| - 1 --tý 1ý1;-- ý . 1! . I1 08 t ett fr sls osieain. lco PA RLIA ME NTA RY CON TROL tholes e moulds fur seil6hendesviola-eO HEW OE WORK FOR yet to come As the Oppoitio had a genel oction wsneravhuda of 1 Rse 0et h ton d ot thim ina sucha a OF PUBLIC FUTNDS. te.Tu'n ae79wl b n E REPAYMENT OF T HE foretold, at the verynext sesson ofth susevintool fteMnistryd 1- 1 Earne 'tientio ,,,igiOI! 1NEY. John A. M1aedonald and Parliament, the Grand Truck was b@9g at quake for thre indignation eof El1t1ofHltn.CNDACMPN On Page 424. M r .Chielholm voted the following amendaient•. .bis supporters are entirely responsible knocking et the door of the Legislature their constituents. A large sectio of Elobta of altè CA14DA COP.àN. against thle following étmendisent tothe Mir. Ailtoni.e Aime Dorion loved! in for thec los the country has sustained-.i for further aid ? Twelve monthls had Lawer Canadâans, to, front the NOrt On .ý 1 ýPag 5, rilb ound a motion Loe aaaSho il_ anendsment to thre Question, secondcd I y as we wiill pressently shoew, hardly passediince four millions and-- Shore of the 8t.Larnderd 1 1 ~~~Jf. Chisholm' âParliamentayCan-, reque ting the Canada Company t t.m - oThratthieBill bc e cmmted't l d.hthe l tion re Jondsandfield, 31 a TIn- hE DIFSE!l1aiblfofterbicng pe wer hongalen sot teBill, andon tppearedthas . Reviewed i& the SternLight of- ly wlth a requiert of the House pre. Committee of the whollIourrwthtal, Thdatfallihe wods a lft " uht,"TI URATE'IF s cEwyn lte i ng nupe ttteri n l essi omthing were -dneaverth A lible Surce of the ... tribution of thre Fonid of Tweniy.toa nr pontett "donald-Cairtier Government made the more money. 3Mr. Thomas Brassey ment out of office 1 8dmething was fmi e isa iebtMr hiIllJnl husn-pud cete y the B imuportant cflice in thre Administration, first movre towards throwing on thre wasthiespokesman thistime. Hewrte done. The retive North Shore men Joras PblcRcrs fPr ith he Ministry in voting down fthis the purposes of Superior Education in -of t hee HonIorab zle nognt, dr- dshoulders of the peopleoe of aa Canada the ntillybuconfidentialspri-l but frankly" toGrad his pre- were treated wiM.tJhn ton fiet he it-purchasedsis inA all lot.lute iio . pitiaentary PIroceedingg' mofia i 1I le did not tCant the mono- Lutter C.-nada, be n-ot lifi to fihe dis- -of a s at nvteranth of had nor m àbousghira t nd e t nkdt ills ceiofrieCpn r.@Joh ne , attheik ued a locvof heep. a ill si n ro-a-il ~ly a sturbed , , ! eretion of the Superintendent or Educa- Ino1tua eatd ion inubanc o fit e )i wh bougtepin ochangemethe cond Iion redit, heCan y hewas g onetheirf duce te onve ta imih y ionn-hlf 116, l CRRGa iUDE CSElion subject t heapp oval of tire 0>v! "ixthout becoi n na Member ofh t "hihhee8e t a gitle tu "Ost rn h ok utapodo ocntatsyi tl ELC I O HLO,- I b 15,th rilofKly.n b itrib ue bnanua flvet the e Legislature, is contrary to thre princip a, roads of thc originalppam, it is now pro- And fthe Government did come to the The North Shore nei got thir rond- - , l . BLECT 1 OR OF U4LTON,- Inother18rsod t oKelatnu bc degiated ue. oe i he'of Responn.-ble Governmnent, which re- posed to diffutle thjeublie money over resue1 On the 6th Joune, 1856, Mr.1 the Grand Trurk debt of sixteen mil. ý - 1__ p. u er.r s i, wbeforl Judge Duval, for the murder of CHlISHOLM VOTES NAY 1 1I qir h les t e en i feme of fla-the wholethousandhutes of tre ainl ther rliefto tlieGrandTruu nt Ar- their seato, and the ppeoenmr uofonof ek h terjproato lcen ubc1Lgattue 'lCanad Mnbrso h diilta a alybouh naBl agat u-'lo$mngve p-teMns ing Mr. Chisholm's tortuons and %uint. RobeitilCorrigan, at 8&. Sylvester, au 1 By this vote Mr. Chisholm allowed 'o te pairi a dfger ostus io lato takdtä rpsto ihaleeg.isc iliI rvddin theff irst were plund red frtiseu rioieors wil yor epesnttie.th euetisones resequittedl by one S100,000 ta oussout o alae-are i u ottto nTheyshowedfthat to do thais would be - placegthat the people of Canada shoulda mogewooedfrti e ý ý ~~~~painful beeanse it is melancholy to meant and another. This taililprodue- tary coI-ten into the hands of thre Super- M jR. C IlISil1001,M VOT E8 NAY !lloinf'teWr;caila Supyogvpal e t r ty for the final oi-deattfori eyears--rthe Grndcrsns k d aldo sureige e MnMrson. ý ý ~~~~view the degradation of a HaltOnian to ed a 1 est deal of ill-feelinir, and it being inltendient to be administered by hiso or in aither words that thre transaction a plan to lay a founadation for future|1sumoif five millions of dollars--and Henry Suich, and Supple. - 1Lower Canada domination, and belauos 4e letatthe judge hdcagebhus oiceaehsparvgiadpwriws quite riulht, rstting fthe Law and aplcainsfo nr:mne. Th takefGranWTrnk stloremefor ity t par'ompTnHhaElFINAL T H UNDE RBOL T.als ý ý ~the reuitai, of i the deeds of thonsedays jury f rat in Enigl:àh and tni-- Fren--.-h, Again, on page 484, we find M. thre Constitution lat defiance, ready icCompany had theirrwork and n aterials though then worth littlelmorecthan fifty ý . 1 l ~~~causes the warm blooud to boil at the and Ih id varied his charge so as to effect Chishiohinenamjoured of the Coaliti, a piliate any violation of Responsaljn]ifth Gvere niqntudrdsofmi t the o inaeruliIv t r ts Grand Tresilmerasuof re o alt the 1 1 ý . saujusice perpettated upon Upper Can1 the French jury favorably to the pris- Minirstry, ,and so conifide,,tial in Gvernmnent, if it suitâ his masters. Such lofeinig retained to soeure t, complle-i firste mortgage in the road, and takte the massea fromn utter bankruptey. Ie . ý 1 . . m~ada. of which vwe are nom reisping the canerainlstead Of delivering the samne thieur honlesty that Le is prepared to "go, id Ihi&loyalty. 'tion of thre special works origially ,Precdenceanler the whole bounded debtwaes loaded math too many incumbrai.ces bansefuil effectt ; but seesary, bcauose chargé in ielh language. On the 10th it blind" for themn on all occasions. Ini MILt lISHOL M-S FAITIU IN agreed on, were to be dilused ovrteofteCm.m tathrzdte ttecmmneet b h apies th1 eee s,'airo womate te os, itmas moved fthat a copy of regard to Coun tyCourt 'udges it was T u E COA LIT ION. 'h-aok fteCmay.teetr rn rn omayt orw$0-wofd Ion aorpoitable eterpirnei; ý. th elctrstasa ofwhm ale3th o iseim wiould be drawn out fo)rthiwith, and 000,000, secured by a firsit mortgages on and even hfi, e osbet iei ! l~~apsse of A dos n Years have forgotten, the ydge'a charge be laid beore the moved "-that ý amout of their ialar. On all occasions, notwithstandinig only security wvould be unfinishied works the road. yilly, the poiticians whhadiecntroll- errmebr4timefety h dr Hu Nothing could be fairer than lies shall ntot elui t to the discretion of their amafzing ,corruption as displayed and raw material. nd very solon down ýThre Opposition resisted ' this new ed its affirm, by theoir iimanagernen, ý1 ib~~ed f?157 he h opatrltis, ),ut 44 Memtbere, shiefly Frenchhlthe Administrationmpanofithe fdslwbuttsinfthe317, w>erkss cjmbsctofitheirAmreigtriwouod tcomeytheutContpanyi withr a-new,,piece ofe jobberyl withheallotheiratstrengthsn; andeacorruptionI would have -peedlyrestdi. :i ý e urme n terpesna iefrmers voted against it, but 48 voted shall be fixed by S.atute. M sr. Chiisholi :Iiisplayed uý,waveriIin y oýil(,iic(I-ii-((!'re was proceeded with, an appeal ta thle flopelesly bankrupt, as this concern .ý 1 1 ilHalton wa s prhaps their most sub-er- to ha=e thecharge Where wars3Mr. M R CIIISHJOL31 VOT E DNAY I, fith il.thre Coalition, ,and was ready tolpaiil cemployees of the Grand Trunk- people ripou it should be made rit a gen- i, howenrrindidebted tothec people 1in totearbcuse it is sought Chiçh,1m üben the interest of justice RPEETA1INB OL entrust thremt wilh thle unilimited ffist i-i 'he 3 1aedonaLd, Cfirtiers, 31orrisons,erleeto.Ls50o3.AmnofCadtetyilisofdbrf l vt hoowinkt eetor bea sossue reqiredhia reseIeNABSET as pUP ý ^bution) of trio public funsds. As one iCrivforlds, Gmits, Iles-ses, and teoir sup-i"those ovoteit down were Messrs. which not a penney wii ever be recover- luired hi. prsprrters-derided al]l thisL The de.DAly J A. 31atolonal,,Anguis Morri- ed--thiere vwas ttill one more Grand .:ý ores-erde ai tis liy eand personal siatters that have nothing usual. Hevwas in a tight place, lhe Mr. Ciishiohn,duri- g tis contest hIl ex le out of ruvny we give tfli u e*b C red there was no fear of any further son IInry Soiith, and Suple. They Trunk atrocity tao be oserptiuated l-- . . ,ý 4godo with the conteit. The real issue might offend one ascot or society, and h dei ret boast tht he .everaplicatitms ; ordy ,giv e thiceolunIry w'ddno)t permit an apperai to the polo- 1esârs. M edcio add, G at& Co., dare .iwl . rrtemnwhio vae h vtista f4>dya de la 'e&ded .ZS lsi leLee , nalJ-J,7lt a sumt, not rced th i ladit 'vis Ili that would wie when sixteennullions of thle publie not ablk fruims Pariamenà,rt any more 1 ; is vi ye &aporttheman anofor l oig o h otoa evoted against this principfle on it.s merits 1ing '1(T wety lit, th-ust d poieb, eu,- ever be demantded ! Thre Opposition mue(y was at stake! Let us hope his money for thd Graid TrunIk--defeat ýýý ý 1 1 ~~30 Years has battled for your rights a ua n lyvt 'rtemtoa oýIlIas lhe forgotten howairhecvoted ont12th n r-ney. b- granited ito her -3M1,½-sty.,,L ned l bt security they had lfor lit ', contituenits will remember tha.t Chis- stautretmin the face should they vert- , -libecrtie, o a palasroved traieshould haire done, no matter who might . y 86.We twa rpsdt '-ward t oening i,,of[lhe waste ]hnds ¡'.sturiY rtecmpeino h hohu was ABSENT. sure on suelà a stop. Rat the public 1and whose course sice 1857 is without be attndedaete]esso te1t 1a15 'thre Cro.-. one hår totirbe axp-nded ýroad. andt tly cac:ilot lhow the Imonley Mi ýmvdb r abe ha a nterhnsdbnue - andwtreClath Mn, th57,oth"r'half a ifsd;bt ht sec 1oddby 3Mr. Christie, that bcJeoe.could bW soi ; whist was tu prevent - 1- à ~~ aflawror will ounsend the man whose N ihtndn h oio a a·and it was aiso proposed ina amendmsent Upp -aor alla, fr thre ylar 1I,." as ked withvoituscur .t .;nd le v wis a thre Bill be -prceeded with ,la specia l tera setting P-r;iiamieut and the Cela.- - antcecedebts gver of the corrupt 1eFam- ried by filur maioirity, such waslite toad-d thre word'" reith arewt, te Mr nin im iro ovdmotievse hreutteaor- "omuteeb apite o nuiei- ttuin tdaac,.n rbin1h îly comp et" hat mnel sought to, raileor French influence tha t the Ministry : d- 1anjustmnent ofte piri&onenjt ly ýr,,,"I-(l ddby 'ir. l11ltoi, saidithle Qilý ou Idin frmoney. . "oothe presenit ltate and position of the peopâtoelCan-ada tir fthebepefi of the. ruin this Pro ines, the man Who will visdh Gvrornttocml 1 hsetton"M.:hso oe aanttion b. in-, yo, Iittithe said itesohition It was all of na')use--the Grand "Orýnd( Trunk Raihavay Cuip,ny, to batkrupt GCmopaniy There was but 1 loca the Gveinornot t compl erifl s(-nttli"à" Mr. hiàl"j ,otedin'al be r .emumil.dlto a1 a CommitteetteofftIleTrunkk conpsraor.t wi , oreportv therIlon withi all convenientailconnoaient nge toi igrtul rom ra uchS a ea orse- sustain ithe nupeot of 1867 toa ly the r es ý.t of fthe ouse !! ! O"n thlis amendmenüit, but ina favor fir hl lof tihruroeoepc- h ilwer h e¯ s ewt oe t edfrprsmavt f odnto b h lueo ~~~~length, ea lo as his family intere.t in 1which ;original uotio. Thati. a il. fying ihe f-cailiiieisaind :Le implrove- b,, 16 A I-.N FiOM TIIA'T,-papiers and records.' Lost 48 toi) 39. Assemibly ; but whist cared the 3inistry th a i ro i rtceW Ir. .Antoine Aime Drion moved, ling to g. to the uselgs expo c t' e of 19ta ""' ' "ch thre sum of T wentIy-M31:EA,,;I'R EEIlES I Ii,î:D A LL ill Ï a$&'Messr-s. Daly. J. A. Nb:Idomid, for thast ? They kn2w abat they Ihad re esehi-aee-fo-156-wi _.wllseconded by Mr. Brown, that the q-ies king thre census, but not with a view ie, ausdplwiuds raentie ,ed thereinla lAIY IM Oss 'r'lI,1>11(PV- Angus Morrison, Ilenry Sith, ladtheoir supporters ina Parhaumeittaunder ý 1 ý ý ils, tenl be applic], dso as nut to leave so INCE TI'i I AS SINCE C1031E Supple voted against it. the r feet. lald dhat a readly ent.lrs:l of . i ýbe faundaiiwal thiacieer. Passing civer %ion being pohth lat the entry in the Relpresenâtation by Popu!ation i rge sum f n,.er tobe expnded t UPOT.sBay atrocity they ceould commuit W,>uld s ome ver y h. d votes on the Clergy Res- " A s0n CiV A L RIC. &lhe mere vii oof the'Exce-utive, without -lAmong those waho voicidfor this niea--CISIL1W SAS T eis-tnosygatd eia . ý ý lresa gnoil euesbecst ias se to His Excellecey aihe Oov- SMr. Ci-hi Pub o ns a pr usvoeaprprlng'hesam s r , r esr BEi 1F, J.rvsA. Agiodn it was moved byisa 31r. Itown, uoropiatng was saiesoo. ,a'L gone-the- publici chested y M. Iown 1 ý ~~~wich re entilated last*week. alldiernor leeral for a Copy rof Charre de.ol anb bldo isal t buenhr work, ; the flouse divil.dI. :MC-imsýNA L . N 310RtIS- seconde:1by M r. Aikmns, "l that it be a during thle recelas beltween the sessions ;hc oudo ae46 7adlvere by thle lloorabile Jud;: ÎsDualimttr, ad Can] face a ImuýIitule oela a h . engede fr hTON, and 11ER ll f IITH.cnio fteprpsdadbb x-o 0adG a to lc 4,foudo ae 4,4 n ithe JrnteTilbfoetelqe naEtigotedfeec e w ere4ke idwn.telded to thc Gr.and Trunk 1'.ilway Ov.DO f,7,0 b5., we hae laisvote on the great sub- C tre imi CourT riabte te mothwixtwed ledum acL n t eddene " lw . 01i lOL"w AS UUA L 5Ù(00 0M3ORE 3ONE Y WAN Com"(iip;mny.that nO interest or dividenid O DF$1740, ý j~eet of' .ap secitation by Population. C* - Cutn Qatfc ntenonhlt w!dedwadi edee . IIIILlA S ýTED '! "shall be p:id to thc Sharehldesof and the amaunt lhanded over to the. - Il sic 3 f F"euary lags., of Kelly and oitheo rs, O Rep. by Pop. L.e is afraid to offend 1 0T i N A Y ! " ýthe said Comp:my, except from re:d)iz- Grand TrraktIailway Cmn yny ! 1 1 1 On Page51tie findalfet for the murder, of Robert Cornigan ; and theli French, but on the 14th ýf 3M y lhe Oht ! Faithi beyond comspare 1 Oh it hi ie otsfrmtepasgedpois. ot55t y CIS hat chane there id of get at;baick Mr.bleenie ovd i amndee lso, i th r orn ast on ti bllyvoted against tire who.le 1IuseCharity that tidiiketh no evil ! o htIre u -l h n EL1 lOWSU Ot ..emnyeeyoemyecmt o 1?ý1 ýtheretoisce ded by M,%r. Aikins, That .Ra.ngs ""Preiti romt , y flcJpposition wars NATELY PRE.-'SENT,"oting to permit hslfl the wo ds, fn il l nevr .opo ai -te esgeo isEcllnyon as. amendaient of his own " toredue, NOT Witl N , To RELTEVE Itully.realzd v erypenyof the therand Trunk topay dividends outof- An attempt wasmaade in thre Session "1vide,d at the seieral Electoral Dis n an ertothe sid Address, be nlow ,the frontage cf Clifton ttwomiei- T 1H1 ePEO0PLE'SB URILTil EN S. Pr'-,)%nte al aid wais d, awn 1f romithre pub the lent money of the peopleof Cananaà;! Of 1861 to have thiisoutragecondenned '"triets lntolwhich this Province miay beread,7Ch' ie oreove0ht h tend of four." Yeu. 1, t'he fea,!rless. On 26:h Je, e itwas proposed toirasi stte odwa. nfnsefadThre Comp:my wais avowedly bankrupt by ltereresenitatives of fthepeople, a-.d "dvdu .r esst b ae tAdmieiâitrationa. in advisng is Exrinole mon1ey to ,ao(,niwith ! The Coin--nable to pay its debtýuniable to go acrdingîd it watt moved on thre third "an enily id y, with a view to theleu- elleneY to dechine té- co:r:1,y with the' Chishohn1,1. Nays 70 !1 ! !! This b2at:, one million dollars by debentures ina ad pany, la April. IS>5, came befbore Par>- on -had never yet earned a sixponeem of of May by flots. Mr. Dorion, " That'it "Itioss of embers of the said Legmisla. prayer of the said Address gavebadvice Don Quixote's battle against theu wind.' dition to a previous grant of river three: li:inen!t and decýlairm>, that uless h oI t-adl e t t a'pyig allte s the undubted privilege of thisr asive Çousi.il, and of the Legislative cluae o treewthteu-mllunlinsmrt .ettecre t erie wad van d c h e 50.000 hile six per cent dividenbdd out of the "Ilouse, and sihe highest security for "As hon b cllb arrangedi, as neary doubted privileges of thi Iue n mn hnfrhr.tewrswul eimdae pockets of the peop!e of Canad:i ! ! ,*the rights and privil-»ges of tire sutject, "as conte iently may b, opon the t.i r h odudrtuiub- A UIU 1TE.l tpe.dteetire oncen1gotoA r t iwas iovd by Mr. AA. -'&at no -ppropriation of the public . ;"equiiabl principle of seprestentation tween the Representative of fHer 31jins 31r. Larwdll,.of Kent, who took every Mr. Brownnmoved mi samendmnt to) 1smash ! . DrAL scnemoe1 . adn"moneyassal be maade by the Huon- " r-ed rit ati nysd thià fHouse, whieh is Of the y the Question, cended by the 11onor ýA Bill wiiaccordlinly Ibroup:ht in ta orin e ne y - - S.l"lied tivewihut.h.xpes anton1 ., res"sodrwthnea d tloadig libighlsa upo" aee o upor ad'occasion to insult the cooed people table JeonSandfieIld Medonald, That ail!advanccelP,,,rJilons onx ,,,l a-hiff /- ald thaIt,*hIeiefternomemnberofthePlra".Parliatinent being first obtai.ed; fthat "be ppe ad Lowner Caa&d"maitn ,heHus i ided, 1who badl the good sense to vote against the worsatr ht t h f/a ýTr4situ re to thed GransTruk rstr at ithe Grnd runk in deflince of this u,.doubted iconstitu. eadd thenthro. Fri 4 te;bt6 aginst, mput a seurrilous tnotice on fthae- o- teetinhep let ot,-nd he.od TeOpoito- stdt his montros"ailwa Comn -" This motion "tioni safeguard, tieHouse learns MrC hl oe a ? -and Mr. Chiplholm u nfortunately ws t ion paper of thre IIouise againstiliem, L ta f tie CiIinsitee ,b A> rorpositionwith i their sren -th ut ruc a- hevli fthe who alas mthilt ahe 1sbee n-a '1 bate Ir excuse he may hg hdprsn and voted against the n:o- 1and millthe other ixed races, On wicflouse, with ian il.& ruetion tostrikeout with theirL lowes. C:naida allies, were e' bti as tukattepwr'Lt the Giand Trunk Railway, uinder ta vtll mg nstthisprii. .int.eU tflin. Thst lislhe voted that cthe Minms. Mir. Sanborn moved iranandent to ýthre secoind resolut i l, il beine uterly determined to put it throughi ! The and emolumsents of aillthe leadn mm the vs sanetiton of the Executive, toà otþ,g ds hspicpemtep r iquite righ t -suit your rpr-the question, seconided by Mr. Jontes Iinexpedient lo i crease thre pub'io debt eryowilwas, A"fwe. don't give this ad- bers" of the G.overnment. Need we say ··munigo688.lG6.67, mand that 1- perNWus by this motion lhe condoemnros à . i gt ai rer-Sulh,tatthie wordis"thre saaidnotice furmher at presen-gt. in view -f the laruge ; iinlsualw hv ledyln hat it was summarily thrown out-53 **nouttlld tof 88 6 1 t in1 he Lower Housse, and yet ,his senitatlveà, andia t > sereen anujustugeIlg a grss breach ot the privileges ofi a-idilion aireg<ly inl o h eb y"ille eficdt b e t!Gvetiad"h hl to 36. Among those wh< vted it do wn teEsctveb1 1alisgeapan.in protecting thec murderers of i .this fleuse, and an anim:a to its mens. the leuislatiin of aihe pres:nït Session, " -will be! sned !' Hoaw do we know wa ..CIHL ·de fifhn ge o te R n fUpper 1 ~~~~~O pa e149 we findl Mr. Chisholm Robert Carrigan. This is as badl a "ber- he leit out,asud thre words aandndoi the im rense ta .xation in ap- dsi onthat ? demandedfthe Opposition. Give Need we faddlithat fthe Billpasse, 'Canad a, whih lhas nuotbbeen borrowed: ý oe:h gve."a0othre Arst notice of Mr. Larwill, ,bhe peopale of Cantin therebly ' inserted lus facommnittee of cenquiry ;and iwe will with all litsiniquities, a suffielent nul -··That thre appropriation nifthre public à~~~ispl4ying bis Opposition to Elective Tt"aite on thre 2ud May last,%ia:-,An inistead thereof. be better ale to jurige. Don-t let us ber of-" independent membeýrs",I ýbegi-a" hIvng ' mo.ey vwithout*consent of Parhiament ý- iInstitutio is by voting cdown a motioun 1 1 e rosmspetitions lwent in on this 1'-Ad.dress to [lis Excellet.cy fi.e Gove r. R.IIi O O SNA ho wy n ,mny ilw e be ucaedfrteclua!Aog-is u.eostitunofel, and in violation of to enclot t se Legilative Conneit toe dect case, surisnz aothers, one lfeom George i nor oGeneral praymog hina toCause to be where iwe are ,,>in:.: ! Itwas according- thosse ho ent " fthe whoi-hog" trlie o-'the rights of the people." their lown speaker, insotead of bl aig own. 1 The sign.ers haveno fr ttn"id before hasHoiuse, a returns of thre]y imoved by Mir. Jl. S. McDonad e ilwr g ess UlO,,I hsmtme oa on 8t .n po:se yth1oenmn. M. som' oin nth mte. numiber of a 1 Negro or Colored Mle Mr. Chisholm and the on, y NMr. Brown:- - 1A 3MACDONA LD. ANG ,S 310tItI- 48 Mà]IL. W I!.LTE fiVEfiIL A rT1 1L ý - r. ý6hor1àâ acionin te mtter 1 or female, Quadroon, Mainate, Saia n -That before th mir e lucbe called iup- 1 SON, rand 11ENRY8311TIL. POST A N1) VI i LANT FORt (USTUCE TO BRITISH Leat.CANCA--'.On the 28th or AprilM.Mcen1belil resar3ue, oges"()nitao !deethre furiitheir aid of snis iIEPOL A H ENYOUllI ERBTV ,E E 1- ý ii, ý DI~~ANS. sice naved, econpded by Mr. Gould, thaât or Conglomerates, ina theIFeiietia.ry, ,"1hundred thousand pounads sterling r AL TY 1~3Mark the tconstrat beteenis course : 1 1 1 ý .ý * : ý ~~~~the qþestion bein%,-propose,,thalt an -Lunatic Asylumt, or othier Publie flusti- Mýr. Ch)ikhl.m aitt-mpts to palliate his "aniy suois(ut of the public revenue to 1a..d that of Mr. Chishoii. Are we as- OstPa: al191 we finda other very humble Address bc pregented to Hlis ,-aisions aa" the proportion eof thosre voting away ovetr fifteeiln millions of thre 1"the(!Grand Trunk Railway Comupany This infamouss masgureiwas ni, sooner sumtin too muei when we assert that if bad!te On theBil orender the Exceeney the Go>vernor Ganeral, pray- "cuirious Classes or varietie.s of the Pro- pole's îmonryby rc!rasingthe ie o "fC.mnada, thre 1mos.tgerebing ,and 1 earrned, tha what was to' bu , xpectedlMr.ý Ubisholmhlad bleenin he would UoaHvo e l ntectill ng.Iis Excellency to fatke linto, his con- -"vmeral Population as comlpared tnr w o'Mgfi ith01 ý,amplle emiqiry by a speci:d Coramittee 1 1lllowed. Mr. Cayley bogtdw ae oe ap s n ieain.hehra nulaloac teetad ao ae,'asagosGadTunyasrigtht nesh smut eisiue it h odtonteetmtsafe asatr nd lcow!aehi h eodo ý - ý ~~~~Mr. F Ion moved in amendasnent to rsight ,t not e ade fraim'the Pubiel"induit to the diguity of this House." had done so',the rond would have broken "-and affi: s of the saId Company gente- a few days afier. andanlow them icwa Messrp. John A Macitdonald, Cartier,1 ,).i 11 the Ques ion, seconded by Mr. Teri, Revenue, to the widow and orphans of T1 -l t t fdwadt o ht hdli h rally, andl espýci .lly in respect fto the 1this : - ïr " IR EQ UIIl l ,D TO PAY and Golt, withreferenice te tirs Grand Tha al hewodsakr no t te obrtCorian wo asdeibrael ss me mniol eno ure ioiro h rvne ntr is .Iarlle avace ofthreProvinIl iTONEYGEA i'ND ER ET N rukWRAo tus hesae e en, th eQe sto betf otad'oudeeialS.SyvetrLoe.C..r Lr.ll'nsltt te lckan urhetnhhePrvncciohefiss"trateucvncdioohnCmpnanTHd RADTRNKiAWA wt te ostucin ndmnaemn ý ý ~~ hewoI"recomittd to a Committee na=da, iin the day times, in pnsence of Red race, elassing them with thie brute ,place. ILw nauch truits there is il": :up1)tr thre 20ýthJanuarylat>, fiad toDE BEN TURES, 8908,558!!" Ai- of the Initercolonial Railrosad ? Will of'he it g H sefo thMprp s yeof npersons, a nd whose sla-yers are :at and alurring ftheraas Lunsaties and 'this excuse the f ollowing narrative will aany additional 'sumssthat may have lagrih the people of Canada waerea&bout you allow them cormruptly taospend Fi F- ausendig the Schedle A, in auchi a large and seemuingly slafe from thb p- M Ciho ho:"in;ce been aid ; al intor the~general Ito feel directly ,he effects of shse Grand TEEN MILLIONS o olr nsc . _i astoinreseth rprseta- rati-mn of the Laws. -rn ' ,yt r s mvt R0I F IEG N NK. "mIanargeinenstand conduet pursued by 1Trunk R ailway swindle 1 a way as will b-st si renglbens their poii- ý_ 1 l'li~ton ina the Legelative Courned of the Th motion wasdvoed onlikewise. aramst the lamendiment, thus asser ting O o FTIEGADTI- thre said Comp1ny in, relation to the But where was tnis eniormous nom to tion and then es>e ad"wnlupn the pec-, po: ulac nono oe and fBi-TA RIFF. that it was no inisait. and encouraging Wente riialGam Tuk erry'ing on of- the works on the- seve- come froms ? The extravagance aid ple with one TIlUN DE RBOLT atietr ip toýri,, in, inproprtion tu the epre. -0 On he 2ndmapr 86vtwsM.Lrilt rvl hmaanwt ceews dpei osse ey"a li lcte said railway and corruption of the Governmle,,t fhad ex- nother-beggin.g MOILE MONEY te -n seata ,e ned b ad inthe nov htth uet faedi1h mpnt.of a rond from Torento to MýdntreaLl, i"toobtain smore correct evidence fthantat hausted the large surplus they fondsai0 ave thre concern from bankruptcy and/ ý 1 . Houselinserti imidad gîtrait - L.a"presento aexiststh thatiithe -character, tof tthecchester of ohetameng o illue--whee was run b, simIfrayou? desen reethi t ,iggoto tthe . 1 ýý . . 1]or i isàmoion the Englishspseaks- Tari2 be tken u'.p, when HE VoT ES TO PAY T HE GOY- 1oands r o nstQuebctonTrofsPtes- - ,-,"e work's sin accorda-nëtewith the sthe cash to be go& ?T Why, of coarse, polio and vote for Julhn A. Macdonald og rin fLwe aad oedt'MBrown moved in aendmsent to ERN'OR'8 PEW REN T. Twrstecntreino hs ines "termis ofthe contriact with Messieurs e id thrlMinistry, -TAX T HE PEO- and his nomvinees 1 lMthe leain scnddb the Honiora- On the Question of supply, on page. the k-gislature agreed t oalndProvin-1 "Poto, B issey, B-ýttý and Jackson ; PLE 1 1" And they were tored. "N - .1 1n, . qà.4rO,& r -n t es vOuy, theWos alter6eldIeatonld tat .578 ,wilbe found sithe following eamend- seiai Debentures to the amount of £I,- 'lTII, RfuErMo tI O V 1 IT IIS and il y mCU*SeraTMS t hH if 00 pr.g t ei'ntpoee od- h sinb e t 'lut, end od ment:- 811,500 sterling, or, in round numbers, OF TIIE A;3ALGAiA TELD 1r»W The tax on manufactured goods Q êgc 1, - ustw a bisBritsh fillow ubj the mnaiderationof' any amsendmients "Mar. Mackenzie musiedlin amnend. 89,057,500; IF THIE COMPANY'"iAD RUK RAýILWýAY 1ws inerensed twenty per cenit, and on - t1 chs rts elo ujcsm 'oe aiff Cusosb otoeIett heqetoscne yM.SHOULD NEED T HIS ASSIS ý"COMPA1',NY CAN WARRiANT A various articles froms eventeen to fty The Coalition of 185 reeived, as a ]Louir C mada, but prefers to give Lis tilth' Esimtepfoeth yarnat Ai1n,1tatale h wodsaftr tTht"T ACEaMrlHnektadoter'loi"s RT IE t DYNC."oercen tI Te daiio mae o te egay romthir rtecesosfhefa .. Frichnaseshlavntg. ea l"esubmaitteýd to P;,rliamient, and! to the end of the question be left ont, JT C.. . ln.cn.dt. h Mr Cný II h;. 1isbl «'as-us L-bentfrom1burdens of the people was estimatedat moue Job of othe Landir.g Piers bateow wa fgob ra the itretofLwe a- epennfyntHi hsbenacetindaHeh wrs i ieesrbe'are roetd ht ellpoabltytes-1ro 90,00t.$.0,00pe n.ube,¢ndteyfihfly rse.e : - ---Iý -- 1 day r Mr. Cb pffi-um dm" t» i. » wwd have to payfSâ abmt là loyd OR"-" puido% bomé bis I& ty as if it »M ny "or, 1854. The tb@ val' Itr- CWà" beettu thon ml me ew imb" me am OF mm» m au the Provincid 1 urrar te thé llog@4q eh$ the, »«ew #0 Ulap mm 1 "Mot thq entitied te ander gieir édo omt viii mot ft«!% I-BUTTHEDEBT da py it km âdr W4 MM humy "d dm W", SUS VI» bad WAS Prj3ý *»,Puiàt, 1 of momm h»@M-ým TM Bý,r AMob MýU" à'