~IiiÎ1 o!Canaa!"lrJlP Ek- BIECEIYRD AND> FOR SALE BT gIEI A TI lU TL.WI$ITE &ÇMAY 1dStyles 1'assing Awa Y' TBIE fiOcrjel itStit tieynDow liv'na g 9m&d p=roua kiegdem iu»toett.bave deterinied te sdopt the new style ofdoLng u5!D.B5 cd unl GOODS CIEAP FOR CASH. bvw pattj purhased tbe entire Stock in traite ef the ltee in ef >WieRANEY &THOMJ>SON,' fa ersle tre etee nnueet ,tpulitie h suen d Cocty of Hlte.. ir md e!hndfetProduce tek.. je exichutie for 0"d~ MM* 1B. c.OM'O, O W. wiltbe te rcSt »w tiugoda weakly duing the comig e= g~,AwlIt.1867. 4. OFNT SAG tedlma E[s evevy mertttcGeorge-.m. a. mnt i;oneb Emet 1dort. piai et us', anesarrve&s U î u rtt ie Cute. tee te o rnînE Tae, 1 %y.sd goo. îd rWe. C iecaet EýInaratdac Sfrein nc VIII iho an1aPltae. Leavnorge- tue osez l. = . tc riviat #inletere tan b e bugla a tt.. OfeWafface Ham. u itecu mhb nnmrrourtedcmad llmwreuacay, t"h hbu5.»M IUfO0 FIOM SCOIANO ,. onabe Goods! ' tY GOODS hi meiemd by an verappiy cf tS aeuntly aýçd te U ai WMItc ho dstemtced te do. vit! .e n foaetnsperttac -Ï:PEW DAY8I ftm*"estlreivalet gueda P«r Bteusah. TIR ANRCNWATCICOPN WALTHAM, MA$CS. T 18 COOMPANTbei trac. ta incittc itci eorte a odmie. toc if Cnada tIset tey lave mad creagemetet ta itrnducenit tIcetebt- piovW tt t eelroeiiihs. are sade upçni'a bette mqui etan lu Oatolu thc wold. TOry commened oper- allious te 1850, amd hir fatoryncn, envers.tere &ca r tgeacud. ,cd tam case mre thle a million dollars. acd emploa oavec 700 oaperîtîven. They pro- î dace tallaif il thcesciai... tine, tL ha.beu impamibto fr theni io do nie. hanspply tte Coamtatty trcrcaat.g hoe demand; but recrt addlinn ta their %paris have euabted theni ta tur thelrait- ttin tbotter umare-a Thedîffereuce beeen thelr menufacture aud tte Eurapea '.,in heilet ia, Europe. an Walchcs arc mcdo eaimant etrely ty tend. Là thiem, Il thon myerietts mcd ichaltemîmol orgael hlch ,bcn pul loget er rncse ttc waici. are thie ranit of nlow and titeame menual preceuace. mnd the r.. ot là oet acrmuty a lait ot anifeîmtly. ing. Bth te eye ad ttc badet îlhe mot eittu,! aperative mut Vyu,tnt tCte tat ihastececpt welches et theo tliher grade@,. Kerpeacatches ert h. htgher grades. European atches are thc praduci * fte cheapest Ibor of iltnad, sud the rocaitl.te twsrtIt.. Ancre, Lepin. anid sa callcd Paient Lver-whtch noon cati mre ta attempîrd repatri. hai third orignal prs. Ceniman vorbuien. baya -nd wame, boy ithe rugt epaate Partis tbou. atches frani varice. tsctariee, pelIst sud put thu tegetter. and taiehe hm te the neatrest match merchant. Re clamDpe anid engravestem st ana nm or braad &btat mai teea;. teed-.sethe- London, Parle. Geneva or statout ; and maya man sha thiats be tac a geoe*'M. . Tble. et Livepol,"(wsh.ea nly faultlal thatte can neerrelgulateitt ecp very tout tume), fte relly ciuryleg sa îhep and pour Site Imitaton. Tht Agneian Vîlibani Wtîb ta made 17 0aoe aeran proicc-and ty rce ubtampeltet vertuien. Ait tbclr op- ections, tram h eceptian oete.ras ma- trbtls-!%e tracn, ttc stee, ihe civethe goid-*ad tbe prectc.n. tone.. a lb. cou- pietion c the Vatet, are cetreioasunder sue roof. masader o tlittttsud eompt- Lent diretien. Bt tte gremt dlatlagui.b- ing ftu.tre et thete Wîtchcce, lth. tact hat ther ersi parte are &It mcde y t.e inaot th. e tit9 md delinate maiieuy crr breugtrtte caid etftemaniandntry. Evry aie oethemare tbau a htedred pares of every w hetla mad by a mchine- tht tstmltly reproduica ever sucacediug part st the mont urlng acurci. It van ont~ uceiy e a e perfect wqtch ofu paritiniar style sud hen te admest the tncdred melonnacoeomry te repre. de erery part eftht sîteh,aud it fOttowu tet vey mceeding satch mat t irellhft. Cl = =y'partStamy AmeniceaWaitham W thlad betattnt olurdl, thecswee hbu cuy tcddrea theCompany. Muittg te camber ofthlas aic md te cprt saut- soi, shether It te cpric#, intie, Jeel or tost uad by rotai mati haoveuir. selve the ddre j tce. shtet auîsacct. miltr ssuidad4mantcttle psitien. Tto Cmpany rpedbuliî uninit tit maacsO mmetuai. oaily. They have vatches, md selit a ttorongig eamt.attes and taie trio! tor tthe ma tat a1le shtre. Thcy e"iste a Ue r , » A BetteaAMeCl. ftrtbe IMimey by tistai mrved mochencllac.e tiue ce bmodoeuder tectid. htoed hmdtcretan ycte..Th.y etmufture satches of cvery gude, from-s geod, las- priced, and mubtatiaMetle4n sld it- ver hIntieges pecilty a<kptcd te té vente ae Uc eaer andi lcmtemm, te tbeâemt crouameteffethe eevlgaiee.nd aies taiat catches te pinle orttert cue enar.!ed amd jeweted ces«; but ttc iedielreq iste ofal tteir setehoïa let" . SW eGOOD TIMEKEEF- ERS. It atuld te rcnicmbapd tise, ce- ePt thi inla cowst gradeu niod «Mome WMcb Company, Hamea," AIL WAT- CHUS tmode hy ihoni AR ULLY WAERAETED hy a op"tmicertficat. gicu tate cpur. chasar c e=sry acey thticseller, ted tha =auanesagoci e &ti l!ee egtet tie Ccmpeoy ocette aict6. la .oBsucu& APPa.arro, 111,011111119, APPLMTOIgdbCoc., usW kst É e t- IOMTees 4 ut .aettae.el Agen for oeai& 0. H. LUSK, A.D MtYSItCIAN, SURGEONl, &C. #semuec-Ncsr Te.poraco H94 -À Oakville. Aug. Iti ICI. 12-f Eoney ]Foud,, flues nledeth tiaBcptctt- Sm laff £Mui, ee No1. C Pkgs. do do Choicest Moyune Young Hyson. Finest Souchîong and Coogou. Choice Twankày. The abeve Tu vers peruonealy elct.d by T. L. WHITE at tic recent TEA ÎSALE IN MONTREAL, cf D..Tormane & o'o. Cargo ex Avocteele, direct tee. Shanghai. T. L. W. &COPS. customersi May expet a treat in Cie cicpe ocfa Ricb, Fine-flavored and Strong Cup of rea AT À NEW TOBACOOS. ýThe laver. of the Weed wotld de veli te And wtîl not re gret their acqueoctanice vjlh thie New Domnin," wtiel is the nearest in Saviereand quality te tht Old , Oubre. brand ever preduccd. HARVEST TOOLS, O RO CK ERY, gagars, Coitres, Spitesi AND OTRER Soasonable Goods in store, And for ode c. tereote0 muet tic sItua of tic closancd mont ecomical bujer. BOOTS & SHOIS, b ; ; ; - .a% ; - L1:g:C Moi k~I .rà . .: . I:4 CC 0 CCC0CD cCD. C CD a. e g.~ Z ~tC~o CO O C~ . F "F .1 k~-ui<: .1 ~ i ~iI~ COURTI OP HALTON Hoaidý of Public Insiiion THE Beard ottnstruittUmfor tiséout et Hates, slll mccifote iamuuaitou CLOTHINO. COTTONS, LIN ENSa COMffMON SIJOOL TEIIBII Nails and Sheif-'Ware, Ol Hard to Beat." WEBNESBAYI TUURSUAY & FRDIDY OCTOEAI0,4e i t e$ A . i, lxTii TL. WRITE # CompanyJ. 6f WMiw.Jiw4e 2tb, 1867. ¶ ne Submeerhmseremevea te tic Store next door te W D».& R oc, wiere FPunture 00cd. ete crier on acmeraoitj. % id" "d COURT HOJISE, MILTON. Tbatc Inteudtng te apiy for FOtsi de cortifeatru iii reqotru e teprercent te Ccku of il ssesa5d dewdrptt.um&Mc three dayc. Thoe luecding hi mppty fer -UtY. PnccefrooniCet. St. s Second Ctame need onet attend ntilitch. "c- e r 0 E end day of tihensamtunandmtie 1ihWc Jl. Cicr. .11105 eueited tt0e thItol4y. , mua. Cet. Il. lu&ct s» No certfibsek stilt e grtel atitl the, ___________ dey mter Ouo examnattan. CefiMu aoi -odmr icca aecter froni N' ixdtet oftl 1hcc, r ' acC ým~pt. m V OR SILH 01 ?0 lENTe IecmaT b k te ticý h e..tc ,tIch eee IOHAT seis t» atYo.ri eel bel -q. Fail Assizes. COICC<TTor. HALTeS, JNJOTICE Te Wiu licre. ty ise the h.COURT f OTER, 2d lERMINER mcd GENERAL JÂIL DELIVEET, smd A88IZEO mud à1151 PRIUS, for the mid Cuety of Hates, Winl le holden et the COURT HOTJSE,ý LX TRI ON next, st ticet TWELVE OCLOCK cccu, dMviio au Jeatime.dcftht Pee Coroner,, Constaele, Jeree, md a Other sccud are nred te teko noot md=tmdte d. md pre.ail due*1 cIappwertu*"*Ie G. CEÂWFORD NeKNDIE.' Shaw000 TAi -11,184T.. 1081 >ONS, 4 .s 'q sol C.unty of Péeï Raving liecunsablua nn . oi'eeeea l.g Mth lect M Xt ouuty ftor the Hlom or ommet d Cie Domiiesm dt Canada, 1 have ucbpàue asure e. sentteg uPselan eaceudidstfor leu ten m purq; e tau e pooe uniicIan, ut peu. sent n mymôlmlpy ma Caiedas en factre. 1 hava es airy ts intei eountry, sud ny, uemd0" ll' eeteprsaet.the ignclou, am cose-. quotlydepeudent on ite peoeprlty. Tic es.ege of the Ast cf eptederi- tjoc, eactlng four cd eh. British Aueerj- uen Provinces, sella for the extrcise ot a Zpjclt d ceracet pstalottems, la order tateh.e ouatry May re&%tu ee saven- telle feou. thit iront nimere, uhlch hm ebea peemld by iii peoeotr,asurd ieIt theeura mïery reemis-te.beljeve .11 rasae mltfes t, ateioulm, in tic btande Mfgod nmd bossntet .temen. The Gn"éelGeveenseent of the New Do..sions hmncoe.mitted te itthte power of dem4ing lti il the leeger questIono M Teue d Ceemser,Cumeeey.Pie-. tal Blum, Dehco., Publie Worka M o Inter.Prnvicew lehroter, Immnigrstion mud cec other quetione an &test thc goserelijternea t i w e Deniuoi Shosld I be e1emean lm ue reemepe- tje 1 "hmd dvocte A revlasinoftic TantIS n mia *67 a tareljevetbn.ustaxatjosn àmuci u piolile tic necemeerieof ljfe, vbici enter loie ticecueuomptlon oete. hole popuatioc. O A uniorni Carsel for tic uic!. Dominion.. Tic redeiton of Postage ou Ltte.a tesa unetonirate of Tr. Cit,and tieabolton of Pose on Nevapapers. i e largemeut eniCe St. Levrece Cansoas,munes anastic finance. dftic Domnionituvl! permit, and tic oonotue-tn tien of the Inierooloniel R lteila by meaunof a subidy te an independent Compny etier tio eas ouveaentt The opeu u p cf thc North vest, sud tie ni iastmablishmient her. of a etrong yteni cf Goverument, esl- culated te proet* tichetlemient cf Iat mmgnifieent eoueétry, sud te enore te satety amd, ootentmont cf theS-etCI- Tic aditieof csnob seerea e. mîy h. nemaey ta bing jacteConfed- eration ticeite Portjonm otie Brjtiash Aseorjean Pae.cseiaocnoun tt tic viols eft e. Clnes mal h. uejted undr eue Gnvrnroece, sud s great and perful BetUs Ameros. Confedermoy h7. u hlluop. Tic promettes of Immigration te tic ooucetrjhy the adoption at muesuce- calt: t atrat heEmigrant smd Capitaltat frem te Old Woeld te eCde. aniengat us. Tic organisationaof the Dopetinentel Systeni cf tic Goyleruet an au cS...- ical and lcient bmis, ând tic passage of oi meamura es v ilI preet sny Adlminiatration froni c«pouding moue ujeheni tic peevidouboumt of Pulls Roognliug tic grant eevoneofMoue Velunteea md thce &Writy with, vilei they roeponded te theicalI dcuty ie tic houe af publie danger, je vilI h.e my pleameut cemutaene that enl reformia de- sircd by tic. are arejed out, aud tuat aul Dumcmsry aeb.takeb -te give pet- maneney md ezfojet th. petriotis volucteeet movemest, ia vilci I bave alucys feletiché memest interet.t Sinuld-leu have amsii ceefidnenl memute plaoemeet thiebond of tic Poil§. etthe ocSlcg esst.t loen May alusyse ely upc. my bu ee nrgy bel*g devoeed t. promt. ti inter"ft et DomnionesofCanada. I have thierit. ha, Tout obédent omisant0 ROBEUT BARBE&. Streetvllle29ti Jsly, 1867. "nmnLieur immrý Thc public vou" Mmv. ml W b Iuyu GROCERIES$' Pa Me. 'A' Cheap Cash Store. AUl tiey vent eau le foud thone an ciep, if nt cipeethen yen reac Raim, ci Ostmeal Bu*arle, nes, Viueger SylmeTobacetteand Oeuf, Tube Pajia, _ rne, Butter Tube, "MJW As Yul wu WEI E Tu NX