~> h.î-a* t yeqT W N is ~ ~ s'4~ fMARWV.f njsmé"ço"d ufneuitqthe tri, -"ý"ositeth n1hCcMnStbèreé,Mloi ,. vSIIIRJSTIE4*u, hpWbere ho .111 keep eontfuiy on band sbeaVY Of bB A.. It I.,j.& .00 r ),law o 1r th "Informe hebnneron feendamn P.V~~ p~ES 0F THZ LÂTUT D M feu rig laade p@ ~gAr.n ejnou aigont thorIPOE RNEI]NS 47-SCJijJ sZpif j~mlt Yruo ro~ c1 _âT IPlR"r O1 F CHOICE NE <>>8 oa.feMf0Iomm f.bv, boyfg for CASh.mdue marthe discount sed law Greater 4inacemnj& <y? Z ~ ~ ~ <~~W~Y'J}1f ;. Wightan Immeneuortmes.r liscidentai tethe Oroliste ore. HI.noy y"are et ponaexperf onhel Aad thb.7 ar.ed tO tips mpautitir Wic, for Entetr qaiiyCbuapnens a«jd BScooli feicn lo Jt lie .=rasua nau.efV-018J aao' rb. e 0tobot1 i ae e a io ag'oho - EmZ irWa,-m.Thel ye &iqâIg*ye ù pm V -hThIêad~Ie ira l-a , ons.--*----. -of Wbieb ho wmlii. il for 19 tdfiaro1 whfoh 10onofderabfoth onCot4'10"ioeb ma brout hIJ I-L & T RY GO DS eommdingoc ohor fai uork. They ma, "giorâbio" nd 1t, * Elt risonILtàcULt&aua aemttie-t " Mi. a ae o rtWs~o ]Patent IDtm- Heater, Mo.rediriadOmicinairpd ko e nn' anuangthEN E00 Conotantly on bond. Tbis cotebrated Di-am, whfch li ortel on menpothcr. uîl ÂTTRÂCTIYE STOCK 0FGOODS~W'OI~0W PAN(J ~ Ij ~%~~ I<J(~ fhthoe Wesnae 1m.wbrre if tallesttho proforeoce of ail oillere.fa.arnfor ~ ycm-oeÂ. &es &us) u s Savon bolf fthe fuel, naodit Ie ratty to comfortlLL O L ...J ~ Ct( iC théb Wfhuiebnb Certfffcaton fromi Eclro r . W. R.; A. %V aeOofhoe. Principal CentlmVtheoei, Romss f 1, *~, '--~- ifo; John àtreet aed Rf ng Sfeet Mfntfodist C urcbea; 1.W. Dgyfoo Store Dear; A~M Mbue, off aia.M at the troopa. mareis v..- ought Z.Paftf nn, Confecffrnor. and Marly othore. At reaolonabf c pofcou, 4mb-d 1 i5nog epallua te bau. let n doun; * Iiree Leti§IOstè e M-F.E C-AS ITbeeanoboesp n pand m e rgo coade, if nef niafffacfory. scleted teockandMrget hapfpy et aad mtb *ren.p.tinl a 'l l'u'ftc the bî.n a hre nferpp cfaed. nde bî r NnoB. f t C ookn pparatfoOofII Mbfode eofd snrooofefy ai fourates..Terme--Cah or 000>11. direct...cauola t*e Iefnprfes, mioff g Oc]Kilij jgedoofodf y foul raton, oiog toocctagaton rpATRIý;K McDERMOTT, nbitatfreta yotrUne 1$L, in th..aorkef, eausr.Lby au ove sopplf ilMt on, Ocfober 2, f 507.174 bock ta the lesbie. . tfill_ __ _ _ _ __ __eDY M I E (~L But là ganomtalounsthe"o are bar' __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ ".Pui. d;ý why emgu C~~~~ome i nd .Tam resatra, RooU ,<n Ho ao conequntfy afford Oc oefilait- SMIT R T E S A mes W ferân iaA e.te ' I AMINGMLY LOW FRICIES 0Ourw Ord ered Ctoting 'Depâi4oniý, W be o datennnned te do. W ellington Square, IMM A D V TR-4 L Alnu»«t trinm val l ia. er Ii emori-TARI PA,"defrontfeeGreatBritafn,-of Obole Bleig nnclide qnage.n.abof afs Sbaw.r f b. open for upecfimFiI ilVN IIII 0 I II Sbsn.oabdy camplain.. or theb tg IN A I>A S! <afnit-11ys Misti. IN A e W D Y Wbfch thoy ul"I it f typr tdi'e a. ffon lCETSfrom fOOto,-pards Xeexpets areraf al f go"su pr PRINTS front, 8 cilsn poods rituPats infat colorea 0,a t s.ouand f thor artfcles pro- 811al0B00 lio. uin c0 amf.uoportoafefy clealp. Tfwir st-of u iaga t d nod mal iu Oth.top. I Feor, Dormnt raone.t uromed* nfoer~aef I e f a5 tl. ;/ About th. î14; .sGLASS WAStE,,t., worfîtiehousion ainspetiono toetcl if llsofoîfr-dand uîntby the- 4.e4leià ý 1attention of intending purchaucre. A sptodid oyoltfy of AIt- ni oaiatlon f pap.1. for thea AD »D.5I1rnt1e TEA AT 75 CENTS PER POUND. 11g auail tPrifealonn Illnkercamna CHEAP 00 0 V:. tf M~Se~ili , f0167. fl-tf Calwhre ye caget Ffrat-ciosoGeodeet piles filebomt ait t uocgire satifaction.OLULNeYANDS oIV R ùL he mAR atZmuanpbm.. k kà S3TH à BItOTHERR il O>NO& Voulutt&aup téZuati c . logWellington Square, Septemoor 30, M6S7 f17-m OULElia HWMI R TEIOD r il5so5a l___ ldmadgoatii Animmmenne ntock 0f Sympâty »d digu aua tise lima. ~Tk4E COMMERCIAL BO'OTSAÂND SHO1ES-TO ]RE SOLt T -m u [T o NION ASSURtANCE Co'yn etx= :Mazmez ln -as - î UOPMk- AIR. . LImL1,< A W T ~ <Tteffratiqunrtom fr Dry (toonfin gltis eti ~ Ta nbcrabuf offtbeltmiom 19 and 20, Cornhil London, England. BARCLAY & McLEODI umaffdulm aialeyZ ha leofedi y' f Pfocobs C ADo.OFFICE, 385 AND 387, ST.LPAUL STREET, VONTRAL' OClertf!. Sb: LARGE W»»ARBIJ STOCK 7APITAL-Tw&and- -aMiltlions Sterling ý or, tereléea-a-iof MgfiU _____________ aeCl u pupille lomab,' nid adoaoor irLtE 0-1 à 'TB.lFrJyneuea? as iM>~2e F IRE ESARtTMENT.-Prcperty ef nfmoot oory deerpffon lho.ored egnifoot osi rd 1 i t rir , P on's 4tbe ulfanl 'Provisions, y~-~, Gtee & Earth- or fianlaqo b7y Firoa& Moderato Rtesof Premi m. Promte1ttt*anod !it>rafityifoti Why laa elok ehn mentper-i ac~ tnd Stottictc-y, sulfementof clarme tp hofuffy relie& o Limet adjusnldinC tanaac otr oto r- tbigui kolgu~eoDe it la narter anu pr#Wiidow Sàacdei, akDEATE'.-hCpof oofefeotomîf.ooen 17 e.. -.~~~ *-- - Brfi W loojeapil pnus, tfereby gmaroinogouqtitonihi.rPccrtfyte the Amsurrofaod large profil.-ff~ k~. ~ Setou 2kb 7 Afbntms0jreweSS oy, ?ojeu te FantCtic PbipafzFcy Bof dos. FemohrcPropome n i t Inff formaton oo nolho obtain An d.of ri'th Ci.taM.. U Gnpn. l Mntrul.o frin otof heAe te IW moe .ld i NMfAIÇD WATîON h CO., GenrrofAgenfo for ConNio Smita an yd àadà tgtiseock of &T. CESftftfIlfLIVINGSTON, P.L. S.jLipector a*fl trro o O1~ td ji~TEDEIIICE COLE, Snorettry. IJG Oc-a lagfnI ~od- .. ~ fonistinc in p( Odebeardg, SeinsMILTOtAGESC. H09ohl te aofbrg( pl.Êlm -1 z ueaSdf Cor 1a io;Mxro m -D IL STREET. J. t. WILLSIOTT,eAgent . btlS e ru Lonsagen, Stands Tableos, Wbait Notts, October, fSih, ta- SII i 0 5pr ,o ecerta noliser?' Tise W attmo, Leo -Cagus, &c., &c. ________________________________ ttgyprecvotctonmorg advr ~~onr f Cai ad ! A in0 sHerseIL LLMg! A.Iiarumnt*~I1ipo Ib.*frhFtanerasnforninhcd on TBke Nodieu IVLMin.0rPr or apUI~yrot amoîg nis. aid mhoa >~ . brtpnotico, aiuh foorer rates of cbargeo - h flhs whttpi j - thon any otbageeahnbfxebtoeot Ii te T E Soblcrtt>or bavig dtopooedi of hii Shfegooaktr sél IlbCoutyrauHolig adoptd t hoe ot& utne, hie dncTHE BIUME I ILT(ýN YUL STAI! IITJC I I UiKAY as>eaider hinlf wuod o. nCsrsoum Nigit fkte h 0netify &Ilt tbna el * . 1 - u - un ~foibte lb, f. ordor tonoecoefn. JONW LA E cobr1ti 9 _ >l*;ali nnce, n F. W. NISHAUS.OPTI hbd a veos noisu. redre..&aboenIr- PO nOoFIT S ALSnd.AL Mif ,Ot lt 57Wallace Eoaor, Mdoa epriefoo 1Ia h I pi .upd, 'Ta ea P isn w n FT.N. B.-The buofoep.stottf becaeo n as00 lais noq ~ ~qù,pàssiBg . fi. YOUNG, brotot ore ltp &soWho Sc.ohotope encoM ifton dail<(:undoccptd enter orua S'io'toS hvcorofu attecntion te bumier. ond ttr:. *oe 5.45 aon>., Il T*;ooU. Pte î tb.e'm tmg leS S*b LaQ67.i 1-gort ad po othie sainetitrberai patronagenabistofabir breo af a,ïaiAarrsaroofe 8tctiliý aulkar ÏÏË'COIaBOnMZÏY i'àmIbvn a otuand pro1, o - iia '0otIb ot fwroaMainmr- oae etucs o t- o-street,Mitn Ïa. Waeng a-1L(; - bewa .fa nNELEe______________ icvea Bcoofo ut 11.5f, a-m., orrivfng --- da~ md. ae5iao &Wdî aty hais etadept tiewsetle of doung R ceied . Off i, ioncat. LYELflIYLUOU <tlebau>lSa NE t ID FlIB M i If fionottit p.ni. Arrives____t a k O DS:CUEA.P FOR CA.$ . IN.'AkVILLE. Ci H T l, antonifie.25pt.rcoai a t!L aLiQa .A~ .~J[ES Sf ILEETr - Icves Brouote again ai 5làt pi. .Ar I Ee7OE 2-,a , ~uuueuoan.nm.o~ooo~.o....-~wrtleg ant i t 1 .30 PnaMf, Barlay~Fawre0 HAMILTON. ANWCOEID STAGE, Tif b<b ornpu aer.og. hlegaéls pj9{~ r T Ct~ J (4formorfy John Barclay",) ' E OVR_4_nd[Wetz.e u .AJZHave.ta A tiaaaooce th coploie oftaI an d a c onotoo au n toer 0h1 la~~ ~~ ~~ ifPaoa moal ~o ls wu. nc0ARDesoSî Pmpri.nnr. 148t X.Nioaed Ctrçfil Dr-loenbr mn*b.uIuUdBIof g Uooe. u>egnela~tne toura e dFALL STOCK OF STAPLE A,ýD FANCY TEonderefgned haviog bem0d theo 'bove Ji)fàpidsn,1reà2 a4 trtlwrtauay0tewlkonDtl ai ie eteMlon.Jl 4HN W1867 7 - oreS .t....... f .Pe....e. Iiaiglis ofebooo ttfWhoooin dor l tho MjUo.Jy24fh tif7 7if.Plain and Jappaned .... T ala.r 2Iammnenwsaauiimntîsaude onfycR.>a.DRY GooDS, Moeboitt&o' Boit ond bnrtngootoad 0b b. , aan bb&etzo lie nezoisaua for Goou.0npprod opin t tired b ttre hothed___________ lWfî é alan I or ecitowudrsetul nieLaeToze MSm..E. C. TROSfPON, o 1oceries, ftentehdd il -offb Sittire tiote toetiiirPrifr& > inoidfrend andteliehte eklo aontheaated tot oir.aof$liebo a ico ;:cif n h oio no lm e ke. a111,1 at t vFQu eCRO)CKERY, &C., &Lc. TIIF, TABLE ioCootntfy olpplieil M-- lrocpprth forfetdu. aanmD eP mus d cftisaofflern sy h.of'T ru tr ".U ien.5h Ilaeh h il he in reeeitaof » p swga e.L4, during tisa om gm ana . ubfcb for î o,o andtheai -l. ubston aifo e od ttccco. aiOent la(. or-Ne rfu cr ie vi,. coe 1hf15 5. TUFE BAR Congeas "nie th e i 1, oncrnsion. Ne.So srvey srufDr aaOohlu is 5r.±i Atyil18X67. ~CHEAPINESS AND VARIETY nd Ciutgt. od fImanodiatf pofesion igie.ppyo AifOIFUSuroregdorY Oc and Rh VN.JAY CONRA hav i niroad o in th SA- ii_ e J.41 5b.too-à