s - ~' ~ ,~ Ph 'Mm.eeeuttj mace bt W I~114rd Je 'Dcmbe'l0 à date o~~~~ t ~Icq.. l otai ouaaeSr. d4 3 b te kpr e Ofth pcibÊribntit Uniiaiid; 1; A y one- ' ohitrwd4llu àb,uadti'RemaI reMaol îdeti Rdl-on. Iil.d [lit aiecf tire grecl dotructioe î nlkhiç bae tleed er cinvasioen of'tire dis -ac ilu Iant 4 thne on na e f the vetepuâtarmt Ila thtirientnî nere m ybq p n lirticu. iejeeeo su tae puy ntcf s fe cff i e riea -for mltep It te nalo tac t tat tcfne, fhe ine e 4,' wgn CLUjlreme oenaîi 1 iuinig sa iiar mode, ofJ lngtauehi ]Cngan o" a*onugre orrqrge fq teacord t yglm- C ,fl4 m51"Neeinary têt nuuefoi rjUpuopenR Ilirpesnol,iton4ver, Iht. scateredin'nla egdt by te mgid spc- qd to. ~ ee _l il fuou preni- b.iié;îImu$liruao t ecte Iul aulbentnû,.u.lVcmullufer oinmt io -hâ tio tmu o f tde mu4r o reclih, theeOn", i tire Duch, las Scie. c gnaol exagrrtedae~thap ftrr nl, te Beglinhit ec. if cet mn, curative wuaat toat more efinînnil iu areutiigg 1!î7e mpncad f thenomngion. --- l4o~u n io.'o daier, i wbé ly 8rmeleuaees l1a tuperttng in- #feted ce.e, a dthCIr.. - rinto î sp6cfTkmlotbeT âlb 'rýiberg iq = _ . b".jotse rnenerd te e mnc aceutIccd ilie c0olNT The 5oow. - ahrnvlývia met sppcmrdlately ea Cite opeper li tmi nbcnnvrilhe ~oa merv éeealfie ebarooten: 1~afloy daSSlO% 'rioemnl = Ilh ite, niohen t,ý fortuie paiIi (OC ai t immuif tali s uouhmcai ueter. The' 1foreirr " *orp~1l4s pfdP, hictj~c.i uq I'itdCÈbrois11, i1 il ani laotiy her leemil ~ooij -o Vpieé_ ý.i~ t iý,Ppounýe t e 7 Kwp7 f tgr, ntit, asronmt4 rAatu cgop ét« Iltte priaI sotp. rcss, ia pf..c r.î-ilorder; nmn dislîfee4fn Ï4ai ype 14. eocite hueiffieclqpraeieally, neîoly no geai, me lianagrig hl ahiniuîg brightifrornte runai placoNhere my maita priner k f tdt i t olf- tatgiec apo uditi' plat te rmete oinsom Chýs d iCb nou e010 co uuntry le;-f. i';peA4-a aile dy metirp theparili y I#e~hon the b'llinig meo oion >iMkpaoc-i "Wellý Ptre, ir,lïlgtet 1Mee pou bave rcoore-bnl moeeuo mot aTrai. hi ucet poîne Gril " 1"Ocit c, pour nireentee, il nethe 1 eeliiugOil -~~~ ~~ lia ahg ubp iaIIn freil uvur replinil Pmha. t - e1.w ,tecuwsB 1o té #ibm r , vlle Oe4 s i$lepaper egmealy. el! Oek. id;.4ioisicwe COaI4 cxit d4 ," a 'Tavo , send pop m ubig *o t4b .jJe~~do @à oie'or, qeries thte enyot à - yen. Oaoi e 1.2 imori odor tcel-pouirai --eet'heCeIferteîapr < n sesear. Aa ceit W i glcs n bar qbie% -ùprie diec d ritj dnnhep n die wtp, rerrlmdabnoîe licmWo an cïfùtdn S'4!w1 aIibtett'of'4, hirEkme q4Krcbreedir . nu£"aIl Aneilpf maea tizts tenlîoq mac firs.l 44- naa.4.matrimeep p ti atà silfol 'isne eubIl Onty girl iunrd K t s.7oon, wbprat nolister si Ihr saynje eise ançîen Ocwbch hiea mafe louale a hmooim min e cr pleaoenb.; ~tper, mimaafter begiirg îte M t .y~br iliter. Titi ccxlt tmr M àeqcld theg IMeeting be ~mltaen affet bering tire iniote;nuanccce cd hic lekï:' -.l14 oloitev tigrieclum- ]y tormeutoil nit adci' ..reporter. la dcrbing ca eoeO'mg cf al"Iabstianence ociely, 'iin t 6q* tibe ad a mut baiO a nd epro- c Ibesesion, ad rtired frýu tire hanl *fuf tire 'bot e spirit." ..Aced'toret a dioen-Cai e, Seing enkseilifire weud te nomepuping a7pllei-o f airtreotioen '0Oing - tise etevaof o? olet mattdt, ne ant un- *rià&'*éi l t U bmnitrd 'States bas blgest ctniaton ema!Iiehitj Muet objrned C t-lhotater ? noea ïf. ,* la ips lâge, eport- -AMgapeatonpd4tlieot. 1le a*agdly lq ueitei tcd uIlse he onpiuiei10 îSCIOOL o u OlP fMIES- for Yeelmg Mon nia! u ei, adnpted tan oreel Cthe ToIle or mil eluerca inu iitug a 51d Coiîilr.Cti,ubealte. TIrooitoi finîilnelton i luotto tïldruin ilu l=ter-r.Paftinuiarb-Teoctera abouti 1105E HOLDING iiSCI 1 OLAWL ,LSPS AlitE ENTITLED TO ROTHI 17HIE BOOI --KEEP'iNG I1EPARTMENT iam Oeilea ext{vvivde agon>' euin 'eeilcoulge on tbi Continent.easWeil tie.tiroIic, in,eip. Büsino o1eue-euog. aeefela om, "iI'anoîithY oaufPhitî nprby. Tit mof enlîcro teîlerei.'letr fe riel d-prbteat. irrce. eery ireoci ZiUSGtlIvE, iWRIGilT &HAR iIiI. llnniltn.Ja- S 7517, It-I, -Proprietona -ArÇGJS CVI{RIE., MILTONq B CGSin' luiermbir nuiernpatron*o; m> .î.dIepulutle ILît lié han juti c im-e- ..01u11~t f rii a Longe at ie iortd Stoeitor 10Sihe elhbc ig ai VERY LOW PRICES. L.IPII,;S SKATING BOOTS fRtO31 SI,75TO $200. n e ~onmWork doue, peempîu>' i-dla (Se laie-tO ni> h '-Rcmember the, flace, EXT TO TIIOIPSYS llOTEJL, MAIS- STREET, MILTON, "N.m TUN. Man-street, Milton.e ~Iv.J. STEA-RN.1 <f AIFUL tor piR ptr.age. heCOte nequaint tuf O ui o ud citoerç ite ~ ,e* tree-î oebas ceaufeaiy ci l.ad alarge sjoue et istoves, Stovepipolf1 Copper, Slîcet iron, Plain and Jappaiied Tinware, &c. &c. eTuhe nîef rrcrdQrriin of %orien ip filice re.ruil (e- 1r4o~ioe Tiîeicat iprbî.a -l prie cente ehirme O,t R.i~.,ie- lti.. Wuî. Pifier'. 01.3 lrcqCippr.ued Farm 'nodiehtabou in Cxhauig t cr"l priO"- Mlilton, Octeitn 7'Oh C1'>115t [IARNESS &'SXD]DlERY! fEi reiliîtp miqusulaestit Inlltitiolo Of Illln .ad!rmraioffiiait-i I>eahiepu ce ered titi.B3RAJ i(1' pi.freeord0t'yIpim a tr W M. TOtE n slenprijc"i 1 I.0 1h- .,I err"(ýIT A'1) ilIFVY e O'ESo bcn(reaeomeei prieý,.-" O,-t'n cipil i gRI ay!t gIn ie a r en .,.,.d4b eiamiorhbge Mrobapirrmefet he CpOt coi ntly o hotu eO'ery il-cru; e -fFAIOI' IIARNEOS mode tle ed r ae. uul. fle o!> 2,-gnutl. ean , i-Ilrte. neur IirjLtoji'fré iuerit-i 0onety hm i lu ulfr u,le1r îIIEfhord, JOeue. lofe Manager, fie dwito hi eeriild îoliît tt14unu fflbérael pofrccuge tii l,eqeteo eedlte hlm.Ali .part,', irl e Ce. tr ro>' owilfpirýe pi thîe turie te Me. Joniesiminidiatef>'. mho la mutoriz' i fa raotreeeipOe in hie name., PRÔPIETORS ON THEI OTIN 9O~1U~,LNIE, , feO-" Tn dltotgoiaMaD fetoie ot tit Co'pa~ la te ltro Mic a qltaitie&d. For the pM~emlarot cfemantage'oreS tg~ii o0oyaeeW, am ui i mnuler -80 pin Cuof oité 8~divlded auo9 ir POU !Y ldidrd, eOOaOU- ditmac' m gu aratedhby a lan"eolu i l 0 4 tR0. Ilerne iL)IAND. WAI'ON .10eC,.;aM agîOC0'Wiliéo tOr c eneal AgOtffOr te Canada%. Fitigt. COLO, tSrcretsry. T. C. LIVINGSTON, Pj. . 8..Intear nd Cees oelteela ieCu ana . - e fossesnadaa Promptffl am % llhelty AB tis»e lpea f 'fAil Ice .joe IîelIt 'ereaSO li t eugc6 __ BRA~T0-R.rOtiilM~desaRrfreeDr unry EURrETOWN&k Tîrnit3 -1t. Forsaetleih OdieulNotore. Dr. reuman. Roert Baroer, Sîreetile; William itobeloooa, Oakllle ;Win Ruelle, W'ellingteonu %te ~Ey.LI1LTO<'îR. M th~om;b.4n1 efèrer aCritoker Gro~risProvsions! A 'y E S 0Wl ifiAr nu b m eLoret end BeROA'genrh'd Sterit cf <fPAFAMILY lèGIC(rnRIES ccir brî.eghOtou EORGE'l'bÔVhN. Our daiîy Znrreig îiot or cruotnitiýr pluinly show who lias ther BroC oanl Cîcopest Goodi. To "y -tîtat ne erot '0 iiil5per ceitelipapertriai urneighbirs, aeuld oety rxpuera *eakeeoo larr- iiiglypreuIei't morg adlirar. Alilhepee:eup ulertiied in»Geaiblioiro are juot so mon' flirgs cf d.tre " iady oted le publie vdm alun the slip appeuro alrk. ing. Our genera! amortmenO of gricda wnue err o large and i1 eil eird. anud rverrseire outeriprore îefavorabilu ohe hoyer. We mant 300 Kegu of Giie.lDuiry Rlutter. airse Orn 0 Dreeacd H11m, and aoy annuel cf G"od Sippiog Apple$, oi wlieh thei h'gltet marktet priee.wil bc ioid. Gîor@etüi-, Ortber ltit, 1806. 19-tf CAýSHSTORE. D. «Da. CHRISTIE,È Drgi rspeItfille oeunrcu iet epublijett lite Autinarndh Iinter Sieet et STAPLE & *F 4NCY D'RY- GOODS le ocnepietle aid for Beily, !Yrîbllty, Style and Cheapueso, CannaS 6e 8nrp:oaorsd. Wilb plt'octý e rni reotilii ft 4'ille Oucr . elouble-fo1d Wlantle Cloths, dl--rit- Jiccr. If-mi to t, Ci $' . 00-t API l %Y-i 1 V-t I.ftov m iY.i u G - inet 5 gter 7eTIe . dlirry'frel 124 il, i , 3,-i b -. 1-' n e c r i.-. 1.-i ' lieu Iirli fe t keot$2 30 A Il ue 1it uBitiui-an C ii n if i eèlntrCf i Ctiti ofedtti English4e Caituuliàfl lq» el B!irO întee Hato eýl'api-tlie cervIa i f 5loO eu-ao-i ir-I il i et oil , ii. inive . t Lîfe te -,iý ndiifltrelti lso-4 îO6ilmîD'id A chieulot of (Jroýi'rrceTuafoitm48 ce, 1f S TflE «,,11LINEIY 'AND IMiANTLEF DEP.\RTMENT. ii -tiý ,r c'"' 1 le frz' , ovni a ce Orrrire ilote -91il.1' r'eirt I i"ttnck"ot we' no __e I aNEý i, tiý- - -d__ Eq i Milion, Ortber ï~ih, 18q. .8 tf NEW. FAL L' G0GO1 $501600 WORTHI OF GOOI)S FOR SALE! Know &.Il amn top Cimep-uoint ba ne cau and do I1VLLTON STE4-M MI LLS, FSELL THE UliEAKSI COUDS EN THÉI COUNTY OP IIALTON,ý ~IAifF1JIjt1lIS P IU OPU FAU LDESCIMTONSm Bru OIL F, L > w c, ail ie,gt ite n cpqîntil>', aoppffed. aetute lonrat bi]iiN13LFS OFA SIUPEIIIOI MAKEoIîlieisou hi, or furnishrd 10 ordér on mrte-c*Otoeet d oIe cMrates. dé- multoorJâne lattb,lCCd6..11 Twôo Ffrst-ciass N ewHigb Pres iré. Izoetal Engi4se lVS'Ue*md PlIiomI, Setf 9 ag Pu o . ocer?. nEPomiftrv-,)Id b- Vair4e4lO lit rma o uSu- .*oi t "leemé ern4 p. Oltei Rrr-eeoe uutcurdlaG~gop elaeinlWla,, 4nd vit>. itresei vea Adopted the Cash systeme. Onr mollo la 'SMAIL PROFITS AND QUICK RtETUENS8," un C8DT, N PCS MO aer 1ieu Irie.Cohen at1l, caIe 12 lenâ. ftigit, Si5on for 81,0» lrni Facr o tto n10eat 8 ýentg. New styles liren ilî'"ioaOuila-elas. Exrellent lenaCt50 cents ptr lb. PAINTSe OILSP CROCKERY, in great varlety. AWr -Dr & Ra A. LYON. 7ÏiPJE f '0 'e Min The Rkush stUl contifflos for the CKXE~APGOODMe AT CalE andtSe fto r VO'urselivesc. - A LARGUE LOL 0F GHEAP El &JBAOCS MI LI ON, 0, t. 171. 1866. McGIJF FINiSO lait Two Goon'~T1MNWiï» Valuable Farm for Sale~ LATEST FASMOII DENIJ Pt t tî 4le lf e t lti J. iW. B'R ADL EV 1 _ - WI4, a-id. JE3icz'uht, sOc.rePTi I1e S. "Il' I 'A I l m1 es Il:,[ L'lUtte-P . 1ýluitlie 1) U P LE X ~ KILBTIDEaTRAFALGAIR, ~_ SELL TXEA AT 8100 PER LB. c wnd rti'ddonit U 'd.'nqal y td 1 o6 lO DAcreMore or les . ~ î;'~d 1 m~io ' èu' .. oiewî'.4 eltl a 4o i,0l .. Ci r ,i.ew.Arw bair. orn'eO th ir, e gir eCao tui fOhted I LE I POM 11ILTON, Ilb-in le o n l rreî.-a ulPlace as . i ilticîe,gi tiî.tiy one aBistâr MNarloe ll,,,ieet"'.~er'ri,'r il li O oec l e o .'lcît,e lî tily litilhcInlice, ~ana aat ~X artx~nt~,: l'. htIl'ne id uuodFrac. lot Dupî li y irll ping lirtlor c-c e D'Tier r d e ll llormolien(.1 pply îîlad avi îft tb cc. o r Cihe llire I. l o IW L In t . Trosteca. rt ed g a fIllisiy eofI i or o rr Iotîc - n cefth eD gOPIXE iSte l h p ,iu.hh$irm fat Vo i T.-rnipeîryd hirîr clInformreionseaptit1111 CABOt OCKTi - ,400,0O.MGîTletSteande ee otr#s Tit houpa are srorerri 1101E cUReer cilor tceto aIle ttl~ldfhrd a h PICESI E W:-D.11AV. SATERLE, ît BSOL ' B LL, ingleît i n.btwlef h Oteltr(et on e naletoi dube prg, Vice PREOT-C0.. T LSOT 0, oi terre fer m wi,]lae ae ra o SCU ETi -, - - .OErL. o, emto naiîgotm r agte QZO. S. IIAWIOneiairMfagu Efe Cor'%aildeona uîco * Te o4 a areatti reds PRda, ET: D.nm Ru . SAT. .~EDî'EY, T O witBhUI dl oule an tinFaiston >îogemlnoaadthe SoporiMietden, .oAgiota cI ContPa.-;.1III .l1t> ota rda arttcie ftoml oubltt en , To ejo i foloutngaleu ra ied .omorEoT a& ufW.oS.do O. nd nd fr d e iene tt o oOud1 u olte ly, p , t aetm rtoileo Olt oi itp ao BuildS.îSH, rbeîo.oG ohrpeit.on oei 1erril e Sc r ederalMn iebalden s t anrrdouvr ab~ly reOm -o oupentenet 0 1ordoAgets 0(etic îr a rnî wnlogRuist,8h4 a d arn dlIjOl, ir oIteleoble Opnalf sltd corbloteua.diale.10 sui eu ce thle àael ine st a bl ead- HbkCavlron brref peura rud wt h lbigcmoep h tbtrit au LSaCteCrinoliar~ e lOOt:«prrblPOjîO Prprtyofil aro T d fthet tal[o lt'Il and cI ltsh o perfetilauEntce &Hboqat airm 90rm , r pr e Lws ofeC itryTheaand made hurtaihe4 lit lap, IL lormylet tpure l n urepaDet inuaud aon. N. l the t ht ce o N .i on o'00 lifeJ W.bialltr abiVRop Y, Ellîtrteean ParuPreprl"clOhan ie therl mpr p c sao i N efard, ot 70 a rero aif grid. ou Opr qqingo o r e1nm .mth5 dieY O'Du Agit It.a eoriniCh LYthie ratioerelo- ticra in, e.lig oose, Barn, oSher : eu maIî,or V lo hleprmm in ktaieit - erllotains.S tal 0 sr eotre, it enaine te ,-- fodoOlr Hfenejed aTuerfy ed eth rm iuea elb Cne arIngob%.raiooetheajnsteIe poition yo o a te ai t C relpn ail I e îpy ried mo lît îemee aial lienprtison r aantie d af s Ir lts t. ueeCla raoeclailuO u Dvehrlonganrd Thotei b l reoIler frbetom1f .litseuond a otflitrîr S tehîl Irn OCCO oilhr. ' Cooinioehrcrh 0hu tho lr ablalne eb aitls ot* tr - - \ g tfarpoo 1a 9 and 11, ho de e rsoN. lite lerme, wFor ac e ymît§ terue r Eliielal, T pe fel wio e my eio1 lrtnu f impo etlsh i o en, r o O uriaboe eôSpingla tewisb a--ý mîedb I tiVE I'rY R-ado C B l itr ch re Itillia gdlep rie Apelo anriae e . -èLmcer b letanc m ae.P&.'i hihe riesuaeeo le , a rIinmt g . .BHos, aaciro ut, & k lteîapn e hy put iteml O tb tte AcenO yMuo ltelndU iborrompanien Pnîntiee -o n ti aprsees ood- ti I su-cPote, Weu S T BRvailn t e a Cl.a < h in prodou . II X U T ni :thrî e I ag b a ddo e b r tl r i aeeau hroltdl te Brrler cf thi lwn, it 18or 18 18f-the .bc" ttire farainwe. liesoldon rectialenperme FoetM ina litre. - _____________- OSenI tI ti e Ceu y puyrie o repz obia a4 o h pense rt tesb-ptn CÂNâdo A BEreyeriýflin e a MAINpTROET MIU tONnl h utbcp enlum aly nr uI 'rneurs htheme ctoof erioe imweCo n, De . 5izt o . 2 tf. [f>er Ohe ho e Ceomany, Caofuq iw avn _______________ anBo ie s n 'ur a luet t ie e leve freine, dfciOP.t rheCE T Aord- od LîverA Sta lo u J CîIesnierig en eEm.M PPienu e 4 m oral wnitene lrVito coi Càorrqiges WR Our btî, e..ëM 1' P. Cv e bai enr0oiM llixrx. - .litr b l. l Mir MllOeu Frit 24 lutictf u th I. it la e ,-te m¶.izes fP Ne it ae.B n C . .0Te1 ee h-q. Il F P.a Iiidimpa, C IVte, o MinStfl f CA âDO itoirteto, Itrq. MjFIa'ieOmriphhappy Ja % Thertolulwn -bavo'li eoiti ndeLlyi M I - T E T 1,r .tue sndhepbilsn i . lAe B era, mes e, neitrde Ieriteochto,,e .»R 61 S U GGIES -T IEiy a s or th' ionI t lc@ tCompaof e wrl3 1N Y A L0 l Ted etKight,îaso appp PlanMittraiitt18 0 E,~r* W~ Ge, rvn . Aq, otP fori i lbalta. TÀ Mew ittslO 1oUii O FT.~ttOmdB~tOm116r 81,B~ J Car.rigb. Eoq M PP. glgl44n 0 W. whee lorms oiC e 'C' -r, Il t F j e * 1? I'I GOEON f18; T AiES I A~sai Sm- sOra tmemgatowm W. U mntt vilU ast la11mh eli *a mutLdm1 AI Omltaai am idont c CeSas aI a-y' NIIOmUa C aller nab th& &nom When you come to MLIbon renaember and cal, nt 1