laIwaâe.*0f gberilbler n pMmforVb-trit inerti00 - lmafo . abeqon niegt ii Iic rliu $4 ;~~tae~mRiOti eby a Ume o f miiitut*OdeIiss& Lehsrged theobcct of wblch pranu7 Omst ofmmfy b t. becouldemed am lu wqaog Ion US. iiibcechsrgd to *n E4oer Who *iierttte by the Sm 5 r Imlvo oithi ....*"0 le for Imelmo menthe ... 2 4.iirýO<CoIuma foi ivIe m s1 o - f«rasixmonlh.... 10 Tata 4mmen~i atii b coànaIDb tre Il ffl n aihes ,oimcîu& iAue- 4deta . sumvaUi O Oftfeiabipe. W4 r# Mdi ab àvtUOS«uODorjudil- ,i.b.hi fk', no«. t. LeSor iioSe'i.OOi to e9ilSor mus é, p.it4d. brmlse hcy mlii net b. Biftam the Put Offie. A5.idfri*Umta latmded for luserlion à.dd omibi e S y Doon oncmWednces- àr>at- il n& meburc C. Sret WM . notai.IItilj. 22.1 D.J%I T N, . .N 860. *aU Rl,rom 9uil 10.m.Si C ul VwjHrce@my oc 866-0 Ieec-Thè La. Raiideoee f T. rakeme lsA-Tounia alai Vil' * ~*HA, SUGEON, h ACCOUCIi- Cd.LUSK, M. D Ne Tempram ea al LOD.- ~ fUeAux.27i 167. l-if T. CROOKER. - ~ uJ~s ýL Andrew' s u1h.-lames 50MO lBm i -iteu mrn8te O# .4a VlVS>h au deg.u a si-0.1104. -m Ojrm otc.P.ia lsiDos. a s' aI auat. e o'Mldmlfery, Eiialn, mo«I p5~ep . baiJa.o-IWliV' -IE a T'bou-Tot til naiea mO C. aitui>rf.rt TILni n MB Ie~~SigMa.Nn i ueO 22 y 1qmomiSIsS.M.a"d nt IQ MYh -LW. gorg PRZS-The PauIadim et She Po"eilm tigbte.'O SI 1LA-TFrAlri 1VOL vl.] OONe EYANOÉtR.e, &C., &o. C Oer*oL-0im ooc omsto.* aiWllace' De% miebl rr, #mc. tsua aiomu% aid 16 à. m.. ami"Ssrutte IgUa eiloutsock, aui bois bim %P' ub i .. 14« >* 1 i - - - - - - - - - t 11033 DEWAR. Jr.. sOLtoiToR IN NAPoEr.F 1 buYETANCES m. ,Sfifa Flic. Mitaon. 26-1 Y. BABIS1TERS, IND ATTOnE-AB-;,T- Lem,l eiIciterm hancoiY. Cairoyan. ecu, MoOsws aPaubli, boOffice-Couart 0.TiC',BApOTEDO. 1 T. DIXîox. Mlilton. Nay 29th, 1867. bi-tf etC, ~ c» laIr Ou. V 1cM M. db., OE FOR£TO WN. 34-tf. icco-The liaildina coa Miil Stret Iately .leetpin-a y Wi B'ree. eaq. ,orSetn. lo. limit.9a lW. i1lLi 13. .Limater, MIVYI lioN COURT OLERK.OM)MIS-- 4Ympar ila uea'm emch. bLic nord Aato~oAccoisao. Ai. Debteoîleci- id e ou Cmislai. MutgmowyoL.AprSl . .12104. 3-45-ty fdgaî Orly. PRuiWINîAL LA-ID SUiVEYOIt, OAK- rifle. Letteen aidresseil 10 Omkille P. mîi ib. mttraied 10. Okle.1867. 19-if EC. DeGàrine, BUJRLTPTGTOI OTEL. WELLINGTON Ilqtorýe. Ccsfnrt, modeenteehaccen, anc5 nisitiittioi ailocniiofl 10 gnrslo ullicn tia, o marsk the maagemntiî -rseiiis eSt-l Hhtel Thie Stable« end acIVri a j r eeawanid a curetai liatier ula a0dance. Weil glanOqao, Oct-2i. 1861, 201vy 1iCý'ÇJra Hotel. Oakvihle, ALTO t R G07t. PROPIiIETOR.- Soet Wio., Liquora. mnd Gigure lept const',.tir au bmnd.G-cuiMoel, oi I Sblig ana sgt Shed0.. limirY mttec.- tIin liw o the areling Pamoc. Ombuille.Ct. 410s. 1867. 10-t> PAEI O 0118, PALEIINO, joili VAI.«%LLEil.t'îPRIZTOiL aturàsn il.ehoam o loinsamerois in tameep toc their pool pîtrogagë sud blogs to muie thema 'hât he ciii tlli concicici hmhj@buwla Or*.elaoa style. Sounc brauip of lquoro au iailîri. io0d saii lia,( mnd attentive heatiera Paieii1aoOct. 411. i86 lS-ly TYRONE MOTEL- Eowt -A" JiTÎOUAS iOCALLUM. TO,.,l ai r odw Geocrloagg. hapi euoiaatic- a EXCfIÂNGE HOTEL, DY, ROUSCLARK, GEIG TOWN, <7.1- BUi-ljES lu ou-I trou the Sîîtýoa. et- %a ly. Liens at.e'iieaipsu ligeh platilttp.uliir. joStoab tling smcc iio- 0005w itîs3-- NELSON4OUSE9 VILiZkQUOIPZNELSON.C W. J. PtniRrils ......FPprlato t LvI YbTate";ion poi oigetictravcicce pjut te. lîc abl in anno amten- ice titie.' SSica. ui27',h. IRIS 36-1.l CAftADIAN OTEL, 'c-nec0 ulîctino 1. puli 10 Ii ,intmli -e 7ý4 ',- Ru!Ilaay Trurelira ccciici> ,,lpun tcr Ia n. P- che it". l)-ocil, tt. oci 06 0, C11UM 0Ei. TUIONPSON, ntlointNom'moi CpubiLioe it- Atory Stýcne Iloliel. on Main Sire I. ml-îe ho, mgri lie go4,Ooy1a 0 cm WIi upco bingolc100e- toe dtpuli ot noaraily. à gio ivlery oStablo ta eonaaclam Wm f loes ad a iorsige. emiilmmy b. liai aonraaeaabic Leme MUt1ilgé eb. h24.10. L64 a3-1e FJUN I'AIN IIOTFLI) F. w: CîJt'dCSJgH. ~PIUetlmIB, A90lc u-i numoeroun frieands Io l emomious HoieIlanViret- P -Cb and'W '" tu- mteud t thSye, agents 0bis eatd e mdce hie neraliy. Kiloein~Aprlloi16i67. 47-if MILTON, COUNTY 0F HALTON, THURSDÂAY, NOVEýMER 21.1L867. - 1 AJiD COU NTY 0F IJALTON INTELLIGENCER. f'Nat, XXIV dollasmorh of croekery. 111à Mma jWidi the Irai glumie s.e 0 Jooe' fouît, I oshallciioci it out cf evrything bLo b eing quiet, bis cou ber pume .mereturnod d, su dloraiMn Nmhein tLe ehammer 5j1oie, IYoglia, eLe mi. a the dyi Mes. Moffghton Lmd trirenin ou an te roSuL fiid relief from ber tootbsôhe. Sho Heo pemed 64 4oor » mvl, buti tricd cloves, ohe trie! toothoihe drops, intasd f eelg $ha dood burgior, cuiY: and rarloun ther remouis, but &Hli w ma n overtucmo4 $ble, demoiiabici so purpo. . The dsagreombie c.anonosachair. e"iIin dosth, would ot b exerelsed. 8S& avaddi . api the bblima ooriSe Mr. Hougbion, aiho loyluin rsnuil est, wbo Lad reeiveii the balisé îtmleai- aiuher unhcedimg bar orsucois. ed for the miiurght marauder, Ail mitono e ethoughî ohm Leard the 'S2ouldi hbhopoalibie ibat Tom u- oule door or SÛRllshe Couhd hardl7 set tLe table ?' ejalated Mna Iougt- hlelvo. t muaiS bcheri *ocio ton10. Sho thoujbt, homvor, m&W o d teisto Itbiiqk it muet h,' aaid hev p I5bAI spino. 9 Lemihieresi. No, tm u ne ît miataea. Bs eue-r. And 700 .100 him 1P tinily diii hoe astop in the hall. 'l'os bld me te.' Mia. Houghtcai bogau to h frlgboaa I iio't unidiaud il, I diaSimeiy ad. hoand cmoeboiiy Omar. 'Could it Lbchurgflsu?"Proboli s h iîe cuS' nIld 34z, 5h. aiied. Houghtou, ourrasoiiully. iNazi came dia acund of Juoo, tumib- '.Mis. Houghton vos net mre. Il lg <oi îth' ercadia. eemu i- f louivmre tLe oîly urg- It muât hý oomohody,' ihought 3Mia iur, yet o ah e d cer homrd t&ostcaS Hog no ercooalY, 'Shail I woka e eiu the hait of aaimuisg. To thia Ur. H.ughton ? If 1 do, andihLe ocsday îLot ni.tii' adnenturi us ampIei dows and if buigluro, thcy wili vcry 1 the hewidered pair. 0f comrse Mr.! likoiy shoot hlm. V îit a ~minui. Jos. mî.or reve dci his ceiapliity. She didii mammnute, and the ct tili heurs theobliâaitof 4L Then amue tLe feurfoi clah ot crok- nocloiq2or, uod tLe iiebtruod.pp ofý 6L Robt. Dolmage iIIRRIIOGh LICFNSES, &e., Plirnio. Oitoher 1Iti. 1866. n0-y . I. .V'117111= ott b UI -li&uiAict UI mici tri llt,. 5 26 Gimier moi Pa per Hsumr. S SOP ou Maetin Strt-i, Mon oîr- di tt iThocopsoot'. otel. i Il hi milcode. la. v4t.o-!'. Plons Of cild tg.lon p ccc coticte,. Carpcierandcjoiner -.k -at tcd t..a ?. esb,ahlc-e, %illosi. May 2. 114 3-1,v52, 0. iIVIKINNO0N Bocm la loi,. l, 1 tOi mia g, e_ 1o.e on htnûe 0ci c.. T. J. 1VIUEFLER, .> w A:CH (1476 mioys 10 roui ai A. Gaiheaiih.*e L. o, lMaiu Street, GEO SSEcIWN chere h- lm preparcctgoa copiragil dec dions of Waidheem ald 'lneke ln aitch a a- arr ui iii on.ree satistion. and mc prce. tot iii doty eompetition. Jctmliy eâcIY repu.irOcl. amabe., 615.0s "d Jem.fry Ver sale 1 Geogetomo. May 17 iota. si. E-unR E KA! B 3 Er S EI'S NE USLCC K Ocl. Sigu of the Large Watch- Mle. a Mch î4th. 1867. 40-if yr. Barber & EBros5. I'APER 111JATRR PrintiDg & Wraping PFaper onstatin had admade ta ider WVOOL CARDI.NG OLOTE DRESSING ou Ihe hor et noie. cotie uag ni no. qastiy mci horeclend st ihir Papei 111I ta recira fcor Gca. licoheot pîcce ,Mi Inl7cp fa, W-1c MONEY TO LOAN 1 IJ'cîJ aen t t 8 lir cent oa Roority of Real Esiccie. WILLIAM LATDLAW- Milton. lSth Aprili. 1867. 46-if. cpar am Sicniicy, %aPlic te rio e i3. E HARRISNON, gradaste çcf gilor erctu VerIcory Ccl- im pic-paic-d t ie. Il il ,-- atitt.. t co anLcictlttn. Fili, Offle. frtfb,ý T-ee ofl hi I-4 aiet ..,r Fariners Read TIhis. Imosoters & Uumabugs Disiile ù. *agsoti mihqg 10 hare theic Shiip rnccinoueii ihoroughly from Ticks aid al dmuaae of the skia cao do Po ly appiying either la piroion or hy mritiig pos id uto iLe aaharihni. Taiisi-Six eIa par hcsd ih ail labour miro! ibm sppicssts, esocpt s main lu ttcuiianom. CELAS PARKS, Lot No. 24, N. D. B., Trafagar. 1W LLIA.NiîBROMLEY, ai.u:.go.M oui Ltmiltatgve&as.urg. eeu ati jbberedDatah hie kaowledge cf ou hatli bucomdecedbil* I aLcli think M oesmgte t 1indiiote iLat the hurglmr L oi! ne o ..'ig xauie, n teyh cea Sal h bas osaiaccd b a Lv kepl tLe al-buruer ligLiet,' Le ligLiEgiLoigzmtd adte m sunma aior.Haedrase, u, n sii 10 himarif, 'She kneni I wmugolug lI hope Lcaio't sic a i od cf me"' bkuai i feorth uandil utaii e ' tosay out laie. Cosfeuud i.' tinught ho, sud Lis bod rain ooid aitqaita om psu xpe ha i DFNtSEY'S N EW BLOCK, Tii. lut exclamatiounmu ciiied bY thetibcugLi 'Mois pesbahly meds TeClacpîic conimbd MaoSret iht.a tamblu over n artiche of fuesilure peaaS ruffas.' so a Ie- îLe Clone, paid he chrer mobed Mii-à0cet.iltoni.16. I. in the diinz rom ahioh hehidahreeuy lNe olipped quictiy te tLe flcoi of îLe L iet e sskeiy. siecao! eoesl> eoterccd Jones fliover it aiilL cosid litaies, polio! the lriggen, and fired tLe liioguage tipi made four l'agItimeoiè B leruhie violence. prodacisg a cosiocn TLore mas a pieriag accoai, Sncbl as feet, or imo feet four feel,ay aie but e J.BW LLMOT1e os the kuoe, ad a trifling poin s thatitlima han 10 tîiîrk esuld prieoeed from thae Wht aay. c U bose atmetii.eoieiaouiiuoei îLe erazy asy humat bing'a luago. S Dsntist boi, M. iloîghion, it nouisitilkos iih Sugetf't a regulan ms-tnap,' mutierei flur, boundcii up @taire, four steps mt e What te Trake -t M Xi.s'Dc>m. Jonea, pickiig imaalf up somieahatIir- 'bourd.- - - ~ritably. Jour' heari the report, sud Le tou a xhogcayo' liy of oeari- OFFIrCP, AT SIl 8DiilJVG STOIL E 'Whil la h II lave eiomblecl aven ?' mao astole. quaistune, yooug, leveiy, and inatelli- lHe felt about, thiabiog ih might Le i 'Wbo Las got iste the bonne T Le gent, celuiipos s oceebrtei pîcynoisu ! Lier?' oprmioic eac-tett ith lIoe peo ehair. Lut iea attcuiameîl may Lec con- thougbt. 'Scmebodylino frend a plaid 1ta do "someihing" for a rush cf hlood31 fc.ia sillftcly poifoend Artificilce - teedb laeted in a ieeiiuihes hie dicorci, by hLb nenne uime. Who icrcameii, 1 moniion Vy, te Le hend of feeling, îLe cffcodisg articlewaous a-Joot then Le tomblet! aci-te a a coiil haLcve becs doceeriag.smiiithibmt Souerior Stylc i oS Aocenafe Carges 1 radle. Ifiicatches, ad struok ose againaI tLe latgnid lfair o)ne aith aa nsicc taitLe t 'A cesile la my bouse!' Lceclaiimed waal. The igbî roicalei tu hi, the bluff ibaugb kiud M. D , hio ho mas w Perians reqciinz thcee rye.afuh anto 'WLn ai meaun ?' tiriiing informaution tha Le, niai in the fociiig ler polar. aititeifo fr thenactccal ieetb, i e lailtet in ASt.,Jous's yousgest ehihi ma iea roag houne. iWlll, aihat Lire you tukes ?', hi Mli and ,xamine apeimm. mad qsoie pr. ysors od, s o th L ad sosme grouni "Gondrcioean I Le rzclaimed. die "IVLy, I bave takea Brandredie cej. B. W. le confident, after eîglt yer' for is surprise. hgLi Iuashlug on iai, 'Ire ibn fired PIa, Parc's Pilo. Sîreuhurgtio' Pilla o ccql iciatice. cf ieing ableî to grine 'A raile! o L e ned, ctGond -etima oboglar. I muai gel oui cf Sand& Sameparilla, andi nyno's Ex- -empieemlti.hactiai to mli mbo m&y cm- buvet a i ouMMa Jousobea enter- fi.pectorant,, med Dr. Shermna Losegffl Kr' The latent nmonatappre-ei ns.taitisg bbies duriag nuy absnc-- fIe best dnin laiukng, Lisayan d planter, an-"W esplytav 1lenepain in then extinction Eo-aif abcha, ihe ianhgh$ have îLehe iîLte fr-ot berand hured idomla the '"My Leayena! madas," iaterrupiei fo Of tecili good sonneitu put may îLe eradle Mipe lharlag lest su larat asght Le th.e sionlabeil ilotor, "di l theso do i Miltoa, Oct. 3otl, 867. li-tf >o tc îleS 50005break suy alin ondlîained. lie aooni-echoed Lia o ouse'your pompia tO o CiO' W] it.' Iandcsiered, smyiug notLlag gr is ail- ,No ! ihen waiathail I talce O'pet- 10' H e mode a amride forar-asusn- y. ture. lisbly luirel du Hea Master Waimted foitonale stop i pruvet!. The table, The fioughtmodidnt sloop mueh. "Take 1" f4ilaimoii the docior, eye fil F ORthe atitou e Weihci. Fa- waslaid fori resfst-di so m nM lad .hteban m oui cthat lmo ie -clghubedha1 afloa mcfom ent',re ex., YnM Nereuubai, 1867, .wz eu iSlemo I Joues,. -Camlag into violent collision lahly tielohet! ouiin iL. dinîing ccu. E'-117, taLe c09 Yce cmi1,th mili loe Made. w idi it,0 the table mou tipped om, aid Buthbodld'stilike togo dovemad leok i ROBERîT MATHESON, Stbmsimas a tremendous nmsag af-at i in. A cotiSaaaKaîe q uoIiioL- 6w> ieri . 8. Traatoaerol4 er, makîsg a ideous rcket, « Bolier miri itminrnia e o id, iisg some permutai popy l lputw mlsoc.2,eo 2. on earthL lsdaoed Mis. Joues 10 set tdu me."- il xeifr oat thefi5ida 1866 'le thevaigt on Ibis pailiamr cec- lebolteditehebehr doo, butit laua mon lytle »Msamiior e summii i ~ l m oinn. Sheuea erbaadoue ce bofore. aedflena t ayith3t eitiior Le e is 1tharof, a a blec wamrîc 10 ati jaf ms- aene. feohuvv m I 1mpaes I have deefo1nitogog (kpcg tire Fnl Mucl tié t10t nmjh. j gca4esô," Es N. ORR, AU kindu nfaiihe onumseaSaIBrod- attaca Ttsatoneo, Offlameal iaas, Peut& &o., eSaiuil n l ad. E.N. 0111. S-f TANNERY! 11RiE SalosueSr cilpsy ths Hlghu Market Frile.leagCah, Foray Qumnilp ot A Larege St ock o, A'aorekd caihe hîpt Cniuantiily oco locîc 200 Cords of Oark Wanted lmedIltely. $150 OSa eoei pal tuerGondi SAMUEL F. TAYLOR. flilioa. Oui. 300h, 1 00if. 2it Livery Stable ci O0OD lORu;ES à BUGGIES TO fHIRE NyRNRT FALLIS, stslno-.O ppc.15e . T. msitrd,ms c. ifltlon. Nov. Athl 01. 2e TEE OBLEB,1R.TE ST.A]LLION TOUCHSTONE The Wlaner ofthe Queen'e Plate, rl, tLRemiat mit ienmaStables cime w rool'- Station. fthihe rmmnier ni the yer. Pare ihinx toimpeove theiî Stoica cndo i.go y pplyng tb JAMES WHITE. iiroaièel ni241h, 1067 7 t WAIJ1CI' S 1W 9HJEE Alla GUeraîstage f1ciiaea MtxLmc>r I. Wg. T [IF. Satoicriloe hega to ors1the Poli- 'lic ilihe hmeaaiccto hieccolioutel. on ile crner af Hala andl Brown Streela, ahre lemill iigi oi miiiupoa l@ ltd cuup.eee. fH buipaili couler patin, ureapceelnmaine bis Bouse a tirai- ciaen Uccel. admiluot miivoreshlim i milli eu patoage grilliieceiic'e ry attentian. Hlne ,woall Ie ltnn hepub- lie ihît houionsthe Halo '-ýà tVlSage, ioleea'h bàdu7 hemeece Milto and Beoicte. Hle aigu ru"@om daiy Staemtee I t îmeca iandmlGeorteownu. JIIH7OWALL.ACE. Hilton. Feb. trd. 10001 V3.39-17 STE WARTTOCWN. RAS ecenti> re5fiied tixis loiel. mi a en'c rideratcie cccind ln n aumpfcpaeed il. rseuno eveey accommaodatilou Sotihe ran- Il- log publie,.île hopes athm ly beeig oaiy t.ut ha ,ltonOiiaoa. tueit ase ici-i Iloarot uclic pstronaice amthe hmicio- tutreec-e . Terni modesin. Stimarlt.o. April ith, 167. 40tf. R,,,abe,#aho. eme lot a Laugh vim as a. Somoheir, mhaae hcheior friand hs" & bemn andl guuec and gct maic-dtelas m41 &bouaili, in the ioiiomlag pootiemi style Noi a imugh mai beaMeila o oumnote. Aa ouriaiimi tete l oidie hurrled Nta it miiichmaridbis frcoîli abot, Ast alhe ecoc mant io b iiitticd. We marrinci im qcicbiy t ab ie frigfblu Our heidà fiai. theosud iglt caimi, Andw imed asloei i etaosi oy the lasp% diia liglt, To ibloh b osanmore discermsg. To bü ihisiam bachor hm otindbriahS. Anidauy of tIbm a eo.ond lin, Shocilil hîceet t he maltr. et domil of nigbS, Bccu maicila tchse thibt boad hm. Few and ashort eathe mordo ho smtd, Thooch of ieanaid cae pataklingt Wec.scocied hlm home fSecs lic oclia et Wte it hia loer ee afuiiy ahaiag. -iomiy mand adly ome meclrd lis doms Fcum theefteut lu the iccmrmooi ateci', And me mvr have beaed fcom, oriea lthe pour ma Whom wu oft alose in lb gloiy. Mma. Houghtode a Ct, or who wus the Burglmr Mer. Jone ara ontabisway home frai. a cuccli parly, mia bI latour lu tLe eeneisg. Il mu u very dark nigL- dai-kucos liii enugh tic cut. a ome- body hac expi'eouo!Il. LUnder tLe cii- cui.stanoes il waa perhapas oi sîrag ihal Mir. Jouet found consaiirabIi diSf-i oulty la fidiag thm may home, famuilier' ou il mas.1 At leogtL. ii aà feeling of relief, Le tornd itohie sclecelin uhieh Le ived.1 TLe fot wmou hthisLtmoiuk the treet, aud turued intos.u russiag paraiiei te it. 'Nomr, iLere la my bouse?' iboughtj Joues.1 It as oruILe. Lard te tell. He tied wiîL is rye tepeer througls tLe dorkacoo, but not rrry cceaaaily. Ati ho diceed on ouîliae that lookcd like tLe front cf No. 62, aihioh bc oc- cupieii. Y es,' aidi Le cosiitly, andsii ih s feeling of deceiied relief, 'that'a il,' Bul Le mas mistakes. Il wuo ILthemaldonesof IMr. Hoiagh- tou, di'y goodo merchat. But lîow îhould Jouet butai? He coudait reud the sauc os îhe docte- pluie. Homever Le frît nu confident Le mou rigLI, ILaI Le probobly mocldu'11 Lave doue ao if Le couhii. lie oboutis latch.kcy, aund iaet- nd il is tLe proper plice. By a vcryminsto eiscideute sud usfortunately for Jones, ou il proved, his a boh-kcy ftied bMr Houghtoa'a door. The doue bi epen, us if te il@ Iaful preprietor, and Jons, entirely anconicitus tîL o Leauucommuitting at graveroffencetla tLe eyc of tLe lu,tep- pcd traaquilly inssue. If maabout taielve o'clork. Everyi sosi mua is Ledmiandlcep. I oughl te excopi Mers. Houghtcu, aiho Lad Leen kepî amake hy a acycre tootL- ache. Jons gopcd La isy losg util hoi cume to leLoatutad, mhieh happescdi 10 oecupy a poitions imiior te ihut ina Lis omu hall, uni quirtly teck of his coul asnd Lusg ii up, 1Hie Lt ditto.- Ho then thoutht Le mouhd nake hia way cut ii o hie disiag-roosu opesiog cut cf the hulaie théeud, and light tLe Tva Fare lSe..& Colonel F.-, a nery irritable ad impatient mas Ladl cceasionuoce, aihile pasisg through a umail toms bin h@ aiest, te patraumor a Diiteh hlack- omith. 'Arc ydu tLe cmith ?1 Le auked of a ntout., tbick-eriod oId mas, mho came: cut o thîe hop te lok aIthie hras icfectlve ohmo. . 'Yeu, I Le der mini,' repiiedthae mai, oîedyiog is long pipe y isî loti Lasi, ailie Le lifted uao of tLe Loess fret ailL Lis tlgLS. 'You uish te Lave toc se. mcs do you ?' 'Ne ir,' mii the Colonel, ln a quieb aay, 'âou tht ohmon ba is fare feet, thaS'a 'Set de ohoea ou lice ore feet-ysh,! 1 oouiertad. I vi i bof imin von hour ahoeii.' The Colonel aiens aay, and reioe- cd et tLe appoluted Ouate, ftusd iLe Duieh suith till si aiork on lis home. Ho mus rrry mesih mhes ho eium tLe claie etaffaira, Lut meut nmay "gis yuLh tLe prom.iae frmi.the Doteh- at 'i von hcaif our longer t ctîoes-mould bonet.' Aller diaser, isne very mihii humer Le mode lus appereuee sgnii ai tht aLcE, uni coecd mliii mastic psy. 'Poui shiling ag,' m horpiy. 'Feur shillings I itsansuimpousiienil saîd tLe llcryUClonel. I nsvue paid cicr tmo saillingalu My ilfc.' 'Very vel,' nodded blisîerr. 'Vos shllihi for de vore ohea--dst 18 vers shîifis riehtis.' .Nick, tLe old Nick ' roaeed the ei- citei travehber, 'itli youa teot Lui tmo shoesiad Yeu set four.' 'By dondîr ' saidilthe nnith, 700t1< me loui74elf.' I ? ILia a faiseooel,' aniero! tho Cclonel, 'the lt hoct cii the fore1 fcet.' 'Oct lu Ilimmel 1 imo nheow ou îLe ore feet ? Your Lai ou irco huada as moutoh nenneala.: 'You lu-for-fer ual foo.oî ' excliued tLe Coonel, aiho totered mrhouexoit- cd.l, 'I mii etIL. aLoe an thoietwIo feet, 700 lsoderlag Dutohmiim' 'See voire hoea ou imo fet l La, La,' iaughci the Dulohmn corifullyasd very sagrii lusedSuai lSe ytu s.Yokc.'i 'Yu otinheied Dutehmmn 'You Yankee goai monkey 1 you toi. ohnekion. fooh C The Colonel repliid. atlueriuug wmu iLan ci-or. ad the omiuih eiru,, lis fiat oraaaccINru in TUe.-etel ntor thu anCid màlle. ina ut mheet4I Liael frad tmlefrisanaiht. thp huheln eromdcd iîforgueaw t. hohbonihin ai lrjd ua trgsor ithe oiior1s42 lhrd bmndameta hung ciefuî feiom r Tis kdb>eorah ga upsa a lle - qupi, ehib a .lfi cas tIsaablie, thf loiiom ic h h ofme: h ýbp, I olepp lan uelitois bM utat iglut. And othors a watmc tcoi ler piefat I nay Iherca ce ito la the mocli 151. eerliaily tak-. lM$aesse, wlbea i thooghiiof My licistie octay i C.uli net sUppreu *bomibl. POutthociglt. mil rulbcid iin t i atIiec Hom KASSLv £ITO£@ LM" TLe laie Lord Midue Isad "ceion t,% diacharge o a oLmiai hom Le neapect- ed of poiiig Lia cor.Isnla afe. daYn aller, Lu reurlyci e letier frai. a, luing lo t h. min", j cLaraoter, tal lorclahip reply wmaLt, Le waimiBuber and gooci ccchn pa, but, enieîtined sitapiciosthalL t bc W pleot- cd hlm- ThoeInsu came bock mez- mroiag te reictu ihanks la bis lord- Lifr preearlag Lisn n paocllant s 'î, 'My bMacier,' oaid ho, "cou Conteutei 0talnid i mie gober aid s good cochman, cLeaiing yeur iorislàip, Leoithauglitthe deil ii Laulf- MQuid not do that" - I.nST TUE CHARGEo. -A Ma hl harvestiso, bept Lis gunnar lan u shoot squiree!s Seeing co, ho Mehea out, sudi teck îLe gun by thçq mslo tini draming it tomausi biq »Coum tente poueil near Lia bond mithout lit-. puig hlm Aus &os as hc h:!,Ooqàei. evitly rcconcred thL. ahook. lLe L9atccd t', Lhe houge, sud lnformed his mIta or hi# carnoai escape. at oLieh the guid me- Mun, ahiL laMohr. Le, reaaomy, iisme h1 Lka"t, amd cxqi'aue, in a, btoD cf reget, -'Wbmi did you leai dia charg?" T»aslamus u Am. m ASaiiuOL.-ý tAn Iriehm sumas going along Sas road, gv m q an bol iseut d&W» upo', uimeAgtl i h bigm ternsî L M OXC, hlece. The lnlalàucnrmevriliig froi. Lic fahi, open IookiÏg sum lthe bull pAwing and tearing the grouad (as ta Lec enatom of tlb.amimal mhou irritot- ai); mheceupcs 14t, aMiiffl 0mila, sai, 41f h aias not for yonr bomingm nl' tceipitug a""iyour Lushe opnlntgien oaietfnl i ah ud ihiab thol ysf po th' ver tu4ia(It., qu p- A GoOD Jttn<z or à MoUtS,-Tliere us ne do4ht tLai Dr. Im asaia oil- jqdgo. A brother uaia'iqe intcocIin. te purehuac saherse, alcpped tho- doitcr ta sel; mia opt4ion. 4iter taking a iuou look as i., Dr. 7tasoa poiei t'O tho lices of tho horse, aiLieL acre wrcr, indicuting Iha Le maa la iLcth hbite cf sumtlig. "Thsi, mBaiaho, "il 4 c-44nil', for a minuoter, Lui oý tory liaI sigafor s mialsiora Lhorée." A WUUIsm inTa WIDETo U j-r. , Sir Walter Scott meetisg a a*iLbccg.ý par la Le Itreel, aiLo un un "1% ici or nixpenee the Ome* tUn aeculini sng oo aei1,e MERa *..gadding. wiLh a lanab"Minci nom, air, yoa ove m a ' d. msure eisomgL,' midZ = % oct!virant 70 l ilt 1i! p2y you ? MAs mam y-e, uLqi i e #t cf' the uoor. ami My empmoa, s qt I 'hai. DAt îLeIsroihlava eOusme -ah -a .111 aqau ai ', .11 Psac 40 indisargnumau amet W 4 aurai oa 4antbr, aildhoad bhl motiretpt t S'a~ ail i ri4t., <as ibm rOP4 ï îllmasaymee aiîîh a iogreeof terrur mhioh quie curai the Iccîhache. BLe fai &hc aould no ouger tand it aicue, 0ai0 aIe mseber Luatand a vgorous shako. 1'WLtnaiaated ?7 demanded hLo docas- iliy more ihas Lolf uolp. 'iVake upc' Il& it esrning - :Nu. Lui yoa must mîke ou t itnacoI' 'WLmI foi ? WLaîLte mtie' 'Therce ýmuttr eucugh Fexciuii.o Mr. HuouglIou, in an energetie mhiaper. Thero'a a buaglar intihoçuoil 'A whal P' 'A Lurgior 1 I Leard ii. corne iu. ies mîking i ttesacudcua noise boit., I tink îLsre may Lu umu ur lInos of îhom.' -WLit'e te Le donco?' amhiiffouglitou, nom fEiry amake. 'Theyii carry off my tilver. I for- got to brni hup 1-night.' 'ye got a it 1,'ni d Mr, Hough tonc lad I Leici lauded,' 'TLcn ycu ho! Letter go doms etoies and une il',' mid il iswfe, Lor auxiety about îlesoliver grttiig tLe botter tfhor ouzicîy for her Luabatdi afty. There mas atLer crash, mnd a lead- er exclamton frcia Joes, no Le tepp- ed os s disL .LicL Liii thas for ioy usiujarod d mie.oiished it. 'Msaweariog,' gmidi-Ra.oughion, 'Oh, do go doms quiukc before Lu goto ai îLe ioliver' Mr. Hccsghtoa didsmté b.c mL iueh 'na urbniy. Ia foet he mas ratLer omînrdly by suture, and diiint ail relioL s coaflictwaith i burg-iar. Hc>wevtn, Le put tin Lia pats la m 1igurelîe mannor, grcutly tu _Mes. Iloughtos o diîturh- 'OL do Le quiok,* @Le sai. II auppoee yu muit hlm tw shoot mue,' Le muttered. 'WLy do't you go domu ytur..ef?' 'TLatî a pretty question for a im te uk ia ife. There i'nt asy ian- ger. fie aiathe durk, and yos eau open the dcci- at tho foutothîe &taira aud fire.' 'Bai perhupo L'. go)t a latere.' '0, do go down Mn. Houghtoi, or I éhahl go II 'SGc, if you aish to.' :1 bolieve you areoam osari.' Iinagoingoau quiok au 1Ieau"s, ii Mc fioughtos. aiho ii sot rlish this imputation, more copaciaiiy am oe adsa decided econictiontt hit h ane aroiih teuIL. 'iere'o your pisol. Mr Honglon a ook tLe plaid aiuîh un great lacrity, aud opeued the door. beganu ic desceendthe sunira, fie Leard sounstad âof soies tnigrop'tc; shout, Geor" Croobo, Eeq. Ilseurs. John Huirt, Edmord Sheridan,.Wlluter Lam renie, Piolmymsan, Mn, TLoa. Dearing. NT OIC lo e rrhy giren tttemt e ae ~pyer@aiio thlovaof 1Hiltos, ice 401at psy Oheir taxesaboer bélierse'n atb dey ai. ast mlbe .aiied ta Pay hem la ailieé& par. No per- me ohlI bu rotiaîri ta roteaitthe neo-' Iug =anoip l ecooa. aaiiem &Il amen0 oavy b. me b.ea jali on or besr ?or F. J. JO)tES, Depai>. iMtor, Çav. 410 1517. 5 IT-J QrOckery, le,~ the p1aeof mre on as e. tk. vmu %bao vuass le et m Hontu ai, w u ma 09 y~hugjo Irish aroffiOui rug.Ia hu ed to be ri e-Vis, sais :î4u Maj* J. hg. ~ aya86i csjke ' , .,,101"Il ~ m c' Pm çPe ta bien ' Big me a Si. Clmir," mid t4' blajoe i ishlm tter cd fae"amy. ",A ailaIur V2"ayPat. [Seafl a1hJ AiW . '.n dmcol'" Pot aooly olce, psçe hi'% Laud and rtiied: .-rdreAIU à 5it smw0i- b7 bdeftavml olt," t'WcIl Patrick," queuh agi ckr yuLý the air of ose shout 10 impairtMset fui kuoW4leo4 1 itla a poisiico van tre uacd te cali ihcil attirpiel A me m, hUt, 1 boiera the polite nnse ( fu4 inui bizqtprSyaSt. Clair." Tho maujop 1115 Lard tdiii ime, et ifoot for thie «o' f ie poiie mne wLo.eft the tele, soi idthe uurestraimeii rrt ,of the s&mpsqy Who unue.tod u"4 fuily apprecimied liii joho, sud 1hliçvo iâ wu hyas l a4 ppemurecop1li i ramier in Canadia aiiiudios dmghS. nmmdbMianou, mboai ho1i ok- pectudol baigrmIlrattabid iomaprec. Young olevgyman. mid diai Dot liko je. [le vent w oharcont 06 c.ght, and rntesl himmlf nmcobservedly amoue Lecuega- gation' The OiflLter, waeaiapreachi img ftmpanicî, liL çbape 5 thv l erce repcmtedin la sloua volpoe àrs S bistorit , "Mqîge, mens, îcbel.mphmrsili ' upon whieh te.old fermer aprumgta it fait, Wined tUic mligloigirlIby ihe am, sudi 10rried bhrcont of the mctiî- bouge. IImîing r«edi home b. gatt vent ta hua feuiiogo l in he oda." -1 bnoom.thon mas .o.ething mrorg; 904 mcm 1 @Oivmares w 'cm."- ,Wbloyfatlier, ohmS dojo% mcmi ?" replied tha hemil- detoii and inmmoct girl-" Ddlat I' abouteii tIe oldmn, .triking bis fAt% loiaAther msudotqipimo miith i foot i 'idda't I hear tho par«sei liontuto0YOM, XSippie, Miia, ickie de pargses I "