0.9 ~ -t- .11e tIc atl( e: 's ves. 15-if ina tyt ~aS Ou~T CT IOUI'eda AWP! o~at fîmtmetai ce~m~4 bIOL it3rrst 1fltEff~9 cea. o ]U.E TEON~~ j~at yOi~~ y TO I~: .tcty tcf lice c For utt5~t e1 Ua ito ad ueIph Ehmma. 4£G ied ACrON Filsecn - '!j.Timdsyof occi3t moad.- -y!itT 0N acre cTueday- FoTYOLLEC Firt andi lut Frida dwaeY Umuu. 5TREETSVILLE n, .IANNERY!' lpuQutytof Atargse etkof daritet Leattae Sept dItst uhant. J 0SefAet.*,a t- patuifr Goi 't ~UL .TAYLOR. CEORLtETOWN4~ iIOIIERT i'OtSAYETII. 4PI Teuidtf rauMll Secret ttety ~ ceupltd UV Wtf. Barber, E--c.q- ~.egeiWBCe. Hittt0. W. E-f tinMaed'Br*"V Feudet, andt Nachnift, pectedry on Weer et. -ly. T. RUSTON, meulât anSde teit.tyet&utt eS, cd n ettneryMaitn treet. .-tp. D. MCKINNON' g.mera Bl.aksttttMantreet.saw gem- ateg. etc. dette ont ehort notice. &1ffY 0 ITEL, BTTRONÂS -CLARKI DSSES te antS rom tbe Statiett, er- DetmrtY. Êeery etteultian test te th masseieptetI. je eod tttmbing and t- astire llosere. S 5-tp. Y . AIRMOIrE, CRRO<COMTIR LAND JKWgLLER &C, XIi STORE, MAIN-ST., GEORGETOWN. T &i Stctiesu of et mtceu.Cloee., ..#jiry, l7.partteclettof rteh Se-- a - ee'mederBie sud ertetty Cash. 4i1a5*aoea e .gice omttatàion, ci T . J c. R E L r, ~PoWATL mj~ atA.Gabrath@'e l ee i an, decito- dmmeW a '~Cela or."a àanel »W "liýt m rcu«tttflsud 01 pedee uw in ttdy e peüttttt. Iewetcy cesLtY rep tti ,ma", Similiand JeveklW Veh as lenimIawa, 194Y 17, 16K..lt. W.Baber & Brou.. .*?dztI'g à Wrsqitg Tapon Botuty mis . atimd matdeIoeacider wooiL C.ADING OLOTE DRE5333MG m haâactetaettee. Cotteon Rage tea my ba'twI e teuved t éhete Paper tac,.yZL e Cash. Sigleet priçe %a.u taub fer Wee. ]WUr r ,-'Z -%LYI le Le- Imme Itt'ibstisEu RAV B UILDtNG, GeoegtownC.W., hag scaeâtly tetee thi tl 1e Ieaticspetatamsnee te I cii mia"mi Imset thesmmcadwng deea- 1 b ina Isly poeemoex mcte ta Ises0bg h t eSA16 m - - -À& WAOgtaà lmwtu thlale #maeylem, ému one teu := "d, t p;=ea*91m t a eae mt eve peefemed i vle ecct race. =a, Jauary led, 1865. il IPSOS ttafora the puhlie that he a t a hlm New net oemmetiioum hree hEp lamas Ntal, con Nain Itrasi, whee h vin beuathappy te wattupen hie otti tue- tu ernr '1tht pubtie geeratty. A -geai Livec'Stabtale t oumettea wam aemati O&riges cem, dy7 e hm m~esmheterme FI. 2 lut. et-wr TNE Suheerther e e tu ferasthr Pute T i athbumoeuSte i uew Nte], testhse eter et Natnaid BrownStreet@, mhe h wlf e la te watt upu hie qld oesimmere. Hoehbas apae cellIer pie.n mec a u a eaahg hlm tteeee a trnt Mm . Htett sue]It whe laver hfil wth theit pa*umi wt seinmire evmryattentione. lieelqmlaslufecmthepc lie chat hg menste tiM Stage, ouqeuml day he$wem lmma satErete. les aOrme àtait> looeeeiimo ltet a"tGeorgtem. JOHN WALLACE. Wtémlo. l , 1844 lS V3.39t1 91 A-YEARI VOL~. VI.] Oc aduate ot thcUniveecsity f MeGiit M 1ILTO0N, C- NW. A teageceta Dree Store. Hein tet itemmee.ee-Oa MWt Street, uet deer te G. Tire Ectedtî, Enq. Milte 6n t to . t A. 22-11 m.,H Streest, M.»D. pHysiciAN, SUPiOLON à ACCOCU£KUR, or c teo»rt.trnecT5ttely cu pied tep D. Crocher. Milton, Oct. 1tO - le . a t T1108. G. MATHEESOli, B A. BARB.ItE&R AN» ATRNEY-AT-LAW,' )à- îeoWtUc.J INtet to.c tu M lie elo' s'ore, Maieetieet, tSIilmiON, C. W. Octelcr ltth 1866. t?-tyz --lo Bv E EW AEIR,T. aovAr yPUBLeC, SCLIOt TOR tN Cl.eBPORFty, Mvaeiesel Muonem. 26AYp G. T. BÂSTEDO ili z z. 3 cm. LR. 0. FREEMAN, vonMettlng physiciazt k Surgeon. O FFICE ttottk.-From e mait t0 à a antierccpTtedy forenuc4m. Cececrueellv-Toaetpicrn Iimate, Oct, 19, 1864. 21-ly WILLIIN A. AGIR, K-OUSE PATNTElt Ou1ater su Pspetîe¶'ablger. So Ronc MuctieStreet, Milton. Oc- erslaitttBtTtempoeaB EHtet. itt ttc atteaedit t. ,4n14-tp. Contracter for tDouze Butdng, Yauaetec,&C.t Pas of Buildingsdrame ce atîort notie.e Orpentee msud Jcicac wcch ttenedu et e rcttaouaBhtuprieB. Mitoen, May 2.11264 3-tp 12. IDI. 1m. ôaLEvrrnI. (LAVE t'FNELSN) PI ICA1SaGEOnst, &C. RUIccrc-The Late ]ReideUcet ef T. Rocey, EsN. "MUIT11 EJS-TeaBp sd FrS dy fnes 9ta lLu. 51ttt Oppoite Imond' Hotel, MAIN STREET, MILTOX. Att ordure pîompttpllttcid t. Tecr maiccBte. xittnuJaith tb1Pasf. 4-lue ý"W. BURGEA, AUTIONER 1iO h oetflatlter. Sales at- Fotetibe toitetay part of tht Coutp ce euoaeterccmes, aattshert caîtte, Mtilton, sept. Slth, t@64. 4.tt. Livery Stable il ÔD SORBES à BUOGISBTO IRE »Y KENZ Ir FALLI, auile-O@Ptets6Ta.lhedgs O@am. Miton, 3Ncv. et lot&. 2 Ta Whlte, rM. 1D cGiedmus steie«eteetuy ftTe..ete« OmatCm.eat dttisr te T. L. Whtee gece Farm for Sale. T MAIexeclent tanc, Lot Ne, 8, lu tIe dtConesion. SNs cp. erag compoeSe 6te 0ere Promtce, ttc regtteevecet imtt aple. Bach, kAt, itI nomer gond Plot. A cond Weil aBd nerer fatag prtn n adist ot, dtta Ptrese ta tht uttletretiporion,. euh teegooit Log Ncunes est Bart, uteated hutt a mile frtm Camgtleiitse, anut tf aItmy etee Gulph ced Welintgtenc Square. Terme ilecut. Tutitie putatte. Appi? on tIc WILLIAI JOB. May ict. 196.o-i MONEV TO LOAN Ooo n tc lnoc"abî prity ot Beni Ritatea -WILLIAM LAflLAWî Bareicter, &0. Mitoue litIa April, 1867. dltf mi.trstmilten, b-26 HONYTY OAN NO TLJ. Th-I cRbert Sw eenA obi, manipulation, te c successoneof ma- mngr.cvmachine iete fecto tettege uet lie0 *~~TT1t N .tieeete tdo teaeeeomel Rchi ,,,P' nes, t hofo-ticle eould execute oee r ue thicgcellegete lumity ; u i bre u aceecettect e Itern-ete.emot eatete B CITR - - ~ a1enen, oey, ced ccc < o- tincu ctatndtpubliépblie eamina 17. IOINCH ANC ERY. fncetione cead thote is mor:t-k gelse. But it doffl that onetgt a<Ire pt-vrle r ial u itiýyG., ierte.,Ac.; c rocol,nctat, ln.m. Evz.ztT. PATRICK'S DAY, ovor ta ecotteer picce cf mecleecinue. incteeactly, itinoî*Edbletpidity te fandc e fcfy e a 2.6e tcir M >~e7t a t .azc>»» mÀ ut eaeTmhoceoely Saty f omni hsdatieg wt ueveryi. eg ay Thue, algether, a dipleme cerguarcnee thutr -- .conepton waste ceperinteeS the work Ounec ethen cf octestyte aceeprccisery tot Ii e ecirat dclnthy ageventa W.T3. m 'WXDGDGv, m . .0 AetPru rct. e .Patrick tece a gectlereetu,&c. cf the irce slaves whom btebted createS, eike lu ali their partit. It le impéative m.rk tbecdteete ctaette Orceteete efthtte Uoveratp oftToronto. JHN I>EWAR, te, St. Pctrickh e u cOrangemcp, te crey their proSucto froueone tatece-' that the match chocle tec etirety ruaderpeftceorefttpn- ami, other, ced te pet the wtt tog-ether in a ingle fat Ilry ced oe tu e hocre uATofarLee-- laaeAWYA IlCuO.tî B a r eSitctriimittita steteck, 1ý7.nit lithe t A.neeiccc Btitrè t, ater &llsparto hied beec com;plted. icteedene. Nofrigematotet-the -Watt, Co.,oyIhm aý ;S ___________________________ Ht droetht vrmiettres tht land, Tteceheme pao an iStot ebu,;there ceupersort--canh;Lve ecly a relativel b cet_________________ofWtac emU OMCEc "D flt]CIFecc-Thet tatetp ccu- Dr. George <>je, rie VVedetno tomS huoùiti. Votre eno snobmachinese le existenee;but imilerity. Thep ri maetinteportos cc btrcoeocflitc firy wocdersoÉc pied tep Or. RO]terlmcc. thct Peniammun ceci toaSt hé rmuent te planecee ecenedet y capital, 'andcvcrymhcre, und get together ln Geceva tec uy ?-Bosto.fas.,eldeertieter. Oaverrie caEvuyTeaaa-. PIYSCI&N SBGON m Th.tFecianueremin bot vrmt' le 1853, ttc rAiperimeetmetreAtndPleed od.Theacct MneaeeNov. t f.06 22. tp m àVas tht thtng he ittetenet. 1 ehat time, lthnughthtte hief parte of e aescreof Parisiae matches malde liParins utre ___________________ IS STREET, EtLTOl.Whoa ht pretce hei ta tmoce mcr- mitet moire mede ty mochiace, tre hey peer. The pieolet ara mede ilte buM N SLS N ItO SE, .OFPtC-Thrhtetttcg oteptet hp miat. tvereetilta large nmm r cf the piece reul districtsor ie Switzeri ltautteî,tae anedeea NELSO HOU E9 e-OFFOR-Th buidingoctuied y tured ot byband and arics imor- hey m sen on o.Pais t bcy ere te- ntlroe Parieeta tintthé eptcd ~1LAGi E'OmFLSN, '.W. t ue Dr. iece. Ce ATIOrtroicecc- tant prénommeso etrusted te mnact kill, gtttr. Mony of thc Eegtietmutchestlies miet tare teen raisetl respedig Wtdaedye andt tuedepe. 0-49 Oh 1 bal bc ireedi iecee dey, etict ere ccc donce hoit7 t7 mectue- arcumade le thesnee me-rtcdy lmenu- th# preetesd Viil cf Dr. ttitrie tu J.E.~'i0Et Pc~eltt eecet ~1-leec ahs inc a ou. Ttcetiompaey of machines ma fattered oce conttinee, adutS e p lteCnadaande Uie ttsaedcn TVR 51Vatteiontui pot th tc lrveling . WILLIAVd LAIDLAW. Wht moctit h. ampta feaia peachu, q ickncreaned teea rtgiment, the te- Xiîedce. There ta no gros wuîtcSieUichtnr r eu U pu~tblie. tdood Stabliag mcd anesitlon- - Ilta ia itet TeRvrn tiOctI outlr. ~ 4Ii'.si~ L ]fl+4cec~..t0 airctout rbettton Cee], Sir it gimee.t to a brIgade, and ccc tci brig. 4ttory acycicre, exoep t ce, mhero dtc iiepitet TeRvrn tie lice. eu. t, 0B3q56-p. isie tetçep.&i mHo otShave eccîrd troue thaledo itse ado heceome se eruey. eu te prCcetoeMarn ueetdcdt Dtomaizptd eNcYrk BOLtCtTetI JECItANCEEYb The tetcc Feniac bondS, I akd howm mcy welcemerse - 4iivemteet eta d udrtcueetcecftitaieStWdn- OONVEYANORR, &cit.Luè.,. - Acnd thon he o eutt tare hoidiee ci, perteS anctaly. roof. We producea greeteer numuber of dï ecg ir«lust.ticappearec ta bte Cu uImADAN NOTEL, OFiue.-ttueedccc Vatt'etWailacem' uew Ai we mere thruh the tant, Ste epoîmeri, iabout four million dollars' iValte thaun uy ailiertîotcblishmoetetin a oc!B caansaE... Htl. coctayearly,' the manager eeiel anS it thtemuill. "e tyoe quit e ur@,, ,embaekodet Livcerpool, eud proeteS- - Ze atetin a id heifveligThn hrai@a h«ith teccartr teraSant teckr about four millions moretatemake yaked, that ti i lthdec[argent f etery id lasfmi as Quentuce, mra en musa pomuitWttt thtuti of him itlh prîe iteic thora p. At tht prenant ime1 the i tîhe merle! ?" - ehlgidtiiuagh ticknea, te ebandon 14e3. -Retwmy- Tcvetcre tcuretp epon e Roelish uvtt tredo mwitt tht United IeThere il o esto rttem I deo i ii.Teflo g't Omubothe aepnet eIt udfrthe 1rCarse.WeIt tiltbe tctthfu, al, umt,(Mra tatu bas stieeofit,' ttcnuece- iii Ides cf hit olail. Thc f.elomimgrel- JtaNlEWRAY, Prcprlor. Tho tephensaelttereSi cr. itetema, ctercuse, ceott Scce gorrepieS 'aui mctheemreI et, Dativitte, 10t7 loch, tOtO. trie. Ano hîdpctitit esmc acs ge-tly falie offF.' u5 Ceme.de moreccOtîC lwoi ltlou m.rciedfoehl ytt mf And n ths de we'i tink ow sou, cmowmaey matches" t eeked, I Raelutyeae tia cere made in alleEcgiaed."batue tec pblioted R oht. I)olBoageall er from otot utet etuieh. maWeotur ot's delat th rate of FttWRtolpTnt 'SCOTIA,' eFF QtlsuvSOrecr, tsuz* r.s M ale of Lands. Att other surpicta acctch. 250 e day, er 80,000 e peor, cf ci var- This la tht press cocue. It le GlIîe pil'î, 87 anaîlictico fecue good te bet.' *ith prenne&e, puces, Sica, ced rollie2 . MT DEAtt Me. Culvmn:-Thtrd M.iliItIb LIINSE, IJ, OUTSFRATO, BTvOerut Ohc t Stepleeci heid -O'Cenetr tru 1 talhsed aseta thc cumber of bande end litting machine. o, lreleu,-, tholu0 mny àsl'Ip, saY 8thepecris, hetimet wim> eVT rr ietti.tto Atedimuet pe-moat pe teuve cen? eployed. r btecu et steel are preasudr adie tO ccUsd file ie tlr Paltreese.Octer-17tb, 18t6. 20-1, ot FiaeAA, Fuited tit of the Ceurtste n me pecltecger tap vîi tOia, We aecrcge,' te replieS. 700. We 'thiettidesetnds wmut c regeler 'motioangfcet, tteegh I ceuld nt mermur agelelt heeatac ca meS, aud le me tireuteS Tecese and et cimtctoc? pay ooeed cep-r, anS reqeire intelligent Mcd Cule cuis balance mteel t every providece, ourtcae forniâetean ezaue- 13. IL ister, agcuumî the O 1Iamfîný dop- lai operatîven. Thetc tions a re tgnutlom. pieof thst. 1Inatest goashcere asego D IVt.cON COURT OLER .COMMStthodItuet bu ipk, filleS You iii set tom ce kecp the ' In thertunioo, the blank-a e tces Wtgel Itete$, and, .teyineg therd gectlaeir, Quetetm Orcrh, LteatritLANDS & TENIEMENTS TM@ let heid-y oef ot lut fatory; Ice intend that every ceeue @hall' fetj6tpicolos arecealSd-are prepured abandoet ai clp my viait, hut oit Ati e cebutetc. Db olc-ýgàehtot fwik' eeen, ccortatit, and picant ttc edvunrement. TI earret blank t8 ihangtt ts oiutcg Ameriee. Twd et 14Comisi Sp lamy BEnîticti, dm1 ere cf Peler c; 1 mmhe ettetWheept a eparler, aseS that la one reasettàa htcl about tt-ee-ferttc ef seinch PiBtS âge Ct peineS by ces frcnt leene taimegweya. Aprît . t8te. 34-l- Adamnu, tecrdi, at tht time oetbhs drattt.Marrt teLh, t867. phy mc lwayoueceure trut-elas htlp.' auroas, anS 3 Iithe ofean inch thitt.- te Leghoca and thte fectt et to pro. ______________in____ aîc hanottf ChateteeMitchett andIsetitiTtct-cis tcrdlyaney irork lu ttcit l- put eu a lete, R ecie Ireed strate poiticn, anS ttc effeticf thé Ehuu il n etacent Ee,,etLoar - f utory. roc muscleasaoevctythiag cf. 16 upina 'witti grent oelutity, ru 1 laog e cbnsa te hig nmy test lRACTICAI, WATCMAKRatutJEW- Peter Adamsen. teeard, Dtestsct, i innnmm I l trt r. Ail thot thce pecatie aro O te a egiea aboriesofetimmor- aae.ushli tal I taiS 'lIcoald noer,,1 P ccîe>tatctualsly ta rrparicg tht ocdermrctionest et, ia - M UiMiRc î teded for, aftier the maeelieoarc made, s'blé,shar ola etiet peiot oiff its nepscntpuctthcittt &ce Aiwturrite.Hkepeste vu rccluer'h 2 stuc enîpt, t Dod I 1eDoUt-E tact, Platuaf , Icti, at eta matele anS guiSe tlitet. ctaraer; maire illtiancd omeotte -ne" I tîtepti mynrîf thon et length WATCHE8, 0.IOCKS, WEDDING URINGS, c.md Drtrndnte. - YANREE FAIRES AT WORK. TUEH.E r ut. tra eut aeehamhbecfor the main 1 iu etuespaudte gnu pc CONCRTIASFANCY GODS 13TEE915 "- Zlqf.diili a halete ilhécenutre te ree oth, of ttc pghl emie!a e orueof wied end CONCERTNAS, FACY 000B, ~. bt-uc ~cwe-o aces. -We ece cequested ttat teho Shrclaceeu eseetog atctalc. matchieîg thec ffrct of ttcetblazes aise DUIGLAR'S ALAIRMS9The ODatto BEnotiPIiiff c. iheabale, i bcd bcnr ccin . te my little oesenshow u or oetting eof te factery. -. ttnatrboSpanu thiot tta§ae ttetf lightnltîgtitIVire ever adsenti Wleh eh eouid bu eitccthéns f aet. t.fil e Nnamet Dttentnete - ttclegetnd8 cf -tbe'\eorthct- lands, ln tWith pleocatre, hc relieS. 'To te- Ail Cia le done le a twinkiig-f.iterligttiug lp, foc ae instant, thu Appea. thete i auelsputhet halte s andcho aten-aei ith ein chieteh ngn-te o o1ol ecib li hrtté n h eeicaen et la tha donc cea eneuaseteaheot uop one Leeming et e.Pleictiffe vu. île abecamail ih ote Cli thetcutli, I hatatkenaugoetct-ine.treitc gcetenoueIcul!Sretetluhr uaaSttlteilna. cctaieg, or uerey give a &latin mittucut DeSeelen. macle itereteastce pe-mouthled cocue, chere feue taileco oftuitty horâce. had, This machines setitheof. I have titiSsuet uattbr cightl, mod Ê ttejuicg. îieccly $t0INeTItIC OCNTTCOCrT OF rnTUENTvrECtu O uM gfe eumee.pmrdrive the twe tugegeerii ttat ic Ttetarrel ieowmtake to thecdctist ai et tast as thepecelir, horile,tnerroud Aoo o.,rc.t aS t-p tsecncae Ae»I$5e1.50.iC1 t.N- teYoteu..tguteolkse fuiies-t tp» tsnet It- eue oouewmdi Cahctic , î1-l &0 le l(AN EX ht heeve eBerd ee- p goee wun.drive o .,tt. araaY O-.W e-.. Oe- te haeietly ce ot. I[OspiaceS ii " ttstot1eodueed b he cacticncoethtué K___________________ err, Plaictiff, tea Si Dmd@er,-bcd. I lataccted thet ttc t. eliefiefoirico it day long te theic seteral taks.No piiin uo a littie ctiaet opine heurt recoeereed. oe my di LiTES? ri'ASOS UEIAJD ftt-aaOcrTt-cCCVRocIEUiceTveIcoute- taS <ied eut. -cuaciange mectdy cf e tere-moker or ocea cylieder, Çulat, couctting a le cl friandd dread thc voyage; but- a ccaorPue cc eut. Alas 1" eaid I, letlit they h4rt -van- a pinet-pelicher la go made ftliet it eau tsiulgi eucde! tccirele ;a nS pct.oýeet- i s u xi cîoty tevisit Amerleaa ndetSe J.W e RA L S Ttchet uotic îcI Ptitl ttLeiehed 1"eopacd oeita tLie i l pîncawhulq IlIa ifscty teett are iltlled-alI ette bretbreti,,acd encc eany pleurant tELBaTCo ATuET-oc tmd elnane.Weel. 1 no tee that,"' replieS my thec url ciS geci le their Secs aee ctly uciform tand cî1ai-dietaut: Thisacquatctocceeluipo, ccd do scnne goud in DUPLEX £LLIPT~C 1 INeTEk et Mecî rOcPaictf tSctet - frietud ltcllcpgit; Itîn a buy.' ctte isa sapptlee getued dawe tottue the wmy of promatieg aitdlier lAecling Oea ac-DLcBt5e001 aticre cemet deteedaute. thiekie ttcere e,-ee amocy giiete aed Deus t WIuy, ir ehlo ecat com cu prapers-te .d fuiulty diececeed ,uet ttcatttneclii ogt [OR )GUILN LLNG INtIL O t-cce»,rceeO c acr O U U cE eenn fainies lete morriS as ever there wact tee ito mllatitdarned t pittue enSdi ui ail, acul tea f.utcccdic.itet tlittie exp"lerucon the Mcdutet-t-uea, muS t-lm e ostRK ast le ac. G..cg y r pote ta Wettem, ace>-a mers macy pretty devieea, anid clicti, ucder aheel ordisk: No otter octeriol rouiS ,eodeS utt the faers et Stters. Lyman et. alPlaiatiffiee ete mitlleiacveaàme t a tlki'o', ced if jediuea sectalot oe ils wledec chat Ilooks eut on n green etand theoteaand tourrf etin c ilt Ict oery earry thct my topes cf Tttecoaerfo p nt gratcee- tac usieS ct tlests eeouben ht aicico ttere, ced if it is a a egiott lame, tee noverai dozensOcf theefly con- day jeug icto this tierS bretu ced 'cete ocdotrln e eor fort udpleartre tea ny Ledypweartng tIc elleig Landsuccd Têeercts, thta tacoe-aney tce gine ilouatu? Suce euccgb, thiâ oei Mccc rom altteiuc i e agcct Sieppeicueusit. Homever, Dupee Etttptie Skîet Vn etî cespectunctat ap - Locmblueer eeer. twrtve.ehitee li lcwl ftn odtttog partttstactp te sît eceutetouree.mrmtIcarryaeet thttheoula-t tterLe gunombred oorteties-Aiptiat cec -yeme, go linaetplace.enThere, etsilweycedeal e nttleolitvu priueCrtstcei Rireait Ceerc le eie 16h ConcesuionofthéeTewnship cf '.ApC, mon!" calSte Sct; "chet but beautifal, lacs te gtim paver fetOtec t tetem, sceueaycI ttt odc-o tc o" ariigs RlrodCare, cp ue tt-ed,,it ectnet ereecrd, tc meut andlVe.r Peise, Armthair, frIPromenadteeandtBeue culS gicotatat pe crrt-ccd ' cee tectistu Sein-etaif t e ttot-y fairies et - What pou deoceeetait te firat ionce Afetatergrseyouidoua Dru s as cr anb flewen nt muted tt aucl7efpue yslt-workt Lot ah go pttairoi. Tltleteeg, le a thle threstof steel, fleer tote TEIOPIAS GUIIIIIE. nue tamopy a placeuecoulyandAlleSi)mibatI lotltemy saSbcmac-mst Selicate of pior, lecly pu-.tnie- ta cottientl p le o M snp tgecsa te iStcp-o iotcreetec et inerpbtut ceitter edoroes unoscupOuogeaIatehl ,amttte 6prtnigSirt. cettry-a locomotiv ecEiae-ead met alttousgh thc hum cf mechecial and epS teieg gro-epeiDySpa thep ecol wtieti TUE ?ÉAMdWAY. A Lsdypbtirtg ejcpat tlirptrsmur, 700 Acres More or LeoS. ta ttc prtty rralcitemmc et Walttcm, heuman imdutry eoyer magesî leit-tiâ ta-rernd it, ne if emtraceîg it; and - themDoe suiteitotene r o erna in thtcUnited Stte-a toma la the btiofiet th mefatry ; teclan pruto 1 change i oct Cemea a tuife W. arc gleel te bc eble ta ectgraînl tlogt Datec El levhi e t ietti PAiref TIers are oc tht steve preperty a fteet- famoas unot fer s day,btefor ail trme,' mectine ctep. clt s 5fiiet tong, aeu t, aoff ito hCad. Ait luls la doct ate our rendtieslantbla mseticencf te tipe thtiircme. PecChittrvcMieere tIsmeFiooriag OMilt, Eue 12111 ejet Ftasfor tbore a pair cf great team glacte anS thiety fict-etae mechaaies are kcpt Ias ,quiehly chat peu have ta mit anet country, on te upredp iromeneemnt DgO TagLadiestey re snce cor't atMitt, aepîedid mater paerr ce the river tut-n ttc cheela hat egie tutu the tiS cck lein, ctny tlamakicg anS ce- atch tht cpertatica, eter you knec cf merk ce ttc Orangenillé Trammsc j = e.teatCrrditt, hiehrsti ro eietuthticProperetY.c to ak tht time fraýcni-piiktemcie n ol hc oThçey liutIaie-tru il t gmA portioocf timproerrt a part c ou for acont- periu thoflinttsced eelschi t ctit la ail about, btoreypur can ute At a meeting cf tht Diêt-ctra cf Ithe pT-tms*111lut odîtpor reakttc tdngeiâc ledte isaer cf ernl, in te aienct. It takes s feer-ecre laite te! ldare, mitheet ecception, cf te ttc nd a Ihe1 hve dectrihed. Thebiteunedortsking, telS aItesllg1c n t- tordcfEtqueiag. Wfebt e repte, these gint-eset ita tundtie! troc cocllest eteracter. Lite %cliche roues, tue tohittded mith a tng lookretacty dey laet, tente-acte were lcn fer gcading Stité i hatbecu thecD ienasssu-e. r tbe tuteccent iie ttc subidPeter Aitame and n theusond steltin Il sdtij iltadpusn.Bti h iettlegaio od.o.Btte n ien he ilso h odfo mtle" Thecd, pmast ch, et tm roulcee îecitt, 1tmtî ccci foc ale ai Mp hie fout erre lot ic built cithie tinS nect reom-to ucettht mrdot- hdccee a.ae mrees. yanotite thet cheu yec Orccgeviltc; sud furîher cotlcts are suet ed thread.rsud, the octo hI ael w~ittout adenerteed citbrick and collnt Richard Swivcellec..-t h titw s a tkiereerpe mcd ecaminetthee.- te be Ici as te. arking .qrviy cf the. tîvccct, prevetîce tbr rou eariesec<outh o =lgl'ib2.iro and gisec, ccd is calteS, 'Tte Ameni- itaeerer. It mia tit - Bie reca t 1 pee-amgtetuieln rces k c! rcoswl o whndroggia< dwn tu, tsdc. CUWateh Faetory oft Wclth2Bcut sndlituiada foot-rteca as8cep, wnlla cntirelp guThe tperatîce pichr them 011. -tue meum sdleadiehinMay, and btetfu Tht Duplec% Ettiptie fie agranitfsvorite - vasno hereabout - hat MRg -,i uI hsoecn tlsad oe ihadanytc n lcsi aepètdfitsvrlmlso h -stett Il ladies und !r cniverpattp recue- sMrJIsggcc thaiS t nediselgue ihoes ae tlesa v umc aup ciuSpet îatpcciIiIsorimlse t tmeneitrih tcetiotMagazineas tus Fridity, 121h April, A.D. 1867, ntufSt thefairie. Oi a- -IÉ ate ong fer hed -ye-t ltu eenS Ct pera r. t,, Tue lade plahte, IS a mati Whll th d er t rca . #agThuen Standardfsitri et tIr Pashiecuhle cet-lt te ate mfairiescoure deptcltholairoc, ce-I p. ejed eaae te etc ouipittlet ietecl. i tlittc pIstan pîsr get hes tied. ramcwstaguhave Te cjop the ftlotetg enetitebte d At 2 'cîott Int îleateeOctIR. tWC edtaof The -aIct lleytteuc mwritcrtaies eeinetp tahenice eeéther ahlaie, alatS ouddnde e m etseutet.cuuu a vaccage leCrinotlcte, ie :SitertorQent-Qeucai!f-Thp en7peycH wit crtlu tegugatttledc,.ther erîa, editmoci d cofttg'tthael. alsoccote mo-ue ty, rec-ect Mansfactue,r, Eepth Shape ced . CRAWFORD McKiYDSEY; prcekc foc thtir enety stop tn mesacreii OC mn.thee ttnthmithle &hop. Thece e-taemn euod t ee ecit cetrh. It tive v- ses@coumt u ea rd hi tht pleins tnisti, Fleaathlttp, Decsbiip C..'mort cet Electff Ce. Station. ty ttesu; ced they toc enothing ta mece thttcforges, and ttetrip tammeer, tuto Dennytrock Fair 1811 tllem.'- of Cideaon-Sau. Etoomy, eaqirr for J. W. BraCie'a tDup- tteecl<ci Office. Mtotn,.tcllJae'p, 1867. Semtmngttt tuktcscd cdtesvittchr . ttntcerm c.eaimgpedt tes or Doubllsijoite t ndleptrett o ih irg, u t arihétrt aadchedivl, u ter ho mre1ib "opomooninig rofo <et the prooter article. - motion e ee feSPlirt i it eran.Ifi etileîumnsth$e sperirrity e ch baical ovet CAnrtIOe.-TO <uerd :ganât impositin te bve ule ilaedjournoîd Ce self. longuer e prohite. Thte u iset tthete mancul juter, For chili a c Ardanthe Voitearienier Marti li. paratre ap ntie a tpttcPter eem t Y StDY 0 Y16 ut te drop metapher, sad coma Attcemman woiag. Wc pasitc e mtt out bttttfuhî letl 'Ituptutu" hateia led k telmp, itz" JFRID ' -etorn tatht as aOtFtMincin1t867,cu.Ic epen tcmtte-eeotirrieai tthtemcainetour une! plact, then tab o t - pat -f tisfai 'i Iofindgo npon the wilqtband.-one abetssirstc.aet_ Inde.- hait a de the aeila - T e tetNéce Sa5stes fit a curions pcrtefoiettitiy opVtia-sldudran y rteo wi funwl hruhsrn n. II olape " - neThtm Qen*ti teWfe as cy. rdtin xpresadF. .aciuetycend order, letWRKtA onr. dt a ueiu i-ti ac éep A as no i t t éi t enr pd oue p rut m - telS c r aed i rt re ite ste m sl ir g a efaitea a h W e p u ee ilut u e a t it t hi l e e uit a tan oag pased thrtec îentcre, 'cîiti sea niFi s .iseof th loug galleîri uoftthim tety set, l LoeoklenSaimy guide, ut depe ,5t s uorteiftes o@,&Z rees log C ntt lueormttution f -, sud fer iScor therenn tereb lieue arete4eh toco, quietly epitidg te tsend o! toi urai ia inteltera arestb. cfr ttierFlexitteitt and tureuctb, sud a eem- 'Stimiif tCeOui ttin. onacoetieue e es. Met, u alif it ii eh otsa ttuoe if tbtu caactilyi ,athtecuntre. ject le martial lac. A tocmber cf inticu net tecfntsu p otI te- Ohrt. ïihe.nff t efic, Milion, AtriS î2,*67. Id -But Sct,' Raid mC teaes-t -guide, bomunopathie globules aekept inAuBd nom 1he parcs, l amde..thé caviCet-copqcas recectly cenm- ettriae etin atrîet tIre oitStarst'iîpnpise eereceIemIin rea hiet vas fileS citt chat etemed t ts hte!Z, aragditestodimtinu irenîaewitu gtpîeuSte ChécUnite tate Rsht on0 istbc-tegraine eftmre. an c d. cor af tjr cwap t, the Jcmei-t-otdt citI-mitte nacind e -S teedfnean et.le mad eietchere. bItantdsapiie retl rrnedi PWuat db heSl nr fte eluforeditme thtthe manufactucre letempéer! e t. ge-chi scS»Ilppntrtmtr tet i lt1h t re h by op Pueunt.A'E & AR. f catetes b;ll mechinesr' le a iattI- tplacéd eue cf thue rainlstuntird pcacucdi leer une: e t ips hasmical erait inrdrill. #UBALYC AY iveiy Amet-ra uudectsting. Femaicroscope, andi proyta c fcteh àHmtigprocmis te Cointcted.- a-tn ItauicIteludi. Th re uti.eethiup liketar oge sontA mevtfraaeus scoruagn t Once Di Ctambers ccd 79 & 8t Ruede SI., N. .@ct- n uretiônniaruent ntibet nt sewu.- te th al wi sfuloltdmvefr by tise prisncein laryer, atnd Mat-eh, 2t, t184dTe.s bew vee usînci u "baeSte, uýu ej neeuiet Itluteta milfiers filcfItOl a yc svesllaarng I b u lsttcý L 3 , o efeneefaweg @d adput in peur bonad t p efacb e lncit-dba tnd le différent pt-eovices, $3,000tte S3,50O0 ri peesd." arj..7 cscsccmfiptpitinth etdy te suait theacetion lt n court# no r11-et relatien taentc tter. A 'in' lley uhemed me ý mîesoMe topi eÈtt Wtheîin uhe Srt put mun- atial in sltant, Othie ttittseat, à bittt teel,tc peutta t muehtinaer a oiu u~tie utettemus u ata ViT lulli II DIPct-cteS u inlà t. cottiettul lan,, ppeauote bc iterquiuiil prt- 1OThe t iemitim ebe CotheeiS. ad OTog er dottç -Itiats ttcéquestion, mai r t-adue ls teTot-nneo VtertiyCoct- tturueey sud exeuiit Sty fteuthte eci. c ~sc ît;rîte c tRotnustiste meve eIt es Lo re este. eOà erCeoriginal sud&ermcitmaecJ-hsebrunde, t tok up a copleof ucféwi and tthe inctr dca-sert aid ltesteS lundif- piaèf a te-ie& etingei. Lowe anmal B e Oét-ferthet Ilteel, tesunelthle gelthe 119o- bshtne-tf!by ettlog uey fSuers, tand "W& beruidenee, of bis fatbercf pape.1l oiin.OtMnno t proeut wil b ett ;;ýuht'bwI9-undr cus ooftudond fin m eStrileeino talae oainer isiiube eni tal te tmate o Wiu' M lla mILE solli t suCIN tpet-viit, by a mtchýmIsm 8.ainerto "eot t t misettSta uttc pent ieutn b &y hni i del e e, ABol IIAU-A-MIL SOLII Of MITR'ilices ccdi ester varies. - hatuetnouare tskiag q-l ntble pcoerty, lverseil;*bute0 cuce rdmelé hi be mn utoeà nutoernhe Term% erte5c Mece or ocue Tctc fcmeigcii u tme OeManager-, 'tbut bec muet eedo tttt d.te litutkdan h 'Slald flat ce l Wiiet gis-es eotlS, cures a eehd, and sud Canttc almapu Oc tednodsuceecaTle tutrepCf Cedtucf cths e Id notu lcteo tic-t e lsb Ie. paysflic decta)rIlA draft. puompi p ttendeS tedi h puatr o olte e otu ce Iitmni ot I rmni lcwthcs om ,-iltonn.ral St1tt. 167. 424tf et ficot igtta c t lopteceÈ. Euroýipc Ttc oremode ttc ceICtLletien---hdtemreterpttoto 4Te "wrh@000aptn tceyCageied tt-c etOfetmceee tsù aywl ei -yacp uào ~~IIWM NiI.i ~entieôotexrpetiede, ted ûm lte-ap; eiet!id, te bu 5vel ie.Tho ttirty parts. Ta ttc lutter rocûcs th or ttc gentlieancite hsppa e t est of teuece laor. Toe sotilomattete utrems crecet-tI edollicenul a epartet- c hart arcmeit;anS,-to te teef- lhem. 25 wlr.,therewmueficeeIradc i'teatco. es 'ndreS, ItLate, fit-ccocf hem e taoffersgreat voeitlfy 1f pteees P Au ievpiing igt @oer a gîlta eThd IN ItU TON. etprt) triff e oflp asnon end e bll ceigh c gtain t' tiru anS Sema, tuyat itytuiý-re- ecî caca micmc blreatie cis eÜ j-plu ctILcte . litthe ilotsidee'-Octi sSte-ore;th« dtul, ,eautleeaneecewc ~iOR mte.fat e, rel-th.t..s.... fAtten ycc_ _.A, for unrh mrtmcuettip. HM o Se t e t ake ta Our homues i"et0r AND COUJNTY Ol? ILALTON INTELLIGENeEIR,