Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Oct 1867, p. 3

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» 1eMaiAccater«" T H O S . ia uai im i Si'ti 1i-~~ ~ plcep Ci-lO~It~iQ aad tale il lNotwithstanding the large expeap > an *iI ,1id dec:- mats, 90 ta T. C. Atteadiag oaeh sin tic dertaking c atm Fb. thetHigh flta. be i'Gtît-tîcLa- dtr hcap and cfer te the inhabitanoaof thp a >f' I 5 T~'!r tSke aiabiecebroute Li-twn, and back I 1BA IRCJLA Y (Y lMi L . 0 -Dj __ t »andbacii er COU NTY 0F IIAILTON d SI ctib Rtîgt il-M. 'tht11, p,"gedeuLed trcat f a G RAND 6a tongad fav'arthytkacec, are hldotnt u ti-i i 14' ms, stoc ofhe bciimitd nî-Iiia..Dimntt taT 'Wiia tte eIWty or.t reater Jnducemnts Ihan Ever A~ n eaTob nd p'*i c heibos ;sr n ri e'c fceechacegan elect aa4te eniain They are Bringing down the Prices of IDrY Goods again, ptct. oeIaý'f -tb. lageo cick fr bzattifal 4esigîa çýl. JJeKIXS TRYîecJ OA?.tlci'f ler ieah>a'a ~ ~ 'fWorâ rmceitly lmportedbly T. C, iteî' 7k4ae iiiaqw 1~en~~' Vsii~t îLe liFbt tkae. 1 Qlf'med - ' ta ceif aad god S faccels,bLîcaketa, Iiitk tîec - ' iitiaga a etiags, grey sttais, giceea Lv b»Wmmr or acy tber kicd of dry gclaV1 Saturday Aflrmoon011, 001- 26,'67 tt. &à(iL. are dtociard tuc rnitaiic A targer ccd ruipecdaltc Lcîiacmî, hy kerpîcO «n ails; i iiierl tr bina. iariaicig gatti, goinulei.but ch iia "e - in ~T. c. aikiaî, et tht Right Hcas, e th,, tajma îeeccKing tre'f i ii a 4 F R T C A S G O S Iayst . gaiten cua.s theta direct fi-cml B n4 Hs; ti..bmtc4et;tie&oand wilt TLl-Lifi cltct,, 4esCccttcrirscd cecac t tcye t fla!eaa ma tcth L iibericg cearly 40 peri'orctac. 'ciiiacigcjiîcîe eiteadct ont~5g was ~ unîa cci-te e o-r Onc Iflicîcoccd te;c ci.i. cckiit ieiit~yi.ci. u. "'laeîlirscir y i adalreawi. u ii c et HailtonOct . i,1867. 19 3icn ILET ( IT BE , îFI LI, e 1)ciith< e ( ii<t, the ii.O., ' ad 1'..,i . 't ta' lin O ffa<i.t..... iý io t-i thi es_________________________ irst apptearantce in i ((leCctiiv.fo ile;(icctcl' .t- < l .cire 't-o.. eco iu oî e'atil thce' uc ie. tOc ir - itÂttRlAOEe. 'et the Lei. IL.ITARY BINDS il, c<< tieetc liio, iLndbicem>.Ly v Pc. i- lier citt<'c-cei 'and I 0,the9h intana.by te BA. Dr Ail te Stoecccand Places cf lt eWetintg nc Stuare. ooet 'clh. fif ~ ~ ~ n 7Irea!l cc bciclsed daritît;tic Cocri EA 6Ai the egidecce cf th.hiides& fthe r, l'y 0,i ar,latir. Faste-oIlaBamptoc, IMi-. .-Oc'erture "La Doncac a rtte " Animmeei 04 c i tigsit efr t' allcad O a er Teade. Wat1 limss W. Hcaea.cif Pterson, t iss' leididtt umm~~ jMale W. Ctaleeiemcd dacehte c a 'pt lo ci- Girl- -Godfrey. WieW Cmwipfi, ErN, of iiiamptoq. 3 -Slcetice Lciude Leainer- p retdCo1iiyD praelt oýTqS'thlea, I hiiat. t the reaideca Donizetti.1 SI @Ivens , t mrc igned tcdc'he Ueo J ticArth l,,4 G îe1 '<6 bBel]..t -... ll. mia< - bmcffle, Eau, cf Bampten. M .L.A 5. Qcinlrîiie theomnagemet oit SàeýjnyS teliMissMary Cathior- G.- SOlccion, Triritoire-" .. Verdi.fligcdtLe ia gr nt-a secoà dWlitr e Joh Sctt. sq 7' a <, ~--Sily SLlic...... ll:lrdi. astaire-hbe sainse plaee. <'p oîîr ......i i -'---lIc. PmtOWdeitSa, th àtatait at the Mca Coadirtor, Buodmae (iel, il. M. we ~ yBe r. J.1ic '(<'i, f St. A~ie ' ,i.i..ll l'~îf <'~-'.f... W*MObLendac, Mri. Fuit Ila, E-it-)r f tit ticc'egilîctl <fcec% olaii ii'-L iiU Q .- tiif m *v sefiei ta)roac, tc MissainM ci Dc soenrt 3, Concert b commnce a I-n UiumQtîtk~il, ofiLondn, icm-rty cf qai t. ~od dicia 2 c ad- = "1a5thOcicLi-i-t th AngltcAiac io- .,r r -nf i itnm et ci cocon- <t d itriireputatiicc for cthcpnsciancd cfacno - ude 1Q I fumittan, jLy tae R-. W p-'Ciildrec hali'pi-ice. ciWe bing <n -,dccicci. Ait -n cc . i - - ao , ].i --1i %tdbhcU alesm cf Teafalgar, tau' na- gv, Tecm.. n V.,4Ael&st idaqghte of Eamccaeo tOSaý V e ue t;~ t)( ~ l't,' Netp1 Geoi-getc'cc. Oct. 21th, 1867f. dos te Eimbh Il tei li-tii Rcf ti-aa Stc.- tttit u» jIII 4bthe 1 ID.t e- aceasiv.ewest G oods in the market. ban Who c At 191 abmdti-teet, Teracte, on the 21 1t SAYMRN n-trial -' ctamaalerbshomticelllmeca, î.ic ite cfcfTUSA MONN U IL\EI îShWOM tîTEIV\I oTE[BIV ofealbi,-. ciccccCd'tî ce c oh ek ai Mtiton, l(iîe cc titt on..00O1L.r' N 10 O01j 1EIIEUUD1.Of U E ron-d e.Ediior ad i'-pritcr. An <'taense ci...k of Taea-t ,ccc dcî.'oe <euBOOTS AI'D î O'E-TO BE SOLES CHEAP. csrmia mcaîh ft;rcî iýdaic te.o r -- W clS, n1ATE8 0F ADVERTIS!NG îtU yc tacot <Vaue for yoe ccppy Eigit c-itg lie ilc.-feor thci <ccinsitQj B.ioiea Cads of cigitieortest-4 T'hecrau g -r iof linestri.urcekoce-îttyi~.îaiu'r<cD.Gocîî.icio 1 vtb.»s m .th, apae ecocciid,iucuesic'd L esecut i W T lidA(tci.ic.cicot.i.eotîî'BARCLAY & MCLEOD'S, bL eidespe. T t L W HN~ ITEj enacocetieoi .i. Otbrti. at Pold Le reYM-Atoiîoa-.ecîi,., io'ci.t-. taîoiesl tud14 o rLiud, andutcL.c cde _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ Le sihflUb'O Ai. 1.e"t.Ntec ti.Oj- ot.j hi1 h tieire fally àîat'to ruoi-c pt-' i'.i< iîti . l fi F Iftlin>" thsle -han TEAILY AGiREEOIENTS. (NO<tc. (L( f ue fectie o Gl3imen aon te tib Th mc-rotictat aieesîthtictîc.'yh i. . jtoc,, ' ir orcci -i c.ea ctres- $50 ~j~ yce, and in no case citi ecepatiosb (ieaî e B rlay . wrs poadeiice '.tciW ttt;diibrc thferiaociy Oo<c Bocet:--f pettohitad rcicc t ycceg ladies.- Onae ciccinfcr twîlrc meths ....$41) ttarc tc auiirice. i..e uictiîe ofetti-e i > j. t.i'fouand milaiui wpoeu lt ot~ '~* i O curhsi.-em aith. ... .. .,-FAL SILKcith a ie, ta icatîifiiîoy. loudie o fai rc a tàcitanninsa ..... 1.- - - -- STOK Uf STILE j.ýuD FAýNCY .eîîd thir 'liot eer;ipt.c, clîcatley mii B lcol a fr iaI.cmtis. ..- t>25recel t e oof ctber tlic ycaî ggetlte- in Bb - ~ w I ~ u41I -t Ior tiice matati. -.......oo9S mec in toici. Ail corrceapi.dcce 10 Qurtr o aentmafer aie iccaten.the 5 D Yc00 S tieiiy cccfiientinl, and rtiiya fo bia x ttceetcit... c C od gi oo cie wered. Addrece: Thi daTlcagreement i ob (nidti heclohn i eiA. P. ADM. IL, (. ic, deel sedinaey.Lbusinessp,tfcomer<ecal ioneM loO t ut. T ).lads c ln, ttteal Cc-PeiaccAht, Oetcbei- lTtL, 1867. 19 4t. foictienral, i'ciratc Ad cccieoctc uercis hioh fer batics e dccl medeadv 11m uceta oct ce -First Prize Couniy Show, 1867, allia I ~ fu Saeei. alteod( teEio ciCIEAPNESS AND VARIETI' Ail ettrs ddr se totheEdior ustFci- Ccarseand Filee Work t l, b2 paat-paiii,, athcris c-tbey wel4i lie Caccthbccrparsed in thae- ~ UIb ahieiitroam the Post OSiE, ladAil cdi-eitia.icccte ic ri ns ai certicon ehnderhhal.cweaa caajCounty of Ra ton. New' ?001 and Shoc Stara!1 < ec ertu a ci cases, ho tictiy IBaire adcpted thte0" tI'iX E vaCas 3 ys-tem, ROBERT ANDERSON AU nie Bcttheirmhecr f theasualc ier i zo aemci (Leai t e oe-ct ee- Fcrmei-iy cf Mitcc. lits cctmceced the r n .~~~11~~41FAfa 81'flTri Un ot N(e o. a m et.ar'Smb-iîtc ~ rtaille. an rci- batthe in iddle 0 ci p. Taoc.i oiOett pic Gooda maarked in plain Figu e. 11007' I.ND SIÏOE BUSINSS, iaiiahile. Itleeair eaatmac the- ci mss la L5~~b provint; i-ilprty, paingcg ritai. nd, j~C~O IY tlkj3 bia we 41(9PnCEONY NIEXT TG icîehas.WILLtAM-_ LIAN itbetOsuia Oct. 24, le st. 2ea3,t ISPECTUJN',ý INVIT!<D. TrilletisIotel, BI'ontc. ~ cILiM~piu lnaia . IeGami. Itghsa taectPiocferCctte~Po'îie.Ocîcher (fiL, (867. 19 3m. T_ L f~ ~URLINGTON HTE, ELINTON ..<.&mcrmn-, Flfi~S A-au5î. arn lastOn ~ ee c aareulitii( atte.niictesgiicataatil ccc- Cctiarne Streect,Oc<ile. ct,' Dit ne~tsa ta mack theMaaigemenrthi.'ceç 87 AIS OeattIns Hctciam oe. The iaiàlec ad Yardts e<Lr e;.i.,i- i~ceeod i<tcg ilk t iotan atieaid a eece. RONa W iatîi-g e tte tlto thii-Siîco -- .L Wellington tiquaieOct24,1t8t67 ( H1d There.îî eeucod thcecc'gbi frot Tic]bes .aiC O!E d-~oice.r1FjI!HEPartey Wlitvas ceca takian îîil appîyict eitt<e-r faperce or b3 cititii aî, ai diocecaite kictacdc a b lsyfriIS~ I piiire tf ahi theîl 'crL iciPotit pe.i.1 toîele abscribo-r. bLlujei-scaicdbîed otbe itell th îe AiiictlariilIli.aonTuoaday afier.. Ttr. Sccae erLc lh t r.. inecf ta ecthe ~lil- ccIi rS cpirrtiii-n liîa lahc Srxec nt e liîcetcpa t ~-----. -. THE RtEA$QN WY' EtAlNSIVERED. s Dribey I Çqpruption, IIIHWA RO3BEIYANDI TREASON COMBINED, ENA~oK SMITH &BROTHERS' Wellington Square, Atiaacee theari-nal pci- Steamier ýT rî1r.it dleçt Scm iGreat iasa! I Wlîreb tba-y rlt melI cntpelecu Iliel det. occipeltica. Wt'fCEY'iifieom1 t oc.,-rntu< RNTS freras. ucad-ia rintc intfact colcraont a tat., and cibrart ceu 1tic pai-tlheeap. Tbclr stock cf Bçipots and Slîoes, Groce ries, Croc k c îy, GLASS WMIE, ke., ell Lbcîround on iclpeitiec ino4d'e- ml aelted acd mcccll i. atcal.deo(ltcding pcechascca. A gpIe-adid finialitiî of GUNPOWDER TEA AT 75 CENTS PER POUNP%. CaIt chai-a yea cau get Fti-st-,ulaa oed$ ai peices thulo t C et i ,g<ive dt'i SMIT(( 1, ItItOTHEItO. WelioaSqcare, Ccptemteer 30, t1t86-7a The New, Dominion S¶TOVE14 AND PLOUCTII STOflfl, b amencd buaiess Itaîe Store Opposit9 the English Chtrecl, Mainu Stt-cet,-' Miltctn, Where he i- 'ttkcp ccrrftiy oc Laad i e bcccy 'eocor COOKIi'( AND PARLOR SToVE,'S 0F TUIE L.ITIST AND 31isi. IMPROVED itATTiINS, STOl-E-Pll'ING., &Cf., Wh,h Le ait i-eld mn 20 per- cent Lclocc (iamilun onToi-calo Prier. Ide oic'tidl(d i isuc lciyi.uc fi, 11c i l. moi. <'t-t ii > alot ucaet o eb tavnf . I ctr cIe eti ch tPyIi d aceofthe bestaioci. - North's Patent Drurn ilat' tlCc,tantiyoc <cutI. 7:,tt'i .uc i 11m t 'i-[).ýM,ý,!,C I, 'l< ,ec. o n <<i toc-v 1'r' C cinii -a toto '-.i i'..' t tk - i c.i.. i, c. 'l i IL - ' a- .'. t, . Tbec bahaal uttca cda~ ree, if îîoî cati foet,;.t'. N t;.-Cnî,Luîg opparatas cf ait kinds 8eMoi-i .po.'. !y ot t1,'oit c. T..'..1 u-Cli ore Parti P('ce. Mlt <ce Ociciier 2.i1St1;f67t THE'COMMERCIAL UNION ASýSURALNCECo'v. 19 anti 20, Cotitliill, L ondoinI ngltcîlî. ÇANADA OFFICE, 3Sa AND 3S7,ST. PAUL STREET, 7IONTREAL - 'f C~APITAL-Tac ccd-e bal.f Mlictc Sterlincg; c, , Inetfc rni<hi laf sîî Do<lara. AND COMPANY TO SIP44 Clieuper andI Jiltter Goil MJAN OT11E R MEN, t6ii-iseptetaher th, 1967, FI REDITPA tTtlEN;.-Frcp-rtinortt oe-.ý-t.. 't"io-"t<.-t"i 1h00 Dfl'ottT.lItt(T- ie l'Os "p'ee--tMF.- th'-(oo-- iO-rc cd itLe Câie[icciite cf tlic Ci&M o'... àiOMm<<r cm.u f " '< mm'1h tc " dtORTND %%t AT «\' & C0t C.-'edt --..A h FREDEPKE001,E, Ceceeicey. MIILTON AGENCY. Ni.i-cALr-ut-tan-DR. STREET. Oetaher, tub, ttit. .. I W'L , *uOT T.ÀAc-ct. 1 o -iLf JAY CONRAD's Clock & Wntli E stabîlisli:iient Ç4N DE FOU-ND AT TME FOOT OF TIIE "Fiag (hat Brarcd a Thoiu.,od Yeuî' fi, iette ocI(lie l',, There you witi find a large tend1t of lîle ccry best vis -The Jerome, Gilbert, and Scth Thomna H e. icc(\r and caLer W'utchcc, c-ryi'!g inpr-ie.-c an ir lu,Itîy roin ' ;uc *ý.l.ii ci-y, Jet Ihisi DOa %lk, fi;a oi (lionlBronches imod Ear iii- ý n the Picest Gold and Suver Fîcc<-r (iret, Lcoc.do. -,u 'c c iK.i' I'ursec Wph Keyc. Key Chliica, 51,ect.eck-i. tic fLocci h 'n-i !'w lî' ,Qýýpepe. Gatta Percha Ri ,g-, &~lc Alil CIjo n cc'- int r- 'ci on c .- unr>-set ai L e (leaned cc-i Casr'c Vorc,îic'd (M ( 'o Cr I )fir tli o çi > 150 çonta for one day. and 75 cen t fr îighit Ueo, cridc , co- .Ali ofd cfWatcbeB donc rcuconablii'-d ctcaut-'d do ooe.Dcaic orgt tu i ro.g neur Clocks, Watchcs, Jcclr andi F.Lnu-v 'i-' Tn to CONRAT Dcc vo yti corne (o tle (OVNTI Y 1(1W. Ai vo, -c I ic:! del ivered whcc dcoa Lutacy place <ou aitvctîin tic Cctiy f.ec'io c', ,. Milton. Octaher Si!., 1867. 1p !1 l'etcbrîba r oved t teORT cct dcor tg %V.D. & L A, IBowLP'-io'-rl-Iereo i-c g Nurniture D MoocNt ý- t Ri, et iU;:!i,:j,i. prepif d to .tk 'itacot(A't!..' i t. -t MM s of'IŽ,s 't ý,raitcj.t, c 1 Aoc AM Made ta si-de! n hart catice. la *0thcîr Jute rezjdenýe3,ad aid pictur, Mitao, Oct. 17(h, G607. 19i-;L « ea c asit.a,-' 'mpttcia mam#,'ccrr eaPti>-. Prica. francI te SZ4. ')irtclci Ru isoa,(Jth le Faac- BOiSI'E~~. tainit04. .urh t Ot iele s t e

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