Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 1867, p. 3

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i rj mdo, N$NS KIP OT. de GAIT9lI d deCALP, do C4RPET SLIPPERS. isueÀbt 8m9Grat Yrey ,PORT WTNE, pfRRY d, - AIRTELVS BRANDY, m&B*$ do. lfiDON PORTZR, OLlRYN w HI81EY, )LT do, %ulovearemuetd Pure, ue aRsd: gTONEC TEA SETTS, JBRIN& do do ver% el COALOIL LAMP@,zroot, NÀ!L8-leut sud Wrougi btter KisTm Spoo e0, (Joui oolsgoao etpriev hich defy sous MtImosboth, 1867. JAY O .Cloek &Watc OAN JN POUND A Te. jeu viliisud ami *~?b Jes..,Ojien md Sel lbbumîWatse.ei ipre KeyIla Ss Ma Ginsm.dp ceOtta perea Riogg, &.,.Au cm bvl e c ean dCuse BU~ou esd en d 7.5mtufo b OhWatches, Jewi Ji5oeNAD vioc you noeu 1 vmdou" ai ani pace Toi les Tuèsday, It rs At 7j z.iithq 5~ rogurammes. TbSmieroirut nfteitale the toit -uts ly ac Ae rA Os.,- Lo ci tolu bu p siî euparusetv-loI - leie m tc elt GWolG ISMITH~ 0pos0LiqU «, rooeries, OROOKERY, L.AMPS, &Q, U,05WV ereloot, ud wo3lý,tby te tteutiop uf hujer, Etg & sboeiIn pet tvariety. sRi STOCK CONSIST8 EN lPART AS FOLLOWS: j40AP SU)GAR, SPIORS of aml i kds, ;CRI&HEJD do, ICSSENCES of ml kfiil, asOUND d, GINGER 5007, fEAS, Yotog HYcond- GROUNI), de, Jeao,. ALLSPICIe do, do, Bled. )'EIPER, SyRUFP, GOLDEN, biA CE. )MASSES, 0 CIN14N1M.N BAKINO SODA, CLOVINS. wkMi lký IxITARD, à sd5. i~.p QM SALT, lEtIoN P8 EN.14NA. CITRON do, INDIQO. ORANGE do. BLUrk STONE, LEA! HEg:]p8uS&RY4T1YV1, EXACT LOGWOOD, IADDJIISUAI'cfu411 it ids, , mcEUq - 'lIENS' STOUEY0 LADIIIS KID GAITERS, UINESANU PIIENISES, The New ]Dominion 5îeleiin~d cognlI TOYfE AND PLOIJGH STORE TqýNvrîiiiip of Nelsonî, ________ Sa teCoay of Ballios.sud deoiiled in fRE 9SIIOCRIlcER hrgste onionoco 1tetsOltlaOo f VSllon"suSvlcty tlall h 0013 l.qeigàjcO&p. lollowul--Boiang prt ofThm uecomccu'od tiri late te br.tbl-explertly bit oet 1olnonteo tieinthre il Conce.ioî, Nov doecc-y Stote Opposite tbe English Chtwreh, Main StreM MMilton, otite Tuoilip otPeleen. la the CoUaiy of l;n oaloreoid. ceaime, cng m eteWeeb llke osalyobndh tckf Noooiir4ysngeoftemid lnc o t i u nceeel u .o aeull stn en>scln Seniith lhry-eightl dit-ren,. ueL longc dii ic bteecothc ced Lot oute tvilvi. CO)OKUIIG ANLI PARLOR STOVES 0F LATEST AND. MQST q-d Lot noler 1irt,en, sooeeO chocs itid »ixij een lnto, mort-or le.., tge4 IMPROQVED PATTviP0NS, STOVR.lt1INj-ýG,&C., pîo5î pilc ute hall he dhrieofuthle c'n.of rtthe galdCeoc-,rîe te maecill ih pwl pl t20 per cent hlow 1Homnilosor Toronto Prnce& e lao noeeterly angle itr en ce tu riy.hlicî1 , I'li , l v u i .. t o AS : nd.1 eai nst tcîcc in. 1 o u, t m.,d laures, MENS' do do. i r-.en. oIetedoccîlo, aed se-ciy', = '1. '>.......................perloc onulluesbis GIRLS'- do 7do, - lice iut8- o r etter le.- cea posl paeut.cj' aid o t h e lJtodit P0701 n iso ioy yasu rct le i LADIES' LACED BOOTS, autile dlîtoce eoft îo-ty-cîgît îjih i teflo 0l.o $0prchul e 10the hest aodoanluge. 14l ie h iscP4> ataELcl O Lie liait l-tw'-olh o uulk.eut.-ole cd- MISSES do de, nprth-%,výtery binesnifte ouî4 h6illet « U lomXa -irac>xyc m . GIRJe' do do, îhence nutt hirtyreiglu dezre. , tai'" OVE S SHORS, t -en ch lionu and âaioîy-a-ccnljut... mre, Wlct leoiloil for l18 dolare aitiot Is coniderably letttaa Cat-ro-n Ploncea o r 1Pi n 'lie al,aotne for roudiin front ro'ioid intiq e igh riocd. l'ormer, vould do wli tn eill and enamino the stock th,-sad t.llct ;iit:cno oih loo:y.Ooe hotor, cemmennlng thei 111 ort. Tneo oremore duriable, u ilcalotr draugît, aqd -oter loOAi" o ePick. From'. . îlîne . trell ourloenchsiîa Raid sevocty. lreftheoelîhclradei. fi,, nat>. ni r. rhet lite the picco e. f 0.-CîîSîB. i pparea t AUli bde muId .spaiatrly eit om ratis. Trmus-Coamlor iLd. IE3aracdice, gcoolgceîiuaning ti admsuurmctt Furia prodoce.,P 'IKM C" HOLLAND IN, Twenty-rVouw 4cres, Mie,Ito. e 2 I oc14 - 01D )7CM do. w tos hre PreAn be. tnc2,IO y4 BERNARDS InfGERWI-NEl,Taetll.TiletrCe dT ____________ _________ JAMAICA R5CM. -la. tf .Fcu , leth,--gaie min . o e ce. TNS Ttece 1 1crL lA ce hio prîîp-rly a cmI BERT PICIÇINO G do, C E I WPAE WN E VN mdeecd eilcollo LiS T SALE P.hLRALM DWELLIN HOUSE me ui nsu the cnciostirc iufte so tl.OVapbo.-llBtdibutarSe SUPERIOR u. With te neegatay OutLuiliugu. tabout ti th ci Aomtsl list, on Lot1, fagbeWelBd ndohrSck sUPEOIOR do.Wlthde eceaoreOct ldîgu. ItiCon Ecqecing, A ItFRI ÇaRAI. md iiihoaol cbcpfuroua. uioî~Thc omocc il ieouse proiteprcprrty, pay 4gr4utlntral Ienj?cments, &c., &c. andwil b sld bep or ul. 4otuG'ood Orchard, &ç., &o. tturgen, and tto il ner- Afilijet etry w5007 etllis tor u grntle. - qeiOBERT2od 8117 17.3 loinT'cf.l i-c e r-id-,eýe. ROBERT Mj.LEOct n 87M73 fessws Kirby &.W PAINTS of ni kidoiTtiepuetnere iii e reqîîire-l toocepte houp LLNSb'BD CIL 8(i E1 chr'îudeofci th l eooî'i u-o d,-tth- aa d L 't (A Letiq Wl cnofrfusaenth yaTîritly do do RAW, e'orye. le poy ce iîy peretur h ii camefetfo-hleunli i, COAL IL, a euc- licetlie iai.- ouof ai>. FlINNG in tee Pestt illico at17TIlOCTOBER NEXT. -id t- loie-eith, io,.- n-it 1cî- L- Miltonifsplo loi Ot I ?. s, JouhnS lio e, od grit urily t-. wi,-oîl e iI eiî l-d Ic a 1,..1--iL,,tni,,,n Jenei,,i j . %f,. On Lot No. 1, in tic 11h Ceneesseon. tpltios i uet îoiiyî --i Oe1e bliu a îiiî- . Ne ,Snrv e t f traftig.irith e ollewjo tt li îa Ii,.~li. îdi.iice~uc lucc.»Giîige I eiet. M dr«Iy (3) rValu obet ko f t tWei-l-lrid Coctlei nâ lh u I a i - di,--iec île-- d Cniepaîu John l WailoOuJcuhio Steep, vi:- gl : qa fl l1 -3 theL iiy iarise.01, s c elii. u I 00 liinihi )lcnudec I t :Fur th i ucos id l ui., mation: s, c.liicg fri, movn friih îe lei. IIORSES. Il-f I t - i ,, A i t aEIOeG7L C ) trsv l peec d hu flie pue -vtac.egi aad %l.a .ONE O It dlGiIAEI., tiie 1. c rea tirer. .u S inoc uecoMae, airliyr etd. 7h,;rch ,ei 'ct îîîîîî,Seolcoafo te W il LYION. Pe tmar. 1 Siio B-v logg iicofe rs nidt Vi-lootu. c i h .1kf lie >idc.gcd Iio,î Biyt1Iloeeca, leur yt (id 0 N R A l'I' 9 , - Aecccniuci. 6eiccy..Ic reel IFeathers!1 Feathers 1I1 filiock Hoiseo,lire yro old. )O R SWe.i. Tcricciii. - 1 CieuciIorce, 5ecyro oeid uticA jjy 18.7. 11 id Theoisileiteeil py 45censopercl 'cthic ~~~Ii~fo gondo-B's-mehuéc lite eocîe tothe-c. dv-iie,-ed act1Grey lirood %Moto, iigit ytu oid, aits AlE sab is m ntthirWrurceems, Teecolo, or utai rcîce col iy Kenuceky, SatO pac5eîinc Lge ond utipped lu 1Ileerinted lote. tourteco yrectd. Brown . t FiillIon (jiuet. od oa T THE FOOT CF TUE 'me s 'icce e Ate tl Suc Torlet, JActk Et A HA86 . 1 t BfGreniy.îrcooi, ylyi Goielcerto % d. - R.A,.L17-Lterelire. 4leacrs thee Rouf. andi te Bree. eln e i deer 10 ' te se- I1Serown1,illy, laie ytn eli4. ly wholc- st~evcrily t ti aiey iel W-Acoiiv W £V~Uii~*i VI,zu~it (lt, oeeyr nid, ley 5oyoi largeu r eAMFhileof ejptheincnetllîccîncciî, Oer. ru -miur McTicw h e1l1eorhe7ulgri,1 ' Fily, one yr el. y Teucbotonc.. ( eLt No.14,àhhcocsioen. N S. th Thomas Clecli,, Waltoo'o iaieco)AI T'lcelelie eh tc luth Sept, c OLA 4 BY cý und qualityfotinlet5O. In Jeweii jftMARE, fc iewet rau "tocc iteaineu ty 4 Therengli ynr-ired Durhrni (Jea. lae BoeeanRtRiisAliîî-proe c> rpttcy, laying ctarges and 'r ît.enDott ctr 0 sa rnchs ad arRitgo Aeoth, uqT PR CE tkihe e noy. 1 yPr hr. ot urâ efr w Loh.sMeoamPipes. Poulet K,îo .vsu'RH(UINN .1Bpnd Sele. Ejye Giameabilaisand loirWntcl, CO FIJN S .OPOiU'IOAf otColloby Bulterfly. dam NMersey. A. Il Cloche brought in previucî 10 Jt.,.- - Made inter0O P s@boit notice- -in Trstalgar, Sept. 25th, 1007. 16-4t 1Hiier Cali bIiuttetfly. dam Pioohe. iraacisted (NMn Cord)fo te loe outo 1Jl!ieronecnoliamPh$e fores&i.rle Sa 4 1ee1eeon xConadi.andanAGrade 0 e aight day, susd wariosîcd ne yeîr. AilH e cotis. 1mcd vanmtmîcId one paor, Donc totgeî in 4 Gond cpînmon ourioin Iîiei. Ming jour or 4Pot Sies ra.otyrs elA. - lr n any'rilsSHEEP. 1leY asiilyRItS- .. IIIL IOEIY 20 Imreed Leicester & clîotFA dEva. the CCTJNTY 5110W. Alworkaviii te Coffins et ail uinco ucd descipio n il20 God torastes i3nca MAY miii su the Couuty frneofetcharge. optsOply. Pjcego ei ne oo. nIsly 15 Ri Loi,, i, froua iaipoîtd Linoln * ~ ~ F, ru wWab. E.BO NES. ixlýiio &i'io, 5 ER aibe i ram importedI Linota SÇdtc . lillon. oct. il. tOt. -40 ni 111 Rouis. 10iurliiig lRaialqiaiiytfron to îî-tf 1-7 îonoplrteit oei. ___________________ ___Seit Mill, Lailo aod SIinele OIils, H.AY & ROOT UlOifS t..ýsnr lnlit foi te e i 14 toeiequ îllçu lty a Cloyr je -NoaofHa o $0 ala Wiîh tisir uppîrtecnreiuaolcd un llsy- Co N . D' Lest, lon,ir te o4 itc e 190YandaillC laec-s ts5c5dîo ai dcc 106 aA otouilrth> î in o a.. (us-101(1Buslels lurni%,.Crotlu uuîd Auo ne ycaO t&fier date. male ty Win. esin, nIci te Towsi fNlo.i I MAMMOTH Uoiteld ci Trafalgar, lu Jai'. Hettut eonii-o Smitli nigolds e. îgton.Ortutacaer. A& theiîome aie ousla t ;ho e Utj o utobule.ing te proper. CO M M E t1II3 J4uj]jjROUIQ the ocinr. IE EHEIGTN y outhteOS .WwueWao JSEpt2318TIE16-tON .TXRWAi ADWL.1Berkoshire Bout, six mosîhe oid. Will te inveAteti vith., ailetic-% ~'naeok ledeCIs,1 1 0-1 LOB CLN <LWL. lierkslire Soi. 6,îonIis elA. and delceosîe of the eaason, ils o stfTwb ih1YrsieSi n i i Of willmug Itauda o tUftil entise inscrit E ccutorsy Notice, iîi' iiFARNIING IMPLEMENToi, &C, kWf 15Ilt-i lte Igiviag palta - y.suaiz VUou FaIt o Pace 2'asuer 4 Broc l'euglan. Mgn J Pnîugofp4tPimisge Oyolte, 'Fuaigo -1 HE dloraof et lr]aie Roltiand Cal- 14 Sels [tîttov. tso1AED'm& ,STEWED, Corn >est.Il %lu v ieil aie o'ellslio, lu theCounly ut Mlore or lec, onrnisîhireto; csie, 6 SesDouble and Fîpeýglo lIntnee. and Fagge, oilo Utton~is. Seotet Sni. 1 Rlion,Veoamano erte dicdntu the î6tla Sjy, RUNDRED THOUSAND 11 LadRolle,. ya Vnke Cen Sultatoalli, Dea o>up. day of Mrc.l1867, tu avait by pusi pie. FEET CF ASSCRTED FINE LU14- 1 Ccacbiotl e4 0re pF4 Movjos a-. Ai-pies, lucas&A.t. o. RIZE hIes, Aiiittrfisi --.d n ni CANDY. îuciuns of etote econdiîeo ticir CUtitieut manies anAsurnneain, ad:- Bisawood anîd BuîternutoiîLubet 3 Cul$paQ i ss îu Sçqoog. viii ho au14. I l itci viii ho delmnteddrAegsse.nd description., te fuelîtctul - 3oIrs~'Algani-~ îngesd3Ocull' dpA, A laogonu. a yriomet( it aeiri liain a titteairnt cf't-Ir lot 3 SinnioTcai l nceinifiéu l& i -4î i? à.î sa yctrjey ai iee alicîc . lting o cec,ndiaimture ,stnoftheîle auriiesom toaOve eeotf god vorinig Ogen, 1j le orJt n uros 'oîatcise.. GeAA finger riogs, & .lihe Pt1i sty i-d î Iia t îdtcttOi-e.ncxelcîiMi E hiaier Lu bavc ndit iald vînt h t &aso , iftey millhi- pe.mphirih îuoctuided ront3i xelen - hCené, 1 noietuu o Mhielile hesin , nd amsigna; toraoi tantme lu pmteîpacicg intcaeutcloteil, rtofchycn taa, 1 V(li, 3IlBoge,, 4 Ioumîbe Fr e ae rt rt 0 -uto, apA te tîtt chanoge teck. the uid decscAd, ai the mallan i t- i te hoVons. 1 Cari, 1 ltgty aitîl 1 nel M ebc fo tnau r J.tY CONRAD, *u.B,5S. distiii-dsmngt thle cedilors mise tavo sangle Hitoe,, 1 igtt t T e P- îtnet c lA Oout liateint Blîilon. Ct 8h1867. 18 trnlotî,d u$etmo y iii- sie Hiifeso, i l ,onsA Lti n f'tic lst Broo, crediierteldingainyecerlato lrn,1 utr,o àBbm ego 1hiI fLtN.I adLI2i h t proedue teàaime en us AtuOucor ffice lu theIc qh l io.aqatt f ben,1nn S. r.-iga.onann.M&ss Persa dmitng a Cit ofHamiton Du4 mset ofDole a,îd Singletreos, 4[j241)o cesof'aiuieh are u-ercd. sntlins Aityperua emiiaga ciy c HuijienO0 ec ekcnke, 1ietot lto4 suich'o'goiAnd taic of culîlecilien. 15 ocres et Valuable Berme or Brood 1Mare!1 FRIDÛ, 18ub OCTOUJER, J1861,Tooâ, Clt of u t ii Tonie; aine the i M el taànov snov- a ic i miiiPau aijîl Wooid As vsil tn accouA abole o tiieIPUSEH0P FURIINille aLesseorSalle. ietrsmileod Weni do eU e atend At 1ti nlocI, mas, beinge s ims 4p- TUBE laid effecîn. anda mquantiiy o et a is onain-eh the fmiiste i eo to J~ TÇ~ D~'QP(IM Ipelîted tur oietiof aald eiaiug. uctîcitred HaHo,,ies, und Stouîdors. as1-lsîmei. îgi er cn; ilot tc incifor Pated 1t4llidsyi epieOetr, 1867. W,moui oeclitho atoentton of Laie- racent.ieigl erenet of h pi a . Aicaioosaleof Admislmtetu, tot alovo cuati. bermens pattiitsiarly O In te sioro prep.- litet uDoy etAptilt. n i Hamilton, sept, 11ititee6. l-t r17, mita is oionveosicnlly staioed lufres"due in equol unnune al tlainnlteilsa _______________________ imiorîog, icig mt a distance o liI inieest. Peenoelon iiite sites o II. E~ HUMTESTS-EN 'EKED mite ftoîn theo Port out lciig.too le i ftcday ut Aptil uc;t or sooncr ifl Square, t lie bond ut Lok. Ontari, destird. dor,,oicecignc to..ss.onishe1911 la»., ou LotO 4 anA 17-mîetfromnthe City otf [nuil- FarW o lus 'tei i ll o-el, 1(1 ri,89bcstScit, Equcn. Against CtlahQlma, Whte,Barbecr, Sert sud tnn. The property ean ho sépa op ap. cacoetn pîtats I.ttas Fàuag. oc. 011 1c. 18-21t i toeua ofc o u, plîcuuiqI l& ltise promiises. TioM-ocu itits- on lh pçpaîajae, i; - fUsacefam ,or 1UtsehntreltafelsW/cam, Terme iii ho made &ocwx n ;day Pr iaieyg sirotnt Ua4 gale i,îlmloin tplape o04 -Th@o ag;WnfQru us e ouasgAnd, ORiAq0 uet, le îccarc ix gondl eoudjtî'oq Xr 0 tilB ARLEY, rs ROIgodTh Tda mi ctohr~ and m hotter lot tif Sieep Io s ldsioïl-i Aitpeles biru caiu, mist heButth H il atrkelt ire here vilhoii sdyp2ndOç' t 157 erol. 'liso proprietort on w Mtconil- Ailpegsmihoduecie.. pol.In iiCASH for GonAd ean Meantale ,deerecommaendt leu te tise puntt Et cfQaf oie laorownlor rsti. 4tnt tb. Hîtriseýfill 20 préset thtuse t Grantofatl inAi AslivereA as tlbdck4.Teniesosle Sr sook &e, tliii ai to Pnafriele imniot xàTHOMAS WITE, moulin prcdellbml ogireon ou tas>nr V ol0DopJc Io, a mttineb H. CornaEa OUI stand, t PrIplo. u proeid Notei. M BRWN.Adeiniiurntote Enfute edtise 1$. lui te noummeuce ait the houe of!fin b Aulaslmto.B COTTER. Rovlm iIadoldsI. O'ciouh ., prompt,0 Oeiote.il SGt'>10. 17-lt PMoctlas, 1thSept., 10$67. l-tf 6i V .hS ettp *1 :; Nl Mt.*age Sale. s ê"-,a" PUMWANItoile Toe s5loso P stoe ouinud lu a ceran ludecture I or gee, elng Omis the second Day of M yb Veut otOui Lord OUne Thoumaud Elgît Uundred qn,4 Ftfty-Niue,UI go q rO ud zR00ý bvAnnues the e aiwi~ timlCTJTA'dro o rq rth tieir 0iOSEPH DAVIS, lut i -uwu? fî!FImRII rb locof X11'o.. lu liehe ooty of 11m .UTmoluiI Slu.lEsqolrs.threwîli boi'rd trumie Which iley wli teil mt poicemilatdetf colpeiliou wllWcET$Jfomou i% O ds HO'P I l'WStirou8ctsopwards. Pànai iii Oot cîloM.lai9. t&*), Msud ofitt at Pro- IN*FDISTa£ hl~Boots uvrq4 .tioes ~Qe~e1~ çýe~ry, lIU>wv,22. Cf r OLAO7WARE, &c., wl e bonnd or iSp tg b là ieli ccto4 MgWP?1J17 tii. atktnton pi iuicdiog purchsto. Aspipudt slitY0fu iN TasGUNVOWDEIR TEA AT 75 CBNTS 1'ÎR POUND, C 0 U NY Y0 F NHA L T 0 U m Çail l-ero 0yeaumget Yl'xtcbM Gouda at piles limaI c"ot taiti limtefctuo0 ç!f SMITH & BBOTHERS. Triday, the25th day of October, Wellington Square, Scpteuber 3e, 1867. 1-1 q 61 N I. Kingdoni0o 01<1 Styles 1Pa ,,O(>DS CIIEAI And haviog just purçhîpçd the etif M'CRANEY & gae or On ysfà&:Pra ý;,tlm 4»1 .Cdult'of SI- Calh np4 ail inds of Prodce lokç R.(1. TITQ3.IPSON, li. B. Ive will be lu' reccipt of Der~ goqd Orutrp 4pril 100h. 1817. ARTIIUIft 0)817(. PR 'PRIETOr.-- n'of tWunes, lIqo4o44a uI 3emî' pt c=stnly on lboa. Goadl feo,iIgood .llig n gonl Shed. Et-try aIi. tieou pmdta ttc trveilltg poulie., osfville. Oct. L.I.7t. 1817 PALERMO IjOLSE, PALERNO, JOR N VAN '11lEN, flUePRIETO#. RelcoO, , ashbatk.- lotis noroue cas- iers for peir ;.mt ptoouace, and lit, t0 mesure itmlhai e wmli btmliiiconduct l ei o icesn l-tcssstyle. e braeoeocdcgnf.good B* 1*.i ail atte os ollur Poleruu, Oct. 4dLt, 1867. 8.1 cfe Naupfto7 "q tlltadar citiu-d b pctu~lcuaecut COIJNTY SHOW IJL VIWYU ~ ~~ Bt'tuma16 -e>utoeo c<i 1H1 IImEIIIIçuiilod lau Pros JUil RUIl B~uIT-Covo moat hava lai à1 Issinig Away 1..IAYPeee8 lire in o gicat and epoiin ~sdn Pt tic nir stlel 01huien uAm EV xuderigcrd ai peimiodqls ]>FOR CASU, bý l, r id*e 40814 tri~p91110l~$6oo ~ era itloyuur pto ltea ce ir Sok ntmfç,fýh 4Wf- d y H 1.lse amp e t ttu~ir~ m ~/cUPAl»F01 W, ee eonuee pte h IIÇailn t slutub.It.ii e er cest leaier than any tter osu alio__________________ tf Ballon. . ýçn in echitsgce ooe. Thio Oquçb Vai-on As veekl, dnriog the coruigig . f l u î e 05s eata1! pli pl S p t Ius paper iliI -àmeulrç0I - useisi<Ïpcit'aimsl, p « melua TOWI o01Niton 11-14. DIEBEN'I JJJR tçc lp porus vogiu0 4 fort Pi - wodi .ilTrinitariaslu rea$ trec dinessaof.=o!uiuurfoi ttdled iy lie ociveq~Içoe$ h Cisrch oftal uK cc.Jii . eSett Prppoma ilvIille teçpteld hi lime aeînm n c àMjgîy s q II NUY11r or Tre4aurer fres orfcnW ltgwr li ualtyend.III qln For tle poreoic oh Dobeats te tie for tht tualancomet of ihe couneowepti AMfflt Of SOOOOfo abs. Wid Boaeir em et 11 Zcoc. ftIlJ'O Oneai ngIf v htcb vl opo A qo 011ilstbe . I 2iî eceuter.104. asd tlieocter lat unaaýO u pisos p~s~e hSoue f euhimycar. ut VrocdMl Thee pxcpars mli 1. tissala bu eg rpt4 pt e50 lmich are tbeie e regtures ;T.l A ina bs aeuM&ble ' For gode t 45eAmo p ÇXq% GE0GU3l1ç5,oe ps, feSepl. W. ~ ~ ~ b« L.r P. 1teeTrauecor-11 A#apI' qr - Milieuo,Otà. l0à, 460?. i-- 1110W 10vrn1ik VVVM* M dml etocoue.te l à snow opeoàl)out t fa'imoh they tuo n .0 i auvatohea cas bàre le ee F 5LL MPOI~AT~OS F CHOICE '%EW-GQOD.% lteco 0Ws Dominion, V s¶nu ie be: 71. vali .-.,msemlmears 1 yar ont ouguermlice, au ""'a on *00 EMMENXSEAÀND ATTRACTIVE STOCK C GO9DS NOW 0ON.4SHOW IirnO l3 oaru' so, M he&s0L auuldged goa odrptsti.or At ibo . ~~~iluu st e aner hbOl tie.meSA~i. Ocit sus~ 4sru jAu Tlree JLee.ftaag Ovo"' a Wticy roq'qiîo e tcaieto l e feuy apprectatedr l. K IN Çorer Kinand cfJoue Strs, Racal Otari ~ o. u'rruusn I1bae uo t ildà. ifmr Râmittn, SepombberUthIO? I lg t t eieve the greut usjovîtli 4 l-L«ootive MEu cl e ad W.~jII Ramiles, 8piaSer Ui, 110. rTeth 1tf <stha. Wambee s"q surclime1oub of au engins, and emilehaetor keu el00 10 urout., tbc ey t bhEb.I ________________ ope t e jtE' à - 1 aod tM eineroy lp turlumnOf4sU doctore. lIns,> oplil&r t vu îul tend topromcote regularlty sudndstmtl. 1'Qo"tp eftittiy. Q H EA P CIO O D S seuak, nov, lire diqCiect grade@ 14. O H ~i ,~ilaytole, âsmd edtemc1Ili5 lI9 âlu1 401srtuui, Tis.& Cs., WmItbiimgUmU Wmlinau Waosh Court WafltOi.5w.R P. m. uonane, Wt mgl* wNiu5 ti IeW thCIPqtîp lent l i sçIlog then" watO cterr TN.7C'~XT tee, whicl mhould urcuupuy seul, WaOlta v o ldotat lyer s y f al sare tlst il $ W , ars e lpurils-sing tle Runine sgr . lIeuebt *Te cou-trou e eteelîs sMd gsewet gui Watçbon colO ltouhuO safeuctog sud cIo pp F iýp$i.n porebailco tg ha pg (Icir guëospIp ipoeltlç . pochsed uf WunthPc lIt tb;gaegho l KkK.~ff~~ j soruOIe Y~'Cpu ailîllte grealstOIt 1001 19381310184 PPLUTOU5 416 septeailcr 25i1i1S6sol-t W58o5uipileUi5 -__- - cou Tw valqI BEL w A I. --'t t ~Oc- MM, 1 1887, the folloiging 1

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