Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 16 May 1867, p. 2

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Reform 'Candidates-for The c..it .f Anne ation. nerarm versns CouilervatIve. BUT LAND. The Reform Bin. alt oD, 1867• Thre New York Wo'(rld ini speiking of We commend the following incontro. A loge copy of the N.Y. Tibune hias Thee i adifitiyi nesad Po ,lg cf ue / ommiong• Anniexation soa it is afrsi ihlat no vertible flots to the calin consideration a very sensible and valuable article on ing the precise difeurence between the un : ayThe 2,itoacouto nvsio m ee suficient inducement can be given taOofure Roman Catholic friends who gray the great importance of a], who lirte wo SidaO of Houle of Commone respect.. ody h 0t nta . JOHE N MIIIT R, EsQ., M.P.P. the British Provinces to clme ov.er to bc inclined ta vote the Tory ticket in the wherewithal, to maire themsuelve.s ing this meaure, ma we believe the 0- The masonic Ledge *Letsthis even- Fo h eiltu fOtro• the States, and that they lrill probably this County. They are in an extract the owners of sanme portion of the earth's following explantation given by the cor ni at irp.m . ever be in a position to eifier any rea- fromt a lecture delivered at Dun.das by surface. The first money al Man Come@ respondent of the N. Y. Tr i/rne, the n There wereAb splreafis at the Trafa- WILL iA BARBE . sq.soabl inucmens.Evfiif the loylal-! Mr. J. Fahey, jr., to his Roman Cath- in possession of should lbe invested in bestthat lhas yet been offered. htgar Court of Revision on Manday faut. ty of Cnada bemeasurelby1t e l le countrymen. Though not agreeing real estate. This world will grow wisewie as-D h or fPbi ntuto il standard offpounds, siliing and pueeeini every particular with the deductionsbetter, happier, as mankind more genier.. oThe utmost skill h'ad beena disiplayed fneet ori tíhe asth, 29th and 3othi inste. (lŠitll )11111011by 1Visraehi and Gladstone in the arraoge - ainnexion ha s no charmis Ar the finan'- the learned lecturer draws fromf the factf iAly become owners of land. We do ment of their respective propositio s. dj- Mr. Willia otiec d (of Esquesing teSl MIL TON. MNAY. 16. 186 it r h oe-mkr m ltit"of history, yet we must nadmit that it isnot insist fthat investnients in land are Each nmfay fitly bie described as a cock formerly teacher in thiiuouty, is about to king inito..account our loyai adhesion toa n fteals eiw f h edn laspoialeta hywl a owt wo wings, a conservative and radi become a proicasor in, the Commercial Col- PEE 'PEc. Britishl Connexion, and Bditish isit i - acts in thec bistory of thre two great par. iarge an binterest as others may. No nal tiing. It will bie rememlereed that lege, Torono tion, together withl thecden ralized con- ties of Canada, we have ever read ;i a-d property will py lglineetunlsheeorem hc d hth cyAfwngtaoacmpyofTk- Thelati-ntioal onges ,in ition of tthe ite tts ssfeient we have no doubit that it will give those wisely, thriftily managed, I oe sb-orough franch ise hib isiathe all im. ers pitchied their tents on the premisuesof Londo to Fitheti, difficulty betweentoprvntth frat ion of ny party for fo r whose special inforsiation it was de to be invested with a view to incoeL eporta,,t one--in the folk Wing way: Mr. Johin Lucas, Middle rond, Nulsen, and France and Prussia, hias done its work. annexation. The S)tior keeps air- livered somneto them at least, entirely aloeeanid no interest, skill, or effort is Therre ict ie oieloiysuff tgo," I ring rte he t, ici of thsekpry The(-.Treaty with referer.ee to Lui guing against fan annexationist Party,nwadoignlvescocrigte ob de t t tprhp et upe rstrthouseholds old vtehoseoc a ed Aoaqet jwa he bycorondr em brhabensgned and ratified, which exists only in fthe feitile imagin-pltclhsoyo hscuty n h be loaned aon interest at a high percen. paid personallythetrates uponlteirpost haurreha so hatal dage ofwa arsig fomtio oftsedior, id e blive t otnecy isoOf th ri nctereec geLnd s recrtinters i vle.hus es oabousheraeods ukorage" is ad benticasd thape vriuy.t at the Luxemburg affair is, for the presient be a libel on 31r. Hlowe (Ir his party ively by the leuding Reforiners and Con.'L here is not half so mnuch gond land thie charmting phrase to the English eiaicly r a end hooVerinuli tey re oliaed, o iRadica 9 ear. The Reforln League 1is p10'The Messrs. Walker have left the entrey t n nd.hoevr auh heyar 0 sd o on- servatives wholhave made their record yet unoccupied iq the United States as for manhlood surafe, but Bright, Fors- Campbellville woolen mille, and mesure. ,rthe substane of the Treaty is as foi- fdrtota hysrol ok1 upon thle past. The object of the ]cec. is generally supposed, and the area in ter, and 'other, Radicale in the Parlia- Davidson Bros forte of Steetsville, have lows -The uchy f Luxmburgre- anexation a fs ant alternitive. e turer isto show that thýeprogress of free daily diminiphing ; the immigration is meit ]have neyer pet forward a demanidpucaethm Frmterexrine mainht more readily point toeMr.nGalt dom, ci politieal, civil, and constitution- large and steady, and the population of beyond household suffrazze. Disraeli inthre business they will beë abe to give r man ndrterueo li ig o ren teacs9 ellsbsal'ieti h rts Osishoped to allure such as these under that thehighiest satisfaction to their patrons. H mbut 14 declared neutre], and Wlihle ircuranesars!well as is- liet, nteHrtshPseRiD W ARhtE nrycntatyinrain4-wigohi cem.Octeoheiadd - i ts nieutralizaition is guaranteed by thewhlprvuscreanpratin North Amnerica, is wholly due to the ef. Machinery and labor saving inventions hie sought toa are thre Gonservatives lo- we omitted to mienfion ]ast week f ireat Power2 ;-flhe fortress of Luxemu- terest, leid lus to thec couricton that forts and influence of the Reform party, are steadily increasing thre areathrait a under theother wing-that in by adding that Judge Hagarty remitte i the fine of 15 ber I Il b evcutedwih.na. onh le is still -i a nnexaititonist iWhen 'e and that the Tory or Conservative partydefinite amlount of labor can cultivate fthe restriction about the personsl pay on Mr. Peter CampbelL. ajueyman uWho was by thre Puangarrisron, and then raz- spe:kik f private intere.-s Wwe reeritoha% uniformily endeavored to retard and Grazing is absorbinig millions of acr entvee;fr at psresetritninfou r ffts fbehlireas nthare n that r Cedaombpi ed to thre grounld ; and no0 troops are MrGltbiahealvyprty holer obstructsthat proLress. Mr. Fahey thus formnerly devoted to, Grain and Rooits. the great boroughis the small L.ousehiold- attendance after a sealed vendet had been allowed within the territory of Luxemn- in Portl and, which cCity wold lbe largely delineates the distinctive features of the Mions of acres of rocky, sterile hills ers have thecir rogte included in thir e" o benefitteds by annexation.r two great parties which have always di nwcliae uh ob addw eta. and the landlord pays them to 'vig, The third son ofRtolrt King. living tmat suha' maop , ei e Notwithstandingei mnes udnvided the country, and striven for fthe to forest forthwifih. One-fourth of te the Colete tna lunp. Thahs oni h oniebtee snadTa an aisatr sltono ht nyaof taxation both on forvigln and domlesmatery 'in the conduct Of puibbe af1land within a hurdred tmiles of Nw raes ould er mre hn paithprals ato io eogg t i ahr ncd w-saisfa citslutionofhtu ol a ;tepuctCionthedbtditet-iedfns:York mighit grofrtably lbe given ip to ly and separately to the colleetor. And and made tracks froin the ptternal roef-- alarming complication. reduction of fthe debt lbeing imore imagi. episodes of interest, fthe study of.wich tegmak fliier hes irate li's biltherellyoequivaloent Mrto igraphed m n renInaaneertam- But the danger is only staved off for! nary than real1, and even these ,reduc. may serve to throw lighit on fthe actual. ti ttdtatteWsenl ma Divthsranch@ ilseuto betweven teven b a row ad ehe toase ooto tions cannot 111 tu.bth eidiisoftepeetadth rbblte poial utvainhsaraybeen and eight pound renters. Nevertheless rested. time, @sooner or lacer these two comisn aproebing when the prsdtent of the utre It aisthe hstrof iltwc oibeac, ndthatimuchaof thenocu-mn f h osratvshdte u rsetuß fr h ihbtnso batants will cross swords for the mastery. inflation will gi Ve place to a correspond- great political Parties,wihmy ih edln ntefrWsti ohn oesuen ftie eeatthe principle Wof d r we published on theihe ilth April. aof In the mpantinle bothecountries continue ing crash, and fthe People will cry outl out any verY lofty 15igh ffnyb rls ta farilat.Fral oshl sfrg neitdceinole tter about pTwo od Hntilr litArule," their armaments, shot and shell, and agaý*int thre taxation, andoiideed this is compared to two faces formred on eithier these reaisons, that paper strongly urges teEgihCnttto ol ea nwihåransaennnr aeaot impove Rflean Cano ben aaready taking place, and1:argea h ieo n edteCuty hw h epeo h tts ohf theimmovbe Conrsttonwil h d-anir. Qu-crai f emnt, wh adeire uto - 1present debt is. we mnay loik for an in- one of these faces hbas ever been, and own goal and for that of thre counry me. srubcturest nea il buire up lnon tsaefirre ntrnu e,siis aUmat- ufctrd igtan ay a hebsy crease in>tea;d of a diminutiýn for somle ever will be looking eagerly for-ward ;to invest their surplus funds in real ce. would spedily pasn away. Lords ter Of which wce know nothitig, see are hapt- ,workshops of Germany and France.-. vears toComle. An exchian#e speaking the threr hias ,ver been and ever will tate.CabunCanraadGn.Pe yt ie i h potn1yo eil Altou th Fenc Moitr oficallNfthedeb syk-- b gzinag reluctantly back wards. T his The arguments used for the people in left the Cabinet because Disiraeli's bill In makin-- comiparisons between the isno0 unjoet comparison ; for thre Reformi that country are fully as importa,,t here- seemned to themn fundamentally demiocr- l' The petition to open up a road be- -annoierwred tha ratnc h utabstoppublic debt of various natiofnsm that of Party of Canada"is progressive;thre cone Canada proper has perhaps not a great agie, as it certainly is; and many good tweep lots 14 and 15,in the 3rd Con., Tra- tohr alieprprtin, h Cbethe United States obtains aývery promui. sighls for things thlat aretou be ; the amjounit of cheap land for immigrants to radical@ perceived that the Tory leader fâlga, has been successful, having passed informus us that therie isno cessation. tient position. But it is cally much aothermursfrhigatavben eteupbtsilcoidalexstwsdog morrie for the tanfo hs the concathe bonaytlas. san sre fld turol nguounrythatthe wil o r fr Sle erbt The recent war between Prussia anid greater than it appears to ; bes for inlthe one is drawn forward'by the protr- in the newer portioi a of this country, party. NowMr. GladÉtneosawbthatso e 3 d n ill provait iEsur-n ngc nryth le wlo Auti lanenile of thi fgenerl. inspea ing nd iting(of i.sso h uue h te shl akand thtis oughit to beainthe lhands coac- long as the personal -rating restriction getcnenec oth a is iigi ustiaisan xap ussyte othre very respectable pubilic debts of thre by the precedents of the past. This 1 tua settlers as sooin as possible. lasts it ould make hetbillhanthing the eighborhoo decptin.Bot naios kpt ecarig idiidul sats ae lftoutof heconsider to bie a just thourgh not coin- In our great North West territory but a g2uerous measure of ReforIn they were net arming, but Prussia was question. Thes.e state debits in 1860) preheonsive view of the respective ch- we have still immense tracte of the very I fraighscutrpoo iti.helad . h steen oeetb reay frs, ad a oce rused tar boe efis teric onsfthe n Sorm aetiesaofthese o ort.-te ose-best and richest land for cul tivation Pur. he ameneed to aingle 1for Uun'ervatives male to build a drinl-shed for thre Milton . ha bok oerth cunryin181.vaiv ad heReor.pose@, and il is only necessary to open that Disraeli had to angle lfor Iadiculs. Ucoml>any Y Nassagawe-ya, Narval and an htria bygaining slxofnyound Siles-awere In thle a1gesaeputerfy frwtand ar.Fahyoten gvesa gaphivrerapa god ad]prmaent ommnic-iSohehut orwad aproosion. eoreton hae mvedinlte-mttean had, thnransgferrt-ind he mnar o o- tedebtofth 1ntalgvement. veothe histor o1heto a tiein betwreen here and there, in order by way of amndment, which haid it behlo7vesMilton as,lieadgaarters to do hema, avig irs gane th montin; ceding $250s.00.0b.ut hventorte lat tiry year, presenting by to secure a tide of immigration taOour also a lberal and a conservative likewigp. Thre County, coneil very liber .isses.Ansplete returns.onthbutat he Ncw York no means a very flattering, but a very new Dominion equal ttat of the lbest rive wing. Iis liberal tamenidmient wasayu ie othie Goverinmeint c25 imore, p-sssf Asmdrmitkeo itepatF; r df'Oý»ic/e ha ade up truthful pi:ýture of the doings f Tor-day fthe neighiboring Republie. The that the franchise should not lbe based ro~thigat about sor 20omteow of~~~~~ FaeorPusamgttriaeI tatim,-nt i c heindebtedne8ss of; iSm wiehdosbtjtceotepa-mont reliable secounts ail establish the upont personal rating but uapon the com-n dPour sadrill sheâoacording to I agnother Sadowa. This preparation is 32 of the, sttts inl -1i , inod also in riotic efforts of the Riefomrbt nfact fthat in chimnte and soil thre great pondrtigeecrbeIboeNHs o nnIrgIEs n111 the more-urgecnt- as ia decisive war 1S66.·Iluringthat timie. it hadi in- teol-ontyad h n :"ImyNorth West of thre Dominion of Cana, Conservative wiig was that fhe fruit na i yt lrs , h . .creased from $255.S-49.709 to.852- as-wellmention," says the lecturer, thati da cannot be surpassed anywhere. Ifrchise shouldbapgivenoto al oedupiersio bet--en these powers is all but inevit- 154.59l. thus makin, ninhdrbe Irishmen, as such), have received no- iOur goverminent will at once proceed torc ls hos rae t, itha ua iaton Mn relAZTt la r.JhGieso able, fur shuld Prussia succeed in con-itmnn hesuettaarpr]etig te hig n heol wrl oote nwfrm pe tti nw outr foGatulZndwTebmae hil ovr 6 eranun.o Nssgaei ha pssd vrycrd T O E Fof soldatng heGeran taesas jhePublie debýIt due by fthe people oft'the the Tories but deceit, opesinand permanýit settlenents. itcourmot but bh aetepaeo he£0rna hc exaiatoforfthe deg ,ee ofdoto undoubtedly will if left alonte, site will United States. TeSaesihc abuses. Who aided fthe Irish Cathoestat soo re wdfeaigeaershtoi preos.rhtire Lierals thus ofl M.di ine atIMcGil0 Fol ege, EcLill . h been theaioheaviest borrowersth 'euringiethetin their efforts to obtain Emiancipatiion ? its rich fiel.is. It ir"enetiae htha osos btenam ar smeCoelge is otinn incr, ig, favor in owe an poutio to. Fan e.-sori, Tennres,,et. and Vrüna:and of thre Toonto Univer5ity to Cathohie and mineral resources sufficiently great of gro;wing into pabre homsehold sui- studentsront thi. Province.rmrto Napoleon and thre French feel this, and the'y in 18i>%;owe d . respe i y65. studenits ?-Reformers. Nor have thre fur a population of crne hundred milhion- frage, and anohetsoewatlowroof arc bo;unkd to prevent it, and accordingly 5 5 .7>347. S8J1145,92 ,IihCtoisben the only class who I. is not probable %bat eitger the reader begmn with, but prom)ising to bie permnan. litva h eaddsieGrn $25,277ý:47. andi $45.7119,741. have been benefited by the Reformnerd or the writer of this will live to see theenfoagnrti.Abut5Lbr- A rew beedatM ae1.r hstyer se emade soe ermn n he taemet f te lina'lethe MWho advocated fthe rights of the thirioen day when such a population will bec fls had a meetiig and resolved to vmut. man P, Marnus Cornerx, on Fia eei ton.is and this year @fhe tries to Pu r' war debit of the various Souglbpra States British Colonies in the British iouse found there, but certainily, at no distant iny against Gladtn' rooiin- hahist aeelefuy üina chase Luxemburg. Both have failed, hias flot been taken into the ýabcount at ofCommons?--Reformrers. Who struck !period, there will bie, tend according to Toqe lthsGldstoe spratedthto ti!. 11"lte n.tPoedst e plÏd but -Naipoleon ever abandons is policy. al], and nonre of il will prbelby ever be off rthe fetters of the thousands of poor Éthe new order of things, must bie, grena Liellfo th Csonse rate wn frearn the fatn.pronse chAar h.dlwI i F t . If au aset;bssuli ptenepaid, except wherecotton or dthersecuri.bacswoeodswrecurdan numbers of people in Éhat new terri' his ametdmjent, and brought fortifardl ule a.poeshispersoudin patene y hasbeca given for monies borrowoed. luswr eraedo h etIda tory. fErst his clause against personal rating J "m**• G ON until~~~~ ~ tepristpadtewhnNr hv n igures beefld given. to sugar plan<atioins ?-Reformers ; and We ad vise our younrig men of Canada IIe thu4 secured Bright, Forster, Tay. heatetinoft rnd01ric4 men h ave huit themselves 2in studying shew even- approimnately ilwhat sumo who are they that are now forcîng a re- not to go off to the sterilo deserts and lr uhs u oe"uier, s1 ietdt h detsmnt o e otwahewill do, he quietly does aebe orwed by the liego citiesutn eonto fte ihso h nelh lmaeo h a sent are called, Prceivedt iftey threw stphes8on & A ttwood wýho have recenIl thg*ic i ttmtd er efr.1of thle United States. Ne.w York alone massmes fromt the old fogy Tories of Great States, but become'permianent settlers inout D)israeli's bill they would but putopndodmihsHlHmtr iu tha erichhe ttepte yere efoe. ncrase it prvios indebtedness by Britain, are they not Reformiers ? Yes, 'our own Canadi, either atIhomie or i ldstone and RussL into power, who on f the best and mostexnseste NeiLther -nation is prepaired for war ; thee ud auts vof l0000;adin aillages anrd iinallcutis1eomis ihadfrtl(il' Ihdothwr ynomasu o oshl sfo ¡n li tlve 11a.1k, 1eur shown Frassia requires to consolidate hier receent there is no doubt thaPhad ba.Cn ers have been generous in their theories et rgrsle otk hi hne M" a conquests, and Franc hbas special rea- cinnati, Chicago, and other ei les follow anhoetmhirpcic. In every with the present bill. Only Êl few of m®t o iseigad pfee ingh ed boldly in the footsteps of the Newcostuonlbtetht as en Blessed are the Peace--Makers, thlema, however, voted with Distaeli ; the aiir Mr.lV m. Jhso.o mg arents orthing a perding er Yorkers. Several important states in. foughit on British soiflin behialf of the - --majgrity of fthemawent homne, and thus sme day; last week fell out oùf hi, hayan cntung ntlf urmmetsfo ths aracordngtocreased thir indebtedness :but little rights of thre trany oas opposed to the BiansnbeQewhsince.thie left -Gladstone to saffer defeat by a vote mof itneof1fet drcied ail reporte, Prussia can brin, into the during the w\r, as f6r instance Pen.n. prerogatives of the few, Reformers hiave;daho e eovdhsdhssdul of89t30"1njreswic esulte ndomn d fiel a uchlarer frcethaFr nce. thylvaqnia, Ilinoi , d ohs bwe en leaders utstanad aes ta day ously avoided allpublicity, ha mere Another writer thus sowa tedifeur- fracture of fthe houlder h de. -I'uder Nomially theFrenh ary onthe a y h ie d t h fit in thm thehave erred in regard to thre mens e"-from thre privacy ofhier mourning to act ecebe w adesti h atestablish house- tecr fD teth on el n h e N o h i l a e footing amouats to about 737,000; ineceas hs een in municipal, instead ployed to accomplish their object, there as paemkrtuoe e gnl odsfrgwt rsrcinadte yi AMK oil ilb ie iie i c s l a e 'ahile thtofPusia nber erma-of saeidbtdeswtwi htu p i9nevthel have ever been united ; on ->heart. taught by the precepts of'ta on stems xein etito.b r.Hri hseeig nte--- vasl ad alild o 1pear Ithat Our neighibours havi a tolerab hLieastrogM.Gadon 200,ÉW. If nustead of the whole army CanadiaQs need hardly wish o partici. sight of; one fundamnental principle soureceio0Enlandsp wer, shudeedcrntao aigwihwlllaeo teth e raell.Adehvrae by te Jibv &C e ntulrtuntc tak o of eaceh countrycon thre war- footing pate, which if added e ri a tOur which they hait always maintained, ai.e., 1 f. . v pwrsude ern olorabtngwie all ldmit t eua dJaes9SeettbGrand eretarLy t he , T .1 . - P filyrtr tii tak d WC compare thre forces which bath count- comnparatiively ligh od fdÉb o lite expediency and legitimiacy of grait- at thre idea of'wr n h neroe rvlgs Tercyi Ee T alesritihtmplandpblc orth errlbealsupotcoenfdtothema tries e-m actually bring into the field, press with crushing severity > l orii i n d eigosiierytoal eaesefbewente nrydsptnt, Euahy,'TheiTries rough Mectr. theih oplas.puleningor tb hei ewsore Kilbride, and beg to tisindustries, and which, for thi doubtful (of all colIor;-.no inatter what country 1and being actuatedby thepurest motivsDsali otndta hr et rest rie aitas launch e that the ofimmern e %to ofring ibrde ad Justo rec 1111 tssuperiority' of Prussia is no less ap- dvantag f enlargd mkgts foon they came from or what creed they pro-., The schooner D natl so w bes retri- U paen. cerdnLtutrstorhycu- anufagtuesi o ul arge a ranor our go. her entreaties have prevailed, and tionaisa to impose troula -a expense llM cond a ) tl, .m. frion Mr.J. cunnothe surpae m thsck ou prnry fo CHAPNs T r puaen.Accrdance toetrtorthybas- mauf atueso usteouloe e rnkeustnain -e o iin p acl bron aillwho wish to becomëe leetors, but On 30aay, a 3p .. ron r .cno esrasdi hscutyfrCitPE, cultins Fane ltoeterha 40,ofall follaie f o sorfastn uon ouc ro .,1 'nton1rrowrsnguiocalhrtorefusethre franchise to none. Their Potter's yard, at Oakvilc. Tonnage, aInd QUA LíTT. 0090 men (20.0.000 of whom are reserves) back y. annexation, or inaateytothera the "dverblessed." Thus the Cable informs us cry is 'Electoral Elasticity.'"250). Owner's Capt. Hl. Wilhiams and ready to march ito eranyge- ismenroiteaQee'sBithdyrom, .Épeaane owte chonegDrnatiaytWubeet cllattntontotheader tht arigatiud1ws eprssd n MRoinon&-C. tCso.idths tein Th Autin alea' H rny -iltcmm muany, on the other hand, 550,000 men fl n tra ataIlitnehp iteit-a* su. cu- French society to ýQueen Victoria, W Several months ago, bMr. T. fPull antainf the slolreptainf Oa- vey ee dy13-1 0ClckA.M red tomarch without delay into nStra atabitnso-mte nt a' su.A change has woeproa nereto ol r-Wrgto s e Taagr otavlle mintrduinstih esepu a to foat vr We a a 0dlo .m F add o hsesh akeera t h g ie ortie] oman who ben dflcpie thebLaies'Dare n t' avwent the great calamity of war. It valuable colt through his breaking his on our waters.Q wol ancen nlast 20 000 mon in 'idbe ucaigsm rils ld adtepie ob ie r.frt ill tend to draw closer the bonds of reg by smoo e ueplanks in a little TERMIS,- All ums over $20, Thr-ee Months 0 warou avnd 200,000 i depo, n wom ing somethinig In her child' lo thing. beautiful Cake Basket worth $8S, and amity between thec two countries. bridge nieur his place, This will cosrt adr We regret to learn thratn$0 othsonaproedp er garsna npo But not being sure he allowdd her to second, a very handsomne Card Basket, h e ok lics eerntt h onhpa uc shalf adozen Thursday last Thomas Hume, Esq., of $5,Sxiotm Map ovd aer shecould-draw at any time for reinforce. TeNeAor prs,'eerigtote onsi a ucs_ z . eat without saying anjythinlg. On a Worth $4. instead of the Alum and such bridges, as thec iorse hard to bie Esquesing, met with a fiveeac:cide.,---.-i----.- mmnts Both armies are behioved toa arch h acet ie ht a louge roll of Riding Whip as announced in thre bills. the uccess of the London Peace Confer- shot as nusleus. Netwiths-tan)ding'whlat by being thrown from his g ikasne was excellent affis; butL, while only one. bu ibna isnadb me The ladies riding will formn one ofthle ence says: "The Queen of England i a cost the Township already, we returningfromiNorval. Hiséar wasbd- third of the 14cuch army is at Prescrt bu ibnwa isgg nd:i ot reat attyIIractions of the duy, and we lhas thus vinidicated lher laim to be con- hear týhat it is still in the samie state as ly eut andbthui edand shoalder bruis- the neele-gun. of a hird pize in ll theraces.But -uene, . snally6labletfreaccients.dIytraveletatilaattprtpyahariin th uraoiue.- EAED TENERSawilrbe.reehvedo atterp Hay Mper spr ng aato pter TUE G rhis we whatever time 4r For faIll of the age N. B.- tertr Friday In the standing 8 Standii Rtenning Righ e Foot 2nd $1,0 Foot Snd 81,C ae Sud 81,5 Boy'&r Wheel $1.Ò0 3* . , fror ti a cake the a Gael f "adJei Gam dlsly Hilp °om 9 e: tl tl tl ti e ci 1 - 1;4 1, Callash tended ill uns gvon to (25 oeen MM il

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