-T 1 ý -- -.,ý-,ý -- .1 _- . ý 1 ý - - Il 1 ý 1 . 'Rillî""Iýý.- __ aIiý 1. 1 - - - 1 e_ - 1 ý ti 1 ,ý-,.,- ----»- 1 ,ý 1 ý 1 -, ý - 1 t 1 ' ý 1 "ý, - 1 ý / > l ý . q . 1 , -_ . 1 . ,, 1 . ý ý 1 . - ý 1 1 . - . ý - - ý .--- a-- __ - - ý_ ý ý - M - _1- -1 ý 1 . _ _ 1-77 - --- - icu. - JM -a - - M. - 1 =W- ,!.!!Me!!" -, - Mb« , - __ - - 'è , roligubliand. ,, ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý;ýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý!ýýýýýý- ---------m- 1 - ý i -_ .. Il ed, . Gentm Coumittge. 410 &Tus., e No 1 VM Bruce. . That Moetiag li Actoà.., orr 1 . 9 jj.: 1 1 ýý 1 . ý - . __ '. kt fi .. plipit . - 1 «-- - j - ý - ' -of-tbm who ,tu thils omditten ,7 it. . ý i - - PALURno, April: lot, 18671 11,1111,14-2 .- _ -,.,". _-ý1_ * : 1 . . . L. . 9 .Sio 4ýý,; A metting of a Smmittee W* give belloser the lier oommrw ,ý 'Oir ).y 0 t la Marre :ý . ! U-1. , el, L ý _15 . ý - -; 1 -1 . , , %4 .111 -, l ý - - ýJJ, - ý tb&,iou$e>ýi-OW ts, - - ýw - ;Z*à'.-e ,a ,V14 - À-PRIL Il'..IRG'Z look place on Tbwa-dty lut, aý whick obtained priz-ý-s et à reùm examinuation ejngqdu thab, ý. , 1 1 "Ils -, . F ;ýP.b!W" tinL WC du net bold ow»Iveà ripopnnsib The Municipal Counall ô ho Towe- 1 The.Drguis Il illir .1; .vont illère, ýh - In , 1ýk . ý ý- --,__z_--. - - 1 ý .. - _'. m ,J -f .1 - » N ý - . - carte mdeots. t, 'Mu i EtýZldnd al - .r- _.,ý . a, 'lm 0,14têes, le IliAlcon, à feu for flic opinions Di'46>W U , _e ý - théir wu a very f'-ý1Ir. A»a K , P ý!ýo 1. el . - _%ai ip of Trafalgar, met p JI .tils6viiOnt d & . - 1 : time-si -!Ëï.- leu mmý - ---- ý ,Mý 1 li flissamtendances ait'@ "haut. lîw ilaiton W, »0111 ýV ýu* ai' ï» -tiraly t'roui _ - -- , 1 1 artatios 14 of " r 1 41* as , lie Il ' . .1; fervil ta.il ,.ý:.4tý r -, ," alr,,QAP. a gulm... .1i - . . li'l - 11> dq binot,, Wb" - ý r . 1 - 'L va 1 - 0 ý . fflu ý çJà4r.ý wgAgýtýw Cr. On thès T»--» ý q; . ... au sfýâôU1m4 «,»-l y an , à . , 1-L ý : . de, ý - I& * - 1 81,11, pi , P ) il ;2ýýZ.4 ý OIZ4.... ý d'O 0 ý4 ýM e '4 t!îýï ,et - * - - .., bipklqffls. 1 'de Il il.iiit ý, __ - ' .. ý eue ta . 1»80 ego. ___ ý arc;, & t'ât;eýî'attng», . toum.0 p, no-party . lIý *_ ý ýý ýý ý - fi 't Wk= ý#= 1 noît. 1. k ira ; Ibo W li6ppptbet Çdnredýr;,t ý_ .. *91eriq. oribc illa 1 et. Io 1 .: .t ", 1 , - ý ru -, prt, whièb ,4B iwesà d à à O id oct a . UIVIIIII., obu - but, to * atkkhm tb4 % Od ýý - ý i 4>«J* givit ettutkadatbo ýr% IL 1ý '_' . e st 9 . aïf. tw zuki, m la . .11111111111t.iliallilla à AR- ..é Ille eoutim WIýý4wN*, ..ýt.t , "..-Pl d» . aubmubud- ý Ier7IC,ý-ý" -- -Y. 00 odi ý;., OW 1 I 1 , > 1 . - re t - Il- ' 1 ,ýr4ýý ý ý I-y . . ý 1ý de rt ý ý %ffl t: ; .. - ' ý r 1 - a a Wcismmr-ived one of 'ewice»ý," thit joureffet -ho boieg rromt andU " Issif «* - - . , IIII& -, -«* O-P.&»" FOPC§4" ma q* 1 ,. ý 10W - 1 .*ahwb!mptm, fi,»mi»t, ria the filet go the osimpleint filet du wu ln- and read, vis: one frein Mr, C. Ca lisses lby>dges vai'going te eulm S thé $0, iw. y1mt - Ta 1 2a Wirs . cd. on thé Ë-tý-. tielàt the-66wnee la ... îý - -ý illa muddff the da"sisir of azammboir ho t'the rntîegsgsjjo'.141ý ý 004 ý. . Tb@ 25Uâh tb*ý doisillatu %cet in Albertom, ard Pet bil clan. 4tb Bar- place. if stages abat blé. White notrer dividuals :,t toast, (bât thé'fSd te fer- sied cillera prayiog fier a efontlor tb.t:Z«' ah A. Dr.lkbert>ibiumý.formerilýfNelsoii i ta i amed thither kýà , - notifia , Z imis. pàsTuwpo4if, pf 0, in yot IgithOut i support of R churd Norris an *f sla e ras ý . Ituèm it lý a va a. malade 8»tlbjr xew»n* thIe. - - 's trou 11111110div# belle 11autamSt, Who Milton, je the doy of the sprisq: sho , 124, 4 0 1 - e Own ',Cuding tiib _ ý ý Wentley, 5 lots liguait . iliur: toit oouf'raâliotl. Mis ýîtots-#ue, t b4 ', ý4 ff - Amilisoeoi, - «--*'tïbeèebateirod&be likelyto ui -me w. rath T em,1-4->It '. - 1 1. - 1 m a ,,eol-il,'ýïil'týn'. ' ýTheÊ"" a . 1 G ey la thabt»uerbbad gal, §&tire@ Mintalhe ýMjr110,1,ý,i*ý ý,ým)ù-=r-ý ý Ar Onefroui 'od1rý UuO".andotheý . ,ici" &, pra" ficu. We W. t sait Russel Conover.91 t bkoh- ilélai z ý. 1 al., .. bd Kr .. m ils or WAA. 10ïb William J. Albertmon. 1 1 la forage Committee have imued ' admis- la oducing il oiapy of file evrtificato nt _,Tý7qverqànt wayinu the Cieu, cil Io enneub the vite tagillem for Ibo lateuwbàwlimwe ý autu ý i& -,.«...ý- - ,c .7?ggff mrqRm en a nette ý . bko -4Wp:takKn ChWiolm bubom ý - 1- - -.e _- -. ÈL-0 Cowambek-»*W&*-Mft wiw*ýby-4w ý . -;;--- eues, - a1Iy soléated,. ý Mu -114 1 -- - -- .- - V"«46fflL4ý in * Ili *--,*4b-femplýW;àà;;,ýýU ý,se ' - " 1"ýe'-ýi;i voiT =fMW iffýAfty, bu ... The à" r the t illa U"rý 13th i-nel-01-ati.berlain, I.Lih à tih we mike the CînwnîaaindýDopairinient. Sucl)apil la lis, iownshipas Ise sot -eý-OFlog'-iit - ý - i Most outriagrous Ur ail the star tao on vrilling tout. of the Omd T .... 1 ý aube blé 1 els, bxl% ý . e aeèý9 ta) WPI»U Ladt , 1 1 .... 1 O..wan. 15els Gurrge JL Wu Ilowite éditesý ~ in ib4lidly'se fissAld Cà-;tlrnthettôn &inàoniîrw'thý assimile a lie illeu, abat there eàwt bu soole short ,ý front agi Et.glii.411 pâM. 9 ab a, fiWay , on which, mîy tend te &gon rat «beur, lotte fo 1 , the enst cornalorof the vremt al(t.floi Na. lire or 1 * «à6. 000 _. %i ýr6téd ' t& . or . Il ý 1 * 4w--ý-:-;;- , & given 4ý Dur Coutleu, . ý 1 . 1 lm lessi thau 1 alitement *,* IIM . .lsa Ç9wO4 pllImrI ---ý ex rond la - ilh _* jhe-jbgu nemzqm 44i4ie Ind millions 0 gdou*--4-di- - - -_ _ pâoâbb-ttffl oit FZ_ .au , -Z 4 ,Xý D.ýýý ha îî7î., mince for filleccuand a balf _f. zwepun im- Tb&zàobm - à - ' - - - ý;r1;:"houd, te be'èff,.ciive, uUýt be cage- 1 " 1 tb,,u--,ýbt dWiiible " the inteokaW lit % . atco» vivisiolf. 1.ý - .Tho élection cil proper -VuxUanmijtt - eulielueut irhich id ofuatsn lien or plu fin, un& digging', fentlituen, firuier owner. se the ricapd W, dige),!o-,Psary , unairalitre Bill ,-ýhn»Id asantalion 4WAi -vi.l. , y invoive Ituada and Tur .. IL fl!telt. -.ý:,doU&iL -Bathe repentodefthatact? ma. , and 1 à a il(; one. Àýîsàu ý'R- diert 1 , 1 lot Wesley 3. Albcrt»%ý:204 CW itépreipntallwth 10 et -19 " es a lireent - dmt-oýy j'a itgarlis daafloi lit et trate, mil bidding farew@U tel théir rallier 8 a" a ""-'hwuy' , Effýpoweriiig the Cassiadius 0,g, IL - Né, Ille attmpte to jutitý it by arguilig thug dmw in Andria, and perb Eng- lotte welsaly. 3i'd blarY L. .%ICG-Iwan, and important duty and'privilege, bmý and suay contaits sec tfuth nt Un. . Tü, - ' . Ruxton land otliers privins., the 0,.iiieil by tigre~ &# ami arUtrue - , ta à1ý ý 1 r'qu _" ý -6o»elwldi-*Itd faking an a û«-e-ttffinllU,ýiý r ofî effl on ýý* thUbIT.WhiUtýad'rotedit to the Grand land te maint-ilà be va#r4uiV ý .art, ouithiit a given titres, lie ciste a*,& the o ý.- 1 1. * . ý . ,J.,ýk" W. ]l1ý_,àIè -§*-@«Mý*%b", Ils BOMOIFilb StFlbë-érewtLi"Î,-iWéÏi wr& the ;'nse of flic rep . we find ,cave of their -Biddies' they tout out de. *ese.do*ztotlÀlli.cu*mil.iL% àtd;iiàbt . f E,âIl &,il_ the.Neditemnou. , But tbo *k j4cen 1. .%lrgowan, 7ih 8. H. Al file f4ui.dýtionâ of flic eansatitution of - : ý ý ý l . du Moilestir cersb -1 Trumâïl; a provicus session, but -ho for- . beetooa. - 13(h P. TI-4iii, 9ýIt 3_ B. B, ý -w lieu itrture Domininri of Cýtiinda lire 1mý la ý ho iwi.vit., - mý ÏAr the èýérsîwK of a Moirai 04".ý-ýý, ,Y, inter whieb-lw W Il, kow gM4 te tel the eleetnu tient Ur, White difficulty je the mimAc 1 .1 1- termined ta posta theLr fortunes ira t1W moeds - , - îûý frôli,- the 44 ' ,*I,ýuiý,wau at -.--. .%Ir.'rlinnj;is White vas theu bttr .0 icarissen IlleI't'hie, ý, ý mont presaing . ý 1 . , .0 da . ,- - ?W 1 ý et .-I id fieldai of Nu" , ý btýàp;" heffr. tofLb Z., a aitéïau. 1 tais 0 ourrd,, ùèac L", ,avisasse, after a #tfpýe1e eF fi-ýUr- On àýsÏving ilarre - ! 11, à ciliée 8, rum, or diioed.anfihiseippu:.ri,@.waFi th»:siýo . t 1i. $ - file . et , - 1'ý féok ample amrity by a, ffm# mortgage Vgfttàde of Pruligmais. . and F elth O"ivirL4*rý«e.13tiiJÀ&nený-ntè. tees ,.ve*W dormi aiguiller -me-jolu. 1 peur-to liavwàtuil a eauturt lituils Of, treçt Lp quo _. - II le l'or no ativitipteil disturbance by fortune dom soist atil e Town ý1r.Nlifoùý'! , ' - , h ip et ICI - t-I - away Millier we aboidi a _. - llikh2niliF%'Ihérlbih 1 , y Îýw binadvrnteof th'eo"Lower O.ineid-iin.4 %.hnwi)iteplllýp..ýt(drý'ilý,49. Itwam 0 e'Ura Qu., ý 9 ýn« lui fie voted on thé adventairem and afwg a n: tituber 41r. Bq«ý nuvyj,.sects-ýd *r.,.C, ,Èice, la na , iire the il, 34 ý q 0" "Y' -fc!.Pmo. _îd . laf Mr 'id ii ihte- (ho sied i - Il, . 1 Ibo Gernosse oLotes, rrssmgllý 416th A ()rr. ll:Llvg: Soeurs] 18th ;&.,a a corrupt clique at,17ory .%I--intwro J ' M - patit , -,tW. gCocjgriýy, and th«. Lent the money gis bas ù6w itliàd . 1 no go, t.oweyer.àtjqY .Nlr.'Wliite n1litained (if ujýsdèftwdiI.ÉS lenwi,éer; gîsroied thiat the .1 , fiiit Nt, Tobin. 19tÉ G- li enîd,-r, ZQrb A. f'rnin Upper Ceinada, li,-ndcd 1y Jý,hn A. .ouik t1ililly were fare--d 11cesautat 'If nient if. 'lie uwd âwý wgXý4 ïl ý# embraces y- o loir heuring. paintinireut -gW cil ev tri teint with. their- lngt dittiei und witA alerte D.';Ii:iOs fier fahsnk rurniélK-1 hy Mr- ,- et #*oM vincel. Therefadt»gernbW with herse2, -ut Fiah, fist 3. T.4ïný'r1td M. Conover, MeDansild, rire have gýiinett elle victory . ., .1 1 je jablarry: und corruption ; ne' W- 1 colin, P- ventchod 13rd G. blul.y, 24th Jatu« Bayne. elly vote A-.à which Mr. (»Iii.tiéliii lin-4 h,,vj heurts ilwi eualaty pi 4ke!ý, tri met L. Donnis 14 imia&'IýNvimiôýt NO 32. the lianes se . * nt tO to.t>ffl le of Canada, vaiticis they teillions of -bïeoe' and are abaint tri repli the fruits ira a tacon ýor&rc4 te 1w paid. carried . y4tuitu. et' course 'Ilsé Il 'l .,.t-.W. à w,-Or'W', C01.ï 4 1 i . . . .>,.,. , 0ýIy in cas ý byeSùng te vith jeulondy th*% pregreilit 'of PrW = 259h. Carottait Orr, 26th 8. Ort, 17Lb tep es2ntatinu propiirtièned tri out nom ajtuçked, aniiiiiiar ,villa I"ýi been aut on llkrir ýIuIrovy lin#âe%ýârd.. jsliq. herc-by . ion G.t.i. . en rosat would 6sý . ,ip= - 16 ' Ibis 1 - Aaga uittirf Way ý r alivessi by sai r. joitoi, Mlifte , -à%,jfeii re fortunes lissier anime single ý senti iw.w asIr. Bowbeer moxed. jrcoý ded by , ý ,. pa«jment m'm like NT. ,wlite, who iaggrandissemient and. ressentai a recSt IL ()rL - bers. - No langer are the intéresse or the tourtes frOfIL Ilc.,Jtlkn *bleNaugibtot' difficulii, &-were in store f-r'ý flic unflar Mi White, that la. j.ee.,rýladice Calais fi., W"lk O libiero."ini naitu.y attrait 1 ,vaut . . . ý!.__' ainety ,thoumend poIýpIe ci [luron in built; a 0 lieu# va èè.Mè bave ab Witt ki" 6bbvh a &&-noi»9 op kion t'O 1 attemipt of tfiat itiolle te , , bénujiht flic meeting to a elome, Whou pni pdf.ý 4,4ý,,'f*;wiýBýWvilWiliey lion of .Ch'arles QuIh*îtiý ab. 4 others . ý ý ; vtïý." , , ' lt@poî,t and Biam.,,depetideut o., the et-rtoý of mro entecf-,#éwÉ>6,iars tire proýitt.d tu 11611)£-Iiul PM ' Dr. oweswa 1 aléas, rgiusing oheera We.re triv:ma, for file took Lhcir serais in the car@ 1 but whên Ci 3 rullw-Y line'-ý.:e4tebdb# f,,% - in$11; of the pmr« d LutmbamF vith il& ,9;tzuj"u in 1l:èlif»xý entirely ve E61, e ' dij»d Trank jobbay, instoisai of thme mm ' - a juigl - a umbudumi- But let un not lie Queen. threst cash fur blé. Chisienlui and the conductor cagne rau (f. ýing Double Thongue IIODwmadf4or the RUPPOP el 1 .xee*ê îles. "an _ fortiem firent 110114àd. Ibis 4t the ýuL meetàg of the EàquWng decrivest. Let un sant im * 'ertilmetot 0ontroi-the Gltýïsoq, Who Elle Mr. eu*" " Meer P.- *-.g '1I9't'e Our elIr. Widte of $ho Spectafor. and týlri'Q m ý,-i,,Id& pWýir rioké#%-thoý *w.-ý*léfli Richard blettis Miels vite ýto bd aziuLit 1 . ý lq8Iý die . mbolargis a provincelorthe, German Coïncil the fohwîng Report froco the durit endeo Reproissen tilt joli by ports- "si fi'r ivr jash'i %%'Iit,.." . tativ int-rnwil thLt th G ' a 'l k theni no lie tiiiiik» propèr. 'Ccrrized. .QNW, ir ait the potrocýg Il'. ien Ki ferred, *» i«Mre" of the Grand Truck LUIC . gr" . . je est, IPI(,P" lotte; jwë lit 1 V"s cf - th, Local Silperint«dent vos read: I4tiýB in à géant boue', but stili. is only . .. . 1 for John White's ;ouLhs." dia tant give c»4it, en.s &i7ý.vlè .'e',&,I'.',f blé. whis. ý tu) te ,oting ,M&4«-i ..il- a. p--oý * . . The signe . snoved; pee,'Wded taie .%lé - -M.&at of théir oonàtituçntiiý by ý Georgetown, Marcha 2M>1867. a jasmins tu ne en&, ý a-.d if grand Reliée Our i. ler" t auto* a bat the -*rough*." the jnurr)-y oair bernes werý couard DI)Wbqýr, thnt tee vrest hall of t, Dio, ý tioxiouosna niakeng roissaillislEe'- ý 1 King of 1[aucý mil Pmmà"rpom tives sim pet amured, May prose a Ilt , sarrillée Faitwnlv fainvieu *r- avery billa *.'&,way tàm plsopws mouy te " , or by mista Il in 1W2.1d1'Offlý, lait B. lie aftnetia tu 1.ý G 1PUI1113 1 whota feu th i il Co?- la s'Pi no,»Itd ruo 101ilid, M44 . 1. . . tg' For nearly wven yeurs dýr,,i inllt,.f#d Oro bléaming. tate versa, wasi-, para ( for livinif. te pardm it frisse noýamd or ta bom- , - Caeri44 ý habiter 0 ý 14 die fier im jnp«" Ili& a bu 1 0 lanerCliishohWg badý gurd'. We ,,a., ta ý.-p,-nd lep-, t . , li ýbehmffèow»zienstày abadA on Divisions. 1 1 . lit i z4 taul, vith the-impor- In the Bouge of (,'ulliiunnu there Witt hebçmpit»litynrfur:s Ir; 4.9ait ilivixiosis Nie. 32 . in-ulai bref,-.: a litkw P) itie.1 itiftwi;oi $6 osonds, mm *o.% Who lion Holland te give ii up tel heromalf z fýe ý= sSuperinteùdent of ugs d lie loguld the I.odint xpirits nfi %,an inforine(Uthàt the'nieeting lial ho- ffl.---A Mr. Qein frnm 94,tmitfnr fous Tb .1 -7, iri là" ne , _ý . .là ,eIrgJrý J 1 -C'p' ý outit - . beur. Und-,r oncle à jiyob r 'O artier and " miad du Dot Vitale ta hear aloviffi go Tétanisai, tell W 'ri estiésif atieunici ôfgiving a vesry land vote, under the rouent trotaty. Vm» te se" 0 ip of Belquelaing, the old corroptioniste, C4k-. W"" W" - 4 ne tlçxi et ,L.Yoýu 8 ý autel.. , , , gauce sied vaste. i enu.potei #d- Jobs blé. Thomail Whke. but tirait. under the 'hé liks linving, it la hui . sa ,,.a' ,, JouN K. AppcLau .14 theoe :2t.n.owlhiti Ira about to remove tu i ena"r e . by. do.ying; 1 I»w it wu blo4 thisgeme, and te ý pensant &__ _c _ jolie A. .Nlcl)oaild, and instoisai of on 1 - dj&màoe, là.-u4l ru!o i., ' ýTegJ «q." hsîý iniderial labor, and p tence filet ?4r. Tlieruaa White Vus tsro seedy tmki.,-i r.fmri0ro"*alki g . 1 the 1 1 fisalling inits-the, bands of - ý, esteil f the Lower Province to confond Ville, W: i Township Clork inentofthecolýcere. Thommalmq Seing to lie ourisoi et ý »y Iroste and- 1 . greât fer!- ý t,-cleitnr in rite ridilne, lié 9 89 permit- earel«wy abreut. Quia Mopped ai .. . * ý l . . 1 prsaill re=& Ymir, 17 t- Pô-ru le q - ,belaLrged.ficittevery, - aedsbota ý a lil Ise gala to.tiddm» thé envilling eue@ of the Militaient on Ili& vrai boule. and wu there ý A -p p ,yers wouid bave ta tuât the bill- -*oIssai 1 .km u va voile fier it, 1 We - 01-U antagotaist in y = t val:y wouU Dot non, have three, 'ribose interesite are, ta 1 a leictum Il illemild bc borne in miý ý .4 1 pro ) ý ý à grent estent. in unisoi., and in antag' le àrty" try- "uld rather elect one Who b» on au O&ringahiiW bidforit. ButPms@4% atteint fitaisse, meýfbr the éffice, 1 cote- -nuissis in Durs, il 4 Villa atruculcmt ý 'ai Delly à loir, suivantes Whou the twOý4taâz .ý- . made p.gylli'r a vaut nuits as intempossit .,p« ; , 1 . . laïller it due te y'ùq un the CoUlIcil to _ ne fiant Nir. %Vliiiefbf tlieSeelà-toris file f.rpw:tkedin Tlaeo-tnip.tWngneewre.d how t tlwp-iretiva-money. Tbe" ngenmt es il ý ý ý,eî,d. fer ibe but ictertesta of M the PriBéPle that -*tM" - right , grede fers, rendy to-&o tbeir baddi--g Il fâr ther rys Wé have befire 2 te& j "_ -tirs of es 1 Tary ibin4in et" - pregcatâ : ri of i nt il ;alto . sansà nt > Rathewt-r(lq bastA et t fi car aile Grand Truids la*& itxdiffiewituv,,,,», a as hum cote are com'ài tic& the ait fermier Ul. . , ý ..ii&tunwitýomts Md .Prend, truc ont r - likely tausely te mbm't' aCfdýw&r M:'y the TowD@hiN tao mbmit to you 1 fier ;,;ibrtib lttdkt>e tir WaIs-f warfli ira film berw.,Pn ltr;irtàlt ln sied Million. like con' ,a new u-tholy alliiiio- velinse nets will shzmrr ï--Izeýcd in >Flic rond loi Abally outlut ropoir in Vimy Dril - ' » p6ùg tri -11. -- ---,iàtugqire, and il wauli nevtr iihri'Gilpio'g 1 wi the -p y of WeIhuadIý The ý - C itha- places. Tlictrffiannumepnrt ý joignait seâ. t lie the conséquent .1 cW ohgement of the condition in which 0 tarin 1, - . vit 'land lq ,,,,, eýK.,ý,,-, e , .C . If Yoga Vaut te fermiers ' '_ Qýlin ,aie r The Globe of 'taWaythus discuefoles 1 ourvender thé oduc âtionid interteaits of vif in it&fllny visite tho*e [if file 01-1 re- d;, in tell the elaiefors or duit Ridin-p' %hý rond beJ 1 orn.ki-ii, , - U,'r' risses Constitutiontil *anatii Dit. Iîtreet a a p gui in verv pa..r.,wbijo-at Watt ý toit arâer oiaà Tramk and Intemlonial gime Y les the buildi le --f file, iutero'b- thr.uzh the c,ýueiine of flic Sl)cctat.l. on . îw Il. te ý M. the Chances of var front ibis causes. tb;m Township, join ban Jout .ilr..,, wili lie affrd,.ý] .Wr- ý silýI)icifblllq aient ell"ir intentions "'e eketed fur bugle Houses rather ilun per- file Graitil 'I'rwik s à# te. , ,14bery, votifoir Whi - mooemor. The office thut ha@ been so aunit ý flot 1.0 remp -et witn-oll;iwft to hue 1111,Ui, ont g..ol and one of file (y 1 4 "#*"là, 1 lu - ON il on eclo3d norme the Long egatengted tome, han 1 conceive i..n;iry char»cter in llmlmn. and thït lie c-isr -diiiip . -es lIèr a repetition of tlw.Grtnqi ý '@14 l.lu Sers mita 1WIýrmer tv get one. sent. The illetti.jhowl-iok --il-amie. The ielý,qn. - 1. Fais ý,-1nsn §nt Parliammt of the mon Truaik plunders, in, providi g la-r flic 1 gnrrnwful land tn'm"rds 'a"" " WeH..nd , Tc1eJrqph,ý in. -rpe;&4ing ,of à i;.g are a nieras tritý compared vit1ille, .ý il il AtiautCcý la the loisimit of general ailforded me many opportunities of use- rat navigation of élu; là.-il, ta! a in liée , wý'm'e.ceLe-1 with grest o by the elett,,ra. inrici, na te a,. , -Yrau. ,lire nby evil proposil to lcoiupromi.w," le 1 olds, the dvilyinde tir flic bande aide ra-ond ÊtIats. , . - Soit - ,UT hâte, in thiz laitercolonial It3iloray peafe and «Most attention t& buinesa, fiduelle frucla an every faithful minister . Tt wouýd not remowurnd failli tri 'dit- kind (;mllius- elle wiý15lupet âý-,.i . nt Edinn, -1 , .,aussi y « es - 4 ýn very Uri . UK-aU, . ression pening up air the North West territory égards of the lbllowing insol.int farfga ges:- . Iloiders. Iku bite raruini du a9w - ý_ , one question te sot- il*re ila a sudden exp second editiain of the B èby j4s: olcctorsnf Saufli %Vent ton II lo due tien@ ,Nie W n artiv,-d nt 14Lct it bc cleurly undergitood. by weene inargin laver the Croaking «mim Md if riante ,voire Ise utiliser ressorts of difstruot --and trou a p-snie in financi- of the Gouape' will alwj&y& lie glad te avail for a ut We believo our friend of thr hanse inter &et nighs, -bila ýVsss Witti II. À ow file mure wu -1 , .; himrelf of, and- it je due te the excellent a a il, the general adttailliýetratiun of a ", -these CoMpatq3ý189 BEGG ffl, that the Bad lis file eu>ë, in new, file mure way lie ý il eftWro* cure in the chaîne of 81 and political circles. Se saladden lm .ysteus, under whioh out whoole are nt Jaracely increaýed'rev«nue. tItr à new Ciel- SPed£ztoor hug nt iny graliii q a a Il a iceI' and 1 entoforrable ne the btipieg fi.i5 whon a test gidlitkk thrown down -to - tas will1a moireii votre, W*mid bat tu "Proa _; 9"" fillais been and 90 ala" 117 unwamuted le.mt one excettdin-,,iy bill ont- . rasla, z iitim. Xe" We have et Il in sit-ranoerte eulit se" dredairiveil tnn. tiken tir, m-Ànf'nlty *tg inch of #o purchase the vailwayundi-natt.u*t rin - r'é one which onght by f6ets, tient *o ean wvSly réalise it. promeut, and have for soins yeaurs becre mingue or nauoilagaa mononts. ,ýttrmefo4 Iýy flic liglit jet , and eue ý' ý- t.at!ves, timist in' .19 . simi-inaged tu say thst in " ing full use tberefore, in the ettaroise 4'the milliers the habit bu han timiieht)w acqnireil- ni i.,d ï,inew the grousid-wili bef&liyht x,ît" t.fliiClt- 0.,Ter»me t nmnngoth.rtlt. Jult 16q ý' Te 1 -migh. very besavily vide the peuple. But that it in not more Ili o the forgetting ille ruelle when tlicy dire aima Ql;,,,A -hnuas insale thoir - mil thore. tjvg,- and with tlw Ihi,,tidieiii Gkov- litituuni vith twÎ tireur ' - a te 1 of glaces opportunities, 1 never have been hy ton ,icputod je use, ta select. candi- sein% té riz brise hè l'na 1. 1. - ý 1 ý financial bkmmeters or y Ir L rIy tempted to violate either in the letter or laies go repéesent file Iliding in lit gre.maiele fi> bila a A crin à race hini tau 1 ,,,Id -piet as he Ili in the advocacy of the just cause, the Ivid nailla (il* 14,ilway ta sièmenage , Joli 1 Il proie. On Saturday-aftemoon, Connota ' ' 11841t'ul leurpsame. 'I'liià" Iacul1jý (if ubliv- been fallowed hy trio 4u«fici.uq lainkinz, Co-48fflVATIVE I>A a Fiwméeýp4imer, ý .- Il 44 / inthespirit.the laws and régulation IgTiý_wiII winth(,ý. fiamsy M'. emilla a , mr. wertiies. were repnrted by câble firna et 91, and ' rÏaderal and- Libéral 1wuriaslature.6, béera ileumaems tuait bc Pienfttlit ta hiul, but if s#r-,ný_,Irm, ski. daw-r mlnwly , apprieil . and __ , . , ý ý . . C",,.ful tri onneinate imen of unirupeach- ira 1 -11,18. essai nni'theit mnde-lbi. opp-arorce., Qtiii)'K well-fou,-Iit d.ty." by which it was my duty to lie guided ý wlih the a -asters of file c-,u .try, tire Ta. United States 5-20'te et 75J. Gold in rgyedf and obedient ID whicla it was my aille moral ehar,.Cter, ag3iltAt vient" not ,rry apt In 1 ligiold 1IL4. fi i, Herc is flic plarty cry *ith a venge- B leti; al lýuL. and the ý bruÏiil Trok ý ý 1 ý Il ' g"""tleleâ tudi-iý,,uit tlieiii.-tlatiiiltoiti mýi.T,;eirinn wf-TIýinw fe%,r ffl.fWnIê,l, and avec ýÔIIè of 'the ment dÇspicÎble net$ MP- New York et the unie time, vu 132J dut icatarlote on &Il whom 1 land officially --r fine urt,-r---l' ý . . . Notllingof.t4éqo-pýtriý,doctriFie Alid lutýreibl&àuilti ItAi.w4y--31&.JJWU 5 _ý trateil bi'the libellons correspondeptsof Yesterday, Couassols were tell tes 90, and in found full lien cirée the b-enth air âbinif 1ýiMcs. c..lli,.ý lwti4y. tilffl.N-rý-1 lino. Zl for 1 have aiways Pe the laititf-tit wibýçp..r, nif'n WhIl are feA ý . - robbPr.ý pnýel in this truculent ahnouriceffiétit. Those tais chýirjé, a si with irV the W T.. United , .. bile rial - - 1rmiPd r4- w1whi villntte.. 4jates 5_"2'@ te 73f; w - - ý 1 f CI,1. Who sugge la T.,ry paliticianes in theeo"n'oul .0i Ibo H for My exertions on belialf of the MO 1 Ie9tý of flic Ridiac, and vell linw,, . ý 1 - 1 . .1 - * ,mid,,,,.but one gîtant might'have i su- W-. . 1 11,1ortR n- a se rpý,iuitot cil elle "Brothitr 1 sted ,that - t , bc ai fy theory duw -a &R sup.-rintend--Ita,- litanie gold in New yovk shc4 Ilptoi][36. In sud educitional as weli as 1 ýs*IouI4 be applied z 11r ten expe" of thora, je the daitardly o religions ynu allait 4)fLo.iii ahilityrand -u a IU- Ralton Blectlon Coatest. . ira oýFl1ând, are - ütialovi ti-er wnnla, Amérie*m Governmen!.l provernient of the riaing generationwith- ý li,»,,I" h-1 ii.,alo their e-ppea-rauee. a seout I ý si" and cl,-iký..ttoup.,1111,týGý,viýilineilt. 111v To ý '. . Pm eeem : in the limita na-trked o t by thoire, 1AW8 nover owi-rioi i. ira the, p ami, ,he' -urest Tt is m.qtoniýlii-,g Io I-litn(ýse tl1exIsýiTI,ý 1 tl,,-;r iiiit.-t. ili.I cilll in arms obili'd nat told in alofiaut toucs fiant flic Conserva- torsuili wrm-d the, ralivoy jA j#.t'ttk attack fi Robt-rt 'tfctlri.,-e.«.q, lâtel . -tien of emy'ki&4 fài two or tlirce larre prineiplm, Irons axhich tfiey Il,.v4 - ', - ..., lm" ,lkqkrintendtnt and Clerk cf pet, Cent. White . mal Y4>lartien& ý And in ilatis laringing cieul:tt,.Il b' lit, lArl 11P se 111-m P'ýlý'Pt 1 titre P,1rtý, w wmLi a, tl;pý,u8ea LII-8? MY1 âmit 1 inlormed , 1, y . ill have every.tliiný heciusc Ltit:trnt.tue (if ilieir fid, lisy in file future less n0èamtýtvititiits ý" . . . ý ý;awagawi Mr. ,Mnzieg dia not themeelves, we are further My odueational l'ibors ta a close aie f ir ý will nv-et fi,,, rory feront; i.. rf'ý-fe,,eý- to the ,],,,i,-,ýtlý".#IPfýi-itiv.-gfý,n-ýtti,,,,ilpirh ister îtjas believed tobethe strntigrr. Il tvot>l-l tii,ýâa» il. in the yearli dolicits thug, in the Housse of Continuais, lent a sire trurit our ohnicu 1 airs, cousansencla à* discussion, Lot merely te- . ut lemet as titis Township is emacerned, hearty appavai sin-1 lie rudorNI il Ili a c.no, si ilaw gaiuz on hutmi Mr. %%'h;t. ý e-1 týf.,,Ind tlivV,.re fint flic 'n"St Pl. turn out thls boast iîî a little too whicli Mr. G Il w,-titd b.- eniM dirai evminga proininténi ressember etated glial: ý w,,rl(l. il, ý;- ýwouId tollé this opportunity of thank- .,r,.t us 1 iliil'L i. fhý" e ci Ill% vil". -aý- ÎI - pelled, théir " d«% me Who cOuld lie atuming news boa been received nt i$g q0rity of the electorsol'ilie Hid- 1 and Mr. CI.iýtii.IiiiiI Il -1tý-a. We ,rý!-, Ant r Ish. Jt ni iy be that the Conservatives io rfiart Ici 1'..riianbelli l' The dewua 't, 1 butta the teachers and trustams of - i11,111 Sljeci 1tý)r lud.'tiler,. L, riviaiiii, ta la ý lkync. w- ro, fi î - ki4à hg ýý, . bli - 1 ,rot tasce t te lIi--,. ýIZ lof Welland crinnaet defimt .'%Ir. Beatty, ýt two or thrce ulLwlàâ IN proil - more compétent in explain the Lawson Berlin iléons Païs, M'y en Fund 'y -the aeveral achetai motions for the heurt- 1 'r' m ,,,,t,: h.ýfarc flic vicierions lefions #'f K.I.. * r tu yeïr i,ýýàlýi, dui . ý, . . e Few will qi-.qtion thé. fief th.,t tli inL ita"I' to 1l.eeirVuýr.Ii-, id st..I,!,i ý - tic. what-illey Urey; but file Telegr.tl)]o ta n-part fr-aub 3;ea caethinthedefendant? Hedidwhat mOrnlng--dmmed su, important by th jetons and readiness with wbich theY Rý.Iio-, i.'t;i, rmuhly It,ýf-trin.-.Mll allait ,in rtt,,,;ir(lit-,g M r. White's suec,-.s4 al %l ,.'t-" ý . - 1 King an tu induce hi ta summo ý ri Iý ' 1 .-Il i-v-ý Ili> -hii.p.-irisoii, sii-k intOýîI âýeiÛc6uoL ý ý la d téred icto and asaisteil me in carrying -ly: Far se w1iilo the. ptir-uoTq vrere . We mliout-i lative wtý>te a a I-ztravago -, ý ewry honorable man ehould, repair ony C ,prestersace et 2 out thie- improvementau tient have been u,,dig.-U.e& Tory enngliante e-uld fini V'lll>ll.llt[j'S tilemei gf t6l4L arc eutir, . _ $ai ,' fý par 'Osant Bib.marc& te bis ing et varitlte,-wiiii file tuets, ,"L. edilir 1 twýté,oiýr-n't. bnt,.k 1"-"t prie ý - 1 jtibbery senti eirup!lnll. ifiâl, untiýêO- ý' faisiratoutiocal treoing bc ami have db-, oel«k that morning. - This, coupled ontertaie the Fliý-,61,-Bt horem -f lie , « ' thc ý'y made iný-ach" graduera during my in- eseoted. %I; dieiguise in se Tory tantes orthý- spectatur is taille avilfully giui a li.;<ý"Výr"d thon; niýkinc" lier, ;.fil;.gree. %le-Nt'ould1r;tvétj'ust-dm -, and lefend the goM naine of the un- *!th the 9."Ml légalement in the &6- ... ; ,and amint frottai an incorsoi der- ,as naturel es brestil li'Tmyisrit actes eurietiel fi> what'he k'nws ira ot ii-aiý ý fi H. ln a farni honte. Q'Li 1 1 1 the V.ý4 ta fiii:jfloial ruin, Ad *4 ' 2n, . floue pateh tbâý the partie sereine frein the able knowiedge of the condition of other lent entasser Ili& leuro-elair. lie b--"uei a or laisse lat-en a ilip ý...ý,l ill'oil hy .%Ir CIi,, 1 Ili- mon falward villa det, nain I, i>Ilitieui deusiorieliseigion Il 1 lit 1. juatly salandered. Be&lm lie han " selon abat Napoléon meditateil a p:irtieo ofour country as relates-to eau- 1 -retlir 'or aur 1 rr'. -rt,,tajpt--,l in -nrk,, es 0.111 1 16 6;.,v.,n.&uer.t railloluy wotild lie thi eau 'dm ttacked by the corregapondents ýiii%--rvativc; lesbien 0-iiiiqerv:ttiý,ii in là ha in'x frie (la. ý F.-r f lie c ý . us on à the 1 roent, but fiiIP(l. the un« - es r - ý.1ali lie ïotNeýfhisIX frightful ta 09lèteus, , ý _Iàd thiâ, lie je a war-like policy, points tu the conel i caittion, I have coitte In the conclusion daubtiul reputatioi lie je a liber -1 Can , ecqetiil)i)r;iry we lilipe file lutter i' me « 1 ý meremary thug, the ah l'fil. ni 1 . - 24 uùmanly, ,jusillapimoýue, pecist cause Of the: Preac't that we ma$ look with a géant destree mervative. leýsntlop..rtâý,rthePr,%vii-ce o ,au Au un evide eý of t#îe t"aimity ar. wPrA Ilýmpvrr If ri ovrtýi ý/ il 'te. Ih"p.tn,.etim!ffbllý-Goverlimed . W.t ggacormpt. Theyareso usedtode- alam je = Franco« Prussien offrir. Ur very allowable pride to, the position lie lins snuLlit in bury the . . )Id faniily ttbé? arf-niiittý ai pliblie lllt!t-eingf, I'Ù'reikýll-; 1.11,11Y f -r qii--rter. TIIPY ther ý - l ý il elle tendue i fi-.(."Oe et the Grw - - an, But we ohall @oon beur more elpedally, filant we Oolcupy to4»y in référence to the rec Ili-etiani cil t.. the SperAitor a carrt sjanideat in in Ille mollet Pitenuil fermes. the Tru.ýk are h,-i enacell maw; but landir traction that thelle eP7 n.ittio entiroly. tiopinu av oz ltb*t» tome handy and in the meantime clin oniy express abat inïportaut interost,. t neê latt h..,. or 1 .. 53latessi PrOpomed. bite ilittuildntia ý la ]y, Mr. 1 &hall nOw nt fornier nete m-iv lie burird M lQ ai 1 * , 'Ili te, thein, ý ,but%, niellai Di-i-' the ardent taupe glial; Eurrapo may bc prooseed in give your a tabular view of rend iilfpsdnop. ihl,'nltl rittý"gn.kt in , lie inel' elniinèt myleal llel-,Iit4 far Mr. fý"T in "t't th«bt ' ' ' 'a an, - ' :and o -ri uptwu wuala Lie a leundrudjiasi - illa, ý- ' clairacter, igainlet whieh ÛleTe is Dot a "P'Ted t'le dire c:ilamity which snob a the prenant sieste of mattçre Connectera non, etipep&kiii of FetP.r.,Iigt; in otliýtr Chishol'il ut. Actan at.d G - -tawn ý ta k.-On iliPin afl T'iglat, ete 1 ltoreaL.e.a. . ý 1119, , "U"ty collision would bring. A Fri 1 titiIc;L%,!? M'e tIteVýdid nnt:lecppt. sent wis %Va. c.ennot bolieve if liremetiale " ilu- ýlUjn, je - veil known ý in thi 1 *ith the varions menait sections of your p:irtn. rat. nther guiffl havitg faileil. lie ý Bal[ what s'o aile faute 'il .-.,r.,t - -il Il i- . i 1 t se siau wai would undoubkdlj, roseau à 1 Township. . ý on L'op ,ai, - __ . .ý fleel-red Iiimýef an out-and out inde. or, a"ured by et relirble parly. that nt bila "'P"ny a y 'ný .ý.-Ie'-ilt,.g litive a 'ra'd, to put ihtè,'the ý 1 tnd'eq)Wally in Nelson and Nanaga- general B . uropeagg-conflict. Synopsis of »Constat report tôt chier gaffe. pend.,nt, and limp-irty man or ally.liiii,ý--- 1 thu liievtlti-- t - q'i' stiý,el,;ýilli.-Ilý-'li OAIrd Thrv areraw ai hnine, latta .cran l"; 14ear York, Avril 5-rIn flic Superia r 4 ,Iý:-nIee Biil .a elt.üqe loakiag 10 thé ýe weya, that thm charges are harmleu Io ý - ý erintessident, of the stage of @clin& gaust- n10 Parerythrng te) Catoh a vol.. Thelly Mr- Chimiailu. Mr. %%,11:gu Vus Atriirp'to Arfýpt a dtiF roini, plannf tient- Court in the case of Moses Strasburger poqI&,ýâe gel' the Gr.iIII-ý'rr44- WC 1 1 , lým,,and ouly reffect on his . and 'blé- 1 ý lm in the Township of Roquesing. iitd--wn-lent toast; pair no. and thé no tri ililiphail tly sumqa i'l'.d. Tiiimw.ist-qie- illitn fortiro la . y -siltridiri,-, in 1 illair Te. the Western Viiion Të)týgr;,ph Clin>- k,,,,w halva Ftrýg ,an ;-IR iity tbl'il à- 0, , _ý Whitde enteinies. It id truc that Mr. Echool 1 imulination. ý parti cry raillait ta hiin the r.11-id Tari damily 00 ut G,,,r4,.eiibvtt, file - wu . ha, vu il r'Ir,,iq a a k- ,vital ekeý,ý af P4. cald puis)-, for dam iges l'or non-deliv(iry ef il b-»twcf-n the Grai.d Trlènk sardidise TM rifî,&'NCIAL BZCÉIPTS. y returned a verdict II)r Leader&-- M ý s,ýrA Çaitwr,.Ç;dt.âfàdM» Mmaim ffl getamali nppoiut-ut 'The jZxàmjnaýioD of t School et Govemment lt 712 » i«ni that bill: beneath. ilf ri ny la %sais, se tIbe:ýurl.(,rlfv airain old and Ii,!,, y ý.filds of ýl31üC and Quin of Edne-n- telegram, the jur, The plea by fialoalit. l3u# (bey will ll&rdly vmývo ý . VI rc ton. 1 ý the pi iiodff ibr $686 55. lit . ho grant for 1836, 1 mors are tri lie fauq'ol op-etabie m-&id A. M. L. the deflendants witi. thais a étortu bail worthy of it) Bey-al YGar& Munuls Corners, Traf'dlgu, look place 868 ()o palitieral triekd J in unt ..rmrrin. who liais 1 1 ý tri paie flic way lier muella à OuttbIM ut in ý (art. lie - i ** - il, proIetrated tf the-, jsbândsanmenýçfihe suit, and ay tant beïarsa a MY la 3703 95j ..v,»ry &,ntitupçiey, and we la,,ve, grime patied te- be pre-ent ait dale lucetilig Edmonton. April. 186-d. le wires aid they were un, t, . 011 ý after om Saturd rge of diverti ni this rpament ira -sur militas. a but Place, maid lie pý-iuvty --Rmrgw that ý able ýo forward the deapatch. Ili la atever file' usiglit litre te de# . "_ý'ty ald by I "ou 'y g 'ai ý,,r e' la 627 gli pl el - Iý , _ _ _ ý. ly âfteiý resigraed fer 1 rang for Z.6 joý - tif offl thabwas "ri ý ber,,of spectators. ,Ajwit thomise Rate hi à p P. il a- adI-r flic Inat diALrüin-, vith theli mat. Mr. Ci-ilshahis wýscý,81, il Y 11,et P ý . . people tu .1. ý,. . ,ý CI y " Pilit.,oi nt.-oroTk* in okry diri-etinn. in the by %Ir. %Vliite..:àtýd lcl*t withotrt a laingle Tý, - h- F.dlt,ý, If 1 hc rl"mMI". ý WRITE Vs. BLACK. ý. J ý a botter situation on the Railway. Dat ý_ t were the Travaillent Me- . J. 1 cW ri. saa cita. in tllo«t i. gidouis ninrirs, eneinori L tri pfa-ik- fer stand upan. SU cInjip!ete1yý Fort >tourne, April I.-The coloured Tien office rumouro, llowOor-dm 1 1w .Fost CMIDP......ý ............ lôo3 el 1 'irite.utiot) tàfu tb# ÏU clan *ho klamous ebed Nut'el% K. ,ýpIaeIbe. DI. L. Blgger and E . -e. s.'u crest fallen vivre the friends of T.,ry Sir:-l trouid ,ar-k the Mayor or the population ofYorictow - o cçltbr;tted the sirbieh point il' mes ý _ worm titenie>lveai i,.to 44L The dod o. thrni,ýý,h yoii, by whar 1 t t ho laitiiiiiiiist Il» km" tàà ho je unworthy of Criant is land 1 the following tewh-, whie teck __ in .0 01-1 elle, and bas ofien bc-en rencart« candidate. they dia il trier .., uttelupt ta ý Taern air %litto -ý-nse . - range of the Reconstruction Bill, un taiervalorlial in -, , , ) ple -an-, >u à - 14 oanb,,W to himâ, audit on1jr shows partinthe exoercims, R. COates, W' Total reoeived of education.8iLQ4 72J et] us; but the trickis Inn franmièrent c1rýy a resolution in ;,ai i'-,iul. Yet 1 nuifsority lie gnsi-ted Lis fair fie aturdriý,byprDcetwioli. Two-moldi,,. Gruoi Tra, k lm of«M if lof ý _ 1 . ý . 1 a- 1 T 'le intoxieted ly, I nt me- im.,,r..b;,biat. il isCIeIýknM . te ,:iqq»tent rustique whére ressort id hall tu L. Hall, D. MeNrdd, B. - DIBUMBUZYTS. ta deceive assey but abuse Who saisie ta bc ait file rlue .If ,ait Lllt,,, [;-d"8 Mr Chi.'l , avertaq i'. the Towit. By the bet of the Fifth Artillery, m'hi tient file Gr nad Truisk ipanaw-70,489 Il Beatty, 'l Total . ad teacher in-1866, $5452 80J dceiv,-d. . e'lu'o supparters have elle ulil-lusliiit.L spécial censuis nrderývd; to bc tulien by cýlmC in contact with ëome colored nien ý . 1 à mf.»dm »suuti--ý 1 Thompsorsa E. Palmuer,,anà'.A. R,, Ma- 1 ta uft va sev.-rI-r terni-to Dot in the proctession-«i 1--lat occu lurid wient ta Utilise Ille Iliterolwid ., 1 1 paid rorinspe .................. là 25 'ùhe"torieilriowingthpirwt-.el:nc-Éq in aulpudelLeu- 'tor bât Ili., flic C.uracil, the initibit.nte f the tnwii ý , - 1 Itailway in order to malle siouA DM 1, --------- «W-00 las- , - them. The examination wu iverY Faid for library ............... . 105 80 the Riding. ennly ruqk in sh-ikp ha dm, iiir- asaîeit hraugli file S ý N'illes. Sol-- tknes li»»Tolwbilý. lbd"d lvis-dian 900 The rtorç.e Xr. Wzitterman, formerly - -lut 'If it- Die- M'à i, . 1 44 thossougla sied rellected grest crédit in ?isid for ' boob ......... 36 00 get &H mur parité diIL-rmeen. tend elm, tue tiri,,s lire evegy es livre succesbtui a cd non ý , Il . . , CZEM iragirems. pnu - what né tWulirt"ljir joncture S n rfi-n 14-I. 49. ,,, t'a lie.w..t iî . coënsured r(,ghumt lui des - igles Ur.) the liat.ýrcelouint , 1 g. Ilbe iranâchor Ur. Jeunes Barber, 'trimés, IICV 'ire titat .NIr. %%'bite as 9bout tes "retire tiOlu 1 ' "et' ta 4 pi SI .1 * ., enfin. .' al Act p-,@,el, sirieily lins- ý ' W - , the th.se "Wh* lil d Ob 'e .1 Total froid ............... S7026 28j lieumd t(>,csill:tu indellenden "lit the content 1" %Vhrta will the Torie8 ý last % icin burned on Satl!rday Disht la.y. the in- fait f,.ithý - nal Il Cil ý leu - a- servioedgwoet" are very foriunate tracta their iniatincte. and Wight t1leïr leurn ta have Breme regard the trotte ?, itre the nugiàber air Liconialis en bc gr*nt- habitants. . long là rved the Grand 'rrubIwj . - Pd. vis: one Lice né fier 0:ý7! rw. Êue. J', ,; Tlb&]>aýuymon of th" -010*d @O- N. B-Thème totale are net made o de- %VI, de ont expecit thens sud&-niy to , 'ut dur ý %r 1'ý. > ' 'l" filignon toroommm M&nufactuing about tlte lidis, hpaced Tories the Riding eon- leuve (et[ the sept the btiving., ut the Giu in 'k ,;-iïm-ï@-tinf thoir plvp ma il, baxbg joisonjud. The tbilowing je . p ussaul hostesty, they naime aq sorti in ýý %, - bina They may a; try are rapid Pe"igteIilt :irenfly in -aie battait ùr pi iZ Ir, unie" a RZ1ý0LUTIoN IN Crillak. & 1 by saillirai; the amoliants hors naraied, but vendent fosse one of the - fait d'à ta il fitti Roula. N--w IC: le', Of pris_, -aàpd -6-"à te = ýom thé rgort to chier super- thoroug f&6dylerg bois, but thry. bhomid ut leptit batigf.etory arassirer lie Pivot,. legal mteps II The flerald'ir llavânacor_,ý CîdenS faim; Lut ilaq ulay aloi, k thésolo, "s gains. eni-ree 'file MâIties ý says that information by passe E tu gimt.- in which, mm other amaR , ,IesaIý bouncer- will ho Y-ken tri thý S'est of' Miki. Six or oev- -W , , 1 1 1 give bis con-pany the building gis, , -'l guim voire iûchaded. __ îhe indeliendent faember of rarlin- ce»» ta massif ruch wliý .ý lp4ptorwg4 wkhin a font MIU&ýf Milton, iplt,,Z& LIST. 1 ment in Canada lino been fhnnd tri T«w- ne appachred lit ýtbe - uIlientiun of of Sub-Section No. 7 of the »sage el ci- silo steamer £arcelona, &talc& týrt-. i-,.- pêw rond. T(p an S-vritt ho ta' à , 1 Bâlarles of Malle - inderendence Iront --SýutincI "-Bèrzii qraph. lion. , 1 . . . ,rotation whicla land taken pl ýce vas one supon 11.0 If-leronl.,ni&L au the se-inwommika.this sprint with Tory - . te&cbeu' ""91 9'T' oàs ,,emlittle ,,, rue ý . , 1 . ;1: 1 si . rimr DIVEMM. ing'an average of 9U7 7%* Salaries more énov, or purolllge. ho is A Ir3ft __ 1 of tilt muet bimmody kindaIr The Ioms"oný 1 iiiiii f»vauriqWýsmhiQh box- Overýý -ý a , javorgitige ,parcellisera, of secomai . The ;ïe man solinse Yourte truly, ý ptrt of the revolutionimts wati very 1 cd 1 tee Grand laulk . lot N*1 147 1381111ffl- 20 1 MOÏW- Se«M' of 4citale telâchers, I11700,giving an avw- , usure ari" ichible thain ltàt-rzlpl%,Tzls.ý the 'fatne of "alto* Cote laccommuissiallive ta &d gliso" Ryaus, 4Î111, Migi*mt - of 8=1,30. . Total number of pupils prinAplo are vieil kilo senti dcfine«i. Acux» on tha Faula-t. A iiiii ri, debe 7-lio . 1.1 il en tb,&s4ýeet4-Of oit aùàlritice Grand «Yrunk ebl,,M"Y' in Wodbbý 6 al ý - . hrvlli lza lkl,,.,,iqa0yrn lino ié gond P-*.PIO à le j porbnS of glissigis brmé et ait"- 1 Menu. 5tb John Gilby. Osti iderý Cet&». ;csp,'ofirbiqh are boý 806, girls 803. Ri@ colours indiénte to a ('eTt in estent * 1 ý . Milton, 9th Alfril, 1867. - 1 1 ro tte witIf *2 TI je ' 1 il in - iirket.RnIt hriving no White pressiabing ta bila 11>001114 à film .ý 77 ' dy _ý ofiwdm. net ittending iéhool thoi 1-é is'in the W 1 is the firth attempt to put down Ge;r. a n'a ligoro-tun-il ta* - f. '"M * ' - - il Gwrge Gillail. eth, cheville Cil- N;ï ' .- Ilt*,,eiml«di tIqdnsýîfîw, ho brenkl, wftks ilýx..tlbe ltuv. Dr. Nloriarly, Ro- The Ru»laiý Treaty. ardts Girverrement, and ut buil 1, T"àditbtereàb main elle Imm M William oirvie ,p v __ ---.i.. 1 - . I - 1 ý _- ..---,. - 1 - - - . ý . . - Z-J ', ---.. . ..ý - .1 by ', , l0th Juste 144. AeraWkiow;dan':oéîi;àtlfflfyeàr. , 'lit ... i.ePnýigtrne.v la . and neither ii Il