Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 May 1867, p. 2

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Jkf rm an da0 a puA Man of strawr. EarlRussell no n adian De- COU C0 RL To the Friends of Tomperanc Mr. White oomes out hont, y ann«.--throghout cana". btv n The Spectator, Leader,- and other --- Err,xMay 7th, 1861. fortheBüs ofComons.. o ld y eorhmer ted, wudConservaive organs are battling awaÏ ad oneae h us f The Coussoil àa pet it to adjourn. Dear Brethren ou nm rhave per-» JOHIINriWMTE Eq, ..mtmi a a mo r.t-.ao.i vigorolst th. Reformerof Western Lords on the ti h t he Inter meneived that the Mo.tredt oeae ESQ, .P.. ig éle, m a is known forover 30 Canada, whom they charge with "die- Colonial guarantes bill,Marl Russel, The Wareen in the Chair, 'See@ty hbu not Conlybeenmao g earnest PMteegislature of Ontario:.., rears throughout the Province n one union sentiments ,"andas allies of Joseph the Duke of Cambridge, gfd the Duke Members allrenent. efforts.te revive itslf and thé work with- of the staunchest friendsof eom.' of 1 Mineutesof 14 meeting rend ba in Las immediate @phare of naotion, but WliL AlM BARBER. ESq. He,. la a "o a t - Owe, of Nova Seotia. The qpecaýae uckingham, all dWeel that Can- onre. oipr1rnwdenryiStmeao p'a o hew rty makbenwit any genierally han a column devoed te abuse aais defencible, and thaet the honor of The Warden addressd the Couneil efft throughobut the country by an-. sene o te wrd.Hehasbee wth isof Reformiers, as Resurreetionist, Di.- the Empire isinvolved inoher defence. stating that hehad no special business deavourng to rite up braneo soaieties; paty ot a oo ad eilreort ad rganisers, and Dialoyal. Now thesuhn pecfalRselli-prtcua obring before them exept mwhat was and you will naturally look for au ex MILTR 1867 hau never wavered in his adhérence t.o b er I usatces M he] Othy Of notion st . na om.left coer ine las"meeting, vis:-The lanatron of this novel effort. XMY . the p inmacbeveresiorostatiles nncth yoar ema thre s asoud- retimOn f sho*meof industry and r. The efforts which were made-upwards MILTO. MY,9. 86 h pinip s ithwhch e ommr.edgreat amount of brnnome let off'on these uesain hie argumnen ta that will at Donc fuge, also the pwiing of a gylaw pro of thirty yearsaâge te promets the 'Šm- his po ical career. As to his paria4men- occasions may act asa safety valvre to commend itself to Men's Common ceense. viding rewrarde for the détection of horse perance reformation were very sueseesfu KB. BARBERIß N01IDNATION, .tary coaeerhe man look proudly back the Spectator's eloquent Editor, but lhe TheLspeech Wua areply to Lord Lyoe- thieves, seearding to statut. He rend in" orenading a great number of indi1i and challenge his opponents to put their should recolleet thatt there in such a thing don in which ho insinuated that Can- .e esnittio anpinheat our amuis tea ran op; nt h b$U for t Every day serves to oonfirin the Win.- olger upon a single ht adioe pn a as Common senne even in his reader, dan dawas not self-reliant, but was extert- an agent te remiMoneys due the county Most part, have ontinued consistent ) dom of the RefonnersoOf fHalton ini measure whith Wasnot for the benegitfthat they can easily see thant he is fighting ing money under the bubar ofdA- fomchendaerien. teslveadbogt phi a- selecting M1r. Barber as their standard ofth cu tryitated by trouepatriot. "a man of straw." Reformer merely erican invaion, that she was defenoeleM hr. McDougxld moveseodd yies on total abstincesprinciplesi. barer for the Local Législature, as the 'm e a in théunwavrering seek to do as Conservatives are doing ; and fthat the Railroad would lbe liable'utri CGSed t ritwthe power ar-cThenandithe Mnreal9Sodieuy seeks mos coplte nit ad hrmoy re-upor r Rspnibe gvenmetc'eect men whose principles Are coinci- to e s eized by the Americans in case ney to Richard S. Cassl, Esq., to re. now to go over again théeBsane ground vail in every section of the Party, and MuniciplInstitutions, of Separation of dent with their own, and nothing in fyir- of war. To thesse accusation& Lord seive froe the Receiver General of thié with newgneoinphch all eemred pleased that bis nomination Church cnd State, of an open Univer- ther from theoir minds that a dissolution Russel replied as follows: Poiealsnhsm fmny ta e grown o the omparaeno ane i of81 u bas been made. Mr. Miller stated ."of eeal eoonomcy iathé of the union. N efr aJu nalh I hsard MY noble frientf Who has just dxto this unis pliti, urie t e u. Btthe claims of the t nera r ferred at the convention that hiebhad worked administrations of public affaire, advocated such a Course, and no Re- sat down say fthat it was very unwise ta tinuanoee fauch power of attorney, and to were netso successful in prognotinig hamoiosl wthMr Brbr t he His great object has baen to place all former whether candidate or follower bc constantly Callin ont that Canada to remit enchantas to this municipal- organised action. There ifer, it ls truc Couci Bar, ndtht e as-1.classes el IHer biajesly'soub-jetesopon han avowed the remotest sympathy with was defenceles. T uýite agree with isy.- Carried. mocieties raised Op in aost every loceal- ha e ol o r d t a r b e u ' 1 ' ý g a , e q u a l f o o t in g a s r o a r s r e lig io n s a n d M r . H o e n d b s e f t s . t e t nI lm e wM e s e d s e o d eac -e y r m a a H A DA'yEA him a good introduction to his friands ]y fought against onferring Puebliar to Reformera, to counisel "n-partyismoý dweltciey on that very themne. I con- asylum for the peur, net later than next The isolation of these societies was in Nelson. Mr. MceNaughton sai that privilege uponen set, hie has equally for fear of the los@ of Confederationfeus Iam apt to think thant, though there season, and am it leinrportant that before not, however, thé only causé Of their mac frowneduopon all attetapts at persecution.when lhe was the first to raie the tocsin' MAY be diffcalties in such n'course, we net winter, plans and &a., should bc weakness. They were very generally Mr. Barb2r was the night man in the arebud rmafehgo awa eided on in oider thaet materials be fo'med opon the prnneiple that temper- right place, and eongratulated him Suchl han bean, the:rnera ho isaaOfpaty strife before the ashes of the honour, to support our colonies in time got on the ground, a esmurittee conciut- anos effort unconnected witr religion¯¯¯¯ wam n i om t d whom Halton hic hoáored by vaut lamented Notman were cold. Have of danger, And it in quite possible that ing of Meus. AMiller, McGuffn and more readily drew in the classe@ thaet waruyon isnomnaion, and we arc majorities in 1851, 1857, 1861 and not hie and his party worked like Trjans the dangers which stand in the way of the mover be appointed, the duties of might bie repelled by religioué exorcises. convinced that every delegate went away 1863. Can it do better &han entrust-the at the assessmnent rolaiof Barton and Our doing @o May be overcome. It is which shall bie confined to collecting all This motive for leaving religion on one satisfied with the action of the majority• otheroutofOu To h d dan t not for me te say what May be the mili- the information possible au te the Pr,. aide in temperaellsorganizatiýn9 iwas a The nomination of Mr. Barber carried wrigoto u e osiuint wsis n esh o ektaly defences of Canada. We all know pur and economicl working of such in. gond aone, but the loss has fai over-bal- dismay into flhe opposite camp and the the hand of hien who han hitherte been eleetion under the hope that this se- fthat there is a very extensive frontier stitutions hem or in the neighboing aneed theadvantage contemplated. O HerAdhl senainoayalan 'got .isita. sealons advocate, -and who will Pro. ireparty warfare has prodaoed its to be defended, and that the United stateu.-'-Carried. . Te Montre=1 society bu satways is minu y en asto isbably be héld l o fruits 1 Consisteney thon art a jewell States are very populons; and we ha"e Mr, Melbagald movred, seconded by acknowledged its dependence en divine candidature. If any.other candidatse Mbqfrpo i tae eenébtty aei nt"a»lo pCouee of late yesa that they can place on Mr. Barber. tha$ the request of M r. :id in all isefforts; opened and losed ibns hoadbeen camedl there wrould have been or falilore. bttno e nWhat H arv " p- foot an immense and ellecent army in a Archibald Cooper to have refunded the meetings whether of the Comminteser . On te othe handMCisbhln SoMravice$ short âime. All this is known to all the ms of 825,amont paid by hina for or l'a publie, with proyeré, or ýpraise, or opposition, and tosmôe extent, division comes before the electors under the Reformera to do in allow Tory Candi- world; it does not require that we or au Auctioneer's Licence for the county, both ; sought to obtain the sympathis WoWld re6spectfully inform the mnhwbîtat W0 in Our ranks,as each man would have date (it has never supported any other the United States ahould proclaim it; be not grýated-Carried. and oo.operation of the minintors of the hadclim ethr f apesoalorpatytransparent guise of a 'no-party" man,'yt owl h orsudrt ea.but still we haeeenmthat a country Mr. Miller, eht'rinan of the Sad Gospel; and been nManagud hyýrofessing nature. The Conservatives are coný and asucha seeks tlhe sufrares of weak ty of being called dialoyal, anti-unionist like this may be able t& accomplishl ing Commaittee, on Court ffouse and Christiansi. These principleso.f action. d h .minded Reformera. This in a pieos ofi.-ndCother dreadful names. But Re- nome very difficult things, It has often Jail, brought op their Report. afternearly thirty-fouryear operience, vince tat any opposition to Mr. Bar- inch transparent triekerythatnt formers will go on and choone their can- occurred to me that if ouraceostora Mr, Miler moved, seconded by Mr. fît cordially reeomnds to ¢her aocie- ber would bie futile, and that discrétion ta o P didates and elect a vastmariyfrbh about half a century ago thought it Buck, that the Report of the Standing tien. enl thir part, is the better partofalrmnsneofteleorof atn; the Commons and the Local Legilature, ight to defend Portugal, a all coun. Committee cri Court Houte and Jail be In seeking., therefore, te revive tom- Ther reen pliy s o fo rdownunaltof ghe my l o ts objec&tfor;and the Union will not have truer or try having a comparatively extensive adopted..-Caprned. persnce ocieties on the D open baste- Thor reonte olcyin e ron ai- , utat o dulmiti of ts he % or rmer friende than the en called Brown. frontier couintermmnous wth Spain, Counedl adjournoâ ton mmrates toen. t mesore ich in deemed' of the fret Opposition and preternd to claim Mr. enblo ei publ heies rap** ts. Rfresfatrtesle htand did it with suessf, the de- able Caommittesto Report. importance Co the progres and prosper. Barber as partially a Corné rvtv. HYPOCR ITE When everyou@ ahoula Confederation iscieythi oence of a colony like Canada May not Connelil resumed. ity of the Causé,--it is obviouly wise toe Butle temnotla tisgaterngknw tatheisa torug Tryforced upon "John A" and hie party, be ohollegssas My noble fHrend sup- .Mr. McGusn,ehairman of the Stand., profit bypua r rieoes; .aodthe lon- And surrounding couptry, that they will 0flr forsaeb utionet teirou lsiasMr.Barer is one ofbt hlaomaet tyle on e ln ssc hytk.apiei t n o es.pam was not the only country img Comnitées enFidance,brought up iroeal Sietyosee a to nid in roising upal, nowo hoenid s ompatsye'oiwq will Melously guard it from alh which Portugtal haed to dread. Fran-ce their Report. soclietier .o-*er the dootry, which a grue and tried Reformler, -nominated wboef'e&olit01ief, 1no mater at what inA bli was united with Spain by a family coin. Mr. McGufflèn move, secoded by 'Shal been ied ån one Commgon brother. aste eom addae adnthn saciieo in54th l> rncpe it Whe Pan ha - rpact, and both these countries were able Mr. Beaty, thaât the report of the Stand. hood and acturtedby religions priniples aouldhe Rstroner anide aandntin oetrs bynhi5spelint1h oidtled Plai ........... . to throw a seemingly overwhelmingforce ,ing Commitee on Finases be-dopted. The Most obvions and Ppeedy way to coldli srogr ha he elaato hifdcae hier ok . le"' sP eupon Portugal, which there was every 'Carrieà. attam this end in to form ;branches, party fidelity both in his letter to the wb e oboe w ithout componction, We would rermind our townspoplelklhou fterbigal t o e r et.cara o h in.truhu h ounrater - hée e pin first convention, and his speech at the eventorge hplnBr me f.toe ee"y that svery little hans been doine in the and overrun. Nevertheless, we kept ing Committee on, Printing brought up nie, for instance, of the Montiel Aux. * B c A I 1 1 as Cnvnton W d nt ea tatof Ualton, you do wel to seratinize the wy of shade trieoOrnamentation, that or t-eaty with Portugal, and we were their Report. iliary Bible Society ; withi thi distinct Air. Barbet- would give a factious op. two men Who seekwyu urgad hyogtt mpoetepeet alays ready to give her assistance, It Mr. 1eaty moved, eoonded by Mr. understandig, that whenever there @hall - . Pffagsfeel dogh t ithoe h.pr m gt e aidtathere were diffeulties McGuffin, fthat the Report of the Stand- be a general wish for a societvi en the p>ition-to any measure merely lcecause we .ailss&ured at the more thorough-srn, ystin u resi roto hch bothi Franse and Spain . had to ing Committee on:Printiýg be adopted. me prineiples, bearing a national Can-. at did not originate with his party, but nvest i Rpes e c t ofe, thr their houses. If this was dont now,, eixounter in carrying out their desigrns Carried. Ida ae h otelseeywl N T119 he believ.es that in the fu ture as in the likely are yon to chabge him for crne, Woud soon experienee their comfort, agams.t Portugak But that was a time Mr. McDougal morgtd, seconded by gladly merge the prenent arangemcent in Past Reformn wiillba needed, especially who has ah-edy decelved, and by hl' utihity and beauty, an they not onlyJ when the kovereign of France was the Mr. Miller, that this Couheil do nown one more generat n an economicl admlinistration of fthe "DO party" devices seeks to do no again. beautify and adorn residences in front grailthet ge rnoier tisipoa].nd adjour iTed,thS2thocJu e Wthall irstsbraner the Menta governmenit,aud it is to the Reform party of which they are met, but serve to rend- You would think, then, that the case fraternel intercourse by latter and de S O E O R M L A that hie naturally looks to confer oDTG r the strete ofour town attractive and was quite hopeless, for here were 300, putation et occasion serves, aàdit will TO R baebenefits On the Scuntry. If MNr.1 ,eofpleasant in the oyes of strangers, and 000 or 400ß00 mekwhoeould be always »Cou'ty Clerk- be happy to obtain froml them uch am-. Barber ha allowed ",to walk the cuse' Oneour planks is a reform na the résidents. Wu sen that in *omne townsment under one of the great marshals of mistance es they May see meet toiire cus"poStal systens for *the New Dt;minioîn, .u the Empire against her, and Portuigal The Municipal Chanucil of Nvassag towards thé general prosecution of the it will be a great triumph to the Refermasieomto ssdl edd.nta the Town Council oifer a bounty of25 Mustbcecut off. But we, too, had aea work. Al] sneh contributions, itogether A splendid assortinent of eliuse, and from iur ihaving a full ticket . eo i ndynedd n tha t. for echllshade trou planted in the general, but, above al], we had spi rit with the statistics of the braichest, wili it will naturally ad: trn t kt Mr departmnent. We are behind the Mani. sTreetý, and we think that momensAuch 'and determination te defend Portugal' h onea 1o ppoe in iin annual report. Wht 1s h oinefr ih tie Provnnces in Postal Reform, and raainwudntb ms nMlo.becus heiras our friend and ally, and -eamtruntt or In this effort, however, the Montreal Whie s heuo'*ieefe te pper we hope that wff ismeop totheir rogulte l o b nài itha tnidefen1ce suceeded. There still re- w mtperun, aajom to Society wishes it tobie clearly under ài House0. Indoed it ls hardly ta bc ex- ar . What an improvement would be effetted mains the treaty, there still remai Nl ondà-y the 29th day of April, at the stood that i t bas no intention of inter- eePPted that the Coziservatives will allow an a noththedeedto very rat'psyeOr and resident of the Portugal, and 1 defy you to say that horo' e oeokA fering with any existíng tempetance or- e • N1r. Barber to walk the course, but weor.TeenwPprread town would clebrate Her Mjesty's the deflee of Canada is a bit more enbrs all premet' aito.Temmbr ftevr- hear hat opositonItohim imNova Seotia a moneë order fer £10 brhdyb l ig tlatoesaedifficult than the defence of Portuigal at The R n u e fca ing were aas nrersnaif they Aee fit, besoins fort coin i fo nohin lsetha Sterling costs fourpenob, while'in Can- ltreeeach on that day in front of thir that fimie (Hear, hear.) I will not rada and confimed, members feignrleseywtog-OM N IGO fot aig, gf feto ada it adse tWo. . attempt to show the way in which we affeetrag, in the least, their stan<ring or keep mip appearances. We understand ca i osie a dlar. heon the Leg- nspective reside ace. could defend Canada-thiat is a question Moveda by Mir. Ramsey, second by &abrsintfieir n orgranizatibn ; and tha to gntemn ae nxinstoilature rmeesa unifer ýsystem ofPet. A xhnehssmtimely remarks foiliayathrte.Mu hrei i. B. H. Kean, tbat the application&aseriremaytemperance men, not pt in ogtian p arane under te opeaemust be inaugurated for the province bya correspondant, whid ,we qu .re o this great consideration, that a State foJamesWhit, lfirdamagas for asheeP to speak of womnen.and youn'. erson, tht her ams aybebruht for- ad that systoem in ourjopion.therula ainéawedtofavor the object we aeiq h e oe un c ac ehr for $7,0,frodsrblo es yi=M N A YP R L 2 tle t t i m a nT e s ag e t! g for-Ne ld b0e M t y ie y , eit a e d t o o t e r w a r , o r or n e s r e n eé t o h e a o c ae lty , h o w ae r sonis hemor dterinbanndai s edei e eny otghe was -,ve ol rwb so °myectjaoe nhiiytwards i dl ee y o, bc ap enion ed mAny udvsster a eaog ppo onnd hy m aveetþ ofaiur w'*ofienlyexetnsA: efrne tas th intark, obseves-lune twie nay on dioe d to enteapr J eatattepeiin fa i ale cingaent hben etme-11toY 9 AR L prouss ad smetie ine-threepny raest riedlandeilrat Mc oeish ob oordw pnawa fagesonr fe e e Mn, and toathesprayinguebifor diner EsenTwnhpwoiwne- asteav ntage otreee, h a anof 1. • sofgrs t ro anyfo one could say thh pliattBomwold b umnyd remarkableprepa ationg h - y me meago ovr suposd slitin theeyari wsreuedt pnnaer nd loileg vedur shllhrin beabl eost hehotle p owrdof| o dobceied ot ar cndare.pbiemn o hsefran ti e n i e A oh.C e r d no se reRaksteyilne w av and has r ag em ta iso r nbs ie. The & Ind tme s hlwgterm te rane frctea ains ther orethat r .Kata h u f$,0 idthe sm rains f nopr- Partysupodeottonthesttleent of Callr, u of he Exc er etions Anflieng abroad cooless throuhte SedncoirsitthJowr.fRusa atonMflgnInt h es fio rnt Lingto efudinohrprt fte yppporitdmilrses i ntciaphl hsneamwog gre Powers tan * un- , Re ehers, tiEstenT owevergh, a i n eay-o meaet adt ornsee thes issue.uttionf ae tiebdt a ee t ser o a tna arnile grsso oey n h ak v u so r foehram.-witf hnistoinagndo ti in.rsetul eun hi hnk ote wo wrn te elctor to xpec theadvet de d f hath modet f hie a c ' rewocdframit din o y 1bdthncase f vry d Soiety inordnenrI tofrem banileh er-. of a onsevatieCadidae Corute.-,iasné -ovn t ime etPt mi ongOette ention onnsgeat isot une sto the ole th 'ýat bMr ve y Mr. bEiiottau, Sodie by of. Ba nkabs wi rthonithen a cfrtevr bra upr xeddt hman row o th Sectto'sh e n nng aare annasrlus ofe ennue.aThrie betseoin suchfa tmand; bleaedlth tse es esy friomilitrponh ya 86,b eune ohiofn. et(ps ad)fr5 acns;anIttatt rim es toko CprngGodlutesevd thfiromiltn, st Mr. arb nonhEveryoei ovne a nrse n h niiain fgaiue hiho waentatmtd con o digentMr.mstanes ar eE t a rlap cant' srpednthsconryf rIEPEd T resiepe-andþroectinis vies, ut ld b een f ad h y ra amemo ."esto Fpraudoe't exect, ath ier, unessthere r. J.mtion te Cu cdouned for va t t aie fad elsoet o eer-an Q ALT. cofThe s n hs piin.. in mercas@ allgazrm hs thre mbe causeefaraitoon8other grounds thaterhaaftanohour papers t dande eotherstt literatuhancllr nthehei olown'ggsios:Eehspc e eUnitul ed Stte owil ae fRCsaa Cucl limd teReeinta Wopetattiseplnt nwil 00 heActo58 a orbfwlocmeu .. nm omu icaton eadereat own pend uliaroatylmend aproriate ifve ai n hstcounr. BItth ik the tMo y rgJ enA n, seo ned by . friends of tem canc e hohout he Fherowmirsoa bsertato anfom lesig.o beaty.aThe em s, erapf taeaeno te niedSatsregn-Mr pRme&o y, th atfnral expene out 1 mt reprt fomdifeentpatsofth1cuny, And eveitheewsrvned a-am .1 a t e lqan mn'w as anrad'tb i t Py e o t o 5,auoeab mounigeo gi , by or e ftAl e mmi ta T R S- l u soer$0 he ots wr. e iave eitaon te saync a h eethhanasndrbuhepesn to syntci .a- um er a ri ti es efshae an olae w r ihengad.oray-uc ur o e hat ihesRevebissurerhisorder fnormhs.L A A L R . . e. $ 0 i o th , o p r v d p p r Fal h sedm ooe bterattisi wul otiepan fo, ba weandes asiyaa ptef ote otI dn't thaggionk thttel r e n usame aried. oaitf or evto aa Vrof res. season e year This s 1rater aedond ntatilt>e thePesst em dver o hieta otions h ngm apm ean dfiut pito pliy as Moved by Mr. Eliott, seconded by JMsoOaTf.c-re. ùf aConervtiv Cadidae fr te Ofic ba prospeed n oeryW& rank nex to 4 th emi, de eiu botber should inds ueus tedothatpopewhichis i Mr. Ramey, fr ette to ntr fJ h M okodue C ith Cntttoe n , Pi or t e vty lb r ls p or xe d d t h i i Loalguisaterewaner tlenow uldasi eolooitsa bter of ealy meA labe. s e autoi.n ouabefo t1oudbedshnor eb-awreducningthe scale onfoSa re OT MPEL e. unirferth ewyer adatwa W ao tune oe bette te Oibyf le any i uatonhe maindbe red ttsordeunser uen'sasubjcts, wOthoL ar 1be6read a frsta im Carrie. J. .BECKEoýTTPa Tie1fo r er.; n tta hiimneSoko pig rosj-t]Ci gr fardthtdn t a tthehatt givirspnd n g rma xhneterfrr asohsoite eoevr o. o oyufrpoetoad hr- Cucli omteteRee in 8. B. NDcsay, S enfer esy woldsffr.Bt hi s ottenae, whch e dvest h ire are. nin th ae an eitisfor raudepaths;oeIe arnatil iempe acu fidgn iclsacs .my a to tsedin hi H E ry oCO I T o ESION for asOu ithegoing cterop eldrbeergedn-fodnd elatr o letter the nkoney .oe og eriif h ebswafurposalcontmed n ths BiL Cher by Won orNin-Ireas tat-f- ono ave ilb edi hre st. Thee ad rtecto c ewa bar upt1 lows oraanof thuded bsedelipantal hea.d I withpetthrfoehere he andoio __ pncl doun fr arbedtoa rie r whos- e a eteffow over- n UA IY fo i tr kiin bthi o i n um r u .A rdion'o.l tt lpota ewsto r A mreo ingsto ard zth e boy. the b Onaue or th obst athr oriti s in t l ad ' the ajo g and , t heor st.he an. f T H D Y O A ,N X , as last spring. In this countyathereeiia, ough a du ame bi ra ti tath oies hUni tteStheteswlYok Timaaadan a e, an o For Thwhe ason wo'in le ngthe nb il om e motmoe ha oe-outh te redt b aget mpovmetye a33 rtewhreth rotae büedtohi e rcly state that a incometaxtr.maoh leanesare ep t pre qurr g r hestn. f nw son ha ter ws fw eas goea i i ay roees icomnebie tenefath ambrica ortegged sak, o inete e en a hn iet1eadhath fte.oreoftervr C ea teti asBEnAUrXdprftal frs omutpl f h dlar dt rabeethatrvllarodoraleid nth a e-payesafotatrati thec oped, thxente ter din fthe nals ay t 0 el kA.whiht. l rel gis to thr banhe ofagicutaesuc a werever osmugcatas roldlea ggty Bpet.Fwar htre e apritewllfuree erc nt f whie hi ei e hyMr .Ken scn e fi no logemperae. b u oonbeomt e eetdo o a ,3dlmn o &7 ilbhad Barom raisin al bsth at.n, used theya y epe tvlea of pand Ther m-insuch circum- s. stagnant. WherenthereStstassupersbn. EMquesing. stone tohbe gnrried in the fcouClerk g, Daryan wetrut cnvniet crrecyformal s m ntcs; ut he rfo soa* g a eveni Steatl en rey w en forgcn oado h @Ptr MFederal Oc t d a e nedf huorial gu nthe intDtinaf n CuC ob umltdb h rýtih teresnt ieroeipt olhthpces Pr epaeft y stampslO" be nal-anhevas.àbringmea of ehea et nd nmn't puoes, ad likey oeroa botube07andbcotioenesttakesplaceit at d ofndeTERMb,Alles cnracovrs t ave2th rMot. gr aien wi ninueusrsomigttteeacamp yhon and frangies n a r e cuhro e andt es oae aflae ws*aovwiutoms ladtieaYs nd muPse attheReeisre r erfrtef atiLL ntAYo tD.vaD.,ni t rrPrryhaacs.- rest theofe t no s ras rae . f:a hemnuy20rder k es a d pti av t the a ngr I w n't i nk a t p my uhe munie. er b tuc o w a b oweo î onilth e emetfr That inrohaleradditional hige froe averseoliationshe fr e ind." orkhat aticlatuayb ghip:orintopf its freeacourse, aMrd those of its no necessarilyURTaccepted. be n f lys et r e tesot .Nt- .20 up to 1. A t re uis sof e na r c @ e l got e Ainnf i d t h e ab u nite statesdothan wi G r< s- M r ib- torje v c i t od e a ribu tar s re .P L Vih te b d ,RPA D W ,R tl tt e r l o n r h 9 ithstanding there¯fa vrb i appêa ance mone d e ss te m t0ao Ga t rpi tr. L sT O mEoe a - he Oswn egu o or a bl - o t w ud b i h n -b- rrd ci g t e sel f S a follow 0 .th E C E nTTu r a p rn i er e-c ar a a o m ee M T lE N \ O L N M L of ~ ~ ~ ~. thfhauii tllfin.Thtalnesaes ulse P alladiu ftu tatn. a naedmovlte tstucton frm he owtheuionAprl,18t 167 5 .s 1e. tsO uni ltrteNwysrmnt oi thnte'omno f aea'houm amb DoleTelbgn @s Okille.waor The Steamrhbp Ieadeaif, fromiNie b withBNRETHSPL S.hc suŠ ~ ~ ~ ~ w, asrsmdewei.&.,-u u nl hnsn de r t h ooeSadeon rda latwiesoin he d for ierolno o teprfeanedigfte yte ih hi\ o t eeat iroh fpess soeth ing unusal omeure ire of puvlg ainm fr-otdt hr-P efo rot o O wg. T e lookvepolfe p roth.t he Ste S.yfom .fou nes rdiS es R m m e," at o eae earl sea Bte is mtthee ees ýie ,in d Aanspecial0meetingand ith i.qfruesingot- l -a ond, 1 2 pt. iyg m., 6h.-Tenrt tdrneora oea o r sd. Bse fSe IoaofrS oil r DRcash,d n qaTityftakenM - eron fer nfirste dan& on Bac. Sejptmen John g>a ra tr for pant diet, Guil Tho Pr Pabtterson -This l eehn yeaul ho Asaln PenieDt. Bée.r. geo" C% Ne- T'.mn teroff m. 1 Cam The Cou on each 1 ta eran, to Brthiday arostoM u pOp- o1 Mrencas of .c.eie sin Thé Drt, notwithstat putting jina ofsud, A string ertta nanai high honni stitutioas. Xiiq ort a ce eir a *ont has bec acagorge 7 piani, win pI cently robe sanit the mie fxpect ta se sight seers o adfavorite the treme, roses. IL ¡m le ar. nom Au nadispensawi wie tatý.n @JOoaf 2nd paernr L eerreinte Dé, xanmm.it e theine sl sogiat j 0 aino that out, Pele 00d mtss of sie P,-t nm banded.i o h anri,, 1bela not b wun p inha r militar

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