HAMIOLTON MARKETS. IIS FTESIER ULT :v rr c Ž flAMI;LTON;, May 15oh, 1864". Orlan rTnt 8tôkhatdcrs aIthe Brotes ITar ..... fbî . 2. oe0 2.00 L C3apay.r ireby oa7OeOd lft t ......... . 5ô te0. 55 jkprct ........5.50 ta06.00 MDE AT o cL fer per lb.0......o.15 to 0. 171 ,IIt O7? WALTHIM, MASS. Oit ......... 0.32 in 0-.3' totrrire to '2hadvcrtsetittenet unapre- pataOtor bah 0.50 tafl.7.t natqie roa f"tis arbflicAmrcan N*mday, I2th d0iy ofgaty, Next n'y po...... 1 0.0o ta 12.00 WlhCT at.r.Naarrottl SIsepr (;s. .00 tao 7.09rlorit Chatt Sir Watacsarcbcapor ore rafor the purpore foppointi!]É dirccls oref Flrw erloa .... .00 a Çcuorate trgs complet, more odurable, bctier he eiag yrar. Wee prr rrcase ...i... . a4.Pýctd for graeraa isean ad mure rl E. C. TtiOatSON, Na pet ........ 0.121 ta 0-.12 kipin oder anad rpairedcd Im ay aorc 'erea t e pra....... .6.0to 7. 00 matches In tiretmarket. iroe13t5 Aprý, 1>67 Dry Hidcr. . .0. 10 fa 0.00ù Theyweimtple hio trirtire, o baulae calogba ac popar :Ylfokil AT . ;2 ta 0. 1 il11.lo t T tjiird thon tir Ina arity0 ao Meig a eu oto ftam 1251 ta (O pecco. ý l t ý t i d Eag. ni lst mt oeS là here art more 1lait 7I ilpats. IV0JoONtO IARKErs. lieather tnitllrtelitet trial Saitltday, the lst day éf t tie, -natebrtrcailblIe irnbrtaauby OSa lloaioog M iv. ISt 1867. irîto TCI: ot tîaaP. M. ......a . 2 01) to 225 NN. ROLROAIO POipAtq C. VFrt' %ttiSOIZ Wprittg ........ i 47 tu 1.50 Sr rorOO ~ .otoTo )ai. ... 0 30- to03 mâl1E 1V ,E jsi........ ....Id 050 OF;Tart.rVaa :Tùe atlbe9teatoifareot : lii....... .7-3 te 0-75 ty jobae btocIaasraoathiiorailraad foiat o e in l eoos ....0.30 te 0 45 evrayear 1y aaur TghiTcmct tatea W oolen Mil" FF Oprbr ... .5 i 0 Tbrr are naataale fthundbaarodtlt tT r atttlrIigtr tio.nog puretteordthé Park port ..... 45(f T 550 o arrirdon Ta fineanutd w a.onder tur afl..uer itrTte ititeruby Mr. Walk O17 ta 0140 onandretai.actioot raeeeroaIde r , adawTf*uAdgamîv cd rlyitfotythe atbe Boter,..... .itl.014 rN4 a(Yatdvallt Cattl tr .........010 ta 0.2 es gve tais troable, anîd Saveaorrot tnd aow n .rerei o tenlrd ta rdrs fur idowrar maeb i,r iioutaOrpairt Obot Ian ahs ibore lare eer baoi r aru.eTo _____________________Chiiraod.Asryrti arraare, iveformerry tr.td Co boc of Etigli>lS tralinfia rt aof IJE GREIT ENGLISHREiMEDI ls hynvr itfnea c-rcI.ni fila JAMDES haIKE5 lre tloy daoc a gîad service. ara totoi. lito tatt aatemrots Iarintais'ab iyt t.J!iLEBATED tFemmie PILLbr prveî.sr, Ma. r.. La te. allaie TeerieuceIIONBios dT tPa.m rm.Ttoctor i, or.laotoî ratTadd orra orica af ycara. Meprllil.bay jeIF167 420Im. rrbi, soif babas medorn i oaTrsiapsttba EDWA11D Il.WlfLiAOdS soi I4~Ol betaoIcfraand mieoreery for oaaleoof.l- Wbwhearî ad îibaagb a paarrfui rmetN ucrbbeit nont fl tW e gndtigburtautu lie c arolis aeoett 1 o) LT', flltÉt. tt rtbi bcr h t hcr ot aTre o mar in- lo =8 MeaéLais tESYOO1 uALslaAt factre, .Chrcoc Braîr aîoi achiaz Baars Te uetttüLiflsofa al kiods. AI.o Lambo rLo adbiagice lit lepliMOlY gOjîrd. Ilt al, iOaII Obttfaao.T , hrr.aatooa. oI; timebrtnTm5bthe sabîTPrriA witbrs - G .c.5i. a1o..î"tOato iasay- obs'tAIE' u0 PttSsviTaastuamaa logirbat t brlirve ftbe grrat tejrity af, LotaeI , o., Nesgw TMILPILLSNÀ,V» ~Loaraaotiv n in-q ia,-iarctinodloy ec, c mmînýje, My 1 St orsaeaxtlt.aaaaW pamphlt, rtt In t t se Tf oraa or t15.0 alsini ParaI ~aTitero gla1amliatArr, Otb e grt'.tert accrorace and 1M I ;' U K afloîb igea idirl aaOaitlittaildTgOc ti (ilg!, ridaoog N. Be sIiitgetampt eîtrau :r .andas 1 îat toto no 1 toa&D u.1,risd ageut l, srt oàThtrfl O aacrTa) tbcy mout[t o durale.a1lI«i'ber Shop. lo~tssgsea 0 ilaSyretal rt ait. hpat rr tortim rloRaotmay Camps- no OE.t.Y ie ii groersity id pt yTtlr aathro. 1WWILLIA~M BR02ýILEYanoii fflelPtoreter. and frairi« i lorm taa i ooeorrrand oyy Wo abep Lyman, lrso tte C. NV., tretors. tIr. o7 opioooa L tttt )idiio t ay cestiraie aalias o aencd baia peertgent t'r tba Caaadas. Palot in trad ta praonitO.reguiar!îc and ïaety. aes s s Barber, Ilairdrisaer, & int kIltti by Il. wigsaas &Bd J. B. Wliirtt; J, Yoar, rerpecettily, MeI1qo T;rbîR onm, sr irl CHtARL.ESWILSON. fG. CIif Eigirrer. DEMPSPOY'S NEWV BLOCK, l lqbr.Okiie; Joba ade& a. lrathool o f ILccototi se b.oiirr a It , adsed ris, rOit in 4oeriato ti'ttrhca.. l'Athaot, M"s"a. aa-tetMita We mar okaw lier differro t grades at Milton, May 2not, 1867. 48-tf. ________________o; atba.oamd rerprtioly a o aa m~~rc~îean Onppt . .OaaYoC, W.11aulavi. _______ tires,. aith mimy 55a.t-ion -Mic kQ P apers, Q-UlomlTm lieme Wtah Companyc.lare aarraatcd bs- fier AmerieaWateb CamPaooY ta cof'lite WINDQW IMHADES, b Set marnai. ohthe meoplo roa, rini j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~pie. od itoang er.rcrry r-loolootfr la ote-Nsr.WI usdM r qutioitc for a rliaie timo .beepo r. E ,,Ifsr- V1mt n agu R dalroîr 1n e cctlttt i reaotd motS t t.e Clmpyrsproaîad rar.] f gainorar. Have jaat recivetl thir Id.csto tocS oSao I oca% ptio r' o e I t l'e ar- tiellgtg ll gnull rtcl. ti-r'SPIIESTOC~K 0F BOON PAPEIS, Ilir MjastysBirila day wl e ee rrWrem-i hétgitt-cýiir th -Jie r izil dAaiol i40,D*.erent Pattrens, tom. r a rooe[Wlrto ar itooîer. cfy1 wowvim :r b ntCXlpurobomeofrd aIiaraDalers tOrauhualtbc conry. 1151gbtb 0rtc 8riog tlem thaan osTestommtrialr a, Seie tO trn-on ra ppl ica. Toroatapriera. Frlday, thet 211h Day of IFay, ~licon. Oabe3 o. OSpOSr Roil O a Fion In tise Athictie sprts tha, flloieg 1to- a-.'a m50ti a prîtzs will b giroan : mzass PLTtNata)I nLM [ O OBEUT aVior " !ll e.a. r t&re.nhTt.. SEEDS. eadidta3mit 131gent for aaedot A Full stack f .4asas aîoia ,t ) T fint 3 ltssig Juapsda 2.00, doa1,i00 Iitepaarijamspde 2,00, ait 1.00 ii Highhup da 2.00,aie 1,00 a .Itjm~p vtbpalo 2.00, do 1.00 a qujaise do 1,00, du 0,50 FootlRsse sf 100 yardst, lot 82,00, god 2.4 #,Srd Sbota. , 1 0 Foot Raief 200 yards, lat 82.00, lad 81,00. lad OOctA Faut Race or 300> yardsr, lot 83,00 laàd 820Q». ed 81,00. UrIeRace 200 yards, lot $2,50, lad 81,10, 3rd Ifacîs, BayaIs.. 100 yard, lit 81,00 2tdd O S"it, Srd îlots, to bays ander 14. Bq*É'Race 100 yards lai 75ets, 2ad àOita,3rd 25ots, 10 bays mader 1lot no Wissel bsrow race, lot 82,00, 2ad $1.00, 3F&LSaOta. Baak Xèa., lit $2,00, 2nd $1,00, FarthétieBi Lady Ridet, lot prise a oduik.et met 8$8,00, 2ad acasrd bolaNAWatts *AaOO NsoEtranacèVae. Thmgusutbe4 cutries ta contait Oie .Ruoilqand Jusmping ix saab ~nL The decisien of te Jdgau ta àW 6 ll ma' Nopoison ailawad miii. oh Usaoars but ltae caaspetitars vkl Wii, is gamas Ara taittg - m menc t 10 à; . Pte- ehly ~2J cast$. mt A GRAND Thse Asentsiand Honorable Order et Oaht i"u. led by theu Veograbla OWiRantakeordraomjianing, ai- t*Old loy the Paverfal Ksighta of Duks., antd headad by tbe Auausasias 0" PetqoiauBaude <rose Cape Horn. iii! iabie <osas4ailerner& - theit u.evwT î1 oko. P 1bc bâ,i50 o allatuutktel&U pqt e MW g a i INN IVUOLS Te COBOL 19 *ITN A jultes, Mal lîtIs, 1867« tg it DTJRAM BELL !j POLiA t liUnle T'ai lgr bnéi n aerytre Dia bora Cal. Teretoaaait ST EW ARTTOWN. HAS reaetly rftilrd tiaflttcl. et a cn alictabta art, sd nto wamptcparIod ia ftraiah reey accammodatianaothOe trar Il- 1ito pubic. li e pça bat by bacrioîg tttaty t at Ia frateaon. to inrrit a ns g @bar. af ptublie patroagae as lie batbeeO- tare rraivaa. Termestuaderair, Siewartt,wc, April t 40, Iri, 4Ptf. 1859] HENRY GRIST, [1866 A&nd Patent Agent, Trirrauets business wtlhtb te ttramrcLaadm andathe oerrmrnttDepartmcns; tobep ast Fatendtusfr Iavcntions;tObtlans ila corporation fr Clpaieî by L.rtto-rsa Lento Drafts sad tahiesebhargaetfPrisate S8t Sriag the Session. Ae., for partira re- oidong rloawberr. Roanaa -Hue. A. Campbrii. Cam miarlatier of Crama Ladsr;R. Jaaao. £q.. HamilatnI; t'err. R .ae8& Son.Toitoow- ta)IV Mr. Wlon. Erq.Simîoe ; ion. J Caring, Landax ;R. liait, Lq., inmtoper af Agrace, Coluiai Lire Appui uaes C., Otta. aMay, 25rd. 1866. 0. .f WORNL LOZENGES AE Rarcertain andrae rmedy for Tarta i11atoidrensuadotadalte. ilh; a , el] haatrtand mrtaneosy farttIait oe rcai caaraafdeatb aauagtiidre s frntwaormo ajTxe I L ait eLotuaderpty omprrwiraop- axth ibmdi 9f paenta thoe eeioy oI laele matehîne Ibirabidrex. 11c Po do- ig ami ondrtadiaf Ibm symptamo andt truc case f thStearsee. thounandeofat bi- dren mggibesarod frôm eariy graves- amarraos or Waàat--The lltig arr a fitaaiof the vrry IlameeTar symptiomo and ottoosa mwhlrk are eixrrd Sy Warms:t de- rnoga5 appetila. emaaciatrd exrerîttier. offesvee trcsîb. frrqarol pieiag aI the unoe. grisdiag of iba Ietb aariag sîrep. and. aasartiteTaonvliva film, patin ibe bad aad atamarb, aaqirt irrpi, faittiagr. trera- Stae oogbs. Iadigrotion, tom spirits, frgotfialderans., endt àgraderat mswiisa amifaIfea. 1h07 arr pataîle aad oett- amisterrd ot IOs, hiid--drra ot the ararmtbaraxghiy ibasî paixad Tm. Iiil lan he tamaaSb-tb-,reby doitg îa iLlhitha eariinty of admioitîrisg Caà or cit or othor ILspirosant ctharLia- .f Nortbap o&La man, Nwastoei,C., tah or0 tbemsoi praprialars. NilB. Ars for Rlo Ioy'aWarm Laam.t, andot a:erno loth. -71 d by ait tba rxggigte tan1Jitata and iseditine deaers eveîi cs, U3 FUIKS C&(IOItE CI1RIT 'w a ttgi »rel- Tataipo andotGardecn Seti, patcltnrai rox the mtat rliabla dealers, far sale at Latecat lPticea at WILLMOTT A& MAGUIlNS i Drivto ta. Mila, May lot, 1867. 47-Il IneSairuberibriotretîarcd tiro the tr ucat daotr taeS%.1 S1). R.A, Laot, Sitar a he o iît eiared taicl LOW PflIGE3 Q-FFINS ,go, a e toder oa ahort naiar -1W Caffinsoa e ;laaandt decripttaansmaSo1 roroptly. Fricaro aa intiot2. IE. B30 ES. Niitnp. Oct lt, i864. 20 ta QUARTER SESSIO1r4Si COUITY 0F HOALTON, l ma airt : ÇN is1' bccrrr by gvrrs tSaithoe (deteral Ccart or Quarter rtsestoI Jthreec ad aIe e a littv Caart cf the san oDtot oaftpaIAiita, iii Se nabo t iltha COU~RT ROUSCI xi; Ti TueldaY f ii.111(h of June, 186t. Af dis hatr of TWELVÉcEo'CLocÈ ataTt. af eSic lttJxatitt of thr Pence Coo.,uirboita.Caaatblro. Goaler, anad al aibete epacrreoih re Oqu,-tea ts tabo- notice ai sated, tT do andolperrrm&Ill datieos which oppertaio ta tiact. G CRAWFORD bicKtNDSEY, - Ser-i Coxniy at Ballon. 8'iarifl'o Office. Mtil0.ca May- , 186-. rs 7e le t- !s SMITH S& DROTHERS ofxWelington cjuareo B 13 le aoorasee lalicir Caslomnetsanad tioe publie gcnct.aliî iloat ibcy havd ddet DEYV COOnS, BOOTS AND SIIOES, lliRDWUIE, &V.9 &. To t1dtr G recer -Basilaca. Tlitir Garda lia otto becs pitrclased for cash flary re eaoied i tu r Ieil in ieto s u i ritradaag pioTasaera. I!W l Ispecetion of our Goods ahid Pilces lnvflied. -4n SMITH & BROTHERS. Wellingm te S ýrl2 toi ,717 4>a2m. CEOCR CE SMI TH la now receliag a teaf anad earefaiiyreoleeted SireS St Wines t Liquors, Groceries, and Provisions, And evrythiig in Ite iFREiSH TEAs~ Sugars and Tobaccos. A SStLENLID Paat fotget tae auaad oea the large stocka af Coal OHl Lampi and Crockery, WSicS be jr reccring werby. -gîraileÀr, Porkg, -Lard, Eggs, Aad ail kitrof i ATiotI PRODUCE takiais cahrge forrgeada. Ail oaicitk tili be naod CHEAP'FOR CASAI. lleaaa cail and exaiane, and tiae jddge foyorsivg. GEORGE SMITII. Miles, Apri1 3rd, 11867. 43-f MONîEY To LEND. Grand 0peaing Day grd ES"111aeOo lterat.T. i WHITE & OMIIPNY'S G- TICE BASTEDO. ~ > Q M Miiiaa April 16,18637. dbtf Mnath - prI6 To Rent, Ilnate2t piU6 1Shawvls, Mantdes, Fancy Bon- À Geatl1us .rane cifBlackaaîal.ti t isNew Style Ilots, Pinra- Oa tlir 715 Loae, rrafalgar. Fat terras slad Novelties of the apply te the owacr, esn PATRtICtKTOBIN.- cson Trafiigr 71M a t, 10. 73 ilbri le, April 21tb, 1007. 4-f have .liiigd l. lad ad tacet la ibe Raid C( la aiai sPhIN~ 0F 1867. 80. GOLDSMITHS'1 HALL é 80. 12 KINO STREET EAST, HAMILTON, C. W. STIEV&NN 1 aAITWOODl, 131ORERSOPCao FRENCH CLOCKS, BRONZEq, ELECTRO-PLATE, FINST'11'NCYGOOPS. M S R SPEX ÇSON & 'TTWOODbieta anraneoe l l b i iantsoaf tvrs atoce.lýrrto flcibc icroeraotet. Ctttilet,end thyr, art esiet- et fuiand aaicordia IViiv iaat.itslii t p oi iiîeir large and carciaOiy aniifice trS , W lilheletibracitagcoco> lieat aet y, ta lireda t Lodoirices. Our ritiorot direct ittOj orîcra cniiaa oruste aolo2 s parelaoera nt a reaionable iîatiabl wiat tett i toyn2andt e o iligf or casit, giora utho greatcat facilitira in afforitt aicst valuto aa mîhorpatirîsa. Onr tance eal ii ilbc iutrid 'ithe garlstail bc itorb-ed lio lan figures aid de.= A carry oxtcjaî anil b heflly rettreariteai andao r.ftoad ta bSe t ifidorsaot fo r. Tite greatesi erre iii hc a Cen la RepairOsot Jewallery 1n flic icat tanber aid atfi h i toîr to.iaitolicrate. Ordelraforrioauolciaritag alehetanti jemeiro y. as mcli cs ail rcîoiritg motd eleîtirg tili Scex-ccuaot at Shorrt Notice. Waatnsleaaad andi rrtîaireol at Grliiaaiiilaa Hllt3 ill Se guaraaîteea oci c ett rt 00,11 ofttes are...iiïcderate Profits,'Puutuâlity sud JIrllty." Our icat effîris miii bc etilt eeneate tîte craliolenec af oaai tiienait anot pal- fvW rono. anal fa ebtitoanal deseraet.-flir recoe.uieadationt 1 . AGENCY FOI? TH1E A 1111< I V ILTCII (70 11PLN1Y PATIAL CATALOGU.fE. Lrdips'GrilWttc-pc rl tl îton. 3îallcd Caser. Diamaltai Sel, &c. linimîa(lroi l etacr nmit , Iii anal Attarican), ai aaery prife. Silear ifaîcie-ef ilaidescriptiiros anditricer. R T Litieat I7odlCiiraItrieilt tanal (totrca, flieniqualily. RA tieutic.mca'm (huai 'tVestntise-rf 0011 OSCOt aslies. ,FIRST CtL Latis os'cIl .leweicrr - trItt asdlCytcl i7itluisg Briccel r. roches Fl - Ot. l3ar tfibgsc. hItonFittri t iotna. Sic tttai.O.- elyit Lrtlicril-;,Id l'laîed Jecr v-Frntelo. Etteîiel anal Atitrican, af al acta styles. for w-hicl Olirer Jctrelera cfiaem anal iilioablr tie.is'-ie fCentleiorn'a Go el lelry- ýeinL-, Pins, Stuti> Ar. svre Jci .lelr-ta Bracelico. lacr Bttora. Siccsr Butirn. Sec, hIcîî (.'iaa a-ia Glit. Sucer. .Jet. îPcarl. &c., lie cloiecat soMe.. D~a PSiatn aM - encîro - mrratitet ito fdica lutter. )Gentletmct's Rings, Pire. ftuan, Ar. lltg Wreod feselri jrscf-Eat inigs, Branches. Cresseac the nement gaada, 1Straw rîteaand al foale SII Sltier Pit-ta Spea6t-ý. Forba. Cupnpm ria Rig,, oablrts, Trays, Tex betR. &., ail ald t Neit Ccar fcSiiner and Fahilan. Suver lleclro-Pli-t iVara-1i1irtcoI o trc nicke ilvainad *tahteai t0 mear hllLPON. A localequal ta iler-ie Scersand oaarris. Iteaand otCffer Otu. ('utrtPrames, I'.loc RBaskets. Trots, SS'iitercs. Copa. îButte Kaives. Butter [ &ictr. . SuIvreEcetrc litci 'Sar- ltetloetlitard B ritannaa Stai, a o gattieraineabie artice- tai)'lenSets, Tra fl'aie, I1er ilcirrs, anal nataetoaailier arties. Broaer cs ilr FretteS CIrriu-O anal 15 dr-i-tndruýe fliec lantes cccl hali 1mars, ib rieS gl iii elade-Broade. Saliai Marble, Oabartter itabla. Eboni. &-c., aarying frasa $10 tr $400. Contero Clal-a--uitahle fator iî The Cuebea ingiî eorcry her. Ameriran CieSa-i trot M dam aicrerp aiscaription. raitable f ýr OSe Ritlleara Hall. ORe. l)isioe dRcmpinor Ptarl r. arvire fiootlto 11tr5i Srrtz ceFiottore aad rtatoeteicamde irrat lite Ftcaci PalenttBranze.allabot il irra le tiot n rott ieorire - titrwac clte in 7rc if rariety'. Soliot f.caýlieirlMqis tLa ica nlenrlcat'Aa Iiressnig (tases. Wrtitg Casea, A&W 1U2(i3TY OF (caid Sloe, ir eli.l'car]. toquerNTacite. ii er adai l on kr cW Speccùmattdl ler Gbaaesca îiol andtoieel Frlioer-ir Braziliar Pelblesr el -taFarýqtsa copie, Carence. Crarcal 5nt altiricecaanal ta suit lI iger. Siteciol attiona bouof ttbr t girca ta flictie olnal lcpretttacatt. dir iaoaF ans ln atin, Sawal AWoaod Liaca, baoolarPalm LeafandmotheSe aaet F rerndo t Oa I-.LA D Ch, ic.,tÜreeeb ar-i LonTon Fare lieroîts-la tioee te tees riciles iii almga L N S Se effercîl, an l le icgrfctc aaVricsy7.. N. B. SAi]wmcla r errircal anoer ilac diý eia of ai It. Atraeod, mîawuot trMsn,e Oc rr nitia31r. te.litittiLT aillaeaana l il Mrru. trooiclawao& ltirkoaaEUV R >lI-Ei t TA'tiE\tAT P 1'\1 Fir oct a. rmium oiliomaaonanlsa.Grot d)ccramed. atIlI or',1itked Cit ear! i ie rinuitOO Ol aS i so. hansbof, N f N I1l otaltaa, %1, Ifv ri..s . 49 St. trie, at th.rlui - aveîg .ooitl a of Lands. WIALTON10 tBt niracne ci 1veeadout ai the ttanfty .raatyofaf tn and ta me recîed agalaît OSe AND TENEMENTS lbie bremre ai D UPl.M LEONIUI the limpe e o ideato.ilatSe -SOY LE 'i)NtARD ini.tiaia- il. et' THOMAtIS JC. )1C r â a t-i Toto tl. rin Ai t t ctil i per ' r i10 o rcaleT t 01e wIres , aituate , ybag and bru 0F GEORÊ[TOWNI 11P OF ESOUESIN'G, O0INTY t F tIbIAON, :ore g by odme-a2rnmeal, NO., SO. A Larige Lot of BOO)UTlS & SHOES For tiAe Svaso-i. A large asoottiîent of tJroceries aisi f(1rocl:eig, RO61 PJIPEJI#e A LOT 0F, ROCK'OWL to cicai' out at 20 CENTS FER GALLON! Thirty-two 1Perches and Eigiht J cIE I LL N A E tentha of a l'ercli, ýAMtl ioi, 106. 4t 2o PIcrg atraparedof ai llage Lait ramIwie arc 1867ilîrsi It'elor amlain Streeta lod bita toacOt, , Iý Jrbaa Ratutiot 'r rarory ilo thelic C iao ai - iome iilaiio atI-i-ii o.aatîIl - i yh C lle i o1e aoid. totylreilioomi k /'IU. hilI a.fillroaa, tînt c ta n.> Cîîaa n I M î MMgM atitre attott ba brea Iithi- ' erio a yl -e t e . Tri O a ilt hj raeasoth foty oigSt tiiesroea vct ta, ITOI.taft attiorm île tpubic tItlits Stek ia ail lats îclorarensbIala ja crle-a c - O;, th itil IaoOy Ot t-kgr,.vc a mra I tie andi o en a o î c a o e t w o b o c O aai e eth e l l f t -- o l y a a a r t l1oit-gc, rhetOe aando ioFr'ocafb- act s n f ls Tl0 Uhisi Wic Toirtpearty, ar tieret a, c5t. fep~ Fsiaal a~- taidELdtarti.Jpam Le-, ttidlhadtalic he 11~îs!c1 =eu et hie deieb. laa sd 1t t me, 1tuill afar lotiaka o Trr Cl IiSTIl35for t Fotttotl110 06.lt Tr7 ilC 111 1 1 1l'1;for tiie at-t e i m(tain rramie kiea MY OFFICE IN MILTON, Tr. Cli'11 TIiSiforar l idst ir.iaalro-oa Crf iry Ct rI S l 30for taeaas t i -, oalatittttrü il a ndo 5kirl . , 1o1 yEQ l ltS Il fi ie eiryl;l t , Blittuelîrl <tti a ot' iat 0iripe.r l lirîiîag. Troc C S11110 Fi-S ait t'rinic. îittalino, ia-) ltlitb SiL.. Tucaday, Alîrîl 3M A.P. 1807 ry CIiltSidlt'S flr rorre aideataBotsad art. Ac S. At irro naenlehinathe aftersarr. G.. CPItAFOAlD IeKINDSEY, Sta;rI Matas Ladlies if yan mint a Citateaend Fasl1,traaila loirrt go tal Sherif Office. Miltoas, TIEAIV AE19 Il Y 0 WUIV T A trtidsyr, te Ss lay sf r4.7 A.D. 106-r, b1.D LRS1ý At the aait orrand al ae, ilioet t-at L CLiIIt1 calai acotir ard Sp rrue oit* et rit (AI Ta Loai llan aCllo il Itie.O ,licfJ..0 .111 113 . %'Ellattitol Si) iita and al F îJ , Te aetS leinSlCilaw Brz Jatil 1 C COAS 1ICeajaue. A 01613 \ r 't . aIATY 0F G. CRÀIVFOiIItiIKNm' SiactiflotOffîcec. NlSti CoIatonr. IB~,L(EFO EII îjTlREIE 3Uî5 .Sîril, 100. 4d7-îal lit DiD . CHII ISTIE'S'. Cjm irmraiere titaf t, ori ýtiat l iite ie lberfat _____________________Old 11311 BrQâ Bonnets are iMade Orer lunlte Newest Blylel. DM1 fot ( Viit 2- -A cal frotaili Oare ur'eiftl% iieýt an.rlad ive ii rh-av aur garS Dit oge o V -t naiooa the ptati emaare riiOîap r sai lar. T. L. WHITE & COM1PANYS ý BOOTAND SIOE ). D. DC H]ÈtJ$e(ÉS.- BOOTAND SIIE SlîT0ta, Aptil 25t1c. 1867. 46 5f Wý -REMEMBER Ls fLtes -OJ<I R ES SiNLM ain h, Peci Office ai Ta enquire thepriseaa of thair R ntorrstra Itf.ao ael lr> F1,667,LGPRIIIEOl t raSa tlratI uM AtOWlNari FWrmaî /1POPIUP4 * E~ M~ Caailigltat ta borgan t iiae..' q NatCf ot ofiameraar friatîtia C L O Th!E EH D, ttorealood C l l.aj'l analfte t-ilc e.thtat lie tTictil ) DodgecNalaax Itiili tae , Thista taracoma,iit liat ilia in Firacî Fromt the LiteleuMan athe Crne- t rraeacratiogf'rr nyofb alm tnel- t thoai otait ld dta îrct fti ta auj-ta Tîma el saliijcet t. era ail pleofe sy tLntt tÏi araadaef. ' in tahle manIaetof his raatom0ër5 l6ilbrte Ajrî ' îb 107 46 if iis.d.and lIe tablieme.tlI. KilrieAlrl, 187. 6 f.id W.D.Li? N. P.atmsatea Kiilti e, q.ril 31065,i1>7. 47.4%l r sale by, înks to is t reod M. b. sf Toms madîau, Scuctli& Euglish Twveed FOR, THE SEASON. ALSO IMe1tons, Cassimelres, Doeskins andiik*>Tixtureg. FANe Y VESTINGS, CoLLAiRs & GENTS' NECKTIES, TrAILORING DON£ ON TIIE PREMISES BEWS andl a COMPETENT STAFF 0F ASSISTANTS. rDISPLAY 0F MîLLLMERY, J. ilollinrake having obtaincd the services of a LASS hand for the above Departinent, is psrepaîred to fill ail orders for. Mlllino MiNttles in Fiî'st-Class Style and aeeording to tihe littest Parisian faslhioio, Iilie lias gone to considerable Eýxpenso foi the Itesct patterns. Otstock d and lîaviig been boughit for cashi Great 3argains îinoy be expcctcd. )RESSSýIAKIG DONE ON TIM~PREMISES, 5,000 yds. of Print ttom 8e to 20e. r Bonnets and Fats cleanedafnd altered to the Lateet Fashionà t0ii 4th, 1867. 434 f