Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Jul 1867, p. 2

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lb? tds.5auaaq( of e.m.., 4011N WRITE, LsQ., M. in, de Lqaten of naio; WILIAM BARR1.E M1ILTOIN. JUEY, 4.1867T. PARTY. maank keead Reformera tocl pay. Theïr wbole ery la to doa * wth partystalfe, let un live ai pe and jointogeher in the great voË Oafideraton. Party ina eau ad1 eoatioually, and the millenaium wc ba reaolaad if Reformera woôuId qcccaly aabait, and aflow af dhe po patronageanmd iaflueuëe of gavrerran Io bh cutrolled by Conservativea.T hie, are aot alnçere in hia cry, an i taidaodierles, la crident front thet tht la the new goverumeut theyb evaey ailvantage, thcy have the prern who wll hcmli powerfül, and aven Iowlng tuai Rowlaad, MeDougal Blair are Reformera, and not deser ta.die, Tory Raks, they have tilli majccity in the Cabinet, and theja pointmeaaa ahow vhere the lion s e o.'olioavwll go. Out of abatch of Qaeeo'a Couneels appoiotenidiah ot day, but ona e eidas Mr. Blair la a <ara. len of no repatation amre poiatani Quaao'a Counaci on accolan thor Tor proclivities, while atoin lawyom ara left off becauaa deia Refrmer; ao dialQ. C. la new bettar guaapnteea'of legal blity Ib smre of ibm bogue Amerlean degae Butt hala la mut the great question1 tha bulk ai the peupla. Their gn objaci ahould hweate eura a irai atable administration of publie ali acempaoied vith- ecoaomy aud alnE deaue to work outreforma luCthe mach] ery af governient, ai awona tbat0 maily ba doma; ttheasame ime p vldlng that the great work cf Coafedt ationbeh aay carred O. We eonti tha tis ea beh edoue bydthege Edbrm party, vue on the asaemblia1 Parliament vil!l bc found toc leable tala the reine of powér into their hand T&~ probability in that 60 Reformeraw hbc tmmed for Ontario, 25 fer Loi Canada, and Cta g the Leaders a caleslation or ,ieLover Provine whleii la nu doubt .vithia dia mai 3 la New Brunswick andl 9 lnuNoi 9eolla, makag 97 in a Nonnse il8!,i le majoriy agaiaai the Coalition guven ment. If Rowlandi, Maddougaîl an Blair had but remained firm "John A. wéald bave bad to gve np the Caek( hpve ried a pure Ceaservative gaver nient, only to bave been defeated wvb th House met-tii mueh for the itu ation of parties ai the prescrit Clu IVe nov pruceed tw the caquiry, la part to ba doue avay vIit, or la it neceama w u& fret guverimet ? We amsert u Che higheat authorty of cntitutionc lav Ébat aform of goverumeat no corn P", tanmd ambînicg au many coin fiktlng foreaas oor cuntyaenjoya unde reapoavible goveramenit bas bheu au Ian, maiataimea lanbarmonlous action i malnly due Ca the organisation of partie -an ageuey flot-reeogaizenl by or con aýtioin but inseparable from Plrli meutary goveruiment, and cxercialag tîg Éreatest influence upea the country Party bimanio doubt committed excess but it hae1,preeerved car libertee, and vhlle glviag Ca ana set of aubjectsa Cl ecatrul ai publie affaira, hasnoat left tCl othar vlnhout a hope fa aturnu I paver, sud bamexauteil n powerfuî rIvaly for pepular favor baCveeheelprties wbo bepC ajealouatoo h auinand errens of Ihin Meppnt&. ]No Counr n la m vithoat poveri ai partipa andl a govera- ment. la aragent maud earupt, la direct proportiom $ca the veainea. af thaeop- TI itory cf party araggle la flic hies-ryaof DrisisbLibrty, ad howvva diogramai by axaaa, fi cl abolie hgrate- fplly ramambrail ae the chiai infaec in iaamiag the r Bitiaa Consttution. Alalioagbrapraaetiag thé Libaral oa Retoin part, lvaunmsa ablindeil ar bigatta i- ta me mo virama etber iii the -Wau mmva a aemt e a t .,M à-wblà&l iiidmi *Itladby a mar pomptyéilp mdeeIy uom <l Edhu aaaatoahlh -amltca utpaimea rirppcla eu t ihlJabot, Weald uaailyP pm - tu> mail mria lmo ji uos t -o ra. bai la Ch. spmlaa ulî Hllr ofel -Toten e im cd i eI imdmm e vibm tro i e ndM1 1 doa c hn inamplei bl tbidssuîac, ROlE K bo allirv naivmentinincfMoce.if eblin thie mm.io v " a icaplalpl P" ipIn.-Tý , o h d iamelaneaa do t@ aviant c Ane '..5dMontent, 918 BODY REFUSE» TO TUE 1 p amanaaleanciplaa ofth@ Befarm perty, hia Convention regards itoai put Polb. I l i on if oafreidvii 1aior iniailuom orT Toronto, vasib h@moueai mmmaaa b ov OWa sueur, la-tii.toCaliséparation af lie Imporatnact he& Ibm arilmam ami val. il oirt oainlaumlthébmbourm of A ofJIATIORTES athe bîil aime acambledin laCamail. Churobahnmd Stma, diaheupport of the, ambla labara et h. mitîclci ormie ammd reinolmtiom, bat isla Eglaail Pariy M p 'X=S 11VRM EnMp Tha dilacsalea vu camimteil viihtI IMrgofa mi ieaominaiona by ibm fraeaal rglan. on Ibmhe uh §aon o fea aimu asqha frrceil as rama Ibm. cci, l mmcî crce mi adie.t, c ntribiations ofitheir people, and the ro. Haoa mmd Superie, adin a Ilmibatr RECEIVEA ND MIFOR SALZ ET mandifor ialbrtymerci, airnegihad Mcv Toux, JmIy .-Tii. fWhme'à iun bmy nduei y n Megiion h dia Législatuanaamd Ccv.secliona of the Proimce, entia alcum ibo mhepopalar pacty ailsecondiltié- tri- Washinagtom spauialce:-Tha tola,, mter itiOtin Cmdeys It clacion ce C. rment ai ail Canaalitesma ubjecto of tetahle o9asldai ftaoah GavenMec eoýmpliof cf eeuiiaalioact librty. la0 ingvas neacil b thm AmmilmaMia- Frida, @veniag* Fromt Halt e a b o h iie Qéean, santaCinaamy .ectarian ail Legislature, ila& *mrovocetarorE ~~ TH TW E &M C O N 101Canada the Reformera e prendilf theibm ter <Ça lhlcda avaicg: nicild, John White, bM.P.p., p. ]Ba:. epacity: The Ccfrivaaion heartiiy ne- the menas of coamauieiation, aildie U EjV AZ KA! reoulC of tboir canatitunaimlagtiationîî Souhwea l'ami, La., rvanNev On- OICOMsta h e onttto wesspl o ml atlfwte.pAny wldoclibau ierredilthe.poeetful ias.-Icn..'Ta Canat Wyani.brak. cIa,. Georgtovn; A. MePhail andljo awa rinthe FéCoalatttin a vr 4Ruveaaupi, f aapl titimeConvent.on gem af Confédération. la the vards a! I comas irom Vers Cras ta nlegnapli MeDotali, Namzes. a; James Liail- question cf a necticual and sactarion recorda lin helief, t he l>.prngre.. ail - agrentiir vas e mach ta deplore C-m yoa ai the deatb aif Maximilienan ac,, . S. HllI, C. i'ynon., D. Cen- eharacter, andl 1ccorda if@ carnecotco. sala!ippiaesa nf ha people vocil ha an enem n h hso f atil te19hlu Jas eum e eivrviation hai ou the fideIiCy viCh vliich greanly pramoteil hy' the passae af a ElK BREDE mail moreni t bL ac f arisCh 9e midJmtareue.CaialvreColad A NeiI.aa, Kaqmciag;-H. P. - La aimrBaemmilaa ppraca- np he huody. '* C hia vital nafeguard ns renpectil in the veil ceacclereil oomeniesawa,, , tives Goeriannat vwliout part, in absolate (Sigamil), Cealler Tobeiff, Zimmerman ail G. Chant, Nelson; J. praticel adminitration omiChe gavera- wvielfienira may app, moaey heni- awmry h o mla. Ii h. oitic almm ld aCTe empn fAutnamaSloop, Appeiha, Sovereiga, IHeadaraun, Orn, meat, resto the future harmon7 aad ly tieir ovin, Ca ibe panaha aof a faime ou ncsos.vsreonsetemlae h e fAutritanmailthe. as- dailBovheer, Traalgar; Mn. CatIy,, a bRlty cf tineDominion; mani jcy.or home, anmti i C sle by public reg- Cîîc1 M y n onef gvcai priacipten ail the Iianipl fi c 'nrNapoîman bacc hoato iafaamad b, Ombilli.; John Devar, jr., Cug aî eeanaCa ydaCanevcectaifc ielie fmi mnle,20 do, I<inest Souchuong n op rcaie' dn.W lr anaabaaai earp iHxmiia xol . Co îe eLegfiolaturo f Ontario ai al local vithomi liabilin, Ca the clairesaiimmnfg ndoreo Chato aecti mcC. lr te noleaenti-elbTh Pveh a rameail godmem lê îm9ih, Miayoand.mai Smtheaun, Edîton iatersu-tie Protestant eleetorso f Up- credinora.10 d h ie I k 1 uid rivale, ai ndteamoea n nie wic the 'methareamong the foreiga minietera., Chamapion, Milton. Thorn vanrsîhera pur Canada vili have the apportuaitv cf 15. R-eaud,-nat mmong Vcamer- woud rvàry f sètsme ba ispied.We The fllowing hu h.ec m aci e. a-préentm, bat as va have nilladeli h inig tu their Reoa Catholic felw ue ua inr qutstiona, demandîag Ctîamly ony q hai an opp1oition Mameda:-adlgaavrobgayl Certea stîaubjects fiii geocroan coacuderatica andl aaraeaî alleation of the Caveral- oal aseecmî, hnnr na aniiisr~, d U.S. teamaer Tosy, Vees Cras n, whiol a nincrity cagint even' wte ceive rment ail LégislaCure, are, ne mai ion avwen vbsre Ina pirinciplea are igin t T viii Jane 25th, vis New Orleana, lOnli, temaman,. ln al froc countrica ai the hindi cf a ntaeviîdiag up oa inlsolveni Icîcorpon- - met limàely çnevail. B rgument andllion. ilea Welles, Seeretany aoflina TheaConvention vas nul menaI, aue. largeiy-prcpouderatng majcnity. atel Compaie-a Wliionael he lPa- t piao idcaalfda .aatah Nec, -Maimilia vasn *hoton Chaeaomfal i l@Inauniheva, itvusaseaua 7. Rsid- i t hia alillathce olLv- tigam ui a.a in ail liainil. n ery iadaCredaaom l Itimmtegdlnrlfrh.ora for ltho min ima Capnsdbordcforais vas ne- get Décmnasregarda lhinflaeace f duty and tine désire cf nine Canadien plinahia mc miliPub4li Fxpendiure- Thea hire Tua antvrspe&atcoaltied T. L. WRITE a isfaci C A s r,, pniacipla oaincai onm, Aora atian o e e0people te cltivaCc Che imoot friecîdiy ne- tCIea anlimcnt cfaàProvincial aystem haa ioy pil c ip su eat ap n tivaentha mal-r.0 The cia, of Mexico amrandar- ils imambera, repreaniag Refonrmera cf Liîtiooons in îlee eigibouricg peuple cf cf instruction for the Blind ail Deif bave nlal efg eWdaa. Y o n he 20th. Vcto Cran hoda omi al ahadea froin veîy part ci h. Provi- CticUnitedl States, and scpeciily tg)cil-r and Dundlipemma-ual the argamian. 'nier, can doabn hat Ithe gond of pari, pre- meacait ai dia fareign oni. Diazi mc, memicara ai Parlismac,scters, every facility lin tha extensioni of Trade Sttii cfan incp firov yaec PmihuieTF S L iai- lomnaaea over teibm ad cddi il ain c rs nàDoa aptanie ai aurreader. cniae o primnayh n a : il fCoammerce e heeen Che twc cam,- Sjtor iu eau l eur oresmaaaaai E A E I M O N T kEu ail th. Tary llfe-hlooml ai fraalai. "(Sigaed), FA. RbOI, eaiu o alimaahnrtrien : TheCtonvienitien intiiipatcctr algarl apaa _________________.Coammader.- Editcra ai Reform naeaopapara, cificera yul îleacure hatthe dsty ia rot far - - - - oe DANGERS TO ONTARICO. ;- hI snhîliecailJarearelactatly crin ai Braocin Rnform asociations, andl dintamiwe h tc-Tma c l ehe Town Cenni. a .Tnmc a.'.sm vamm acteil no linaexeemian af hîaximllia. elegatai acleaCel Ilenly iran municipal. pallie vili ncoîify tîjeir restrictive coini- o . oriotàCs -V xAoe djirafine. F p f heColiio aucéeel. Uppen Cm- lYhen dia meaienger liaaiig ilcapunhea hua,. NetvitheandintheCimeIcraity cf Ameic a ol oe, ; thead itisThdn lt,îe TownyCrinicir.t o Tembea iharo cala mili agin b lmel ly CIa Lover ftram h. Unitedl States Coveamnint icI. AircnClne n hl odn ute3ao ntecar eb mtilva nsaparlag th ife ofMciaxiiienm, eharmoier, satiîon adlIoeliîy,,the ut- tIt'ie truc Canadian pulicy te lok diliir.Dwr c fi a] a W o f13 Provinces, aiel by snnoaek kniealleliverel has packages to Jantes, tea 9h. mO ioanmolumaimin, pracaileil. gemtly aireailfor aav ual profitable preacat. Messr. ear1 eCffn1T thar Reformera us lMaDougi l d owlandl, %lienil ha vu disposai]lteo&ara Max- ad theConcention anparednel horaugh- mnes o.eprdescilc1oniî ayoseie,.Iru opn ahe .f 8 u Stomm ~allai bu th prssue fom ha ax- ilcenmnai lamala o ~l puic1an 0onvîrever tley cia hoe fouail, ond son mil Butedo. Theo Building Coas- i a- Tie nl, hope of prevantng aa mlwbtth rnefoa tesoi y dtrievîcut o b olc Iila vel atinîici hat nach umurketas atc euti sfloo cap- aureace ai thons tvilif la îo relira cnet lealadersanmdlpeople for i emeieuMmâé eotiasflw: t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Lo cfà diaespeai aîtin ii t a ngreat la moalilbh aimenti m- enamelatalb, the Comîction. The exiot la cuber foneign landso, faiiy ao nt inahaînpsi i oaitl aion Iiaa possibla te neistiil. cpeakiag vas excellent, aildvaawulillucrative as hone ever heretefore cjcy. To thc Coanci f the Corporutioo f iii, pea enaiin Chwhapo of a Dent___________sppor_____oaltio a d-yen Ibis Convention regarda it ai thc Twna f .filton. am vidioni doulit, an ihla bat a Toiy Cac 1k. ta pauiai il lli, but as it la mreadl the iluty cf nIe Canailian Admcinistra- Tino Building Committee, bc.- leuva Th Govaramm oth la DemWlatof citrlihuici aer thecounry b, lina 0n, ioni to mcci fraakly andconrdialiy aay te preacat thein Irai report. r DO arnameat ila îgiae. aan aha ae upport-!Canamda press, and vili ahrl, hlie incd laovertonec frontthe Wasinmgton Govarci- Youn committee, in umplianice idi bau ad from '54 ta '57. Lika thai Cacarnî Tahll, fdaNvDmnin1miitfam msa Ouienl saoeu -ment for a nev treaty oi Commercial tle reauolunica paâaei t Che fast metin gR ch Fnefa o daà .rn -C p , mnmettn tl upre yLwr1R ciprocily blievcniCanada ijiailthe cf tle Conchu aneiaCerie, viin fa orda d Strof , ve. miCoiti apprti b Lm r bngc idhit à anev CovarnmenC, muas ea vilin giviag tha raolution., promu- iepbielaln LMafleltnnM.Jn-IMntn h otatrfr- for Provinceainfluencea, aad hmling tbmhemeaasafoureatutin thbnn at baCa mor "Ns Coalitin" reanin- of yers, haseilon equitabnle pnincipic., tle enýetion cf'île Nov Market Build- mail~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~s hamiIlic t acChiarto yah o fthe Cewsuion. repriti lon wmashea great future ai he ment- ail conistenti vitlthe houcur cf lotI ing aand Town Hal1on the 29nh day if sdleilbaetteth makt"Jonmen fruni dia four Provincea ai iag. Meunra. Rawlandl ad IlDon- cauntrica. Jonce ulticmo. krA." Ithe eleetora f aItHlonataI, Oamn ,galil, tha Cma traiCera te Refarni liter- S. Rcond,-Tinct thia Convention Mn. Martia informel tle conmnitti- Ili inltereot ho viii b.e lat mt hame te Ontaio, ai aepnet arao eCvl econrdsalis gneut sntisfaction ath ie tlat iiutimatuam (Ca aoc hig ovniLimi- oera uiiei espomt n o tetvl people ai Ncva Seoiîa ail New Bruno.- gig te) v-a tiat thc Corporation aleulil hin- attenid ta the arbon. Nova Seotia, lisi.eac.C, miile trainiag hair excuses. viol ara hercafter te l ie n î v i l h nai ci-cv ciithcOulu0of $5000 lheinglc onu ht la foiuest lau, that Ontario New Brunswick, Thair adileamasbl àda a aigiag ot of Caadau ndar nea iovernmnent ucîd fulmouiii f tha contniet pricer,gwyul ho aa 17 mombera mon. ha Lomer elangel mitI CIe gunerol intereala ai CIe sdl hmnen a h eolution Lcgcal alune; aido caibis tino mono ictenest on <10@t fronuth rot day of tJnnidî, and mi lava emser] 30 Confifedertilon; local queationaa eiag îaomaueiag conimia, a dpaiclibeily,,homeîuail remaniliona th e >ecemenbr lot, beiag tle date vli-n Mn. dr*tsainea long liattia for popuaur igîn idMnioriia ,o îehnil as o rail more in 1871, mal in 1877, wyul, let te île aevenml local Goveramants cf aaly tAne liads agaii 1Tincane ascial auîîi erial progîcu as afeughn compleird, mndail ai laiimafor extra, tesC in &Iliproability,,bave mare han Iha four Provinces. tha résolutions. andiwovan n lîcs Provincesa, e na n- îmountno cabout p$250, andibie i cIl h. othar Provincs put taemîinr.-- This Govramtintlaonmpoaed cf île d.Rolc-htChaCneto ia, bli l n toeatnenc,againan tle villiag teîliw out o ittebove amnta w t Icn tInslms aur ouI, hope. ald CIe aly iollovmag gentlemen :rcrelcîii rtfctint bi l ittern opipoaitionad iîiiny ci île coemacaclo vent cf tIe ndl Tova Mal atti tiag sehicin cl frustaaitisa cul lie Hon. J. A. Mlacdonald,Firit Miaiter, long ail earoesteconteoî cf the Referm at they pnt- ndm i.flcuntialievea cccwl dlairep ht h e foto h wll he ntara oi men <Who wyuel tl he Ion. 311% Camp.bell, paty for tino treat pincipieq cf Ilepre I burieogteeinciilemiul pifnivuil dnefropthmie bfront cfndl igt ftercntte a; Bhri oa. Mn. Howlad, ientotioa îy lPopuclatit, andii ,îellc.i , parýti.,c hs r ocy-i mîcco, 1,11 pniorie inig CIe <bo cf lteilcorn ngNWTBGO wer rigl lternnaiuna;ohn iar FouMn. Mrýacilougail, trel oven local ufliin, hs lctict Il-i-I e or-ctii i ncn tt ditcirr- le pe:îintgre n. o coniie cming N E W î ' i s q va is il h ora. aif than Icioro. The Hon. Mn. Ferguaon Blair, crovnied i yuliolmphnant oscceovoi .iein iii.mi c tciacnr-tdti -Ie .Vrcita p P Icin- )WLovrPoi aaemecdten Ba .Cnir npreenlotives vilii hofoundin lahica iI ic-t r--uciiitheilicc,c--tfil va we ppvnebvc mncdter Hn .Crtei lisfomtepol f1 oa arliiaoernl oi île New Dominionbilidinig uc inti- terosepropccâid Iy tue rk ork alrocy,, ha, isC ilamanled mîmi Hon. Mr. Gal; Canaathe manil of gratitude due froca theeraretan alel advea t' cf jai. cccctri, but vîcîlît icomna ttThm louera ai the Wecd mai11 do wcaîlte Lrloa. M. Chapais,, a jut ald genierounapeople totoe ovc, efficient cOil ceoiicccical legilatien : andl tue Mtayochi.tuhîîinrd te procure tle ona third of the Corameni cmployes Honali. Laumveni Iy ycarsocf' alf-socrifieimcg labour, lci have evnin ncnoameîp hi piiîie(ciaeii i lcfoe , or im W îi btrcloCa ae Hn n.Aeiuipeaeefullî achieveil great andmnvauablc tle day la nct ion distant mIen j ew-a ote i.igitte and ic)illii-ocf tle vrn a, for LomePravincea men, ail Hon. Mn. Kenney, conaotitcmions icageg-he ccomplcî. foundi-eni, l'rnceoEdvard Iladandl corporatio imîcer thée aidIcotitnicct. ra- fiBl bandasiplto hteey loa mn. .Tiliey, meat o cf in h cir conntries Ias Bniniali Coumbhia, viii ffaim a puni ci Al l wicliciri-tiiyioactc! aem cacan, alaoulil lafiell y Ctihe' r ithl.ratybcaatieleey icoc h eîe RD-iîcu oîif C.cnnda, spcn terna.J h- ivct. i iniicn. or mc mmioa-in:sgied:a. misrepored in Ottawa, hat thetoai ceflen cf aruel evolutilcî. nnifiaclîoîy he tpccplecof îeiconc iarcu îîrcî o meoui n-irva ieth -follavincg programme las been agnecil 2. Roocled,-That *cuile lice nw tint Cîîlocuem Iýl1EcT XAn-iio.ýo.- Xbw hisis fr l exS ofthei 1gt.spen foc tIc nov Cabinet ou teOoffices: Fédéoral Constitution for tue un it-il Pro- 9. leeovil,-Tlttliii, Convention Adwl it" ttorsqastnewt h 'NwDmsg, oosl s oSnilig Ce aumbera. Taiog Cth, Sir JohnA. Macdonald, Premier ail vinceracf Canada, Nov-a Sootia and Novwîîennciîy njîicoca îtt, uiilr te e w Coctîcil Raotcc, 2îcd vluly 1867. eAmImisot vegnamn ui sat savîld 4e "Neva caagm,"vhl.h an nauraIrats :of inreai.a il."blina, Minlucer cf Jastice. Brunswick, doubtleso contalos oiiiiiiti, Conatttontice larniera t l ave tood U-pon tub nmloet aci. siioclaarose, uueCl aa nlqmly1 e01 Ohea ra cnpamsl u- Ontario bas aoc1,840,000. Qaebec, Hon. A. T. CmIt, Chancellor of the defcl et yeisc nIeoitatiagiy and joy. in lIa cay of cerilaiympîîhy bocvraa n Mr-3eCufia roccicad ai! it h as ac e. 1,304,000. Nec Bruaawick, 299,(000 Excinequen. fuily necogainc nhat nue nieauue, as a tIe Libenala cf Lover Canada ail tIh e.scucatrel cgce gaop lion G. . Canier Miaaterof vole, la baurd on rqItitabic pniaeipiee, Rcfonm party cf Upper Cunna, lave tuba o n eour libilitieascanden île con - ___________________________ 't NovmSectiu, 272.000, toeahan 671,000 Houti. G .Crir, ns fandl removrea île liniers clii lave licr-,lien totaily remove-it gratofally ne. tract. Acc tîcat if Mn. Martin vould ry oui of a population f 3,886,000, oan a - ia.tofore teol la tlie vay cf goi geven- mecnînc theinid receeineilfreai thianin titaeoff tle extrait la conideration of mn~~~~~ ~~~ lîieaeHn-iî imn hlml lon. A. J. Fergusun-Bîmir, Président aient in tmia Provioco:Andl on belîia coahautc f mtri, anditl iipoton giadly tie defii-ney icn île paintincg, andthe Onlticf îlesxt fth ialad e heCousicil. of tle great Rofornnpanty cf Upper chatilic ime ia ainonfor diinm- i dm 1front, ictd gimanmtee lice boemenci ml they damenti immd umin oaa mm'd of 1lion. Peter Mitchell, Mialaten of Canada, tiiaConventicta ieariilyaceceptc ther ieformaes ci Uppor Cai)uda mu, fuior, culdîiy the ret-o of tIecl loal, c- nIa goneral offices. -Marneaaandl Fialeiles. thc ucv Constitution abouateciccuu- le sblo tcorrpoy tie cicilgîniemia ttinl- le vu e pprel tu Jay tIr full coatroot n- Agin, tIc, bata four miaistars la Hoci. Alto. Capbell, Posîmntr- rateil-vitn nIe déermination te vork nanreil. price. H A R V E S T T O O L S , ler Ib ili n itteceesGenenal. il loyaliy andl patiinniyad le pros-ile 10. Pieolie,- Tinêt the ailvontaga Mr. Matico agreoul îlot this meulil the Clainet3ou,000 t h mi sîen wenla Hon. H. L. Lmngevia, Home Sec- ouci ntimnducts a'ceponiencc front te ble drnvel by tin ocple of Canads le ancéqu itabetle iimeni. blisi d Dg lloing3,0,00 tocas miistritel yyear id yeir mccy provi e mochoexpédient. from tnîcetw Coastitution, n u las1 tctce kacv nit ilperoonail iîhilimy, is reprdaiaiatice, tl.y voaldis mmyhavae io. .G.ArhbalFoeg . «~ Rouced,-Tlmî Iurng île long tle future pregnooas oflocorcoentry, chu if lie aieed to remit tIc peajlty for in bild tva. wcilla Upper Csnada, or n t -andl earnei truggle cf tIc ileferma cary nianli iepeonhcc bîfficieîiey aildcîo-fulfliact of cantruot, ail suit mc R O OK ER Y ruilrai eOntaria ahanl have led asi ary. prty for Hepre8eaiation by Population,eondncv micin diccl ne new Gaver- mon, entitiel te innov mimd oun dmiy un . minustera. Hon. Wmn. MeDougaîl, Ministerofai ndillocal connîol oven locanl mfair-an mental matcinern mncnitircd : AndI coaneillona aco. Ne couaiciiicn, as fan s- Airain, New Brunswick vmîIthluan anPublie Wonks. ieagtl happily caihodiel la île 0ev tbis Convenioni regards il as u finst daî os lie mcdo tivoe lîmi n0ydeoire te bc i 300.000, libai 12 Senialora, wcli.naio, ![Hon. J. C. Choaisa, Miniter of Agri- Coaatiiuio-tleae reforma mene even ci îlte itefornn ieprccentatirea in tth ictsor eact tue pencchny, if île y cal~~L u u * 'y. viinasix imes teepopalation lia but 2h&. culture. steadily reganleilasabot means te tle ccc Législature nte ppiy nîcnaacies te cafcly remitct. Baisc fnciliiirs ,hlnid v~j i ii i~ i u r nu s Cha sevavy Nec Bruswaick Sematon liHon. W. P. Rlîad, minlter of endlcf cecuring efficinin ecenomnicol a tloroimgl ovorlcauling oi thec I-pur.rni- rccetliiit titi, vao:a op..i,,,,y mia-SI Eug a rs ,~ UE.oîk, C o t çq piK repréentaea Imnta25,000 seula, vhile Iaternai Revenue. goeromînt, sud cf liinging toi an endl mental syniri, mine rurtmiliag orf micala- lie cl. audtilccpentuy vao ecpnooly ndevary Ontario Saaaiar iepreasnniry Hon. Mr. Tilly, Miainter of Cun- ilat ieng reiga cf eclesainaueicvi hcsoanuai expendiiune, tle nîfîrceadeclar- l iqiiidated dacmages, not te le ie 77,0009mals. Traiy thepeompia oft O ar- tems. (in île vorda cf thc greaci Referai Con- mant of atrict aeenomy la enory Irancin i,SiCOded hy a juryoai l, thai chia vaa na ie in w.11 rquire truc moii.ta guard heir Hn.Eda - ventionm cf 1859,) ecailel on tle oouny of île publileservice, tnIaduîai liquxi- do-lt lice to tue Townc, and if va con-AN TEI te igit r irn auslea Han mina have Hn dad Krncy, Beeavar- ali-eavy public dcli, lundencaume taxa- daltiinute puiebe rh, and île rri-cietedt e rnmit it. lie (Mn. 31.) feiîlN TE Obeen riaI mccl foual atiag bacm au Générml. liea, grent puuiîical abuse@, andl univoral ticnote c staanatm s asra cpidliy cicuct cuie rate picyor voul commacnce rY busiaess i inaefini Paliameni ci Ibm Anild ia (overomeint idscallel a Coul- dioatacioca' aaconsiatenît miii miccinmg ttePatn tcciticu aut Cincet a c ecer-nitf f aNem Dominion. iica 1 Aa fmras Ontario isonoieen me 4. Rwive-l,-TlattmIls Convention le foui,. o picilu rs prnnhlty tiastlcey wanc Sea onaG oods ii sS % - a - napudiametmieilea. TIe lîceral element recullo mitI pieasnre îlot île peeple cf 11. Rie*li-e,-Tliat la tle opiaion tuerely trusteaof tice Tovwc fondu . l, THE CiIGPS. i c uedvtdcnCanada has-e lboIt-ileorneely fonvonil of titis Coîcvacmiîn one oetflic irtandmcl31r. Mati n idiccmicl licttcecia cf any -à nig hremnbv esre u ute i uoneoofui terninain of thelong m[cust icuporavî uitltira of ithe G-i cnn iuo- ctager, but vintn askeil ogumrn - Providence la mIls yes miling open racks und goaa orer te linaeiiemy, but orugleo l efropny o cr- ment eand Legisiatone. unden the rtfonc- tecouiiicnu ogaintclecu froueiniis_ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ et the efforts oi tle agricuîmsiai, ail h la oaîly îy thc utaicet trtol cf us- entaive nefcrm, asa ay vIa en te x- cd Contîlîmîo,, wl ciii he.impnovc source,.lice tfaced tedams.tiln nnire ov mosnci aspeieam îniag urcnonChi MDouaîlan h allil pyerain ailaecrtiona cf CIe Proviaoe nment ci île internai navigcition of île Mmn.Devor anal Bmteîo ontenitelAnd tforaWmon termem âttaea ieil.cl of tha clomas masmsa .09 mmIai P' natre nowprenans à spctacleplonsig, vocililt receiva tineuclie ariginaifulI andeeqotul. rcoaaülnyndedcct otuerreporttthe r oort shu as mal an hatatva toa eoye, and fittering Ca the-irmer'a Reformer, aldalihoagl me mny regret abllainfluence lu tle $ttead, nmen 12. Rait b,- aC ove of thnequea. ciooli Inov ccir igintoandiloCuasliepro- ne lapes. The trops ana Iookimîg mont higentlemen au amimble us Blair and by thneconnscquent anondaacy cf Reformatieons mnt dlavply affvcîing thletsîahiity port-iseelt-fend tintm. Tley bonI eza- er promiing, ald viCh il.exception ai Rowlandl have hinuaeluolcedt eay prncrplon andl Refonai5tatesmen la tle sol future pcegnesaa aiour country, laidt-sodefnt lice Iaaecensifleur coisl onuniacla of tIe natioa, tle amandaions lac me sall attnaaitaeoui shores a anernnt ho ecleil a grout fleur und vaulil 0-nnogbtinl sme parts ai ile province heir Party,,ofimbich iIey ahoulil hava ueso o niler vinici île country bas au gat alano of île tide ai Esapecin emif nu1irie ta bc done oven ageion. li Ibm, ara ihant sicofaiheCth liaipostabeen guarlias, iboulil have proved tao long laboarel moulil le aept avay,,and grotisa t And CiaConcentinlu l is c pi hrIeorpui pans mthe following n as ao omnon cf lots. The mendoms ara ved: for die emptation a office, wiîh andl a eand htierureinaigureteil : " Othal Chia iighiy importatn i yl vote: Yetis, Dewar,. Ilanîco, Taylor, \ N - or lixirian n d milebm laver anil bey ita dlarbought honara, ,eî va coltAud tiis-Convention fully recaognizeast hon stie siain, hya mioreagin nefîrn aConter and Maihescon. Nsyo, MaGaffin N J ~ ~ 5.Ji I L U I'UU m v pomam ou; axiyakthe grave reoponsbility nov levoiving ni ibm Ceoma Laid DepunîanîiSys- acnd Repen. irpoe uoilthanbz&ia mli. ill teil the regarildienia, représentatives ai he upo h eon ot, ydalraytem-liy exîauuiag te pnipoicize aillers viiat. pfns nmei.Ttycaneaata lcemel ultes aisec aira rmçtatei sililsfe aethein l Icnci Waeym aetlml '- o tlca athe bp l ineving iiprbh y a a - muil-o c11Lng-aL_ ef ----vi--rooay miril.'.îeltil - u sl n-_ __ _ _ _ _ _ J f o.

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