,b -O, he - W*ý le 40 ma ELOIIRT VOllSYLTU,,, 1 oiTl uldn n 1011fStnesIlalely nccnfle jdcd 1iyWbe laloSq. wa, Cglo. C alon, C. W. 0il. ,goNgFtT faONG fladpCort Clerk, Cnurlaanacr t .q "fer. Offce. Maimisé.. Yul. G..meKENZIE., T RUSTON. ihmc mlheggli, D7cl ad . sn i flesprel la-lkmütlh MaaSîrI .-00 --t-~ .- BT TROUAS CLaBK, Gedasle or le univeraIly f MnlIil o3ït~l~a'r~*(LWColtege. bIotreral. e% lblàt Oo> lca-TWOn coors Wra f ifOllmol 1 1 bce & agumen a ucgStoro, Mlin uStreet. 4T 2 t Hu ioce-OnURt StlOre, neol doe lu uni c hloller 3-5l~'0. fice eel, Eq. N. ~ o a, Mlon, Nde. 1,lOt-O. 2-17 CUROÇO2lETRE8AND PRYSICIAN,. 8(JRGIION & PACCOtCHEIUR. à aen. Orcîccrie pRazqDouc-Thal lateiy ecen- ~ lilbli'pied by Dr. Coker. ,I3u5 illqa, Dol.10 1se. 29 Iy jaiW~LLUR TRO8- G. MATHESOX, B. A. É OMM ÎAN5TM. UEOIWQN. BÂJUIIER.AND ÂTTRNEY-AT-LAW, «LTocmde ad sctkcash. 9AIt9séU6i'sa mc glO. alI&liilfcor p Oci-<co1 doe te Mr. Ckd"iaIC us M-"ofay 9etUtaStore, Main Sireel, ir«aen a. tFIbl ofs. "-1 MINresNC. W. OClobe 111h. 1866. l2-1y 1)TARY PUBLI, SOLIOITrOh INI OIANOIERy Xain îreel, Aleo.. 2-y flUiIw h foajd aiA. Gotalb G. T. E MS~J Soi gt aaail eand cntao lnameodal ilu E X.'Z Stl cIi vdefy eoapaLiillc. iewelrcy aiatll1110 e.i 1t ««b »& a SAky SSl 1DR. -O.FREEMAN, .aigeown, gay f.1864. 61. M 1 L T 0 N , cogligPhysicien & Surgeon. ~ ~ 1~~8'1ýî fiGF H3IIOJI.-From I8 onil 10 A. n IUDf 1.3de ly.ud ercry Tncaday foreneea. IINIfDJi'I'IflhR CncecfLrore n-e Dàyu-Tda! frenoon sud Salnrdoy mlernoo. Milton, OctII9,12864. 21.17 .ritig & Wrappiag Pajaur WlIMA G .asISo417 an bcnd ahi to eder fnA GR WOOL-OARI3INR HOUJWEPAINTErt AI, OIlaer andl Paper Ranger. ~ flBS~ING~ M20Fou Martin Street. Miltton Or- - lleéoàeltanlhiec. ColIonRage la My der" let et aThompaoos EcNtel. nlb qea"t-wtfj b eodevastaI ele Paler alauded In. 41-y KYIla ecletara WCsh. igbesl priai qai bOal ee nnLP. B. mo tCocttoe fr 2o.o.,fiîfldiue.Vatutor ie. 1plnanof Duildigo udocu oen hrt coller baroIng peemanenlly localeol Aillge. Wooid raenruil-Y anmonnce uaiiid Ibuetifthe vueroa.iding tapi IbA biW la lly preprnd te cnec Ithe mt aréalo mannar auykind of sý bhefgWghle mprofisem. lâmrladI la bthet el yle, frPm oe hulliaelt,aIrte.ît caeoalt ai t sSsaho-Teuil StIed tirîe bei aw md lsnu. t, eIieug and 0,11 ojulnapeformed oiih ietecacre. --iU MlSON 1IousF, cscrt,onre:i1> rý, d7 -. MZ~'~N * G. T. ISM-.TBID0. IL, TU(WSON, fîmworcI Oe pabll ths 111. e (n e fonou alon1teee.*heieTI 1! llkbe mon hflpy tn oilnupg biolit co- lO5flu4b0csIPIc getpolCRMKR A gnd lUeeey Stablaficonleaietzîmios~tî Zrc ue. ai.Cegu a alway le MAIN STRIEET, MILTON. j#L.dal. 89-te àAIl "rea~i pcmply alletide. luTerme leoc l 1q,.4ortb Clnyst~ if mle id rav -Sciae n toaaly4lis.u*, aIpI oi j 3 O,= I r ee e naame e -in he C=t- f Bllon Fai à 'Vile bdt lMad te i e. iHel - dd ei yprto beCu - aftumop *1Ul receico eeery aenlion.. T4NNERYý! UU(eliiiaMlian ae Tu rtbrîer dU pop lhp U~i I1Y IMTi [A6* Fc aaQDA.t.ili et Robert Swanftea Appelle, ACITOR IN CiIANCEIiT. 1r'VRONEHNOTEL. ORNBY RA Sau*THOMAuOacnLI,M1.118r aiOew*nouroaiet.o1. noup.la .Iblmta. 2.Î. 011nmehn.itîta o tel. 15,yGQOM., Geal«i.. à hp ou.tya THIOMAS II wmTg. Coîeî<e ofrn1.à. Revenu-, lise 8troet, viser York. Office houetrain 9 te 4 o'ciock. Hamilton. 00c, 27; 18634 Grîeduate ofih-e University ofTùrOniO. t1ALTOttVILLE, - - AS$UAGAWMYA. OcCIE AO Rcinana-Tbal latelirdOnC- pied.by Or. Roberloon. Nnenagao.uys, loe. 1. 148 22.l7 MELSON1, Houas VILLAGE 0F NF.LgbM, <.W'. E RY attention paid Ca the lravelng r bile. Gond Slablig and an atten- Nehcon. Jan. 27tif, 1863. 36-ly. CANADlIN HOTEL, Pa",'0 ee tavelin il. B.Raiiwa Tra ln orely upon Omniut Oneeancebo sd <om the Cars. JOOiriWBrY; PcOprlelor. Robt. Dolmage Pulceoo, Ocloober lTth. 1866. 20-IY PRACTICALWATOSSPg.AOER and JEW- E L.1ER, oltendu puncîuallY ta repniriug &0. Ailorhwarenoied. le keepesc on- eanot eupply of. Onod 1 WATCIIES CLOCKS, WEDI)ING RII«S, CONCERTINASFANCY GOODS, &c. AI«-. DUSIQLAR'S ALAISS, hold betlic hnd.of al.IL. 111 et.% pocket hon.if coeu he lolen- c door ofa omota elooOny onle ,or clceely give au alarS Vw>4.Oul . Peice enly 81-50. :11e, Aug. Il;, 1h16. lily tli mfo r Sale. Texcelleot faim., Lut No. S. In ile Coce.eioe . Nueeogoieeya, heing -d of 1610 Acreil. 60 imprccedl, the cdwilh Maple. Beach. Ne, wiflh od Pire. A gocd Wll 1141 lee iiul i hce font, and aetreantolu vamid portion, oith tw0 go.ed Log cd Brnlitioo ouaoi hoà,mile front crlWellingtoon Slore. Terme W rTitle indiepu iable.-A pply on the prtle e WILLIAI JOlB. Xlaj 29th. toto. Si-If To Brteeders of Pigis. rVIlE ýSulîcehier bîga lu luform bis 1001imc-osfeledo andthe cpuli.c -orpdl lot lie hou a hroujt.hed Sual cot,sel StffçlkBnew.iîiocd le keepfoeesecrvice. Exe. lcol judge-ofo pýgu hure fgrred finCeha t he hcfieo nd bcdt m10er luthe Concly of lilloo.or Ihnl baquv eeeene belore file publie for breed, make, iluopeonod aise, of bie oge. Torme, il. Tboae wi-l.iog teimprovu lIait breed of pig3 W411 do velI te urail tl.oenlveai of ti oppoeluoity, food!when pou Cou.s if juare pu t eatîled nu88te ilie gond quai!- tira, wç k 11charge notblpg. DÂVID rENNETr, Ilepritor. Lot No. 9, 2vd Lire, N.8., Terofoigne. rnýfnlgar, 2Oth Dac., 1866. 29-cf -CITY IELOTEL, 3ÂMES STREET, HAMILTON. HI u n"Ie~gnnd bulag leased lteb.aotre L*1:11 l0Wi, lolel, uezÇ -ilu lb.th M0a H m l bardag reoealed. heal description, wonld r tpeoll Invfite bista niùd ftdnathlub7ilnto Sleebîm a, TRETAUILE I nle noulY unleld cr111 il ichebeaiollsuad 4albroOiuCOr the semain, and the cbarc-eaaf&M ecannable. TMM BARS cunlalu, nonuetire eholcoal Wlne$, Lti ne.ad 0(filaaanNd Of lbO ait ltb7mraile n a .,4 c édo S TAILEII nI3d an atteative nsIler alsconband. R*mlllon, juif 251h, 1816. MSy Lierstab G000 HOaSIS 4 BUGGIES TO BII« 86 Ir. sageffla- oqe, Fo1 LLgORTO 23T vi A blî lal I01,oN al îfctIbhuld ON Gond Facm Secaely. JOH> DrWAR Je, - tuBO101I al r;ter J Dr.. George ic'., PHYSICI&N, 8BBrEON, X. ~'OFICE-Thc building aoapied hy îlrzteDr. Beu. CocaliLer,&Tox Dcc- Wedielnya and Saluedays. 4-49 DAVID MoK1NNON,1ý 01:1 Sioe1l Rnlldlagn. umu alcol, oppowite l anPtOI. a Milton. . 2-t. WILLIAMILAIDLAW. OONVEYANorEft.l&c.,laC., 4a0. -orric.- one deceveul ef Wallacesa 0ev Jan. 4. 167. 33 f E L astr, in ION 02COlET CLERK. COlOIN- &jouer la Queeui RBanch. Llc--uacd ltionear, Accountnuî.&. Deblu coUlecl- ncil on Ctonl.. Naignveya, AprIl , 184. 8-4-ly T1111JUssesW içi erning lîscile lu tne ndie of ent, foltcir cery liber- ai patronage, e.le ie o lannounce thst lbey lave reonveol le tle Premniaeu ltly ocoe lh .Aeleleong nely opposite île b Thutauon on, *h;ea rey ilend tu carry on Mlilinery and Crcu-mnklng On an eanged aosie. Fvece thlog le theie lae peomplly otoudeil lu ( lnte aetolyla. A Calil îmuot r ne ty ullciled. FAIIMR SALE The propert el ooging tbhea LÂTE MR. CHALMERS. Cooaieliiîg cf No. 21 and part or No. 22. lot Cjcce@siou.XNorth utfI>ucdnu Stret Contloiicg 200) Aci"~ Moel uof ilrecently a nipcd uendoin agod1 sR.i oro cu o wtla flue Spe fg oý Roua ORlac çtLAIDLAW, Boctisler. 4titoa. Mlto, AuLuslt It'. 1866. 10.1t T. L.Wh*te& Company,' KILBRIPE, SELL SUPBRIOR COL IL FOR 20 CENTS FER IJÀLLON. Klîbcide, Jannary 211d, 1h0. 20-if A-ND COIJNTY OF. ALON' INTELLIGÉNCEIR. MILTON,,OUN1TY 0F HÂLTON, TIIÙJ4RSDÂY, MARCH 21,.1867. the dbo fle oï 0..e Mr Isana reemns, for lhe aqpporl i Mia. eol atte cdwne l.or eua<Li d(NAVAO.fond. Zerv h msd f~uigord ocga, aen fro. A rIom~ aon anibl. c afui inlpenLicw Ie-v cr waol ndugybl 1e~ <~ D5~ erlfedl .. pedemp r - - ai gnind i. Ohita aftue-vardt. l*eia ndme w u o ped withl oIe Elfif,. P4 do"#& 8tSb :As vo- ppspied the vîlloga VaUen. ~oCugitr ansd itan 1t Conte $1,50. - Betwooa thae Êtntocn and. Chiaeste '"cMona fac Chinew feBorers.st-wetk ila & eui oftht inernal tribu. Mr. Béatt Boad, aiandi bMr. las th. inlnîd ,of Formoon, wich in oece fls. 81r.. luai. openafield. On ioI% ,odmet -caeoeh aaadBoiaie, laI tle lfoiuig ao 200 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D mia u101,îd060 0l uîa ed vith cries o elorr' "disa' armherobl3 aedored, ýe le pmi&vi.- breudîl. It Ianet praant inbileil by a foc minutea the choile Q cpiS 4jd. unredd; lut .I affect oloo oc .,eo atlîrOO slp~a.,O tw ltrtro-hcu n niwt lei tenlod clîl 1'MI aDOW P..(1 Ico dflomrol rue-ia.athend rodap neo f heclds Waaa . a loc , îtoé Md orftcfni t6 Qieof. îoW. MecIraiey, for a1u fiaI Of plaaik, -hie~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ig femrocpyuoh urîeulîmomloiatning, and men, colpea,i~ l dcadhId ~ ~ f, oddasn f.16 *-7 u anîd vioter. colles, oni the loi-r the snd-cbildren rinicg lea ud fro la, oplaeitrlazhqegsud #ebo 1 fit - 3l fnle<dht o o. 6.1, »dt authora Boa eulern. Tbose tco races getilcounfusioni, W. ulppoàd o lot ho t eua ît aride.oftifhe Isluan, la s ied nrt epahalail by a rang of Mountaina, arcilement colnmduc., sud vart on4OCli ldigiq refuge mogagt.he.rse.- Mr. White moveit, nesled i hy Mr. tunilng longîhoiseorn&te Island, a ca nuioualy aýfroapeeul 17 a band of te, Ilnê b c aa cîlqeo te nov- Bociti -tiot lfth lleaeg peroe, tle tvo diyiaionsa arn an differenl as lth n eCy e voar Ihiryi a leic w- O t c uaeai da. - a ea thlie- poitiosa f pepl-lb. lund6 of thé Chineea beirtg boîtescil mJa croca ale amsiuiigimg bew, undnullfg, andl acébbe, asud 'lîu §peur$, machlolîa, sud kbleu, .4ý ýorthlb.cantnibae m eperooi,! lave 17(11 raqhldlanuakofeaet t. of tle Indiana, toggaul, moataincaa and laail rctmie'PBeiahaw le 1hle knowlodge layaiad. diam of'thi.esyi-spI sIsoqIlae<e.iiu 00100dagre ntrile ThaChir ey w 0C r o e i m lîoed,11m v *0 wifS1 îel wufor,ï4m nth loi r thé,isWbof Sripituoua Liquersleps. arn diiauîlee, luuid, 'sud.induslious, Ireathicu i terost sîid .luking bnir . là a rinner bal (rom dpI X soir. pm ro giugFle:lb ourk xe alevm thl Idinna, athlîlio, ituce, anilcor- forp ,eCulal 11. velre . driîd41usd lu 1.11é h. I ll e 3.LinelVS-lmiMCU liko. The former lice ly lîmir borde, rad mon of vlioniWCvoasboaerd eMmeldi.ai>Onecauant. 0 Lo-W. Hsucia W. 7 .qea~, Md poaceru ai rt;lte lter h irilo ccopl. ltdit a vit .=.vd Wfin.aMePM1Li., W.iIeWUagia,.7X. rolbîag. plaiaderiig, mplr nsd mal- Plyansiyeaideaed tlBy weoiOt at I gonslis atnuIerd - i8 . Jcrla . lug l as u o tlb iro mo tl o o ac t n ig h lo ra.s u î qatîn g p I o f m , J ei o g o nd o ui nseu u e ai I u d s h a v e sà 4 o c t l i aa T Mlr. I - h-C a ro L - 'M d d b . A male orfcournbnan lbaiityfilat& le. Doluecr11val deelopal imbesu d lin; alllw lI.y o tnla fie ilii M, tciet ai o .eo dlj lcoao tle Ivo nations. The Indiens nd. îir m5 wea cro htcap- iadlsbmoFfir l _,dmlnvWia,1111 ol~ag i buu aving crouie. lemoutiulnlaformidableobande, * suad tfIolefiir brig nlongaep ladUaSlasatorped tiedln v.c, iluSi ithe .cno docnulpon île Chime, Ïapiing a in0t, larg langésudlr, A tll hi po-nnîaetbn w o ll ieuo andbrctbirbuaoeaer of lIcr :~Pin doci i.lare mniu rognaur@ or Ocaprie. Liki hîe Nàrfe .l ime amn ig o.reile I IaJalïue grain, ~ ~ Crr diauIbll ordf ani th r echowmi bpoa.Te rfeircano Indigne, hj.re fond ut thilo tIi oie, lItai tle fblleing tusale gri, rv oftoi rà,admal ot1.ports.nqri peauàou!o f(1ei-te NinnSe $20 Iifl prisounrofrasohmtîy. mout corne.nuiond Iîd elitre, the goiueral expges- luiît.Dlîifglnmdlm npiva-0Dtll , Sica beig to lrearontd sennuel. Tlele' iin- a draud, sud io JmeUas na, ,5-an obldrofsan tley cai ay tibir banda oh. forteîd& n ro nen, Ibeir oyez bisaI k . Tbebayee aerge, Dn4. cr Mir. Beciaer moeeil, eddby Mt. mc n luan pnvasy-eretMea ance îd saoy, Ibir clteek-bonea lgh and ltç co ad bol prin armje sort of- . Whfite, lIaI W. 0. Baîy, ad W. menln dobleORPelt-art a g ale hrp, itînt nouna lnrgu and trched.,sud liin w bpinialoonaista in pro Irciuc Re-qi., arcbora hi appalaîld té iid aecndly on footd, for. lhelIndiana Ihoir mtausaandl juashugo sud Ina-pfitulithevlao spirt y tle moul du.eamin tienbridgs ou tle afia liso arc cannla, and Ien fanal on lamanivie. They voro a aort fctnf 0 c0 loihboloihmnmeion îa fîeNo oeio rtla. dl e eiî. aloutithn bdy. Theue Icro articles cumîu ara raîîcouae)in l appesasiespuollioahbaî smad adverlisa for ilac Solde jeara &go, the criler of ibis formed tlIn, enlira cciinio. andl (1.1..bal thIr sure r gread iarae oî orocl s Nec Bridge e or-iiiio, if alitement bcing in tu Englinbvecai, uly oz-uuLsnt.ecocalarge rnoa dopead- nhls. aid Ibi oral quallîbon ofthéle lhy dense aâ ser.-Oeid cou weedilou the. oulera Coatof île lug (rom thocars~. lva ore. Thé lIra moulla I van Mr. Oileuu movad,esceoude]l 17 Mr. Islanîd,anad four if on;l ait droaeaonad As Sm s a (bey Ilad gaIti 11c thm Cam pelîd l 10romain citl h bdoa aages Wbite. fle~t eacolroluaingDia soor gel ronaidorabiy braiild, fot ndud orm reo s acalII v vCe tarmed ad wu* nam g@ ofliarior, andd ialimore le île aura oftwdco0illrsasd &AI auIa clingiag f0 itia racla, suduploning tlue, theasaina np boldly; anid oie, bradunmcnaito anp-miliaeekîen oaadlar Ionien for auCour.omeend te 1o leader et obld atoi louou uapriato ucnfm psnons. sudls1. dloasdRI ae a Asar uevmetl co,,I b plage. apoa a oly disýinetive mark cu n rimion ubutplala.eel touming reof, cfibhia about a a udred sagnaudthe d1, rmode sign o 10 ban -AI lent IuManageal b escapeinla îe Mr. Becear moveil, semeadd y Mr, yarda o uthenrocly ahri ufthibo laofnui fomwvleccecoma. I replttdîu hlm -aigll, ad aller concoling eayuell ico White, lIaI the -aofnul af l S, Formtosa, 1 manageal 10 gel hladofa ase Dell an I could ndilouâvIes Tmade;a"$ yeina aholloc troc, I puraned My for s caie, far s puer ehildj ises*lte- Mmpac w0 ital1[elung wcul tle esuoily hile underohood thal ce Cern creceei, dny, viCI parlion advcteac,and rmaoh- ejue mmoaatiig tlethymrau deilil of n drocilog a.Thcei oChora got le peceil hbighly ploaneilasud urriad cd.s large C,4i.eo uetlameal la au en- peai. (Trileid. bold ofthîe snume support imultnouaiy an eff lu îhe illage. Thoro, antir u-, aunleil condition, Hers as louat, I Mtr. Balîmoied, eqcoiled lt Mr culh myself, ,anil for a toc minutes ce dorguicg a elos ail lroublesome cxam vam lundi7 Irealeil andl eared for; sud White, 1101l1t aafSla.te.o ofT omous voe chirleil about -with terribl lo c- Lniju -trSain c rocil of comenanai u$ sugaeieaded la goatig PbloCWib nlfibsli. vbeba i17; anîd tbe, a litige wve îuildedly blidren, wv oerolocked up lunoaeBal Il toCant on, and llonoe lu mynanlico and- W iht lag- a brie ron lei ecutina landed ton o lbige of rock@,aatolneahoua.; vbichboLad.lbut one part-l_ ut irnem.eurhiadIa nl esalo-in aobrided en theleagna fvn foc feeu bôr îhleellof thebe elhlfg ment, uand nu oultitie ihiadoër. um n macliena. Iclre, sud the receol- vorîl a the filas cf tle aucidanl, $180, sud rooriug vwatrsthnI mai17 brola Hem wcc raiieil, s 0i ytConjolureLein mfltheibtid Se i a wing ain " procen y lî llIda i huh ugalint IhemýTa. Ebegb Inf dend trou ir oe lii dak, vtoen île ohieT and aevrai nmie eoude l yt'9bridgoeocamoui oh repoor. il faelicrby exhastnîand sie.riouuulj lruiaod, yet emeriti caen ia t siel, andlahow. momtiaas, sed ahiiol ont cuwt troir lordereil Iy the eorporation Ilab Thèesu thîlleofutlito brongît ocery farully cd ue eomnehicg th;nVroved îhry hai lv*o lccp. -C. Wright,meuia e taraona hIsdreit labo active play, 5 a In a Cîtue ta afefounilîhe vrak. y il ien __________________ dollars intoampounaioa for lhéIci-a.. inutueswc eve t libeyoad the danger l ari aaa e8 tour labsuad are of bing acapi book inbo tbo holing ud odc, tt 2ahi u of ot8oomany TWAAGAB COUNCIL. Me. Bonleor muo s, eocdcd by 1fr. tuaming isurf. batcharseamntntheli&aimals îhey 1 - 1[bal7, ltaI fileCourge FIni.. rouira Tthis appencil cot fet tramin l-day; 1bond ho el.y. W. rsumhorsTd va eto The >îaaîcipaI Couanil ofthlécTown-îletheutofTan lDolasfor lIa ClOehfag tle wlid blviug am gaie,anad Iutherinti. agcannibale, rembled cillo tefttI clip of Trafalgir, met ptlrsat olaail. of n poor chilI chiol hoa lgues le ail- besting uanai as n ladrlcing aleste. .a.ti regroeil vweobal oC perfèeetitio juiamenl. 071. - Carulqd. We could only ou a ahuri distance oui tba veone. Buot uofîy comnpnari oRcus l îi.Tner o h rai fB apun îleagey se, Iloagh leatiy bc. veto larger sud etueilthon myncîf, antiThanil Ounthecharrnten ertcril td ram Ce yond the point chiera- enr vogol ba iae van quitte fltuby. ibh e lte he Membera proenn. anFrlerwe emnaJohn frointCh*Lon gore lu piecoe. We ow nue athbon do- smvagca nemeil-munch plennoi., They Meures. Beaty, Giboun anil Bowbeer. Culite ud Hiram Ci.., lected aome poîticua of he vaak chiri plucheilandl palled i it, aand Ùoddcti Tbe minutes ut lut meeting con file. Boîî moceil. m.coaded b, . iug aboe nt hae.rf, lut nociiere Coulatili luclollerth11 ailes-ewhile ler e-e pecc irea a igu or humaait ie.. Of puor e llow, cr111 uhan, îrembliag lhipe rul al olteGibioa, thal tle leaders of John Ma- the22 uma bongscomosig tenid oye. hlitaaiug frein Ibole moanta, ?citioti lot Cortificalos fut Lioetioc ao lasCulvert. and itop iatlI tlue~~~~ 22imahig onoigl.nprouiun tna Il.idàlo Rosa for 1he efficresud ere of île i ll t o hlp. loukeid tho boftoaai foi, bol nhhe -cetd nhlsin leeètétt f 8,0 u e o c$we o te hul voe.nov Id tallve :nonulanguage titll apeal. NazIt lathîerc (rsno il sîgIirl l o f$20,seal&obià eadr o andiel oioked nIt cefrovning ioula' apptonvawu ay cotber nompuelua, bat neumlir ot ignlutea tequirail by lac, building a Colvert un thb.gaitîlliinot aloceu heCa ouu detructonabloc, fir 'myslf lhey enred i 111e; andl fer rit .-fram ThornanMcCollam, W. Mo- dt sfo! d$65,00, andlthIe toudèor litoed a ti lu t iow l oîlg oft îe atotarta oceinu.y l1eits 1 anaod besveca for WlimW .Wie .B i day . Cîlina, fortabuilodn sbrdge, far the atnd cousileed our amoutl ielpie.cadi- b.iagoaitlLtic, bott.7 anil museuar. J Til t, . . Curte, J . Lyenae, aum t-lle so n o adSrep t foCrcluhe lîon,Wu n l lnd onil te ha inlabiei l ter ti a minulion they web til 0 -1,. D. Mee,5 . hrh . Los <ar f$2linecdhui e ilie by a tierce ruce of canibuale, Ce aimant carryinig mîour othes cîih tcm. inaJ. VannAlanu, anilW. Honeick. cfr. - Keloil ia.117t -hailettin. lent ie-îooueu veto arleopigbeit tlar ie ona out, aney butin Totlocn aiioavr aa ttii Doit meetinofut uaConocil. 'Car- lautioe. bor aellobal are411cflill ne mi oelinted ilfrom Mt. E KilIoy, and 42 leoi. tout vers veci, villa thc aiknogalnlomtiecler, sud lIon loft uo for lthoé faluir <igt bld for uaianh tturra night. IVobatileui ppeieoSu liRoeepyiglIanwrouile opa- r. îclue Noe4, mnacuieit 1,Mr. m,îd ouffriogas a ould malte do pray -ai moly îeudiy habolierocil andloser oS belveeu Lot13 andl14,IromthetînIanty, thCîeso in ao! $35,00 ha adian. for dotl ai n rlief..tèerish sirop, onu dli aois haie grognail ain -Staîl ,Milton, sors.thle Iird .4ale lîcLona & Couic, an f leir eau- Butatll leproot, cli WuIar * v e 116 clhi-the Most boredama trlactfor tle bride ai Pouitillo. Car- BuTha stthoraner, "hbt el a bot"Mo« -Conresaion, Noc Surrey ; afra Mr.ti. lita Ibere lab pgave ua a ltt. cheer, ,Te o btdaotMdianil an h opghaénfotpe,"nt he o u b éfiAt f gh inudcr fBrowni, ail 43 otbot., prey- - Me. H.nIy moveil, eeaeded hi Mr. pguifnf, vi lega10 toitup te ix o a vgesme mb ot riiolilla l9ýi*gîte Cocucil nul ta gratit the prnyor inI rai, t a îleCogisioudjp l Peeba't01 u a chat lny Icynnil, WC ropnsd prneceed t i 0 til out1armai of-tLhe'petiticu ot Mr, Keley sandl thera, April »eX&. wete au exînueleti sud bruiaod ai 10 bcl tieleicbn. 'Theà lo&tuaioui tltree- rù[lts ae odi pcd M.Wiei mtmt eme malle ont nueoltvruislow andl painful, a sort Ot commun lu tlecocnte or 1h. erloemuils ilodifcnst M.Wiai.siîlmtaoao mui ~nrl eeryhe va uleuei ciI iRge, loeuseltu- tchnalbtat tilould "IInenoolt o esn by Me. Bowbeer, tlIai 1hCoatilisa- ace of bell meatal and pbyuleol ceretuolluOOOdiieàily cverj cIliinn, Oast rou Mtibuu. Bray sd2 leajour. lu meacs ot Palirot hé&riMon. «ufrai - - mâIe a lh"blé, bu îoaadtt l e M2 ilu, ay iaAptil nadI. AtumeantCar- uufcrig. - diltes aie, be o ysi aus ppiag (pe a grant tc aid &bc fataly 0f eiud, - i euîl eo anhol IeiCatitutdhla ohlibvefU eovaÉ ox.ina h > t aiiff, anilotoil odeelve t orî.midle fohties e iler valltîhp llu oltsrNearnes (wdiellolltaly) (signea>. tegoff uandougetvou c lu donbheof rndt7; a&but Oli oal igI nsud o An qetaipréenat la very duutiluta JOB K. Anar.un, re019o0019 lusai le pubu il, juncircmeraie; sud &roundiltheic.ataaee.; -maoaa fio. Mr, Wmn. TmoipO4lek. forw"d or4oý.ta qart, orof ral iamar ide oe! ibm ua11 dli r - tIrvîn saud 30 chéris peiying th ha-. Icu tnrnrdfurhauvua Dow cr* ii;c>d. hi o fut s. pa osd M, k Dur aurpue ýa O.iddottly camne lu igîtut oôDelb cîfI s Chxuatsuof ua Lot I 4,manc ni -ut t-he, lead cf a mnai, tiIoI elliagoï ut atone boulssa. I is le,te, m14cris i b iv~ligt imeantuniaate iebs a ÀA sScy llai0f1 a faa ug Mia de sateri pdt leaaracf h-ru fot g a bouhi&14Ja "aAn naSnde îaluOrl l eoei tiuigbotlg ~.nlPu 0__ -oq tomidMlorig il Wbma ccialocrolelnby nouillecmli. trui. 1he-le ro-cia . tif1i.1ghi tom di. arain sMr.sfJ-ohno ciaiî ceu y tlnetsgt niîtî. antan nîu ii eýa atand kluing tmro ueetif maon a iUr. ic ...J.aaetciia tuIre oehabit i etr it te-e cansdro*n onbis cotre-at. îhe 'pa s1jtafi.r ar e hey w lookedliko 02W.au &îlafggtuJeon Ire. ~oie---Mr. Buity movd, accorea]ai iy t. rivelcd poa li§a aoc. teerios arIa, geecu l 1a.,sud, forlmk, C iti chc Albelaan orleti u ti iieta i oraoiCI îîandla a hoac . preue sud e île or pulture algran, the *bol. is i ectlIu 61eoraa laiuI -lIaoheon. leed.hle î L mp of aahigl nioe obovIui-g i-n ftile pour flloca, an lIe înmen >a ina of Tloi onOuta, lEaq ,1he ua 1 1er ginanes lae y..trd la tofc eto bIl h t1. lud i eineolmssdapndclacbiltarn" -hua it luI - Iîe dollas làhraly granleil le 1ber, bise btel lestiagg cu ro rptiors. soCo u ulaisgclaed u z l îl reiulld a brilgo u i on i leu idéH@tbeu quitikonel his poco, andalbîc gvgs C~ atiibsînl? No, noyer,ad tlIiterally Toatiù oe slve atulrenadau hro mcanle510e b eino0 ara'yet. ca:g Ileil Loto e o 0ulli a ooeaa bis 10010 ucitl arshgo -lattu ier imposaile!; BnI e-chbuaeilforjoj et aecît~ n e tocL l . l o Cufmn int emu ih aWt . laoogbîà pis Pr*iclen ot illIon-bf'0 icitla s. i- hîev arNec Sgueoy, and lIa Trsnsur l i borepemit the yoneg gengllmn 10 la lIe usah amugb afpeup eb vmI . <I o ter tîu j andil ibe trugo in t a 1114y aurlail 10 opuy ilise t u Thus. anisn lis BiencaY Il- 9falul WR't hueltîtasortortei or.Cete nqte cil.ed iykiofo Noble young aresart l thoglt: Asv eth bttlSainstfr-mnsy muila eillis l tie orIate ertM1. l e lied ybiaf r obile and varrei bau n lesapohor vordil, cil bigltancd spirits, aail anomemo tf ngony cr181 yel of In dmaoi oaghlerrid. t tebodd uto. @vonit took lapceuimoag us. On. cof Whoe lt tlay a ; nitiathéii .Mr. Boutymorol, iaccudely Me. IW l anaeil viîhlisa a oos ire oar uompttiquo, vIa lad Oimondmon ~t ley care loft upo»thOe giannilta lnld liboau lIaI I3y-Lav No. 272, appoint. of bar. $ila îaldealy lalleilanul lurond delisîtedietsIle dieenviey tile villége tlilIch e f l ent; Peer whi Ilb Dow lcr faut lecarili me. My laciscellaI . add.ahy pîcpoil, sul davau ptoiidlihie bsfrdeadand ttoa éice er, 5.ig Towonahip ffieeia e nv an a Digi, tebaraliaci isewaed îteéoMm lahaa is labreasil, sotal ainl- aacced asil osenu, cul ana aultiap <f t Irai tmm.-Cannioil. cere ilu. .Içiuil; 8h4bega t $Peak, ,ta oha nlbgutaffnc.uile;. About sirt elobuleluor le uingI and dovirIini lit. Eovboet muid, aeonddby Me. saud II çuil okmybaai if loiag te. île saneaC 10m011laet.ll tirr on hics ieerbiilYi .WlIeuailt VISe'DY 157White, lîni ly-Luc lic, 2", appoint. îrens tlu un nagal. bok. sanit s asu ni Odicc th emepaniona ai l tylf -cc-e Inleô, ocjlia ; Townshîip OGaéta olre naià :De yu a peddlai? t tat bo iri dsa.Thecredon] hanovio-i' o, do my lortgirl, tîntIolanol my. taliuto al moiemel ul teoeilIo J al,-ei4 clselta.ea quonil andi tlirdd nd a c atil . uccupilien-' 52ga nb Acti cion of ndioalehart, W.ei re kepl abat up tIeýré fat r duei-Weil, f do't kbouc' eoaiinaedthe, salnl bial* thluJaîe espiuiiauj eî-îieeicatalo of nu Mrl. lochoermoud, aeioidly doIt iYanafnl, andl eyeilg nse ciry ibua e-nbtpabu u*tlg bi n eiroouoi l Iauit alIOr-Od aa MrWhiîo, lIat.îthe Cleb gei250 ilarîiy, 'I hligliultcisa mc7 f weaned b a rot, ondler alunethîlmuteltýîOror f theé i , ien louslu 0 tho y-a 186& tbh e iig-baun lIai pu a Itkodllila voiàe bis bodyni u iglteugrIc, n pedulor cho0puais ffnp3ec le î- pla ýfatued;ro. Iaîtred*myoelf ni mot intoed for di tioa, sni! 100 copie. bIne unai Ihîrcoeduag. bc i de- jaloti mot1 a mt'eu ou1 fitar "otoit eltoolt lmLvN, 1 ii 00 Dépic@ larainidt e lelp au aya Oa YOD. irail,- cOr.L...lu.iff0ti le eai he.ie 272e'léa 11 -A le- T. L. WHITE & COM1ÂNýY Seil Geede fer éa.h 0.17, Pab lfor alil hînda of mérahuailli pro dnce and relail &Iliindi ut uerulandiule ai Kiltride, Jafuaey 2d, là,i?. 2C-t List of Ltterm. ZIMAN1140 anwOhed fSIda the Geuge- t. laaPostolfice.. Te.l. lé1.10. Bo, William Magne, P. 8. COnL" Char«u2, lia«e.. lnrCirof G. Dempaey. Ifla YeGe, id xRectuo. WUllIam lcKiitey. Jon Fink. Nffo MIoDongui. J. OrlOn.F. PeIler, Gaee. Ilonr. P. Il. Plmar Daniel KartJ.puea-,. omilI Bas 5, Utlra, FinI ODtkey. biri tadml.wilia- Joaeu, P. - Steeoei, Dr. *-. O uraet. Ir. . Thomo, Thonme La, iHAtiaialJ. iMavir. urn IL-a,. 0 Wtaluarg. wlipm Parue fcollilu ne aor t te lné . ai plaM uke m al ceelerlihot letIef y. BAC LAY.Pl X er T. L. WHITE &.COMPANY SELL .4 B ETTER OC(>TON .à clT8PEU YARD', Thau »aY aller leae lt thende. Itiflede, JnnasniSud, tM7, -0 If