Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 1867, p. 4

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ne fid il)the u.e et 4hd*y OIpOrtiof the premadngm.ah et 6'otry Oou1Tt 07 IALION. eT lrnee INemring tbAl ilto,, em TbudaY 1i7a lmn . Bi n ota ffl 1 Pir the pillage of ivitiagjMr. Bui oeotlt aI laia. h ( Uhisholin la *ousd!n ~laa oc dleeiatdutiea0i t4o r pavatailon et Kltoàn' tahe COUtTY ,UÂiuT.Nr} Boca nof Comons..Thot n oinet'LANDS 2xD T E "*TS 14. frmerWo naltoar aiing tbeimelvee oÇ Finasl Fce~. . 0 eouaina tu ha glled by the ole'oprty' dav T hch, ordet i bcea ti ~ drae efî(bc Toriell, bal bter rndnumd 6oalo- î . fill7 diuet iai~t wonesaidi and snddo!cnt W VlD:JFk4 g I AaI±JJ,> N'JTF onMe4i T .Br.laJonWhîie ba*T~In 50XU. b en mamnbr ibr ilmaiton fr moisiletrr e' eod itataeo l gt.l h mm îUié ba uen ae -i-ha tnpvrorte44 oaolition f 1864- AindO et rsy hIeIIOSAitD. atieuta- .IdmnaddiWdtpthe rime etbisodeali $0oticsgoe oilie rn Unfcdorntian -ir,în tthe net of TilitJoyceTO. tla tue bondwl'ha lu M itchell &Bd Ira. ond gaosforit nov; mnd ourdeh a hâem amed andtahen imaexrLlnu n 0i- belle iiée hg. rsar ad Elecotrix of » anocomi-g tincitfor r-lctien vwu en- ,,wlg Lande andi Toesnrmîta. vt.-AlIibe lut WiliinTestament of thoe aid hC.t simtsspr rmt.niaiîr.bth Bd crmtnlilpareil or tlass ofniPeer AdamaL»ooA-ecessed. Defedantn. la, kio. art ' etosn oi 1oft4u-andtaanid premieloon. age lne jtg adioLnjg thé amdoreniiand mea.vn- P rîýgentry1. ibtîg -ftet hé siIN0TUÉ QUERN8 utzcCU. ndo,. -Ç. White mot mot cmylieb. Tho Ontgr'sek, plçnd v, th aboya Inra orybù homut b é blaVILAGE 0F GE0RÉETUWIlan i T it QU M ia yiiltd iin avîy thint aly Taries sais The Ontario Bauk. Plintf va hi.abat * drecenil te. %es lcux murb franc. the xTrsnamed Dfendanin. tory kccna about thn moeerbity infusent IN lm sCOuNNOuerPLUS. Imta political discusinsntndtheo Persacn- luq lf(jfLggJ~~ oemtng et.salPliltiffva the abovo miaite lititîrindulgpd inby tha Liboral pc rs.tmud Ilut the Ir#tita. betaki boia o nt he aid 001 TTC YTIALyC Y,'foi- Tr.Panif efh haamne eer- J*fSolaiiii',annil-the mot rcein î aining by adoduwmt Ker,intfvteaoeamdd thjr e c o ve ncpoi, aid te mot d't-.ICLiT cuTo ieimeTu 0 Litertp tha epthota itbey apply tatiroir 'Flity-two Perces îand Eight 1vIRS OrYORKeA ND PoEi.. cmct8" st' ho Tory editr-. For - The Royal Canadieni Din, Plintif io the t.egmttîi iliniggaia, commeîd u to tentha of a Perch, aboya named Delendants. tletc Hamilton Spetatar, or tho Montre- N i iQuwm 'la nEtefl ai G is t ao md T!gcpic or the Ottawa Soein onmporod et Village Ltmamhee sa» Tht Bsê 0 tsfo1.hda* 'Q1 Tlniter110 Trana est,. Wat 0f MotoStreeic and beIOg pari ef aboya osmiAcodan Jobb Kenedy% suonçy ilia e and vllasge,. NTUECOUYT- fOtIIIT aOFvtu"ses NTEDnore Atttc >Milon uoetisg on TIIUrpda.. bng a]ia a part cf tia onairlj, baof ot a VEROnor 1YORK ÀAie»12. Mîr. Chian' ha,îeCoisreniv oanndi. aunmr isetoin, ta thae lgiti Oonamaou Lyan t. od.Plaimtfftv. t&barselOies! dat. iece.in moimg Il. Rocemaept. af th mId Twva f Ex~ stdiJniio ciétedcleueedid. ir mgOyàn$psnei1b avtd e sla!, s gIc i îIig Io tohntitiinactily dragged ~and hîovtiihat armybo-oeray - roue, a a, en"a abgo4ýIeaat of tin epponet ibai mier a ofbubeauPlantes!itathtic ani- folowlag Lando ýn&éaeme eht la ta he.voud teo Uinb.esi eintothelberli agegor h*"dvitloigflot. T ha@ay;- Lotaaninher ataien. welve. hires hi ni d the iasib-lalf ofLot nomeeT turteen. eiih,ýr vi$ha éliminait bc oniy kisav norih ioriy-tvn degsm nevt ane la %letatbntconcaeionao e Taownaship of Rin), la F*renry, 1864 anuila T. 9 caprtybor: ,; leec acme land- mattr »bout " î ardjphémiLooid bd it tthe «wihM. Wbiti anid Msr.-MODaOahdlîînaonisitaI. la sud ta the ame. 1 ifl 700 Acres More or I-es. ,sèe e a i; 'hodélaneimsiî no loya orfale e t etison jboualtpotctIstitamtWbtr% Tiaeare mon tic abve panaprteaà, Set- b. rteilad an alleod suloment of me. MY OFFICE IN' MILTON, clanterissef Mi. Suiv Milasud Fias 'While, sandt bava beau made i i. MCri, vlnb ouaa'pwr onthe rive. ataavsic - that Ibia ecountry cA paio. abi Tnt"rorîyteprt yi iold nReoit. ha zlght tilt it van annexet!tela ied the Vittaaof Narval, t. the. aatd "o theUnitit 4too;' b infomanut thé. Tu.esdayn .AptiI 30, .D. 1867 township 01Enuoeit5E. Whicb proprty, M41eladeiToiriea cf Hatantht «itvu o it crs h the Mis! Peter Adata- r MI]otantbt Mr. White kepi coin AtI Iedocla 0tieatersn. o n hd in M taleranme t be tme a jty ith oylihe rrporier tf tho . CBA'VFOID McKINqDszY, bpdab i l0e ~1tm! Zub1ok od len et Quellee ' hSuriE 0. Malioa a mctyi2m2mîtýx dftei*dtat Mr White ba<aesiome. hent ao Uc. Mtias,i boiyt hatth'eitaomn hllaitarigbté ta 201h Jmaary. 18e67 3I&t o Dght andsit il ie:o of epprosaien' s-SlbaI )Jr. -Wbitein th.-lrda, 2 irip .in187 en. vet hpd JLnve att the lFnions UIIoNERY SALE! Fla,11 piAD 87 ai dl *Stýex iu«a nbÈAt 2 co'ctr la thie nfte.so Ili e And Mr. Thomnas Whitelof 0nI SiD eit;Da. laîa. rtba Bataillon Speolatar votait u w .ao 'L sgti Oai.hilon.ld fc Go . sn ibs aei" s ouanrtuma-parly_________ * nog4eftia hy -dtaing Ibl "MRA M~UJ~ND :«r. jibn Wite. . P, gamilTlRCTENUMggD uandid not ipmy bis gatnbisg deltaI .Towns8hip of Trafalgar, e.ti, .n- CLAhaewîIg hi ha eadr raieiihi iat U ELEBRATEID FamilcPMl sW afrtmeeting-sta. mimeintmsitah amen lye. ain vutber aneu li atMr. 0F H Lr I. T @,Ikn eonmelinlanomoi:, vÀmnaedybsvfijnt bisheutmwutIbuht a sure and it e reedy for Fomale D Ili. vôninle byhlmfrindalinhoui v --cuisise anid Obstruection,freis n By ou-I avafimimiwilî oy-t m ;outto TN puienanca of the docre and fiuai eIder whatvért midallaiifoc a powertfel remeily 'vben lMr. Obiabolmwvandiattieg o-.11forr mle rouqectiveiy made ln 4e econnesitmeycounothing ibordl te tahouane t tE fvitte greaànot intiasni lo 0iLloyd vs. MoLoni, tuer. vil hc nid b>'mln vi ii bit.ncme itou ftha biteorneseTe leried Ladies vith itlicba Tory haire a Lihora who PUBLIC AUCTrION Tti1.pecuiiariynauitad. It viii, Ia àeb.1 ilido etcea~ umean ofi,. TheWili tb. approbation ofIRobat J.Turner. u ri a he oril7cha-, ht f Haniilaon Times velis ey that 1t ta Suiee, AcSceao01aitice Mid Court, hy -Wdm11PlsIa.InA evÉ à7 olmie Zefeji1u ilaitszn ilivhy h. Tories are sea* van, vasa. vusDIRECTINSlONn nvt gaio en ioprecent ime te avoid ml WBÎLUAM FASAT RIS SALIROOXI camPAEOF paarcNv aA£vELI annEnoca. paty cent"al. They knav fulvtiOhvWall te Cut> For fu particutare. get a pimpblet, irre ciittho Libernahave anuimmieine ma. lathe.Village nf na aI Of 1 N. Bte$land 6 potage niompa senos lt Cnd.ndtaifHalon, onta an>' autbaeized agent, oIllinasea bat l oitest b J ndulp .orri * ' nain.ve 5.pll, yrun mail. î parti h cndcl B a t=da.i the 3MthIlreh Neit JRMIA . g>'nnsts un7 ili necosriîy.rtucaiJOBMeSS, .YY decîloi, mjority f the mouhas afibhéAt thie on, of helvae ceci, &$isDon.. ls Soie Proprictes. ,llitiva Aaaataly of the Pcovnacevto lois, the. Sllovirg aia4 dedairemlaatNortbrep & Lymin, Newcastle, C. W. Rt'l..The poiey of te Torie i, ri: geseral agonts fierthe Canetin. Eoid l Ôntario. Biln hy 1B. Watson and J. B. Wittmoti; J- thoerre, ta appoar totîoard &l aitriy OT1Mc5iîRm - t kt'w nl t oanidratian, andt updec tibmdiegnasa J rqdttimi CaiiS> l 0%aie len ïAce., teon to m- mani; oftheir friands iuta The nocih-eoteuly baif of lot nis ' ix Wallington Square; T. Iluston, Georgetown, tha L4iintiae A2iembly- Ra i atsin thie ltcnnnenioîî eoUOf Dndn arat: and Il Medcin dalfr. vnl-lr. & lbtheTory Prty iltonyaivaysi ie ln the mid toeaeitip nI fTaaigaan cantai tothfuiiy tai, vhareIhe oficeco.vaing,evet-ehree ocres.,mure aIl ban, a»I Iloria'al îaic eac ha laa' e aoepartictlarly draerlbed in iebe>rtgago thoa wll bor hrlabeluIoplaitt*fa bl ta Ila caune ntenloned - .- eîffev anetho migbty fimin. r é, bana tha htughty beeii han*bled 1 The LOT 2., Te aoriii-wette.ly one qnrtee acre of the et af of oinmbor ivelytu anbcf Dondebtroet, Ilte ita utTemnnip of Tra- falgar. mteprticuliluydeacribisiit te sait ma.r9gago. Sale of Landts. greni Counetine pîriy Oaa falîna 1-t c ol0a0 daeret iiiatnt U sNTsVe pVaecae loy It tbmhéToronbto'endet asamei iilesndlnistnfrein!uhe Geeat Western nta-' nvmwî.,erit of of it, nnd vanit it inguise nnit iià itien at Oukillicand oneaumile trou titiFinal i crui4o ned ant oI the Ccauty rieu 050. The grecalConFervnlivo Potylia Pontcolle. Courtioetihe Caunot>'of ilulon, and ta mn pirty bo a ld many viaigieilod n iita About selti>'se rra.recleareit Mdd ndet direciad ngalut the tiom. IL bshne amid again cet ils caltivtian. Thie ina ronod victgcowiag pinciplea caid otby itgtrmnteit igaîlro, bfandThrar nthieloblas a del armLoands 8& Tenements niýd atsession ito aif ninounccdt ient ings.anaitbtere'l isai an orchaed an the FF- J~ cbI< ,hiýgltoe4 Conervativa' hait bas preiaileen. Thie lot le vol lonceiFanitcnt 1 nvtc Xh~~ bongit likd bbcnal in titi market., Mr. Lestait. and allante lu #eod açrcuItncai Iillynrd G(ameras a ritle açzo tnughl dirlo. GEORGE W. WLAE EISD Cansecmnietu a lect Shrifu ei a halo. Lot 2 la situoason he cenrecfimed byIALC, EESB and-ornr;.natons jutet cit ..onethe intereccioan efthe Oi)killi 4 vîitAt lthe tîma af bu deti. ta the hanit et nni.Cootf~ ndeti, jut B oxii Oc.Dandnseireet. in the villa g eefflhtvtik.- MARGARET WALLAOMC. adminloirateto. elsa bal pevioùly tangt taI miff aIT Iere t, open Ilià brick store, tva torlea I To ry, BLn1jp Srgomhas.ta leci Biebops bîgbin to»a$rpar. Tié lot a-'ni exCl- il t sl hl.nt nmM 1; ballet, ,Bt-t lie.reeret for thealentnbusnesas tautt e son. Leator ta beapiho lua, tedignity upon Raci pnrnhaaerseati aP lie tiop ef snle. mania via -AII ihoos certain parala of ibmpao a~ paty ot t prpoo tatpa>' dama a dosat Inee porio tas&e l anattela the villagael thepou 01 Patyandte ropse htpounda fareveyeie obnnl dprunoda f the ih sholit iny ilIanoa.ntn alime ian purebane mûnerthelb.Vandor cf ber Sa- R U L '~ eHu, in ô orlthabotr la coitnot tcitore. and ahay iebaamncea th Pzupl. 23à#auedotga ain aid one, vurchnre magàe>'yi iatapvtei i forveein bat a 114 ua ienaffnta .î ram the dc>offtala. Is qiher reqiteitcN'U batitbi*Om te of@ndrýi»tonconditions outle'arm bthebuidlngeoaditland obturions 1* allov il ta iia0td. CaiI of the salit Court. Tow»M~p otTrafagar him wbai you- ths~mI eplil' Inather partanilandtconediinsi etoe L.ney u, iili reopnOmbmbia>'bc ha eet ah ln ecilooneer, Om- Ia the Qonni>'et Balloa. belm esa for hi; iist;Oà vi, anid o' Ukeanurs Rose nid Leander, Fi oft.ejptnbr 1v.nbint sBaïe et chiot .justice ]B.biumo ith.Vandoage tlb#o Toromto. o~~I ~~a tqjg vhni ignomiwp bu tegrot oorva- ,Dalcithlia ittiday oaI)Morci, 1Sf?. LLI 1f'W ,~! tive parmyi cnme lbiait oeMcdid» 1 N LUER aif an Acre, More or Less. the PisIr ltWi ht a ot f lim, Mai0e,151.-ha 8-nSecond, et Loi nmuinhr itees. on the ibo p teati n l lÇ*aittau? e IHtn aide ot biaitolmteeiont ote eid (lonervtiv fat puelsseRom ~ -Village of ruel, eatainl a Han Aere. »M paigo Cnni fathoeO o, ho 19 d lb .M. W91 il la enangb ta nselaAldermin sDent-car mtCe y," Wllc.0 eeaoibi geai "pure lb0101 inio rS jring £5UAV ubtaa.ta otl icth viiele apppopriaoo alias le the Cpaarvutivoa Cor"vop Bui.von T01 t.-f -érntigUi-theW-nIqag cofmt ynvt J ~ ~ 4t N Ec itn vaieaai Fedilealn mil alk t.; hCA TotU O nanaKmmd iMtanontR m .at-Fteui.t. 1' ia oa OtIte MNiePI641 . JAiL DKUS W~nt Ibat, lti hm amite h. Mora. Camra., Niofl PRiIi85 tam ti vbo doetoncatil the Fatarl -.* o oo-o ittn, Theia al ac er a.. gOu G8UW>ORD McKINDSZT, itear iataeilafeamare at.lJppoî ÇQqad IN TREE rffCnmty atar. mlblIF> ar.e«wf la vant ofa DowiJOa note. The ait naa hâmO buadàin TOC «>:rf EEI1t, 14 W. (pni 87 tllf guiche thiem au0 loig yl a rvtep thoal ONz' Vat. Titoy are so t ahaned, bt pplai0 *Mnaeaa.Couhaitts, Jattr., a"nid .to M ermSemba~al0 dan ic ea tn 10 no ccene&dam t nd -laG an~ o d k Stre t; ainîhese ii= W '719 d tq - h1n fe v nai ..t LaC& ludeM.1d tb im.va b,nidrtape y4 he upmmeto auPort aitt ;;th;; e on f __ Slmon. fnm.iRath.ami..u . .A. CFE. p th Iliit, l6z, y", mne, M it lO0cc. 324i Il? <1~~e tfragbt a GNOtiff OuGr deil Iier.aalng baot ai ri S eng l hae im oiîîthal vçM exliot a enko a rmit lng. OVýr genor g meannim or a , ewà aarrnu largr ve u t eri>e d. mnd nover serfta. Ioë mornme aearahk ta tha hyer. Wewmeol3001 Keg of GooI Doli) BattfC~mro1o1ie5iE~Dj~mrd Hpe c n untii ef Gond iiiîfpig Aglin Iae Gorgetawn, oic 10110e 18lu. 19-tf CHiJSTORE. D.Dm. aCHRI S TI1E &Wg renpefoifly tu aucounsco ta i.public thnl i. Antmen and Wiar Stock et àTA'PT-Edo & FI4NCY DRY GOODS la nov Cmpoiiten and for Bhauty, ua4q i tI i hp.,(tauW b. St.pM nd. Wttbpiranre va recoimondte te bmlnhic oue Dd)cuble-fold Mantie ClothS, Varytag ln prieonatm90 renta ta 34.00. Aono, àa viat>' ofShsdma of French Nicino Dre Gond.. ram Glata. ta 31.00. AIl Waol Fancy Dresa Gaadoi frein 45 ola tta 75c1a. Wiaeys frein 124 to D5tla.A verlety ie cilosn ar Orleno, C4i*didacae nid brenl J) t4ffer'et p len. <ouets. fronSSIi ho te 810 L e-ttpkIroJrie ROr1ts ta 182.J0. AIl1 lie neat ty les in Bttant and Dre Trimmino. A cbenp lin lt omne-mode Fimnota. , , &c. We veaid Wi ioo$an id <dlastockn at FJngliah 4 ÈC#adiuElUn 2eeds very lav uri i à rce aima Mener, and tJhidrcn ootsBandbrriaciho oitanid chenu. A chaînalot of Gies. Tuanfrram 48 cente ta 81.00. TE M.U0LINERY AND MANTLE DEPARTMESNT. ln*tbas eue stck la larg&tand more ettrcetive n im unanod patti fanring un villi Ifba ir.eg, ili i.E5teithoeit àv8îa00bath la point af styleanid chapsn.- A Ifadoementot( Kanrninîgonieic eonCttt an band and îlot. np in lie Oeharlen ntice. Alo. a choiesr oillctian aI Bridat Eqmipcmeeola. trimmed ta orderifi th, laIent ityle. Old Doguets and Gie donc np in ehe neyant ibape. Acolt la 'rospcttulty solicited. M& RU.Mm --R:: A& -wu - Ï Iglau.Gthr 0h -tf ESQLJESING STEÀM FOUNDRY, àtRîml4i'. eeqaooled ta naît end cejee nv aen olrlng 0lultIvator Pater E ler, and Thîielo Killor. rolcilateil ta cIic d i to I looifor once of drnughl. cnmpleionetn or ort doue. ihban bren 2 ao ne nod bac giron complti mWkutiiir. la façti lI&theonnlytming thot iii dean (Cnonda aiamp and reeap. I bai opelyt Yialenandtried ta béapriated. lotsoi refoorenee qud wgttmlniais can hC girea. [mnaine manutsatiinolngfir ea loon0w Calters. in tt tfrôni Ilb. tuotonscape dii- AieoaalpCttPe.GulnoiiheanidGindoro. ChuTr, Stavea. Ac Stoaugle lMa hoe,WaSUia Ciekî~aoi i Bruore Patent Wood Smwng Min chine. O.iey tgnnty eft i tro lïingltfor mie. Old irau and, Brent tAen In Ex. chang0. . CameKenzie #anTgntiWss, Flb 1107,>. 1t. 0 aO.0S* Dowivwith Rock 011! BMIKÂBLE FUNDà, OR- ~CENTS PER GALLON! JAMES IIOLLINRAKE. -20Barrelk of Dried JIpples, The llîghest Price given in Cash or Trade. A. amape. zaet Cx 1NAI»Elilgi #COIJARS I AUl Sizes Juat Receive E~4~sPOPitilN (faduoans c t nmely f T".aaa jit!d Btbitae anun tromlon. Oîrn- -lbext do« tuhaT. L'Whàite's gene Thiush stili contine o the,- AT AND Cau s amed mi pnhedmon Tvat lba U y vi it sd. * CaI 8d'See for VourseIve4It, m- Wben jon amine o hiito ranmlconudIt;cati MlILTON. el eit b tîtOr Two Goo» SA&LIS]lIV WÂ1NTTIEDOi F I N Ef HARNESS & SADDEY ~P L UBJTI~ A (IENt an tan tainmtan - v.. otautar, ri qiDIaHed fe mrénglh and ~er 'Ihnîde, January lei ,ItlTo 111 1 GS reppenlfolly to ocqoorB he I nhabltants of Milton al.d OiiiTiindleg OlOlOlt: Law' Fartnershilk.Ï J>tleha ohnporchodtlie RANCII SHO? horetofore nnes" nl. lmf r r tdMn, IaýPtedb* slOltEyonde o tow prepofOd la nfer the r.gnlities of LIGIIT AND, IIEAVY IllodvIa4leetadiun IIAINESS ai the anet rooconoble pricco. -Gentlbmen rtqt&g uyliîg in My lince acJLparttiprdoip in1he geueral peeaii< invitetu examine bafore purchaMag eloanohere. the nainwa and sCovr t rie. %Wb SAUBLESI TIIUN SIP0VALISES, BIIUSIIES, COS. &ac.id 1Ç(ýr0&cu* Ker piooooantîy on band oevey deoriptoO oof ANG? IBARtS niJ. p. CLAnM, f ,suaI. Itopairiog ncatly doue aod punctuoly oîlrodid ta.Bapoe e nb 17 Mijlan, euly 111, 5 tb -e MIr.Soe begmtiÉnooooOOlahie aumeoiv, friendi Ctht ho boa dipood of tbe bonI 07 2.Wv111vmoçlw <np@et ottOCCcarromdo 1 iehin b idlton Ca 3Ir. lRichard oe,loto mafolagr. fi-ISEM 0F NAIG U m obnho le WouId eot the nFaine itnroî patrooona jtao hoo tn iidi<ita hlm. Ait Main Street hdc partien iadnloted 1tutr. Stoooy oit plon' paythoouame tu Ur. Joues inmodlatly, who as autlaoriuod tbgranit renipt$inj iC oate. Applcation wmOu haemode ai tign ANGUS CURRIE, MILTONOUCL FTtiYIof the BEG9 Iférinhbisnmeroce-patron0 13; h ublic th,.hlin »jant TOOu1 .eived diet frot MounteAlà Large and 800 AN HO st MXoday of ape jw * W1bhimonoellng ait ÀLTRUTION1 O i nE Lm4Eof vE «Y iLOw jPRiCeS. Dlwen tbe th'iiadltiuê LADIES 8KATING BO(YfS tlgqin thre Sanli-mu ertaira atai the dilaota e e ee ha * ROM $1tSTO $,00. ilbfram the a ad aomal; r Ihe la2e therot onot. Ofo ' gWý Caom tWork dama praamptly tdogrrothe m Lotaîna nid a ib mut mile.degona. 10 utmntaa. Watt 43 Nin North 70 daproan blety .mteo chalma and inet -thra Itaha ta a'- Roember. i attion at th. arit"Iuin1iof« 01 Mon tfav.mbaor 21, ibS. ô-l TIN.TIN. TIM pple Tree8for Main Street, Milton. fq4 am" 12 HN# for past> patronae. bego ta wcqut hi aegonfs4 nid and aUumeroon 00ew cunio, thsi ho hau canativutlyan cmto bmnd a luango icke tic oc'*"iIz Sto stovepips,<opper, Sheet Iron, «Iib Plali and JappmndTiaware kt .Finera ud~ Tac Tmoga.0.6orl duntptoiof*rbtn ti lie enu eteet r ps.regiel Ese 'Trsh tatonena an4 riptif 1 40Wpni ue ex«ugidan ie mttck tat u vel y tW i h st nalla Sb i eiRet. Wa, ching e Old j'irea îlTOn e oom onam.ç o k nie'Pal. Wta Pei0dt aout sm gaaa ent Milton, October 25th t8q . 2111 Ftbuanry 6Gh;. 17.' ;ln Oo. ci.li 0 -ir 4 QS e 10 ÇAN. 61 Io D -1 .Arm" DVATA 1--rrlbz à-zýV-4f.. f 1

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