c aemd- wester, ta ttetthe ho"gro bot if hinp, ha absent illimne ta ire rotait ,fonthe. pubie caryiait rig 1h. me t'un&t rit almter a GWerr suce eik. e Tales cent, en bnipes;t commue te Uanct. SNÂTI r menayj folinvin; catienali lentitobie et aine a Part c lnt in ttitttres octet aI tien, amid chia Ite- attet at tira Bdh. beljcoten la te Ta- i. K. but h. r* car-a y better titis ex- e Home. tire valua citer tao- a betog crmotei tIet the e oerdo t iiteod tire tire TS.@ provenir Courta bot Mr- m30 aftct' t .potubi, r rpeil Supplyî cpea Ï efthtie '- worge, tics yOu lie von ià abset biri tiare. ons vire I'N "1iv i oi'TIS RU VAL. iim-1 Aetu ECIID p O AL T!sr ntîe.TREMERIJOOS INOUCEMENT J:ieSboniemeO.êheie., M.IRRoodar clii h . Oh. RRw O COXYJTY OF HALTON, NOTICI gtoIgfthO Tuti o i tCIVDADFItSL B To Wîî jhmlot 9o'i js.reei vilDV.) a helMetthoeIend lÏMNiNER mad GENERALAl lItho I&t s , 101,013 JAIL DELIVERY, sdAMS AO ro re.ds in &id of T WLWH IT E 1& CO3IPAN Y, mmnIîSI PRIUS. frril. saidsi yg.fl $23900~ »T . Cr ker ta ooao O.COURT IHOUSE, ..Y TO BE.DISPOSED -OFAT THE il@, otOareFnFbr aieNS IILB IDE. lat roruir n" IN THE cro~yaeu li. tthelJoio remlrtnce w d n f mbo ait enMah trettMito, 50 Pkçms; choicest 3Moyune Young Hysi)n. 0c'~~ M 1~ and Ithe. oitia i lygo ON EG TO N le adheOdvIgo 20 do Finest Souchong, and Uonerou.G O GE T I ~4 ZO~ ~Cit l10^ do ('Ioice'Iwok. EEDYTE2T1SPDR AT A RIUCTION OF FIFTT PER CENT.Cloe i lo mdadtc vents atitire or TWE LVE OCLOCK, tocptly. Primo. rou ie an g 04. a ___ ___ ___ ___ ___-The_ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ U ronerq, Cos oroble,Juror , ad 1111 Tht S bseribora havig rectond7p rase s!id a BANKRUPT STOCK nt oomidrahly lu thon haf pri s, Pp se Mton. Oct. i. 1 4. 0 I not, th!Inetr parer iprwt0dOttlOa -nitroera one daerqid ta aie *ddLthouormoftfmnoh-- var.tcre- __________________he______c tisbapit, rt] i »Wuaterrr nidthevreid aotone ffrtch. G. CRAWFORD MeKINDSEY. o a a. twO'ltY&oI*ut th*igre osi- The Abatr sverra ~te pero3tr.ally loed byT. L.WHITE et he dmtr.vhîeh îe.pltor . ho hepule il ie feedsu Baainkîsupt 1ve efreofdinait. AsOa OFTihSU 11IRUi!J(Y a~phtvdf deoom rendrar hifoOfi' Barclay &MCLeod will offer ail Summer Gctods now in Stock at Hall-Price. itltrnir mofuj ltot-, Auff. 4th. 1867. 10 ltd 0 .wn adIfacaiI'. A SAI E I N, M r)NTREAI4J, Fancy Dresses wort h 8 6 00 ab *s 3 00TAMMÂR la te » ao ara""otOg hchconFancy Dresses worth -4 00 nt 2 O0 liet soh mm fflahttrmrr. ee caoFancy Dresses worth 2 00 at 1i0OUvisai me e., rtoit.palier. tisAmoricca. monrature. Adi*.- of 1). Torrno. &Ce'&CCrgo ex .Aeatrale, direct frenShanghai. Trm' BonesEwrtaS f t 250..LO hatth .h.oacolaper. moto _______________triaitONI aEClRaTrim'dBonnets worth 3 00 at 2 50 etmi s bi a4«z"e.m ogiigs DeernTi rdaTimdBneswrh 0it 1s5t*ouraistestsai ocipiez, more duaolîl, hotia liss0ii;F E C Ro doptrrd for srmrraioun. and men.orail Si1k Mantdes worth 10 00 at 5 O0 ken: la oerarsud rrpeîrd thon hagsatear OFTU 'iIk Mantdes worth 5 O0 nt -2 50 . e nthey r.rmia Otrketor.ad r Pit#TaIL. W . & Cols. custom ers D BI'IP!itoelta 4 o urebermt he m coroty ot Summner Suits worth 12 O0 at 6 O0U ieltir- wttoeý. flore ecopood of 0. Ktmr< e inm..aihira", et iaaq, n- the Summer Suits wortb 8 O0 ut 4 00 troaIl ce c m epwle n in rrotd Buc- o. atbrwzn,à-t- lie, otah thora ore ret to 70Poera. oetodarvoiter. - etatea il. ara GETLEMEN: noiethel ta. ooderthoeinsistetrol Othtob in IhV fyf expHeaprtravottiraenmtiintelào@i Sijepd eofI à vou begpat aesté baie wy laahr ro har laohov hyoh. hlicta Njdittiaqmurle, of aosers. t mensceo minocimon orthe Refori Thie (nil Sl emdei adrtaie ola e for their IimmeonseImportaitinst, a rtofeîl m o b lwettorl Corrw crime orthdis laroreorteCoumty, froct mi ro eretreNIMairfet. Groat rodoottea nviii aie homode on aIl claotafeCotton Goods te cerrompord with tire Pm.atIi*iuC«UAT. ie.etsCordidaf r te ieLegisletora of On. itaclime Ola ehe Englioh NIarkal. Luw, Pâ à Oc einCrr mree 1 Go oiteh ort Eioa.rtr. urtdotarie. I ooot express tire drep saereI 1Orrm .ovrr: VTe catohee mnifctored qRitEiê"î h-d -ag-] ih iii -l i tit( a d S io sr u )o 'a cîrertein o ebt tir rer tisto eocfrreed ir)ou haro bren n UNOn i e rali-ed te ier iiii CaJlr40i-,rr Kar. N>o'O0Oo d taitopen me. Ir enreri, g Porlismrot I B R L Y w -LE Dýrarel .ras I y ucr endlnemn, r. tr'n 70000 evut have ne privsme endIDte rive, said e u pe t-oGeorgetown and Trra door ciste adCe Ode te amaa4tciT tmti 84r.a ad a ATA itei My rrmton rai u itereta. I rer- grmand d rembltriIma-heeporg. Indwd 1 -ATAtitrly votats!ner acrir taesCter iotao1GEORGETOWN, Jmiy ISti, 1867. 6 bfohvremorol.mciorl mgymrl h.- DAMIILTOII MARKETS. poirîrel lite, fatctne )ou hava dote ame N .N od hre! rn hsGeatSil.gotor Ro u chem avisi enrea it the iroer te nemi.aire ce sa o yer Can .B N od hraidre raO-o a rn-uyw.e i;r mc ih loo er bot rpireo o LyILTOr Ariot 7t, irf ,r ~ l~ didiate, I trust thet if elpeteityrnu vil. dry vrrad à nuirri e irvas aie On o c 7êt, lb67 finrit thît vndiiin n oniec Pol Wito . $152telY~itrimon acconliame - go___ iceetoe reeec glimh mocufartare. et Pprig Wienl 1.25ne idS arr et ren iririccit. - aknrrr.ldgtd tgodrepttion; bat n o Barlgo.. .35 hâve tantIîcoirrg racirid. h oit e I,.'lIUU IA ~ Iactiuy sarurer bml t aime oa-Orrrrotly. net t'rirv . 5Siro6Oitonr.rerr-ty ir. lthr-eai ut e ii waàlnnm sdCNI rra etiey due aiscori aerviece.nàyem Baiy.ý>... ....crrfot eaa ai ruoxts wt uovvex o.£At l' .11M M N S O Inj~' l buea@totecsrlas1 amtoc ijrrtatmedlrta Dcrmerpoelir . -~~~~:~~1Nt.~~ - iee:agrgle of theeariy retiers,aoI I 1 .iYneII prdcror t.Lnrcr0 aprr .........................5.1Re60-doea riteyarf Peu...........0.45 t006rrer t h u yCurreritlimiterr my. 3 *excde nrorie f e it...i..........04 a)0.46 a a a ~ o-f tireit I hanecer rie;virtotf tire onta@N aERopeli .il desr u ..ct ~*ite iaiibitnt i heMate f John ParisEDWARD H WliteoLlmi [loyerr *rrO...... G011toau8 00 t, * U m u u .mni raitrtrrn oopiniens ere abat tirey and Charles Parsoanm so, nt ILA mI * errea rAo.,SuMeic;cnmmré ...........aa . 5 N ETIOe 8 ,4 10 1c t)ealrcya have ben; Iirejmorg te tire mo- ldmwm u ~ ilaerrdr . .1 t0 5forlised Refrmmers, anit leuttire dis- nu-itue o«tire ictiratty vestrin Sin Tea EIItttL aut.aeîe t f h oes fteW e oudd eltsrrlrrirng arc e rreof tiracardinal rti oct effectas oftire Inoiar-e ot er tire oeavn0er.110. Rrdc cr cet.... . 10 ta7. 00 Tr oe- ttr W e edtd r! twI Buttu toheotprt. ir ntaiOfiio Atiee itenttr r ee . .0t .0Bttr a eore iî la by calling aethlie meirnriersancd iryieg Sour Gxrno.ris a ie s knirri..........0. 10tar0.130cire ofmy politîcal creeri. prisme t ire nirone Act.mmd aia ej.re L, tyira± i sauIve ur ire Oeocro ye - Eqool Ciiendi Reliiene libertien tevitrnetfal'oret fSAPecoolta ced rira e,.tv gn"ab efoa yex airianr t Ie Mrey' ot-er.errtirr sInr'ertote net ort9 -ge wl rit la j orenetrot Kegiceer. b a re thean 01 c r.s, ime e ri4ysej-t s ahc ru el nt heer ' of y lle* IInr.rrmai-nacir-sr i 0estor tiir roe.- cel")V RK .irp eiç ooiicr-d gr rter. Ealofrfirl i gay1 officet1lievrre uirtsr t rreOet aeeurua nd i Lisa e r ir îlegrra te ailiri ligirno it noemi 't ra.rorn lottetadig 'herreg!.rtditg Pair tir 7Ani7, 16. atioce, ce Purlijtior.tary jeterfernce M SIE EVENTY-NINE, WINES AND LIQUORS, oenrrgipieandtariavsaver iteonai puitret ....he ..r 4 15' n mat terra ef religion, men o rnte go de- as e er one rhyntroni ba drablooe.1 irg%a...........1d3n a-- 4 necinntierni rr.tigéa. rer-pecibile can. FRONT STREET, .hope tu eeaigtires %l n a *ohm IactpCompo.. ..... 05 "'0 43 And it vi t regrettheir aqueiterce scitirthir a rvDominionm," wcriàithie er ment. ther nrtnîenrt t te wmut Brandies and 0uea yeWhiskies Warranted-Pur ta forts bvît-Ieerarrrly Lt. rtaiyer vaithe. 0rri104. la t. )12 OL"iraci ecrnitatit . e iaCroassahy ftee. tricoetu Te 0- IR ] 0) rI'T7T 0<)foroteIr mtirr ro att rnrt are ot cen ta& , j saà ngau n ult oteOd 0!orme rde vc rd a.i a tlsttieee, tiereacent rrgid renamryAt et ggl o rcs edeo r.. te réguaop i. iétctly it 5tL. tr il 02 jas t aeroi qnis otreOtir bite Ttrteiy im r-imautnd e pomta eglarey cd00ON7 lap r be l tr.i.....'. d 1 ' 1-iràpiie rzrrrtinrrailrtei rrb ocr......t45i dm quir itta tire duo ndrnsinirtrrrtioo r(f the pu B OTnADr Yonrr reapVArertloF3 il80i.G.C.ifEr.er .....................i015 teu0 _________________l__- iieitepartmentsnone pndirg et tire pub. Thursdg-y. the Seventh BOSADSIE NGIA AIETY, 08robrl nf Lt.osat 0. Calet rr. 11t1trr..... ..Otot r..-<t)12-lire orevey witirnUt tire saction cf î . Vio-cr.......Gî) a*102 arInnrîr.day of November, AZ 86,Yocr par-ticrolar- attention in cillar eeitr cun ttoWeth (;).,Welihrim, Mess.. Dr-jr-g troogly i fneo r i inttain- W' coite sroc lire rif.fi rrrteedre or- Alw m rie ieUio rni e.,aiy tti tire heuof et v ' oe-. siec.pl av~cisr, comm-.1 renpr-ctivoîy mis .11oîii trr Orf t wciI.iit us crrntriorer nriresr-i hr oivtie a n d rîeiothn e rir tvt WOM L Z EH A rS T OSî ou ncorlal or linet pa rm vein mrae of, inotrorrntlet. eh11Apiactcaeb*tnwa.n Wntmcallh oa.a* 1~n R EST T O LS, r ymrr rcprvcirintir a nurietira aind sirgmlartiret ceetrain tprce r r-tract Wawof . o~t. .'. ae0: taIamdhto~ar'tyfr, nomeW. idlitnj:,:yeay erdortfgel F.ritnroi etland andtpr ir-etsnirmte, iyirrg, nd Tire lacet quultty and cirompest in traier. 1tisma Wotr.ln C peo.anr- .jlaam. lttari reast a t . i l oi omita-e, H r -. .t agu.. - - o t kWae.emadmei.rt suaj oa ihe a en. C Ks"in a e Lyal Britrnh ruie, Ie noJ Ç\,' ~ Ien oah.otrtarxrîm to, nou enutdeatth imiattlswao ogao yAcUtttad eieî. faraae'or,,n nitceaVmpony,.ara murra.tL siu lt gnoitObulmlrmr..ply mn-oona orlp i UKR , T W S'IF rn U NI.1 rir- ep aut.aerieronthe Cm oyt e r.. .f arltir lint hmtihrgthorchrd -i on - eirait en ave ttrt cutlroc rnpie. saisttre peeopercry rrqnutate fer a ce' mai .t ner arr te cea houd rurhace atitiaopmireinrgIutTUE Otoen,btc. par lb. Haine 10 cts peb lb.rontal otirer articles aqceliy ojeee.ae afi rin.eilrAeeper. Eu--c th dm e 1 lo rinion. yn saay s e a pen m001 ir0t9.* h Wt t»ý1ferll.rrrtenruie icayde ne irrly CUN Y F HALTONI, GEORGE bSMfJS. : i'prtaea *à fuart Ibridirteryrr.mi..miorrrri.rrooj rm u~ ~ lU.t.outriemmenenabct trrayComiy ot -rmaelrt era Obo lire à ise h eyu-n.steitraso ir onysdtiera Âd Provinceaof Ontario. eontî'uintg by Milteru, rIulY r-t. 16.ar Mhanh.gerto ialoa i re r a 'n41-m itia wb tb r macrt lyW,. mm. de- Province (et Ontarior.. aducaunuresuenit are esi nroeaeaonereltNontdtlitottono et aOaalr . ore*c ,citr enoire ir I h1 ava âtir rottor te lie arr Waotairec dthrnonmut Ohe ean ry. 2 OO. svtrenra, jmrrie eh-co ÂDO-olurOnemFPifth of au Acre; -s-aist ce ouit canOter. purretomana te rie en bas nalor ete polaitOi"giai Fu htct evmOthr irt atrue tImpriien. o. on.1OoANDeetaoiu tan opîr e d fl.UsiIl R-greceetcfViiaeLo nybeArpendi adit0fWatlir.oWaieou ay h. ,ýqieL-le p.tdltlng. rez Regmrced fVilogjlý nuo bepotrc es]ocdutfWaotDealara trorichat toi arot a prdaot crmtteo Oec Date. Steetentît. Jaty 2rir, '67Fotynsimse, East otMain S~ ~o i \ Â iI E J orl7 4a0 -à g t h.mii~raduasustiret Home Dale.______ _______ er w rl m '-eormotat ee h ottal. ana'67 centitiache.u lieth Ohdo apalo ka. ;WN dieulaDie -y ore sol#, - ý suvdmgeuif. tien tinnermnts1etn o nciacho bvr, fityc th enaiecnpsete@rart ofte We- PIIOPRitETORýs OFVIIE W"-h.rt alrnoie inm.-itofaon HIGHLtAND IGIIT I.FNTRae 1 serly af o Lt uber Nic-tee. iica dca aw Taa Or on oit or uttor mruptrqmat ctertima- t eNnt o-esintoKacTonsin s ml'l eNr k -14 Li1 o-aw un, ui milrolia at oreait. Botteit ont 0 on aOr Agitrptrer ter b Amdformi. oatarins te meet the nea cf tLer cet mtlment ttttmifb ii OO 0M ILTO .,woý toutaitr mna e th mtiroee jnc MILTA M ~'ria1faiiai.grad airea.n-fnloese,alat inet toy: - Comwuencieg m ahatmaoi. mi meiteuha ~ Moimn Tire public ccciigrauve money by buyieg virea a trit bbsaitnplantait t tire ammvwi t2eirnort erlyage tnulage ltnuachor m geW« (1T'~Ie"~C17II'~TT~C'jfour itepoen fily miu'mea aBt one hin c2 '9 detbsa tu GRooa x CERIES a.pjtoma prsit; tires setturGeaegteta Ma inntes vent twas chisninitea Opret fire ma l Iurs f~ l(6INIIt teW jacis" io0pobif aoM -7T ortir igitytiror decc e.sfr, iintia.MIFAT LIDEIer1. Jl-i[Ilî AT dmgt.mortltmstinio.o aneom -e' t'va- celerte cc'Co'ru tegeeOF tas mîsu0ehIloaat Oct ch.ooî t Thlnv; .j aorrt erti.lh rr P i . A' Rte ire oor f beigteeteg.a 'atti ia himtia an so.Poe ercmmord conditions mate knoeo t P Ij .l±ctIJ.jm.GD 0î..uu r±rj TO OR DER QUIARTER %ESsIO11S! and (plrmot.l goin tir 'e timage otoale. T.1m'Oo ate Au ittey vtcal c nsistaint tireaseeWILLIAM THORNE ., y polar.btewrI-uro(talt is arntli. btrt a a« leo'0 ES cap. if nnt cireaier thon anywhene erige. OificiaI Aaaigneo. noot tic tjvot rage. S-ratr re.O.rf'a batieo, adri atie outv auitst..ta îllTlu a eh-FEES. EIJGABIL BOSWELL, ut01*ems ;I. o aiuwà 8@11' Wtr Ssit ltohy petn vflatha - Stmlcitia forAmigtet. Miton, jaoelsth. iaoe. bcoelit otthe -i il t- . 0 -fie L m