THE C'AN PIAÉW01(AMPION. Nil011C Eeus a s àL, fhoh U YOrte e, tnegroesin ihmoid lhae petitoned th i he etRasilway, Enistandeerecn o ne-bn * Mu.S, No. 3891Broadway, N. Y, should Coran boldly ot and place presdent agai'ashhir harsh trattent, an krino with 1000'passagesthe Mexican question.aderydl lsehteieroua- reut hei st mayfae fen n ewish I i toe ldistinetly Unetodni T ESLYES in a proper lght b tei frmumsers, mirws uryad 14 pérson ng rapidly, a hngt Moun so rtietproswi7eeeg that noier il e topd, until a loyREfD SÙICID.- tisreortd efre hepuliceW cnsierwe Joh Mteellth tmharit f M. er an 4 sriosl ijued.StŠfvotralejno lrg, te ctvit wthwhih t n ti dye e in.-nmitoTT .eu0saes Uri-ears aire pIlup It id very- smalil'or in Milt on that Nesbit, the School Teach- ... IIa hne adadtesvnyo ee anen to continue to take our paiera for .t ae but discharging oit duty to the Gee and Smith O'Brien in the Irish, There'i tome agi ;*on In Iay, ek t a bente iu tigsy inat ilre rfur not u.and irir ot ea m public, when we notio the ihet of the tobeh lvhodri lbnathe reult of which has been, .that the besdwt o aorl ete ereoes adyatc td olD U $e n endingrte the, 'earer untiln th e opua istitein'th anrthe Editor PotepicmndEnui buop hsyildd o itoeEanetorth roiniec.torom seiosmsaonguela-,feèynfdesrrns ---h-, pcktsh Iblir heer - lu i i sup anld T.N heitanpari t ar lews oeidg . aednof condcting the trialsi not that ww heaenloano ef avs oub woi rcgnzdasKngo tayct h dt f u atpblctin easin irtraepoftt dpoucrla t -rroulisro-iuÉm uxME ersdetn so s a1r. Polit masters -sholdl-e- at thetime. Niesbit was for many yearts . . wereofJffDvsbugtw eereonie a ig fItl. nten aindof dautpbiatifom.hetsgàrterie oiteta toe lrg!endheft-ha tis f hefat.Weca tkea teacher in 1Palermo,. and beforlelhe fellhava any prejudicein thre matter. AlotteDiyNw nNo okan h ecn eblinin-a wihsdoulitbtWgndaof thouaghnot hev utepryol spetanttearw bcrge On badteMgeo ro, ot rata ie inot lo e ofpers 1reird u less the ..into drinkinig habite, was highly esteem. ta ewudak safi n m-omenoed his old' tride of abusingfialed. 'showers oui-Saturday and Mouday disai- us the days go by.-Trade-Review. Bay, Manitoulin Island. re n y aty in Ltii decrÎto 1. cd by allwho kniew him. "partial administration of justice. It is the North, butlhas at last been arrested ThPasorepnntfteTme dthsfar, heeterine~ M DER 1A3Po -rsmngignigb m ishi igto st p lhi$ paper lias on 0--1 of thadiirst importancesfthat trial by jjureyteGvrnett-. ta rnehs ie h a hing- asa ee fn s gnead Ye9t0so oolthat . RIanssaPaocamIXaÀr MIL-that smeof yoUrr eudrsmightliketshe ionh| rei h m unt, n t thle sne Mr HonxE R.tEs.-There-will should be sealouly guarded, as a sacred aty di ton sovernment to understand fhantrs id progrs uthv be aeto.Th ra fHwlla aa Ome 0 ons lndand oesh. brin timesur e wihes t stppedfro tha . .. lyU. 8 Conressanaely dtOr Mexico is under Freiah protection, and' Ith the exception of a report that the Craney at .M ilton, Charged wlith the hean date, aml the matter will bc attended to. b w rercso usaynxtepiie;,adwhen an attempt is made of the Daily News, has aldo been arreted F reniahtwill not allow any Power to idge was thought to have appeared in perpetration of au extensive robbery in likre at leust to pay a visit hoee I beg toela wr valued at $15, open to hack horses, half wu think it time in the interest of law and .wtotmry a single ufvuli eor nsm aebenulse, mateo m juny, l 91é aiill l l al 9 Clmile and repeati entrance 82. Tharet ordertorieorvceainti. heSuttoaryntesnbeplt In a debate in teCrsLgsaie t etrsfo Rprso h ònrWednesday last..-As intimated in the LevnAitoonFdamrngthpatsad te aie urvoceagint e. in the« North. ministerial assurance was given fitatinr in any of our exchanges. The hay Times a few days sine, the iression It wals.-Shefliely moring to ak afild Te ecndrae il ip .· onroNGI. Y thera was no liklihood of trouble with crop je now beyond danger, , and prevailed that a strong effort was being the 12tir uit., I passed through Guelph, MIL ON UNE22 865 be or abrile nd artngae, oen o Sop y aer. The Princess of Wales was delivered America on the Mexican question. without doubt, will be the largest and made by influentialrelatives of HoweiFergls, andI to Artu ilgthfis all horses that nover won publie money. Snoh was the Ealut tion .with whichfaseo he3dit LATEST. boat ever out in Canada. Root erops tosoeure his aquitl or. lioniencoy in his nih;netdyPassed thrulMon L--OCAL NEWS. e - are also progressinhegewe e rotedinthe finely, prfaonmhitesingns. rc ianprgsenteninlypeiinandsenetheandtresult krostse onirislgto e confirml Mun Hal mlehea. ntano 5et. hewe er geeed n heCort-oo b -Great Britain and France have with- Sirioseph Paxton, thes designer of abundant yield. On every hand, fromn the Correctriess of- thiis supposition. Forest, Dmhlam, Johnstown, &o., to CoYJsTv CouNCIL.- This bodwl] races will begmant 1 o'Olock, P. in. a certain learned gnlmn h a rw hi eonto fblieettefrtCytlPlc nl81 aed vr urewt eadt vr owtsadn h ieteiec fOe onweew rie bu E met t heCor(HoseonTusdy Car O NA ILoN-W aemaking himself particularly officiouse at righits to the South, and the United lHe was 6 .Syears of aga. article of produce, the samne good story Nevilne Jones, an accomphicebefehe dusk. Thecuntry aog this rotadt the 27th inât. informed that a number of respon.sible the recent trials. One would have States aru withdrawing their blockade There has;been sanut.her severe rail- js Trde houhu nearly4 all the lie crustneTHwl hsbeb.w e o -- prtis hve.sgniiedtheir willinigness to thougþt by hie notionss tEat he was thera and restrictions on commeree. .way accident on the South Eastern, 11 TWestr ontytwscotne Ctive cuand craey Hwael aseduconrtdfenetob tidisaod EsCArE.--We sec by the Leadcer'Lakesallres in a comipany to be formed, s;peci4lly to intimidlate the officers of The Times is out against Jeff Davis1 persons were killed and 120 wounded. Thus far in many localities the monthl,1 bail, the Magistrates deciding not to road, traver.,ing the whole extent front - thant Chanecy Iurlburt, thre boy lately to dig for Petroleum on the farta of the lai, and to maânipulate pliant jury- but advises miereiful treatmuent for him.J Charles Dickens wau on the train but from the middle of Xy-toe idd aLe to pasesesntence. These parties were Gue1 lph to 0 %v n Sound. I n ight asé q Ct tothre Penetatn uish*ne IReform- Richard Fallis Esq about one mile from men. -And what was "the head and Thora has been a serious accident on escaped injury. Franco has spoken iJune, hbe ben the 1best thirty a ys suspected of complicity with. the gang notice thiat 1 observed very few fields of atory for attempting to steel Mr Demp - 3iltonk. The indications of cil are pro- front of our offense ?" Why, tant wo - - Ideaipi,ndSae-ey anythebvdllof say's horse, has escaped from prmaon m ounoed to be g9:4 by gentlemen from had D)ARED to publish flic evidence of alo hUodsemtr eÉprvno Company with another boy. Enniskillen, and are found chiefiy on the Matthews' beore the trial. That while others apparently ,seem to be the Westerly half of Mr. Fallis' lot. we had exercisedl the usul privilege of aothligtli w.Oe on Foo'r Ia.t -We arc able ton- . town is quite a romiantio looltag place, moune tis wek he eactdateandGas js observed to hbbble up constantly the prese in reporting, without note or siutdiadepvlyatheedofthiSoef nom hi ek h xatdteadfromt the water, and although a numbler .comment, what appeared in evidence in CI the Sound of.temnnae erIprsgh conditions of the race between Charles of attempts have been made to sink a open Court. We wonder if our friend 91completeaDrmy Party, consisting in ail of Keny f amlon ndJoeh a well on the lot,they have been unsuecesi han Comle down heavy on the 'Globe' L_ =3peure Is the boa t t onvey n te our 7aate non, of Toronto Gare. Te race wil ful, owing to the disagreeuable taiste and and 'Times' for being no naughty as to destination. Having completed ourtatyar'go begio at 2 p. M., on Tuesday next the odeur of the water. Indications of oil cdOMMENT Uponl the eviden0e. What ocitw st.ai2n uedaatenonso F0 27thinst., on Main Street, Milton ; for are also said to be found along- the base irikes us as supremely ridiculous, isà a naNrh epleotthepninsuaadinppe- 10 ars Lwonbta85 gintof the mountain. thaet a man of any senrse should think a e Pura:ortd istant abobtternownile $20. . - that he was doing us un injury by re- ç A : fromn Owen Sqund, where we camped stIevd MILITARY 801 EEAT 0HGI.-A WeaendbdtoJhCynEq' fusing us the privilego of sending him a 5-2o hCngt et onn e gi 100Rlso for the latest English paperf, including L c a astared got into a dense fog,, and couldaomnada militnry Soiree will bee held at Omagh, the London Times, Telegraphi, Daily rorai) aero h on ot . -ol rnb heado tecmas7o150Wno en Wednesdy next, at 2 o'clock P. M. News, MorningHrladfeotr nearly his subscription ;o that taking several hours, when a heavy niorth-east- A large number of personsaren expected dale.W' r ap olanta into account the other heavy expenses •nrysom aeuad cared off the to be present as well as 're resentatives. of compositing, &o,we are actualy givmg•obrgg t ie thteisamneftime P PMr. Coyne hadl a safe and pleamant voy- a bold «rocky shore, about two miles to from the adifferent Volunteer and drill tae.e paper away. The 'stop my paper the left, and innumnerable white eazin U DN Associations of ethe counity. Tickets aa of such men, only shows themsealves i the distance, directly acroe ur W. ofamison2 hns Poeestob TeHwelMcrne ril he light of petty tyrant, who "'have Nevertheless, we kept on ourt ayMdeie appled to the liquidation of. the debt, the will, but not the power to hurt." wthnh asae aa h on the Drill Shed, which is to be form,]- We weré very careful before the tin- We would be more severe un the act, lotseoon the sea begant ólfaily ly peedtha dy.als to abstain from commenting on the rid we not attribute it to a certain ima- ,adnnoprosectofalfe p out,sow - " evidence, as it might affect the verdict petuosity which hurries its subject into S .*.g à kept on, our way at a fine speed, withCO MR AETP L .-egieino teur.Had the friends of the sa acts, of which his sober second thought all ailset A legthwe amige ilbtER Canoher column aletter fromn this Gedn*usd been equally solicitous ta secure does not-upprove. Knowing by sad ex- u .- Z ietly abead, and made flor' t omPrf tieman Dow at 4anitoulin Island. We a fair trial and the unbiassed verict of perience his excitable temperament, oee- C = 7 the sea continued to get worse, we weresvr mentioned a few #eeks ago the facet of his twelve sworn men, the publie would have friend should remember thant the dogP. C obliged to lower the main Bail, keeping OFCEi baig o hee dwy n of its.ben ,,u- î nwth only thre foresail set, and rench- Sp. 8 hain gtth araan eig es aueofeoomplaint. There is a ouni- dayà are. approaching, and keep himself M. e ff the leu side of the island, where . ouintermanded by the.Government. Mr versal feeling throughout the County perfetly cool. His two supporters in1 we fournd a SMal n a noto Abrey ait once entered'into negoeiations thaet the trials were a farce, and thant out- hIfnative village should Wel look after 10hams ay.Al feeling thant dry land TR R j ith Government the result.twhich was, side influence was no strongly exerted fim. outwas much aers than out m anyoenur- that the Survey was ordered to bie com- thaet the verdict was biassed. It would boiga t on l e LConabrehdiESR plete. Mr. Abrey's numerous friends have beexi far better for the young men Quarter Sessions. :2Our ents pitcetl, and -a good fire built, in thiscounty will be glad to learnthat themaselveso had thetrial proe eedin THRDDA., dried ourselves and remau;ýed comfort-ra he js in good health. the Ordinary way, thoen, if acqui d e Teol aetknu h hr a b l g na h tr hdbi a NESN OHNV EuI- uhowulhvesmptizd hwas that of the Queen ag-ainst George soehtsbi . e agin set sail.hecua . he s rngulyacued A 0t1s Howell. G. T. Bastedo for the Crowni.A very hecavy swell still rolled, but as TIO.-To-Inortow,representatives frm the One.Party was found-guitly and the I.LilwadM ner QC.we' were anxious to take ndvantaige ofr S the schools of tie township of Nelson' h te lh ht V LilwadM aeo the wind, and as thre venture on the dayj Compete for the prizes so liberallyoffered furaqut ug eei ne frich prisoner. The evidence and) before had mlade us lesis af-raid Of a little uaii by:-the towniship•ouancil. The competi- wsa togicn cs steohr ross-examination of the witnesses in Q c>88 CD 8Q8C 8 wetting now and then. As a wave roll- u tion will begiat 9 a. m., at the Town This reslt lisosid to have been obtain. this case are very voluminous, but as - 2 doe s epoeeded On, qmte ed by carefully "lweeding out" any juror . ra mtralynw cm P;w lcely, anid were soon out, of saieht of Fefl a Hall, Nelson. jWe hope to be able tootmgmaeralyew cmeup.w d(w clldit Duckey Island.)oftean. give fullrepo -mextweek. Who was supposed to be against the ae- consider it unnecessary to repent teDrn theda epsdclebyNB.$a cased, his sentiments having beenu pr- @vidence of the Mathews' and: Jones Cabots Hlead, rodnded Bears Rump, WEsrETN C N RENCE APPOINT- viously ascertained. Fifteen jurymen alowrnywtessfrtepoe and camped on thc southr shore of the -MTS.-w gave last week a few of ut of tweny-see," eereetd.- ution. The deýfence attempted teoset nn rydrnt-rmralaNrho the Halton sappointments, and now pro. ow ol by no mens assert that u andaligrbntheevience ftefml tm rnigweaai edsima eeed to give_ýthe, rest. Theyartejronhelstilwrebbd of #the prisoner, wheq Mr Cameron 9 c d b:teIse (fCa on which stands etle,1 Georetown' James E. Dyer 7 and B. .aldfrtr vdneo ae e all that we assert i, that they hoadfrle for thevdneo".ae c a light houise) Flowei Pot Island, was Clement;i Okville, William Willough- h et atieutosyrvekrny otnigehth adargtilsight of Lovely Island, passed severalana de by, D. G. Sutherlanid, B. A., D. Wright, thisetmnsotefrndofhe obe sworn. Upon this followed a long bca in rat an -- - superannuated, and George Washington,;s htvETwr eetd isuso.M atdofrteConatoulin. We sailed Op the south shore suenmrr;in chiooing the second jury, all who s-mnoulacntnddaginthioaoss'ze and towards evening made the :entranoe were on the first were rejected, except ibillity as a witness. Several of th Lo ouh ahige h itr -GoDE.-We have received the July one, who stood out lolnest for acquitta. Aagistrates who interfered were remind- bhr.ad1trk1apd-oae number of this first class Ladices Maga. Then the admission cf McCraney as e yM aeo ha h himntae vigbnbuthead sine. 'ILContans a. capital steel engrav- evidence is freely commented upon, al- alone had the right of deciding a ques *.half days,ön the way Owen Sound. ing entided 'Noon' a superb double fash- thoug-h- we think it a question of law tion pf law. Finally the judge rled inSotBaenrsLkHunqit ion plate, besides the usual Camount of, alone, and if the weight of authority favor of McCraney's. eavidencee being abrpty beint. about one quarter of a useful reading mtter. sustain the chairman in his decision, hie ti:en, 8 to fromi five to eight maile within, andasnwo -isnot toillablamed. Whether law or not, JA3)Es iCiRANET SWoE-stated %>- _ extendssm tetir twenty-fv THE ÉloPElit CAsE.-This case,which i snofqitiadlfncesr, eu ht he did i.ot assist in the robber, miles t te Island1. Its shores ar was adjourned' for a inonth, came up law-makers should repeal it at their next that hie was at homne all that night,. and == >D -4 nUmer.ously indented w th srmallba, àS 'n o'n Mondlaylast at- 12Y'o'clock.-.that he did not see George Howeà thera. -. 9 E e aaffording finehabugr e gm y * session. It was once said to commit a Atra be dr yM amennfi5 .r"o c2 2 U 'as us loetei sa very hand-i Sevralof he kedddingwitesss wresuccessfl crime, one should -o alone; the uy eired and in boumebt. tashre imsmeplce subpæned and sworn, but their memnories .12 cjrirt i aot e i r uite precipitous, butgenerally de. we t fpult in reard te o te rchse now it is only necess8ary, to go in com- utes brought in a verdict of inot guilty.3 Scen very gradually to the waterl of whukey. One would almost suppose ad getioter ear flicother off. IfahC sl hnam oh hsgvn ut"avreyo that Shakespear'a 'Sweet obliviou an1 i-slestoagE«ht<c eys. hefre flatsmmer bark so Îde doe o aeqa h witn rule fevidence couldnot possibly affetLimsl.peditan9etanw ral.n8h ... troyed telletimber on the Island, that W th ran' Š be mxd ih h W oudlietoakhd oelee-round of not admitting the evidence of 9 1•. fromnthre water a perso ol mgn liquor of the ditnesses, so thaft theybhad, Howell.- . ;1 P, e 5,the Island vas well settle, iha olog nd hysggnoyNit;ßiAgain, how came McCOrany anda ginst the Chief of Police and Patter- ha atr.Teo e lengs; kiatse ýNew Notionillust- Howell to hear befoi-ehand of the inteu. amilles le e t rf i tendengc:l e o rI:,;Ou -0nty '"Able-bodFed tion to arrest them. Armstrong com-AEICn. rmKn io ;"Erly P miiailuü gnta eiprted the information The Texas rebels have gien in, en8iSrW . o uo"t ratd Or he Atlatio t ot.reepros, and that one of thesetthat all restrictions on trade west or thie Sr . .ar l l rw'Pe wn Iphave b l , d ln g l n ; w i h m u t a v e d i v u l g e d . T w o o f t h n a e s i i s s i s s i p p i w i l l b r e m o v e d - , 5Ki r b y d bt i r c a l t e ae o r o t ens o i o beo hen koand we would nt for amSmt a s etreiteMxir-it alaget-s n I aye " nru al eris A suposbtht&heoul egit uniyo i.The Sonth before oe urr ii, n aos t lre o h a uy 2 .-bo impai1gthe information. Ho;-.surenderigIrowsville-soldtheir ra 18 prf gko ahpidnot screenito 1hid-atikr1totheFrechin-exc..Th