to.eea ast airwé&0 V. RUSTON, ..tteLth, UttoO truet. Saw-Cum, ujgeO. o iocrtiotlc. YOIN 7TKW .tJdES » at rthle Stitonreu ot.Iatlir.Every ett'Iion a pid totht ~S lpol. Uool Stablitig ad at- totale IlorI 3--1, iNe ARMOUR, CRI1ONOMET&R AND NI TGEORdETOWNx I aid j@wAlht. partioilaIFlrl hB) Ud. ?ýru' ..dorate B.d triotty Cuti, "Iuvt t ugive uatisaictlou, ce lcr s a N ir. 7t% 18 . 2-1 PROICL .rt5 WATCH c ANItWSye h foondi ag A. Galhrath-', 1 iiqNalaStreet, GEOiGETdWN, vi.l upupaed te repair &Il deciý, dmdawatOleo al t tIoo10init .neha uMa- mar, viii a. em adisaoO. idait prctCO 'futt g~lm " - Jevetry ÉQeatUy W41mu adebami Jêvlty I?« sae:! Guignav. Wgay17 î194 si. UVBarber & Brios» *ytul. a hwa an mad teame WOOL CARDINO fewTz DUE 31 lea ~ieeu1o.Cateiiagi ita aey wt e.eved et étir ['aper a" in0fti. iiiet l IV WM x M hart e r oued, i géan P iserOttea thu é~glu mi te g i fvu UIWOUO. eTti1 n II llat .bot rue. mer &.,luhututg II ttotier ôp-akutie pft*fd vt'i wet un. gaw-oa. outaaaim Sd, 1865. si 10PSXFlOUSE, loema alaautte a a pa alsaid 0«- » i tii hepublie geral .- @tabte ta ewi"oi - Carrige un oaa $wq i *Pitdeteral Stage leuse. 'uideafoev0fi.a% Idgnwn aStreetea. Wheeeldlltc luto vait aponbtuold ltume,,. lie baiuparedncithdf patOW mou oupent-e aokiog hi, lôpe.atret- eteme tt n i eleveres tteatta lie toîsli ase iaform tiepab. 110t'attI ho uAitie Mait stage, ltie tera h dy htweec me ao toîa e ut, Da Bdttlj JORN WALLACE. 9111l". Iei un 1gr064 vS f9ly rI iNNRY VOL V1I'] get Sigu cf the Large - Watch. Mitt'enk. eh ttan111., ,4C Robert Swaîttoue AppOlbeu i lt-TgE,,ATTOItNEY. md fiOLI' 4oit-OIR ttIN C lltY. M ilto ' .ud il, fl.,C't' l.r«e. aoEot-tioU Ceaduote oftalle Univadi-iy of eOdi tOu4LTUiVtLLE,. M ILýTO N, Ç- W. ?eou-st-tF.rureo: Ornvit-To-o- donne Wevl t- ofvlîtnuottl ie 0 & %atuutu'Dtug StoreMai»in teet. oooîYvnta tt.,iut-'e- Oaa MiII Streel, nîxt door 1to o--ou--o.N O. Tcee tiutodot, Fiea. - itei.Nov. î.îaCc. 22-iy_~ ELO TELLAGIE OF PI1TSICIAN sUPGEOi f ACCOUCHUR, JEI VStRYBtteriOl 0e-rt-o onit Raotoacel-Tiat ttely accu ji public.UGand ý pin hy tUr. Cuohier. 1 tann atlar. Mili n, itr e. la ty XYcauo.toan. 27t, TIIOS. G.oILITHESON, CB . A. ANADIAI 441RISTU MAN ÂI'QRNEY-AT- LAW., BOt.XctTo lx ni tH IacY. lverylteallon ta lwc>AL£qir P. .-RailwyTi»'t r>e irc- ît èuGaoctu MrChitice'i OunitaaiCàuveîrai 8Bore, Man -Street. 1i Jltt' - N tLTOS, C. W. taherle. 3,1, 25t Ocîsier 111h, 1866. 19-17 JOHN DEWAR, I.m I VoAmaT PUMLCCr LRJ SOLIOITOR IN CHA OEY Ilote Bieste, Afit.. 29-1 y. Poitereso. Ocîoieî - G. T. BASTEDO i- 5 <cuba t tt-uei. tltebif th Itti urd, Kt., î-IVI toîtOCOU Il a D iain uQoet Kîttun, Soit. S-t, Aaliuourer. Acîouout ndon eCo Nueagya. Aprit 6 1 R. 0. FREEMAN, - MI1L TO0N > 4. M&T, consunlUng Phyntotan & Surgeon. 1[IRT19,.%t:L WAT, (~FIE3tIllJRý-Pt-oa il cuii le LotIEtI Ratiedla iJdali». und cntry Taenday t-rcen. &aa. Al onivaruoj tJ,,N-at-velcn )ur»-Toesday foretos srîtat rorpI audiuda albrtuernon. W*TCllES, CLOCKS, 10111e., Cet. 19, 1864. 2I-ty CNETNS A. AAIte aima M1URGLA WILLIII1AI R, Wýir siold e in t Ho U S E-PA T NTEF R 1riu1r etuxtîr m&ni Puper Honar. en rnornlici trtt.l iDtr aico t-aly Silc RUou Mttin Siraet. Milon Or- Caeil.Acg. 1 , derg kti ttThumpspuao èl.i.vl l e attiaudd-t. vod- J. Er HA efftrqer 4rflitoucs uidg,.Tautotrke Pat, ettîuildrrgodravsonortulotuc U Oarpcter uni.toiier vanh ulteuded ott rntte-ciio rneaahle prices. ilat fteT Ma 9,184 -7-2 ppr ý-ea, t a' aateun (LATE O eut' Nnt,0oa7AI~OIIHLF-.-MILI PIJYSICIAN. SURGSONI Lie. erueltotete. OrricE-emunurs 3100okMu15'u., Milta. prnptt itenteat(0r -- Militonaruet-h îl RItlp"t-The Late Ileaidntce of T. aiFr1. ]ýASTEDO digu fu-n-Su lii. ilI JEWELE3u ~ rrxcr- Cenrtt Opos1te IClonA'. otel, 0.1 tticE mAiT-tED. MAIN STREET, IMILTON. Hilo, »2kt Alit oriena promptly altenieut &o. Terni, uci -rate. Niltn.Joly 4dl 42m Livery Stable G OOD tIORSEtil; B UGOtESTO BIR&l By HENRY PALLIS ., rW 0 l:iuon, NSu. bhlaire . T2 L'V S 'DR.- T. CRKOOKER; T r Il u4"rwg<. I - tluMie tdabiraits te FA,îte»clanr Sergeeael&Acntcceur, roaitnicutr-y fort] affact nNrren-arue e I, ne ,ta. Oppwnae St. Andrew' u intciiJames Card-t:Itir Wqeî - esit, Hamiltoni. - Clo, Pse 8b. PuoillWvttit> eofoftO ah Bye adte'd n Tseetayi ati Sutur- alui ut,., T. arocher . seGodilte of the1 -î IN Iov-e@t-ofViet- oriaOu Crai-gi, Canadua; w th Iher on the sme l.ceaolaute ot- Otdoit-esu'ttord,-,r. ieiru t-maeir horp 1ru jele O,ur -s, lBng and. Aanote wumaeiai Lloba.t oitltVî.ltuiea and ýTietir attctest %tieur ten a- tyal C. Iiteor ui-taurautiwsai tte ht-ne Whoi» a M intang. secunid d 'GI ey il [la 5-It.oo Jua» 12 'Pe. -tt111 E '[ R E K A. ! oc B~elautY or- ciel r SATINI a~'a-e-oce t' ai, andaooFavcy. -~WATCH & e>ÂOrsa. 1a . 'fr-I re t jEocuLEtI, e&c. u MR.TSPI \~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~l DItalSllll'C<g otul. uicaad co l/it «Y < M7W . , ertgtie, JUneDt 0'tiç Pu~. D . Geor1 Cardingi: n i-t-Orvrg thaîh o t» tE'r1ietiig aid sur- beir libenat satrooncZe anam lieuethît îhey yu, preprci us anti DreU thOirf ýth, m lie dont cîervOe 1 i anttetaceeail, ROLLS 11UNE e day. ltcverti.ilaiu li thua nerv.i, muette Oiraserre;,,. avi iool &0out-il tiat 1 aie thec CE IN CiîSl, e-o lt-ri Woct. Thovl targe uerpply »t- >Iafi ic>th2 [ETTS, RW PATt1EIINS, Ioanei, &0., auaaougo at the lotît-I BAIRRER waperr eCoaiig. ,,% BEM MtdI IHYSICI&X, SURGEONI LC.: MIN sTrET, BILTO. - t' FFIiC-ie~hntitg aenled b» Wrdaeudugu soi Sitncda1u: ôte RE -nesgel vn e@e h ,aecama tagee plaasont salutatoions udre unr. u hoot flite n-aî.d if y700o0 1ft fictteco3o~uonsitaItieii-'tîe founeiagy aiecithve »u -haveai 1 w lkonIloec, nx orte the <eetit ged. frt e. iItltne70 apie Idotfotl latowenI . d piioeol iecharoicu' tialI, aolnd nrtrente. Fine e vemer for traveling, ir," t-e- Lefare taoriinp- I Lave laid nu, plans rdSdi a e~inis o-n pu ilrnd ar int--uflathtocghost, aood mnuitue L»ana ith îhe goa, anid pet veryltig sure ; und if yen go to- autenal ta. t-u-lied i-d uthabetîire ew furaeoure of tht- "Ani for bruting 1cîn, I abouaaiup- te ptavnin Icerot adrefaslint- tauy 'u ti l lldn, a ci bisot dvieupiuu. uatepe tulivet aisea u ei ellier on tli e brae. itoal111 le iiie t e stinïTou0diet- ttainlitCatt viti ie b naLe bot ras hRie oitt-ui otîetohu ogî- t 8 tiereil aiunie enîgir rtira- stretchring iat»p" .ia-it' ecpube TU M TA BLI, earonelantly enpplie4athceticother, "Lut I amuut a gond bon- Tii. inter in upiaeo f imectf, turia -W , , oygi,' saintPt-ainl a ver,- con- wiàlthe u s antniels ar d '-u a aoter ndea oly shoieosa t'for mi ecalpale, uhuldirulandot eaggencd t10 O dct*ial toue, in lhnt itent carnQuine thSe @aa UaISteochaut- r olu b los a;'uyo vetatîns t-ar, aid tînt au amuit cal. -;ac loýing a pursulvat--n o .u-a chiu- e ao. Liquou oa i gaon, uni »f nsiat e o un 0mnat< . utpni~ttîdmim."uer Ttare u-toing douatw L.-....- (lie tet ht-ad ,ot viltliage. latiisg il avcy. I wuîld tilliuptygplie tI uts o ny"te»ntthe ctiee le gel mntried, aid if yoùuelâfriiia»ay AN OXNIBIiS rote regatari» ta und B dollar for ttie f a lors. luke tving lootrai the liecr; ,eoutatot . -- t otpir n Tv-ra t-ant ail flar Train-oîuod tjs ic i.Te m GOS» STABLINO uni an atteituive »»ut-s fur a couple cf bout-o. If eynit p as t illviifottet if I19o titis vi,." bluie u.otfor. aid 17donat krooc vi tau lel uicn»e»tbiad. sara iemitue r se, I voulal Pte îlesct-pied, urgedasnt imoteefoi do it1etcter <iota yot.'- W~-ILLIA'etI RCPtAtlSO.N. you tî»se te tii;e .-iu eoeay juat Le- umere» aIet lefeatuutceut. 1Is vain.- li moeu nt t mi ws gone,, a9 Hlttoa, Jai» l23(b, 465. 1taY ycnd theus lesaf, sajue. 100 Lidrlnt At blasîLte uoair-necinp roin.iegreeî set cjn ro l gittier tefu-ia o plan yardnan. iontLre." aid death Lefoebin if Leotet-tad- lt btitegi flelv OR R & MILLE R. î v iii est »îîy took ut fit,'replien thle pracd 1ti thetrme. Isîleoutaugreca - lonit, tyý uhiBt ini. - rnvîlcr. diountisp sed ul tonlo- îi aleate theeta rnitir, viti tihet-ctuiread-' t "a,'nati Ct"gtI Blluai liaIber aia. ~honse, aLoI if nflo te evy, I ouIltaienoam. centtho follemiuigt, in front oftlot-et-jo marrleJ-.l'er - luiil &tong lot- yen,aoiig 1 am goiig peur St. Poste Chifrai. Boîavrenîno el 'Tlta < ili lnlu80' avc tn va:ta tii Sixen.tiue.and idllt asnd cecp ie iis inlau inapte fiiish tic sentesce. S Tii mutAer tîiss i t in a mail tathre anunt »f one iaîdzed liouand 'TLLb at h aisO iatrialroua, anal dot - Iteant- tecrdialialnneîr, and tien, mu ii te moiollscaiet n geaa id.fott-fciai-r' ;iBul Ahlid t of ailbleiteomatiitsfod iietf agreemitaandl teep op actnver- A momîhlâtter tierc wuu a tt-rme'ct ut'heo hlen,' mityr oBi. llu chant»sTomietouse, Ornemetalatéltiomineoinc obîe liiteher va cne-ta'oonsti Li i c vii Stplt-y &c.. renciti» yon band, ain tqie hr teohrw u u uth wko h.hSebnil0, F. N. ORR. C. . MILLER. front, vieller jorneying. autdisa forh;iurava tLu prneoipet oviet-. ifI l ta--u pnnet nne o-f and lesraed, n repîyv, liat the ltter ru- va &oen brokîn and eletieca. Tis e Lepeiu-,one. Aro-ainte IcomeeîL ___________________________ <dent un Albany, ots a marctinaSheeiff vis eûtbte tcni bygaert eretiat. ca m.thib c ore iuno 1etea-rt-ea of Liattt s. - gondl*businessu, ast au veling, partyl orusmnt all tic rosi etti aid pereonul utC. Saîeenoai.ire tiacy ie.-ur EMANIN aeatta fo ote utfor bsheaithu a-i etyvtiave fpr»perty cf the lato mittinnc tg e Tcrl tiSuirno,u, I inapycoto ltîaît ,tt lRM IIu Grorale fus a tmaiig auneou i and nnIporciase. cd anid t»d, barinbn ipi a b"- rtanoitmust givo lier lever aulthIe satp, Iao AOgti i m l9a '.0. -t. balaar ec t" exctainued tic the juitallaiasuunsetiafle. Ftl-o ocnasn - l ie- îa i.ft Boomere, Mise Caroinae Murra», Attender humner, un thuete euerepd fre ia heable fietidu daiertcdthae fnaitFiy, anal ma-lto hs1àý,ad c o Barttn, W. bcActu». Art-id daneatbitket, t-on o hict tht-y Lad the pren olelsean .tea ie tarauod I icititpole efpe'utetiog ber, Lsd tianoî s <tut-ri, tus6. A Miisuait AIsa lvy fercei tiair oay, lointhe more of a roinet baraitîs asomp-inbcd augm i i uea raot lbei' stle. a toîe Cmaig, 311ton Etlt-a 1InI'hersnailMr&. J. ope .0 ut- " ov e nre, cad VIl showter. saitluIgthrecugan.Slp Corat-l, Hailaton U. ]Patmer, Dailt tttttOt, taiquiine, uttoi Park5, tiua y0uasneviasd fut a beuîas e yu avar I hetii tOtmiasi 0forlfiletisigrne pin,- 41at o tam, 1Baila:o Cr45 t-am . ' icite, PEnt iane. Observe viore, I poit my rifle." aid tribuatnot Staploon Entonais, en- uN%,ay Joncs, viat in îeauuo a Oiitrlge, Geaitg. W. Saithr, Tiempuon, Ils teppedackotinemoelilanortoitannoteaiithe imiean aloriot pul -ut>n vt tirgt-I du»' a- Harris,1e. J TylrJaus .Jma. Taylor, taiet ieJamtees Cnt.eaoaei»elitttailait Jemeuc -Thtgil t-nt aoliy nalnete11Vc Mams, GAW.(nefflstuhiuiJoil. eye, cnd pintet the austou lhe bnd aîtsholrt lima Selon.self o em enea. Liiato, C W. Itegltonci.)of the trnnelet-. Then vu a ga, a r"I mêatnthicli yen te netiatttme 'Set Lere. tra eet noli tlse folIo-nt- Parties cnquiuing fur ity ofthfe lout reportandsuthe.vitia <il lue aà air," caid the geutlgueaiviti a forma]oy , atonio.on a slitna ebbre ltiton ttht plaine Sas» hey aen ad-.log, bisufase coent tiihbteiel. 1ev. yJoue'iienit1eu u ai T«ltiond. - ,Thia aigu or m'gau&colharvelbenau Your fanefnus esemeviat familiir er nî F. BAJICLAY, Pos ont mer, liceiam grineme À V h mt bit 1 tano taS op tarnînEl- i 'Wiy, J.ries,' stht 1, ynn cecta:liaiy. 1Lo by * Lf u a!e4 tLu. statioe etreti itegt-spinthe itna~l, titi aignalmn ta eteeg*iapi talbÎ. truin ich t ir l)igt ; sami1Ihle i4cr thulat Doue oai aiiat lii..bégiî-* ligtotinog, Sam. ciaui--uVery tot tuiles. Bit uaro3t *y!00ct iiu tradý îiLe rent I dot kum tuana fle<tt."- The Leipit af absiur @Ob-~, ariens utaà oesIo*.nt *bpes ivinolof opplniteubtee5freah.14 ani £trug, ithwa iîtrî itil thid, iund. - 1 1 A seso iq4*e cttpreentbogu Lenfit settiig-ie ian legs togeither ani ,L.'ai lacr up.- liai mode fr-ou l'ln rmb.p 1fi ht . tait inveutiont. it viiiL e quand memlty by writeri t w ue aaleed 86 'îtIti a tocj."À The yoting wuanu vl1ao uatout tin Liouglur,luter wnodtniuag in her evua fesses te aerve the DL ort Le itia6 »ous Oula de lu vhea .emmultestaonsot iâ veti asuheuaL ettgaeyiluaye' An Aucciesu Wriiiv dvettleg eptmni tae imuportance ouf amani Iainga, byt» ti Ite ntveyu Inai 05iotlaeviuera a1ia suv o If epeelo ty, peulsupa, iftlune s ahory. .lttt euM tit S. Lire viti yotr nmeiles, if ygg tattl have aucnt iti vbieh tetGfvt.ý !mfer tot-m atST I lu b-.g coai vit0r,1tyosu arc utii!1Lentail, The Pffeet ilu iiauro-di-oîea xnol erutft, und ths 'hangar if ttrit. lgult ua6 THEE 41i.dop nyotgl t o Rb"ye. Ibneyer Wols Jones, ltta h m ueIsl, ok My icita -aid peuâ 1.1on te flr oe'a $ Q pihet1et or the fuit. he %itl Toked 'iid' aufieiI Mt d it t D- idh.t --A About lt o liÈe tlh e 6feeling img AvND CU T FIA TNINTELIGENCEII...71.Yve yo fiidtdbabica PalPISBTe 1loadtanom or tbe people,$ itIN &»ADVANCE iii.a bol I int j'o, s ooren Lsi AUGST 167.fN. lx] YOî cat telk aboutDay titife,an1 SMON EY TO LO A Nj Pcri vih Brfl. utumthe travoeor feu *&rdu. uLvtio rct e e on ox-fers urtireity etToono.ho . Ie ippeaifrotta i.andianandihi. akerfit me cc bring myseif ta yoer luierfotheic pectat»rp>aad itao leA$AnUAWK .$fl,0o n t aiefr cet onvr-îl-. uhook violently ft-ouLbondta fot; 7f t sacllectiolo, iti, am Ixieh yen lO mot uuryofRa sae iebd' yzbv rw iuuor, Led iicf Lis parue pocket-tacia, a gon tai ' r tut011 e t-utoand 'hJaeitao rg yn regre vate do , tue irios oaal, adia ai iaèvedtin I tarna duadly pale luis ii lhe future. I pitY Ytonr mf )r-'OwLo. iritr 0 âmlenm aoed bruet pin and a diuaond arii*, tuii bons* agilagtBtd.". ,, andai î vpaaeygirl.' t.ltn Iwhioi Le f167.î«W-ly tirslitroue ilsing taret-.- Al, yia.4 renaiher yen iOw. oISO, Mr. flot-pet-, ýour tcol aIme iî atîir.Tho L- dnggd te ai» lot ti Bet uc tli you 3I val ttuo Joint, luit, ait, youvvi beeo foolia' tae, 1101RNBuitYolFAST,aoccoy n u;. îiitpîeio h.nT.,plneiafetî. li ye Lad just ciatteed apionae you? Wo'll, v ut olcn 6 1 IHOIJ- souciy ihrotagh hti eiteri oteric oniaetourionsiseal. vhic hld00ota e anda ln iait >i i attI l Wachng wil tar lrat heticker mouateai the Iravler' tone addaBeat 1atcidt» a maeta med Phluip tLe git-l, uni tact-' la d %%' mueti Dow(supp»oe u lpseof part oftiis State, $me tweil er -nwIoDt!H ý.r na vupi t n taeh' ILINSmeoy wnein vrtwenty Yeets.o; taidon iookiitg ut or teser o rado .,oý Stubingandau &ieu Lade fr aay rousbigow Intic cpting of 1837, tle alinea inlu elely,I ittiw yen t» Lu the aillaisu WL»prove il,' î;ýise &seta o ltemWn lyr tie city cif Ne o rk ale n k ier audail.ul- O itB the ia»ful duod."AtIîomr Thotgrý bytheolddoo-stn lideserti, attoa wehaall cou Stîpli 'd. "Mercititt Ooal t" txîatued th iitaSteeveu,uand joen Dyetcivual da d vOV Y N E ,&c.& . c ardu. Pie owi,edetpalotiimenntion, dolait bunker, vitta a blîttoheai lace cf cc"o hi l4etO.WSale îltl si h iu ase ue plenitddly fariihoal, ln the net-y heurt 'àad a quing ferni. îlotper by i7 l ui»lo ,ta4Isg.ý TLey Jan.24,86733-tr !lt'rond he id ott g i ol ' tlaotowo and l iea i vile were "Xed, Iiuaow you" porsued tLe ohipped l tala ito, and nud: i pai tu he taveling ie TL-e hoals ar no ure amon theleadrs o thefaâhonabo oter ý'-an a wekamalierlIad.4eekedafh jnr,'ÈItdàiaguiocaise volnd. They Liai a beautiful dat.gitr,myscîf, aidtaia n interview viii Yujoi t ' rrveciicu ey ir.An u C rjoott trncd of uvcet sillece, wovos la oor on teansion. Y»u rîatcaaaer Th o e tlat a ler conalt smL nlrmteCrohiooys ryr rcncnig aatloabe murric e t foreigitnoble- thit of cuem?" îîThd ite asinoeuo B o. theam. Et-ocforchdair ontaoay, man, and gt-io priparotions veto Iaak- -lot," groospeal the tromiliet- owreloto Nov' adliLe, mnîtaane listtîJoncs - - - B t o etoro hie numrtouipatrons aA 'cyaue 11 th a its îlmng ttendiog top for tht hippy en-e t. 'ldIa net puy Yon yooor»Owalprie ua u'o o 1 ieauhitk ll lievthat molys it 1.' B1Ja V anodarhetpublicta liehmjpr. lloy a tenfrà u teaioirs One deouthoi Ilperlodas he tî kmep my fatal toit-et ?' Btuoieeiagtte 29wl o e Stock of Pîayeeo ltha loat ravtetr and nui*e. gréâat bunker t»,od oavereing with ua *'Yen, caid iti tînt very Marley, and ad Our frienel Ft-aeui naitii h car - ;E FTh.» rn f h ah by, gentleman rom anothur eity, w v i l a ui othr I eotalaicemaned, 1 vu* en- andimode flotpet k-cep oqiet. Tiae girl IMOTS AND SI-ICEs Adre aouthe es ta othe u t, otat calIco ta sccias on buinoei ho ohaerv. tietra In Laup enoigia of yiur own thtnnotadntbeîmptici'rcqettd Fre.i .Wiich hoi e lltig nt uibagou to tremble. vtttei bro eIL aid forged aic ientool iotu 0s- , utaiclietai ia.miod the w il-ly VETIY LOW IYES omat.oal* iu i'a ork lueran- m'ly dear i,' Le suid ntbusLn unel y76." notoricus Jouetico loon&oper Lollowee ]Lister, LADIES SKATING BOOTS Long bo,t-o hty aithfuiiy voondeal mtter ? aonyouii[?tie '-Ainqureîthvoilai ye noviti Itnu himft-r e Ico-Sat, ir titlepovel tTCLRK OSNXIS Teliomo pttiroioiow ; " it fit ibtn t o u deiatly caînînera. ofoleuperutieni. j»000» and Leo nal Lit gail Jaooe 'boal Bn .Lie need PttO',t 8i73TO $2,00. lounsterwr hvlW epn- ceuyaa m" rpl e the Laur- ,o tla1hvebimyeene1 >iao oa:kca- l u .toi 'ot-i donc prnuptly uan onllahepig o l bu 'tnms u gh c toeuiiltaupol n. n ayatknottaalt niuelad di isEE W S, ~- ~mE ber th~ Flac~, Watci l,.r aomulady lu a itslet 1 valkand retnra Lottr'"ottere the hlliistruîtaanid glarýed ai nd Eolîmî. rgigS i ouclutllytir-par iiet ta 0Rucel-ile, meucniiglier diâ, Siit hieobuinessai viitle Lainker, nnd ttrr-' Geai be praloot tioat youe n aet cvtllor su»ted oi ieu ide, itou.tof the aed. il-k eepa alana- shnoiing ai l »uf»et and keit tg lton reupectfally took i l o ve. matlltitvig," anal ta,ablo ta raitrain isi otrs of a "'fut trat" i, Englan. Tirue -,y oEr N RN S TI&MPoO 'S H O EL iuîi lwiti» tars arc o'eriaeaol; It nos pinoopia veek miller thie thutat tMieno, le bnlet iateteure. r,r" engoe W a d o.roux nu the ent ueared ,'CY GIODS, ki. - in tSreet, NatIon. Ol1hautshuhoeta, hosctfeeling ne nigit tie great bunker vtnsaitiog blîcoainut, -"yeu Lave tnien a on t a ltion lapeta 0îelee ïRis ALAIR31SS, Oion Novemicu 21, I'1 2.7-1 Giienadd a haluwiOhliso hntalig doume it anal presentent hitiu ltter. lie aiîç-acu ai deatttoremu etringuaite la paaioî a peg or tvo" n m Voo n larma ita y alo oe» fr îceclsa a t nloiei leaes ov ienlen-f t tain aleod f ie buant -necoin -tritoe»-ltahr TDepttent f Gnou. Lana, f.t- Trhe t raith hn ow a r "J, ape ua lienn ia aheut-e oute- oo lototll hnnd I b rt a s u t0emtetacr 60l t o vloetIafltire trainoreth tai E SI IJS LO Žltc »onneoo uec oa Oaaae l dinti au utt6 dey; lr a rlir" hetis lte- otae for nt renin t a al nou eî- ld rd t ehaiore te ll itgisttho eeo ieeflr e oiie loiTFe sta due - "aiy Rveatmais.ur n uteuiortwo Lefuirian en t caino ol ive" us to de- £ake ure nOt tawul on Le dg alier teelie entameiobc1817, ville ticaltbtter." ser ve h )otu,"ogverecerirdt he, I ii "Ft'legl m lsuid tir tuee "bolosto Thir A'ItEL o otlu vur erit iii t»aniega'leaiibu"Then I unilieg," yen ailrade Cooaula.ruor. tsu hlchfcllv tc- lgtîatnuhes o " lsoute rbl yotoan fxeorfoili beewut;ua erla losî o u e suataittate DI ON 189] H RTGIST,[Ait ilai'.tltwoitlmétis.dn, redho o c.l erre c t e a lilît t he t Yettol u toave au rentlypiler n alent ltralin tle cdofteo ve .e mile l Sînte of()EN. Mrltt-!.wins evntdin a o rit Pliena. lip SiG d baen irp ier t nnd ve wtio r i i î oudn to L olai yai the q-.&nnc rbsfahr T edeparstent f C cn t, Hm o ha fiintremic lt uo h errant oplenen trll e o onh i l aoot-tio lieustoaltantmn let s uillaget latie h r ainag e rla g îVI Ilriongi roicsof aec ad Otai uhust ailtoti an a Uoa iloni t inti aagr tntimoeittly ttt- e foeeicc e scrie t a nd t r mi llen îo.goncîr 1"tnt ttae ulai t he n ai ,E SOUÏga eFoto ueRaculai bc t igîledfantrevbetîeandtt'Oronte aasn"Anmanr airlwardmuiduhiauntcdietfuthan-lionaeandleieutropitgo It aiceauas evfdetymaLo aistornoe it iaodnga ii :nil, t oii pptaso d plofstnem aibfvle, h aoeouft ttitnine. Tl* edueta Trdcn o nrs, nett c îu ca oiven ount- Inde t he a clonmyiehof l, 1817 ulir, lie vit-cen etot gserevtheoit, ttannreeie. I ilknIatoi puicki Yanme, e',fi& a( c F7. 4 - ilPaets tu o wn ou lihn su shi ltris hol ioLow t vuflgh u h, uto Yntt lelroeant apir." o ur Iîl il iy ao at ;ind fS rthe ista pod i7 t i roo o ul ià , ir r. ao orc4-6efe opni.0, t tlh rt P ta-sr a mui au raatratng lr as teht -c I e gopel o h iauli ine" e o, trustoblotoodi l mie r w e elo . a on loo o., et baa le91 INntoDlo oduboattG e ot- P[ar6gcperttitted i ay Lieo bat10datra. uatut- ho re ii ts a i.. opo tè hlasol hatrouti ran, airunger in bse ro a s vîetuid e c i nie t ay DI O oI îdt-ae hlscla. .. prte e A hly or ute eterm n utpa ote "Tai andl," îeruid , ¶ osiak r, e cin flcie ou ? 1 tem eldunmae. ; Jui lîatiwea sis-~ id.og oti st i1. r frea a aluSate on, Y ior li». la r n R od____or._____Sdey___ hi____ ;an____ad__ât t .od jrlai,'n HaX W erevr Io A.Oohî,<r rLepâti i,»n theoterlen d e Tef srva'nIit oyes lil ta d", gen- i thaatiataer fuadunem 'Vsm,twobon be gnur d t he il-t eua»ic,-ct-tl2t-owol.acv; . Jt»oo E- -orjei T ieala mn. vue ataint' otBgf d r, T It-ply. " a ut aîy ler at- Iai r d vtccnit, ti thers -e sp et- i e tuaera ilast orem e wulsa. 1but Itni:v Ier. ,ve» T n laother. Husai entscfino biolln- efOoraoxyo,o lo uaia nd al otne Ltui," ho lhoalat n iten'L tit o ue. bito Onzuve.10a TroO'ma Woooi bus ines ith ihe on I erni aa Ioomlu igeocru l epe rio teu ddAUr. fe foeroa , it-r . -t» v»cfn-v-v tcI o r ertîal ting moi l,.t t alih andoeise Louio .s leiii - -taoutt-a r* is ni eulettaîîli o " esotladohe t o0 ," I t- (3?'. . ccmpuc~hi l ly uaslît, tti bitll ietfoese Ldt annent tu a ndo m ci pairtor îsl'hltei e a t-p b taelulo e iietiipod s vteLrudrail nleeg .ho ýtre uli,&c D lprt-n omait'v Jïc itt. a.amen rt ain arat- întielstuermie rngLoti ls dbswo lei iaigSol bou rds ltitn -9 a1. essoaim o. co i be, ppong -i t lent D ESte nd RkI T,Z geI rat eiàtier un. irunîaly em a rak.sole- uraYc t.r aieu-isnetotrustslingveny , araidly tis riasdse agit n ei mIier Stet itn i1Idrn h eso. ,frpri s on tt foaamom' entma tho np otoia. " I'T e nt-etus i it.Ybouier ntPoi t - uct»ticale? in ed -I e.l u ati, t heal a h é t i agl l Calig Loi1il;ILW ilE1. 1lg).c b or no is»db e n e ra ai te p eara t e nt tWreiy yeure topo liets teetti ait»iiweriçligtoup ula otýn i pua'retut-uusnuo c othin iJea indiao tientilien anYuar to u in i s, su osepun" ie apyflt-u- l t-on d Fr wred.là I.-....-fro nt p est 'arreire e o cltave uai v 6M qui M