leor (nddatcfs for ME E OEG TDW1W bZEflo.i ]W -tù 167. The Georgetova meeting baiaag hêýd PA dAe Boume of Cmaooou on Wcdnonday *snill abill Dot nucit JOH!N WHITE SQ., IfP P 'P'aIft to co!Mnt thereon lai weh. %Vnote procecal te gite the nain pointst ,Fbr th 1-*L.iahzaarc qo Ontea4c: bronglît ont antithat aenorable gu bar i WILLIAM BARBER. Esq. iag"ift wiahit i ancknowledgod tiy Mr, Chiaitolmi organathora vors four hou, - _________ ----drcd preent. ~Iic~flfl~IU ltI)fî1XiOîî ?Mr. Barl u ccpied the chair,sd ______________________________ diiraibly fultil!ed flic dutieas of fila 0f bHILTON. AUGU$T. 1, 1867. ice te (lic rofmsactioaî of botit parties ____31r. 1lirbeerkepa&-c flesaned made ngood What the -i tan' gtY Threaten. i-apressiono afi b isanudieceas a n r of floacat, Pruclr ientaand iator- The Mltrica eof John A. and J. S. ougla Reformier.,fIe moulu go tltahi.- Mc»Êoald for the Contrai and Local party lIn regard to flu position theay Goircrononta vit fiir supporters ai,$ ate la rcapect te thc gore erf clii teo heit Union Party, but tfaay lie weafPt a tact cli, ut ifcircd the' dop Pat expaian t hay coaeta bc ce prepert, cfflcthefale cuntry, cnd es inota titan the Reformera f Ontulpeicl, wclnt fat ecou.raîy ia govcrff* ailn. Thte Glac t as fortify aupport- eal te Union, aittalbau nef siale rd *anst te prirsipho. 1Bt il uicudg. ment the only dsrgcr vwiotict ttraaa CIho Union party, analte greatet future diffcnfty ila aconflit fatavoco tbe Local anal Central gavcrcmeLt,thecf l con- lout btteen Fèeoral and StanI rigli ta, la the Uniteal States th.~eoC tdaget vwu from teStatua eneronchisg upca the Central goberefit hica lmia- aaed-in a fan* e yats vsr fac Sothera 'tCc rgbts.. The semormi States te- ai lli potep -but tose wviicitece ue sl"y ausalin teconstitun as imcoeded te tho Washington goveru- mttent, analte danger vuastite Sete Gonerasnt voalda eerhitdan t ha Feal- wdi hua viCIa ns the danger la czntly hunt4ned, sam tin la prsaly Icidl data in b"vIoooftaao, taba il pontera astflvea theLocal gsîarananta, a neeeee suttgcCeatmL. liheneri ampteal Canfederation, pmely IeasMIM la voalal give esit Party ltséontrol f ilts men ta ters elftoua lre st erferance, n bildprericunly be. th ea, analit vu an expessunu- d«eeong that tnere vonfl be as in- hltarenca y the Contrai goverouent in Irsel af-ars. Bat vitât asnnt fbetng dors? Bir Joins A. MoDouial bns form- eadnom noral, tse Cantral, fat aIne te 18"oal ovetnnestaand ilacet cletaiococr Ues vîti hahnS. liaDonall, te Local peierlinterfbring finLocal affaira. lie mrp. hiCtseLocal M iuity muet fa f ra aion'twitha the Otava gaora- mouL '.'the Central governuant itave '-.gens fartaler hia titat, tbay fa.et mmesy appoinatoiteLieuteant Gey- «sors bt have naneal the premier, die- tatad bia Cabinet anal Polioy, sud i- iiatealChatemry Local Minlattr bal * mn hate.amaintheitaCentrail tarliu- ament la supprt Jabn A. anal bis Caal- ios. Sachaitafminfiho procoe<ingn ne aiefathe higiett daageaus anal des- tructive of the i rit priccipica cf Che ecatuatian. la maies thea Local gai- ararnepa adjento anid supporta cf toie Cemtal, andl tterly autroya Local luî- alam4cnçe. Thare fa iuflnllaly more daigna, frora te»s ulsanal urpa. ta cmÉ"fn Ar tonfront te raviaigo of the oosf-Ucionial of Neya Scouia or blev Brinsticit. They learly rereal àlinge conapicay of the Central gay- aa Ce goovaîadantannal nltlnstchy * destoylias Local goveoanta anal tes acaaPlimb tIredritg dresu of Con- pertitive &tatreent, a legicetie union. Èctwqte tioitae toupet cf Otarie, aiftisattnnpt viii nt et h itfcd, ad aageriy raonateal by ail elases, sb a dangeoanattnpt il uaurpation, and - tisremllit vifh ie.orertrot cfte o perions "Uafeta'part ta Ontaria. ANUM TOCILClE. Whyob iouldwevabave i Coalitian fa Gofagio, veinelaQuabeo tbaïs ifaa a " ~ lparty gavtera ment? Net une Cea- mmrvie jounal tambeau ifble ta an.- M«er hia but" leis a ailfy unter. aile. The oly ezous atteupteal tas abt $4a.Quebse Reforrmers oppoacal Con- c-- federatien4 , aniq J. Sanalfielal Ma * fcl,asd fer n tfioroogla cocuidraticu cf eue trudc relations, as uif etfinaiuiaf evetenr.0 fftznil eror liteclouse@ tc the Utaion sol reltiogi te lit dues os Che Aâaomhlyý cand os rsufaaig fil speecitvan lendfy uppînaudoa. MI. Wfite nexC racole n.font briof remirha ona the peilion cf t e cufry, taical ibat ha ntis eppoceal te Coalition asc general priuecipfr, bat flint if te Unieai vaulfie enduegereal by taecfsg eut te preact Miiaty, lie aoulal ot rote then cul. lie tecalalpiefer a Coceer- vtive niiclcetry tea nCealiticonriniafry, as hoe bel irdaItcagovrnaeaa houlal fie carried] on fy a pnrCy, aldtroagit a prty, fr then bnit of te itole on- t ry. Tfea eplaocc viit miti o iaas greeed on roauming fils @st, bunteal hat ho bcfan hes;ynapitiemof tclly faur-fifts of fila lierora Mr. Cfisite!ranetCtroant alrpenteal filslittCf c pecei.liboanscitacibey d remusg cicr fils tairoi. lHcurgeal is henrets fa itnty tite peaf, ana ll f fe migitt plcnd for titis tw.e e onsideta tthCie paf la ta itauttetdy ladefonsiflhs. lic sud ftat Mr. Whilte hatdfor te iraI cime in bis meeingsa irideal poanitie.- Baa hc siacuhlhaive ememborcal hat ibis a vanthe first meeting cf Sir. Whitîon tat bchai t offodeal, tlîit te excepioof Nasnirnseyc, vtre SMr.' Wh'i tose arnavideel aiy refereuce le pet- scualities le hie cpcning adalece. In al the provicuameeotingn Mc. Chiihoîna ba fuel the firt speech, bcbng t Ili'tove mecetings, anal if pcrsncli ticn-s- ete ic- toduccfed o s tspeniblo, anal31r. Whfite motel y repelledathcf ao elra cgaicsC hinseif, acal refufoalthora cf evry precieun meeting. Mfr. Chis- holmo cwhoie compleice vcn hat Mr. Wh'ite ccully fe~fuseal le ay tatfie svcld facfiously oppose the Ministro beoeotey hai time te, icirodace tbclr meanurer, a courue s unses eif voulal fie ueeuefjffionaIl. Afier Mr. C!,L-alm vaa Cbccdgh, Mr. Whiteîroe!o ccd aacensfully replicalteoevcry pint frcaglit feoral, aafn l ite affection cf Ciaomeclting for oc-r unfleur. Mîr. Kerr of Woellngton Squiea, thon coaiefrward au f lialfofusenofappeinfoal dopufution fri NelacOn, te adi Mic Barber sune questionas tétu fila paifies ta tbe Ne Local Geternoot. i. Kerr atf fret finaloreaicodiffieofty ln get Cîcg a hericg,cesLie bheur van fateancd theorrca 0su urcoufertublechtithael audiececo ere net diepcncd for long speeches. But ou beiog asareal chat fie vas DaoufeCairne a spech M. Karrt sa lfontealta procea-not ibc- fore Jamea Youngancd W. Clay Eeqcs batleow shav foclecs uaefcsotablo ta the ideauof oppoition ta Mr. Barbea. lita latt-r oittvar la soma pinaod ro- matika claimeda biecriaag faor Mr. Kerr. 01 fi.- clovealte proccal, Si. Kerr put ocreraI questions ta M. Barbet, teiofibc ansasareal u i Ia usaas foccît voy, dandy sitowng li$s saunenai e- ftou vies, bt hat cf the> satan ime fia van no facionit' lIn atfai chat' ffertte lut meetiag of thea Central Lomitloe tva yosg aten froun Nelson carna oserlie Srearila cuid stofoal thtnt la csutewuchdtontno nutrnl l int. eonfasC analnt aaId Mr. WhiteC, hta efd aot ha oppoae. -7ieofiai Dot ctortain- cith irisla ir an s'.nent. ola.ttotla Daimnirnistoy vith a a ajeriay of ten trtya ista iIen titir ma, la »"if.rilte Iai beau fermel, vautervas oneffer saI, anal if thay tougtý o c etoe.. n more. ThefiteIal intey ceula bt4iim tarisg ot tîtoir ialDaiealsltnaadteo 0'r C tis frangoal mna." lie id netf hasent 1 do ppuitoehav aeapea Cofee- aftarify ts o ynatta Malfr theiri de OPWü bae a ptel Cnfe era ffer, ual mtspposefaahât . CL loicfa - - , Me de noio qpaenfa lune suma cf fial àa prtefin it aeuflIr. Citisittalaianal 60. Obt@H itins i r; sad, sgian, te itad ltesyslieon parsosaf frieuda but' Uni'ba'iaklaa tîtong appelntof ùUwifen poltiitcal PPOrioseta 11h.Barbera e. --Ie.mmah cf h. Qabe. i DIar. îe arbare Refra Colegtruia TIp rs I 10 it a of taU sufterfaces eling, ald produeda asensafienon lé,oi Ch.e onanrvatites vereila ana- te asudioace. Ntiing coula ha mrse jsetcfLover (Canada, andtra ierefara inutdioui tuai itaeapprach ofetSi. ton th. cotifntioaal ad sensileo Bqrbers epponos ala;au educe trou ftfe enM.cof frinig àa pray govoint, patit cf bonirandal otiinqcoul al fi anud Mr. Dati viisechoii despite bis moearanly tita bis rofufie ta ahora. no-iaoaama o. haus tamw a Coser- lTe meeting ehot very ordarf y, - ,tife, atlu ateio ehce tsfrraeîbroke op moue favorabIý icclineal Cete ara a ae umoriy, a oeeupala ein Pom nCrdidates. testfal o Uo .~sjorty.Ttc Elecioci. NiatRuof Jadge Krrtit. - lThe L ocal Govertaumt itaisg beasa - - -frucd,amd teGenoent eing ready, We regreit toianonae absdocoate, fte lectiona tell ot long fa dcinycd. f*ý iscfaae of ttc ieart,,on lTaida, lailahanrefll' tbat tfry bava eeon de- - ai 119uio. S, . HIarrisn, Jualge f iayed long, bel it i pocbable titat te scou rtCae of Yackr, Cairma eof atc a ui.e8tti ie cl Un.Qnar te esioanal Jualge o e ther uhoahi h ol Saunipa. 1ant0. frofa ft.e Otetaaarfnpcndaent fie - Ti oExctmso-.-lfe Pesq Part les teitecaie eCe w ehIlattnoruca Pacaralca, v - hvainnouaceal for itato her Iiife cnu of thie l"71hS.I . .ait, itsone day i in la il proablity te. #sr a geeraad I adhsi W 4- iiiarrangement- ectasvi a uielq ieldAg 'lli 'am Thucodaay at e w 1 ust. I la aid titat tltey arc ail reudy,i lsand a(T]!%in a % na day, are e' e01Y reqUiram, iCh. datez Ccho fifled sp. pusain elq ma ist luecaslves r ulal cone c, ofi tecaUts liait ead1 vhs hure etoCycCte dcconcy te tiflo tiit clameurs ugainat te Ucica. Bal opon suob Uniooiatc. Tlae people cf If ahton arceclnetie cimposealspen by cach caime, hey arcsa redis, hlskiug people, andfhcy lkaon, tat viten fli "lîcied Center' ergccizcd tiis pcrhy let cammor thef if vas doeoby clli thie ,Conervatives" hohe. Ttc7 are aioancd cf titir forer ncmea, bat flair assomption cf te alias cf 'Unione- laC" cr111tactet efp thir cause. taGva thena a TriaL"l Suehith ie cry urge in la fnrur cf Ithe Coaliticq anal 'Cooibintion' goreru- ,mnefftheao Cu lhDonahl', anal fteaugititt eterioeliIt u acertainu aontu publie pritiO11 vien aoiypoal thnasrefte Mir iakenzie mosedin ll aenfmuf te) finl resaIt, and te figures woufdas c- abs Qait-aion, a-oeded fy tr SCacchocai, ouitcrvue mauy cf fila fricuals, bat ce- 'fbnt tite vrdda 'Prcvfded, that hlieeffftraefradn u flac Sfaftiaftai- priofoil andl bounid uud tefra frm o a for four hat Mr. CanadaOGazcttu pinfdan cd pablirhaad, ly Cfllehclr migita retire, and nt gîte tite pubi ocatcacf.usaidflan Office cf Qîacera'm i'ciiterdiacoutacaaed Cao addud cf he ccd electara CIaooppriuiy cf adraluicter- aheseof.ing an essec Ce film, ccd hlîla cub, vite Nefbiog coalal fiefairer iba ain hoaghf te vin hiacocuniy by witlesale acaendmoaît, and ne more iiqailoun job vis ever pirpoirateal afauc eplliiac a1 indor. Lot t--foraruerocaciobet te ,hrirlfoSales te ho pritcd iflic delaratien eftitcir opponents, ftat hia Georltc vhlch rabedy reala, andl loviatg; lainteir sta utempft, anal if huragluly t epienal te puiahssflatelc caI paporP.bae- s 'ht hywfI fne But Mlar. Chisoilru ceusuai vofeal to eae wth hywiabno continue this nuisaunce. Ibit opposition. Lot hisunerve u te VOTI'ita atNcY ss-TIIcrT CONSENT OF Continue active for a fent daya fecngcr t-fchIAME NT. aed tialteat iii fc aaaaeto Cececigev- Tfîe acxf divisli Cccli llace osnflhc ersiaicuf for te unt fivc yeata. vitict question o gcaniiiag mrey alich fLA l vibecte meut eseadaul perical in Can- beenexpdeddiitoat tht eceuct cf adian llisicey. Itarliamecf. Ta hic __________ cf plausifiliCy, Ilieru la realfy ncîfing ttc. enie moscdin nm--ndmentf Cricket ifatait. oconal fiby tir. Diich., Thutai heorchaa la la. TLiey are Cklnag a fait trial.- &fies "i at'a* te thaaend cf the Qiýtraictabu nRtra at- ac a ly lThey bave lantaeirbanale il ite îppîa efoca0catt, la raeta cdd th.e vosît "ir sSiare atamf, cu Iy Haaîtsostpacef! cendora flact etarfîct cf cd baeat 0aeiitea ical Milton C.cbef ocescaof goeccuent patronage. anal hethCu Exccsice Goernmuu-uCin e-uia.iile ivr prmies ae sumingil lir sg 0" Undres dtwi fcthîeîîtuart andl fiffananClubs uîaoa te greunîtof te foriaice, twopreicr ar stupig l tirauitpouada ixtanu ahuliaaia afasi eri. h ý- Milieuon ciuiing by 10 ichets. Aft, c hic West, ayicg hir ipaDliey fefofe iha toc-c-atflacloethe i tfSecssiono aiehic iefrtiunsth lyr lw people. Iliolu eriana are defeaadirag Puefiamieatin Sta!, 1855, asdîthe ic laI f fa iu sucstt iyr atae Januacsy, 1856, vniflathe CauataoiycfLaa C e ecel n i ru eloa caI hen, andal by havaealias a gnat edîac- vecsaudubaea yearshcum of Sevente-fiveteaexlen iertkl*Ioe lu teiriraftria ut lie ouaaad fpuonds ak, hei fr a dCvl fiaI, prosideal y te Acfon elese. line gage to i pie ra tt e lls e tviffuacc uthaestycf the Lcaîala.e clIffllcveag fa iste scoeea secure thte verdict cf thc people, T y Iytcnnaau sc-cy year siace Duho Union la teil aIhe an uthier fair faim!, virea f184t"iuutc-ad flac-cec. J 1tACTON loT INN tIflO, fli rercentti6à oetinPaiia t icM. Clîloboln as usuel votes uay I1 JMrffccs, rasa osai------------...4 flac ~ ~ ~ (T roponntol eattul'i hn -t J. Iliattehicoson, b Lin.Iciaia4 Tbcy lucve te wvtearangs oi ph T t1eeaiadi .Scfir. .Grvie. b Lindeniy c Wa 1;nr- questions frot e ioW uaselecet a popuac J. Lightlieaet, h Marfia c 'fhoiiialeaiu) voiay wicli titey cas enthcdy lante Tâte Frovînofai Exhibi ion for 18li7. C. Matroe. b Linîliay ......... ' picS. 5-taith, b-in adsaiy- - -O........ apeechitfroin tCleh Taonec Vtnaslacr lTe prira ist faerte cpproacitisg E. Nieflini, b Iindalcy, c Puciu-....2 Itotorerrbavearo nepaotero icterfoe. Exihiitioa cf te Provincial Ageicaul.M.. SpoighC, h Lindsay- --.......O andl if choir ceurse bu dietatoal by pet- urai Asscaioni,fla bee pabliuhaca J. Alla, nef oct ..- --......... ana poie Ciey ulucaadoi er irclaion lie xhiitiu y tteW. Stoey, b Lindalay c Waclcee-O.. rictisnta adplc hywl e d o iclto.TeEhbto yteC. Caîmercu, rua eut ........- - 3 tlae unccontitufioea corse, nete necrhy ysfom cof rotation udoptoal mince her Byes ............- - -.... afiolute lu Esglaaad, cf vting out a first formation cf Ciao Asscation, taies maiitry fehoce Cfio7 bave au opportun- place tie year uit Kingston ou thte ast loCal- - - --................33 ity or matcrtng titeir nensarsa. lTh e ack lun'feptombet, cmnciag octe tc zIN NNi. fo!boing frothat, afle R--frt jear 23cd cf te mentit, andci astug iII Fr1- J.liuCche'on, b Mactina - -.......2 amI tteicailtan Timesa cxaeClycii-« dy, te 27t1u inclusive. lTe price fisC -J. Alau, hbSMatin- - --.....Ih.... cdes witit our vient cf Ciis mater :- lunte Agrieultuac departraeut exlhiho sDo. Shc.arvin, hbSMartin e Martin 0i Macla is niel abotn asbita1sent la ne marial change fren thaC ef fat J. Mstitew;, fi Lindsray c W Slartia""33 atie Loid an calGreraf Paciaintcs te year; fiat a princut feuare, titcagfi J. ighiCheact, h Lindsay --........2 vofte dova tite governuinutmscil or cet a ccv eue, adopteal eorne Cwo or MI. Speight. b Martin- --.........4 vrcng, vititeut regard te taecitatacter ifrece ye cgc. 1iCtha hicit permnite S. Smith, h Martin- --..........15 of thichemenasrea. Timin il hum- the cmcptition cf exhiiitees frontali C. Camtercu, fi Marin e Carfaer. .. 1 buag. Ilithel. aiing cf sàffae issue. parteo'fte verlal.The amouat of.-W. Storcy, rua oat- - -O........ 'Va do nat hohieve ftere la oce intelli. nucncy efforeel for pricea rectains nt C.Shucce, rea u ct- - -O... ..... gent Reformer fafthoevitolacountfry, bcaoabout tesaane figure. home ucampor. E. Niefifin,nt uot u..- --........ ta Brosenife ustehat fie may, ceritocever tontalcfrufiena havce bfi aiumde luthe Byen- - - - - -O......... ...... muclho la. ty fie ppeced e Coalitione dotaula cf a few rine claceas cf te' Leg Byco- - - --.............2 -b-t lis ditfifi of te repetiva Gsi. agiutrlproducticos;but Ctae ouly Widco--------------------.........4 ernentusof Sir John A. anal Sualficial one cf acy promicouce is tat eegacdiaag SleDecalal, as trcsg ns it eus fa con- hic Prince cf 1V .ales' prize of $60, Total n Inînaisg,----------........ 5 ceireal, si~~ ~te is letrro elvi iiifiaiteatgivcn te te ficuC pou lfi1fIeco - 3 cir centitaticucal exemaple set by Sie cf Cotevelal itep, ceceltigeof oeegramn Johan A. MeDoiala bitnamoî, ins seing anal ice ecen, net o ve itencha. A Grand Total- - --............98 vant of confideace lna cGcvtcnmeat fis change la the tube reacacalluanttohe hat- 1LO1SINlÇ. fere i ladallimae te neeceare ilsn poi4, iaag of eteep, ita aine h'ee a aalptd- LTNlTNNN. or f0 isireducea a ingl esaunte. TlithficCOmmittee fi te Assoaciaion ep- W. Walcte, fi NickilacHIlteheson. . 2 tflaho et tiFe'tme Miinirlea ailI haupon pe'taltoe eise te prie lhiut iin J. SMartin, neCaut- --...........22 fait isseit, ébcltelereapocice bouses, ualcpted a reelutice reqirieg sheop on J. Lindsay, rue eut ..- --........ I Ditl eanseay cter ceurse veuf lexhibitio te fie ahîru ou ce nfteflue C icjs iNcue - ho gacoenatttntionah. anal the Reformera Istit of Apii, lastoual cf tae lt aspre- W. Martin, f Stoey o Mtiteva--..27 cf Ontaria ara ct te adioculu cof un- vionîy. la te pcultry cflasses seme J. Stewart, ru ontC- --.........4 cunstitutiaaaal menaresi, anal noervn e bita îertenfrein laf yce uare ofservea- W. Stewart, f i Lgfthart- -O...... tees. hitsy ara usdonhtedly cppoed twve ce Clre eco ,tienas itaricg eo W. Pantea, b Alai................ l an the pineiphas apen wvicte faGovrna-droppodancd oteto lsectoal. -C. IHampirey, f Ligithtic eStoey. 2 mentfQOnario anal cf Canada have lthe-fruit groevoasnscation face A. Cuhbert, b Ligittiara--....... I heen feemeal, bthetcy tili express dis-.cfoeal someiesggestions te the fiiral I. Crfuner, fa i lgittart c Speight ..1 set t tefelac oi, andlle te Houeein flue yesr, chicit have ficenalsoe enfedi- Byco-------------------.......... fte urialsicentitetional ranneor, mend aiite prizo lst. Compefiters eue Leg Byes------------------.......I nt mercty in abs spiril cf (action. lTe nov ore veose premior n a l ecc- Iides--------------------......I. Ltfaun party js a graa Ccetttioaa tion, instoual ef ifn escitrieay cf frit paety, and set te organisation et a mecashabwn, as fccmely. Total-------------------........ 9 faction. . lTeeontiezvil require te fa maale lsD IfNNS -et-.u.nn--L thCe flfeving limes -J. iarC is, net eut ..-------------....> Wouhd Support auj Mlnitry. lierses, eattle,eiteep, avine anal peul- J. Licdn'ay, net eut,- --.........2 ry must ho octereal ce ce hefore Scfue- AtHeC otnfiy Me. Citishohm ofaleai day AuguoC f 7tit, fice veois proceediug Total lad Ineing9,............7 itat te coulfct support afe.V Goveru- te showt.Toa itIng' .........9 Grain, fielalretoansd other fuee Toar ltIuig---- --- 9 met hat happoucal te ho le power, aC prodacte agiculfual implements, rua- Grand Tcftl,---------------.......99 te precena Came, even if tit ee Georgaeithinery ccd manufactures goaccally, ___________ Brovn andalclite Grits." muet bcoontoreal previcua te oecenSitur- . -sWAn'ca.-lite groaf paf Neoaouft M. Chiabelra ccuhd bfac day, Augunt îlCt, tece creeka pteocel- lic remedy boreeccv ficen inusue ocer long te ahcw. goveramouCosupporer. Ho lays ries Mocicuhural peadueta, ladies' vorfi, îety yeacs. btenneila cannot ha salal te fa au tite futtoreol aidaetfte -oast. te fine cris, etc , mny ho onteroal up le flitl ffae r ia traln. hay itave boa' BispanCis latit Babetmaer Satucday 4tit, co elcur week proccoeding torosgfaîy feea, anal procoucecal (oe Bi oiini h abrm t ite ashowt. Cluautharlty cf tC'ho@tehoas !ises ccd dos neftouaid te independenccetfactionca-hteyhv rsrvd eb On tite eantrary M. White itoroagit- Berlin, July 28.-Notvittanding cure buitnions anal aminaantly salnsaay ly fudepeudauf of te Gorerament, analtaeofficiel deelal of te Mnitecr oet praparatiers, analif tahea infiseasea yl la fa a position taeacupport gond mca. Napoleonna noe te te King of Penula, tinariuhly cure coldo, cougia, oto litroat eaara, ud etoagaaseCit ba. t[e alo emi-offtciel jeurah cf Barila, con- uan1Iml i Buncitial cffetiennc Oaae fair sure, ad vt ,e aaint teba. H Ctiue te urge King William te repef te trial vilii ourairîeo taeaot ai -ptical. ylnt equir. te gve a larli atd- intruian cf taeFranch Empaerle intae Sol bo'al meaitina d-abàes, a 5cms. heanetemc1orreaa. plitîcal affaigof etGrmasy. parfox. TRio r"Union" >Party. vter ho lu Dot ABhanio4et TE EEaLaD.11 Tova Can L A farag oner aifan dstrhuoal Ifme nud .ubf at lf'habcdtaes hI Jurnalbhs paued fate the An ajournad meeting cd ah. Caln- 1 1 1 titrougitout 'this county, calliag upen teicit Mr. Cbialoingavadnriorg his bonda cf ,nov ptoprietora, Mesrs. J. cil took place on Mýond3Ylut. Ma. IUU te electori tu met and nlaoncia e rpre. three jeata of parismatM ylifeatucrig,--.-.,fbrmerlyofPeterboroug). bers ali prenat bat R. Matiteun, Wh ~ I WUI V ucnative for the Loca Leiature, ina Chamepioan vould ho Shlledl, and titera Tbey bava gretily impr oveel teHercai vas abseat on urgent private baia.n te Union intercot, andl la igneal by would fie ao ap3ce for aotier mailltsocf -nota& diffionît tank te do-botit in Tha only bhsiness val ta icttfitamieasCIII N 01SL J. SMOuf6n, -Preideat cf the Union sent orea As piatenoobrisvts ypuiclfpra- aoead inotboe, bly the, Market [louoqsion on tae party." Titis io thç firît.welavebeao'd onuvlicitcomment ta unaeceamoy. rset. anabecrepu iaso h olwn eot of a "Prteodeat," ora ln'Union" party n vECTAttoAN OafANTS. dmaeviticit tormcrly ditflgurad thte Toufthc Coucil:- 'I. Jf U 'E ô distiraguiclacal froruan "Di-anicai" pariy Oc thte 25tb Jine, 1856, if wvutuoeeepaper. baboon disardel, ced te f000 Veut Builadirtg Coumittue beg luesa it lîalton. Vc kaîew ilsa"tir. Whiteinttt a certain rsoefution cf theîo Cnt- uscd la apcaking f a political oppouet ta prescerit titeir seconcd report as foi-O lsa n flararsgitUnien mari, thof hoe pre- mittee cf ttupy,eoa.aitittg gratiié ~ta ilsouca scuafefnary in iaifizcd pal- 0w5. fera fh fi iteree cfthie Union fa thct Sactatian lInstitutions, ho pin-ted. Oc lical wrfatc. The Messrs. Cra-g ar ant eur anrttce ronmead te an- thsM. rw ovd eoue 0 ucptancecfromtheIa Cotroctor cf the att R T 1B REED E effla uef, uad vcr ofietcooidea- fac Mc Brvo ovc, ececlca fl ao roposible fer te fermercouarse cf 'rewna all anal Markiet Building, uptia tien. We haew Oat for four yffnre "hatoff teworafsnffer "Ttnt' te the te fercad, flot tey cit elli ucdr- t.e followiag ferras., riz -'jitat te etl tcf afin Qieapropia t i on of oct, laeStandotsrct(tb efrigt tii ppralioc accept the B.uildinig la il, 0 .li. Wite asc elccslyl, lyally ad îlincyc uthe flc a'f't f Caitlulf cf ti- cld fylc fr the at year, und by as- tecoi a r, $500000, 'n i o cin n leu he pcrnevriegly verkeal out Uniiitn, aînd lielealu S-cfa la ecatngin la riipile, fadic. ectciiag ly vitat diehonorublo focans umaceof $250 00, fur uciaf of Tona llfdiF n S u h nga dC ifotli ~il ,aclfficUîic fe ivae cf iitilons isfreiecandced afalfAa ate IJecaid vucommenceit anal sus- analnoea coaeion fttehvai 1 oCoieti dlager, fIat le vill giterd ita lafereel acnfinyi'cctns -wie ehace aithe I-taif'jctlcd. aeatcnet fliao pleasare cf a floot, wtec it0a ccept la full of Rievenue; antîliat lu ic-vOc-ebh O' isla das aginat tiiaCoraîiôn,ons more than lnt offhiiopnrfy. Al hie pubi- pot OfthrcCoItlitteA f 8ttaly fao ra-lm- petsa acequaiatîance witithCie Meet cca ftt uligcnro c lic acliaice' eown fim tCebeclfiocoagf l a aYeOcit al UractateIntituion@ o f Crigas, fut aficulal jualgea tt Cey are etras couaîceted avit the Building, nl _____:Gd______________________ tailonimf, hie pris'cle ufteratce rei a ceaia -i îaeatcr ' loteaif theceef. gentlemen capable ofundertading te diggiag foandcllca, mrckiaag drain m hcepiaag seitlis public courae, ced every lictedid Me Cliliaalia tolo u hia cartola f evpoo ciqefcc idnha ite eroitr m ititin C pg e Scacideraifion cf pftietiin ad eef-in correct lrinciple? 0f courue cith httecnrco a ihntean Cirtieraudhi oo nsilauint Caoegiiivc! determiied toCcecduef thoellerald it a af oae moaitput inatabutaattialgrouadaieltl T.L loecst leadsliim stillCtoguaird withflocot LC'NATte ASYL.11TAX. proerspirif. IVe have titereferetaiuchlilcor. ta Cfae atiofatian cf te Mayor The abats Teou venrs pa lly eet by T .WffITEa .. lande thle "Uaion," s te laorcffile The ucxt tesolufiocu afer the fore- pleacure iu n iaieg te nov proprietorsaunal Cairmunof taé Buildiot Commit fiends. Mr. Barber ao profeosco Ce fc going van te psy j$7if,000 lfaithef te met ample cioeceA. Cae, lfor viticit io mitîlf b. iflovea the a toroghlnio mai, nd ie s to WilAmyuii utTornto astheannal rau siartof $200, a portiaoncffte $250 kao fbor afi taoioubton, uc leteveIof yutiftor rut, 1Cteanu6.giiabove recomoandalte adaduated, ad TEA SAIIA L E IN ficiocru frr.oBrtewdabC liteInuccrity cffor 1851.Elecotn Prospicte. caidlsaîlIviabia te "id taecouplet e hi. crassatiovons.la cuenalmentsttase- unitae filfiag an itouad abs buildhng as fila deprentfi W histnd tarbera1wud nie caea i b c i f 8exeilnth don.ic TitoReformera of lIaltea araeteor- fîretoforeaugreed upoa, fuortebaciha Ciue Cflivwih the Lanaîie A utaai Ia cugitly alite taeCaoitmportance cf te saîclit baallanthe ousfin ia n 80-- fD.ornn Ca.CrgexdcOlrdictIuSaie. 'I'ii" patty. Vo suppaose Cliy ill Dow kf ed lu Ufafaîr fuanaaa aid tacthebs. Titat flicCorporation aitoald lort;ýitfDaitMsàCo&CroexA vi, ia 4 nemialta (C Lay a maunviteylpleelge a-spenme of ullend gthe Luatie Asylîtra tooe pleed hefore- tera, as urature- b o a ocsie ftr ulig ý iigf ba acdefruerd facanta he Pubctîegardaste inCteete of Ontario, ced teb e nour oat cefnt held c u ildinga.n bluscîf te bc a theroatgh supporter of iet' C ha ail u dou il taetnd theroof. farYcooiufufiuurCaac f-tttCmt rea teale ieal cf beis J.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tn t.Mc)cl'aaiîor, ocec re lu Ir. Cltheola ona faire. Thteraouteeriag reporte hava balli cf aioe, citoula becout notaI, pro- j W & eougkii fcof a mjorify cf aniC-Uaaleaa - Vaigt:eîlv ietutrtfacncd rateiai-i. xau fai c aee hT e ILi. & ols. c II iste, mou fike te premier cald 31.C .paeof' elpper Canada? ofae Ieienrcese rr nol i Ct ad tia Wall@. Cuwron wh stll arpaganstCorfed- cie11v te Ce p-îyfCiaoc peuse cf Lovat erite eounly, analte eletion of Messra AIL of witich las rspectfully -sufuitfeai. Catocon, rliesf11 linp aginot Cansada cectiotia botaf tfae publi liecCâ, White andl Barber h7 the oldfaelicecdJorDw , hicaan eration. Wte acerttC hif treoutafof ccy faat crcisg tlacleCourt Hcaa rrvma aansCeacfsor, iaau JAo. MclýifStOta'tirmmaxntara itnhiaf ive cf ht finistry are epposeal te Cen - cfaf tl"re cf hr!lill, c., fiat Uppor bCUFN Canauda wlich eiiiribateo ttee-locrthu certain casite teacffutnaeof efIoRe- 0. f. BAÉiToaO. fedortien, ced vo dcfy contradiction as c(if tRveuue, and gels bacl ut oeforuaere of Ilaltou, telua iave sa long l2titJaly, 1867. le Cohia tatomnt. Thon svhatt afl tird,mutofpay herc nAaylum TaxI itatafcd for te rigita of Upper Catnda. JMoes MoQaffnDe, atuta epiortcf. e.e ad - dense ila eolI taf oaUnion" psrly, SMr. Chlohof ted fal 001 Ve are uew la poocsion ef nîmaut te City ameuilding n, tthe es r t of-R ch 1 n -a oNla a~rns ua<f whilaleis anacandidate teacsuipertt c QUEE.X'0 PtCIiTEta5lfIf'. 0xetrauaouagieM.Wieu te ul.-Comtteistédon-Ri f i n -la oeda dSto ru f rl ttccughy lOt-uscu inatty mo acsexroeiaaon au py xtct aaj er ptcbab iy ittl ascreefiteâotd-ard ta be I. 0. ~SntfT, Mayor. News of thoe Weok. AT A LONDONe, Jahy 27-teraume cf te peccuns wha o ere ccn ly urcestetolu Cccrk onsupicncf biug Fonin, aure S. Caliaigan, Griffin anal Gldeg ltetlly, ~5 t $~ vite hai ehenon cetrilffor sonte fine, citargoal viCIacoinpicity lente re eutbrccak in Kerry, aheurteefeanal guil- ty cf high treaccu. --'- London, Jcly 27.-Despacea bvc fiean reecivoal feotMunticht, tatittg rm a c titat ex-Kin., Otite of Gieece is dead M E ] EU.~~W ' Viectia, Jufy 27.-the Sultan cf N EU, T1 8,41;~URa huk ies arciveal hoe, ond in novte gu0at cf to Empoer. Thie efficial jotarnaîl cf this cday gays h caic ieWe aild ait ifi le crigittunal intorcit o e lcEn-Thloeafte edwu owl e peter Naplcaon tac nofecote reaty oa' P'rau. Tfhe saune a ppetciteoas, thie Caar lac cent ta fte King cf Pecacia, a cote ta te foregoisny eff > 1 Thie .f,e sir positfiaia eiy a tloite a tiAE n t X safttiont tact Naoleon ital sentt c noteC Iai'heKing cf h'rassic, urgica haut f ta, condor flac Danicha di frieti cf Adwl e ertterauitnewt h lNwDýno, Nootit-cai ScfciagCiem onnueak. vî iarge farsqsrtae itte NvDnauulI St.~~~ l~icarJl2~-ieFaneuaciat an flicur analqu.afiao au titeOlal Onficre braaid eiar praduni prî)r frac lsFed cca a rea, ay vhiethe d choie tcrritery lafeIy cisahatrcal he li licu forra luincentral .-AFia i-a cotih- _______________________________ fuloal ccc gaicoos mcct ucaler comad cf'fbeccrail Kaucinn. Loti-on, Jaly 2S.-Thcre lais becs bat littie cain in Englaina sueauei finit cracklTe ceaLler ib dry and 29â ecssv.-lteMaiIia caVEST TO LS siiraiiag C ciire hat flue rumuaracf* wcc thehit ccvcaillon fhoe cntinent are nithacut liaicaîdauios. if gayathiat OR O CK E RY, flue cxcitiug rlaiots cf France mitis al Chic Ecroeapria evc re utc neutiy peceeful. t deaulea hat the formatiitn cf*cc ne ilitary cameps ic coshempi f d, flugyste rcoccrcac cf art il ry undal r rs C o g e.le caar essareft aic olal te Chec ftS k lrs tite dvartenta. Londoni, JaIy 29.-The elaccri 17 cf flic rep oatoal ealieput fiacrulai hea fIcn ifcii cf' tIaove rerports nov cite-AND OTIIER cent lu Europe, ira deîafied bore. Thie Londoan Tiaacs. in il@ ity artiole,.Cf s îueraieg, le-ot'te epiuion titatte alueni createal iy theâe wcfiitc tumeursc Se s ab e u rt A v wioil hure hic effet le checki rado generelly S a o a y e G o s i 0 uni ex priug. ~ Viienaane.July 29.-lt lu aenica lintaa the lIf ngarian national milif.ary orgeni- zeion, katoct as thée Ilenveds, or Na- Andl for sle on tormtu ect h.e vi of the a1lot &anal11nasa w tionaul Gurds, le la bce e-caciteal. Tfacagit oceraItmcogliagaof ftchie n- seCs cf'1848 have rccntly boco itcld la Haungiry, siti thte abjcof effacfiug a__________________________ re.eegauizuCieu, no action base yet hecu tadeu hy ifer ao theAutriaa or flue- garian tiovecemeeti, te hat ed. Berlie, July 30.-lthe Prumiau!11 journulo denuarace as fahoe, the Mosi- Il~ it, aiaceial cf Naipoicon's note le tia Kinag cf Pltca, ii oregard alSelilan ig, ccd tetý insi e ehat the dca al 5 wau' prorapteal fy tlac defat tene oet Kin Wila'a e te the acte cf the FranchitEmperor. V'ionnu, July 10.-lthe Vieaua Prenne of titis uercing uuuoosees ce cuthorityt hat te Enapecer Nàpohec c il arrie e in afis eity on fte iCtcfAuguOt o hievisit ta the Eapcrcof-AourcCLoTHINO, Oo-rTTONS. IN Bires Von Becot, te Auctriani Premier, anal Faad PaIfa, te M f ,ter of fte S-ultanu, citaoccompan co I s B coeroign fare, hase itcd a cofifeoce on 1c a. . t thie prooseal icauiy intete affaira cf Nails and Sh-eI-lVaîe, tr te llacalof Candia. London, July 3lO-l lte Rouge cf î Lords. hie Itfocte 11111bansficea amen- deal by adinig £5 tu te unnuofa aoarnf of te reutal8 uponuitCi.te frunchuise$ are cespecciscly itee. 'ily these a umonalments te hasei cf Cliecopyholald~ ~ ~ D IW Ik [IDUl I I franchiise b incercead feom £5 te £10M pet ansute, anal tiat of te longer fran-' chiie freru £10 ta £15 pet annara. Londonu, JaIy 13.-the Goodeceal races commecceal Cc-nicy. Thue eather T. L. W H ITE Zç onq* vas ey fine, ccd titouaud-i cf ispeta- tees veto prescnit. 'Thie rccofor fte SewadeCipwscwon hy I"Sibtitrope.' The fcdisg herses cama le au follons "Sithcspe,' laC "Woelsey,' lad; KILBRIDZ ,June 20t1î5 1867. At- Thuoca viii te:a neitol pe-nie st Ounoi mt 1Îp. n., ou aCurday nuit. The puabuc are reîpueoblhy lincal te attenfd.