1., II:Ulwj G ~ y. JÀ.HOLLINRAKE, [I J rJLic., àÂ:d uei grand aisortment Tibat wO I1B.vetDcuetoe 4mos«, owr Spendiê C1othin&. 'sist suilalfor the. FaIl, Couic try our Teas and Su4ffl, Look at Our Gtfflrik AU, 1'iknow that you wise-rParmert- Complain of your pour' vrops, Thon thats the veî y rèssog you should patronize Cheap Shopâ, just such au No. 80 Keeps in our Counity Town, The burdensorne high prices >frblotirake puts down. We kesp hoe first-clase Tailoru1 And gSod Dress-Makeiu too, iThe ùiliers ofRalton ÂUl working bard for you. Our Clothing for the Winter, le .weU nmade aad use w, Suited for every poison MsdÀ propf agafnat the storu In short for every purpob. Our Clothing le prepAred, At the. Cbeap -Store No 80, 01 Cwlgçh you',obo iench heard. -Of Boots and Shoeos àe've pIenty, For Gent. au& Ladies too, Caltera ci ail descriptions -~.Airsybore for you. 4en comne ail fier4s and neighboro, orne to thbe Mazemoth Store, - ' Wero ail the Gooda are vheaply bought, Efor Bis, Commercial, Gore, &o. c>. s,4>s04cr Ns,-4Farmer9' loth made up on the shortest notice, ,pdgojwork done. An Experienced Cutter to whorn 1e. nr~justod. We guarantee'satisfaction. 1J. tiJrAMrov thEiWO224 Begs te lufp hiebisis ss ànîle pîîlic th%& h.chbu Eemoved to Kgilton, Where ho la prrpared te Ma6noifacture auîrl Rwrcdr all Xkisuiof One 130cr West th «ChIsapion',0rc. Milteu, Nov. fih, 1147. 22-2t NEw MILiNERY DUBS-IAIhGe~TUIHE MIrs. Joseph Davis, B> ICOS le ennoanre tber friendg sud tLlhepeoplse orMiltoa that the hon roo- osensed tle illluery sud Drsumahing lu sil Dlebahesaurber eceseideace, oar sthe 86enleysaChrb, and vili hsve the mect Fsheti.-gaplerne sud Trlorsalug frein 'irw York and Parle. andtrust @showll succeed la glvingsasefsctiolea t hoes vhs a pairnesber. Ail hindie ofLadies Wlnler M iolles, msade efthe neweetstyles niow rires.d Tws or hee Appreetîces W eled lmmaseltleIrntle buinesu. milles. N oe.-16h, 1867. 12-11 fibda [MIExiion, 1867 1 for brIns,, et sud qt'I., eoftIons award- td te JIEINTZMAN & CO, 105 KING STRIEET W EST, TORONT 0. Our Ianruntsal are ail creurcted wlth M'>tU3zIrom i r 3=« OVERSTRUNG flAsil, Frrench Action, FPulygcafc Ber, tfrc, Wlll @tan 1lna nY climats, sud arc IVARRANTRU FOR FIVE YIARS. A'lnlendlnig pnftobi'es are lnvited 70 cati aad examine eur stock. sIe onoNov. 7,1f?186. 26. Ce NIEHAUS. E8a1l?.is maI! Hu jnetrereived a supplp'of tIre 1, ANDLII> TAW 1RATS, Altored to any Sape. TUlE 1 B OMT M EOT FO LEafeat Styles, ENGUSN ROUN-IllEO I.SIS' At tle heur cf TWELVE OLOCK noce, cf which ail jssticrs ef the Pe. ICoroers,onstiables, Gaulera, end sIl eetiçr and attend, le dgen'cd jerforue ail dutice vIlpliappeltaislo Wties. ic G. ç4ÂWFQRD MfKIN DBET, Shecuff Vepuly pf Halles. MIilolice, ! l 07 3I T A.XES. I CE l e eehy glvpa ihal the rate- jpayer@ er tep Teva of lilton,who &hall eayihteir taqrn eq or befere the 111h C. day et Deeembg1, ott 1,111le qte te psy fhem la lîver ai par. 1 Ns -pe- son shahll e enlîlîrd te voe etl the roue. Iug UiuoIpal leelloas. nalse&qil taxes due hy iheai have leeu pald oa et letore that q. B. JPNIB, Collecter. Per F. J. bONES, Deputy. Milieu.1Nov. fi1h 1067. 22 List of Letters RAUNNG la 4fPost OMOic et n l1le.uP le latitp. 1867, 0CGrisace HsBlva MfeumoOa dward ýDerepseeyJan MrKlaaes 1<. . *e aEllitL R. shal &KW"t ýF.Ills ler.-V Stewart ZGeerIM DFarrell Brid ! 1Mr.Ta'cr A. 0. Mev aHugelW lLsm Wiliey J5zri i seeru rallie5 for sey off Ihe sbovr'lO-j bersawul piros se y lIrai 1h.7are aIrer. W. P. LYON. P&'imaeio. ToLsau for aTormofYoru A Soucd Faemecf 1»0&aureu e o... lsmediate possession pirves. Applp ai Mr. Mores Agriuuteral Warka, Mitteni. Oct. 301h, 1867. Il-rf BENJ.AMIN'JO1NES, Poster reert, eçar the Posi Offre. RTU IItR thsube for pont lavera sud lbegs te inferr tire public thai hs la prepaced te faruhh aay article ln hiehai- aras, ai Cabnet-Baker, and Undertaker, and bures soua h a alarge setook 0I led- ateads, Craies, mierers. TableAte.. HIe nan nov eurpply &long uIr EUrM.. la O.k. er leth. treuI$8 te $1s, -ne 4gant genre, vheh ras le hlred etas seuumle charte ta ssy part of lhes ennty. B. Jo)M.. Mtonr. Jupe 111h. l8t7. 3.7y. sicoLilunt fOFFOIITUNJTY To bov a Amy Pmwperss vlup ifutbelateet as d esI GOQD 0W LE L ING,j Wiii do weil te cale etC. NIENAUBSBlex, Main Streeti Millen. Ocieler, 301hi, 1007. 21-4# PROTESTS'ENTERED Agaist Cblhols,, White, srbe., Kerr.sud ail ethore that efer toc sale titÉaud General Dry-Goods in Milton. BARLEY, FEAS, OIýOT8 !BXOERWE8AND»CROCKERY. J. Ilam iured tshe iiset ài Fm uiTorto, veilno~Ld » "VeMuJADEU ]LOTHI1NG~ WÀERAMIM GE» 000 WR AVErT r:ARRE .&BSOTMENT. SÔVERSHOES AI) RÎBBER& CeriIBis taken for Goodi at No. 80 411,um Goal -oùlfor jie Grain cf alinde dslivcred at H. CoTmas Old stno, at Port Nebt. .1%COTTNi Port Neou, 17le Sept., 1sf7. 1-t Strayed. TRAYED on tIse evenuar1 el b.Ceunly SShow. a WHITE E ER CALF, vllh veîiow spot* on Ihe sheiders. Asy pa.- rosi vho vii celrns hec terine vîlil e re- SAMUEL S!EEWOOIi. Muse«, Oclohar, », 1h47. 1p.ds J. B. WILLMOTT, Sargoondm Dontiot, OFfICE AT DISDRL7G STORE Evev«y eperallescosoected vîle les pro.. tegais iilffulfy psrtoruecd. Artïife mmbt bmvsalsd la a Mimýw mffsi, Voterobte 1a~ter Petir#7e.ge, and 25 .rlcres of Land, Oitlhefnatvaileyeoil. Tse preeiaeisr part of Lot 5,, led cessione. New Survey, Tratalgar, halt.a-wrle froue Boyne P.0 Osa Millen. Tire aleve vilil e coid 1frrIleu thon the buildinrgs colt, ai the ownrr de. ires te rcalizerthe amuer t i isclaies 01n1y', ns it. .Oppiy te JaesraMeGlfn, Eeq., Millton, Jamues Àpir:lre, e 1'=W0gar, ant te 1B, Oct. 29, 1867. 2-4f COMMUI.L Taken at Par, FOR GOODS AT Jsu. NeGulas. Milton, Ot. 500h, 1967 J. B. Willnott, DRUGGIST, hILTOIV,' veuf ieaucatt fentioa te hiegpeeoa emp'ote Steck. eesuprfslsg Puce Drap,, Cbeestcali, lPatent eedtctne, Tolîri Soape, &C. IDYESTEPFS et uperdor Qnltv at Loet Picri. A vcry nce aiiertest cf LenoPse Chimaryn, Ar. Nuepric r Yes aric..Moern le O"a.yc. TIse lestenleva, 2,scentu per galion. HPenoua requsrîng ihcaes vry nrfllnIs. aihissiaifr the uaelnrai teethrase. Invied!il caIl ausseamiai specimeuand sudnois pri. 1.B. W. le.ceuflleat, sf e ght Ycare samerreifsipractice, et leln# able ta plve reete siiso icion le &ailo vIse meu- jdoy hlms. Kr Tbhé I sud metapprovet meu, MilIeu, CcOuth, îe. I7. 21-t ÇIONRAD'SOYlecor oM opeaS e» i55505orth ue. Osts Ir ]bued and &Crwed. Oyutlns &Z udmsail, #-ad cil stu ai Sept in a lssnr'S atoosu. ?tatou, Nov. 7ihI 111. Pt WALL Wludov Ilees l mtir elchoc Bock s" ftonery, 8ai= Àc Âlucge Md chQirs. STOCK 0F AL9UMS!1 Very ehea.Fisfal utlery sud Rirec frpatsd Fcrs. seesA., aleu thas usuel prices. Afflt for mel@ ofte Tma Ceaipays Superlor Ton; hlghly re- cmncaed for their purity and riesue» of laver. 70c sud 81.00 per M. Try teou J. B. WILLXOTT hOuer et Mrlsge, li1un cit. 30(h, la.7. 71 la 1 '1 *. e h I N u N o I o g M TendpmWaaited r SEP 1A. TB ITeders for thes Carpei. l r, Pssqrs, sltng ud ialTN breceslvd by les eadsuedChalIsu Milles P. O.np to lîrd Nomues, 151.1 tIs u fpsciationg sqay le seeq S1 COUNTT 0FH g î N, NMyRJc Lav eotoW. Lidiew, Milton. v wv %:ho levrat or sny other leader ast secepti. ly pi yenthlhr seaiouttQutr ed mu te rvle tsse d rF. t ofthe eal dairt theGens B. PAIDLAW,, Uonaýt grthpg ~iuîy 4o&sia', vii Chaireesu Bulding Cossoifles. leate t Iketchls ock, Keto*gIn, Oct. 2etb. 10f67,- ClAMs linethe prsmuse of thsesrltb. %J er, Lot Io. 10, Ird Goaseon.u N. 8, O"P>Wlm "IrM Iftc>la tr lcraelthe Ici Otoler lest,- 111REIl'heoevas oea hqve the en nebyprovlag property sud p.yîsg rhre. GEORGE BOVSPIZLD. uedjDcairII,1871. 1IEUCUA.NT TM.LOR $IjOP 1 3,Iessrse Rewa Elp!e Bogeg 'Of'naMO550 bal* weJIUi OPO. a tEul9CTI ALO SO? D)emp.e)lD1t8adpputeThomqnHnon, Where the, vif- ï»?ssP#!stiliy sonu A G<I100» 444 4I0FU 0FWiT--C4 GOOPSI Sapi a iloglé rsacsdh, poc.M. end Csasseres. Epg5eh, Ss nd b ud sa Twsda o ilTolowlug -amua esf Goon, lrlsk Fct2er.focOu.«w rc.a e Sia &W5ts aou.pa isBalut pilot7iobqh, Siglshpisu d saver Clotho, A.I We flattis arirve Ibeu nglie a ebeaper Sud letter atice lbn P tabliasesst IlaMiloa.a f7ohye lfyouwatagaiorsrresl. liyeavaulageed 1 g lasea. puàawaadà gocd Voit. If y on w'anl a flood Pair Panle. o- r syslid eoseîlstae i As 11ASUiONABLIE TAILOMING ESTABIRUBlT. IFggo ur long reideaos la Ibis iefghborhodfed l aitMst M»i fo9sau da el rst> epeon r aSîlland prompttude. enwo s UÂLO Iprovbppiql !JICRPOB.&TED 180, MON. MALCIOLM CAMERUN, jA.T.FUL!0 8..I.J.gI 0M.CAMPDELL, 380 i1H. 8:. NOWLA1D. EC10q MqtLE, 1' pSGE OlI1APPET, MBQ., A. 1. M.AD+TICR. NMQ, j Jg iTji, 88.1q SOLICITOE5 z-Mem..DggsA ps MiE IUWEANPNS emete su ewy dasecl$lor~. utmARIE I0IANCES-10sdqa"sudte lIse Lewqpw pt.iv ui e Seati a dthe VestInldien, andhby teau te mares.c Iw amos4eoste ai tbis etto7 etherr csl 1lg lr5a55Ceujes W. L. P. HBO Et, ùS A?. SIDME GC1Ui iy liSewa. APpiye. s hhas te 3%bInP~P' m #euvonbar# 1867, Vinent iesrf 34ECLAT AMoLECO, samrmi4luON, m Uum , « uBuf emg e r'Sw, BoearGd Qctaber ;8rd îIlOt. Mriýq, 0sf. 2:, ltsff. l t DRX-OODS AND C, ",- a0gyr. EHquery, Lm Eifp IUiê 1inGrman do, ]Rock:Martins, &C., &Ç' A Gqod $et ofFus hej If oq *u ePt1 W W NO 8HPN$IE CL-S M4 NO ~Xi~S~IS SPAREPI Obtaining the Latest Faisioiq O1R%,NO#TH ÂANP SOUTH SE1 SEÂL, fleaver and Lambskin Çaps, Cdii spi "mi"laqfor uysu e, sud yenvol Whe sul theb.pisle t ha " llte,,qioe 30th, 1lui,SIî.l 4wti UkbS Alfe smo Nov m DiEsu mari 4 .' lidse r$ ni 1. W*mtlý Milton. soyem$ber çm, lady.