Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 1867, p. 4

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FOk CASHI1. TUE Sobacriheru have reoeivrst a large aid vail luies Stk God, Ce aieret te cqurcrent ftheir large and binue rte i shiobi i.y ara pré yrisîd e orih.r u t Pr t cr icsoh uaPare Jovr:rls o h Kauy eler hura.aeira he C.ousy ef liai b. u ir Stoci consasta of Hardwoare. Boula aidShoe ile sudnaReady LtieClotiuu afc0 sW hite lead inasciIa&bd Dryal bea ual a& huries, PâtâuuaDynoêVarmh aid, @ale of Lands. C017N TY 0F HÂLTON, i 1Y vteofu Toi; f Ja wiorof Fleur Faci % a, t ioua oh tIe Cusatp cout of aire Couaîry or cioand t e m afrloieri agalnt IB Lands 4& Tenements GEOFIE IW. WALi CB~EII Aillbe ime tlir bath.Zla île-baudaofu MAietAmOT WALLAC -e. aititrafnia. ut lha rilOIloua.a 'rioCCRatuas-r LaipF- ICWOL ar)oC. TuemroloL Ibaue s ied Cad Calen Eu RU W - lUit eeruai$le ao tlowiagr Landsanad Tçeta- mouis, ris-rUf tboaa srtaio paruetsofo f land iatuateituil. village of Tircs G iode 124 ce r yard. Greyy(Cotto ea iar yard. Heavr(kep Cotltsn, III te PT yad. erise.. Mutns, Brooli (loCh. Crape. Kid adIfleshGe.eE U< 1 s~ Tleckiug. lOlanocboShirtisi, CanadiènandariScoithTwceds, Taillerat rireariagî. 4orpotq, togeiher oihfamost every Other artacie beleagiaz te te aboie brasel of INTE eurhuslucas. <lEU <lm » r"WI .M KJE * «M Township of Trafalgar Inb the Cruriy of RPtai. tefrag omspcstsd Thcy bave en baud an cxcelent quality otf Tes purchaualou favorable tes-msirr. of Lri sor.twrfee. o eiorrl irbich tîley wloildinathe lIset ressusraýive advtsle. reo sei f e.lrtt adsil~ Mure-rde tagar, Cruaieli Sagar, Soapr Caadlea, CotISOIr-ympe.f,Rlice Barley sdcOoutr u aiuîugi hesidvll anliOstrcairSfSCO. IiC, dot -0 lf an Acre, More or Less. In thin deparisne6u ,ll bcs fôund o mp tlpeteStock et Roua. Firuishir andlSecond, ofsir- ut ObiebFm Ste. fathai Shef Goud, liere Nails, Ropar Cal Nail. Glas@, Ppt, ha. . Vrh ate et01 Oro.oi Sreetof iau the. Motre- or irr. eerrtitsg sers-fre. a part Cr ~z ~ KU< m±~ rad afninesset lot retefore slli for Of cvery sie atd De " rmMeecoco Oua ote eDoubla Sýied Cowe ta pruperfy a r îî itresislrI'l Bouta. Raid Geoorge W. Wufirtae. lirsed, lad ____________________________________________________ lîreinstaItle ime of ila sdeath, t1sefl rfirr formsat ~raTAuLomiNqrGDoNEr ON THE P.B*tMISES. N fiei itn CltIe. ase mate sp on SHORT NOTICE, bp Exparfesceali Wer6aa. ad a XIT WA RB .ZT> W EATTE 16T1 HA! iD.i1867 A&t vo eolaek la the aftaeaeert. Wih a Lasg Qmibtp of BJudy made CllotSOii COC.iCinl +d G. CRAWFORD MoKiOtDSZT, Th l'.SuberIbm tbak thels- aumenoue.Csatmsafor tbale laboW lpatrornage, Sbrîff cirtiy HILtes. and trq* by puaM ultiabm ta theln Oublmw mad homet dufag t asoaSia orif' Oice,, MitIe.a .oailautbem o! r- itI Prlrtar1,18*7: 3S-id Imm- 86Imbu tote T.ard land 1àOwne t1h he d. -- ~Va ~ ~ 31 A0 X~>3K CEORQE SMITH Io now recerroa a n.w andi sarfsllpaleeta Stock aet Wineà, Liquors, OTocOTIGsand Pr0ýwuin8; And eev.rythisg lu th FREsH ML TE/AS sug.ýrs and TobaccOs. A SPLENDID DoIt fergt to sali and mec tha largesuicsk of t oal OKilLumps and Crockery, Whiclrt ho la raalaftg weekly. Walter., Pork, -Lard, Egga,9 Andtl ilkiodsof EAYLM PRODUCE takea in oxehange fr gondso. AU i t ebi oile ooid CHEÂP FOR CASH. Plea eaU ad examitne, artele judge for youroelvea. NIleaGEORGE SMITH.8 ]MlApril 3rd, 1867. 43tf. OAKVILII MCDouGALYD & JHsN (5FFER Deiseli Bargainsoin Grey antd BleariseliCotions, Seoi. dani- ' ias Tweeds, Fancy Dreurto a0 Paraststar Sîlos BIBAIDY - RADE CILoTII2NG!1 Freal. FauuiltqGroerf es, MODOUGALD &.JOHN8ON *G-reat Clearlog Sale! AT COLIN MACRAE'S. THES"rbe innol rniln£Tare adosTE of Spsag aad - uslm erO tobi se zi actio Tbe8*shto soeeorf up tirget inté ticty. and autrihseat.utl b. t tptiup dur- !mtg îOf*Imairide rf liseao. The pubie may ratp that ila emeeintanceuaathey wili ha upplicli itI 00oon stîe aboe tas-me.. >ne Stock ialulies -Feue>' Dre Gouda àiks Priai., Grey audli Wtie Cottes., Tweadend ru, 'Srbali cloaadîrakiega, Cecrpo, Wtdepo, Houe,7 asd Gieus, Shiwt p&sbolg, Purara, m4Skirttap,i MOU"" PoYD Funthlng 0ooManmd TuIMmý Rtemuata o Cars-pand a Matiag%, isu tugo, Wol Dataën, Dnor Mals lreert, Tab le Covers, Blusket, DrUob, aBleaheli Lineu Dam*ksiHoasek. A ÀLoi e ts-us. Boeudand rtlii" tgaerye esokU Veé-sjJbar. -M Na4.LltOe iditV, JauMaa tet, OppaaiI 11e Market. INCHCEY OFt REAL ESTATI T0WNýflirF F IIFLUAR In tle COUNTY 0F HALTONa lu pas-astuce of0île deeat teasingldate un tire 26tl duycf FeIns-as-y lu.t, made in Cire cage ef Tocs-e oilb be rlli ly PUBLIC AUCTION vrut tire appreobation et WILLIAM LEGGO, ESQUJIRE, Mater efthaie aald Cens-t et Hailton by et Yillage of Palermo, 1e tire Couty ef Halton, ou lFriday, the 10118 day ef gay, sonrt, t the bir o-utIl 'elurl Iu île foe- sues, In ene loe Isfelootug vafuautre tas-m Larda te oti, Au and eatunar thoe cestain pusrets r tracts oet Ldad pse- mises altsale, lyer, sud brtsg. trhtire Town- btp et Trafalgar, Inte le Iouly of Haflot, conttiainir y admeaunermeni 109J acrseofe ]sud mos-e or se, Ietng reapomali if the Sontlrly hall et Lot N:fIenOthlalet Cor- artsson Souil et DundaBtree tn eald Tmopofe Trafalgar-, cotaiaisc 100 acre@s sous-sor lem,. and se ft tIoîberportifos o Lanli cotais ag 9j se@mor oroslmo Ieiag partîoethîe Nos-Ihl f st afld lot No. 1tI te ltiCuoeption S. D. 8. aorem-tid esoinanls-ettihe Stb.rlp anglreftheî Nosth&ir r tetcaliLui, th o rths-il8ide- green lai20 ehansamore or le@m;thon NosLIAI legne@e, weet 4 clairs 02J links -mre os- en to ta lanse and pretaince son. veyei Iy the laIe John Benry Omitir ta une CleîIb ith ; then 8SusLb 8îeree, Waea 20) chaletmurmousles.; tles Seuil d4ade- gseea, Eust 4 ehatas c62Jlk, mre r teu, teil.e plue o e lotsag. Th bovlos ard.aro e lte Isamelilute vlrtsfty ofthél Vifllageofu Palermue, and annelet ut lay leaus. Tbere le a nthruaà osa asd-&-al to ry 0dwlllrg Inuse ith las-n and utclmbda. Tbe tseàare as-elao reprardo.ppsd. Tne il-lefotsmle elearel analInsa gondi sâis of cultlisattos-, i ilthe rereptilesof &beutlàio ara rlIel ibare Iee ali amaple tréand ala gurd cagar bal. TOe prelues- mala l et h il of utpale paiy doena adepeit e iof tusorsyLIte0 ot is parelý aae.ey te uhe Vend-rus-r Ibelrs ollot, Mdidhlla th iba iafdor of 1i. psrabuma aîesay VilIlie nernthereo Ia tout veeka ted.e il* day of mI*, Ia ails, roelse îe madliea cf lCle trett tanduinag outillonsaoetsaleoef the mili Cosrtof iihauaey. The o edtilo et mie andi torils. puni- culer.may la abaiali ai Ihe Lawa O&e or Tbemme G. Mallamea. Mitona, WIIiISm el.awa, Mltonan d Tluum Pergwne, Duleli ai Bamîttea iif ile I day et Apei, A. D. i16«. wu. LEUIGO, mauter K alonHs. Tzoa . ,Movm«Nr, Setiittr tTenda Aps-.saî th l.-44-111, MO N EVTO LOAN. T DB T]tST ANDI LOAN COMPANTT et UpperCanada have fonda fore inssit- Meatona tshe eaoriiy utfes-t-etalo ovanCdl feare psoperly, and ara aieprepaeorlte pureabuaoeedmeigao. The sae et laies-t ni un ura hlpercent. No cuomissone argei, andi eptsuea se- but mai e maie payable lauyray or hall- -yoas-iy insalueaimtsi eiro by Breuvera. A dapoulletf810 seqatrel i VIII oaal&p- pliratisu; Fer tirtrier Information appy etthél Compaiy'a OU.o la Kingston, or t. BlEUIT>'cKINIBSY, 30-* Mileur C. Bltau. f. AND H A S noeon lban tle Largat ad Best Aseortrod Stse 0rtfClIIKP FAIMILY (JROCERIES ever brourght to OFORGETOWVN. 1Or alI.y !iacreWaig liai et estîîaprs pâinty show wbo liu heîle st a Cheapet Gaqdo.Te Bal that we soif 10 to 15 per cnt cbeaptre van oar neighlbroru, wOoalofy xpeea airakuera alarro. iugly prevaleot amorg ulicetisrsr. Alil Cloekks.:ap aliyert*iaewrprraabiiLle« are jiit u macky flog of diFtresa ouly hoiatolite publie vici ssên theCh ip appeau aacvk s;k. Our geoîoral uouori eât of gartrs oaa cever su fareýe and Wserfsetectarisud o I cre or riera sos-o fraorabk btuî%buiuyer. We oant 300 Kegs of GnooiDa iry Botte r. apo torse 3110 Dreascîf Hog, and anaouut of Oood Shipp]Lg Applior for wlich tIhebgicet marlit prce iuo fhoa i Clcur.etowr, Qefober lth, f86. 19-tf ~omI1ng-Ntew and Gooti AT THE ESQUES ING STE IM FOUNDRY, AlUItERB are reque.fed t0euh llandi see thre ueopaIent R ,ufeisu Ouf if raor Palver F or, sa dThlie X ilfrr. cairrîiatrd 10 upeerods ail stler Cotisatora. for case rf dsanght. crspf'tose! orwork door. it Ias toco 2,peau in os and bas givera conPfete Fa iefgetiou.In fact itp theouly thiog th-tahWi ciras Caoda etstsp and rosmp. iu ha, osito bepeenaod tridohrPeOîtod otsoirterr0ian8d tetmrnalas ea be ven t amn aiso saaofaetrio$Ofrst clar Sraw Cutters, Lueut ro flv u Os tc, tonts jer day. 1 Aiea 1rip frutters,. (racsCrooýbecsand 'inidoco. Churros, tüess. &C ShIagleMa1 C'bfoea, lood SaNIfl Machins eI Iotagent ur 1oruifsoeqptt Wood Saritr e- cîrte. Aoy ouaolty of irat cts ibfrfgcfr soale. O011Itun aud Bras. talenes ls- change. G- . N Ke ri G3eorgetownl, cb B&Û, t1W7. S MI 1L EI&CLII!, ]PROPRIETOBS OF TE MILTON STEAM, MILLS, BILLS 0F LUMNBER, Iliengths, Polinle sp quantiftp, topplicli ai lb.e eesi smrket prier. SCIfNOLES 0F A SUPERIOR MAKEr ulîrtysOos band, or fursisheli ta srdrr Q:O shortfnoticeiret te oweqz rates. Mition, Jue f3tb, 1866.1t Mlain street, 1Iffton. T ANKFUL for pas, patrn e. egs te aeqsaioi hi T ofliand i ururosoo r.CtOar els Ia bieias corataty on baud a targe sokof Stovem, Stovepipes, Copper, Sheet Iron, Plain and Jappaned tlrnre , £6. ce auer Trosg m. sand every .Oosripiier efwos-k Iisisne esece- ted ouit sertieuros andi dispitch. ai lots prices. Jrhlrlrg dose os the sbortert noticef. Sheepobise. P.ags, Wasrt, Pichisos. Old 1lretcropper,sd Farts Frodoce takou ins chââbagoaetrcash psies Miles, Ortobar 2éth t8t5. 2itf IIARNESS & SAIDDLERY! GOS respeciflliy te rcqsaitt thre lob bifntis efMtio a uerronnangdits lii B tbat lbasitporcbaktsd lts OBRANInSH 810F e rfrsaro r ybt o $TOBEY, sudioe aow preparîi lu e ffer tîs lest quailites of LtGEIT AND lHEAVT IiÀBNMS h eSaiil so@i rrmae hsprises. Gentletsentrerpdri6g ,,rttlamyls ise are lavitedto iexatsinetbeforo parclaisg etssoltsre. 36 Doz. Duchesse Kid Gloves, Black and Coloured. And a general assortrncnt of Haherdashery. A fîtil Stocki of Staples alivays on lia nd. THE CHEAP ET A D SDUT CLOTHINO la CANADA W U 1Georetown, Marul 14bt. 1867. BARCAY &MoLEOPD- SADDLES, IRU)iKS, WDWPS, VALISES, URUSUE9, LOIBS, &C-1 Î-' N O T I 10E.11 E TI~R E xI I Kept constantly os baudeeey descrititos et PANC> I5ARNEBB msade te ordereu s. f CL amoral Rrare eaty dlieu aui ctuall tt Cealde., Ulto, Juiy 211, 1866. -on ef hu Townsohip of Eiqeesng oanuy eIrd, -- - etil~f altons Yeomanr, dacepec. w Isslas . r Mr.StoeJleg l asoace o r o u ea frends thsaI lobas lifeposoliof 1th ui- frrss ,ertrnu ireufle C.o. . roe beg teIr unet hen lirwr' sad aemeuî ereof atpes sl n H& LO n erbtfre rs-ed os'hi blutan Mfltona te Mor. Ricirard Jos, ltl manager, ferWT wIo c ol sioliofu tns aume liberai paîs-nage ah.abeeastenlidetru. l . ili gndeectr fami a-aunandiebteli <&MALtER I partiesiadelcd tn lMr. Sioery slipieCre puy tlb. imre . Mr. JousaIimadiately, wib eleent. And& esn neb5 LR lis mâlbodte gai eelit, la bissamme. hrtcare bes-eby requis-este 0puy thse JKW ELE R, as. auresC ef Iteis- indubt@4rfuto taetan- \ ..MK'Sro. deroigneli forthsith. p M KiLsTO,0 WILLIAM bIURE Execunr4 < 0.W 1 ANGIJS CuRRIn, MILTON, JOHN CH 5OL.1 9 ]qoaeiag, Apsul r18, 1OpM7.pi1t1OtI ESS4lu ttus-m lisnataroua pairos-e. îg a 0t AI, ath si tire publie tba ire la. jast ru eleeali dreçi roso Monts-cul a Larga aulid ilieufMu-he14Large67. 40-I * ont asorled Stet of q culn utlo,;;"h11tI67 e j/ir MDS§O £ 7W AppreDtissu Wautad la lears Ufriir l I. elîtr ai pîy JAMES HOLLINRIAJ. VEIIY LOW PRIOES- bMilton, AprtIôil r ,1817, 46.4t. ryntil erlbolders of t00 Bs-este Harles- - 'c - .L Compary,. tee bes-tby roti-li rýata LADIES SKATIXiG BOOTS- Meetng of îlâc,..pay iU bcield ýt Lb andln latîe aet stybe. WANTED la,'th. Subsesiher, se te- f L , W tve soeur suasteo work at Cirem osa .day, 18f'th day of Ma.y, Neit ~- nni8meî 08 ra~e -~ ~ bnreglnfer th pus-pore ef appottiat directurs fer AppI' imedateb' uthîe ruauitrg pear. B C. TUoIiI'ol;r T. Il. thWPlae,-" ..wle r o thr"s lel,. NEIT TO TIIOMPSOIVS ROTELir IUII$ STREET, ILTON. ul e P--ediObe a ctes-Mili, itîApNl cea r ]Mta, Nos-rtar 21, Ife. - aby ilto, rl25tb5 1507. 1gne46t p:l E7 B .dasii .jamdBe a~ et. tbB artytea.eosalmi.ga5 straa d,ade5 pO ---Du Peemply end na.arty encasmmt.ai 0 frtsrea.ud blair atuflyirlu eteuta ordetsa propl. TERNIS 19- &51 Beri -ear f t».ll l A RICKC COTI AgI and 14~~ A greetl opposIfte h. eip Sor male clap, Aç1wp MtiePlo. e276b, 107- oi F01R SILE 09T i 111AT elubstaIal 15ofCt~ IJ ng. seul sir eurrtO r s-eh. mots Streetal . the tasapPl7 îeW. Le .ddlwIOýIy Milton, Jas. 11 t lu r Mean .. & oret sas y Mig 0m at utr r Jatury2 TMA 20J ytoid pRimi.î71.la I CLSTSI ADIS'pui I ET'S!Ail The Rush stili continues for the cVmTJEAh.pg O O:DS AT WHEBU I Ca e detb. m md a npe... bth&& th" wili hd sueprIi. Cali ;and See tor Vourgselvese. A LARQE LOL GI McGUFFIN'ff. MILTON, Oct. 17t,1#66.26- Two ,Goon AEI1JI W iTD RECIEIVRD TRIS W IKEK AT TRE BI"i ae Mig FiteX =lrsa. IiariST ire y._W ST WA lLiars *ab T 'Ilen thel 11er.titywit t Ohe sst r anr lah.hr r1tOtry ain tomer n l Fotar 11th',ag ultsesr., su. exau o5attrrSeW lâton anodt miato. y e1s 1000 yds. Black( Silk, sold- at a Bargain. 20 piecesa Striped Granite Mixtures, qîsite row. 30 do Foulard Lus-tres, vcry clîeap and pretty. r ~Lj~ets IUslf ata-.--à c Y urags 'l il 1-wrÀ"I&IýWirÀ -JL-" VI iý% 9

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