fffll ikIO? MIL MTGE.I LO.F*SOe Wi oAs, L/ts LAorCE, N u N'< I*e )f.ra ii.,",Saigbu=h Pal, uo t"r n.ty liiinutes are llowtd tor iî_ ."ýý i rives naiBoute st1iîou, To the Ladfies of kilton, and the County of Halton, % ý, L 8 .11w 1 1 A Large Lot of i Brnlroe ut 1.58 am., auriirg Leaî& N ltion t 2 pm. Arrives nt "ý Broeute to ilacet the 3.2.) Trains, r)é 1 1 à1Ma LeRueR lItote a nin t 5 15 P..Ar riige ito .0- m Ready Trixnmed or to order. Ladies Riats and Bonneti FAlIE- 5O CTS. FarefromBrontetôGeorgotown Via Miltona, 75 Conta. A NEW COVERED STAGE. Dress-muiiimg attended to on the P'remises .Fat XigsandielCareftd Ddirers. JOHN XWALLA~CE. MOtlos. July 24th, 1867 7-tf. COD IVE I ~ Black aný Drab, Ladies Cloths, also Tissue, to be soit AND QUININE. vr 3ep 1%Lest preejeraiit îi Calra ttc Cohen ka P.n g <u1>V* 'e el ban oeeuiioecolds or dis- T es P in s t 2'tsper yard, Cae -f(ilns No better v-alue in the co untry. flcavy Factory Cottoi ~uu o m ii IN10lyaids for $1.00. Thpo mest sirngiheîig Wine for in ~lis. Sold ely for er bunslo, cash Bankable fubdo. Our Stocklif tlples il very large, aic fliediýii#aI Purposes. ae aclling îhem very low for Cah or Trade. A largo lot f 1M919*8ST LRAW BATS* Turip jeed, Alan Frit and Cloib Caps. 20 CENTS PER POUND. IEIV .KB~C O UN Onu Slck et Made opnp the premises. Ou Tailoring department.under the supeinlesîlene IU~YJ~ -S '1 Il U' 1 S t 3r. eus,, ugva us sifri and a large business doieg. The DYE -ST F Fs, i habitanl t e lttos would do well teoeili sud examine osr Stock and laeteomplete, sud crs guncîntea jadge for thectielves. A lsrge stock of Sasimer Drille, Linons sud BRU~iT D'iRIBLIý OLR--1 Porc Grass Clothosuad Laitues, ini guet vnieey fu Sommer Coule. ifsacd aerding toouureoeipts. A GOOD SUIT 0OF CLOTHES FOR $11 s A MME-3, LOT G 7 711=17 In, C o og, Lustres, Birnthaso, Crnpe Clo,, Black Silks, Glovcs. Cuspe Col AT lrs, CrDseo,&c. A loi of Moietreal Nîils $3,75 peur10 Ib. Alis, Spaded Noesms. Willm.U and lagurn's > Shovels, Hue, Gardon Rakes, Fouks, &o. A large assoutiment ef DRUG STORE. Milton, Jane 2eth, 1867. 47 if ~lil - SITGAR. 10 lh. 1l Ibo.. nd 13 Ibo. peu 81- CUR5IA'ITS, 20 hoq for $1. soi iýNlýIItTlly. TEAS, Young Tttvcn, Old Ily..oe, Gsnpnwder, Pîn e SanBiick.Jipn &c Ritci.Otsiral,. Caells Spires EssenecsMses, Golden Syrup, Pais, Brooms T N uberier bege te snnsnce to ith Butter Tubs, Cream Crock, Butter Crorks, Tea Sela in China and Esuchencrari, TPublicOtcbt bs iommeneld te mains- tsartWChee Oienoesaid ltatitig couredý U ef al kis. Also Lamber- sud Shingles .- ln so o a c o 9es -ROIiPRT Il UJDEN. LoiNs, 7. tlOte., N&q@,gs.eva elt ..1astvoods. le sîmot rvcry vauieoy. Cal ad eochu braI stock ini Milion. Cash ou Trude - nu P F RS wl ccure chepgoeds. JA .10 L N.R Kri uns-r e Milton, Jane Sob, 1867. 52 if. Kingdoin of -Canada 1, Stationely, School 89h, Le, At Whaiimle sud Rotili. J. EASTWOOD & CO, D opposite ths. ni in in -t ., Hsm ilton . IVIITII! ERMUIE! Ol] Styles 1'assiug Away 1 'T lISubscriberso feeing that they nuc live in s greni and prosperous ksd. nnil country, ha viadouiined ta adopi te IOw style ol deîcg business md.uIl BENJAMIN JOINES, (COODS CHEAP FOR CASH. Foster Street, near thte PostOffice. And boving jut purchaed the entîre Stock in traite f the laie firm of I TIN tais bfor port ravosraand fes a trm the pbli uic tl e pFapaund tafarty btmnr.la ilshabuî- Dalosaeradi%erakrM'CRANEY &THOMPSON, Cabint-Maer, bd UderikerOn verfivorible te4% thcy beg tOe nnouncete the publie, that thrv enciîaid &I' bt mmIsle a1%re t ck 1 l il wil rligenra god. s l,Ïým20 ta40 er centlocer 'han any oher bouse in the aOU O turer, Tables ke., ke. Couniy of' italien. 0:j- Cash and al kîuds ot Produce tuken in erclisuge for G'Ôds. E. C. TITO3P$O, ~ ( IOFON, &(O N. B. tVa wil b leinripi ef aew groda weekly, dnricg the remît gseaon. 'mfis 0 aapply unîg wttCi-di s Brunie, A puill 1t, 11 167. 45-3 22 a he tin. tu $ta 1a l, e.g if sra 0uyport oft uic CsO nt Iiitoas, .Jin@ STb, t17. y doit A Yget9to VniltA.A11.1(.ALL eCAilL.I FOR CASH!1 LUE obsrihus bse eeeredloug au ~cl alecteit 5too eoeS., tJ mccl he reuirsaretaut iîcîr arge sud iaîg trade, uhieht teyu are pr Leuaty et Italien. Toir Stock ceambla u lsuitwere. BotRn he unit 8 te s aunS Rende Mode Cltbuu, n e, 011e, ils, Wite Lerai in od nad Dry, lied Lrud, C.ibus et al ubades, Patent Dryrs, Vaueih ad Jan. Press G'ods. 12J clu peu ysrd. Gruey Cottes Rts per yrd. tlecvv Grueys Cotton, 12& etct. per vsrd. Mleulnons. tulins. Ptren otht. (Vppe. Kit and Flestt Gloves, S.Tiekicg, Flaiseis, Shirting. l'aiidian and Pcteh Tweeds. Taitous Tiiitisiicg Cot.t oether citlî luiet ener other article belogiat te the ahove banchio sur business. d £Eý lmN «». 4c" E] BE& IU ImN MW Tltey haire on bannd ons excellent quniity cf Tes puebasrd ou favorable terme clieh tetciiil l ithe locret enîoneralio'e cîvance. 7.tiieovado Su,Cru Iunhel Oigne. Soutp, t'ouiles, CodieLa. Pyrapp, Rice, Barley andt GOatia, Spico. es.. )D Is titis detntrtitent wcul befossît s Conplite Stock et touse Parniohing and Sltlf Goido orae N'iaials 1eCXut Nulis. Ghts. Putcy, &e. Of every Sze and Dencripion fron lorce Cacks le the Double Soeil Cowhide dBots. 9-2- s iALOnING DUNE ON THE PIREMISS. Cloihes nue made up on SttORT NO 1ICE, tnp Expericncerd Woukmeu- and a ee With a Large Quancity ef Ready 3ade Clolhing Conslantly ou baud- The Sobscuibees shcuk teie numecous Casirmers for f unr lîbrîl pitronsut, und trust tnp prempt ittteiica te iheir tualo,î ous, andthoîtesi dcalîng te laorta continuation ol Ilîir tavors. m- 36 Inches to lice Yard and 16 Ounces to tice Pound. -M W. ID. clic :- A. IaYlC>lv htilton. April. 18(h. 1866. 4Ç a? TINS 1TIi.TP Main street, Milton. tIANOPtIt.foreu rtpns iptreisser. bres te acqeanit t Toldaad .suneus ruieit,,. .tit e bas casistantivict, bandU",e stock or le Stoves, StoVpipX Copper, Sheet lt-on, Plain and Jappatted Tinware, &c. &é. ;t EgreeTrtoctt. steey iitisption ofteesttkin htie n et, tt wîîh cej,ito aidittpteh. ni t-tii prie.-p. J.ht.to dis. critiehott s cll- inkl Rng'. Ioot. Piebises. titI Ir Iro.toppe,ad Farte roiutacakn inaeohansioîtsb pie C titienOctubsu G th 186. at-te 'HARNESS &SADDLERY! 11 ] EIIS ,,eprtratty te sequis 'bi .tufsuattcofu itton it ntuundingcitetîî B ttîh tuiuoptenid the ORAtCt ilO01'beretoftire cario nrîdîîty bts, tir " l.EV, îd ei' Tou prepsifd t tku tte liet quaitiet f LîGlIT ASO )HEAV % ttAR.\i;s ainirteemot rea.eotuttte pis..t-euquîrga>tt i ne a ru u autitet tuexuainetie bules pucbasittg et,,ece re. SADDLES, TIERKS, WUtPS, Y.ILISES, BRUMIES, COUBS, ÎC. &C., Krrt eontantttynoubond rsuy dperistiios rt PANUYF IARNE83 msdn te nuit r n nosuat. ilepaiitgutatty doueand paincn iotntii'odu. Mittns,Jnty 25(h, teat. cm bienest au"tri-iot)it, in triloin 5Mr. Rtcharit Jitnp. te rmanoor, fur pstrp indet edtte I.te us uopt crr pay sme te Mu.Joues Imaeiataty.crbo 1a aulbou oed te grant rmer ptas nbs nome. NELL~V'GOFF 1 Begu te ainnescote the publie, flitho le prepsred te giva GRE AT BARGANS AS BIS STOCK OF ry G-gods, Guccries, MilinBry MartÈes, Slraw Goods, &Ci muet hié suIt prcparatouy le hie Whrnce ha nill rotera in the Fail cilh u laegeisteck fef onGonds, bougliiehcap fer Cash. MIL.TON, Jue Sud, 1517. 52-4t o AT Now 4*Whand a LADIES' DRESS-COODSI,- Shawts, Parasols, elan.te Clolîs, Hats, Caps, Collars, NeckI_ý "l'ie Clothinig depariment, as 1 keep on b'aud ilite larg1Yet - of Clîîths of a.yotier establis»ment in the County. Ctttomiîs will ind itto advantage to give me a Cali befOre PUs#-chasiâfg ElaewhIere. A FIRST-CLASS CUTTER, And first-ulass w(>rkm(an 0o1the eint~tlites, i 3tt ()u caf)ge l c4 i"g M1ade to order ini first-class style MeGUF FIN'S.., 'y ld ,Grand Opening Day Wb1ow RQQimîS Ionday, the 29th April, 1867 .Shawls, Manties, Fitncy liort- ne, Netiv Style Ilats, Parti- sols anrd Noveliies of the S'camnn. Kilbejde. Avril 24tb, 1867. 46-tf Rffirber hop., w TtLLIANI BRO-NILEY. asoui.. cr" that bu lias ,.nmencedl buni tcess Barbbru, airdrcnseu, &c, in DEMPSFIY'S NEW BLOCKP1 M11c.Sttet. Milieu, Mlilieu, May 2nd, 1867. 48-ff. Sale of Lanid* OUNTY OF SIALlIJNflYirtce of OiTat, muid ci iletsriat>.' Coeurtfthe ',ait or Nitn, and u M dirc ai gait the Lands 81 Tenements SEOICU WIVALL.ACE, D[UEII,ï A.t ibe.timc ni $ti itatti. lnte hbandc ot M ARGARET WALLACE. udnin ,nînuirinx etfie urni cf ldoeon tin'CetAerYa\OEu.- eAo uC Tseo-er1.haeneinndnaliiti mui nt iz.-A4t&hoetutrain porce ol j tend aittilate ibllattge etie Trownslp of Trafalgar lnth.ii Cont f 11qf tnoen rocntîs. t Fido0f tiotarta iir,'. iilic esid tittatit flaif an Acre, biore or TLess. Second, or Lot nusastruFites, on th- tNrth otdretfOtlshoim Streef. 'nutheib i Village orlnnoi-.cluutaiiittte Hait ai,t Au.' If r oles. exdrptibg ibe"rt'e,.n a Part ii sutit tarI menitinsitltt berfoe oit!sad1f. ih, parpone ut1 e Bîpfist Cîcreti. Wirh treper y. our the teruet tcrli b. s"id George Ow" Wll,c. deçuso-it. fui Ihe&the aireaie bsdeatb, 1I nul of.', ton sale ut Mfy Office uinIltov,7 TEMI DY TE16TH MAY LD. 1867, t ts eist oklnthe astnercu, i G LCR5WFORlI IteKtNDaEY, Sherrft*tC.nty Ballion. ! Sher:ri'.O.'on Mtfu,[ uitîFnbr4y. rOt 37 id THREA4tt.VË SALE 18 A DJOURN ED To maunduy, tlias iuesiAngmat A. D. 1967, Ai the saine beur sud ptace. Glus te fie sot iiuieuanid byuvilttie nt a Wert01VE.Noeuil-ui Ea.paoao nu cit Fî AcuàsaRecsitte, G.tIt kWFORD McKiZDSEY. htibr!Ca Baller. Sheritrs Offce.,Midtoln,t 14làhhMayt167. f Oat 'FAIMIiNG LANDS f >'aenttt iÊ ondea t/iîd ocres fgooed impri-eîd Londa in t/te TOWNVS1IP OF TRIILGAR, .IA TRE n County of ilalton. ,ft W ,,g aiEftE!~. Fuit CAliu Rl tii U ltlls1bisr par thbquclh tVathalrtltNn - e s ttuu tuwogtryoalk uid-6 n the3dcou.. Nen Outr y.1ofaid A BOtCK cor AGE suditLoi on MilrJtig.teabtanliaianot.e7Li.ieY ii- Tcwnip- FOR.e/s. EftIEAP-Foeriiin ' roi, oatuiho mcrnoeUat ' uîg tet dar rotut bf besnisor ral, amd athrup. ru aurs appt> pro. A iret puatt ep erPce 1 . aimch Mait Srent SMilton., Fou patu. pa & Fan mle nhsap. A lptisulâritýytasW.Laitlaw,eu le ihprepuinint idr APa MtUN DEWAR, j,., JOEINLAILLAW. LI SCAîhEc. B4rieor, &o. Mlo, j 2'Ib i-à ohel GroccrieýS, Provisos, <titiE e bu ILit', P R-EOIUiN Onut> sosua1. it u nrst nlymo.wiaha hB t ji Ci'.at .TeeyIi 0o uic t cub' la n t cn -aeshaXI). t' 'g n puonuti't.t t gnu, e tdV v tei er. AIt h-artPop ittrni est iesr.ishtt5 - Fn t, maue figo te i t-sftate ic i ,' flute stip sttasaéé' iîg tt¶lnel t ,u Wtt., rit or .git t e-t' in 'lasr unitnit5i v-r. p un., or r ,- i.t ticia r, iier~ "ceti eKsiiUu4. !1l, . rt -am' >10 t'reattti. d aidaa, teotî AGîîdSIiptgM W cit the igllent market pnice Wul it-H"id. G.aet crîe rober 118h, 1866.'l- AT THE ESC.uESING STE 131 FOU-NDI4I. F ARIE! fcUS rett-,ietpdfiît. cst rt- e tur se. paten ResenicCisitnsiauue, ti- 'f vAti-il. Kilt-n. m, t-sinu spitet" utttt'"urn ii vlsotos. ie1go ,at-tactios. tuii f iituiY n)yi> tit h.utttt i'nn 14hCunta nPtumanupstitoabl eoo'i'lnilz isc.r,î-t ti, tf .-tr.rîi i,, en %r,,f utîdIn iintirel aetiiteit$no îtuuui,tVniii"g '.in-tîtuIAu in 'tu- rt.. r .autenWood u-uitg*> Georgcwn, Fà5tit, 'i47. i s m, ILEy,&-c MILTON PROPRIETO01 VItTtE fSTEAM ILINIUFtTR[RS CF il111 11(F Y ÉPLA, ýi7 '--;G DON E .T( RtItLs;OPLUVBEt. altîî Pdio o.t uiy qinuit) e 'chef f-pici-. ,sit1NiiLEýs 0F A >UPERI )RfIAgE. oinaym u b teoh tt e e. ai tlu elo ru' i intc ltont, Joue 1th. ti, 66 08 3, uipplied ai Ibi b seuli, ut or csei rnunt'T IS NOW IN FULL BLAST AT OPPOSITE WALLACE'S HIOTEL, MILTON, [ak xisc Tee Cressu, constantly un hait, durngthe tsciur 0e. t I 0~~ fLiiies ait len rates. Syraps front Lemnoti, tisptserry, St rawberuY,,?*fr Apple, &o. Ginger ani Spuco110cr supplîit tn- Taleaas AI(-Kiàd.<r of <ioèafecitoliU'u--. MiVIOLESALE a'iND RET&IL, Ah stylesaoftparties, sc sWdi oers, &o.,aupplit 10 order luinfirsi rînsa styla, as city prince- Ail kinsitu t Pney Breait, nsCobuenel, Cottnge, Fuencht sud Lloclus,. Sali> Luone. euwih s usent vuirit'niut iouuits inisCu, - or mate on te shertent penaîible outice. Alâo, Scotch SLuui BrCsiL Miies,-Jnse 5th, 1867. M 1LTON, May 21 et -1867, largeý lot of New Goods wbich wilI be - ê just about Cost. j l bl 1 0