:î~~~r'a =C byg i, The Bissei 'Walth !foa sdluhorn S1oW'O. SU bol w~. ot î<.Idec epiible mtiByaoItlsuie afn vii 0" suredeae cure oonghi, colde, tickliag inthe Deparment et ('rown Lands. f«r t0 plc c1iiO ornZ:d iroet aid Mhiuac oq aoplaaîti, asi.W u, urlen frai d peitilmeIo Vii inatey. Severo Ottawa, 271h aTae, 1867. W. W 8e..h.r el""ot * * .n ata.C5a~OO.cti if nt attened dlo aonit r oli]ter LIUUEoVO, lot Jniy, 1867. laid b incurable cnsamutpelandhe lb. vrten ill c hoilitcI A Few Reasonlsthat Nake It SEiPeriOZ tO ail MR- JOSEPH KiIffl eKUZ X'E sa:-Thn BafouaUCnvention buah-tcu'nfth !ie alronSest Wo al f Otaao n aftor teCorne.aic!b MM and tian.'one r futuenacusa nw o h ueo bs opaneT .,,,a o daui are, quitetitîaed taes- boni thorougbly tried for ttlttthe yTe eoîma alCoestdafrli t o roanlid rlaleimokeerhyodeUQU'a.lBLtIAUc1tN he Lad jinen of CroItonandatufor AnLyrof Lotltuf ,pvthuiiirlg hirtaalior yenra. aid banc acterbhein knowe tte the Prov'iceisaif Qgebeo aid Ontario a bismu idew. catteigthisîles ie future, instead of al-.fait. Singria d publie speakers nli nthebe ateas aitinle, ofbhdu'oe i muedtTbc USSEuLaL WATlC elagieen CorrLrW keimde.atdcvaIii.FO4MLTNI lderlve grestLueefit fronthce o tusele i ailo viho înîuoaagrloeueiîoîvneplm.2 KILES _R3 ILOHA S & B O N N ETS, do"e achbtter mta thai themnlvea 25cts par h,.A. (CAMPBELL, _________________tomucioaer. Ird. Eoeb part of wbieh the RUSSELL WATCH Io eampoeei, laaàorotaiof RayT'inînd or to t)lr. LadiesIlat',and Bonet6 byllMr. Bro, aid tobe laughied atby~ 4-6t the perfect machine hy vhich, undir ikillul diretilaiit i Piodutit. Wdedy ay2 87 &le etof the commuaity. The vont TUE ILEATNFIGLISU RLSEEI WedIlPIlDB JIJJ24(bI1867. of tiuiretionla tle thieriig tispioytt -ii C-cma î 1.Tub ateunlloee ot h f igoubt ia-oesok Ï ~ ~ ~ 'A~ juaaf in eotbing go mach au miniisit- IUJ ICLUIM9 ilo rtojtth mntalofllh ar, hetJaoin iIubl -n iaettattentatt with a Vien af CLEBRATED Femelle PILLIz Mv. avict mdMv. e- P a~,a 4#a;at<Ilttn:i, tI sI ftth. Uoifortily and Conformity miit therefore ehaontertie tht icycralparts nle25hai ' C alv aUifr, al i A hag gIf thtenhemne fui it il iihob iac nîtea a tiitttc.î,Hifrore 1 aoe iei n t mdician ifaoinpaaito fulfiliag the purpome far vhich thcy are mate ont broght togcthe. 20 pure breet (otayld, andid este oweing ta thëi etiaely igutteraneo but à ureanad sae remet3 or Femele in W. ilnm, ILot reseaii-- tei ,dtao li 7emss te ta outtierrauset. Mr. 3le- ctttiinn aid Obtrulctions, tran aoy caie 30oss-makiîîg aUcîîîin (and9rernisesr am esepeioiiy ba roie i ge let! aktvtr; and ith bapotrfui rtiftaity6th., Reprinluetion ai regards Wttoh.work, te amply ai appicaionîoe fîthe Ew r-les iScr gadtaSta banacy hv hartiag tht lion l i in utiattghca e oain isPlttiilth h, ttingsi h ore eqittilite enaine îting anc t utopnes oh" E talgeonilicatiai., clos tien. I"The getlteman crie . h oIlrtd aja'~ - id l' ire l ooy menit, tht UUSSELL M ATCH pamathat aiairLt tes a.o! eâltcIoade emntrton OSPecR eiThny Ibat heord hlm ery oh?1 oh! Ilînptuiartî sited. IL ii, l aah.1 ) 11 J N ES, dmotaia O~P I BY. Btak and.1Drib, Lmidies (lotlî'. .ai Tili.ie, to be pola 4 (iiMbilta. Jonc 2G3h, t1S67. 3-id.- beuiare, bat if did naontta mueh. 'tint, htiog oc the mothly priadiih vs' Fauter Street, tveurthîe Post Office. 7h Ttroet iliafrs.qulîataieitcaiteeadjefeiiy C cîp Ail bonor la es *mcourage, I1aon', but uattty. cv.ata usatava T-TheI hait orpotfatr adlta iic t aIt l ictof b, th glty sud LL W tAT H. COI) LIV II=O1IiIr - trath e greot ad ms h-ni. fniPii i veaaeee Wt oa,, so ttet '-cas 2.0 lb RS hog a nfor ltpatte ihra fi i lawt aa ré yteRUSL A CI O )L V Wlth Our kaowiedge of . rhiioerotîaac t.tama WICMT91 IUTIN N'ils \L. 1 pct t e irc nfoataa>. pIlt ohi atcin-I motn1bv aiay et ipraet'bardFor"hpsitiaet a mplt r, , QUISINE.asTb se Prints at 12'ets pelleyord, tentaiive naM.ayofeit il i3iniît -d as Ofutpaticrgaspmhlt uSth. Tht RUSSELL WATCH sanati preoiaeaiy ohore asU eamptitti for :1 W gdSttett fautaorchial iastitutions 'N. B.-Sl aitd 6 potage @lampe tncloa.rd Cabinet.,Iaker, and UfldetakCl', pulie fayotad pctronaoge..le tttstPpvratioltt tan aeit alee No bettor val4e iii the county. Jlavy FactLory (,tto;, bai he la right tvhtn ht o ys 1'Mr.teosny uthattared aoai, oitt!usurta bait a rd han now aiuhbad àa zlo kncti Bcd. b an oeestffe'ringfrom coiteor dis 0 -is o- 10 l o g ani« vec &t pilla,iy retunomil. nel ta.C0tita OtrrorfoTric$1e.00.se Braon i olhiag if Dot an agi toor, onand B OStîs yN. Y. ala i ' Ourr. àýekt. k h. Proofu aof tht fore-oing-the uaivetsoi tetimna of ail Wctch.msktna vho css fthltaZtge, thmcaïeor vuasmmm ogitor je hlm- toIt Proprielor. havet tld. nnd the positive otcmenls ef tht thoat,,a in l uope, the Unitedt~s~o~ aa.~ . v~ .. ttey-ibcat grenv o itvih as itesmin. Northrop & Lamai, Newcastle, C. W.. osaic nt Csaica, ho bure vota tht RUSSELL WATCH.:0IMWx& % TVeLx-Z17 W. vont sitetenet aiprestat. We ganetrali genatstwrtht Canadam, Cold ia R"lUbAI~ 20 per bandit caoh Banhable fonds. l'ro takoc tpr avr s1 n voit ta oquiet. We vant ta itarta -.iitoa tty Hut. aoa sedJO. irillnot; J. P-- - augn 911RN salsi eylrol aile te leeiags aur ln o i liten,Iltorohy; 1B. Dnaigt, Patento; Th«m treagîhenîag Wîae fer t ocelîiin ~ rhou A t ~cgi hi beogitns. ~'oal, J Uqohart. Osavitte.t John IVitdie a,~iE~~ ~ 3 r~TATvld ttcl t raae 10014lh Slrâ.U.eahnWttttaigtstt qarn; T. Ituao, Georgetowna, T -L 0 ýZ Avaie odlfr haosriaebcacseti"enots il lmdicindeslers. tt ,itt t o OET URIEWac-Mkr UtiJh*&b[Seîcîa Pî OeSTRAVU i l %]; tiéi by Potpulation," asoit"joint ou _Te___________________________ Il can non ctppiy sioa wtth Cona .&Mtt tcil Sua Ctit Capo tiî-leautry hanthcyvwillvaork _in Oak or Cotm. fin it Ito. auiegail î Aise a prfcttois r oiotiîad iasobtiatlctaps.te file,,t.i o Onicswil braente a tfrt atm r Iaicit i ruth ai tht IîUSSEL o talft ainsagtines, 7um n ie IIA .lriala air e pelàntenti, i iWORM LOZE INGE S hB.n a JOparES.th ttvi ouit bc ovllowtt up i eluo, adt hppiaue vnuitd become monotoeouge, ripcé d, Iii -i.1-k»e JO IIr'ï eaoigh ta coll coaveotitaG. HENINIE,i1 I C TxI , BCa_______adsie__ Gueforporm 20 CENTS PER POUND, Mate ap on lte premitet. ('OcrTiloriîng deprimnnt undatlc h etpera tenatatp Thd l l iamfScint peapt i t t cA l t mît ndadulte.Ifle a Aseti______________ foat aicnithe aupta e h e t n te or :andt.lî ced m.ftarct y ore vena titaJaeoth f :Ic. Bons, is ining grcot sa.isfat tit it a large hu-ilena divitg. The files-dla tsiefeet t a ttetciieg ta hoýof sdeta mn h ide itt o rtuaiTOu stock' fLihitunso i a'halton moult do adI ta cail on? reamtite t etc ickanet lltMoeupecaccu vote primenit, atdoui ni' attisais connut ho tas tctpty tnprtsatoap- IM \PORTAiNT.. r n-,judertgc r8ler aresoko uiii rls n tbiflenlgtc a ie oveton totht mnsaor paetroth1e anmsiiy of .II C tPurcGrass Cloîliti ont Lustres,in ,recàt varity fur SutatîlceUConte. testé àomý1etoanta watchiog thtir ehlttee. Dy Po ta- IX CHAN ..Ry I émi!ig aitadertndiag the ivoptG nd att la cotplote.andtve grenee A GOOD SUIT 0F CILOTIIES lOlt II ?iýitmmieaitator engrow up r e o r the dino.iet, thes;msnds orchi. C U % M , No ta ie gtaobongonn bh c nved fCont crty grvs.- C1ro Sl DR I DRDH OO oaea itema.' No bistnry insaie ren Or Itii-Tt trttnVatDOII cctiaea u rcîpe iN " f faplmpthe itntroth ni' this iasanot t7ht vnty aaneera tiroetnad' 0F ým ..u uifLiet - odig t- -. .ept. 1-7.~ aro na bstot>.ai'Entrait ant bot im.espe vhtch are coint y Warnas: te- --laVit Nô a Ma.c nl liciotm-io Mes- ,oiîgtd oppetite. emnalod ettt e-rtife. ROBERT oues ontlca e-r :ol. 'tr tia ac ,vaInl aire I Menta afectiag aur fiatsmtntal tltretti rl it. of tleltat tcinàt O ' u 1a Wac'akr ydhu.t G ep.-9 loeCrapet, &o. A loitci' 3lt,tvctil Nus. s 7: pt lot its. .,tpadeo tia-ltt t tnit'h turittg ntnt.p. anditatma eW n h nis ulh ltei ca aditrete-hut vho huefointimànvusivefics, pointia thn hensd In te 1àShovces, Ilote Gardesnflate, Fi, ù ,&.At. arlieasaeoiictt n i' o him effintiti by s coalition ni' polhlleol taS ,tonach, saquinet t-p. toioltngn. trat- ,lîi aia1 a on t i arge vtrietty ai'thte lebrtlet 1RUSSELL WATCHES A pate.ItrCneerto nCnd line .cotigh&i.nidigestio.tn"mHontock CitekakJtu - pmctam. se ssfets-ilos iaCanoa; rignfotdtnai, ut agrauit 'alI' itîOtiC ener> atdFaecy Gjotda, vill bcfouet equelty large atdr A cboginamithe riprcetetiaa juit aa f ish. Tht-y are paisattt aneti. e 1 1 Messrs. snalMOt and Na e" n aEsglmaitheFe rne rd etecia-die utteIbotheA coffial ont genertlinlvitation ta the people o ai ous hehreby given tg cei R G STORE. TEGA, 10tuag UIl-Ioan 3i ya tpral.c IR It 20 l .q.Jfurp i.s poicv iiof Sir R. Penl; the Rei'orm Bill carma thsrntihIlmt' co p inaten- as i m aa atd etc hio ut Guclph. MlaJnT1th 87 7fReAS o ngi, Cffien, Spicea. E ,sc ift-r ld, n ,wy M.cr ap o, oomi aof 105h; tic Ctborie Emincipetionepltttly clenotei thto&eo ntt linrnnydin ilo, ue a0,187 4-f io altîcrthy. pce- -sens,(11-teintPal, rous libutaboveilby liai Coîltioe fai' niaor att or aliher sittiaiont titharticst.- r fl IiV l unlb ly 3rt, 1867. 4-1m. Butter Tube, Crottn Cracks, Boiter Ircks. raiScit JtCina and Eurthcnaaov ai Piasteduat ame t nettiig it of Cut h bai eoiaiua 1e0feft iitentignaîre Coantnt tttdnrnactedt a"SHOULD AULD ACQUANfrAC Jiaia.IT. We mn>. tlk about a o Notthop & Lymn. Ctecsstle, CiaW.. mite the 2iOth day of Fehîttary list, made ioa D a ' 10ru so m b cc oe~5d nukv.ce-emay figilata s mach au are tht soit eaptinlora. N. B. Ank or aeo E lGTly .0lisoot cOn foC c'wswnrJ 911 fite »0mer paty an arr ou Illlotoay'a Worm Lalnae, ad talke une volk-e c pr>.co imyOn ther. Soit yailtthe Dtasgi.ts o ntt:oa I TO O N - H A ,I SH-OUID SAY NOT. ay'potiey long, uals sea t i tîh jOi- aid attdicindteler@ evntvter. 22 M LTON OING HEAs lice taonii e nt orftise communsiîg, Tbrfchayota t- aid bon ea iet wvth justice whnn i ~ iicoId hy TUrfo.u hei;iiu cma t dnu? Ou beoovd Qaeawnalt ont I1ISOLYAÂNACT Of lmU PUBLIC AU -OON 'Aý - ~t~ LO ~ya ~ U L Z~i aaaottctyvrcy iln ecioeiooiiiMlt.Cashtor Trpj.1l asiga istu beavie ci' ail ber nlhjeis if -'bOtt p alcafB uraCcl adsc wllxcr hepgoe a*8 diti ait eqtally rtgrttht mdll. wnvit .- the B S aI. a i belstg onial. Yen noy e.aulthe prfetaIthÂe atter o f Wil- .CM MàM i A .IO LN A I,Ï MT in nrvGlaaTorfy-a like; vent. auInrol- WILLIAM LEG OI EQUIAndEa Large Sol ho and, utO.SNo. 80.l MrJne nu 100 gVeZmruterntineniglitfTy o a i arn v nt. ,au Mater of tht tid oit aitonte. y Ada Sokon atN.8Who cou supply y-au t fle fineat of . bu no mcm Tory or Bright goveramn tWlia W . 00lccroaqnetnl atTHîEneersi tdiibnn i-»«7tt ý<;3 TEAS AND STJGAIRS N E L VO Ft nrtéformaor eancones et ptlicy oaa' - Aatgatte itis malie.n ca re c 9 carront eaueibts t ciab~mos te hafiledt mi. -atmamOatho Autiamclr, t, i ~ utATvnt eS o e CoaItin a' il srtesho oani. fron tîted ata coaltio Of il artis i Caada.Jus AlTVin, tobe oldChîeap frBis, prbarrol or l-ro mAltE A Cie OF iiNDNEM V6e7 MrepecîfaIt>., Miltn, 26th Jonc, A. D. 1867. TohflWallaçem Hotel, nîberwiset. u cylypc A.110. N.tB BIl î'ON, tîailin e-v1 l orrii1fthe'niof irva n~t o a 'r'te prcae, .~Ea. i~i ioj4 1 - v~a. --1y o-"tkýUSai .0 .*e-izazyIl crieà ~'DCI.t$ft1ÎgrE. V~AN m rED uWthe ,Coanta0 ef hona, o V U N T E , Nonay, lite 29d'! day of JiIy, Justî'eceiving a Lot ofliakies, Fotks, Scythes, Snaths &c. arma erer M. E. tiaamataentaaa £h<% Oextt s e blaiof 1 o lock lo the tort. A New Crate of Stone-ware, Cups and Saucers. Pe tr a eror r. . Boon'dv A Si, RV.>pnOieIR. Apl mîctcx.ajten oe l tt lwiaCvaitohît onpioo ~trn Laeds ta mît. Ailtudat ine-dt as @ »t zteml vaMl, UlzgO e mevau omttit fat nenh. Me. icaci MIton, JuIy th, 1 S67. 4-uf. cecrltit pantela on tracts f Landsnand pr .-JA E HLJN1 K, e asa i tmate that hbcauan exelernt mises_______________ Atuats.tioe. a nt bitg. in thcTowan- '4âcii ho wil lét out vey -chtap gostip of Trafalgar. ta thse at alt nJMEtita.IIIK âflWocie ofn fo i. List of Lietters -otainitghb'vadlateo nact 1tOi acneso f Mle oe2th187 laah nc ofliCe i atnd more tor aap-. baing tauptect of the t oeJn 6 ,187 R EMAISINO ta tht Oailta FPott 1 Sîtherty hlni>t'Lnt 'o 31 luttihe )ntConr-__________ Wmaa.ii~ cn u tuJulylot,16, ,c-salaS outht ef Donam ta etin t h e tait rom Aacut.~ Tanunhi p otiTrstuiea. coaiait 0 c tOi ARmoccienttstnssntt se thm 2ad Il,,eC taisr-, Wlim Johnso. Prcciitr moto or tes,' andS îls a ht othccportion Doasa Thomst2, KatiJamee .t Loat eoaîaiîtieg 91 agnat more et ion, -&y mgt lEth tif lait moth. Ai Feaby James Lovry or Laacsey, G. 31 ta tht lt o tncelo .it '.D. S. sfonenaldl Mr. ?Mucn colmtina oticCsnphfIe Glinit Gorg Leemn.e. . omntactg ai tOe Ssatltenly anglcet h P A R KEbR ' ou in ýmGeergeelevmhie hort anse P ne usai Lettiex, John Notth 'alslti îl. Lt. lt o r at 3hst- aietiiinaf thr vsdsc-aerns clfor van>.ofet haabave lot-Ncnt rcns Esat Ot chistientcet oto' ;thn MEROH7ANTa GEOIRGETOWNn Ocmuec~sj inhiî ai s vasScannS. Ira naît ptaaac asy they arseitvt.'ttmtd. nat ,,15Igreen@le. mott 'Nchaat 0 2 tan..0th Cubctoth hs caslaiW.JLcs& Ct do oto t Optont es can. 1\FORMS h ule htb asgrhsa fW .Luu oLottn, Ziabî. tha vu aditteva emehl-E A'l.C, tynt Oy tht mît Joha lient> Smith ns onte O h iiioîi oa iuitforom the aebsSnctrt aooPtntmailer. CatebStcitit t itell olO5t o -q grttn. WetC W tet - ofthsCony for t ic hooertatvr' Parttif hie abdomena. 20 Cliîinmort ot toc, :thea Smiîth4Site- 'gr M"# -'tahi tenet. d r", t-sa 6"1 ehoici Lat r eé 'lMàl lo Enhaim silnbandaeiatoaca.gait List '?fLetiers _tothepleohoe coea bisly m l aamtsiat hmnnt tailinVt aPe ) Thtae md e atht imat.ettin DI NINO ta tOn Pine., vusietvie ait3 softht Village cf Pointue. nud Muai u p 10 tnt July* tht,7. coatiet oai ay Itou. Thtre inc on maUI - O T ls imysttatceiraaUmmoicd, . St Onlus aî nBookThomasa. Butteh John (2) '~aOi noyt'gtn î'îemt W. R Brava, Whtelvcigbt, of tis Towama nuauing s largo sinulier. adet cavat dorag 01s5IAmi 24 hanta, but Campbell W. <sphl tr , hiear aS alf tory. Tht inctaadout 000 aCierIbis c gtttieiy saSCapiI>. Dr.h, Mathem r d l@ritOvdges repair att cutpet. e"" 36boirasf(er steacident. IteIalunJnrmny Miller Joscph sideat ot leat ndi ato Ita ailid bttnan ara mihufbabt!t u l, caietby sate iFa;cisrî 7aîin ao ltao ilteexcetion oafi s Wokd itng adIVrnem NbeRr1 Petihhae aJice ea s aSd sgentdatîgar Fi Pb. Diaaio biuîitni hi baubt alSie cneni Tuîtssjpie JOS Tinpattehager alitaîl Nttnt of 'île M =c im -tr >~ Spuig la liuvdvisbr lo trait Cv-' Wdlex Samuel. pay Soyna s epaelt oC £ O ton tact-y £100 Georont- iegmt,187 9P*I "Îarasuli io u fw le calla5 for sy off tht sovelet - of bis paruimb a one>. te tist Vcenos avora 6h,16. .t gars viii piea as>. Ibetthey - dy thelr Solitcttr, astdshali pa>.tht romai nter lamtien 1yî ev r«et is porcase mntty vitl itencat thennon louir veresron tOti f srale. asndwl Ir Ccafeteaacîs day vile qî,ntîy, bu W. D . LYON. Po-.tmtna ri. bh ntitîndto taIi llaposenoitis osiOn O5hl~~Phipttm ch. gent leva if hOîttos.eta otitrpt' h eitniomt i ma mtoIIO@a autblndi rst sentu Te ai[WMl i II 1eflere rcthea ndintg condtiuso aioitlOt a Iiine5isr o .ntal MW a>. cf C. - niCouttofChsnccry. '04500 ~itii atabti i~,.~, 17 ()~~ Imit Tht codtionotaf aie 4nad otlhr parti- o dGl *4 81,C",&Ldabut1p mt'u1 @ZIÊBW(Ê)Î sI-uans May bho nltainnt si tOc Lawn Offices ichei, actipialt by 011E le hnraby given thalthe Poi- C.ai lIn, Mlttai, andTt oos Ferguot, terlea agobicinNCnfradaaüt teToanla. -11111 749. Th.eMilton cehool OPENING 0F A NEW 1tOAD. Datd ai HamiltolhbiTwtty-traltedyOf BETTER TO THE FARMERS 0F NASSAGAWEYA AND VICINITY . gao5fth 0e Pic-nitegron n itw.etiLois Mas. 13 ast 14, icrasi thteaa A leT HA X Ç4illlasismab &Ihaic>.ser Mut foth.ju* rd C act»io dai, v re>., otTrafalgar, wM. ILEGGO5 ti'cp"MOvantbeS thesr*"y tibhr sut nili bc bouataitht sez( meeing si Coaan- mhtai tHamilitona. £ I0E Wpvsn ptnieat Tho l, tu tc eit ai Tous. G. MiTanamo, Salictan tor Vendatom a7MWPuleejdteswnnnd Ptsleraso on Mandas3, lot of July net,[R1 tP ron M. Dewse, saS siaauing JOHN K. APPELBPI I D T - , prepaaton la nîaciactait estset ADINITRAOR et ' lq5ie hflchi ebtni. Tbe Tanth ini. LLpersona îalscg cIne»aguilal thteSPf , oi.tctemdulmtetexpress teir theahia Trafalgar, lltb Mo>, 18i7. 51it tiVol hte, fon theliltnr ud nlu the veEstate ofRowland Caldwell, Campbellville W oolen M ilIS ! *Allonge, aitt a f hi&eoumilaeran. Tg aoaMeetiag 'IC thla Cann lat Jgîol h twsipo1Nlo,'nte on à,L nge neycsi, or liiton, Lînhar Mer banct dcearat, rie dttttfeetslstm ? S J>'1E] ehrhtun.ctrsttmatet Wbete Cîrting anti Spinnimi e la son tnlafanavner urpaasotbY C 'waZ< s.$Mns lant e re artirtc hé felahla imeîtint h itr enoyt tecstry, anilor any of the branches of flbcbusinesironibmevanl 8%tm i s iens, n Wb t e eMn ce ofaoutl - iguSd, la acter &ath ie a-Nmtmay bhanatt. lethc berece slthéubefataiedct lotb, vili hoe exceted t a itioso lla theIoset Dt CrteM.g, andaMr. 11. 861 day«<JUI, ute amil naresialatch sd go tasait approved nuacr, se the Shortas ice -b - tJlliminatcd lathc Etata ara barnby ettiôdi, a ae- btrtNain ' At05 J . mr te1ti tallin a a benrion' At the mime pluen. ttbta ara palS te tbe un rilgutl or ie *01 1 qtoo mthoutagiJOHN K. APPELBE. tîly asîhonluet agent. vIn a tas msath 2 E ~U0casf b.IvIsie.Tuachtp terk. tramchIsa tl. tht saime vitle plient la »te w tl b .iigaulcot dTraflg, joue îc b. te7. 3-id.suilt for coltectioni. me__________________Nates;àasieneberihy gIn iba-th rRabt. Wbh teabu attapont agnat franetm I. C. NAÀ IAL DK . Admtaletir 0filsltas . art Ibatun CmblvleJoi2,187 O0Itf1fIih~CtlnrPslh tharoesmaheu bnl st it y ta aut t(nCr mblvis un 1,8 -f trmau iOth mcinsietln a i n - tharste. THOMAS WU TE. Riberi Svsten Appoîb. a I-Xil ot Raee4ysl, 8htttm Vso rmg telo-e th.tvr1e Foai. Atmnitratoiof lalt Boiste. ARRIgSi'g, ATTORUET. metdBLI-n,.l s &n~ei.c ~'~WUqb, auPabtaicnsc Motel. y, - tjgjre it, oUsey. i !i' .,iea Dog. lZ.OU miii UtvoiMilLou I.MP 3a.t, BnsiInsigne iCu lot), uiAC CSLY. cistre iffi io4pod. -mou TEAS FIOII ldctro. TO Si eta to. Dont fttget t.- buy caî,cîad af our 50 CENÇT T-E-A Good valut for the mcncy mi Tht tubterbet 'oalto receiog, ily o large adconplcic ntack ni' Contitting cf TEAS, TOBACCOS AND STJOARS ni' ail kiati, SOAP CANDLF.S. CîOLAOfJ,qç; .SYRUP, i II. I.tlNS, cnt FRESII GROUNII OATlMAt. COiINMEAL AND COFFEES. Wbhinh tbclus lliot mi tbe very lomeat preeta. WINESO IBRANDIES. I haeaIem and hut orne apleatit IfeIfU1. qû nUP Degto ta itounte ta I ipul iatta jüI s c GREAT BARGAINSY A SIli STOCK OP 011 Gonds, Gracaries, MiIliwnrl, Ma3tces' Sf!ra'Goods, &A att-I l bcsol iciîc tttrta, lia '1,hcaco lac mu Il roltur mtheil,5 I I %vtiilt Ir reiitoitch 1p f'or Vlt ou.hii rm ý ttat Cu ti wa tittj liat ail i ta i i It bou ]PI'Y 'UP BEFORE TUE 201H I-NSTANT., MITON Juat tcIrd ,.52-4t Milton 1IVoolen Worliss LiQuoits WARRANTED PURE.MR LOGA V M 4 AN Y Part Wins, Brandies, B{e %liaio3e »835 La r 0n ba uxtrootiepbicta ehnîar Sherry Wlif, CGin, 1h uit W inkcy * bs ea' OIt Tomn Oien, faTtdy dta la i puiling Ibaoahi-veorsacthai aborotîgi t ato ci'replie,,l gI,,r ýi '- creaiet facilitito irtn husiness o he Il c onaledto 10 tii l ortart cof lispii LOXUDONBOTTLED ALE ANO PORTER, lu n a ct eherter tino IbmhaLtîtiton liet 1000w raîay ber * The above lan eli votthttht attention AitEkiî,dàr, "fO <"aairoIa.-V â-pay of ite v autt aIPore laiqaorm for hie- j -movaq~vO s ticleal tr atber purpaces. C> Dont forget tht place. -C:O SUCH As CAItDiNLi, BOOTS AND ls SFIMNU, cgDIE 1%,MiVEîING rFLLLIG ixu BOT A DSJIOES, The aubacrihor hapcî froîn bia long capa.rienco i ubois, attdltis tpulatIotý Ofevtry ise aet tescription. Wtmena for poptilte aiA.tfttc utttitg att pttoebut lirai elan mwocitau nacriLa ii1 Gaiter Ilioto ifor 81 4it, ta 82 per potr larget ahane of pub!ilepotttige. Mens' Bregaîs $1 la pet- pmairtai a IMQC74%=Ti aiber kiate equally cbnap. >Ya, us20(b, 1lff2 i Hardware Just Reolved5 __ MAILS, GLAgS, n fl0. FThreIbing Iachine 1* 1?<oe-na PUT IY, OPADES, SHOVELS, pa ..a E acewVuu80 TURN71P SEEDI M E C lo o lpruretsnedte, 21ets. rec th. SANVJEL M)ORSE,0 MILTON, lIN )MPR0~ Yti, Aberdeen .Ttoratp, àocts InrL. Cireat Laag Orunne. Cirtl hi'e Rua oai>'threesmasomo. Fot- ale cheap Mu D uJ jfle 5,.iy sth lilgaied gst VuAtçe, t, pot bApply tet Ai, vs et q ui eeeip l t JOHN -'IeGRLGOU H2R.nao.~ G- S8MITItS. Ne-mu, Jane 201h, 1iiti7. 2 4t & ?OATOE, -___________ 0 'C PBI A t AuG. 8MITO'S. I34UoCWet l oan. -. toscedet CBOCKKRY A, DDYESTIFRS, QU3<lest F-aten itri>. At Wiarl ait oad R tait. S4 oit c a p e t a a a~ e t . A p p li t G. EITCa'JORN DEwAR. Jr, ' J. EASTWOOD & 0()., -.~~~ MMtpptteatUtasl Te-t.,Rntio Ma oL1w lt 1#63, l lano L.. t. - Tt d tome Sof T% 1 esI.m vli ltis ~storê %I~NS, 1' o Beato' Il j k a ,ý-1. 1 ý