CheaPer and Better Goo- 0 adf 0. far as.My observtion fgois hs a d02OU Onobberytand the net1h ,iTg igg o«ee much, if any, mrss nthe gar.Prise List.. :-- - -~~quantity of «am se»na. ge tn"ra .- e ag. W* hear thans Nelson f66« We CdO not nold For. hebenaso ee ededte ulth frer Dpot u ax v - 10s y f oureadlers " W ial ywillbu held on Friday, 18th inst. the opinions of of amaadat te euliaw ensm, especially, We ing. One of flt.Maili,causer ti "J * ur ,an eselatkebcomthe -T" AdBeie, an1pit eubenthe necessty of paith earnaena sådebes a raMgr, AD eccont of the Nomeassag- e, * . h. t. hls,.ote gavest, Crops, Prions &o., for ¢Zb.%hAnd, Thislàsa.very td -will be sopradig t the'apparaeweyà Shtuaiill be faund on the, grst r:-hs-nsphp e onte Iso er tcnnoDfimo e s newùariing day by dey by.the of the Tieflgar Prasa hLiaget the Sh"* p ued-iTheeuenteectin e es n thinegngto alasal shulehventhef newly invente «MM» Atasi aleae .h-y tatinaPaei1,onFrjg W il o mythn naY other conateted interest in the progress of the Agrioul- swhlchla bonken i sanytoni hi by Mr The sbispa*Wriesnsibald buasneendeavor to explate. Mwing thaite MrThe ConeyShow will etoldCountyineOntario,and of what wau sed, urlpotinoft e munity. John H, aldson, should do away msequised te staM dof rarand would detin Un tataet aight to ob" tai tM ilton, on the 14th and 15th ,1inrst.tonofth.cmawith the necesity of hand-pulha , oeil h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l *. tfeunteshvefel e e.trasted! a friend who holdo a j full accouant of il will appear in next, iisditd4nonb sabihdta How rapidly the seasons come and of the principal objections whil far- ofaantre t hs'd.. GribaldiWhis-. reponsibliton a alerboo et aweek'sJissue. disbursed by far thelargestahare. The of Oectober, and already the frost is'Theren-ed be un doubteneaie agiEt peset aprioter, bt ais. opy fertheplips on a blank n pepar of Jon anAllen, of the Paler- edyatages of the abuse of money in turing our forest leaves into crimseon1ny longer that fax ean besuccessflly sung sirie apal t te tainsedfo te upoewih hen mesa Rouse, Palermo, publishes hisoard the election, was altogether on the ide adumm- er e n l ted tsnd pt ablyceultik edlan Canada> ond jailowers arenpouriag down the Primespasted ou, se that Ia few smin- in this issiue. Travellers going that of Mr. CUbisholmn, for if there had beene no sther rudi h athae eena r- f ndate o ethepln togeerfwth6s lpabosse*foMllid. The insur, Utes wold auffiole to place alongs:de of way cannes, do botter than give him a mise of money, Mr. White's npajority ed, and Nature's decline and the ýfall proper ehoice and preparation of thn ts ops, homig a strong poidthbele the namesoet the suceensful ones' eafll' would have counited upe to between four Of the leaf " are fast hastenmng -on. soil, is all that je required to ensurit o i( Bagnare in the pal Provinseof His MVajesty Sirrter, or H. M. Switser, F-Fltesrcivdw eradEehnde.Id o o om-"ur allsmarebeautitu)welergood paymng erop. ieebowee atakedbythePoe'sth popos Sertar o th Scieythat, Mr. John White bhasbeod ill, but ont suppose that Mr Chisholm--he is ton her,"with a tfulâtgleam ofIndian ïum- THE MATTU . t ~~~ ~w baille Cldoues atleha hoentocaryhs oltis r e thsllat infamiliar with the code of hontor,. tolend mer; then mother earth will don, her To suma up-the harvest of 1867 wasM obitsnwhihtte atakdncsnalfelins ar ganeoelarn ersanweinhsinme nd outenncetoiucaa eeeematl.aadpjllfwiterawihetsoaseeenaeo tbleoneWotheWeser p uere defiaeà d adimen hatly tics, and has insulted oar correspondest a fair way of recovery. lame and impotent conclusion, to an bazin fireseand good cheer, will have farmersre f bul of éem lhavego bok.*, as the fellowing note 11rom11 him Will es- se- The Quarter. Sessions stand honorable contest -is a Party to the d eaan.i rparies foéredalthey haet toll nd iseil, &ot tm, greatly influen- lain:-- adjourned until the 22nd inst., but we cnepil n igaeu ore -IlIE IIARVEST OF sIITY BEV gin thee oldrsetleditietsaveryew udf ee the wavercers and induce them to Pannis Friday, 006. 4, 1867. suppose they will merely meet and ad- now being pursued towards bis oppon- The largest and (we might allmost them are now bardened with indebt e~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~o 1atihh aiadn.Te "C. b ave your book, Mr. Swit zer, journ if there is no Judge appoint- ent by some of his younger frends eand j iatuMoatimprtat a eul obywlte aj iIl isarpep aticipuags helouy-for o, t a p fthe ielisfom, t? d.ppor onl, aresult in disgraoceto thema- turist, and the Fll is the season ½hen and the traders and business men gener-1 te4 rrmnsoatiiaetevln-"-o ' sn tIair Mr. Smith does not overlook selvesý and a worse defeat than the theynrap the reward of their labours. sily throughout the Province May look ,oee om andeo tttck and oocupy l don't.wa nt i now, bu& when yon Printer's Ink, and unes it liberally Ihis i trât.' Tho great bulk of thema throughout forwar a tto at a fair busness dur. Osas Ad thsPope n theothera heaprises are net &0 paid out- week in laying"1,his bill of fare" hofore| W.hen two gentlemen enter apon aie Ontario have reasont t o besthadu n e V Een uel l M PP ,,sar W.Wwui ly"elcetion contest im England money is'over the result of the harve f 6, PREPARliNG FOR NEXT YEARi, hemesmle panictr e toin-PariesareaJos wwin - the publie. Give him a oall. nan understood mans to the end, but and. the prospects before them The ue@wi, í d tut letre the insurriesten, le wish; it for the Champion, es woee1et ftedfae etecosnwoamigterbrsae Sem snwoe otp lippe e ha decidedly re. was regaested to get a co yof the list, CAVALRY SCooo.-A School for|Whoe "assuming ofthedvirte auitws- o- fuly te avrage ingquantity.nTharetheest. alun theralmowheart s ead 0ad sad Iwold o rubvem u instruction of Volunteers in;Cavalry torioas, hie had nos, and permitting his are, of course, exceptions : individual1 several meches above gon. ani "»W O, d s es Ikow. Yu hav my an.wr. Drill has been opened in Toronto, with1 over virtuous andi greener friends to farsers hers and there have faited to very badly needed, but the plant lonka fh thessshese u ofhelp sr. Ehatamyner' at1hv eu o.Jnna omadnsda sete hiseeesful and honorable obtain a good restura, and even certain strong and healthy, enough to bletde Mdem eiejitnm« the bearoa this, M. EitrisaltIhae eee ofl enys sommandan3t Hm, a o uet ? localities have to lament a poor vrop. fiance to the winter's blasta. The woeat and Frmee i Tase aboe t .ecovrst onfli theoEes1fthM3tru.asa ° Brown was only defeatced in But other individulse and localities are or has been favourable fbr owing, .and 'a ahe& srn srather 'a a4paW baliveanthe 8e e t n mth iatan.T i r i ftantetgro t'tOntro byut osix, oest pose p e ? reji oer arthe argd b i e b tin-a good bradth of land has been devot mdeo an bte oe-sef onsFidwhen Ita piteselsked Sefor ce. a 1 raccution in its most degrading accounts together, the harvest May lbe mami book froThemanwhichutoopy thie iselsevce ormfor there is no law noer tribunal safel4y set down as an exceedingly Satie-oi velo t Idi o httifiEcult my e ure ans eedwee very Ms- The pootr man, Brown,whha known to the County, which can unseat factory one. Bothe Full and Spring qe@"inmaly lbesettled without further far frois gentlemanly, and I could noti iWai ortelatyerfo igmandBtihreopportent im weahve osoecarwelatte cre ema rnersIkiN ui M--sh n issai tat heolo w- ishTakheir mseaning entheeve f hs dschrge asfttakedson Who attained to a seat by such ed fromt the droughit. Barley and oats ness maet can aford in this enterpriig nes n§eeOgMeduonwih Teies a not al bere paItid fwith Typhoid Fever, and for a time hie meanes, would it or stand alone peerless; are fully ant average crop, the firmer age to overlook il. You need il in pssî, dy totakepossesion o huid better t eealoncihlr wy nof life was despaired of, but ho isnDOW would n3t be in a position to Serve his beiùg if reportscan be relie ntan, r n iclrbtaoeal h th4sn ne;Pope Pins 'Igetting the prise list or a copy of it. 1I-convalescent. The Rev'd1 Messrs. Kay constituents.vea afecqte Thenpsand otao'es mandhoisrdeerminedutoobaveai]ntes treinia iM' Roe and retain the don't want smy name acoupled ith this'and Brook were very attentive'during FAIR PLAI. injuriusly, d g rdes nd proesasned s tinepperie a dortisng. O oftect1utlhsdataar4btltm ssr o tis , all-hi lles.Wellington Square, 4th Oct., 1867. ialsirosffered grfnrom he ame inuse- dieto comewara men is-adveOrs power of the Popetre Fruit hias, however. turned out very jdzosyadsseaial o' ours, F. R.8.-Mr Conra has aopted Ma ED)ITOR.-DEAR SIR :-Will fair; Our agrieulneists have much rea- oed h hnmkn rmsst j bably thebest terms On receipt Of this note, we resoilvect these letters, e suppose, not because yuhv h idest neti orson tuolbe satisfi . comers otheto be raizedroriespetd e n , a wil dubtessthat if the Township of Trafalgar eau- lhe in a Fellow of the Royal Society, columnavehorinst aonet finSohol civr AKT-AD ODlaCE.ingimrs etna broaletisum eper n- not afford to keep a more gentlemanly but because of the Fried, Roasted and examina otio hl at Botf sedy ex ow- e arns, oodp isng mrBt ha e yoca u ampe a- . s u,-Az& o ugand lemsdogmatie Secretary, sthaue eStewed Oysteri.. which lhe advertise.-f mlmotcner h freanw ihtality to sell-when you have a btter ILL' East Alexa ner of Russ-awould co lbe &4 the e eof gi t o His bihe of fareis a tempting one, and tunder the supervision of iss Eiy amost sa te m eratadmhnicarticle-or can sell cheaper thon your d nsagin i dfoatton.nofhMltoniTeache.a.Thecex- Ineighbor, take care to use a little pria- hie lordsand itlthon hae Io degrade lhe will, no doubt, have many I" a call" id d tfNllo Tu hr heo- utsa frthen rctheari eta co- er ikadlte uleko t- ros's"the.dignity of bthe. ]courth Estaie by fur I" Raw 'and-, Stewred. "re sin a sf oncetouoer-entutnee"oeo h et tht n ppaltohing fo hat thse ubli hae a ig tthe present time the prices of pro- A notable instance of the benelte of 16 eà of a d rgh,. deadadruLhers o e tartling advertisement frotte T. L'The best of order prevailed ;from d, ae rand d bge hr sane advertibing has recently tra.,spired. Il mgasutedan rfusd.hThb hie &Co, Klbid, wic acoutsthe Teacher down to the smallest pupil fo"eut brle adffne quli esofi"" eonnjee ion vrillethe g«« ee« and mmne impesionegrAreutrlStit s (over the left) for their extraordinarily seemed to understand their business whleat; large comissions 4,a"ee[aen t 'ieb feeuin te rapid iy wit reputations8foroyears back of keepag an cap goods. As the jeate I" Arteusï" properly. Theelasses were examined on given from PhIiladelphiia, Owe i ndlwhtich afortqun heen apde, Ai dié oa s éyh lnge Possessions. oSial Dogberry, who, however efficient would say, il is mesant in a lightly their various studies, and their answers other American chties for the 'tm r heliat foany iividulaeeaepA tha PesiandFrnc bema b i hs utesbarig d- 'sreustie" sense, although some Chri. were truthful, prompt ;and highlly sa1tis- ;d.al1cod.thereap,,sein tle fet er"d to k nw the maing haben follw, : m no b ocuait ecyis oto th adote ittetan (?) Haltonian have said il in ear. factory. There was a large lattendance a sa o u ht hatefor" hrces .T., 1860, E, nodnb out enntiiies in Syntax, is positivly of piet rmwihslss eli l hc a perdextensive y in En- Britain is n trnest. Ang te vmtr I n ii theRe.. Brl b onnepprsvrthwaadlo fto Rmis acqieinsulting to the eldat members of ten n- the vdi oPlrmo,1M. iIuston, p. l-arts otherepubbe. Brey :ringgsea are whiterletters the wfe n ieon emes fTreSociety if they happen to tread on TRAFALGAR SHOW. of Trafialgar, Teacher, M r. lBraden, býetter pries tha:n it did laistye arerag-ithaeiffeletraiwaoln tefes.Aodig ipos t, especially the odficial tos, oà disturb the officil - fOkileece, isMde. fmttehi t erniére toan Aertia ape . the diio l i' In the rod crn.Thora armen Who, dressed in a nTrsalstehdtepes-Nsoece, Mr. J. Young, of 1 o r 1,50 per ush elfhe 1min4 tows:--Started Trade in 1860 pasnles ftecm-uef attendi gthe splendid display Port Nelson, Teacher. 1 f)t 1,0 fr :ete fied. iLth leollranssth: Preuve and Prussia'.little brief authority ean set the pettu"l Te neraumnto te0a wscommunity h: v-e cause to felgrati hic th ppretoraofdraktemPande i t mary postplocnefor a tyrant to per 1ection ; snoh men are l-.of the noble Township of Trafalgar, aiThe iv ersifi ihsmetamusing Dialogues an "cnIderingthe excellent erops ;o Bthte r aestofncrase'@theasa-o thepaeef ump wysvey shallow, and althoughloedPer.Tewatrwsdlgtfl and last though not least the pleasant ,ib dn ftheLiees lnost rum, and also to tell of his Wo: appearesee, a Mnost but the rain of the day befoera prevent and timly remarks made by the Rev.1Ma cnidetypei et tenta ry h nedudrfu: sucess. Itis told that lby sy oc n iei-19ton a dsinthe ases ea, c will fon 'ntrig ut th theirJWilson, Mr. Braden and Mr. Hous- amount of money will be in thei andstemtatie advertising, Drake han amassoed naadenllydislaytheseles o a edman frm vntuingoutwi irton, who addressed the schoo. h beibre the close of the year. afrueo w ilosi-ee er atrisdigzeusent, as they have donc on, Stock and cother articles. The number hour of separation havingg oome, .CraSE3AKNfLOIN rP iberaeo robabll.nso ee er or a ~~~~~~~~~tis occasion. The matter dosesnot conu- of persona present was far less than two all retired to their homles pleased with Tediybsns a oóget" °s hnohribthkudr oonus ewill cheerfuilly publish% the years ago, in fact less than half of what their entertainement, themselves and pre ruam ngtessfame i>fOntri o rodthe otherhs, bt e and spectators whieh prise list whenever vie eau obtain it, it was on that occasion, which may be eac er. 1MA dutrmg the past season. Thte ses ote senes , n actwithrohihh nn'iinanbut go on our knees before his Dog. accounted for by the attraction of the BroteOcobrsth187-freatories i the Connty ofevrIha sd tt sliswrs er M-11g5 oe berryship we will not. Tg is nOW for competition of Ladies for the Ridmgyep ps ses tlattohverusd To advertise sucestsfully, requires às on heUniedthe Society to show the publie that they prises. The best of order waseobsrv, mn etrnfrestotef oth dulen ad ebac oeTheanng ar eto ontrolled by san inferior ofilier, and we saw nesof the drunkenness DAM1AGED COODS AT TH RHT it is possible to malle money off a farm bold aemn stiki g, and cclatsoeto ng- wproebi" a - landtatthey hae some respect fur or disorderly conduet, which sometimes In y .- argelt offecths, mns Thoruitncessantly rngw est da. thereký ande atentn.A pro- bIrtancolnhi uprtr n h uh a ag.pealsa hs lcs knitted shirts and drawers, wromen's I cheese factories have becomne quise the advertisemený is of lit tle value.iIrrea of RIrs. Lincoln ~The display in the fHall wasgood, Ancaster stockings, and a fear prints, Irgan renubr ay enpt en orgtten ahe m oentofltheropd sdcoeswt teadevrtin a islyd oteslightly damaged by fresh lwater, for in operation or commaenced durihg the li nd snecssary tat liftract uch a a wnt thnght whic we eA Gal Libary' benstadvantage. In Cheese, there were Bata at uto1yT C a-prestêatsean. 'The writr han cusstom-nesteatceb r ilhe bif hndr On a visil of inspection to the Coun- nome very fine specimens, in factory, For checap earpets, floor and table oil th oheemaebuhm.adhsn happens toTle ut fuancannohouiedlnt e no enty Boarding House, under the eficient M. e rneyof udsSre ok ohrageand dohmatsgo to T. C. hea tation in expre«sing hisn retel ur hre ntuch s bhis dvnter a rements of officemanagement of Governor Van Allen,! For lideesrand.childrenrapcheap and out. h qaIn ostcaesthe acheese n ee DUybYted itemuhstuk ihto wn o obedis adcmore' in dot nmotcae tecury iexel-heischm nssdonubsederie A.tnl yd e eemc tuk ihtewn ftakeon by Mr. Hiager of Palermo, J. fashionable bronzed, brown, and bllack ent better thanecould reaso)nably he ex-,repVreseno d. Odand pmoeciuir doer ho would now, in reading matter for the inmastes. Most Marshall, and W. C. Beaty, Esq. We hats and bonnets, flowers, wreaths, pe;ed considering the short experience themt, e0ierandmater or sae, MÛS, havebeen alive. drtn aeaobserved some beautifully colored Cas. feathers, and ribbons, go to T. C. Wat- which maney have lhad of hepre sae feently eryn suaessful ; but 'o k atofbsostrgas, we neatary atvKingtile soap, and some pecimens of Pearl king a the Rig t lifh be. orn- thacst fr sa dn tatf Terah d oftewnua i endard by which tosMon has a very excellent Library, of Ash from the establishment of Mr. ing goods go to T. C Watkins, at the bnnoe p-acresultôý ghi chtri tduce a nldhage the viae ta- k l-ln"eol tam , whiélh one of the conviats, al preseut Wilkinson, Palermo, which in apearance Right House ; he has imported tn im- seprt -of rvalyadcmiinwhich«mnouni(l ce a nd ability tosuply the m i n wuDo a- he iatu F" eabnace sand seent will vie with the best. The mense sçtock of them woud be apt to produce unprofilible r-d ris a te ord w.4 as-tl-athe FenaianFater Ml sea hatIbis display of roots was good, considering Fr h cbugslsrsadd t .Where thereare many flîtories a Vtever mode ofadvertiing may r émooimnt, gtLiraia. e oul sggsttht hi god gneallaonndseecefomect cowed nt asmllspceeteymut e aopedle te usnes enno to ie thei-.want should immediately be isupplied, the great drouth which bu pre aielarge stock of, beautiful designessuadneesarlybeoflmtespacty, adue look ipt. Inetth uies m+end age sss avr illi- end aitherby privat" donations of b Tem aeepriclry ead r n byoT.s.,W the smealthylr enthelesvhncpr ebl" en sa much compestionhe . r i - dofg goraneoipios n-moey ade b athey de not teste the butter as the latter8 For cheap and good flannels, blankets. This is an evil which, lno doubt, would busl,. If yenucain serve the publie budi4traMed small gettfrom the Countya àvery do, and beng early son are bette able b sh n ey co ncure itself;but a ittlebeo an no. ayyrehbrletitb *nWa koripiriotsbgod t tronr aatn ra o sadadysme.mlnry rhuefrsm odmiht prevel Ilnot a little losse The business by neglecting to advertime- ntais kiandred Isiriard tncs f hatpisone aait in oetrilor Of butter there was a gond ditplay, go to T. C. W iatkins, at the Right Iprice of factory cheese is not en highe lany thousands have achieved sucess - 9 I dW4M -prhaps thé Spec and even' those at hard i6bor should oeseiewhc i o a teet,Haitn gosthe r shirea t u a" dethe ýagnofpoi bnr"be amaend ilve yA r asDre p woud hae padpedhrsetem deesrmprise was beautifually flo*ered like a will sellto you as cheap as any man in Beit variation is a word which aop lies 1 e etain-it don up pr ry, aiser. Whae sld t apie atbroodngevil thoughts, when they mgig bouquet. Of flax there were ony three the Dominion.toheposofvryknofbmetingwlpandayadoey. a iaEo b rsknghi hod oners wthth miht dadspcien, bt hee wreofvey teHamloOcoeoth 87 i1 ntheeois-mavykin ofexceion, t iDn'tvr look . dDvbnsml. eA ENABupé TO 8ELL M HAN" ANY OT HER MAIV Kilbride, September 7th, 1867. a i rHE REASON. WHY$'*' Go HIGHWAY ROBBERY AIND MAM 98 2319 T E. w WTE I €f