O'CLOCRI naceror whist ail1JJustice f the 1'escs. <Yrom*s,. tOeseableuîocai)es. and aIt ~~ ctheecs tnceed, oset nquestedttetake alosevl W l e d icdlado srd peteor sl cASet___on Aea1IE tis5a ate thuts sculj. U~0CRWFOIR1) lMcKPNDSKT, sieeeff of BtoMltas. 27 15,157 .p Mto~e.61837. 23-4d 5 Gallons Goal OU for $l l'aU. FýOIR SAL-àE.. e e N M w I M a N o' I c n 9 L Provincial Iar~uranc~ cor. 0fnsadùw Wlre a~Of INCORPO1IATED 18Z)9. DIRECTORSz HO . HLLYARI3 CAMERON. M P. Pre't. LEWIS JtOPPÂT" 9q, VIe de. H 0. M 4LCOLMO ' 0RO N IA. T. i~LLTî 8 Y 11 W. J. MeDO % L cSQ. GFO.-AIlPSCLL.j'... ii, . ipWiAM EI. J Mc(, î8~Iî. (,BORGE cFFE8, ESQ.. J À. IMASTER. ESQ., 1 A. M. SMlU,94 S OLICITORS:-Meure. Doggan & Barms FIRE ntWR1À2CES effected an cvery deuriptlau of prperty, MAùE ESanES114cd tete Louer Ferte. tou Ercuewt'k, Nàv'% Scot!lanmd te West la1dies. as4ltby steau ta Europe. Ee*eumoieeute u pose of apy other roppeetabl. leurcage Cmcsy. W. i. Po'tÂQ0Lt, EQ. Lt0. SYDNEY CCKlgi Xgsstt, Milton. Manefte, 5,,2TIAYED an the e*asisa o: th e o l'AJ1'D, Tviuucflteyum aWiSe, 0 bJ Shw. c WMIlli 115ER Lutl w te *olssmcsuM esseplotimsalassl y ilMoeepoTaton te eteeldere Au; p-., 'go asdug uil o<e ge. App&y letea ton 10111 ireu ehr Sc 41' piiblar MACÂT OLZOD, Ostober luiS . 1 Mln.Oiir.2,l5.' J-I 114WWD»T0 TAE.E Tur LEcAu -he Raeh eWI eootibututaaGUFFIN*11 fte IDUY-GOODS AND CLOTHING.- Ladies Drese Goe l large quanhtitlc. 'Oloes. Houfiery, ULacesEdgings, EUiins. 46 ý,a*Lu Forirele Mirgk, Germuii do, Rock IMaýtins, &., c&- If jau wasl A Goiod Set'of Furs, Cheap, CdIl ai 9m0F M IVIIY IisCIII'II É rI -eoirtitugel z FASHIONVABLE CLOTRIN6 Cati et Wicere NO EXPENSK IS SPARED -Obtainiog tbe Latest Fashioos "dets cnd Ladies' OflER, NORTHI AND SOUTH SE& SEAL, Beaver and Lambàkun Caps. À large Lai of Cal a& eamisefor yourseitce, aî4 log yul Le saiellsd thîl thn Visse te gel chscp Ijoado là et Milton, Ocoher 301h, 1867, 21-t MERCHANT TAILOR SHOP!1 MVesrs. Rewa 4 -Haicro, Beg la asseece thal thcy have jeet apeed a MERCHAT T,&LOR 10P'la Dempsey' Old Stand.Opposite Thompsin Honu Iera tbey viâ klrep eacelcehly on hand -à GOOD ÂSSORTMENLVOF FIRST-CLASS GOODS, 'loch Pb alln Headclathm, Eloaehkiseaed Caspiseeu F.nglst. Scotch cnd Casadau T«Wedsdhe ellausg ea unlise fgiood. Irish Frie.z or acOcoeiA or iShatiug jea le. Mettoes, ced Bai alle ilot Ciath, Esîlie tuI ced Beaer Ciathe, kc. 2&S WE ARE PItALTICAL TAILORS, We iatfTc.rusclc tai ue gtgvêî cheaper cnd btter article thue aul atherese. ltblshsstaLt le2Miltes. i e v ut ag ond O ceic. Ilyen wuceta gecd Shalsg J offet. Cf e aunt s redV u. Iysu vaut sge 'aR P entu ce . ysIs lsc es a àI citthe NPhd TÂqHgIoNABLB TAILOi'ielSTPsBLISRfiteNT. a hltcptieac.cae F r a m u « lo n g rep id en e l n le h i s e ig hlscy hed e C t s t e p b i M . o m Iy relj upen Our *111lnd ccL pratîcllde. BEW8 & HÂLCRO. Viitêm, November 5tb 1#67. liprovincial Btraved. Milton, Ndv. 6Lb, l£ýy. ý1