Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1867, p. 2

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"bdOMhc Â9ppl i fl theàmn?"t. ta an~,4 i ampon MILTON. BEPiÉMBER 19. 1867. M r Ip"x3AttentiOn!1 Ne. 6 Co. e te parade 1hdiii oe Wedoaa thé" IwL i.at 7 P. M. or W. bave receved an excellent pemfhm theopeuof the lady' vho e-I joics in. e amdeiAm ofFPloraïay- 14 vIi resde,.aftentiena in our next. ~SA. Campbell Eeq., Wacden, &et cd.M Chasc.aio eQartan Sesions, la.teIot Roeirt Miller Esq., Ms repet- md pIM4lait 'Anyieeà omS The Board o Pulelstrnsie- te wvii mit rth ie examination of ~bocson Wosneday, tihe 1StM Oct,, fislleving dan~ rTihe Dirctethioe ehanic's Mhs1to purpoe ahlding a Grand Re- UMM sste the 1 51h pror., thse evenung et i 00 On a Soi, isn the onnanoien s Tevu 118L Mr We etated laut veek tist "Tise Cquaty Show vousisi ho held on Mocday mo u4 udy, oh. l3th ad l4th 0Oct- hIt$W Altlsoqh nomitki c"d ponly aie, aithe dayseof tise voek wu n mtmdod, 706 for te .sakae o *9su sR seul%, vie aregratefor hta laueIoo" rpatvseg testate that tise don sahoud ho 146h and iStit, »- TieA aida.viii conmmence on We4nMdY next, Justice John Wilaen pcesdln. -levers) crisinal cases ef lesterat are eesing up, ameng othera that e Robert King of Trafalgr, foc amümlt5 MeCusky, sentende potpeed frem the Quartesr Semions, eases of Homi te,assd Watc eis oing fhem -sr W. eet te ieacn tintth1)e lace dfM. Armstrong f tise ti Co. Esqaid.was totafIly censumed early osatis. mring ef Tueiday..tie lth lait. The baves vu teced ith a c. hkoW rop ed vbeat, &c., on vhicb a vaiisai the baies her vais ino uance. Theo oigisud e is ire ila ukowen, bu t le mspped te bave beew icendi- « aite hornes vote lot out mb 6the fiUd dthir baltera voie tled up. Mr W. direct tise attention te the .Ibetiaimmet o W. H. Yeung. eof or. YouJ~ng àa gond huai- "*Wm%,.mwugh amengtmany bSn i iledl ina 1857, yet h.stood 8euamd. autpoid is-former indebt- ia',oi."Suneh euesare e, md .*quiseo mmot, ho hm eOUT -Mm W dret tbe speial attention of 1>lseplsgf Trafalgar and of Hilton gue* vela itise habit of ex oàaigngý prodece ln Torontoe te the ânamnli ertieent of the irm of leilwo W*er,*,$on, ofthtie Golden l .Taet.For oh.ap lothicg b e' as e onaaied. eau sêtheusain thmirsplendid cav '0i$ru Of T.L. White and Co> f swa0 amlou tt.0hlm oai rdfrh ,e "etesavimprtatlsn < ~ stly selictMdby thoir Mm t ~or hesehut boume fr~~ta Se.te commence eI~I~s UDI Set.and continuo e iP - 16M orau aNelson. HOelahopo- Màmuiw adwi of us eot Wiii ga. àËbtèiit&eaèc*ma4 tth1)e huylng qo#ole la whuiden 8sud if thor' bommsqmy nd7amc.bon"j ht Bt.~e~ hiehad aemmi "te- Wo blagteumus&owIel b. te. jeipt of Ne. 4 of an exoellont , nov weoly Jouxrnal, devoted te Fisnance, Commerce, Insucance, Banking, Rai- vaya, Mines, BuildingWjoint stock and Public Companiet-. It is tyled "Tht uo Chroniler' It ville ns doubt, provesa great acquisition te thoosen- gaged ini Cemmerce, Assurance &y and shold ho lucgely patrenized by &,ry business man, n the pecusal o' a chance t)e tvo dollars' re.1ired focr6)e annual nuisciption. Addrees J. Maugisan, Box 490 Toronto. »-Weisaverccived a copy of a1 nov veekly paper clled "Theo Canadan1 Journal of Commerce, and Truele Ad- vertiser foc the Province of Ontario," the objet et' vbich is te promete tht steceste of Upper Canadian trade in al ine branches-to ho a means of com- munication ieveen Wholessle and Re- taul Reunes, te express the opinions e0 buiness mon, sud to snpply statietical information. kt&, the reeognized organ ef the Bankinu and Commercial inter- mss f, ie A àunid h a nu ths e 0 In ansmer to theo question of '<Wus Nelson hosagit I our ansver lest veek vai, No, long Kerr eas og aid-me re!ered M. Chisholu o teh Hon. J. . Ïfasloaaald foc tacoher informatin.- Tisa ham boee esiderable inquicy as te th. meaniug et thio inusudo, sud te satidy M. Krrand is frinsov pcoed te oite broaily uni vithout fear et succeasful contradiction, tise rasi faste lu regard te ibis matter. The Hon. J. S. MacDonald, te viseoM. Ciinioisu t tise opening etf the contet. appeali s caufidentiy uauanhonorable sud trutistul opponent, teteu tisa im- mediately ater tise letions Mr. Ciis- isolco came te hisim and clalmei ocredit, for getting M. Barber, a Refocmoc, eeted, tbiakiesg for sons eson-pro- bnbiy ou tise question of the jud.-eslip -te plom ase SeSoi, vis le abasRe- former. Teskng tis inu ouneetion vits tics vote of preuineut friende la Oskville, visat do tise frieuds of Mc. Ker ttiuk rof "tho e e in the rsr?" Wo proest eue ceadore vith es abe iss o ndetariorad butitccalu the reviev efth6e reat of tise Ite electiosa contenteales Ontario, taken finsl the West. Terrmi, Si per anuum, aid 2§ HacoliteerTussue. It givos a tteth!al cents for postege. Aidrees, G. T. sketch of tisecossus employai te curry Broviafeli & C., Hailton and Tor- tise eletilon, but lasMell confident that ote. thse Local Goveraieont viii oone fal jutote )eontrai ofth)e Reftram Pary, Complmmntarimer.108 and eveu hopoful tisaitishe Central Gov- ornasent vili ceci long survive, fcom tise On Frday evnig lait, altrge nuira- amy discordait elemiats embrwes berotb f riondaetdMeure. N. B. thanein. It sy - Brtton md . W. Wright, -mebid "1Whoeu va oboki over tise ressiWt f the6elocotioni vhiois bave slceady talion -ot Wallmao' Hotel te show tisenattiosm 1 laad consider visat memns bave la vhieh those gentemen aan hld by een ureic te by tise tva Govern- tisoir tcesefolk, pseions- te tieir de. mete le use Provvnceotf Ontaris, vo acts fecoeuetov-th femerforare urprisi tisat tise Govoremotcue- parurefrot uir ow---theforer ordidates ihsve sas besesacoeal. Tisey Georgetovnanad tise latter fo Beadterd. bai t tieir comnani tise wvle paver Ties prmai vasgt up les s style tiat aid patronge othtie tvo Goveru mnte- mflcetedl cradit on tise "Wallace"; and mouey vun poured out like vator te tise «meby" there veu have mais bribe vrltioua eiectoce--fasele se vers rainei, sud everytiig wvudoae DikSvivelleraeyez glisenn vhs isilgis. tisat ingeunity couli devis te m.ure The ciair vansly fillei isy W. H-.6the cotesa et Mineioista. But net- Street, M. D., aid tise vice char iy vitbtenditg al ibis, sîtisougi boit tise Abex Campbel, Feq., Ies reply te tise membec et oash is ltise tvo Gouen- meet& le maie np of Reformera. sMill ap toaut «Tise Gueset,' very excellent te tise preest moment tisero are ne mauy ipoechas vers maie by Meurs. Britten Retorco Uniotniste eected te tise Logis- ad Wrgh,nnd smnn very gasi emarka lative Aoembiy as tisece are Combination weemaise ppropos te tise occonil 7oaliioniâts; androf tise fourteen cote vey st 0160 isyt o ear from, ton cf theo, Meure. MoGaafftn. Watsn, Lailam t leat, viii seturuî Reforco Candidates and Catsser. Tise onmpany van vel It ltis ectfore aseolutehy certain thiot entertelnod vith siogiog, u 16 poecued tisa Beformera viii bave a iccided ns- the vehi knovu muical talent et Meurs. joriiy lu tise Legilativo Auombly, andt tise7 viii tieretore bc abie te cotrol Steim, Morse, Cthbhrt ad Scott. M. Sndieti MoDoali sud i cabi- Mr. Wuight fesnesthis piace vus tho net, te direct use lcgioiaiion efthtie etem if mii vise knaev hlm-for dur. Province ;man if Ms. finesfieli andibisî ing bis cMay hre, he hu von nDamerons cabinsiai ould proveoutrcueuabie sud frissis obotrepenoue, to vole tisesuofettise finsby bis eprigisi onunt. We Goveramont. We thiiaitise Reforna aisahiisu very macoeosins hie nev home, party, lasteai of feelinegcbnrgiucd 56tisoe and teels) aered tiat be vii prosper, if renaît et tisermout et thiserent con- inlegrity, indnsty ada odkes- tet les Ontario, have roasu te feel iagod prted cf viat tisey bave aceomplisisci leige et bninssp gime ay gparantesetf nder ýp many adverse circumtne.- auous. M. hlritton do n et go co Tisey hasve unt o,îiy bai te tigbt tise tar svay. oc tisat is riniaseo viii, Gqvornmeut vit i l biunireis of thsou- denistîmeoiniïot dollars et secret service moaey, dobl'o fefne . im on future festive aid - ite lsvish promises et patronage, oo2oincbut On&mceut et is long buttise7 havoeisni te coutnoîi gaiueî reiiesce in the tovs, and bis msuy 1tise veaitis andinflîuence etfttho Bauk of gond qalities, hie ylhbconach is oec. Sientreal. tise giganile paver ofthtic Grand Trunis, and vo beliove tieseecet assistances ettise finaucial sgeats rof Ca- TT ITLII ACT. nda. Tise Reformera have nt otly -ail tisses povece and influences 60 con- We are afraid that eving te the ex- tend agast, but tise7 bave laboceti, tee, unies tisedilsaivantages cf fraude-1 itementoeth eletios, a guet many lent votera liste in numecaus instances1 Pathssesters have lept moi alloved tise and agiat piaoemen uni tiese uhordi- note officiaein tahie empioy tf tiso Gov- enemy te cov nt exactly tares but crament. We, i,îtad of lameutiîgI tld&lw roadnan. W@fea flit tàoer sesevdefstetise Reforsucandil-1 tisatis boadant W.fea tit tiadates have eaet vitis bersand tisera,' usefel Act s mors benored la theisceacis tesi quite jubilant over tise tesuit tisasi fat, holiovitig tist it viii nt be msuy thn in tise obseoeanoe, and it is anther ntbs betors tise Gîvoemeat of tise illustration that goci goerusuent ai- 1Province of Ontario viilhocianici .~ -- -oves te tise Retoru lnodoe. Tise Fede- thonghi- ratlysaidod bY gond lav, ma tl Minletry, tee, aibeit it nov mimas las th are enferac, they are but stcong, viii, vs are satinti, beface long deai letters. We hope tint uext season bece oeni iisuuofei janordes- atmaaste wllbcn poite, caooriant siossentasiluthe sanks et ite vilh otter attedite theiriuties.. Som presint sspportecn. Tise prospect, lu- few have beau thuni faithfcl, let thoo ded s mahe ru vsSigiter nov tiss it vus ho tememnbrci sud kept interrigt six wves ego. Ws a.enseatoua for piaeu bt being re-appoisted. la te g tdenay, butesntise coe<iary, mcui is run o ope AU illiiyet ho rigit, !erclng te "isa ubjet tis e leleville adif"aU il outiat suds vll.ee Duiy Iateiigsur temarko:-'-Tis nixioswvend leeueetftthe wvet ntee. IHADD miss ef!the fermer. ocpylgith it croel srpines aid ite dedlch iv.the The Hami1ton Times of Mondsy mnaa; grouedvhiobocug)t te ho producive 'lWcara informai by a gentleman efth. succulen ca rtolan5nt lapon vhoèe vernity vir place tise et- grain, tise fisc etmiem làhildoes mot reliasoes.tisat tise Brascis Bank et tie animl; at the male ime tiaat ite Mottoain this iiy refusestetallethe vide-.p dauep -cacinrcote Govasesment legai tendon notes, if tisey J 0ovris elntes hiW td cae 16tise eigistot4egres tes.. Tisa arsedt-Idiex tevmeroliflcaeToffileraofthtie Bank state ht tisey espe&iell whon n evil n îtvt havW beraocapelled te taire tissoep Pelaulde t prodiu loumDu sngste &v)w aoau th. Govrament officals refuse thi viseisurface ot tise coln s te asept tolu notes freotishe Bak- fust as t caahbcislare viw<aid Tise effoot ef this viii ho that tise isehera th. opecis) Provision fer the diflec-ofe a toeo note yl hbc ocpelisi te losoc ilaatouofetmîo ed enablen it te meize tise&molet csproecnted hy it os sue for lapon te"ynegletei pot, and thrut ibs redeseptice. W. tiinis the 6ouut its stong pèenumai cote throng' btheeofto, BanS mnd Govmenot tffiai mii in evecy direction. Nt ony tiis, exooigiy absary aid unjeni.51 but as the maininlisdormant, vison coverai ep fhem the air,fer yeur, tisera DIXReoa'ILLUSTLaTED MONTELt- le aIvaye aàpOtiful sp 1y esdy te L.-Tise Outober number of ibis favo.- thia u b e a sctiostqtthe plougis ite parles peiqàim oe eu ii orf t vtl$ the VIvliseg rnues ua eer, iu tint pecuinr amry of ttrau- et n1 aundiithea akl l tiensa viseSrenierc 16se veleeme ilestc thne tiings inte oenidrition, 16 le net family irsis ;and itusadditions) te- potapi tueebiglsa mteetW.te te my onssssndatlea, te tise toyer of ladies, lu that t ofsxssecc, on 6h Je. ~,lastise siapaet extra tuisiona plate of large ont tenth efte prodne of t"ru lan ate., vhiah gives tise fubiionablo proesa thmnalalie gency e hsdsieinais dreasesfr 611e sensou. Tis oa- and neglected veed. Iu tis iieofturce la t0ho 0cotinuai, vitisont unyb the suisjctii leaaateofseriens dis- abttemept.< .61er distinctive sud pop app ovat eetrue lever.et bleonua- ulnr 4asà--an viioeo et enterprisoa tn ,~ee"issoxieus plant tlotrising on t ï th ie poisibr wvii n l mn unad*tnr lu hxrianceoneveq plot osisertctis, and tellaeth e oeet of 'o vaste groani, in wery fonce corusa, nances. Subsosiptiona pries, $3, vitis and b y eveq veead m&d; aid net euly alnbli prammues . Airau W. Jeu- thi, bui a t isa0 reets et tbiogooi tovu ninge Dumoct. 4«S Bs'advay, J4cv o! DledilJe . 16 OFa7bo"- eceting Yerk. lu crul eene, a he4slig ite doy m 0d on tse imes, yl he h. Tise viiietfte late Bisisop Timon t- hon oavladyday.lkeasohoveseotflnBffao, wu aisittei te pnbatc by e un*. Télau aaut dt4M viii tlaeBrioCounisy Surregate on M~oaday. WNlu e.êpp th? lav-. tl tdispme &o bout $10,000 in par- fia5i 0Mm id 0,000 inOolatsi property, E , imii..a lis. «waad oa.', t iL5< te5the 0<. o h, 1 . i n Tu LEOIInU. Tu ufOIT Om UFWAL. ~ stn Befoce then reaches many ofeour rea Weiive, belov èlo firet report. et ecs the Eletiena viii ho aded. Thse th C11111100 on mR faiam, the cesuit Juat conteej le 6)6*1 for Pi vhleh of! lv oi ttlaga 16 hu agreeahly ma w * ' ïuoesb-mrrev. Th veoka ce- dsappcilnted thse femo! orne vhs cx- GtaA fl OIR so oseglorious Roferco vie- pected from tho strceagIaistic ten. - ~ torIes, von in 9site et the.sit deter. daoisle! the majorlty ofthtie Commis. Tise subslber vould Invite the attention ( mlntsd efforts efth6)e tve Governenta, moen, that the subjent vosula ngt ho pro. and ail tisecocons they lieadt their cour- perly dealt -mth. A mild censure le LARG IAND VIIIEO STOCK mand. given te l'ail variations in veturo oas be- LAitoTOli ing onnt<cesary ond liable te give offetsce. o ITise grenteust latercot contercd on tise Tise Commisson upon tise Ritual of a ~ e i m rlcinOM.A efui o ab tins Churcis et England have ngrecd Etion cf M. A . MseoKe nouineL o pembe. ow-reotProvioioos, rocker2t, lose & Earth- tonvisotans neond o 00e bthe ipo bbc - - enare, Books and Statioucryit Iteforco party, aou i viiirobabiy be tis e lbtloeQUece 'SMeut EXceet fjety :. WolIPeipee-s, Iilowte ydes, Leader in the Commune- Theiet'liov. !toerMajstybavicg isecu grueo uoîy Berlio Wool, 'lotogralu ing telegrarn te tiso Globe shows that hoe pleaued te isue a Commission reitiag I lb-ms, Jcsrdlery, Toyo, mascutof lonerou isefirt dy; fromovunying interprotatiotss pt tupon A Il Descriptions. "Tise trot days polling pute Mc. Mo- tise Rubrios, Orders, and Directions for Aisootfbisstok sf Kouzie 672 leod of Mr. Vidai; and regulatiog tho course and conduet for M. Fardes 848 ahead of Mr. Boc. public worohip, the administration cf MOM i Thise oof Coalition orrune Coalition the Sacements,sud éthererviccescon- Çeoîn g lu inpart of SidebourdAi Set'.4se habeupreseted te tise EeBrdef aiedi te ok fdom lrae r cbteu, ud iss l tie vrdit. according' te jtho use cf theo United Luosges , Slatid8 and Tables, WItot Nette, Wco. MoDougul hcld four meetings; Cisurcis of Elugiand and IrCiLfd, and Mattceciii, Looklag-htlaise, &o., &o. John Sandfield MeDonaid, tvo; and E. more eepccially vitis rcfoencc te tise B Wood, eue; on Satstrday lut, ut, orsamentos natal ilitise churcilso and First-Class Hfearse 1 Wyoming. la spite cf thse wvie influ- chapela of the said Ueited Cisurcis, and once of tise Goyeresmot and thse Grand tiseaeotmeuta vorntiy tho mioiotecs laoiept for bise, and Ftnerals tural<besi on Trunk togetiser, vitis numeroue emiss- tiseree'nt tisefitimocf tiseir odminitra- short notice, asnd at ower etese& obarge froco a ditonce on tiseir boisait, wiso tp- tion,'-and tisais1 it ie expedient tstha na t.Haer 0 te hei t peared in every township lu ordor te a full sud impartial ioquiry tsoid bc (out. aegdscdie corrupt thseélections,,iMr. MeKenzie made ino the matters forcsaid, witis bas been uobly cutained by tise peopie tise view of cxpiainîng or amoodiugtise cf Lnmbone, vise isve given hlm a ma- sid rsibrics, ordero, and dircctions, se Our motte, la QUICK SAM a nd SMALL joity in overy townsip. Tise victery a. btecursgénéral unitbrmity rf prac- PROFITSe. lu the more erikiog and sigcificant bc- tire in suehi atteco ae.may hoe deccord cans Vidalvas thse stroneset man vio sosentiel "-and enjoiuing your con- W. R. YOUNG, eonid bave bean brougbt out ngaiut Mr miasionece "te mare diligent onquiry - Cobioroe Street. MleKeazie. Tise Governmcat omisoar- lato ail and every the matters afocesaid, OskillIs, Sept.,t 186. 1-m asies have béat a retceat te-nigist eut ot' and te report thercupoît front tisas to tise ceunty ln dfspair. Tise giorioua ime as te" thum, "cor nesy ten Or more I-' victery lu Lnabten enables Mr. Me- of" tiseco, 'mny appear to h ostencx- [eoi betSle Kenzie te give crne attention te Botis- uediemt. isnviag regard ntoly te tise vell ceuuty. He wiii cpeak te-morrov Said rubrics, ondere, and directions con- The c cowioslg proporty iii ho old by- eveuing lu Sombra, ia support ot' Mc- taiood luntiese ald Book of Cosumon PUBLIC AUCTION Ithtssvillage or Loss- Kellar and Mille. Proyer, but aise te auy etiser lame or ville, on Weîtaeeday, Znd et Otoberl 1807. ~ uirz. castoa elatiag te tise mattece aforo- 1 Horoe, t Celt 4 yeu05 old, 1 Colt 2 yersu SOUTHgootaRyUCtE.a'niod, 85shep, 3iLeiceter Items, 4 Cosse, oaid, wits powe esggeayvte r - 1yearling Durham e Hifer, i tmo eare otld ti e isg rette rst es usfnaltisu ison, improvemente, or ameadaîcute Dorha tioc ll, 2 Spriag Cases. 2 ises thi Riingwee eronous a alhou vitis respect te surb issattoro, or t"y et' Becs, 2 Lamober 1t aegone, tf Lisht Wagon, Blake and Raoeall vers far aisead on thsoroasîis ey "or any ton or more of I nom Bacgy. 1 aom Sulky, Set Double tise firt day, tber opporionte pulledi up tiioc,' may see fit te reootsmcnd."wc, i{urtse8s, St Single Humees., i wood -05v- s as 60 rua vitii sevea of Blake focyor î .ty Commimsionors have, * ng machine, ness Ploss,nee-s Cooking tise Local,ad Hurdots, (Coalitioa) arortiacestistiea ere t' not-Stoyre ~t Double sud Sintcres, Nrck- béat Rasinl y153. acrac ihth ersO oryoke - 'Grain Cradle, tGrasScythe. Bus- h7MoJcolytrcommission, direccîrd ooc firot bofo, ad a variety ot othur articlea to WEST DURHtAM. attention toetise question of' tise irot- ameeous te mention, Meeou. Blake and McLeod, Union monte moro by tise minijecre of thisoîd r bru;:sr, anod «odes Cash, oser thit Refo rmors, hîave won a pleodid vittory Uiiited Chorola ttise ime of' thir adl aoto,<t 1 ycarss edit un t-asnishiog au- pod jointanotes..A liteal disoun oro e la M'ct Drarian ovor jibsore. Mil ne oinioîctiou, and esperîally te tleoe CaAl and Mactio, Coalitioa coosolidtioniste. flie use oh whiehs bas bects latoly oint-o AiseO: the Loesille lrou Fo-sodry, ,itl.s At tlicecloseof t'the peuoilonthe second dot-rd. ito certain chchreso.olatcton.a, i potnnr day tise veo teo<,d: tlako, for Couinions, e udIlatob s hcevotnt,ooot 1.(o-i-tt lu)tctle s 1,32; iln, 91; ajoityfor Blako, are regarded by moiîne hnes.roasyao ,Iveilhings, oitt a lot of luacre. Aime, 1,24; Miute,931;mojoity luge lot ofI1ut-se, ,itb a <jings ping 411. Mecod, foc Leisiative Aseeuly bôlied1ohdochrileicooIly otllue i a <e d eto- t r1lruotle 1,473; Martin, 668; majority for .Mt- ititi«eti< O t-s1trc <iit- lus t l -i1 ,, q,tuuothur villagu, lot of i ceeu-, ,sh Leod, t805~. t0 do honor 10to hoel, y tuo,, <rulleIiu l,-,o,.ui <o thseiighes ct otof chebta o w-ut--lt-up, 6 « Us' l<u,u<5, oeuw«<u , a <livin<g spt-Og "Pofwtr tiuueon. Terotf vill.co îpro- SOUTH tiGRY tlt-y at-c iy nooercegorded as er<et--î<t<ol e, i(t u;oeît,l ow,,tl abo. e ,jiiitleec Tise conteot lu South Grcy vas a very and tlsey gis-c grave offeocee m10 u <os I «6ins<linerooîo m, ii.. joeât, 01<00 close oae, Jackssot,, Coalition c-nsolida. Wce arc ot' <pioho n t iat t <oexpédient gcolo-eoi t-. tiofliOte iîving ieen retucued for tise te restt-io, in tise publieosetrticrs-o oheueale to coammeceetl12 oclct yoerisety. lIluseot'Cosmuons by a nijority ot'rtsy Uitoi ('l<urtb of Etsglaad and Ireiand, J. . W. 1 .lt . .l r tIGEtR, 9,over Mlr. Dalglcîob, Iheforin UtienistIlol variations io respect u' veturefotcPeopriutor. Au<tiu«Ltcr. viie Mr. Lauder, Ret'orm Uaiooisc, is - liat whiciî bas long isee,< tlîo ret.obli.-l-; Lomille, Sept. 13, 18G7. lC-2<n rctureod for tise Legisintiso Aodembly cd usage of tiese aid Uniteed CIurcb, by a mjoriiy cf 19h6 over Flesber, Co. aod me thiuh that thlis moay hoiscet se- Dissolution. aition consoidatiociut. curcd hy pcovidiog aggrioved pariohion - ___ ADIiNGTON. ct-e witis au easy oa<d effectuai pt-ot-OO OTICE ishbrrby ghven thot the past- for rosnploiot oad redreso.s . I oeei-s 1,,seetofore eislio, ebt-torn In Addiicton theo eontest vus bo- W<e are net yet prepari ho recomn- 5erscuei<rdetsghtsat lto twen te oris hemcles. Laum en teyor .nt-u h townoa f Milton. mas tho day tves tie Tors isemsîvs. Lpum mmd e yur ajety tise brt mode ot' diaelved h-y mutoush consent., The bssh- vas retuceed for theo Hous of Commnorus siviogu-efýt totheet rinuîrloo, witl s ns, ho tiltun !IlI be ronthnosd by J. B. by a mjrity of 32; and Ilooper for tht aàivie; af once te ecuce tise objects pro %W,îttoottmto vil smeule alol aimo oah,,st Legislative Amembly by a mojuOritY ui posed and te promiote tise peof, let'te < i-,m, aod lu obeas ail aseounis duac the SOTHWAEROO Carris ; but vo bave tlîooght il oar ilt-'l'liet t- in rmto l.ecu OOCB WTEti.5. doty inoauattter te visich great su- tinuet l'ythe oadersieod t«<duethe Dume Tise Noble couty despite il Gcvecu- teret io attaclied not te deloy lise coin- undsyle et Itacuin and il iihate. meut influseace isaoscet Mc. James Cov- municatio te your Mujesty et' tl<e t-- J. B. WILLI<!sTT, an te obourity fur his t reaeoy, and ce. os ut s icis me have alrcady rrivrd i. t 1 2 J. B. MAU tIŽ. tucned tise talented ex-odior of Theo WVo have plaeed in tise Appendis' the aijhon,,/ong. fet-, 18G7. 15-2t Gali Rformner, James Yoaeg, wmoiîe évideoce ofthie vitneoees lexamloed hoe- Go then Itîl, hot., Mr. Thcomas Stoabuc dctilued te takoe n lcadiog part in tise fore us. the docuento tet'etrd to in cf t-acoasn6ijte. foinuioa of tise NomwDuamiion.Asu n the evideace. or pr.duccd ieoce tise coin-- plntfocm cspeakeor. boisas t'ovequl,nand mssionere, tho cae laid bet'oce us' PROTESTS ENTEIIED hoe bas by adding ladutriousoabts evihis. veto ouiuttted te émnent cou- natural ability ocquirrd, a tlîorouu-'s e- sel ona cuber side cf tiéusetiuon, to- Agaoat Chsbolm, Wbite, Basber, Kerr, ad trunnance vitis publie affaire. He getiser vutiste opilions thereupon ; aise1 ail otheso ttît odfes for unle *sd io bour of' earryiog off thiisetothes report ou tlhe oubjocusmado by tis prize for an esay oun te Reiprocity Committee of tise Lover Flouse eft'hie Uocleou or 1o-rr(ylse,î table Wheat, Treaty. Tise poling endeel ou Satur- Convocation ofth ie Provinuet'f Caoter- day nigist vben great re - - gteck bery sud tise résolutiono paooid by theo BABLEY, PR/oS, Oit GATS. place t Gait. ~ Upper -asveil au tise Lever Hous f ut'Bthe Bigbeet 'Mrbet Price bore wilI bie NORTH ONTAunt0. tist Convocationa, sud tise résolutiona pad in CAO.ýH tes Gooti Clcuu Merbatebie passedl by tise Convocation, ofth ie Pro- Grain ci ail iado daliseeod ai Hors tise Reformero bave anotisrr vince of York. Alvisicis m svbly great victery, det'ating M. C- Cameroa beg baive te eabmait te your Majenoy. H. CoTTERnoOhd Stand, ai Port Nelsoa. by 266 mjrity foc ThompsonanaidBCOT eetisg Paxton by 526 mjority. Po rln 5 h OepT. 00 .l-t PRINE EDWARD. Sale Regiaher. Romand Gec:y are eleeteel by im.- o D a 0. mens majoities osver their CoalitionOa Tuooday, lot October, on Lot 17, oppononte McCaaig and Hoimes. 3rd Cou., S. D. S., Trafalgar, tise pro-.- New Fali Goods Arriving, perty of Wm. MecCraney, Eoq, conolot- SOUTH PERTH. ing et Steck Impiemoate, Fucaituce, Foriber notices vhllibe gisen. MoeForiaoe oud Tcov (Refocu) Luehr, &o. Terras, $10 cashs, over leeted by lacge majcrties over Gucot fthnt one yoar'ts credit on npproved notes. DressxlEkiflg and Doaovaa. Sae e 10 A. m. W. Waso Auctioneer. NcORH WATERLOO.. On Sturday, 2861 mest., on Lot 35, MILLINERY & MANTLES. Moses Springer, Esq., et Waterloo Int Cee., N. D. S., Trafalar Stock pcaateio wl iegvntlts vilsge, a staunci Reformer eiected b y beiongiag te nf. Bock. Trras, 86 Sp iteartmiite ie. e6C 24 majority oer Joha Zooger.et' Wel- Cash, oser tisat a year'a crédit. Sale diaiot lly' ýati1P. ai. W. Wasse, Auctioneer. RIEADY-MADE CLOTING, NORTH YORKe. J. P. Wells (Reformer) eiected by Wrrauted good. acclamation fer the Commone. EllV5 -w m e'w , NORtTH VICTORIA. At Ejibride, ou the 218t Augsat, tise Merricon and Cocicisoco(Reformers) vite ef Francis aer, Esq., eofacon. - OsrCUTTER, baschsarge tf. eleeted by large majocitico. On Frdai the lStic!nat.. the ite ot Mr Ferries eloted for tise Local isy 58 Jotan Miler, of Esqueing, et a son. . The Order i>epartm.ent. mjority oves, Armetrong use Iloorm 'At Forgea, on tise th inst., tise vifs of i& large business expeoteti, au our candidate for ContresWellingtoun. Jamso rgo, Betqo a daagbter. e lotdey Thmpsn, he aiemmote<W. H. Youag, vico milco.te ail obusca- G<s,î<ard Rey W B Kyffinu miss sOien latda. isoapon tb lte tions aginstnd Firss taailby Mea Kennedy MiseuMasy ber, a therugis Reformner, 239 sieai W. H. YOUNG Ct-il Jauco8 lot 5, 3sd cf Ruseald MeKincon, for use Commous, C. W.VuGIOfE,' Coau, Trafalgar 011<er Charles E and Dr. Bsxter, (Refermer) 218 aisai d ailSp.Sale. ProsWismanu Oameei ut Hurseil for Loîsi. kilSp.2d 87 54 emii on al inclot auy of thse ubose lot- _______________________ '___ Ire wlplue Bayl tiey arObdse.tLied. &1. £1IL.BALMER" %ho Next oerncr GeneraL >ciray Clow. Psssir Tise Manchsester Guarliona states that strayet item Loto9 n nd Cea. N. S Dr. George Dice, Lord Monck bu ieen granted an exten- Tratalote tis 0h Aug<sot lust, a liobth roti Cos, 3 yeass otd, stb Oasne onsouci. h- U Sien ef off«cefer another year ai Gev- eued by the losc et lb isli, sud imul i n nYSICI&N SURGEON, ruecr Geaerul of Canada. Lord Mayothe tit. AurVIersu givlug mueis lefor- ma svil atei t e cosery, vilii HiE ItHETWLrOI. ste Lord Nam, le te ho appolateel bisha mcii Sevardsd- iucecuor, shouli tise Tory Mlaietny ABSÂLOX DXON. f- e OFFICE-Thce biing orcuàple4 by tics laie Dr. Huma. 'Csor.areen rON eT- retinue in povt-a'tuothr Yeu. Milles, Sept. iStis 1861 15-lt WeIansysc aid Osiedmys. /1d NEW FVAL il; TRI eENTREINO BYTER or' TRE felebirated Golden Liojm~ R.W. 8 . wlfl how thia day a General Asuortnset or NEW STAIPLE AND FANCY. DRY-GUuD% CONSISTIiO IN PART Or' Nw Floneeeli, Sew 'Linens, Nèe Cottnge, iveW Mioe ry, New Dra8 G'oods, NewMhanes, NeMegla, New riso Neww Uobonrgo New ewLo S&en, Ne iew pys, .TVew Velvets, Xew C'rape8, JVew WooLm14 Vic :-New Blacke and Colotirpd Broad., ;ow Black and Coloured Beavets, Nw MMi and Colouroct Poto, Nýý oCloured Meltou, New Vbttneyo, New Block al Csn-id Doekinxè New gflk Mimd Tw-d,ieNews%% tiolTseds, N.W B.diord Cordd, N'ew Wool Cords, New Velvets New Velveteex. Except our style et doiog buEiness. whtch sill bc aus fold. ou$ determinatse, ternI cht-ap gonds, honsty in <eaing, polit5 attentions and no man kept on the preste eWho il aboya hiff business. Itady-Made ClatZing, or Cothiog Made to Order 'Ù& the, Latent %àk ROBERT WALKEIR &,SONS, Bletail-33, 35,37 King Street. % tolesnîr-18 and 20 Coborne St., Tenta. Doodas Street, London., Toronto, September 18th, 1867. 58 BY T.L.WHJTE 4'COM»anp, of Kilbride, Will ofier by Public Antio, a large assrtmat tof Dryà-Goods, Groceries, Hardw ware, Crock'ery, Boots, and- Shocs, Ready-Made Clothing,&c.-, Te maices roocolmor 61.ery extensive Importation oet g eesntll ssii.iidwp ccopteat buyer freo the BesO Refnnes lu (ScaBiin. Sale bcomminCO il Nonday, 23rd Sept., 1sO3fi And continue 5 daysinl succeesion. Heurs of sais, freai 1 tel, P.X.ad *Uwf lPM.- Kiibride, September 1561, loir. ýL COUPR, -Asilt. Executors Ngotice. À4ppreù«tCe Wft~ RECreora efthe late Rtewland Cali- TOe AsoaTU r mou.l ]ate et Nelsun, iu the Ceuaty et baitea, Yeomanu, vice ded on thc eîî, hWalceaekiuq aund Jece-F iay ofMar-ch, 1867, 'te iead by pont prr. Onevhhutea5selt5Oie tuidi te ThomsWhits, Hess Street, Ram- wbaainei poeed. hrttm gàý lesu,Admnintator cf thce aaid dceaued , JAT CONSAO thejs Cisitian uasses and eoruamos, sad- dreses and desriptioas, tise fuît pasuical.- Milton, Sept. 5tb, 1e67.18 as otf ti claims, aaitemuofuttheir _________________ aconte, mnd thceuatureo et tics scniiiei if auy)tsld by tsom.or n dctauit tere- ORR & MILLER, tf they mill ho pernmptortty rucoldod teosu pasticipating in the aaitts fthils OOite of nx~f1 tehe si deorased, as the cause mitishomaum d batedamonuattheerdtsmiobe h.,. 1 ~ ui vErry esediter holding sny SoruritY le te sodoo tise &sse te asiai sas office au tice itcy tsf Hiasiltoa, on- Ail inîs et Marble lqounpoWts' FRIl)AT9 18th OCTOBR, 1847, atouts Tombstonle ,Ocammentel At 12 e'eiocb, noce, hotus, the time ap- E- N-O1R pohated tWeadiostint mii d aims. Dat1 261 dey Ssptecober, 1867.o, T. WRITE, :3. Adminatttsoc aboeeetite.- Jsuri 0r NO M , si lamilton, sept. 1tits, lit0. i-st main 1Strcit MiW4' yâr wawmg lie Ozmulýffl. "au 01 WMCIL à% glym W Me vaurçu. t J t ti ti ai Pl ti di F p pg

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