TI ANýDIAN CHAMPIO0N. PL1G ~ P - __AU ASIEÏ9* em1.GOGONILU SEWIeEG MACIrnESN- orr Jng hi Are Famtws.for Iin hapDr Goc. P1Wdgk - Hone shwMandt»tur&l nndor 12 difl'erent l'itenta. The édaigne aving engagent GZNZ1I.AL AQENI<s loil cANADA: Tu Extraorr)ianry anren% thot hMLEAK,, McLýO> .0D , l et wtoarrOo nmecIbeno lugenoon, Iras n toinor thtio aularge jeu rn e t'cra al eorooru for Ore vi le sae g ut ,and ey cal)ulw birat o ai o g h. u ostcopet t1teScEtslta alhtgolatrk-1%8» 0ircnelg icemneancvtire mont Ingeelenc and ennuplete pine of mcan lM "Ver- i CElS (UTu- C blocdeto nvenl efaendtoithUe pnhi,at prier. uebhli the reacir niait, ennging frein 110 ta iea«dm ain. o ieTe(lacsi an ramt ho le n ac1,y Paer nd srirmor.acins L oud B y oogs ci a oir arco.In-" hep lae n naeSoin ahn..rnd. »ne P~e1na cOtarant Ina u.n,.,ao ,âinaar irecen: nntillaacty moratcioesapp acoineo , jTo be I'ounc W est of Toronto. Tla v. u eâtreng, dualerndnd mcdrme, fanid.wrentonc-erol ith th. iannloctoring Machine; alaa.llgitÀAIld s tOrry ouolis hea nd tPie g tyb o h ie "j(]i raie oey are rienc' a r lins On lichioiu n ry en helonea soit1110 %vy enliocleglta tirhnt fi 'lotyla.eOral2Virira-ie pl n. m iîeoo iir it ilwainoe cf. the tinfo ai' i in tuo hi reli i-,rira CoNt'Ia, L RUSH Giece at. ItIr. Ait variation iftworrl d ion tr ant Mcrnfon th a iyMc ine o ilueit tlnaliiuctOnthie L lî eîgoiuut 'trt~rCr LSInE . irlilrirriSl lcto "00 , i =IE IO f 'J T FOI SALI enrserai Pilot ti ell nnl,, coodmitrapaboirhtiibigild ( r LIE 7 3L.S1ME ' atclratnini iet u9 5hRaoat ukn.Ftiîrng. lttmmiag. Brnioing, anduit iheriorg con hc oororhd ~ ~ i4~i,, ~ ~ r' j )l~ ?~_ THIOMAS ÉO SE.j on teu chine@?aa ry qlek and et n, , Ç SI {r k1cJ ~ ,î~~o~~~tciic *angetan~ lcect ne, 085. 402- -C. e Tistableare aoarraorged thist n oit cnnfaion chu oilcres oft lIe rrnr. .o 1.aînsiq ,.e ,.j \.t wokn bm ah nes u u:tioeyre -bcrolectoirariiioaud prllucilatrihoir octon, Tire Ladien nil! iu fgIiIDIFFERENT PATTERN S tOc cioic fror nr e fA.TE.S' F ASiliON ianod extrcmiv LOW ru prica. L DE %Vatnnit U ecail andtexamine tir anchimra.uboteher thry inuit hnyini' or nai. bin turlilol auLIremiireo. CALL gird )E TIES , lieepuiî eria or AURtaO tia railac o tie ui ~tirr iX n.-We hava a fouirPatîeron & Inrn Shoi.le inuiior inühf. woih are thre snnie de' C LARGE R( AN OO, i t el ge . nadmannfnoiorr t cithre cine place ansthIbtrwn ia& White'& machineý e lilei, Il cra' wbf un si ilantli obsapla tots fon! e or mureret t$ri os cci. cod recte-,srs, The auner eau havebuy JOSEPHI COLLINS, 10. O.MEINDO N8, i. n.- Streoct, Eust, Toronto. Vaarnicthihd li apisnlieasrr nhe re ntr rpie iuu4 lyî yn AIINBE~AL.d Loi 26,3 Sent oeealec, Ihuuclg.MISS CARLlIQUIl, Aient for Miltone.38 000 fai te collunoascooutiroir Stoch, ns the Orbe oa i tirîrs a tort Uad r ira he uti'. b- E offl Cloths,9 Fianuels, Blankets, '"s), ï XFDFPARTPANR ne, w. nl lue tunni inrrncoioly large ond AMýAZINGLY CHEAI'. *iii!:o lA raod FAMOLS for S'tirLHa nd CHF,'AP\lqS mli orfound îtiliumore attrctive calie hor aeenzagerithrirearvicasaif a CUTTP.R or uu mny rs apcricoca n11 t'aia(France,) oui Newn Yock. -i e u niory luirrer eiyaanhongtrr1 odena adn im0p0 orer f mo- a- p. hvng er reâ tede ei O E :0:: a ~d ihiij j :0:' lii a o o o j 8 S. :hii liii i i in~OOn'ac 88~888 8 : .eI:ii * ut au>~~'C5 ut * ~ 3- 3. f oh: z ~i.i.! i i o:' on . hi o o o o w REA Tanu wlli cave mocy hy par Ilet.., MeL.à Ca., wunîrj tOurs, or la th ino Latmnra1 FrAirOIEY CO'ITON At fPTIIE àOHIIEIxu l'RINTni irurn AI1 VOOL FLANNEI, Georgetown, Novembr 15th EXCELLENT lFABM TO fiJNT 0 Eu>'Gtire a(tou <iLot INo. 4. uit J. atathe West haiT if Lut No 3 irch in r IatConcrearon, Eequaainge . oTre and cu~scnnot e surpiewasl. cu r<tiigond irîiliit, ada, o crr unmni' tî rgr ohoePlace.-ianaaa.iaOUitan ou lire laineapelî,nýrtetas pi tlra Cnpria)iapreooiiara relit"hy lainer, Poac id)uh tnncR ao 'inrlorii. Ahiriyl, tactOice. or to Duncran Campbeal. Coup- heliailie l'ont fiSce. E.xiîcaîrea benjorsing. t ,8Uri ra. GEO. tICE, M.D..-,C.MN., PflY.I'rN SUR, . W OFFIPCR.Faentiaety Ooned brth. a SAVE COST$. N FTI làharii girrtelu Osratce- Npa-yeýra uitira To tillOur, ohmoaea n arreara of Tintthlie Caorcilib hor iece omnl o. et al tores la arreara. oa rr e efare' he liat S orr hneni, anod il oui poit by tirai ,dte, tcte viii ire ieurrrrî. XJ , . MCKAY, Marc it Ot, O8e.;i.n To the Unmar-riedn GRAfIE VAN EVEJRV. l'TiClivy nsit FOIVTU-O p.rooe n periecct Iheneesni'f yaar futuîre prtner, giiiug thor daontlie happy enrint. lecriiîg raitsa ni' uirracier, occupation.' oluriherrirb ir dpuor, t'. 0. editeceana airer vantociie irriorintian. il deiyri. Pend i orol. tREPAIti, ODOOLLARt anrd RED STAF. roir a full descriptonoat yeunmtfeand ý nili retaro te Ilireners iritir tir abcoya Informatiion. Jddrcea- Garen Van ;Ercs. P. . Box 223. Windsor, C. W. Fehnonry 11, l105. 39 ty. INSOL VENT ACT1-OF 18841 ln the mat;er of Hlenry P. Zi- mertnan, anu lselYCt. T HE craitiuiaor! Cire Inioloieniara ntil- On tt ha ýiranbumae au in aient or! iis agitasit*fectianoter tae aiorraAct. teins, i e orraîgnait noignar, ait thry are raqoirai te o uroich me, olirmin Ono manths front Chia data, nier tireir cdaims,, speifying tieýora anio they hld, if any., sodittir vainc or'It; anit if nons, slting lire tact, thiralem Attestaitntaercantit, wmur voncer aa u#port o aitnorclii'. ILOOERV MILLER, Ansignes. Sonicitors, L&c. Tnwneip rtpNelson, Connr i t Haveon lOtir Feircunr. A . 1865. ? P ERSONSitatei tote raEaatceof tire Arc eirriy nbtifiri thtir I. Freitericir Jones. i'rmcr5nnat muter ni' Cainpblll. villa, han heen cttorizeri troit lopnothym fOr. 4anrynfteuinlingidna toi ctit Rltnibireceiptowiut tbas diiciren lu lire &Mounot hlioro. Nolîce a teeongten tust aconneot poit ta Ur. Jooés, ne on J. Holgalc, rAo,. on anrirfora theIira fiyentn a ecirorui, reil lapinhéentlàsant. 1 G. T. ZAISTE150, iJoOctorrfor .rboiitanc Milton, Feir. 10h, lias. Gin. NKONEY TQIiD THEE aulacrilar ba n na irkoiinney t incesa onfatoron ccrtty, l is o iuitî borwr. ýJOHN McKI-NfnShT Solicottr L&c., Day'a Blonni. Guelpit s , i tira e irorrne in pri an Dl' DFY CO'.tPr t loN snu oy mniufacture their om o ndsandiitwarrant ecrrpgermant lagiyo aatisf'acion. ~SRM R( H CNoli àTON& circaiiig pane Ctoni frainMcleau, MeL£oil3: Co. Pivcentaes ni'Cqttup YornJust racaiveul, andt for cale irelnr. th la nui'ctureris prele. lorat epîlt h heir',Stnch iii'Dry Grondsie TIEE ' lMES AS LAM.Ps E onroiny ailuar Hlur iarther in Orer- halai aid t'oOel, nid, an tirey orsrluierrniie o îiipoe uai'il dorlîîg Ohrceaur.tbry mviil t'rr rgi uoc me anicis rarrly tir be met murh. 1Silo par yordt, Ait M'uni TiR'ED 40 te Sic-, iiido d)GLACK CLOTOtII1 ilAic Fr ine nknd oeiier I,. f Il@ ~ lae5. tOirOURGlt atColore si 2le. Freucli beriLtr .*7 BLANKEITS SIJlpic pair. 9'A good Suit of Wiuter Clothes for $8.25! 23-m. I - BOOTSI AND NIIOES!. CliEIPEft TIIN BYERR llc*e a ot - . . ...... $200 Kiii, do ....... .5 Cotr <lu0....i... i37 iî>r'o0Ic duo.......... 12h Andoalrio tle lc of Wlmenanîd Ciluirae a oc. at Very Low Pricri'nCash or Tradu At GEORGE SMITIIS. TEA'S I E ~' a o O ~t ~a I O c' Q c~i dii an. CE I <2 OOui PI ~ tEl O I E 1< Hj ~ j O ns E 2 j _ 'ni ~ ni <E ~ fis '1' an 'o Or CE o Oatieeai. qeen poun or 25 cents. C!nt»olvearnspoîrod for tI100. Ballli. per pcoior.8000 -à caste. FLOUE, COUS MUAI,. STAIOCII, MUSTARD, andt c loitai' ary fIna 5Vl5Y CitEAP, il -Vhe uhola Stac ir i l c olt nt OOST PRICE. Terips CASH Qt' TRADE, At GEORGE SMITIPS. 3l!ttoroMnacitSnit, tocs. fIOP Y TQ ÎNYE OhN Reol Ertte* Suretyi eh'pr crnt. er. par nunopy i rI artlai soaity. Apialnniniemapr adoaU e pur, COYNE ALAIDLAW. Brarrtn, lic. t '5t.OO 20 lot TAKE NOTICI 0 "- l Z ?.elý 1 1ÈDo% & ýC i 0D êontaîn ng n the \crrrn Styles in Millinery, Manties. Jack& Lec., EN Gt1tA V ARTI Y. Haning rturned frn m)ontreal wit te LARGESI AScOTlMEeT o Erer shoen in ti Coînoy hefore. Partipi attending the FnIl Fhair wilI php cail anddnee tire Show ljaomns rerof the Store. David Christii THE CRAND'SHOW SOrir.W ' FALL &WINTER GOODS IVili iraet C -in IS T-yIE9 S i:ý- Printa Iron121 cents par yard, and titi ther fp d noia proporlicon f fiats, Caps, and Ypnr at LQw PrIcei; Ucots and, Iaoes CHEAP POR CASHT. Full Ias TERNJS :-4laboh erdua' Georgeown, Dec. %thc 1864. - Mad.e ~is~2,jxa. at Ccu oq usun 0 a iiia rge cicebo f (JENIýLEMEN! If yon wnot uiO C I ciItiAp ToIEa&CCOq4 Wb s wiWfPial coap for-Cati ' GO TO . Wre r CHRISTIE' JnCaol nd minc the qualigtea .na And get came of tira 20c. kmu !wor.:h doubl he disnep. Choi<ce lot oI Groccries on ,Hanid! RW trQn'ODlt>GS Miltn, iirtnirr14th. 54 1itîi ansy 8t b55. - ' iariuiti> Seli <"l'I'n's 22or Cadyt T&BSmtearb eformfc*..Lthn trg OIt g IIEIIEBY 'CenitirI t ir av.eeanined T aino cirto tircorner 0 Jisetiitlii" tua D'ra l'odera son fncnuted.iry D. s . , d on t eacer,«Jad AClNS eautuaIi' ofli'I&t h @iean- porreandl ind.tnitln le tire s i'a h ar!ul er, huirop thirîrcenatto. ]ý [ .1 ILT 0E C 1 0 corsinulNeNair nrey oniup af tionare lktubeooaune iu eeyfrA riît' l rýç-*A I sia acre. cinoreds agount, nohi. t 0nin ceCrnel o ~Pb oct, ",e î pIt bo 1"."W. Fea it a iriatipp ler Pest ra2Lana.P.ctor or . nit l or pptat . ItOBELTFEGtENnaR4y CROFT. UJiEiMXN FRGJO, Lairorey, tC. .1 Uhitui Cr54x 0IO ~MVP . TratoOat. i,1864 .. j r r ; il I::~~ i i h î: o t-' '01... i a,: : a a iii i r O c 511 ut fa o O o o c lE aI <2 E o E O <2 Cl o Ce Cl '15 ,.0. o E c, o f2 E <2 G Jurai arrireaai-ln. Stock ai' lurol Clans TEAS & SUGARS, vich relih1 ho aiiolniLOWEiO PIICIS diseRiray other bouselu Town. Wine and Brandie For Undîcol Purpnnaa. ai G. SMITH-S. CQAL OIL! The oery Laset QuaO;ty. 40 CENTS PER GALLON, At GES. Sflfl'ES Gllt~HIS & PRIOVISIONS, p w 'B. o s a i. il F l ite Sir ,a1ctaeis. plu L DucL- )î AT ThOflpSOU24. RHqai Touof Xilton; COU WTY OF HA~tQI Wrthbtire approiration'«o AlR IVN 0R TON;WJ0. UIL, M~J MASTER, l elnr fln.4Gilt ON SATUJIPAT, TPhe 25th Dey et %*rçh, 1865, As te cl ock ll teaflrnan; iry Tire lollownlg prerty, alqqelyr il sord cari pcainia 1-4, e lent ng là bn TOWURUF IlsquE&JoQ lo traGd ni SauHlln, udit e lot Canada. hein&g onRdo r itntirhetir Licabt iraltf.,LoitoninirrSitiln lhrabthiN0 Cencascien qI' lie c-4jiTuaip cfEaque' lrtanainlg c morre or leuc4init clxtt>&cmoran foi~. lnd are eteneacoafr=aru e%à* iru cutind ijtwllirig *pe."w On-tenIr'tha tepueeioa iney n>' llo rsqeqrct tekirepoli o wn at tire tins n si tiaVnlorl iresSfitor,.nd neuf. chueorronny w rootIn)eaeit. utti en anunt Ifrorn ltaeitcy tif apla, ar4 t4tl e iteuc lm f our eqeoal %ocol ntaIrents, uilt#- esss enet tireoilat à14 eontfpar ainciti, .~frointire itcy ni' saetu bhp ccofeit hy more gage on tira propari>', qt Une aupena r qftire purciier conittira pjzaqant tii,mos !Durh o the 4w- bnue i cim tÀ0 ira'einortge , thea rcl1ani'nit1 toe cn* ailieor thon thoc la lire pneerccon ni thon SVendoen. lu otitîr ruspectaellhe coaolieb oflale ara, tire sanding conitionsaoai'e CorofOirnnèaq.* Fuqhrprlilr anrtcondittions of cale Uap ireohlaineit Ititt Ll iiclt4uni i. o on. eeeCon tOated ttua Onu odey o!flir, 18t5. COYNE & LA IDIy,u Tantne. sSoliclt9ç, SPositive Ftct0 D. DeVANDUSEN. MESSRS, IWSBAIND & lIe STEt, azu icw e lancviacoma atro-lr qias. 'Ha iii caoirne ontire sacina iop, if whiere al articles wil ho dia1oonol of at Very Low - Prie iî A F1IE9SUPI4: race Wlbeon B"daetaUm Early MAtq 23-M.