Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Feb 1867, p. 3

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I - wsr' oe 'fur <,.e, ~eTUEB 19 fJÙflIr1y P10N* 1: a remb-l t ohe Be kaI. eotai fame.4 !e pube"e. PCofMaa oi Tpiodmee a si.ties i pasen. Neu ~et aa mwme t1 bhee t6 is uat b. sboe cht qeý ipesomf esa edos emàI- au.sud-tai ii. Pol RO.O im.emeg. làEqneiawfnO. hautiaa $126. c es-tipree, imade. Jpue t d fro hfban lts 1 o n , o f e r S aua% Ir.", Ldg lécpotl -1w. ait le. a ad a i hotisi viiaiiiq w Ia li ho g eah of - no n. -, go, rof Th* IOïé- A& -0 a &(crm~5aets o Monday lat, there nov. proeuit.tii 14oyer, Re., Lyon, Willmoit, Morse, TI ý>mIp utu »t lest. oteWof tig verm iead idtooud.Pt- lionsleimieroly ged hi th, rate-i plycIe" t'"flt in by telie v lteL] keepel-lato-s. Thesa ver. rfered. Wtf0OmmittqS os l4ioeum.m Ti btwaiwnxquiriqg IàaL Geue tavoaj b a b prevîouily approved of by ilii. Il..spetor of Lioocell". Mr. William Smiley vas îppoited la liaI office. Tot!trhanded inataemctu4l t O iii. Ol.Ry barre Miooo' but oW did et ot eulthei jformlationi requie by NI. Wiflmott'8 rmiotioil V-8 l'e- fqe he otue Tronaoreàýfcr fotier b1qaî -The. fOloiog '#eîrt wuo the â1~d. iCongtioe Rooni, Peb. 4th, 1867.I Th ill <ommittéee ispoted to atke theStaiding Cooim»ittes for ulio iiiftt ýfbegIe4at.Wbreport as.lot- leva:- Vli1th1CEAND tsffliNllI<. BotdMoîleaoî. Wlllmott. T5Z" à &SiIE-*ALÉÛ. ViE &a wAI11 * Wllm~t Tqar ndMaiesos. RUNSTING LyoWillooosM, andi cGoffia. »astedo, Naîlios, mm-d Roper. * Ail# ait viilarepIrflly athmit- ~i AT.eJE~ THE n4 _ ESQUESING , STIEAX FOLJNDRY, F ARStEiji.neo o e.ite10cltand .. i ne cvpilent R-eiIn0l 2tiralorPFiiver. iF teai.l i ltttîeKi-tte otite i4atl o pnid allie Ctitileos. foi eom utf dnei nmtiov f e-cris dette. It tits cen 2 yesIni ace aîd bas rieeto emptete 1!@ attit t Ii- alleonîy tbiittie h-ill el c~nÇauada atesat a.p <i W andhr I trmeiete tlaluoqTceito iia tele.&bttmltoeaeu 1aoi,n imtulî.eht fi -4 *a. iutell, 'hal; frumteois"enalpeupsdîsM icacWe estacXltg itfiiieit&e -Y rn etI f-tir-e Palent WoodI Siitg Su- ei3ue. Atuy iiiaiiity or fitt tii8 jig&os fur c&litld tren and Bramn tîhen hla -t ellaalge. - M i Geegeieoiai Pcb 6O6, 17; ~5.tf. commercial f ollegce!l CORNER KING & CXAB STS.i BÂMÎLTON.(C. W.. sfOFBUJI.ES f0rYnug n ei .ilodiei. doplted imieet te whmtý nfall .1 o ným,.ecîinEducaîl.e n. et.( ofintueinn ig tr,it prerlieri in litq crrletr, Parîirolorlc. Teerliers aliould spcoda #hort rs i titi4 rituahe courc-e if oidy. THOSt - HOLDING IS O HOARSlIPS A1t.l NTITLED TO BO* gar Ias a iaptslcd extmâîi4o as imay cit U. Bteda Rave CooipehCilait l*,Pld sathii ActhLu o. 'lmiae i. iine tatrdoo~ blie50 -WsîioîLedît Tii.et tcoipeteot lteechcro toleted1 iça of thc Liestia. laspoctor. taughlt pcrfectty. For fliether iolb*rioiti.i Mr. Mjeu l0Gqi4, meoaodby - --.t "-à4tif in 1 nusgoyCt esd isedil d ______________- oflu Se4 11< rartlices wei eeadesli, celecuu a nrilfos.neiliseteF1O I, f111I1F1111!. lieones, statolo lubor, asd Iltspcei - Court fels, Aler aigsgmbmittei ihe @&me t tieâuaitrs.-Crrièd.- Apple T e or 'Sale bleu Liom ovsd, omPnded Ity Ni. nltunvra Wilmat, lai . B.Zimmeematu be. ItuT Sttetng.lIacciittgt espiosed Tw Costblllfo tliiNat. 'L1 fo tui'iiît .1 firet-, loileph Arobe ' fu th E .estcicre Ituot lTa!trt Ao) Word, Md W. Armrn fôrebeSouth 2 6. 2.] -o .. S--uth P. B. Ziaimerman nos tics appoint- ý 1 ci l.ph ilFD- Oc moton lie Cooreit sdjvucrnedta - i-o eî l " etsi gTuiat mliesl on btonday text for grnrl husi i pe fe pitotit g tî Oa8ahi lasI tis ire pir 1sT.,lheee0___._le___ :.. ~ lrlhs. - - FrMeeo ccd thcsiti - - NA iitaey.cfa.aocsOcr ut co 11te a'rp kg t n,1tee I îltqsoe v Fi. o~ia iac l III ON, O.kc:ýilli aims IDru Eaq.. of aaqic - Ferary 6-1R,167. 25-1na la eigèonson tis 341h7(buIt, thceo -U ur tellect e BCai , olifatkcrn.cfa RPFT in-G ie ,u anthti4ttglt. thtOrTc-5.Ltoc Iyteirltt - t Zheit. tuitobr. &,o,. &e.. ci iii U Ut Il gaiia.he$etyarcf iliaco tiericc j~flI~ TH4iflFIDIBRAPiVe 1867, vu a ai eleihlby epccetrllnt of- Trafalar,.-Iis uc ati uè." Ou Lt 9. 4, Coa.eecicc, NSu t-vY, la 1WWl4rse on Ticcdear Jan. 22cî1. Teafalgar. w.itGR.Acoier Ilelet Bra, tie lirloocti nifn cft Jt teW.IU GE .A tile kahtlm . ged 82 yeeFo.. T sealarFciy.. 1867h. 3 AtBoiigian Plailn.1u Sindtiiignil, lie IWela*m,decpl egrieelàb 11ve ise r Tore nau ueir x- r.,hMSEWINt NA1U1ES CHEAI?. aiFlRecc mcii tir SntheritePricfie foc litittueactaW..onetm Cechrntýd Loch îliioh Fii.5 87 SEWING MAdCINtJSI) Faftf* iiî t .... Gz J I)0taticîO0A 8pegw1m ...ai - l3 tloe 10 PýR CENT OCFF Oatq.~ 0-30 tiiel 0.5 's-P . . 1 o05 Regtar pitres lài e Conti At8o Feue---5Goetic0.-.2 ratiýmeý o035 Wut045 A samber oallie uimolVictoriaIMachinceset Appe. Iîr brl . l.tO t. 2 CIO rI-k pr et.. : 4 75. t 55 - 5 ~t0.1pettet- 0» P BRCENT OFPF - to -4 Tiouiejtcneoerupi fotte iame %u- ..... -î1 OtO 0.4.! lorsiand uiTgngntat.ru o oit lily RAMILTON, SIARKtTS. WI-EOE neGUJ HA)pILTON, Pe. 51,1, 1867. WILLIIIOT-T & IDIAGURN Spriag Wet140 tai fî%o ESENISTrS,,MILTOýN. Barley... ..... ..... 0.45 ttc0.48 v FFER gret indacomoctplleail wo arne l'aek pot n........4.75 go b- 25 1t, o qta.eliaie@turr-quiciithe surcucu Bittee pe! lbe........0.15 tloOl17 utI l i Pei------------.. . . 611te 7101Thîe tenttt iClcI.tl cinpict-ein t i Oil . . . OBea ~gI ery'hegIl etu. ratog g tu.Iirio i~ Peeote.. pfcr bsei. 0.50,e su75 o is lut 6 t o i it r»r or unur Ssnpt1a..........- 01t 1000.Ouin. clcdEttraclorte ct rfoimc$lpui BWmdjeecsreaa........... 6.75 t107.00 titlinoradf ittn pronrll 111rot tI) - Eîhee aJmimtot-rr-d ad teetit vx- Rld.. perèet ..._. 6 t lo 700 Il mod c iicut painc fllid500100 W,& MVitOakbie the,?danljdm ..qil ni chi lih M illon. Jan. S31,1 2807 4-17. WORM LZE 112 & Ola dso eau-a feee <U J isiLa 1ulc1LAIK JeOàldehRed diýt. R aa eimeCELIIBRATEZ.), Fomale PILL1b eIn&t # tg uit.Iei tOt ie et eoo Itiel i , c eucue gglerre- ci cala t u a ee.y opeîei ie cdlaqi 1. eldieials ale mpeieill.-ii. Ira t imnda, t ptre»clhe .1e-cti tlait Ppue aidtM&-tueidy rWrPem.sieL>tC- *.Oaly a5ilig 'tir lr eîuen. lDy P.c,.dc- itien id Oltte, 11,i11Yrtam lty e log a !a iltaodnd th. Peymplonle audattcsevhr;andtiarle opg pioiefîl sesso liueClause f eh l.ea' lmm huagicu cf clil- ihel oy I. libutg a lia oenfu-l, "'Cix rbe -r .0-4 ftr rim ceeuePe.- lation. aDtiitiet5 - 8Ses oserWmaàmc0ý otocosg %ae To Mbarried, t Louas. Cfeni fibve.m-0 , yoipi 9miqltPeltellry soiitjl. I il it.lu a -aii t rcd M, nîeiy nd ir ta t le&im, oi ýouiopitltpertod estir.te a .i -letce . onet i *01 d.. ftis-enI rdeiloet aItirtte ouPlosv c-i es ed convulsivet-te,,oPaigela thempeitd . .ttic, gi. ti uge i 10 piTlle . & O la oe igi ile - c ancyn ma ad edàlcitiaN. B.-Si andf'ti lcifgeiamrpe dcoten aab -Tltoy 0afa fialand se:111ta "Y Aultrissealn, wtlif@Ua oit lei toleelleisc cultic otua;iag oare50 IlC, hej ttira mail. %iiy cIciiipanden4. i-Jf539O t.. epiu tc iiuo.t--i ~1 lie a Ju ctct~petr.-: *1 *eoedy or ai luM.,1 er uplau L ttirth- orth ep& làu~, ?ec,àIe4 . W. liteu. N ln.C.lel *o I-ie ,Il. icalaissudi JuS0.WiIosmttJ. - tloii.~ . B. A 'CI fclemilieailorcly 1 %. Piessoae, Palerm) bra irim,s a" c.tlo o, t" Odîv l;JasW.Idt. *tCi., 1 %bait£,ltm' Is gel:S m làep quae, 7. Rtuo, Georgetwn, - ,n~ssiye~r, 1 -aitl nsdetaadu en~er. Vd11. mereMaiCo"llere ceIl eContinent. em nell ne- Leiî e-Wi.&e. comtle ciii Law, frccidep rt fent.lire. every briaucl sô-5t.. Proprietoie. JURSU.OiT te. ou<cden fth i Cortwr cf ceiad.jý iemaitoc et 1hv .1IENRIY WRIGHIT. .4tdia ontre or Simmicir alintWehh bà Crdto4 illlteruiirgot.'siteithe T- nasli, niE(Iu ing . i% irehoCoiny id Ilio.i, e.ch.did iiine ahl tie q- het .trîy 1.6, tire oîon rhitTe the. ï*btr(eenth, )ay et larc, 1867. tueti by pont, prepaid. te T.. SPENCER, ESQUIRE, IOITY 0F TORONTO, iIr. ,;t cl -.. il.Ce--lt0and su, nal, eý al.l. catot '-etoip ..fl i tettfo t iote'loit'i eitrlOttni rite ocîtt.,it L rat. e or hoercfu d at tiCId y li-e ;t.vitdî1Itîec X)oItl 1 rlpoiecielTi 1o cî,lîiii,n 'tdi.r ceuiyedttr- boit urtyl ecLa rdca ithe noe. Ie go lt, u- .e,éignd Hâ@-,.r ltiordtn- aryo0 lt sol dCet r, . my cL.iithre, at C1JtY 0F"TORONTO-) on the fwceigy-Sceond of March, 1867. A012 cockionnosittetiisshPPoiit4d tien sdjadicailîg oitheelbn Datç iâtaltieteeiîttidiy oiJanury h 67. IMaster. List of Ltters LM) hilNltG i lieh.Pott Of%» ai Ititti.t upp10elot Februi.y, 18J?, tiereit .1iairMs. tPîadia Jc,.'pt tir-lcJohni Pak'oion~i. Ml jneýfoitAgent R di-t îJohn bIte. 1uierJ.11111 tIl I cit tehel Il rilrdget 5, corLNihmaj Ml rouirP'er Taylor WS. *l1eeit.celitfriiiy of.he ahmeeIet- t e- ici I jte.oe oay ti.it iey ore ad-er- W. tD. LYGN. l'o-moIJ'i r ist of L'tters I EMItiING i.lien the iittc .Puni t - e'.. <op ottrit leliciiry, lie. 13itis'Il Dfond lie- 2OSippiesOtiielG.'ncett B*.,iU John . Il tltcsii je jures ci.krasiFri-a elst MMtilda tiiyes C.eurlard J-luùi lyou îJ.hi M.ctt-ire ,Saratit.oîîo Ptcr T2 W HCutineîrcoaîidlnw %Irâ îMarY -klirtîa]Efi ltiteras iih jteiard pol.fGecoce ;l!ieon Anao A i IrFeria'i Tl,)loir Coq. Fers... ,oaliltg fla 00or Ifi- aisos-e l. tues mtI pies. a -1îhey are idte-tled. R. BA LMMB., rn h or -à àIAGE UcEj8E$, Rae jast roeti, a Cbeap Lolt IF ACOIYMOTTIS t T~IYa.at 12jtL Ji Mt 20 Corda of W004 wal. i i nes, ltUtS.66. GREAT (Eeaaing&Sit For Three Weekii On'y, JIUOOTS & SIIOESý GEOa ecMITII'S. 1 me ATm Y1AN AY DE ExpEcIED1 TERMS-CASII. CROCKERY Choapor ths.n the Cheapost Dont forget to cal nt Main Street, Milton. bStul ion, unr3'Bibi 5M. 12-ti -77z- Andi how do you like your over conot? T<Lboit pn p work 1 àaVe jaee, prace lodli. o UNIES eROLUXP4K. sélect Scbool1! W ISU ES triobchlin a leur yoelundion lu ed.icalo4itnlîtuhi e oil dmilcke Frennît. NIltic. Dr-ounc. &. I Le scbo.1 ."» nM, ietety. 7 IlJ -wiry. 3ui Cccý-c'd Mu-dCii.cooiccmmoeo t teâ:mt m lO. Tin oretien. Nadenta 0c eocmio- Itrern--The ttc,. D,. Greon. W,- tisoieti £qsaieo.aid thte1e. 1. Te.mayne. Mlton, miluJtItcsTytr t07, V G FNITLEMSEN. in ciii pue epeial ati C[O1-H1NG ANII TAO hG: i2 IT f'lT. tctg supeîtuct.sied l.y gritstl C'tu i TERItea an onry en.l 'leiicerla apeitg ) dtl ailta 0gucOan ttc . cîullrly.. uav i t. upuuIcdeotd low prionsTheosi ectrt .goatirgsps Trowt8eri.ûgs ivai VFSIIN.,Siuîuttitin Stockti. Atmu ditloti A icttoetit il GI'9ro,, licurim.TicsL Shirts, k... &c, Otio,,euhH.i Ar htiniit, Georgrtotc , aitM.,e 1quarT S t ry,~ JIMES IIOLLINBAKEm Roc jist. receireit o lot nf CROCKERY.:, 78 Doz. liheat Paltern P1atessi AT .1DECIDDu.BAËo,%IoI 2n CORU0S OF %OOD WANTE. LR ri ff1'6 1 Sale of Lands. COU'tTY 0F tthLTON. Tel0rie I1 .-Clqi >agp11 nt ofI lle.> one y (ni ai tottr.iît ,liitto. and tuo w.. iireettdnatiioci the LANDS,-AND TENEMENTSI Titt ere of# Dleceoaed. utthle titc-e oa ighIetsnti.lul haalisercfNEtieY t.EflN41t t. edmttleta- r.e ithi, r8tt afTI3l.htI JOYiCE. i !oii i-t viz d oIn ii -Il Rtagu.i, f. ntd t- i ti. r trc tt Ilcudd e Scrtutcciyiuugîud tiîg la the VILLAGE -ut'GEOIIÊÉTOY/N lO W SIIIP OF LÏQUESING,1 ti the TcdGOUNTY t(E tIAIttiS,eoct- tiotiag Ly adoirinc-t Th;rty-tlso I'erchct.and Eight tenills or n Perdu, Reing cmlpo, e cf Vi~lagltii nuho- Oipe wl.doi' i Ti. t, Ott. 1111- ioWa. pt-t i J--tic ltitt.d v.c iareoy inlhe nid I.ltc laiet-oatle. , a ihçib.o .trcIL-t1 cflaideeaiui T.ieîrlipî4tlE dl lez.ttg. iuuîîi-d als a ILet imtie8ta utitutit.% lh st: t -els ? angle nc i lac.i1,1tli-re Ii. Thrîî nr bt.I leutrdsvre. eode lacti.i thon eotîtiu 10.17 -iulla ut-gr-e. lei ticu ehainsu;th.tu-1811iO.tto Wil.V d.utT c. act aie citit'i,, co inh, ;ili i [li ttîh ft- . e0sst .otwuoehaitii.taitttoplc etf I- Whiîih prcpey. riibelctercoicwiui'h tté en 'dli.tdipliom l.cotdaihl4 aI h. imciicioff dto lt al nlw * ACO ............ TWeoeday, Il f t NaLsose. Frdai, !i- r - J. DAVIS 3udg.J@ Qq ai w Cliareti Mai Sti-et Milton. Pot UN' loeiappty tu W Ladton ar t. teet. lti JOHS tAILoiAW. M lis .jaan 1th Il? 2 til ~AIIttoMy pic-m.loi . l. 4 2it col Sc . S. Tafagar. sone.tie lait JA i tati:aSypar otd pttiti4r lt.Tenc*,iee iiiD 1s te tcl-l1 peove property piy hrgI and Lakte t icay. W4BUrE Teafatorar. Jan. dii a. 922-41t *TndoiiPg ilpartmeît à gVing 0 B rr l gretit otlisflition. ThI'irse suit> are welI got ~ -~ top-fr Si TI. tWtiL m L le èried dpples, 7ýcgtien in Cashor» Trade. A.zalSe Z.Aot :f AU Sites Just lReceived, James- Holinrake. ât Rcduiced Pî'ics. Dont fail. to buy our A lot n o na s110Iloeg wo h lie 2,10 n rdsi advectied. NRite îL ime te g Milîon, Jaruiry 30, 1867. V . f JUs FCEIVFD AT j ,CEORCE SMITrH'S, LEMN JPEEL. LON, ORANGE PEEL, FItlýFRT S. CITRON PEEL, LNlS i (ý,4,SARDINES, RAISINS, ESSEINCE, PER' ýGALLON! jS: IIOLLINRAKE. eOYSTESS! OY'STEiIS! Iin ytiiwiek i'. itoil cf PsI-' 111 Wegs and Consinut- t- C 'aV0: It chIl nd m oit 1 ti I iRA i nt ni orîl tei du COAL OIL 25CTg' PER GALLON, ut' itir dT ttîti i oiheni A I4arge Stock of 17' TtlltcQUN'àu otit.l T4,onaoiBtik ct, Pluitititftethle atiore <rockery, Glass warel 81Goal Oil Lampa. INiutcOdUr EE- rcc. 1 The0 tarn atiý le- aiiiufftoa. tito atove Also, die Best Stock of e ut t> tin. ITilt CWOOPiLUSn. ~L-mlni .91Plîitiffîtv.itbuiàhcveecamed ~ ~aie r ctri~ ir cieucon CrD vioctirioui t, utu Es-e offered ini Milton, wciite iumibierli n preputrerd b o st ut Kerr. Pliutii the l se n inmeitdcli.. IN 1£c s e c T rt-Inn-e t OFmTerrer IDCOUX. PRI*L S site eOluite r1. Pi.oi E2TR I'ELn ON TRoyblCa.. iu :B . k 1-anutile,, tti Tueofittr, I.dcs k tît nf~ it7îtic IN, irttE.Nl t0'itit v1 i mo'no',oiur. nlivc.knlinL, Bouts, ~ t----.. Wlt ",IÏ torq. - <iud t-roc Poots, tNIE CneOUTV MRT Au Tif?. IITED COvUX M%,en4' i Kp Boots, Ment' Calf Boots. Lto i iP.itt)e.hthvogi Uto eV oot at 2.~ I'r Iair e. il ietisthet t.ad e1.s1tieit, ___________________ __________tiI -l titti t.tr-ur-tt-..iriu te T-I S O C K O F . - Q U - I luteLi ti tt-e.. , to ou-te-cT e.w i t of 1 1ett tuf t_ ti- - i- -- IýS COMPLETE, AN\D CO'ÇSI$31S 0F PORT & SHERRY WINES, .700 Âcrcs Mote or Le-a. T Prtir'ein lhe aneeprepely àa Ou-. etov PlrlilrtueXIIti. sointu ilii at m Ii. i% eplctuditt cale- pue-.r octh rierlc entil. aiehlitne tnthtoile o,- perte. A ciueii.t-ii-lti.tepe, ptItOt.P &îit ofitsul ln cillcd ilse Vuliortoet01N- -t t c-o 4 tiacmtulp ni E-qtcieg 9 Wh t oi ofiethe t cul Pk;h he w tir aie asi m.i l.iun aouil-le i.c ioai ;h- iiui« ttLlay, 1 wit Afr fur WI nt ) M 02 aolet lneti luliama G. CRAIVÏORD me' J 1'uesday, A prtl 30,. AD. 1867, Stus h6e416A la lie attorOe. G. CItASFOIZD Mu-KINOOTETY. %? - il e uiPNo. cf Trualchîr atms tjs lit Ja, a, LOayfe. nili chije iai t liit. the ou-are cao bave Ire it i r-muE pperlp se adn pe tirgrc Tt ZtlîJ tit, tI. t ANýD OTHER WHISKIE$.l Vie Suliicritlcr Àulsou iprepcrcd t. boy - h - Ani Oer #.n Pidiuce, ~fpi'ikhan viiipay tFIEJJGHEsT 3111ÂeET 1PBICE IN ÇÂSU! GEORGE -SMITH.: -~- lu MY OFFICE IN-MILTONI PAÂL:E>BRANDY1, JAMAOIA -M MOL..LAN'~lN; r% mU tPl 12k CEZ$Tg PER YA8p. ?Thau »ny other huai.. la fle t ,.. A LARG& LAT OP Atue a 'geont dpls y of thons asbiuo Boots 8.496,8 At 1e. TFO.JAS. 13OLLINRIAIL T. L. WHITE & COMPÂNT ray euhi fbri Il i d. cf merihaniaila - re. duce. on d f.lait Ina tu di oi mocoaidie @4 tel y lta l.ec Kiltiride, Jaaiey lad,11M7. boa Brantpton and Guelph cosT&GC.vi. eil 1,CON FirsI aud Sêcond Taeltrof everv i' îîîîî.- ;E)tEIllS very'tieoili.- ltSTIVILL~E Firvl oîeid t FrîdmY uf evtrmo titîi. STRI6ETSVILLE cvry1 Stieud.iy. Jiaotity 2açI .. -m T. Là. White & Company, SELL Si. IU10R UOIL OIL' FORt 20 CENTS PER OALION- Kilide, Jaiiary 2ud, t d 30-ti TO LO AiN. eqTer cf t peri,'jiner JOHNS DEWAR, JO., Bairiinte&c. blittto .çr 20h. tOtO. 29-tf M le of Lsands. COUitTY OP11 JALTON1, Yvtle cf T I- T 1Il.>secerat inrîls .el Fimt F,c.. iie t ofi iheii oselo liçaieftoc panu ut. net Imu dluetid LANDS & TENEMIENTS Tue 14igfwst Fr m L- -Ptblý MiLTûx, :ceu m gaulis

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