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LA C H M Pa .'N T10 OÂNDilN IN PsOE SABBIM. ~EUITAB LE FO U SESM M N E IAT&4 S LITTLEe ERT *LOW 1EtOne ,lln.ndeed Thousawd Do19xswrb0 o mt l tepublie ggcîerally, s chast i , t AT Cornr niMou id mcli etrets Mîlon la k os îtantly ou baud Conr f31. u)gri or.--Miie.n kesAT, THE - zi gle and DoUble HarnCSS.tacmwebrtiprt len ACCOUNT of le Increafed demaidd i dlmeelcee.w baelprd ri" Saddles, Whips, &r,. and ail artiles lhisiUlie. 0 lrguil adw ay o nsock a 0ch109oieensioa %fthe folloelîg gonds.: ofbh lhe iiiVîîceaîîccfelinîîg a uet neli MereaiBelna Cand Delanes, G E 0 R G E.T O W,.N.- MIbilio, Octohor 17, 1tht..2.1 ____________________ Plain and Fancy -Woolen Goods,fi$~~J MOD A U G r id IS emmenai, Stock in attrictrng; the attention of the public far acdiear fmw ttW largcîuu ,sùtableomaite tbe ma"tsef1b .qLrtj7 j iBarratiocas, Silk, Canton Flannel, M an die Clothiug, sucd it s to ahlig chapîe i, tis togther wit htione pl of fir tadig adoptai! by ibis FiWai e rt te ma tufion . otel. te~~~~~~l ailstyles o ilm e it te - .L~U ~Factory & Bleached Cotton, DamasksWindow hanging, New, (sehenoal ad durable. COTTON STAPLE 1300DS otriSg mmd eea;p WQt3LENS 0F ALL KINDO ibLaiutA e s, » haw ls H oup Skîri , W o o n ~ 1o es, e rtm o nl C anada W Ust. B L Â N K E T S t e mt ili w intcr, w h iph me i l f t , ho vç r qol4t c, n t i i . .L.TAýrie B ROAD CLOTES00 BRAVER& INCETS ta1Ai lsi) U JI~ Ii Bl S , ite and colored Kid Gloves, altics, Silk Mixtures. Tweds, Sati1îett:s, &c., &Ce. aiej a- - WoOL JACKETS. OLOUDS, asur ~~~ ~ Berinlawdol, hoods, collars, cufs, scarfs, &c., &c. R A - A EC O H N 18 T R SHFRI mi nttiots fat that 700 aan9.avi (crn i86 te 810 by purehanang a suit of elntheo at-the Maeaimoth Cal! ai prove il r !a CHEA R OD iInr!M1i~y The Custom, Tailoring Ble' rtm t VETIES 4iT adOOiETtimcd i itlcidhate Itei styES, I ha in G epast. Gatemos wil!1pieeleamotheir ordari ai oaly os possible, ai ibis department io oowbstarow T - A.N IDI N & ENG ISU TW EEDS I thie Deptrtflmet or eioc l large aid, very ehelce 1 lanUO , ;ri 11.11J...lin t ihe latept styles. cr which are aiwaytion haîd, aid- The bet 'vaue; and a large stock selectcd from the Laee eut rn rer. 8suaad Fou unetk remnddled lne 1.ltaistle. 10o eLa ced& Csclb atdBli eroS nhad] bst bMsrkets, ba suea ieiaefore youhîy elneWbu,YOU w111 aivémmeY suaiuus ~IsIjfl INII111I1IIIB YLP'N1~I1 ~ Is mceaidJust the thing for emart joug mai. 200 cf dinar makci aid qnaliiisrom $2,50 upwarda A epiedid asrtmeit e uglu, VAlt 11111 ¶Our stock godkMchDoube in. k1 tiuedCosailige, Canadiai Tweeds, ~~ j IAUAeiU M818 ~Fancy aiShrlg, Vi ndorSits'aDraiecrs, Deaime. Strlped Sifrdngo. ]MATS AND CAFS.s.FALîHI[OIAB IE STVW IiIE@ Th Imt. Stock ynu viii fini inn-adny'e mrch, and chcmp suependers, Nictics, &c,, &o -ta CitIing imade to Ordet' by Frst-class Workmen. e FATRS RINTS, uffllUI t.Ltstriped shirtinlgs & dClimIS, Wi! ha fid Moillai, Bennets, Hats, Hemd Dresset, aid a funi! aisortni nILlinery, îew, ncvla!4 tstylih, ?ba aputataees.,fjh h.'If of Wnuid i94foraautihil profit, e anad save10 percnt onCOTTON OOODS * CARD OF THANKS. chesp. MoLcau, fnlLeod & ce. wenld remiîd thir friande that a vo.ry groatsFadiï bhua tokn plîeinthePriceasni Jtions, and !ta "Me n. D.7>Ot elatie bhu mlih plizeni reun i met s m ai sleîrethaik binms m- fmt early s!! bledsi f gnode in Eîglaîd durtîg tho put month, aid in expoctation of this they nrdored lurgely arly la thé sasou ~ ~~rllcot ~~~ ~~ ! rou fricc uimcfohrtherni pa t tr e n t ce coomencieigbuihesO will he ahi. ta snpply theit;cinninucrs ai thec aaly fuit prices. CE.6. 100 Pairs Bootsunid Shoci at manufactures wicleala prien. nover ~ e thie pince aid hy hinesl denllis i l ut t il i. aud strict at ent on Lu urine t, h bui c . G h 18 5 o ond ai 6 balles ta s D. D URISTIS.. ed 1lBdn B R End G O O D S Milton, 0cr 4d', Li8t-i65,. ~. licy Fac inceys, Lustres, Pollinet,Baretheas, ____________________________________ on aid ~~Victerifles, Cord, Cotoueed aid Btiik Joucrge, lFrech Mlerinoce, Black Silke ______________________________ S and iep. Ladies crnet';, hoop akirte, girihildie. jîcints, hoou. la ude, ici 'libe bid o conis, hoiry, gînon inwool an idl. rdae 'tcrlycTroo, adts t he o- 1'IYSIClAN5 SURGEON; &C.- ;5 20-3 lothieî made te ceder firteclan, NcCii,Silke eud wol S eaUnu jL_ __ - n Roy$ «etîddrairnid IPrince if Wales Scarfs ' eciesignsa, Poper ead Lie enB MLON .w assis v C~~~oU aienausrllcd colarw l ais. blerinoe nliice, Wal ahrtn aid_________________ UIhIE uq .d.-awen lagrat rc y, = poîero cîtinglea, dog zcin nglovee ied kd li k m M MS 1 .: - Lef retire . ? seeia i ete aroaicto, alarge stock of fr bisc i ai cm codigne thteo fa ly ha ErsfatsrOry id hli ol ainorsin akotn aare mautci dctis Ntj E RGtE *N IRke I ltn.iÇat l aire ce mpajiorbeut. tbbi T 0-35 .-,- otonusBiter. Lie, O d e ai .1' 20-3b lC .iiX ratact e srah r iai' mhe 10 aý b ~~NIJ. - <tCUYJ,~aiXiJ~-'~' ~ pertiaclcusîc re.used înlyieid obé,nhr*~*~ imm 1i'1 U T1a As ubaus!î g ret vriety. m-Fariner produce takenin «eChange, hr cash > AN'NOU5CES ONE 0 1ELIUSrS OK FGNRL fieical. e fti uari eay YPsiJJJ ilJ OclOehner lia. 1010 crdu gond woodfr saleo TERNIS-~CÂSî. KUIT AEILl vi. The JAMES UOLUINRÂE. lu pt np led4 os, hottîle,unallith'I sum e f yai lerbcheoi1.ph i o heeo, cèe 1t.185 udred per ceii. btler. Expirienca hbuÂT, , fully dimonsraird that no remrd bass idlonscthr 2h 161 Toedaiaîernally prompt aid clcent A 1.squsing.G IR () S ikreleaciegCouugh a the Pale KIllîr. tî 2Oelea heidus a &ata remcd7. Fuit dIecoia T~au.fsuIntwte «Cah bette: *U JI ortant Q estiocin rer ey head of haîr aflir hecota O IN VIElng gYe, tuilts natuel clor aiud male IL IN TflE mirauatiful than ai thei g e o! eighteen. ln Lady or ei lems I wi cr c haIt or gruy whens eioyo arai-,n WHERE cAN WE GET ÙO0-D C U TY 0bHON teiatin. lgoocloieiec Winlb wit i sld i cey Lw piai ' enier aiDepet, Uanutai Ce w. F lhI"ilens" Boots $2 Pr. Pair.,!fNdir uperch ptsc.sOTH Z liI IIU~Loch it the soclub raitelg s .1. Pl e u pc .rm rlee ulla sid 12smar.;*uet lO1 N Il~r5mc COAL OILl GI.NGER WINE, PIANN rest 4o'*ê'éih ev 11D Ur. James 1Kenney-Dear Sl- fil Pickles, Sugars, cTeaS, tobaccos, SnfU, hofy, takIL la a dutyl1o rinrlgtomtel. to l a lan e if he grant bene St have derlced froim tLise aeîfyeur Liniment B L IT I BB I IM S G N1 dPain Kllr. Aes, sufairieg &auqt Éc.à IN 'li k Barlenyar wirh ne I & uc eeu ione lam