-noam ileTl of. th Oin.od'Ifî,,, ilayri., h or'%é Ir 1 0wftusy i WTE Ou th, cb8l ~5ata casfv8loromeiy (cur narine SI~em. mcd atalue .ti e c Ueiciubaty icet bal mue 0r ai cb laailtobllmtre>i>curuai 00> Ipaoi lat>ntitonpîy mm. om-Oop Iaitc aI cuiesta lia anoeeiuin iii lafrted from '.~lmc hi lmdinae . .. . le ianc part of thaelbody -icetion. aoha cboit or aleor. balthobtiiodm ireuatiole ba IttbuapilOpore aùat* leuIcil iaffetionancaearrtra i6 eavraaopaltt.Ti.4Tuilatha WW cgWosnddec de-th t eronea babita sena» idiciîic; the, .aoata cc ' ircuitinir ysn waa Pthe' fin>e bl,od vomola ah raia wiih ntliiy. >rithyýi»litnîne,. hocbereateditd. UBRAND- RSgSP[LILS tuke il impure îîîat- bëa, the crcuatonO, anît OtOOlie 'biIh pfi onn1ioî n c, I nrd o t t lins li-ii»» nIof ibîo SactoSn io.Sld by cil Diag, IlMLTION 5îP. 1IJtS,1. irWbmut . $30 te1.3.5 Wba1.25 tn 1.3 *~~~ ~ ptbael 55ta0.0 Dicter pe-il:.........0.18 tîîO.20 i F0>..0.1;0 >0 0.(;Z rm.......*** .0 50. tu 0.25 uaauapet bug .......0. 50 îo>0. 122 Darîa8.01 t10.00 &UVPr Ia1......... 0 100n.011 ~pli tae W 5.50Oto7.00 titi, prtdo..... 0. 14 t> 0.1là i dajptLw * 7.1111 in7.25 fdes ..... ...0. 10ta0. 00 th...... 0 10tu 0 -10 Sept 11th 1867. ......... l e l .50 ~ba.30 in 1.3,J 'r ..... .1.45 tn 0 45 060 ~ OUGE. k aCO VCR- 0~ ho0L1A a2 D epitil uîf rarul tpoîric>inuo, laordre tinallte ýoca»ioy toy relîte tll> advouî. t>1>100trnm irimtes greuticoosane> mlicli have bora pr,.îaiosed iteuspruoiuero, anui - alich there in 50cyr>eoaaIo b<liae moiu 1reamiefrom> it, mittu crunuîiy, in the biandsotofgouitand lonos at tuioiimi Vtie Oonral Gos-enuîîîurnt of he Nem Dominiio biscoeîînuî îîod tu il t>eronwe etdioaii>g itb aeil tbe loogor qaeull>una -of Tradeoil ommdCeiirce. Carre cy. Pua- tal Sîstnin. Deîeo, tPublic Worbo of Interor en caac>nuer, Iaioigraiiui and soucb tier qaoitions as affect the neosr[iLlternta of tro meinte Dominionu Sboald I be ehoena as Sour repieon.aa tine 1Isatold adnoeatc Arervision of tbe Tartfflila uacba may an ua relieni feue, aztîonesac mach au possitleoritee eccouna iflifo, mhieh enter ijo thue eooauaptiua -f the chotu populatio. A aaifnrm Cnrreoey fur tbe mboie Domuiniono. The nduction cf Postage an Lattera tac autot ai raie ef Tieroa Cents, ad rte obolitio,.>of Pusli>lia ai Nrmapapore-. Tbaectnarpocueut of tha Si. Lawrencer Canalf, an sto aiasriua finances of the Doitieu wilt permtîiutadthetonsunorne tti u0 - b IBereo oîial Railmcv hy enartns of a sabsidy t0cinidnpeadilesu Cmmapacy ecîbîr Iben as c Ouverement Vorli. The opriiig Illeaf the Northb mot, ced thue imitomdite esibliabmueo& Ilero ofu tronog yst8hi of Gomeument, cal- cahoter! ta proîntct the setleaieot of tinmi>uifibout couantry, cied toaciasro the satanceonteetaient uf lb. Simol esTtic adoptionaaf Rech mecnrraaes maoyb.diresoi.ry to brng binoCiifnt onion dt t os-lo iououu c tîe liiâh Aaeena .n eeoa ll te mhiole ufths thoc Çmnim-a mî» he unlîrd tnader ouie Govornumjimt, and a gralniidoo. pemerlaul Britioti Auieicaa Cuufcdcrocy bc tluaIhule o>p. 1Theuroncmio-n of Iuiuiigrai<ii toa ruc roum>ry ly mu>. adîpicaof mît es acal colomu-itlu aimr elltecEuiigr>nt aud c.;itall8 foteuthe Oit Worid lua sotte Moncugioneu. Thue mgo> irmtino ofuhe Dnpatlmntal Syniria nI lie Gmînrnîuucat mn iiie ronn cul aîud lffiv>out bLusmoud fle pineo .,f oouaîtu»ran ars iliiprevnu>t cuuy Ai îiuoruofrotte rapotdi-tui, io.»y mihutlu>a tie peiuas coset ci" P.rliuc tlle t. . limcogiiziog fle gett crierso umfr Vcire. tes-n ud ihle oicriîy citl> olicI ti-cy tr.dl-d ita he cul> ofdutiniathe limur if publie da, er, i i i» besuy pirrnai t aro o io tit auy rufornuundo oreilhy xls-ii irs- cnnrid .utaoditti ail limuceaiimy ni-pc ho Ilb . t» ineop- îîuunoîuey au-ml .fficiosiry gtale atueirounne vomulnuea ooveait-ut, itallit 1 hane aumaye k-l t ilus mmurottt nnooet. Slnuld yma ou navesctu eiiîidînre la on us idplaîce aieutaisita teud of' tue Poil"a&cile cmouinge CIii>rct yita oay ilwa ' var17 toaisnii t»> liCalerny Lb-g fluhi-nuird Ci oute the huereola ut ibe Domintion of Canada. 1 bava tbhehbour itebel ogthelit-t. c an a, ittieten. ibouoida -i. ur uedien perni, la ocouat erum e0cr»> gavnn.- ROBERT BARBER. Ory cafl-oay» 0 maPla00%iUA Stzeeoaille.fi29A J>ay. 1867. = bs~Ocai y W>o-aa., de -________________ clos brrcu . kt tpirbing si uSe ~tinii w afr itocacabuuiatn .tnt .inp. trcao»» de.aa> St. À l uo. tom ;t.riq'. Ti uUW y i P... a taaî eii>igtl to lia ate ithe d-crine o-tabohe LO ~ içIIIIU = ïe -im-utar aacpeu a os oaa ONW GERETW Xe'l . R MAM .STAGt, en tagta Ia! baer h y.. .. 6 ipaai0 brigh alorato »L sucd W fg. a etaitoOai 1. . Ab barIlAb.lronii! SiewaritomD daiOt ul0 ,1 ara Laat.agm, at tce .a1a (.orgptama for tue m»ru>luic Tcan.,l batucb. lr~.ugg~ b li G. 1 . RcEM ccd Wae1. lea ccu connecte - 1! NITIIIS [finoand Carafaxa siteLine, andwilb the BRONTE-S IrAGE F To Torentoad hlmiltor. anro 0George- aveu> i 0..5. . m. on 1ibe rrinalot ba -- Train, a Derai,"d arrive& la Milton Tb@ puldm cadepeat onas ztaftil drlen.g Mi<j' UNE st ot nacp.sudetgoul ris Inla rdor ta banp o lb.theimaléý the O0~daPM of, f1er* bui b>.cnadaceitfroum ,lirm ch itb Ibais Bujsi nst 1=ts cIolr0la.bcbu o. 45, ents- gocents. u iAnd aMr. Wallmcevlu protrtire of the .brt i i eter.itl Ubea o Bru ie latltois. 0. W. P.. le ij t t itaaotih pasieogora aim George- cOrnait * tcrga s tu wn t o Ilaa i i lafor the etiparaloit 5Uttoc5 T bW«a.8 îitb cI %%vY a S) ap75 iâsuâ aU. ta ccy. gvntmcbouirs br btmiauae. tanito. a. .JONES JOHN WALLACE, , ~ a-u O/î0. Walluoe Hoaaeeo stion.Ia.1ay 2it.b t807 7-if ~~ U4LE ,FOR61 ILH ORTOlE. La eui VoI; i PITIAT anptat0al ti 0 tbry -rte batit' ~uUr~bl.jimic.u6«9 dmtet.oar tse Wmily di 1e. Man ciret iton. Vyr1pcs-îtetu IIEARje. tascpy av.lct LAmotiprorAtce auIP tgk ImmcaJ"alS 100 8>tf. .Nails 'and Shelf-lVare, " [lard to Bcatsn '1.01 a yu# wu,m ifis laI m ., T. L. WHiTE y4r (Jompdnti Milton .lune 2Otbo 1887. 2-tf TREMENNOUS INDUCEMEUcTI~ -TOU I "NIT CR0? TIRS! Indeeodni E~ctrsRECIiIVED AND FOR SALE Blr OP THE (oliity of Peel T.L. WHITE & COMPANY, GENTEES!EN, [living boran nnnimnavly nom 1nated by a large c>id ,,fluenîiiol uacot-IIT B1 J E igg uti de ictoea ufthil». cuuoiy> lr the IlIm ta i'f Uiîîlo. i .l hie Dluiii> of. Ctiada> 1 bn» achtîplvnouoro -ieipro. seý tiag niyalf u a candidate leor u jpkcr(.. hoîcest iMov une Youflo Hysnn. 11 eîîîong fîîrmtd I ih cai portion, 20 do Fimcst 'SoueIoc ad o g u agit ýog; a ro tdion 0i ticiobt pre 10 do t'hoice TnI fka.y >îîiîya esuaiil a tCîadiana Mono. facturer. I [liave aheavy tabo in the counntry, oand x.y ciicand taiîily'6 tocansu tlig mil itin> ted iii ecomercialI eater[irian uin eDaîjinoag iticonfie- quotîin l. Ipedolit on talrof.peity. Tre passage 0f lie A ofî>l iIdera. tion, utîîiitg tonr of the lUr tisli Aiieri. The abane Teaoa mere etoilially anielrd by T. L. WHITE et the recont coi> l'rovii.ceo, calslor l .>. ixvrise oi TEA Se»ALE EN MJNT1IEAL cf D, Torrance & Cos Cargo ex .lnvaale, direct fron Shanghlc. Ta La W. & Cols. customiers May expeet a treat an the abapo of a Ricli Fine-flavored and Strouig Cup of a The lovera of tho Weed wold do waliIta And -viii ni rropeci iler rqiocintDrrr viii> lhe I'New Dominion,' duel> o the neurebt ini Loue ai.d quuilî in îltu ttld - LOloîe" L&îLd uve i uduct.. HARVEST TOOLS, C RO CK ERY, AoN)OTTTEf Seasonable Cocds in store, Aad toe salé on terme te acealt ta-11-11rof tibe lot atcd .aoat ecenootoiec bo'et. BOOÎS& SOS, OLOTHINOa COTTONS. LINENS, Fail Assizës. COUIeTnY UuuLTloe, .&OTICE Tii %VIT 1 > l im ere- hy Xis-no tomt thne COURT of OYElt, uni] t uIMINEOthend lGENt6tAL. JATIL DEL>VÉRIY, tint ASSIZES ouud NISI P t>RuiSolor thesaid Cmu>iî et Halton i miib. heldemi ci the coumR i «sE, IN T IlE ON Wo ooen aioe n o tino iocet omans.O msIoioes. ium-d referoivol, as fuîollnp Appti.!an. Travy ACn.s%.lat, 9asc.. W.1ot ..aNa tc4 nCaly vi i Ic,. acia. t. 0.t t .19Vtat. met s-a. rIte. labt5 la.. Ham.us V2L t.aeCMpaoas-tae t OcSi Al l-moeR. uitî>h henO-pilon oh the 1IcAmo Waloh Company. tiro mirriiîhyts 1b timerirîn %htnrlut,(ompamir uo bè or ihe ýiemtuiriaoi. uhmlonutoppnooupriael- pis-. ancditc pcaoovu --oy -qmit fr Pa ré- i>uiIi fra es- s rnîla ou,.0-p» Enoni emIIu»h Ie.-W itm n >0 ouidrit m-.ni-ioîald acoip-iv nai-h 1Ocieti mi. a10 i>îismvmac ose-I 0>10iliol >0 te> are nom-,Coi eomnuoi-wirlimari >miIitims0of c-s iiIe cmlirooeuh u hocomuimr,.ý an>d *auomiIitesihIiti pirsha-er lo ba oa ti us-rd utit i>.»imp,,oulien. ' Amy r or %uVailhiim iaÏe!1om-myhbd iirtmmit of Wac:e lers trifiouyiet >5 eomutry. mnrimuniâAn conh thaleurd on *pplirc- tiefontuminacy manamin Canq(lmhloae WDSDTTE251,1 SÉPTMIER nnheches ca the0 iat onacc a ranel ai the af TWFOLE O'CLOCK> cnoua, of mhich ail J tii>aof the Peace J. E.ARRISONt CnaPotarae, Cou.otahlee> .iror-, eai l ouhere concrted, cre require-d o tzbake II7J~Vfhlil nohica aid attend to do and performacl i jUillUlsans douica ahuiela appcrtiiia 1to îcn. - G.CRAWFORD NMKINIflttY. Grodacte cf tbe Tornovhlatlaay Cal- Os- Igo. larei-tto catd Iel imat@t Sbeora SSmiîf0C. Halles cIo a t au timals. U ItSM. fer Cie Ofisaiprose.c, avilila astihetifhlap of bilafatbiç iilton, Anue. 4tb. 1867. 10 Ida .William Barrtaa. _________________ABOOT R&1*4-1LIl BOUT1IJVO ~BUEa or IIEIAGE LICENSENait Citiet.lfnaocsicl at Noa trct KA otI. 528 1*~hlvl'. iO On and afler TaeAouir>qq)eslnentamStd andamtAltB. hlARttlSON*S MHttTONk on> oand btor Motdoy. 8e1>iombe o di.- Tcortu-t8 OIt ier quarter>ostolont eacb metai, c ltine of 5lam ittolor mîîeu thera are tmo nertre ptpils i ai the suamofiiio Mi~.Becetot *U1 alan coubbtlaee an Riagiag C1Opq i mtl PiaInlInooapiauu. nentl, ut PALERMNO bOTSL. ok Tuefyba eseaiug. Sepêhobel 3rd, cit l oJ,nr ;W M can-2 1 per qûiter. Sluld lndacei-ecl b. hi-id ont Nr. Beckett nitI nbobl lMiltoun oaa day tacla weeli -Poiiiieiiiag tajoia elilhir or of theabahuie ctitcoa mwilt tleai tulaao lIeurnes ataimiMr. iag ir iith il tel. - j-Mr. Beckett la agent 'or tha Cia- nu n andt Au.cicao Planaisc»d Mcludeoua FAR311LXG LANDe itapooeecd Laef in Me CeUni j- 01 Hakm. 'Wax, Pu# etf lic-1S19%l ei batofloiqee *.cOm 3%9 190ipvc lI o~A0ibr te. e NcPlX ~W~ U T J GO DS~ , pene t0 t tle teea arut e ota c boîte TO BE DISPOSED 0F AT T[119. the oi bda, ta.l They ameacod effilr- 1 tibia la 1850, scnthibe acesor geoafilà lit bu» CoOl morethoa c aal>on 70,acpeoa leo 10ryp-0 G EORG E TOWVN, >1. oetiatUilbT.,: AT A RIBUCTIO19 OF FWPTT mre91 "a eENTjý ___________________ ____________ - onho bavceneiailed hite uttae ibofr eia ini n nihor marlftit. The Siibocribera baviog roeoiîily pnrclaod a BANKRUIPT STO17K ni eoaaidcramly lesona Ilalaf priant propose PluodilPerenaço iin tn bor acfoetoro giniiî lig hireutiuoei te Ln uuit illcic borgaili> aid miii an-i th-- uru1 ionla bleliy tli- aince. su Waichoo are mcdo clmiut entîrailo by ~>~s- t~e~ioOiaoolimal orgonso mbieb werapult toeb Commence to Suit the c.Jflîîft to i.on 31onay te 22nd ious""d' '11im l>iin mretoo>. l>0 I lionthemwict. are tbo reiliitor ponw Wlieii the publie ii be ufferudIic uh b2rrguinsasut mre none before nffored i la o. As c furîher loducomenta nd oi oitiie maual pinocomem. ondthie re- Fu> ofci -Cour ity a b or oiiorily, Barclay & IcLeod wilI offer al Summer Goods now inStock llffaf-Price. ibn adt tee udonote end eelKop g1khlulnprt uoire muttanry. ]ntl Il lica fari thnt. oeopl vatebea of file Millere Fincy Dresses worth $ 6 00 at 8 3 (JO graeoso. ,Lrotooan a maez oraI ie'ilirbe grodes. Eurupoaîî wchea aresthe orotaci Fancyai- Desses Wor-th 4 0 at 2 U0 nf lhi chrenlstlaonof SwifI ertcît> sait Fancy Dresses woîth 2 00 at 1i00 anlio eiii e atntinu AreoaLapmona Tri m'd Bonnets woîth 5 0O at 2 50 cool more in ettomped repaire. ibllier Tiîn'd Bonnets Wor-th 3 00 et 1 50 nitiene". be v theroueh m-paretof mbF aiclina lom narooa sfaetorlna, uliob Silk Mandtes Worth 10 00Oaet 5 00KiloiPl, ( ho-n ingetber. cn oit-btlbm ta SikMandes Wor-th 5 00 at 2 Fi ml noaol *1bm tai.nmso bad Stummeî Suits worth 12 o00 o o >t>at ybe ordeeit-mbothr Londoa. Pa , fonva or waainetan d tmc1Il Suminer Suits Ivoith 8 00 at 4 00ioan whu obi hehbasaçeoata .l teoc., cc-0,c4c ci t iocnecv ser reuatcil te10 bep mry tt~O., <Ic.p ~Caroud lime), ta rouIt> carrytcg achebop cuMd Ti l àering Scie la moadei tlalordr la mbe rnom for thurai mmanan Tmprtntinnai. part of miieiila amon flie mny pion" a'ionioiAu »iov frnm the Eurnpeta MNaibtoi. Greaeiaenlla iiieiaobe maade onal classntof Cuttun Gouoda tecoreesponid miththe Ib ow ANIMCANVAfOS Ux declico ln the Eagliob IMurket. l'bie.ho>ricoui WalthtbiaWuicb ta malle hyan.oîuuicriiapeocn-acd hy ro, Il oah ii-c>.mpo.ioiL veutaiben. Att ibeir op- eatltim. Pr> M tbe re-cetic aofthetaromimci-. B A R C LA Y ý IYIL EO D , theiî:mo sttt, ethu> ~ Ie co: one roof.r alae. cirel.oealnot. ib ,Georgetown and St. IXaryls ~ndeu.n cnae >ictanditooc Gzcnorewy, JIy îîi> 10?.*.f loir Pectie of tholo ýVacceo. la tha tacti lst iler Ivrlpartsare ail maile by tbe Oaaui N. B-No gouda cbcorgei]durng thiia(;testî alit. >1>0 mop e> ps-olnd cidelicate ucaeny Cim-îobight ilthn u>d nethmaaa tduatr. Enoi-oneuof theiocre ilo auiudretpas-l - - of ".uir3i mach lm nde by amachiin~ ta inalli>ly pl i> cs- o ry nuon- enîg part ih lion mot auring acceracy. Il tbau PRSFC02JS'~ ~ OF~~F~ESwEdO OA Ifl.ly>lneopryuu molhe ona porPect maieS eo î-y Ipartiu»r style ad(ieun a cilias 191CU-AND IGHT NOIliont heuiidrod mmc>I.Iies neioooary gob rlno 1 CIADLIIT NATto -cdii aooony pun ir cfi maot cI l katt1it. ,.aey i, .dofay e ulot> u a altikaIt GIJ[LPH EY[NINl MERiIiifI rb, JEIitior iiV'j STOIIth" Canen À iVING romvniil iuis-i-ir n a r o lalfoi>>a. ouly bteadoon tioe Cumpaniy. eaciog flTuey Nt- nl i.i>ci. as-I iiieli The public moula iv o-m nnoy 1bybuyitig conA orT (ie iumiber mil bicsunaoh suîd th,- parI q*àin n-i. .pp.iiie >Gem-aitVstmn i-Cieltheir id. onCir il.e. piu ltai.je vitor ,Stables. lii.- ui>me>haven der ru -loWAITH-AM, MoASSa mIl ont. andtby rommîrumailt ho -ald ra. %,mo o> s-li-climaio. tulueaoaun cel. hdeciro2 article. wicbcgay match. 12.t1.I.j40LIj eR iuiote airoileou>aomeniniocprr. makutio-uaîuetît l otionm. EVENlNGEDlTIllNl 1F-TlofEMElm alier. theAmorîcnaTb ioom7aaiirni.pmc>1aiiy enliiet t t>lc Col ppnutos-r7 iioonomm >iiubas rvmpm-cmttli tbel,ýiieituRTly. Thny av ltupillaipenrlcoh.uî>mtwmllni r>nlî. mIl mi iulinth!r Wcli-iaor- ci-aprimmr rlly ëeiic.ýdmil vrcîlekpo t ar pro- ai 5o'cock.ate wii 4.ftiiiis;. (c i n> Cuo .mmrc dii>aclle, ho i-r Iiditci lteaion litl averi os orofEarmpi-ica ,-i1 iuimv ilole-efiliem-snîm-mdconfîot; ai 4 a î.ipldl.in uu>iional ii.o. caîn rn nînily nnohli.candnmolici àihoruugoou..Muiuiiia apîtir.tii>n-a îni n-îic0 i scli> 11P.:N'J ' A V iiordor ,t ýa-i> r ed niil houclüyoulooe and lio i l P tofertnioiiuiaaiaroa acas- i. l lis-lakm4 -s-il. - l >:il , r. , P î. . .iaO .î L J L L 0.) I »on il:,nmarilu..ah--rn. Tiî-y clýiii»icm.ke - c. ip i ...o in i~o»>il 4- d l'ty -mnTÈ liyai- ci nmle liltistrcurne, and.Ito it A tter A t er t h11 e ata**m ,.wmin , r Ille lin y 1huitr eim r>,,e Cheap Cash Store. lîl.nly'lu 1-eii-jired ilin eu> mohiiicjtiiiy e>ty tlt.ieue umîmn memrbalîis-ol trnoom0 >0 u. linl i fLciý. Siîîgtn e c-u iuw llm T e r f lzaea ernurrfll I-àhe*' It. iiy On h4 lI».wI-r >h» i l t i), i fi b -mtrî foollce f i.i. 15 o :,ie>,- .. l ei-y sare Iîii-pm->- ,d ,xii> mft md-oul-oium.odPouoti lisw 00 pti-ekeino. ob imfle n>utEîg V oî>-f y î u. by macoflwuo O.îîîlifnit>lnî-oer h l 1JI> a >th- oroîlumior ti.liii mti-el lo la Tict- ltis-iion ni>> ninu I- Ocliî-noiio.iniahs-laly linilîu is- >oisd,oondCoui-l il arile, lit otid *il- o-- ac o> îy -ii, glui s> - TA~,COFEES SUGAS. CUflÂNT> iiiingii>mi mu-,s- (-ally adOtil t-it tb og.ils ci- li- lîs- i,->as-n i i Ci OIliro. Olitîm s-u , Pibo- P oR uleLkebCl it d io nb h uiliI itne n ctt-itt -ii 'I'. î~ > Imrl NaiL-i-i. mon *) Pubýgi, ".r u. -î hand-n T b. Aocia . iO .ii. f ,llOi m' iijnn i->lliin>-plind> r tha unp s- 1 alî-> 1îî mI lepad tc utl s rî-nlierButter- &e.Gos-mmaý i l- e ai- olhea >mîilcmm -iiluuiu.iîl-nqmi»>iCil tir oui.b ulîl -Fd li ool>s>i' ic i ll p i rîitil .of-11 b>mîtiiîm, ic- oî->i-u alii- bvm-i usio.. liie.lîIirondiurim ii I.il>i> iiui>llî.oilebu nmi.'lottuumaý Ii l. in ie l ". - o s - l I . i e n u lo ti ' nis a n d> > c îc nck . c i ,iu -- il --u t l t » u i iid -i -i c - 1lit Le mto-b t ilOlitli lim-il, - ARE ULL-Hom&leD luil> - maîi-Iîi l lli» I- i>> l iis-> îî>îoal i l uolb lîtin i adî iî o bt-.c. -il n-î o ci . -i d r i«1>-b ci.e,,:, IoIuiiia o y in i vm-a m iull m a q i ,îîi>En-ocutîoîs- TO-c- > Oc-ilI -îmcîs-î.s-î>ui nos- c l i Ii o-kilîimu.-lînils- i . 1 yoitagui 10i ui 0>I.- lO I cd ls. il, >-(ois-- o lis-r inil > i s-o iou cBtl n îoîî d l1>c-s-ebîoî.umîuualr 1 > an aa c * APLt*l .t Oda-e elte l F1g11> >7wls>f vvei L.ril . rmi rf oîclîî, d î adum1îubin u ra wlb» co uýru vr a- yt.êe n sI- r i, wlllt(,l>iiul..r t i îOl- m <tuiy o> it-na 110.1 îm. î -i.c>n iiiîîîiuîr ou o r iai isn war ant mgo i a timea agale lu. .-îlil-.îl l > l in ft>.. ds- ls-î>od i ll oîce- il ou> ouîd dnîoc ycur hik -jr»>1 s-ils- dîllo1a gcc%..eîro11ics-. îîyil-n R m tN 5 ppou(m in 1, Ev:ms-»»o- M , ilcl(, ias-r>0 - i-a n -t 1o u- - r is-, f> vu .l otyb evo avof tiî î»-i;.înmua i l ICia îiu 1rm y ac W a' Vcc.cuauaaa loi>iîîîlîîîe. n-d r>lrrî-nIf l--î>- I,.ivv -n letto i ie ntoos. t10lltT. lier ~ t n rid ome - sns-'eIls-n ici» s-miarS0>thre>-iidriestyle.oeClas laum piiii c-lc. 1ouii î ii .oliocy 4 tilp o,îî i riti l -yil ii-- r -DU OECEII -Rmme le1oetihteGle alodc -r . Lews bltRt eie P ute I N UBG QN oitai) Au l t re pl-irui im ~i ui>-,. its- Grsi i llritv h s-o> irob>îri>y o y ioîîemîugoal . till 1-f-'.0 it poscîimlîr:Il' - Ami.i.o>mu» tl>s i C Io.W <chm. u~>- ib-in u.21 87 21 pii l sofig mîi i l.u-»> f1-r uesi-y t Lr ili YRKn. Cuîiciî L i>iîg lrlle i>OgO rhsIomcnW. 6üiiiipum :_,foIîago __ - 1111i-r. LuIbao fic toe -uffEeckett, il.i-c,,iiitry ill tIe ailli tP ý,0 a, 1 liîî-yur temvi &îs- d,î1oulîlmo.lrt ObgoaTeîifCt an.i 11 TO At'ePin-- RPn li, ý1il hiyan er(.sEl ci reae ooil 1 have îoIb» iinci Riiatnu ey umpi- Ciegolo> uaaUiom ms-ipll»o iei. ho 1sr hon nul O d il-a 00. 0 OIt o- -c,>--. - 186-i.OiiiOO4 Pr abllîsî ii o Amlvo-> o o f ublictm>is-> O t>.> -m r» lma- nr~lcv butmcpni> i i ch aeab theoul 1Inn ,-halldsi t upo-u>uîof F u n tu e Cl> o iorsueirPe>. L li.m.i il ertnuiîs-li - n a a aî. ins-ool lu. COn <ci i mcad-scptu u uiIo rpenio . M r.O Ca rles ]Bedkott, rsectu Wmi nIlho mo lu loaroirta tra enpl -Plo focol eu2. Ct ribbe,d 1.00. G ChPe ne ue eeW gnclckohoosb.1i nio.a Tln Ai)Vîîîllî,;o.ns-d oie t %eirot.tlty>ue euurbe.1. NnstofCrith 7&ofÀ]Sdh. A %Te u te ahfdyK Peptrdar g uRV. - E. h OPui op o Pthi>c»P-me ue'tia h ons, 'i U1 l K !TeI WoIi.s- the s-os- »00 0>10 h>fila i hti>iao. Oct.. It. nloti 20 b Âa.oLna tooentellesa ai-... Mr. R O PA-î W logr!e meodiui>mmfo rne0uF F I[ue ni endm. l- ago-dtma i m»ei I-y Pa o au lui mngro>i ihI nk -cpnet p0si>gitb ârit Ola >'unndn ouor Tormn. It conluiim a third isr ro.dimuliz nte thqlniaay t4eioly »i»ple b liptid DilIhe Couoly.XI ou aillon acon>. plous- meobî» ruummaryof D-Ul e mli» an miomonfi» opecolî.m'il umimor limI-miiàh- 'locn>id -tlunr moohemt. acll- nlig- quinuml>ytinlsooll mni niî curtluilyonîc.-ui miétlatsolum>-eu Inilu o-cdiig. auits-SI>ekl itiotlImniucit«ta Fiee>.->u, olry >Ilu4 piiletinh-tm on-o» Fi iu>on a.rmiiug. and nmil- vittonmipbino oro -lisrnu-d mimmon a :l a Orar. ririolIlu>inodnaiee. uiheis 2 ii the em i ol hvyao.No deitiou mronmihiobraie. PThé&'i.xLyunlisait nom> si tr larc.-r cod Oasenta-iis a yolier plor- patilli»sd in Guielph aindia n1 ptisiuily rend it ln th- eio>uiiiuiCeuniat-s. 1t lm thentoniduioimiigm-itiimni-ohco> T..ront.. as ix hîuo y the 1,mri 3,e,,; i snuiting Pmmrniige il ms immJysil-i - -mure h.»Itouvey.-arA Advoortiiiomoî- couit madetnu10tlioc nSo cucentitto 0» the Coupiesa of the WEEo>it mr.ins- iare aiso lemRnot the Otinibetsrut 1 Siewcn udi s- MSLÀIAN &INNES kerrnrr tlnitding.uIaedoiouu.aî., ,,îGelph. Juty OGt, toc». DAVIDSON ÈRÔS.-, CARIRELLVILLE IVOOLM 1IILLS, IEGtu nonify theirnnerona Cloada> andtenatumers; thtlinie For CUSTOSI WORK, and ire Pniindg Apparaeau, d., Aratc uos-A, ad tioaabas-tne morS moilt dao elora ig ih u tc conSeean greal rach ln expocicit.« Campluulinilla, Sept, Ird> 1047. 173.11