r r t 'T.. r. - IMm- OÔUTYPHTi1 ~ virtuesf a Wsrrtnt issuia th TO ITT , I Tresearer f tha Cnanty cf Balter, 1 rlmiag date the ts tSI.day cf Se tombe., cae thelandeltrhdrt i r aete d9 npcho* Lande >emiafter un anlêd caideacribed, à boing COUNT ON1fALTOl'N Tics.arethereferet«Ogeautîc et aîlmte atadtTaxc4 tgthe r withniil 1pbleu*a harge s .aer.pid, IIau nac fTJDT iéhTITIIIDi i E BR A. D. 1"6 1 ~houïe cf t"ave - lelcck, nocm, ah lite 'OPRT HÔUSE, le stIrW'f Mlto, meed~triaun, cotenBtOuMa Telte CT IN 4lre tusenud has-wtstneeo a boaple Uin odshrasc reis f T=exa nd chargea inrred. O*SM orwrs~ 0 EqQUESIIÇo. NAUE& LOT. Coil. AgeRm. AmoueT. MlËM I[inhtor w Putl ..... 1,36 S 16 92 31 100 9018 jim ffl5 ... i '45 57860 VL4.Â.QE 0FP ACTON 3AE&LON. Bi. cecAanme. AMOUNT. N fBoaaut4. ..... . .1-5 1 80 39,400,41 1:1.lOi 3-5 20 14 14 -5 14-32 6,7 ...2 1 5 20 88 i2 314 . 22 5 24-66 9 -5 1 761 19M àMtbaU Wper -41! < 6 821 96 Nu.pat~ .:: 6, 200 410 9p. Pzi N *6',10 il 42 6 100 87 2 TOWNSHIP O0F NEILSON. LOT. O. Acus eoulrr. N 1ýs r21 ....8306 ~ ~~N.QFMJLON r, KANIS. F ---4'-- - 'tar~5 ~ ~e Ln.Sy E Uc~leo, A~t I Lt rt r - * .t.!3~ - pet *,j. r . r-' 4t tir LOT. -- ÂIITIN'aS uRaVEY. S0dam1 Street 12 ... d fMÎU Street 5 7 u'otlot reet w.detunh=1, 31 W of Martin 1 FOfflkR'8SUBLVBY. Ec01BretStet 2 N of Mary trotw 2 3 6-Knshoot5 .. Ecfihot 4 9, TECETZBEL'S URVMY. W of Ceamrshot 11i '12 xecaricaSteet 15, 16 Bd c TcseSiatreet .. W cf Ontarla treet 1. ... W or nuteux trt abl . e Sef& dSitreet 4- ô 7 .... 44 4 16 .1 8 cf Peu tret 1 Aila .9t BLoOq, 1 1 14 15 U: 16 14 ira4 -M5. ÇJCaiWfOT M014:,uulT erl61 ~3~iJI 1.5 1-5 15 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 145 1-5 1-5 1.5 1-6 .1-5' 1-5 .1-5 ~1.5 1-5, 1-5 1-5 28 76 9 65 29 52 30 25 24 6T 14 21 6 92 2&.95 20 341 19 401 17 67 14 2e 17 82 38 98 42 68-, 19 51 16 86 16 75 66 34 28 52 18 67 5 47 16 66 24 28 22 06- 21 80 20 15 21; 80 68i 6 58 13 95 15 16 9 78 21 088 8 76 20 51 31 46 18 78 12 80 12 28 17 39 343 15 9f1 16 si 18 16 OT ~ALTOS. AT Ni w. loi ï s T e V naula s? o io: Sadd les-, liariie s, rUmks,. -Whips, es ~~~~~~~~~~~Comte, liorse letleg o-4. wîhaebpcstet en the ee tetneî,. ery artIcle warranteS, saSi aah,0,, ce cly tu*f~s~f3j5grtire PpalSs ln.PatiTsi'e,,1ale Sale Tai and ngell ren earraels. ite ts otrrtg Iantoner rvp5a. Tro 'i .i Su-Jetettdr. M-Rp JiagaIHA Ie (-ACCqO2tlT f et e lnereened aerand anS g ens ternee, we have lasported thatthcp arc prepanod te all es gned artitlenhs e alowpricen ns Bey ether e Iti toOceer lth, tec5, -- - t.arcely, and ote bave nv la steel a ehoojlualiene orthe Ibllowlng gond&. benne lu Western Canada. Cenitiag et' thc felowing articles, ameagat ethe. . i French MerWnos and Delanes, Plain and Fancy Wooon Go.ods, Barrath cas, SiIk,Canton Flannel, Mantle Clo thing, Eaetory & Bleoched Cotton, DarnasksWindow hang ing,? Shais, HOOP ski1%I- Wooen gIoves, e4hite.and colored Kid Gloves, WOOL JAOKETS, OfUOUDS, B3erlin woffl, hoods, collars, cuifs, scaifs, &c., &c. Tpth, rprmet nrdock t aveand ery cholcé ln 8I05,ILWt E~TeRS, R TS ra NSNBST trlmmed a'burl bdAnth and;tle., Lae n ranna t I d'the ltet styes, of whlèh sté lwa>à h an, n -patterns ct te erder. Stenes and Flt workrmeddled late hltntstyle. 'OUT? tcklarge td nedý, Mrkfl=ei. 8115 IreS ,dCeatia Cantadian Tweeds, 1 accy Weel Stttgn Vot .d .hrt dDrawrs, Do.ntti Striped Shrtlngs. 'Sunpenders. 1n'tie a; e, A&c clotlîing made lto;Order by Frst-class Workmen. CARD OF TIHANKS. D. D Chrtite bh an mch pkarne, ln retrnlng bis meut aaar* thaank tt hi% cne- rean lrtends A eustemere for thejr Iherat patrenage a tehinatn ce mmenenî usness tn this place aned by henent deltng, ehaady hblhte. saad-etrtat attention ta hminem, h Ebepea te meet nontinnenCe ýpmst fermet. Yen,, t.oely . DCRSI r Mton, 0cr 4tbIt55. ' Ut 'le MI~TON IOUlE! - ~t r - i - I E UNDERSIGNED are et présent Manefactnrieg the tllewinig Marhines cebd .gricltardl lmplemetp;beingbeth Prectical blenwnd ltiagltad amnyea = ps in ethe eninee, tltey expet by strict attention te bueiness, and men- fetre nthieg Lttthe mni.epproard SMahtnes,tterrit the' lappent oetau ne- telliget publie. BALL'8 CERLEtoâATE 0H1 llcàpet iind Mowcr! WITI Steel Fingerboard & Wrolught Irn Guardt1, INLAID WITH STEEL. Thts Machtinse bns give teé rateat satifaction te ,Canada, helcr leu itable Io bhgeèage. and moe eceenient teinepereitione Ibseaey Mahine je .t strodàced By eit aerfena we have-sera aS th,patumirdsccmhletng tte latetimjroyement,teteinZ thé. REET ýfar thc-Oe L '- V dth cf Cietfer Tie4RepeiiS iFeet Pe bithe *tr Fivu FotIThaemnst approeil kbed ef OnýTItREHEft, wtr r cenelrutibg fr the ccmnitgsraaec; théy wtll hawsnted te dobeettrkrhthene e abri Pdier lhne jetht CenLty. 0cr We reoementd wth gnltléerete oue Agttelterisa. Land Ro1Urs Straw & Tur#ip Cutters, CI.rcular SA-WS driven hy tier or 13elta, togethirr tio evrry nt1tér Machine fer centr rae eterapaene band. ertae Ofrclu eaeples !h.e,amS dWore4l lp-CetMut,- 'The m ena.bîcra- taS b Sdhd lahwth ath orennonsVbond. This Piengh ho alibon the Firt rilet t ail ose Penvincial ExhihitIons. -Alan, a vrîety of ether. Piengha ah 8ap uira 4ra,Ç4besDejW DegCnma Le raSel-ce.ReaSSceapers, r eraI Jnhhietg, Iepnrsng, Fsttsngr ]ÉtadhsttganSd Iackins dcec ytb - r BOTIERS & CRAWFORD Jianadiani and Scotch Tweeds, Broad Cloths, shawls French Mrinoet, Cnbcnrgha. Lnetre, Orlcans, Crnpe, Cletho, Checbed Chellica Steya, Eceýps, Hale, Cae, FMantels, Blanenlo, Horen Ege, Glere, Clende Boeots and Shece. Hardware, Oils and Paints, Cut Nails, Farming implements, Carpen ters' Tools Henne Fernaihge, Rocksa nd Hiegen, Loggig Chaine, Crea-Cut Snis, Cnt Iery, &a. Bnilnd aed Reer LinteeSOti, Machine Oil, James White LeS, eS LeeS, Vau Rcd, Chroes eliner, Chrnue Green, YelInw Ochre, Leenpblnek, Patent Dr.yer, Beeele, Terpentine, &o. Young Hlyson, Old SHrson, Japan and Black Teas, Cof- feu, Sagace, Rananna, Senp, Candlen, SeeleS Ilerringa, Ced Fieh, Mlusard ie pcced jnre, Octmetal, Bar[sy,'Wnnh Boards, Bcd Corda, Optera, &o. Alto, a lare steak cf rockory, and a getd variety ef AND BOX STOrtSe Or Farm Produce-on deIivery of the Goods. Positivelv non Credit wilîl bc gene, sa the credit synteen ben preved itserf injurion te both bepor an seller, icarteing uaterielly the prire of tht article ta the purchaerr. ..d reaiag té dîne papseent woeefully unerttffi te the nelleftccymv ieg luIon d enarnmnt. @HOFP ON MAIN STiIE]ET Nvew MVark~et RauiWdirg. Wu D.uJc&Rz Au LYONV Miltce, September 15, 1865. w IMPORTANT AnnounCement. Hlaving just returned from England, wil make a gener-a DISPLAY 0F GOGOS Ngitgàbe for Mle Neason 0O9 MONDATr, IITRI INST.ý The ILMCEST Stock Ever ehowrelte Ielton6nleoadfrMenthne KILDitàE vthe PLACE rE~~KU.1U~U q Sapteber 14, 1863. 14 t 1 - I SADD'LESU1 SAIIIILMi. EGS te Internebts neteereeusteteoera anS the publtctannraly,, abat i h. la .1at t A4 -T 1fÇ fL» TA1» Cernecr efMate anS Martina treeta, Xlttn.e Sekeep . àconatctly on bh1and -inle and Double !Harness.--* Saddlie, Whips, &e. andi ail artices la hi. lime, eof heetene ee htrthe Invitesatect tenn, feeling tinnred tht h. can *eU asn chamep the Citeapemt, aed gin eetire salatisact it Rbe op%"alobs. MiltIna O tèe , i 86th. 20.1S WHERE CAN WE GETý GOOD BOOTS Gheapý -BOOTS AND cheap r'-ltie Question- SatisfaC-tor~ily AhN,,,erea "Il lteIll Si iarp, ad at tte PrupleasBnt an T Sler S'eri, Cerner ËKî n d M itnt.lieetlert. AM 1 -.0N. whe heerpe -cosal. ttyeo n bcS ail deerîplane eofSente and S eacs ot hi;e etc ,vetceture, whith fer qeattf t bd prtee wttt' -cenvînce ail tht they hae rfoauedItle riglht ttceete bey Be10l,&'Id 8110t0. Au Inietten n teltte =Irt-ete e ptcittC tizeewheree j1gRemeter the plna, N %. 8, "es .Street tpele the IrLeoet Square. and cerner Ktug aed IleeabS treetpIHamilton. flemilten, Ocoer 4, 1865.- Sm BOOS SROS!FRE Sil FISII. JBJEiT3ture era , ht haitats c f Gergeteve, Milten, and Cenety et Italten geiprrell)y, IbetIbeCane snppîy theu wlit freah' WWhite Vtnh, aneSalonîen Tient enre a wüc,re n %Wednép.lpy at Mitlen T en *rituredêy. et (ergetetea*; ce Ftidal, u t Ballinfej cad Erna Villae. ,à . ,; .AiNDEREON 4 LaIttenate te the tehabîtantset ilten end etctetty. that be 'le pro nared te fnranh thea, oetth ecery eep- ien et Beotc and Saie ut the loemntromu- nerattre prier.. RaeI'1 .giringet eh nenîneseanS Ses- SUIOP-Next Setv te Seau' Fereittre Store, Maie treet. itilton. Janaary 2,i6. t. SG List of Letters R EIANING te the Peet O05cr ah Mil- IIIItoteNov.ilt. Ahmey, Mli G B Kitney RD (2) AnderFon Jottn Kippie John Btggcr Maggeia eMerrione Matie teiikir e atd btIclleen Arh Breeriege Cen Ittddy John Campbell John Ifegeen ISamuel Cn'y ASert BRens Ilion Cemeonoeph Ross Thomase Ford Jus Shinere Jehn Il[ceont Jnegee Sîirwod lemiti.%v Jeptie H 'lionnel'titoaepson Rtobcrt (2) Keenen Thnmase 1% alos & C. Peteonnerellng f1er the aboveotite Ple%âe aeh fer advertleed tetîrre. W. D. LYON, Pocimneter- Groceries, Réo b't 1Todd Hon ne haed a largeattk cf Wltich he oil cheepfer Cash en CnlI j nde xnamie the qualttiesuan MR. NVATSON'SOLD DRUGST OTM ; . aie Strcet, ]Miltote. MEtte, Jnnry 18th, 1"6. NOTICIE. lUAKEN freet TemineSStee, en the*lutb LOcleber lastte alelflethe ttteglt te G. Ceyo, lsthnenema antbjafi0. ,ise.ý- bepdtat It wue tabre l lnLt&be. Milton. G.CY . i:titte, Nov. 2md, 1865. Firty Are fa SIVINT T 9D184 T~ee~ In thse fatter ef Willam Stevens, T dent-senS bcttag thesetw au Inselvent. qnartvr et' Lt N o.. thie ttbCe5ct. Tonltehi ' E0' eN a, riFont le TH onderigned hoa bren apîtinlod Te anre goemdb. ar dereat 0tlI. Anigoe je thin motterand ste- Taiu aratood eildîtsce a watfater. Tbe tnoths lutin chie tdtte. fenna te gtvèrdTermseàeasy.Titte, IloteS et Toronintnte s24th di et'table. Fer f,,rthttm portionIara npply October, A. D. 1865. exeetoîne.IVILLICU TtSoÂLs, I..e iIOEIT MITLAND- thCttorheýotl , Toroite 7Twec clit hCee.O., or t tote C D.)IITCI li iletN-. , ICenceâe, Tnflt W. DONALD, SelitBf1.ni oy ietstPool Otite. RlanEspc jmeem SnacDr iSeetal BlanSor Sttetey.l irnvelie1teel NE AST.Se sattufacton, et . : *-wbe be-l. pn *tsbeeMOIS WU Oeactty Wi 1111 ta rettr V age, Wot5 cittenand tnp. that he1 the ment aiti - aleegtg!g to Ieserted tn t obtl*fcttet. eperailans p leengeto ". b Sa, cflt-c F t7ro: - -tFr9u unase& aaleted And se1 - TI patrn 1\0, ---e Il 4 - F 1 16 tf.