Emome, s& ssled Iy. b ai b IDivision lae on cfjses,. -lu tisa DiII. W.. Tha.,>. eeddby KM- csii otis t tiras. oqii by Mr. wdbvdtsg iii w avueeg ie mafhlym as bas à aimaeuI * Wattsinis tisat tise Tus y. »M'd. 84 pol Md 4ft Cas" -"Isu ncil, eay psôt Jules f« la esuu1 u ution oftr~p lau given rimt t ucernasolier tier pots ebu" mutrd suaee -pa bIs, hm bsu.im: ir attentio e- hatue oo PrIo * e o r bui ies I* t ier ddatan reng thooh tb Da lo the sçtie alou inti r 29!r-, fus e of "TiOiO tise Cng, fior, mosiu lie rotg nset "apiW" dmis te wokg. W timetigig tSk ilwu tdIb> onaisthaeuy bi nd o s 4 thn D,0i5 u tis j,.in Methe- rein mo slSC,,,,1,the Odr. a' 'a in, --1Ad al bdl5 tia oug e ise of ii CifUus1 cis1lpatseOr agt Thrsd e syoiug Mon h te eV s Ç .on haul lurif. fln matou.suurw lbhirt j ;ss a . ttieten bou. Tisser inter- ta uatOi- interd teattend. tojgfottise Lxa- Baelielli if ms>Offce, Gee-r al th Pro >erandail thse l1'olueç O iPl ":, 'gsi». d&,rU, W. Buber aund Bother, a corgetuWu. 0. W bavereeeued acunususicatiofl the omegh is Dlelel Ooe sAit SMoe, 1j5sese r ilemotoi teret tu the gese1ati .'r istai boter nut tu ,rblauberSut thse MiltunIfuro 00<ay uid te ireresft tiseir Diliilu- stW sigu j.-1).Mào:"f lphP aBy Wbi "Bi tise oro pIilOii ' Fifl5y) efreolS5 ni Wýé niiau'eBta. lise public ggraily are - turtedt 9 bu Peenut Kr Tiere luruesor lunilloI bat -Mr Y Srnryut vuboing trled TO&t«"Ya'Kt *s.JujtbsUf555ertiOt(iia.Tise dieu GREAT e@funi hWss l tuagsoeson, and Sen 1 itT-L eeuts fertle- bY esYissg Ilsa brgot Ibe Itu erlu 3oues, sud kept tiseu for sus, ery an:d sM .=<eDt.&"terr prot la aleo Bugeeid i. cli gir *OSeptioslars Othli.etriai for which nezti ] c is.E en n n u. is varied WqbTheeclCucIill met ou ts daY Sai. MYO, Imitelk e tise oUest. urus- bus etlPreuatl, eKcPt Meure. MoGuffin teud Buetd. The ChisautY Cousi eO - porterd»t tis5l i spent 505t1y al tse MILTON. Ap a31nioted lbeersar itale parpouere" Mom There beluw ameOfsu ut iesptnce ue coenci sdiesued ler tcueeise C E gr Our rnrs l roII bserve lu tbe new adetlreee Ua t Nsss. Tboeupeon sud Darlid Lacan. ln plaueutitC-e neysd Thom-pen If Bet. -We bave no doubtWn teateume Ses lUI ll"W oeea,,,,- W n s. huiâ*tels dîaaécà e esputlte hm of s ruei Usee1 à %rO 1.8up" sGouda. Thse efficcy of 13ryun's Puliussc Wafers lu ering ljuugha, Coidu, and aIl Broiscial affections, sud chsoring, lise nfielted, lias puued ite a PrOvuris __ In theelUnited Stuuie.% s'iere Ùther-u -vllou Wueru ua% known, tise beu IF' dowss al oMeooiion ndi eeiise o I rival- ryr; tise demund for tisum bas teudlY lumerrd for thsu bt twesity jeiseu- S ti now.tle iaues arverage or one hun. &d dîlouguud boues n year. Eminent mem@beru of tise sudical profeoeýiou with- ont nueulser admit tist thcy know of nu M È prepationigroduing such benrfii r- sut auliseur 'Wafer Wlum tsken in oeseuuutisey effot a -pomanenft cure - Sold by evary drvugget und r of the ""m uepeubltoresthropgisuui thésPro- vinte, at cs icper lox. Tm- Chii e»,. eoaubulig of noveu me, t» sobansd sea msrivsd ine ad e lisi, c.e. They art lMe advunced Perd sont Ihy th Chine.e of Clifornia tse eStetsusiaaienlsu Mfields. AI INI DP 067 adian, AotcÏ & Engllsh Tweeds FOR' THE SEASON. ALSO ION BIROADCLOTH1S, Keltona VCassimeres, Doeekins and 8i1kTfNixtures. Euicy VIESTIrÇS, COLLAIRà & GENTS, NECKTIESI IAILORING DONE ON TUHE PRELUISIES REWS and a CO-MPETENT STAFF OPr ASSISTANTS. pr »rIN iVL1iLE -Q SrirgGoo s, Spriîig ROBTE WALEUR& DIsPLAY OP MILLIM-eY. 4J. Hollinrake baving obtained the services ofa Canadian Tweeds, and English Nantie Clotho. Ass hand for tise ab ove Departmftflt is prepared to fil[ ail orders for Miltin- A manties in First-Ulass Stylo and aceording to the iatest Pat-isian fashions, B1UDLEl'SDUPLEl ELLIPTIIJ SKIRTS ON DIN. lihe lias gone to considerable expense for the latest patterns. Our tock Talore Trimus i&Iil lisir branchs. tteniy-ide CIotiig tisper thbm ever. and. having beon bouglit for cash Great Bargains may lie expected. TontHrh2,IS.e PIRINSTS-12 YSFT 1 iNo. SJ ILa1BI KERR, BROWN & MACKCENZIE, pi t 1 94 7Ot. Tisoy liii ,ontine tu)apen oui drne the preeco i inîuib, n oery comlpcie nurieseni ofiOuedsisaîlable otlie ~pragand umnerTèae ,Wg- Cas ndpromspt payiug deatore aneeparticulaly invid 1taeit aid sspect. -% SONSej. I IlEIlt BSlotis lu uow usPIett nuis al9t1sehe yclitie o , thel u='sprleing Fancy Dresses, Gî-ey Cottons, White Cottonls, -Hollands, Sheetings, &c., Fttruy Does, Meltons, Best Eîîglish Tweeds, Black Broads, Union Bt-oads, ORGE- SMTH 19 nmow oceelving n nese and corefuiiy.selcctcd Stock o1 I4quors, Groceries, and Provisicuse Aind evur tlsiog in, tise £Sm TEASI agarsand Tobaccos. ,jw A SI'LENDID MT ~O CITS. .. LgX>Si I'M-EMZ Z@33 Dont forget to cii and sec tise lurge stock of Coal Oif Lamps and -Crookery, Wisich te iu rcciviDg weckly- er, Pork, Lardg Eqqàr, MONEY FOUND. Ai Zimuermin. The ocuer san bave the same by prelut properip, and payisg chirge, by appipîsir 10 W, J, BENNETT. Ziusuerlsn. linrei 18. 41-it pe 1ÂO C LOO 0ION. <4t w - tJ Sigai of the Large Watchi. M1ilou ieu aroh l4tli, 1867. 40 f BOOK &INEWSIDEIPOIT Seli the Chaapcst Goods in the Coun!y of Habpi Tise Bobscrilsîr bas reeîsed n tregb euP- ply of mufase.el ce May expet s largsejlm- Irgd.Alo h iLm aisof Celeitiale. Ansd aIUkinds ef FARNI PIODUCE tisken iu esounolUs ude Als> sbcl irst-Olasu Groceries. viiibcho ud CHEASP kFORt C,,'SH Pl1cseind ailusd examine, andÎlisenjudge foryoaruive. ,i~~~TC1~' -.-51TPrT1 if yens watta set-claoi qunity ofuTes --------x-c -, GeeEOR EeMI H . Ceffee. Sugurs Toiaccsi.Soeff, Rices Cor- lulees ntisa 251h utMardi, tiseret,&. goo sltea.<Bohet Agnw, Rqot adangistar. Méilos, April 3rd, 1867. 41tf P. M. MSRAT*S. in ubencjt Ist. e o dmIr son ventnaonriety ofeisrup water and of un . lk o 1 P. lM.lsiKAX"S. pe Reid, p..et Gergeown. oftw'rseNea - - fnt, thecarl ofiDeop Sisîri (bilan. Ne-boo issnadglr. rji i ii.aNewtLt et orNlsoun, i W U 'Pmr: ites aod ocisi. go lu Narciases. o bieaout 75 acrts are sinlise bes nif r 10teantiennse ibol 5h7buveereeeî P t.MKAS - dertr frarmng- pocposee. ialely ocoupied )ani îrUe- lc tpmc ud culBeeSniue u O Teelsay, d imt., by tbe Ror J. by Mr. Jobsi Bartily. For Terrue andps fBiet. anle siyl onckoug oO MiGtisy.iiyu ie o BokStt ieraid ar nlatiry Ouliouepe. Jams MoeoRo., ta Tismon, euaulsme pply Lit>Ue unudoriusd 7ig strawceGýode, Ladies' OspDecu 'Peluings lotbauOd.thnud w or,),oaS ieu&re coohorderud dlitatbeaObrHume. Rai., oaliofter 5pse-pnldi -.o teibreý oie Seqseeiag. - 3087f IJOHNcGBEGOR. n h iois sie Tise osly cIsce short othe lstile, umiere B, tis ev.. Wui. Bfrics oni 7ti Locrilie, MatcLi bib. 1s67. 43 'A SE V1a Mula1, )ii£Rsuclnd Brus, to Mies Psrmpty nid ueutlîy rueid ounsieis sew c&~'neel a o'enof lPianooMasc ad Aguets Ne, bots of Trafalgar. t.isîenz Wfer e Sîgidociie. Ausiisey hab usical ruris alu sai~ RÂ5 Ls of,1,c4tuuo, iucruned ibeir lf s&bey wcullietansileP M10KA* r -4~~--r i~MUNI2NG is e polost ficu eset auir urduisu peouply. ilseuculOt îutstquîyla iltionuap tu letAprili18b7, TEIAMS IEASONABLUea cu bemot InCasnda.rcouiintyuon Landmlt Ou e*"Y-a l 27h r osaAthios W. IDcyle James, STRM -NeaTlr bi sie Ue Tisgomrn liaRdY'5 Cbeup Csh ture. OaVduediarfh.Ti aOosos-Astnrog Jaeee Geusnni iiuld Iloue, MainStreet. - N. M. Boaeetgcnrried ons In arosfl- Knos nette it, uJohnu Wale, ci ueais, BarberOJamses liciissWilliam Mlton, Apil ais, i8t7. dl-t tedsp insa cent, inoly aod tidy saos>r, lu 254 fe m is f uhiesete. Selibes George innsy David . reas ubt sue ur.tIaireul'ing mnd Sisming Basunet Ale ander Nir OIiD. Peee coea doueinua credîlsiste ana easymsainer . S Cohbau Dr. Mttec Paradis Turrph 3S LpuÈo CachiII IlbUl1 Cuine une couse alandcuai on Pie. ie- *Cmz Mies llusie Per- el KY W OR MI1LO ZEiN GES ing for nny of te1nbove leit. UIiie sai Fe ute lewilh sthe Galalcu W ORN; LOZE GE8 torswillpleu saytha bey arc uder- Thomas Nacabe là Co, BseCi. Aitnw atiecurn à A L a$au eer euedy fr curus W.D. LYON, Potmusear i oeMisesr le cista" udadule. lla.,il,&a cet lnhhl Isaseseai mlsasisaly tstchat une gret TNER ATF[ IRRNiuiu WAGONS, &Ue, R oloin Papers~ e5Uéeiiamangceblidren lefroinwe Tceus ('is iFuheiestipnvcd droigre. sand.na LieS J saeotk IEALED TEDERS vilI te reeived WINteprernlicmicohuu hess = b "o &et h Wfg f e R Mo inug tlorehildben. BSenuo- tMLSIHS STQRII. p 1t e e. îsep tau guaranneeWIIW IAES tsg mii aassedug thes yuptutsud tise liis of April. for frnusmg andi finish- FIRST -CLASS WORK t5ee . LItisa deeaeaeihouessade ut Chil- ting s Shsed 112 b'cet by 30 feut. 24 fot Crriegusn. Wagonns.and leighlres teî Bessors. Wflmott and Naguin dse.ulsias hoved fronti e~grave- iigh. Siding. tubc drenuili Fucloyhbaveoinvrible arrtsî off pelsue alaraisor ing are Thlo bost tenret.n1eync ttieP xhuia uibitios. Tbey have Havu jutcceived their - lmsetotslsiVirys»Maredle Âd -1- : lmaot cnrrlngetatGrent Brlitise d neas hIi aamweS » osse:cde- JOSFPBSMARTN. Eut lndices,and ulier loreaigu countriee-s PII TC r10 SSigd pOtis.e.euil e tremetier, Thosea squiriue articeseofut Iel meuei- 1 ab" roetisfsqnt lileg t ithe Miltun, April 3, 1867. 43-tf facture,- ae respectrull equsetesi ta clii(npeugur s., loiniag efthtie tsikdsarlug eeepAud and exeulee for theuseelvus. opsigoe iýà ee uvevllvn site -paluluthe eisa Z- eT. 'Ç W11flm..otSP TttOâ. MÂCASE. CHAS. THOIMSON. isas. sg4ib-dsa fucele 105 ep1rîIS M or Hilffl JJISES, Suriisgton (Couch Fnctory. ing St., 40 Diferent Patterns, fgsldese. su s graduai cneilsg Min Street IMilton. '-15-4 -HamilisonseC.eWefgareig2a, ema bis su aidi ssp replitMif ît AITD-A gond ae adyCaurlage Tries- Tmat ree ?Zie li4..dl ve suai ad t-s TEGEA RLIU EM% mese. bpply piusdiaey. PloCELE BRATEhD Peinnie pimbyIdORESg 91fMOJTIILYCIAGAZINE From 7ets per Roll upwards ]teibmxolalethtcnelesiegnature 'Fessed raiote.reus>a et sir J.tClarkeD ! isvr stnlîy ecbnuledged the Mode) Foulstocks of ltla&ep4Lygna. Neweeei, (bWhsio M ,Pyiccf ururuam sss _uo Parlur Mugnsiise o Âneries ;devolod 10 0f1smeue Prurietas. . . This tu Pit elisoseumdcine le no usposiirqi orîsîsal Siorieu. Pomme Sketuhes, Arcbt -DU ueucyeW ors LuegfeosuIbabts sera sd matne sy for Feeale 0101 tare sdkisdei Cttages, HoaseooîsiMatllere RUS, DYESTUF1PS, 5555.Ma alâ UtheeDrugglste l i n -1 cutlet and Obscionss, trouzesuy cas-ý enusof 'Pougit. Persousi sud Lierary B1'ATIONERY, ~5inalasei tuIltve2f sd llsogi suserul ose~ ip cuigseildparimesits SHon OOS au w eien erzueys. wsouavu andtlnciudiugp epecisi d'r tbeyCoaties nothistgiserieuistuho tube' puisa),Instrutions on Heaiih. Gymnsun- C LB KS lLoticu, Equestoaun Exercîaee, Mi10i, Amuse- FANCY GOODS, &c. PUBLIC NOTICE U! *Te Mesrrised Ladiées sentée, &cl. mi h ie bo ut liore, snd te eculasy sltoi. ul, eus1,prfueîy ad risiiclly .iiîutratad cIls And s cisoice uuuitment of It l peullaly uitel. peewluI si cth stmly Engrainge, neutul sud reliable l'us EsslbPleCuepeultîbfte Town- Lmesrig un tiseessunthl iss o biedEsrieii. ilsidncei e.i.o eleloa sdappfortesTumu cPiLa noves eR BMs noWcs uacesion ot atiateunuvrLiez, cith oUser FINE GRO CER'IES 1eeTlneBsci ha isidd tet rat.is os g,. mo,,*onTu2,, ~ulelul sud enteealiiilg iteratü the PAG o PAP09T IE XLtOBERVD. Nu pron ut relususOul. au eronousîcal At WILLMOTT & MÂGUENS roue os oorule? ne cens.unouernu ie, rI* ridy ut testa. cuu afford to Hé u ALL egFrfuleni. s etl pmhlt IedouithuautliseMoiel Isotbiy. Siugisl ot uf soi-yeSuaeau Fîax Sud, hn.-st usd68popage @empusie clueed ueipies. 30 Cenoll he nieies, erpî ON taeu ais arlned agst, cili luer.a totile musne.10 Cit;!' ctuaimleItres. Tearly foi- aleb0W. aM ontaintag uver 50 pl10, Sy return mail.- $", 'rttb aseie premînu; 0 celsire tih;irea u4.pje@ $7.60 ; 5Bre -copeslo52. WLMT MGR' I~d2et*29à, day of Aprile JOB IMOSES, N. Y. sunsi per d pstsiuslrcufiae51ensh u au Suie Prsprletam. dIsbthe f it pluesîumseto each enhcriter. Stili snbanda f e t-cîas Sodal Miit t thesousr ot tea aclouis Northrop a& Lyman, ltewcaslls, .1 .[..Asse I.$l*ai eula nusees - geea sstasxie Ciuu Ehi . _JENNING(S DEMOIIEIT. Mnacise, ciisi lib eld at a bai I~5~reeeasledliseaubne litan by IL .Waua sud J. B. WilitI J' No. 473 Brndcsp, N. Y. gainse Caare gisg out aftie business McMlis. ornj S.Dolu~ P5Sr emo MelionUsiy sud Younlg Ameica. - 10H11EAiITRIBROOR, J tP ehr, Omkisith; John w idle & Ce.. Dnree16. i - Tciihip Cler. Wlingtee Square;T '. Rue, Gergetown. uagutisee. 84,wsi î îe rpremmas îr sari. I WILLMOTT& AUN lot lasa An1 .1127 an.sd nilUemdiçisnc dçniece. stin-li. Merclis :, 1667. i JMiii l-cs!îs e - Adopted the Cash system. Our mota leIo 1, MLL i-,T S ANuD QUICK ETEiRNS'" Veey Siaut Ilifle Colles> et 12 centi. lenvy Factory Colles> nt S cents. lîot lo tlo 'j lut12 elt3. N-o Stylos Dîefl-d aI1 eco. 12 10e Bright Sudr foc $1.00 ixcelienti'jount50lcent er lb. PAINTS, OILS, .CIIOKERY, in gceat vaiiety. ~TOIE--O'FOSTà EW MÎRKET BUILDING, MllI-ST. -W. De & Ru Ae YONe mitos. Octoberrlotis. 1866. 1011r TIN1 B A N K iU L -or P ett p atro nage. h eg it u nq u al t i uld and ousicrus oew motauiors, tisnt bu bsu coauiaaltly un hbid aiarge stock of -- Plain and Jappaned Timware, &e &ce -- Eaus> Tronc5'. sud euiieY dunpin lnourisu islise eseu. - - ted nis neuies>ceansd diepa b, anI su pri e. Jobbipg done on tesbaihlftel Oe Sho isiua. Rugm. %Veut, Picinsc, oit lmeisCoppnr,and l'armProduis sakis e la cag at Cab prîeu Milieu, Otoisur 2Mb 15- us-tc ANGUS CURRIE, MILTON,9 -.TI1~i-îj EGS 1 te frss blenuome patrans Il 5~îiîîj - and ths pubilit&se bas utusr ljItl~lbu tived drqsu Mouireal a Large sud J c ausm'rtldStocis ot 130 BOTS AUD SHOES Thigis be le elling et VERY LOW PRIC ES. -LADIES SKATINGY BOOTS FROMS$1,75 T0 $2,00. resOu bstous Woris dou prmptly and lnthelisestle. n lRemmber the FIaîm,-a '.NEXT TO TIIONFÉON'S ROTEL, MIN STREET, MILTONe flNI TI-Ni ou '0 I B -~ ~ ~ i 0 c se e> B n p I i p 'O 'O o 'o '4 w I~I S .n. .. . . .. .es-I osLýC C - O > 5 -3--; l ,,.0 M u"--i .- . . . . . . B. . . . . . . . .. . 2-. ! us osuee e~oiu~i.ruu ~ ~~O510, c.. ru e> A En I ~ le' ru) a> -i At Reduced Pieff. Dont failto buy our A l t-usors 1teIard alosE club lise ,000 ysrs adue tsas . ifOu l'm ies im e te g e-, CHEAF PGOODS, vo eau doit et No. 50. M il tn, J n u a y 3W, 18 7.- 4 l eEe.HR2RISONP 11Us grainste ef tise Tupisuta Vetery (bh- '0t e, u ustremetuLot 1i, loes -P p ,pôed. aitendi 411Ibaalimente F Iosi'. oruisehen-Oak Strasi1 et usa Luurtealu. Il m Ouc,. taftiseie, Lat1 Blouisousieeslle5dnd preweýî, cl u aterst 4eeeeg debistatissu Issas it tes eYsîtis ouaei .ehert-ea A lI L.AMLE SOUTH OF 3MLTOX Milten, lime S jlMb1867. 594fr T o M A smierat .t a. M e fo r l m B ees M btrt Sw m nlaS A p Il bd.' sud :tile sa bo iaud sud ocd o e ? s R I Ei i . A ' T O R NE Y , a nd S O L I , p i-o e a b#1 7 t e i e l e i B c i i i l m a i C l y . xiIon n1meri lot 1,4. 4:.,f sau NEWFALLGOGOSI $50,000 WORTHl 0F GOODS FOR SALE! KLue ail mon bythtesu pruetstisas wecu anîd do main street, Milton.e 1 4Min Hamilton. March lith, lF67. 1 d' Dg ir- Li