. . oe trei<1-. art B ;.ýenîtb. Main Oed agu Oetc d,),, enu br oir siui0tc.. E.CLCGE IIOTEL,, Sir TROUAS CLARK, - ISdES taosicI iron tIre StAtio, regO b FieY- Eu-_ irrliOO pif ta tbc @lu,? nCpabie. liro tabtitullanîd ai. imntin liotîri 1ts ~ajBI ~*ARMýOUR, elinSELER AND, - i 100. ai-T., GEORGETOWN. beecionO et Wtches. Cc. ýI. j4ely-paiai7uorCIrish 1nu2 Ig fseroa' uru und oritly Cash AI oeknireatif u gire atisfaltioga, or on.,e eeanrtîid. searaiiu. lier. 2511h. 1e64. n-v 1 he founit A. tdntbrmithae>i Wb,1,j p&ellte repaie mHîtenio ile e ell ncre aiIrfCcblOa&il0 &4 Poic e .tttnafpuOumpetitiou. ZnOran< Wabu i clb àd leinebmyVoir àtla Oenetownn, 617 1. IOt. tr v.isarer &EÔ. p&i ing a Wrapiag Papor S MSi a nd rutad aidoeiler 0înntify mît ae -creei t ul- rper iii f etr m teafsh. Highr$t ptict %ai!neC"h for i e LitL. NNU fIý jhartaa peemaurnty tecat-efil] nh', 'di Cr. ilri re qrt uttîaieta to t tfîtinema snd th o te o, rroupingefoo top ,tbt heie lt'pepre ta *eclitsein *.ket artW!c'niaine. ny kind[ o wo .heuinig t- bO4rrCcron -Tit. rillin 'IAL TSTII mnterednh lte tyoieos'tIrmeotni] eninnenitnelprie,@that rannouiajt ,. tir moiLectmnl. eeth lied i th" ie> n0u.n. ner. Cetaai. etran nd>c.el th-al , npeaamm prfoqard il'h racre. Gorgetfown. J-aoae Bld. 1865. - 31 n11MPO IIPUSE, CIIRLES iB. 1UOMPSON, EGCS le igfot tho pubie uhast ho, la<ish<te and Ciotiournture enploefeeon Main Streit. irrer ithil ppy ta aitaplin Ibioli nu tead e ,publiegeaeratîYý .0gn bepStattble eeî ninta Benes mmd lneelgea eGa ni Cmdnare, coinnbeteem1 Iuton. >eb 24. 1 M64. i39te iLAu4 iinuerai tlaagne C110100 mt«lcel,<> C. «VU T 9eicitinenbegs a tn iif tbePtr Tlis hat lho haa oreditaic nec Dor osatàe ioncier ut Main andBowino Sire, w1berenhlie itt be ltîano it apo hîn.c etitoere.. He Iomnpaeedsithon po ver epean . ating hi. loume a A( aitsiMtel. andairtuaofainr him ita th patronage nilI meeairrey attouti. Kmneoet4inatatitmnithet f le that' hg amn tone Stm e u.ear dmy ei 31111111aad jmenn.. clieaie'nouea di sU1p it*... liate. and Geargetomn. JORIN WALLACE itlle.. erab, e.te 1.à-l. TANNERY .T B en1ciber wll poy ti lgkest Market Prive in Cet foinulnyQu&ttt oC A barge tok aob Arened Leaher k oenntandty 9 band. 200 tords ot Gark Wantei lliliuttey. 8 n,03 a nord pad for O, 1 Â8MUEL F. TAYLOI1 àIllan, Ont. sota. 1866. 22- ýt-owj, kept Braîf , miltOP1 Stubi ailBoat seb do, But emnbiâery o. . . 1 ANI) COIYNTY 0F ILÂLTON INTELLIGENCER. Ba okddl' r...10 s'TFTE PftESU-Tlni PallBdiiM et tbe PPl's RtzbtL" UN ANE. 2ud do ... 50 MIILTON, COUNTY 0F IHÂLTON-, TUIURSDÂ-Y, .AGUST 29.1867.[ XII.] etwredokpan.....10 -itnv rB vxwiMN.M.l MON EVTO 1LO A NI RAFA&LoAR ]pALL StoW. Bust tire Bewufor breedimg.. 3 00 Boat ira poundo TuripSCd.. 1 O0 lent zaioed wool work ........ 6 PuSttS5trCîrn. - 2nd do do ....2 00 2nd do dou.. 50 -2nd do ..... ______________ eoteof the Un.vereity orfToronto. (~~ On lband for tnvest-1T. olo nithe Prize List of the Ird do do ....i0 o a et one pound Canot Seed .... 1 00 lest bond work ... ......1OQS D. ROI3EIITSON, M. D., C. M. OlALTONVILLEn -.NABISAGAWE A- ul 0 J. in i îrcn nTr.f.cîgar Agric.itoral Society, to take hutoholn wâ 3O n o d 0j 2d d < itaut fl crelfo eti- eurity orReaIl Etatc. ld do do....2 00 Buet 2 lbs bleu old IWortzel Oued 1 00<u1 riin. ......... 5 College, Montrenil. Oreîesaa.e o irerne-Tbat lately aCCu- WILLIAM LA&IDLAW. paetPlemo Wdeda an rd do do . 1 00 2nd do o T ,c . pied hy tOr., Robertson. Barrister, &a. Tlînndny1 the 2nd and 3rd of Outaber> lient tino Ewe Lamba.... *»:2 00 But alf buh Timothy Sed 50 B aips..... 0 1\f I L T0- C- VMilton, Isîli April, 1867. 46-tf. 1867. 50 Ddgt pairo al0ppe6a.........i OSd OFFIcr-Tieo donninors et o îilmtt N, \utLTîTl oCDYv. nT VniO. M 13 AD I, S01SS rd do doe . 501Buntbnet. .....IO . & %lagnr« Drug Stire, Mdua Slrret. 2,egiefMr t00 ILA AULW LI .H RECLffl 8. CoraWGn.D OIL .0 WO0LED Beat baah bock wbant ......... . 50 2nd do .... O. 11 Setrnedeet ,ELON -xO SE d& Otlotai 10X, OAGRtOULTURAL PUaPoaZB. Dn a,,gd..... o 2ad do 2 intcok............ 2 BOS(» G. ceBased, Zq- EL ON OUS 9 U heee Bet amag ...............8 0 ot doz. yllowlIndian Corn inear 1 00 2nd do ... 50 - xiiltua baovI1,1ce 22-Il VILLAGE OF'> NPLSOIV.C.%V. S,>1IT<eirnIN taCIANCERVI, ât 3year oldentireor gelding..S$3 OS 2nd do............2 OS end do do- 0 lient traw bat...... bi ____________-O N EACER &c.,&a& a- bd do do ... 2 O Ird do . ......... O00 ient don whitu ladianCorn inmear 1 00 2d do ... a2 n 1. Street, r«. . ED. 31 o xîI ....... pppt'tn Or>icc.- Oueneado et otWatlacog' >'v ird do do . . 1OS Bout Searlin Ban. .....:..:. a00 2ud do do 50 Bent feaiber lowens... ...5 V R tetin d et and tavinaea to. 2. O .3.tf liet2Syearold entire or gelding... 3 OS 2nd go .........d..220 PlYSCU~SLIE(NI cCIC E Ii teio ndttotaeinHtt 2d do do .2 00 3rd do ............ 100 - D nun df o r.. ...... .2r5 Oi enca aeRantoac-That ltilyceci- tiv otlOr. A3~1 C r j rd do do .1 i0OSBust Ram 2Ln0nBat.........2r. pied by Dr. Croce. Nelson. Jan. 37111. 1863. a g..c r ieCLM&3t.ly.>8. nd do2 Miltîno.Oct. 10. loto. 19 ty _ _Beet 1 year nid entire or gldn... S 2 d edo .......... 60Be C.abs aa 14.-R otS> &.n do1...00 ~ I~OTEL, ~ bnd do o 1 O9 3,d d......6 in ofbubEryIaan..1< 2nd do .... rU. . ATIEI>,..A. "LVp~I1O 3d do do 6. 0 Bst tino Ewes for Drending... M 9O bnd dn do .5e Bliat woratb Inir oar.... Sf ATO. T.O1lTEW . A rr T RSbto fnrm hie nuinerooin patrons lientttbresyeor nid filly . 3 O0 bad do do ... 2 00 eut holt'obanfh Kidaey Potatoeo. o0 2nd do ... 26 BÂRRISTER AND ATTORNEYEvery attention l1 patd tn the travellinit 1) and the publie Ihat ha han. in .- 2n o...... 2n0id do doOS ad o do .. 0Buncfi. . . . .. Q SOLCtTE2NCEACEi. iomoniv. uord direct lirn t otreat n Largo and 3rd do............iO00 lient tino Shaarllng Evun.3...la....bobPeal lonu,,1 O 0d do0 ;Ce' ina Caunenanee te andtfeMrnChrisCarn. 2nd do..........2 W<1 rd do do .... lient hlf bon Gameat Chillie... 1 o0 nd do ... ~ OrîeaMCn dur t Me hritic .tttNWROAY. Propior &Lors, Min ioireet. OuhilleJlo.J05t 201>66. MeInr,01 OTS A-ND 5H ES 3,d do..........i1 0 Dent tino Ewe Lambn..... 2 OO 2nd do do .. 0 lient cane work............. 5 s[ OF C, Whieh ho tea niîng at lient one year ld filly ....... 2 001 2nd do......... :: 0 lient blf dn.esn Swrediturnip..1. 001 2nd do .... 2à Octohir 12>h, tu66. ll , , Ub a m 1 T a2nd do . . ........i 01 Srd do ....... 60 2nd do do --- 60 Betileatler wnnk ... ______________ AI>t. Uo,8KKa«e'VEIRY 1LOW PIICES* 3rd do ........-50Bet faif dos echer kind inenîpa. iOS-1 d d1......0 lO N I A , JO..Mo"e o-,BO TS uet Spring Colt............. 1 00 eLAu do-dott0 eozs 2ndodo.do.. ~ foe-f~b lnlI.~LADES SKATING -BOS 2nd do ........... 50ethl dzwieCros... 0ANTWRC IlLlIiial jQI " n S, .n , Boa,5T 0.0. let breod NMare(drau.-h)witb ber lient aged Rare.......... ;....2 00Dntbaf oziitteCaot . O19i-C4Â3NE A IN jt .CHANCE$tV. fual ..... ..............00 Bes SerindoBi............00 B 2nd alfdrorag dCot....1 0B t f. ... SOLICIO R aene cobrlt.IG. 20ly Çi* ClînfoniVrt ione promptty and 2ud do do gR... .......S D nî ddne a g amn. io5e0' tr al. .. . . '2D Majn SOient, Mltoîî. 26-l1866. ihe teîo,îsnyte. 3d d o 2 0 2d do. . .. . Blent red mnngolda Wurtnel ... 1 00donon cix 1 . i Z. 26-ly.3rd do do ....... en Rm dona ..........I OS à Main__Si,_dot, ___________ B. R. Lister, BoatftnvlI L-amdbd............ .. 00 2od do , do .. .50 iet birean............ :. le G. Ir. BASTEDO VI lî,N COURT CLER.IuKCOYYIS X . Cel CLÂOO 2-PRoGENEAttÂx. PpOnI-lient tino Ewen.........------2 0 Bnl0 lCLAMS! agold'>VaaaaANel i OS 11leieioei (tl Ite CD tioner rnetni .0e Dehieeuîlccie FitoBeut broud Mare with bher foal. .84 001 2nd do.......... . . 100 2nd do -dno0 LÂ6~ 0 Boat FIi ds epo i . At<fltl W- OIV.Ld on CoMmîýnolu 2nd 'do do .a Où Dent tino Shearling Ewe.s Betb5foebni..... 6 letlndoe....i n . i < Kitn, Bec . . ..-y nqzngawngA3rdldo. o.200 2od do 1 00 2n1 I do ...... 25 2d do ..i, 0 __________________ rON'S HO TEL lieoSpnneavdraug 2.4001-liet tino Ponykino ..........75 Dent portrait -pin"c la Tow* Bet pAprîl dauht......h4 0 I1Do. D ent tio Seoanbc ......... 7"é5 00<.. ....... iO . C F R EE MA~N. A. 1&TTHEWS9 mintrl leet, Mlton.2od do dn ....3 OS Ct&u bO-SiruDov BoaDet t*io table ntuanlites ... 7 2nd do ... lo, M 1 LT 0ON , -nP IITII AI iATOIlnt.tKEltnd .t ut3rd d do du ... 2 O0 liet Rame...................2 OSlient tino Hnbbnrd Oquanhs... 75 Dent paintingz in nater color.. 156%; consnn.ltta'g Physiienn & Surgeon.lP 1III h. aVende puyrelu:l, to repiait , ri on 21.0 t 6 ,. 254 DesI Spcn for geneari porpone.. 4 O00 nt erinlan. . . . 2 00 Blirai alfdorien Onton..... 51 Dent peneil _draiwlng.1 ô*..1 1hEIEtilt-Fe iîila &. c Ail nurhnarîn cid. t ,keep9 aeuli UEIIY-id do do . 3 00. Dent twno o........... 2 0 2d do. .......... 25 Dent erayc.s drawing.i FFIJ dait> adr-cr oîn 8yunn 0A. natOiil i xlt li9 RS31 IG o dou .,2 <00>Denit tienShearling Ernes ... 2 OS t tinohbanda nbbnge .... 50 Dent eril drninn . 0 dut.ailO. I>aevr Taay oremuan WATCIIES. dLOCKS, WEDDING RINGS, Det Hock Mare or Geldingtnder- 2nd do. ......... . 25 y aNd c à,A.tytN"IîAiOO.CONERTaAS FACY eD, Departmai aPnO.nemnaep. 3dde......... CLAMS Ili-PIOS, (LABOS nuite) Dent twu canlifloiner............ 0 CLAMa 21-A RC TU L [ os-,7 &Iio&f. RGLAIt'..ALA.......Ao.ent do do . 28 Miitte Cet. 19, 164 1<00. .&nd Patent NYGO 2d do o.....2602 o ...... 1 aise__________________________Patent Agen rd do du ..... 1 OùotBBar .............$ twoo p2ndsdof eey, 0 PLEXENT8, &c. __________________ which r>iould he je the tnnndn f i If ib OS Dent.....tino2 pln-n ' the irr e ma ope khiife andoil iihe foo>.n- C"..V~.letlckM3 oùe 3riba 2d do .ta ..f.....leruy . 500 IVILLIAI A. AGAR, eri n the dor of aroiom a9ltehot saonee n-el 1ýicqwiht e o 300 Ird do.......... t OS fn doilleBeat',iluog............- 3-do 1T . -. P I T eP. in ,c pelyri cri grsaurainilLolnou eî,12).ecnih îe.......n.r>nd do ....de -. 2 0 Blent boar f 1867 ....... ... oo lie n hif do...n . 25 B ndo 0 0r , - A1N , iP e rIof.ii r ).lide,, t lfî.iirio tboiýtnio,i. iho -it9 ap o d .. 0on o ........ 1 et2 rns ..dn ........ 2 12 den.dnr oin . . . . . . iO Glanerand Pyer H n car. i itilte, Air,. 19- Dtr,6. Il t, .if1I'latli l n-- ili-. lOranlic.l- i3d ud u . O Zd do . . .......... olinttno0ir - - eîan Ppe eaze.r olîo r~conpnu'l' t,-il t SeiritoCarriiige Ilorses ........d do...................... on.......... 25' B ad dhorse...r e leur; uîri îne tl o Orci Dealitn t u i e e-ýlîne ofiiiPOuirle 2d do do.... 3 S0 Det rreding So*n...... .... * 0 den tn diote L.a . 250 udi)ooerae. . ..... IO l-alil, -el wili-b J. E. K lfRR lSON ltIBdardeldoS......e...>r ou dldo.. .......o o 2nd melos..î... 5 bod d ran ru o . ... . Il derîrtt tîuap1 1. Whe - ndgiIete c. e.Cr - rd d d . O rd do 4 . ...... iet- )o n8lon50lent land n lerl.. ... .. - îoatedrdt. V41,14,-Y.r2 00 2ad do ...71D atrata T!A IV (ITfh:--lincrno on . A . le.CoD ent Seinof 1867.. ..... .. in în o o25 Blie ina vIe........... .. OS10 BIIH inim oin inant ;Rr. îtlq. CL.oon .-CATtLP,. 2nd do 10 es i epppeen ......5len ie.......... 00) B.ZIKEERNKAN, VR l si aisjwjjg eionee of lCe. A. ninfmrkeepagno......Cern k.nAla S13911IaniIi ;M.--- . so.Too-n...A.%8WTl EITRE XIR r u. . ........ 0B-rest tomber inagon ........ OS0 connrater for fluse RoldinVIaf on C ,, V M ,Iýr E . l o n 0. J. DttoiOCLAMS i...IL W lS in oobretrig . S le oaet utCildO!ercd'.riroca .r) ut (icc t ftherTcronoVe.lrlnaryCoil- i ;-, Ioolt.tli, lttipleiir Bleut bal i 3yrn nid and opoarda. .84 OS0l'Ion (83lAt.L lIntEn) Dn rr-a .. . . .. . . 0Bent tbuggy .carige... . 2 > iCaepeaie nuditJer ar at teîded tu nt lgchjepr ,pr d in % lent ail il-' e~l t g enii-~. C(loriil Lie A.1irie C O. Bubnd do.... do......b.)300 Wugy......8.100 ýereaail, ple rriro. of ne In'o n I i,. t iir f.ri thCre îo. ur rd. 10111. 51 itf 2 oien 0 B t bor............ ....Sal .. 5 eopeaur83il.. .. .20 2,;fitc .iIsr.tO 1964.prrcuilll1 - -- - 3htfiln _ _ __ rd do o .2 00 bnd do ........20 èr _____________ iîlii rrîol ¶r'T14 et i1865 bal ............t O0 3ra do......... o leot cockueomb. ........... 50DenBt cuiter ........... 00O 1.0M5 lu. Ri- S)U'leMLONCI IL.I2 îd de ............. 2 0 Deot nr of 1867........00o end do.........25 Dent traincenter..... . I 10 I lent 1866 bal ............... 3 01< d o 01 2do. .... osiD n trdaldoa....... Boiet netcange has.. 2 00 CLATE OP bNETSNct) Tornein >o1rnfe lcdine CrOcr o JAMES SIEt P.t.t> ird do.............. 2 0 ed do.. ......... 60 b5ddoe... 25 Dn e igeSano. ... 2 00> nI't(iW l S G' N ,. su ali ap141na baudand itdiiers Det boil Coîf 1867 ........... 2 0 Det Soin........... . ..3 oDetc0tn.. . . .. . . 50 lietStninhnra.it ttllLtUîAa, S 100, 'd o ....... ..d.1 0î2d ute00Bu houe i OPTIE..EinPrl. xaa-no, Muu- miitu, arîh2e. iI. 1r HAMI TON. bd do.....i<1>-bo o...... j letbootforr...... 6 ie ntiae...... S -- c - mmt. ntn nnnm, ninn-nt.n Milton. lent Coin giriog mIlS .4 3dd............o4o002nd do .. g 5 liest tdnip fr110.. , ttctta7if-TO ate Reidence of T. c n Cb -2nd do ..... 3O in on........... 2 SDent nab argeit collection of bbde.. .. 0 Itaces', Entq. B 9 .U i b IJ A TJITIE indroiefhitin led tnlhc ýoet rd do ...........b O0 bnd do.. ...... 001 Inier . ............. 0Bi anputiao . .-10 r.-ÈD &O DITTnI nAO.Tiad1aàoWFm' Il ro0uIl t,îîi. nu t oC 10etire Bent 3 pear noLd. oin giving milk 4 0 60o....... 2nd do.. ........25 Dent t=rpcettear......... i Se d1110;.Silli 01pn-fîln , ao IIir-O r ulioîu nd nd do do a 00 31i u ....Dettino blnnn. . .. . . 0 Pesteombinareuper and n<ô*er 4000 lie _rial, _front_9_te __1.1 __ .___t 1 f i tl tt-i l tirulltd , nd(OcEIttE 3I On. eG ) d d .. 2 ruin urr~ n~\t tî îB li-Q îidooio e,tilyiite t~ll est Ild o oe ifr16..........30 ent boar ....... ... 83 00Bot let 2 rua4iî do......... . O t r b orn 5n......>. i0, erîp.-cliuily 18o5...... . ............ 20 n e . ......... . .... nn<n..... n do .. - 6> SOLICIDhlIIL TORS IN CHA.ýNCERY, eal,. 4Bot Ilelfer 1866............. 2 0 3rd do . ........1 0 liut etz asters_.............. 50 2nd ao .-. 6 ) 3 L î < Jî' hI olO rOide i 1e uîale 1 dc u a bd do.....2i0 bf do .. . 2ojer 'o..... . 250 mle t oinin tc. -.c. 1oo lllhl..-Itlt gnere FUi, ! tir ail aheIh ilbsnialir and dellocror i, 0 bof do ......... . . .100 Dent boar of 1867..... .. 2 O0 2nd do ... 2 2let ede b>ra- . - ~ nnIfOIlI0 er YAare ~ .utoeic o- îceiultarrernn ble. iet Ileifer CalIf 1867 ......b2 00 2nd do........ o-nd cô ..-1< [on- ýTaE 1.0 eirteinqens00ebut the 2nd do ........... 100 1 led do .. .......... 50 CLAMS 16--DAIRY IYRODUCÉ, &o. CAM2 -lU JE VE ER & . Orrc- Court Street, beiltOn. cîoiceptl iflriq..Li-îlir Bn ad Cigare, iadnof-'liet Si. . . . . . . 3 0 LBI 2~IUT ICt. Htel 1,TICE CASTEDO. T SXI. AN OMNIBUS rnno egularyly nd CL 42DVnWlOd do d.o.......S..n 50b.orneafbttr81 1 letrnitofpl(4faIn Milon Mtrlbf187.olt GOOfi.STARLIO n1.aito. Bîi e Det 3 ycar old buillacd upwardn 83 O0 Srd do.. .......10 baS do d... b20 bd d .. Opp oui0 ilto.Ismonhq6-. OD TAHoeanl, aten io bul2165....... BuO et Soin of 1868..... ...... b 0 d do do... 1 on1 Boat 4 Spiteeubcr ........... 6bop it %ILLtANI RltITIlARcSON. licol bttll 1866)..i ............b 5 0 bofd o. . . . . io î d do.... 5 4 Nd >ô. . . . .... 2 Al orarepruaptlllatlecded te. ToerPHailaton Jo eS h, 1865. '-1 lient bull Calf 1867........ . os100 Srd d. . . . . . 60 lient rkin butter, 25 Iboor more 0 O in4Sa 8 ........2b, M'rte.Bes Co giingmil ......... t3r0 bnd do do.... 2 00 2dao,. -5 r. ___In _____________ ) -MILER, entCoingtiog nu4-3m 00 rd do do.... 1 0 Boat 4Rbf.etlIond Glni>g. 60, r MtioJay<I.ti. 4l :"ORR IL M LL R 2nd do ........... 2 00 CÎ.Ânn 12-FOSVIS. - 4eb do . do.... 60 bof do . .. 25 ub- B~b 7.liutlileifer 1860 .......... 2 efé 0Ib rmr.OS0 t4R M...... .... I1DV. Dent Heifer 186..... 50, Dot pair of Turkies. sio in bcn 1 b rmr..4 Slat èt............ s n rs ITID 11D11Vom1 et llifer Calfi81.00 bof do............ 7 led do do. .. 3 00 20. dou 25 -l ONNIN Il rd do............ 50 led de d... 1200 Best 4falline....... 1 00IIS, lintO4t.10 do do.... 1 0S Éâf do - 2N 1V w 10 USIN( CLA-68n.n nir oat of i**i <>test 4 uSnuapplu.s .... l beirf E do.......50 - hd do .. Livery t ble Wotenbic W Al ooien) 1liIbZiiiSuinutsAilrtdktenfbut efd ...............cn8uDonentoo...C.....d-â lient 7 bull ecof..........0 De 4 «1, StnsToînhetunet, Ornemental Chan, bofnd u ..OS.....200B tIr fd utdo............. 276~ a ,~netaSe nIDtal.Et4fI m &c.oton n ad.3d do ..... ..... . 1 0 Dent .................. 75 5do ______P,__Id,_...-..r.co y.on huf63rd do.........10<1 ne ILll DDHRE BGIST IRE V l.LE. N.01111 C. MILLER. lienttîl 10... ...... 3 00 led do ............ 25 lien oumdo .... Si60Béa ad dyo ene9 r 2l Gp 1OCarOiI5ESAf GOIdo3T... dn ..2.00..... home2de d......... 60 Eeetar-ato - rm<WdI- - 6 b. y IENRY PARISI, riii ia i.M3 Of n do............ 00 Buat neS kaoISou.....7Benom BM ouraebeapeurs.* bd o..<o v 8 - . A1" bnd -ddo... ..... 1 Bnforpu.na..n.i' tbt ll nn e st buil 1816 ............ Ih OSd @a ...... 6 nd -o - aNa-vPni .T. uaaedof'1111111e.. 3r DRP"' ~ let r o..... 10 2d do.....li 2 Bant hm mS0 p Mn me 2d do ...........T î5'e3rdn doin.util........But2ot enS f. ý e.t xeitta, Ne. Ol 1c. 1 ~LUj[ ~b o.....01) lient bîneSSpnninb..ý,......... -futbnyl nb......56lin bt orn, licol hll Caif 1867.........bnd..do............ so 2 nd do... ...... 6< ad d.lu. % do.......... .... 2d do....... 2 letvarîety o!f deklus..... I 1( e ulieacation gmný%pee âl) eï rrrndoo nrYue arlîîeîîorcî(a r o... . ... <1 r do ...Dent.m..p2N e0 D R . . C R O C K R T oE uahifagn Ced ireurce ntnrd 90eTIltS lent Coin girtng milk ...... 300 DntDokig1.. . .. .. .. .. hf 0 r .... 50 >1n Iu .4-.>L DR.>eanS'r. RanO.condEnr, Thinlcr brtc I1 f ElIelIigTal5jestDird dod nerorrag ountryrfoott'.r lfterai uarOna,.a lt ndoin, . ... .. 2 ()0 r5 d o . -. -2BDet oue maie taru.......b .. 60 25 blkg}i. ane , OO. n I>nsnPepnct uBoaC et pair mena boctsa nrdé) ... i OO h 4 h )psteFIEA.1Cb1srr ar hi othad, ggtei «MILSTAGE, 2t1d do do b 0 nbuf do......... -6Blent 3. be h?- É1ftp'. Wh poteSt. Acdraw'e Vburch, Jamanes r ter eltanBtifrmesDreal(in) t.he55()_4 Stret, Hn amilton qîyneein .a h doc ee re t.eîrio mitron e c ior nnng at > ,, in ef d o iOSC À,-JIIle t Cirea bdû (n).. i n> bf fu." o.e.nr 8 an atebofta itne a twatoa ad2 do.. . . .. 1 lient 2 busifall whuat,niidge tuo!8 110 letnnldc t . 1 bi. d "FFiICE honirorou <1to.d2to.d attetorea aendueCit paneetbroiighmiibreîh Ea.t a'ep tpi ae ru Hifr16. . . . . b< n die ou.......... 51 letba100aai4Pi.ur:a roou6 nue. Patientsnwith .eýrcetnutlCET TIII Ih. I fMS1jý% I , Achre u icrlna uteoe ed 3 d o...... 5 baf do do 2 0<1 bof do. .........50 liek hanl&M xcO ..a..0... . a1 te I6ýEye adittcd an Taerdnysn md Salr- e tGeoretonfrtgcrIIg3d d d ga &4fl Ltntnt fOidoIey.Loe. n ei' Art m 'm d odtrer1ee , 13r o. . ........ 5 00 .. 2 01 lient 1 m .rg a.. .......... 50 b f d . .;, je.. -a Ro En-t' P 6 . - I I G I EL .IE IN C Sarn nt h îh e IrLa] d o od dLi.c.e.ut FI.if e.1 6. . . .....i._ - - k o s n t -e I r -1n î-nn a l... i s l e t q af to ss b Ota . p W 1 . 6 0 0