o OET O Ge«i tno nCio. gonM S .OEROT:YOI psoidd .opWaater-st. it. u STOIO abit nmd t-nOiflo, Gycol IlOn yluntrt. vemcy ntentO reotif pcSlie. G ,aUn'it'M ARiS - Solethti nI 1Wý e* Ttlnmoderato and Af.d Utevnidtô gtne p i:>siaI. Srtt, GI eola rponod 1W t-cit tiani f ier 'ansf cotI net- m..wtt l tt emltsfnbiîO tstnt OYcapttitôn, io-' rcpaired, rI -ig&Wraj ouattnity on Ète nd m: Uni triiretîu-for Gosh. roi tonot hfr Wac. 'i - pral. BIl &.SiVILodtrsetrallt citizn$imatdMiteaaofte ai triy-tbtt ha la t-lly pt-opan th. . idi anr bènicutbtht oustlo antc. eaooet ntratci CHARLES d. T 10.8tform- the r 1.ISe bii Nom and C Mutry'Soe'Nael,otnain "kttatr t-p tu Rhere-1l9omes and Careti T,ondtacanate tepste Elion Fch24 1804. 1' -aucnor of Main a wbe.muaa wl41txe lete Stoge fquo, The butt endiof this..wea,'n.n on*, ttCC~...~ . . .- ailthaivîi necoosaryfor a E i tr g u t t te 449O T 1 'lm~4ie àT il otU .VY N 34r,.1.t 'onb atint he On ol'V mn g -rn Ai "a ,1 joli Do Tra. .,H!bi8!'ba8-a _u nrm on eu 'Brinâ if p lorýce èk li- INO 9.n .AND:CoUNTY 0F IIALTONInTTELLJGENCEB IEl ,nt'nioo!nnr la j ) tcoi. lta oInt~. lin! S-,-Wnt Tnnn- expnoc ogtoTÇ W ty SI A-:YEARJ "III PRESS-The Pajiadionm of theo Pebele's Righiu"E4DVNE-nok n ootcnlpupot I .Lc p 1erywilcure aoythitin.Fin VOL.VI. MiLONCOUNY 0 IILTONqIUUSDY, ok hodaet the nli llortil - norbun... af u , S o o d o a d A l I 4 1 8 1N o . X L I .1 j t r â r fl n -à l i h Y q mot. aw-g m- - tht e couicas y lu woille ifh e" noie ,.1o1 etttONto t O TEo, .. intcd meanbal on Tau day niglit, col. rcd theo cUira, and iMargaret f.liolod a B lacaaro ortior on t i h utnc.dop~ 'la cE th.. lia 00NGodar taliy, onlo kow 1cold'tgoifttOpur.a tp-b b If i d- siea- rn pto c N.B.teIll.,orJOIN ODEWAR, Jr, tIc nI .ithe oanto. ru . l' ey flncctt,' fur foretsIn!5 tin£ (L R , Grodtato or tho nvrst rMeOlltîll. Byct, io toO: o lt attnitl taIitîty d, THET LAS 0LPf'ÏE OF HOME, 31r. Det-by latraclrubling valUa cold R'lt 1 b e i h 1tp mot-doi-V 'attheop o oIn'aonteaa'1r . 8wiÉlbotVt1i-a s- i Collüe oat lrt. 2-bood Ba'a tn op&o 'NU. i~' 1,î T O N', c. . A oo.O lt.105a0.~~nod vrtb fin roe' acuti imodiatoly topped arum cf defitnce. tç ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p SttonMcgR& ennuido. ~ ola 1 tlo Tt 'Yu menatOneaarry Dorby, tinon? ittjahi ru m, Iokcd thc door bobinai - . opoit ttO te & Sitogat-'o ODrneStaorMAia Srcet. THOMAO WtttTE, Colecclo or of lndat i~î ftcalt îco skotSna t~.-To Cure, Biokoo n rtn Rev 'oc ,ssStroot. noac 1York. beo, I suppose I otoli,' orioti Morgaret teftoro Matgtrot bMoria reotthrd her - - . n -ltt wcla- toootouO 8ltnoi ocat dor tnF heuore from a Xc 4 o'look. - PilYSIC I N, SURGEON, &C, Th. day toutinelntoo oglden Oplembor, Mti nl. Itt oSr -I a, otrdoaoaih crnovco , 3-.1.-.iy - cnEn.Hamill c.2,tt. ___Ttoeottp glidodon o aocthe oct'lo ng, d if ho eload as na'ny dollarn an my tast r. Sonono rooocd iota M)Ire. A dto retiredod'(t vii bl fn Milton, Non. t, tit6. l2-STRET - -. ar--c wulye___itirc cld iI havfttg eauflan. ____________M__I____._____ ic 11.10 M.O-M.,IIILTS. *ponr dar Drby-'roc p; Mr0rlwadbt çlncîyanat rcrctloofirrfo0tn JR:otu woald ecloonso Don T' hobut lSonana tiber tot-r4pa hr îtt.ç.tu, nt W . aH.of StreetnolM nfT)ont ,e-OFFICE-The building octptnid ty Ttc Ia impse cf homo Iatiltrtod O t n- t onii i :n ai u-NotMtgtct noiirmoîc ot -patttly,t n itn iuiJsLnrnat-g om' OEFTEI AN] PISIIASI &,ONtACCOUCHIEURtATtmVLE -N nA awiA Oo ooG.trt- aoa..nc o'- vO. a fCootia-dr m -r ttttét h.-t-og tîo t eolcaOcntloiddna wigit 7bfgltnty laOE Oc-mn at tatcE 'r.ttnoyOa î m n ~ aaDort»-. '1a1 lon! But% aha tli Ib? to1,'ut appooromi t lti oltot ier 8cdr and- hrft~ttn 01 il dby r.Cota- o lSD n Tilût a o â- acoane t>childhood traet-conS Ocmy AÀ mat and a, pIair- o' peitaîtis.' 1 idaI-te u m natt'a nd ,tatathooofnt otn0too oloor fte Q of-. ~14 EIY t0~a ot.teIci O1 tnoanPot r.Roberrlan. D VI CK ONt ,0,atdgrao;ionn! unîdidahayou in o }lnnd bat, Ltua ier canot tiaubltr for irnYarnalOaaoatx 'cm tuLER &c., - -B1PITR A TONYA-W Ad j Ro toa teirlOe did ,oncw n-o'ct hr,<rppd1crî?p B cdy for Biàca IlcartO It aviI tint THOS. G. ]MATHESON, B. - A. CncATIO DtoGo-Etoat' Trnny. -A'a thho bot 0000go ta cllait pdde0, Dorby wena ritobingariloniltoal ntsr *tfafrfotly. ManIigarol t smach oraIt ior oor Bt, ta aiag in. ta lequel - 1EORGET IWN. B 'DISEI N]kTTOBiiBY-AT-LAIV, Nnocooa Ec ,nî. 22. ly s O LIO rO R IN OH A N0 ER1Y, 1 tillitcnd ttu aoefl n sîlot tant R O of -bot'aiog tith rage.; but ow hliait n afri blend a Manslt wol4 laocoall lpnItogtoclWy, taj agtol' nichon; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 Ctoc, sLtiO E HSOE.,t.ît ~ ~homo, nta' soc.ofIuonainocao. lion dis- l br a ratnon, batut-nr., Cnoey iwold Iouie, natl ld ta ttk, ton a pn0a -tai ot-1rs Bà 'i'a. W .'mx.xc, o, - Clty IXcOcI nldlogs. James stacOt, appoante Crn-y f bimnîf. Uad ho bon dreono(l Dou oplanatinn, nto alli e br dootl_ tcreontn tath i nroo utesn wit i .ôtfpaint V LLAGE 0F NR.LSON, (0.'V. the Polit Office.Hamiton. tO-t. TclieOroo dcooo etbOàn hthen-ou ineliir athni bIdr itnru tjprtolmcooo theedbe nl n holadnsat fnbih tcunoc wgodn-I o oafn or P ,-O-tt2 oc a t. . ttn V*LA » 000' , otîrîot toe porîdicot Matgret radn winthîogréati t apdtoa, Thon ngrt-e o ld lier owo logtoon Çoq# 01 - Store, Satt Sreet, 5. Tto lot ciimp...o..homo Potili mono ta I M 'w,- i:--hiul for tIc prenant iL n-at it Ji M rgarçi Maria tan tonDoerby';oa motut , yoar. - tn- 1 Soioa~aac 4 i8n t6LT ON Ct.W . TjVERY attention pîi tla lionîrnvelintntoit totaapti gf.hîomliaIt bitroeefLbiMcy'T'isb oitta 1ocr aa.eraatioa b lad Tîtoîb trt.BciY- 0. 00 tJ-lIY. E . puic.GocilStabliig andi aaattan- _iie tihewf-X.I! o bG c , ta npiOo it of li oîcnelt iel i. - w1cr t lrd. 10 atu st -fýud Itfoa is etee i e tiutI t i *r- Tht h ipd'dtonandani cndi.ide,. g aoontlcnoicteoo are t-c-o Sd îî,anaono 30E ' D W AR, J -.r Nointa. an. 7th.2013. 30-O. nOhoiaT)hL n ciAltCEC., p tod tou ondiho ocno naut Tooic reieloa186r3.to gilo, fiTr bis momntiefPotbîia-lbtecîthceogitoits, 0001 en FO iflintc H ~j-ilet.~ ~i1ioe~lîmt-~4~, '_________ OONVEYANOER, &cn, &CI., &c. home. O h tupo4mal-i t tatot at t r i stt o nobctiy in or b oîtfuloîî i Ic' onoo otn inntehcat-tbrokrot *el fffth.eyOO MT H OTAJOT PUBLIC, E 0,l1 Iý..L O - Ui e a. wsooîolaeB ewýd i iehn e¶eeidspsd!oo is ecl îttialmp iton nt oîoo20 ct iIb. - -' a nOLtO TOR N O AodO RY, -tan.i-i. Oit. Oiybort sa, Odauti boo did ccil locît; Marooru ctotiarcaîttianMaria eoîc fot- rttoubl Nn Sin ,i fofrynN ilcrI obirooraflnic A "r diC rop-aparEig Ea -we tlttJ'uttelbol y c Onry IWit o , ta aatT1*eirt oo111,11)c tablait- rtoatty - ' nî.tin theo Dlqlin St ei, aliIeo. ' 26-1- Ï ecry atteanti o gpalO ta the travelling Alttddd n- o-iofcooi 'lOi c ato cî uSc ~ i lce rbl nand aoubo bovca-eiedI l - b 'ttiycIitinmorso tooetLIo omul jus -i reformer app.y, o AGnlhnnthB'd G.. T.BASTE]DO 1N. B.-Railwny Trovoteco con ety topean GDE i K.GMOS- h on ioato otsioit haîi fion -doa ltta -a, Solioio y nuottiLIm a ino j IGEO N, .7OtabâCnac ean d frontthe. Cars. j> l QN CU Tca'î Oo, Iciocc The' aa ot imsof Ohoe1p til hulon, ltu io uy a de ' n on o elo ttlii:go- lyr tu fi ôailt t toheîlt o ' i s bb p--' -Itboiîî!tti tIal8 EO'IGETbcOfrig'de i-lunmIGoano nleerta an unic aild eri- 6]b1 att G Tttottnc 'ilnaaa -ai triaialoi t-?,I n o ,Io . b utoi cado O o m m isa s i. o . G t a o l n i d 'o 0 0 o f , r O tti t n o d d o ta i i c -t r i e t a c r It y o ln a e N nt-OsÉ nWe Ya, p t-il 5,86. 1-05-ny iTo land of m,.bilal.thelntadof myhom e, afrobtoto o f'c at-t-io tîd loin nitti gt o t pa ta oichl n ato it on, -- -. L TV nnOi yai tOc nGmmoin rightltod ? No!' ct-ltiuc. ShcL*ts a iNi - .tneo ttcore tceWtodaottittll 1 hcittm ioh Ô___ _ __ _baiti lot alabtrode. But thu il. Mý o t-la.se er ide L 1 p epld _________________ To lav tOaoacfur evr o ain alianod caiaa tiicy'-nyaytc m gin Io-rcr ftao'iii amati atort- nopa your y tlng tf marra0N ETFto L1HE i A 1LL1NE - iI ro- adof ie1, ' iooand pillea nýat.di , otalt tyepoc'o leanpcdr - connutting Phyatoln& SfrFoofl M t1Itn IE. xM IL L$ I' IL E The lanadof oay tac-t odofîeIo'A ndbitre'sa Ilbnt ion. Huw kitd o nt ei 1 finoîd Ilrt-cf rr(4at-t- bti , t 1 to]nso.,brv, îi n anidody tu a at-a Il ts G a loto fbt a doze lonî omfdtmoacid figrest-, monteto ttoobIa o lr a Il ir ' nti!afopjii PPIC5 OlOIi6-Fcom O tati lOa. O ~ . a..i... 'ho tat giipseo f tome 1 stili 007tu O ce!' a n[iogt eao t .,io w ith ttor. or baa;iouob o âat.'nsa ' nd eery Tiandfyor non _________netreib D.LE O diyttOonys-Tandny forticona. Paler, t-t Oobet-i7tI, 1866. 20 l IylrE MRae Writ-t n ro otur nnO th t gve.Deorb -p rua r Q-pt-osnmil Dery- BtIil A-as the s'"'aet ont fr-. Mar- l oltlban' to ' ' îîmc vor oqQ - O ad t e er dttrdy t- . ino ludico ailMilton, fer hoirsot-y ibero- too.aaitet. - n Iîîognt he b oe n subit paQdapiy totlodod ta ttc Ontot ely O. - rîo re'drc 5b>87 nt ta - c- har; igheuto in t t M qlari tti lie l y o f'n' itoco or f cu odqoO ot n n w Il.li LDINÇi il O U SE P A i N T A.Elg &Taafpp' t=aud aLIcato ae l- Ptao titc laiOac-ta-taeOitvt roverO o Thei MloO clranPpt. Ha19r, V1864. ,IIOKS. 'ITT G iNGS, loo n caît ovct 16ntheetfui ,belttr oo Goala .Dt-y0heaia nd etuhlbann-tfenrsoo a t rot-elot i t- n aan nthe fit' apau t io o- be jta v o o l ra l iloyooile do;m -P apITiSV NY O lSiOnr. d1 pnhotgno tM . oc t I ismot aoyc t)L i ol n io mrnr s sdd t e y honr foedia-ls v ir. mi sot icno oi agt-nado hnbt- ticoL11 Aa- À07 GM i . t E LLEj.L1attends punctotoaty yiîno ouf bintothelT1omp.dcrgtanll-'tht Inn.mree ta 7010 e m tg iS ~ IG MOF an OitcoltMplpoun Ot-arg)'ed SRenteOi. 00 lit t.maitat-ianoa Otaoin a eMtrni', OoolyOro, atheexluatofra lacin n, ltio ttDnodaoalt' o r ifoctytn mao,. I nu t e inoult it.$p ni ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ln 'OSit Paor allytnata.'edtdet. W'he1r. Betonjamin uF.il bI____Der îbOy . oure t - i tal" ,a"' îoI be ftt-, otya o hot c ot-1-trolah Idt_ o P.n. IM M RM A edOn tC E ,c oo af00000 utla ,bo ,to Ayanon I RO estctRrictfullu 10000 ta.itit'o L'n- hrp bia uoaderfours tttntnl ln N E uf, poont ran t inor oswee t t d ti . Orai COtNCIbI TIAc. t00 - 'G cDSo &r,-oNorlo QI DonilnaOit-tt, bacion Ihin ooaioto te-otinodtomylitO e îotoao I î-oooh RO o o AlipO o. - - liO.oemaaA iflthoaoolon tre n D it roIy b r a-ad t inorou. î0 t) ciemrdwpt- i, i m $n.p lai 1. dorsfort ut.homF'ari Hîi foi'tSale. R M Ontalane rit n tti e pa aîaa inog ,ba n l:kin os'. atahoCul, toupt hot row.sdy i ieaatioya 'he or alvnttule Il tha tpemunre@fr yone IIhoumbo ntthir Po tiuedto lt i hnd o nl.I i, cdhma ns t- i s,-- i nbo. nd ch, ndotIîtoct l L h r. -. cdrtlaotnne'lt I~ P" T o ol d a h n 1 ,, A o o to t fre., L a . On f t tc.n -.' m U . . - 9 o t n o td P c s m t e t o n t o r si x In oa o O o în g i l. Ic t b o y e :L i S c . D onret ih a fler l nmo f h i nOa i o p tuý ~o09~ O rn-o i~ F.tltoo o Ob aoclcrcd ao tia, antbt 00 a-td La Gamcitîrr Ctii1aattte b-ont-otn'1t-a. lai-Otoco. i tar t:ca4sdfaalier. Dc't sc up olter ooytiadtof orS I aseB ie I . t- tig p iéea e tm O al ntceoc1n.5V0. TAbLW . iocd a s artthe ati anit, 'o.%aIr. D oprby r Ita 1I, a1 a u'a wt am Piedsldolice'llutgaficr tooneshtrt notice.n1n*na of g bta a bi tg lt:s tn t-cm aaQente . andco oter arok ,ttnntn,îteutrn mole -ro, A 6 S, "Y o asiîtin f Au 2 atant No. 22p n' a s ouea's Ocld Oot otain-Is o n i,ý1i ï. -. ocg tomooo t ifrny eo,, otiitt aittr ,n-itzzlyt tOObaerlalfco, i ut vat-gmndtof trii priés.__t __________orth of ______Stret, lut n h s caso i ee id L DYl t .-rboy'T. h o ti i a r o.t eoa ho h oî,ook -tl' î- area inibyasoau.niioi k ooooî' îot-st tii vo a con annoll-52 foOotlCaotep k-t-m t ai0.c.aientoiert noSafîllononIqnoa Tro tal on tae 2oot1mua-.iba.ai.£ob AodrPAoI ,oG A1oI ,I- nO Ita' on o iia B o ul taî tho li e oc î h a l l i'n" 1mote ýr oi n hn d ot-o.ii o n lt-t' on tm1 .rr ooao' on c-la.o ii Fari-i fo Sal. cotainrg 're pobaratlc 9i lra nrn'Jn lri-hsasee' tolt-ah aataamooooai i lt oIolbac o iar-aa aupt. n t iolni. i io nod ai otro ' L O -N. .ppqtnn I W Lu bA 8,Jlnttheo2iButr .oool otoBun-titi tIi- d'orbu (L T P N LO) o'1'i o oa o,, îoîo tooOa,, ttaoaooaaafront t-il- 1 "Cieomainune u 0 yd O mf OaO4 Il____o___ on haexceorleatT. Wrai-A a&lbegn adtot asios ~ ~ ~ ~ U G F y &C . an .1o l! 2515 . 9100 l-f . N ýFtcm nanbi g , v io su aiýity a i l nto 'air.it r-a t do uno t-,at .t t- a tI I-e o'ooaL aota oii'îoo ya toola Ool try antiennes te Rg P»YSICIAN,, t-oint-ailîtoîtie totît-ilit, Qnd intaOgn i lit' ' ' O ' O nre 3 otit u di-ceP es) jtrc fct eyetre e lount y .- 4 0 0 0 , lofOa60t.nrinl-cl -- P- Ove__ , the Itivatr )anl w îîîtadfillelu utOiO -oftootoiaatheot.cota, disatly-ree hoa-Oionlcno-yInioil C thomIa rtidthi010 .to cct loinou loa.0tnd toiti lieunietedpottinctt tw ali-Lo B-rie, 'llo.epcil efn ln eial ril ap.Qyot ti'. goo-e tt ,t 11apyi, i aro.c tithi, nu ib( "Yuneta eli. - 'orýrndiotbe en OarI mSe frut--tcaaooî fif 0 litaihlî 0pac;I0i0' erf 'y e" atr in 1bveacu a l 1te Olint hbta fu-ut prc e undy. o are aton pr een tocaroooî. t1ioo -;D erby îo ig îl n - at M m ii ie iYu'thoynbattt tilot o e lt-leît .'oo ,ni all n ug l a c 0 b-o e -l , tn e onde pls0oyahiefr tt 9te H I1 pearît onte oxin l u ho Ii d oatsgt- lie o nlot. ar -o h, ot tia-i c o t - b ui0-t tiaoo gotl - o t for pliotot.aondrîarditotmaton opiy i ho - aci tlieçiIca o r seat ttioalO od a odyt opcie o niot-Oadel l. y lie polo ,N Pglest ILIY i n a n g ia Iohto lit, l oi v ip t-c pai i nat ha n ) rdO r e nu o. tc ha tri, . - oeoltsi mm n oe ~ G oai 'oSt t On18 in- o 514,7n tci diniffa n oa-I di fno n 'Itto n eeahnop. toimý tîIieov hiloaaoiet oîs ae utI o r toapa irn t,' orao - f oe drestbtoulfbt? ina 1orgon' ltg s il foriLeoItmetttnt- r c, i.' h u or r. n-n n- oo n In pao'oaagt-.ilboit hiot o O l fie oor~ toois Pt hJ-t '!,mlot toico dna tbtao nra s Ialg 7 C> IV .r.jpTR ST ND CYA OO Pbilweksadil) ban ouai, I i iom .1-i e n oht- iii chi ietli-t-, ag;d .i3titg1btI i, bu tehs ment ýn the acuritî oy ca-lu TQOS al ttan afmnPI r cSofi i e art . 10Oc obit hye rrt orioi Sut vucon- (ilthOt.*1wa stt-aîngoi toit-r "ermaryforspte 110NIU 1T O1PR - t- M IL T . ade ub m a'yoo itaobgmigf t - etoc aroi ca -iot"y attr i hac laoin :1th e o rt- oohltbda llabtîn ilc andy ta no itcrt-edau u t-co nci gnela ' f Balon. 'acoini-W"!. n t aD ONs. rrlinoodcotad eiOlnl31rd:4.mrenalc n pcnao a vhihoI iao- roodi voo lasilt-y I. otagog l eai it. eano OOtttCg o t lreu t-tIngtT inmodot- tion lrt- ai il r. bancoateo ofocintin antparRcf.010 aaa8 - ie c n Et ldOR2 CT S 1GLO N. e. t dt ha i 7iOIî N0-0e -liilifl tis ns e'on paël o t 'O o mn Stct n-aaollroéad a lo nhe r o naeacc oOeci toabse KOltt-deoJnom a d, cer22 i bointt-n-eo ou bnt loti- a t aan am n atl do ianot b I. - vtri l Mnath %aloto oo....nnaguasiti Oi'- oth etttitt at nî-ci MinonSTe.275,101.E T oo.1 mlh noun Boînt, a.caid door ta OSe aWATCHAAIt uem - ~ Bthdb ie adO e ie nnlit ryOr l-eDryoos oLt- tedslet el nt-i cnotbs iir tee cu,ýwl oetaitit~tmnL .. .A ~ 'T ~ T T ?~ bN ' * Set eipof, dontreu pod whetiu al ) nOeutta. îuniîthe iOupodly nliamoIa-a, l i ily tar abno a yot at ouLta aoSi bon g Il cte . M tlu not, a i On .L ..L L ..a.1. .a .p1iicattO I TA i ,E I o n taplî ettlnthe r t a in fm uI, y ab tntAeu a c t to atandle ti1 a e ot i t holi itef aooyo n i ntot, i fon u a o a t to tnfl.7 n or o in rcp t ooeaokdaî hetwcen ;Fur 5 uTer in or at on1 i t. r us sox t iis fit-.' Ye ru y. aW h o" a lo bcd bonSus i, aao a c y thou aiiO t i ioo l a c a e c tats o Ie o t a a f n d s n o t m o ] tc . M t bl acne Uoi 11tr ekIIS toetlndahsn d 'paiaia naiOnot.tahioticera LI li tloi nria motoA-jnlteau oiconnbot n- ia irdS o wil- m- lie& cT AnL N O and bcetM AuptST R E EtTe m u it of n h nno t ah e va 0. inn oug Soi-oi tedlie Tre 3n Octalton o.Ialine - . X.IIlrgt-aeuptlb- ae 1. i asoItioli M.Edtot, si u i niLeurse intotio nt llh c n o nra c n p r.ni y ncntali a t, th t ,' im f i o n luah a nkI w o o L G i s a n . T 'onntnnoC MP NYi7 tauI tand.it 'th mlo ns e d .' : tsro honiif alya p neitut i o n. - -ce t n elatlaeubid plueI . -Aine il ui t-unlned 4t,1811. 4-1-y i ot te1aot.- huoioib în .adlllil 1fetuii .oo unttog ec nt'm kapo. ofolv2.frJ P reurolo t li- gi)o .'J uon-f gos nn s ma t nd d - cdc.bu . loti ibmitcbnteil onOlot-.e- ndl o re i hn e onî iher . a Ifot en îtarmaObtoea Imettcy. SOiOOd.od CoIot T Y -Iamalancn'fat-faod nutl'one cf Ibmeanuaiti con- Irisetlaostrik.estalyeas- abat t baëfo sl.c ti m its rioitarirseping8 u hocco; 1'tIao act aa t Miaia. ynot- aiisv arniialwota 1or u i i uaga cctitm p ou noo orac-. f te GE ri horhthéIPnub. ]aFOtht t-ai 'ooocr y 'oft bnt.toap. Salesi la;-a garDerbnyi t item'iaggntla tlylaoihor wcÉ6ac oylioaolittgOiood riîog tO 5crIf stedomor ýed te blé newO RI T. R00 ttB, IETOB rE N lrtonels. 67. 30 a-to adChaire- lb b oll a erdtl oiscngin utaeuttcgdcm l: lica u ea.:ýuoa;bî;0cil- isi;i etet: n adintrc i ott En , G ft -ocos- t ah dey a ,rt othetd o un oty n P 5m b ign d a vi 4. T aoýt a bovftc Kipt rd Jnarlou t- o- utc 12 o - a i ,f or nt o rs; w e tO . 1 i tnoh d tO.n.aQmaliaenrodf L o gba anLti t -to m&1 row U GI R, ori re onnmlenieOo,at- ai short n, o t-MthiceNo.ne t lie'. tIho lnaetidand ohbnt-taat-heot MontIne oftirobes Sept 27b, tn1ýGRk ýow Hotl, extlier te thejebis ay n d ri, --st- t' alaof M ar.dJneauidhtaohna sbehal' lll frtsutedee watt-otenobis olpn 184. - Sitocd8Ifat hidn f lOotNaioonIGy 1og.11abIi iIn -d ttIerfaal otn k-rtd- rnd laahl'ohnc iteden t s fly atato io a nd l-audanum.I Adid t lIaânndgotd R. hon -orotlOtnu. ~ ~ 0e oohy r atin GclagMOOOt o s e te b T ha n libex d i o bo ,la p Icr-o8 ocaior tfrd eighî fo i c sake v o fab a gi ng bttlo indrmOd afl. uraar fla 4q;h big Ht-useor de oaicde ' orttellavahtttaaud bck li u nt-I. bou Lding e e e iru tI ierc f oa itt tn .oba oudmla ed oo tyutn aii t lI H i tîan Fe : L t 0 . 4> - o l lbetieie fan j. m . L T TU ieittOdftt1a taht-eie té s I --a tpatnOyano ut oou l oo tutsob-aunoL tu t, tat ro ttonSi n ik d adny- n a ot i himcal i o La s t -c e r oi- '-n n lonra m fy muepnomyah co- aoI onn.aptr e oho ts, ltaa i~t~e S EW R T WN H TE , ~ Einvi fh, tt f te siloehiÈNeeolO[Oam, lItS FJnb.li10f'7.] t tt oOcatng aco onoatoca. oêtrip, coc nd~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ Iu1 h o .T JooCoitua ntI cncodtLl o? - borttont 1er haro felndanntbco coald julnînly n ta anwooO tt.. - Gec naur la .' a. ~.- .a. ohn cosbtn aqcinc aae ncs oe.Qj10 * 01 i~t i l éon" ooti Sue. 'lie bc sors dtttinetly; antduo ewaed 1er sixt-elsuilgoa~ n dti t e e li îCrON;Firul onti ' tat auedginto pohosD;0aes ortbie T gSI n &otO lit IOU E'ma thoon to- ri,,lotopoote9- oulda' tttn t itbeaa(bt noop at- large nhan adn nItjt o--td gt- caah i î too'-aiSero 'et~ a - ga& Irsmm lc ts- mll onRolsop onettn t irOIîîs1ccald dm1 vocf île wn-le Atn -hrmIn epgamewy il 0 p.9maben tnouh aatt ltopoit!i o to lt 0of. the Weesoaa 1-mi ty Soe,' ndded bnT-garet Mfrts, tvae minlibit matera more ftrebtoned Fe-nIritthat mn rmr htprntio o-p' pIaou îr o JO cAN MoA acoppiî la W.LalditWa5-tanr teplivelI1tno?" tgtat tcn-Ilthenci Wall. Lt tegUpromnWctc-0nti a -atç~ nî TB E~FILE ~ ethOe ttavelhegpu 0t. trt-F --AVD1tW.10t- lomrîts Snth MtoSotetMotu Fr aro tlli e -ub ca vatyso'Cr e èola ponam-oesyOn aroof peotltiî h~aîttytn tstte MÀFVANI,?N Là metSorMeent-ictorIn of pU D lALXý u i In JhNAD l2a ir 00 iîoh lat-uiTn bc t' on ntoThe îîp hle cn nruc nîhaiuntla nC.n snilCCs.niidnO- x r0Sp OFcjOWl Au tc&' éqeinh' iartOt.101M aWStnn1 116 fe îorea o atwc AÈv iar-!wyntSeMAp-c-hsvr e. 2 ;te me. J1. P Et- LU.f -'o.E ît m ayot, one raé-re a o rQt ocrIpscil. f 100 Ici' - t.11 - ami 0o o opnu -f iX%é LIRfed O,5