1 ý : 1 1 ý ý: i .. .1111] - i .-.4", , 1 1 ý'ý - 1 ' ý .1, !ý-: , ý .. ý- - , ýi ý. ýt ý . ý - 1 - ,. , - 1 - ;ýT 'î ý- ;ý Il '. 1 1. ý 1 1 . 1 ', ', , W - - 11- . . ý. ;ý,l* ý . i, ,- 1 .;à? - 1 ý r . ýý T 1 -4, i ; ý . . 1 ý ý .. .77 . ý ý 1 - , -- , ýýi.àý-1 - ý 1. ý ý .1 11 L , z ,7",.ý,,ýýT ý - , pý' eý - - - - -. -- .. -11 . . ,: , 1 :1-, i . , - , - - . . 1 ý, ý ý ý , l. . l i .. .. ýý j . ý 1 , ý ýý ... ....... 1 i , ; ý . 1 ; ý .. Il ý ý L -1 1 rl , ý :: - . . i i 1 . 1 ý . .. ýýi . , . ý ý. . , 1 : Il. ; ý i 'r 1 ý1 J 1 ! , '. -1 1 '. ý . 41iw, . ! ' 1:- i ý- ý1 . . . .;M ý ý 1, 7 'ý- : , ý .. 1- ý . ý - - - - -. . . > ý 1. ý ý 1> 1 - > ,, i. - ---îý:ý-ý ý - 1- ý1..- ý - 1,ý ý.,L,,, ýr 1 1 -wL ,--ýlli î- ý-Aý,ýý-,-- 1 ý : -ý . : ý l, '. ý 1 . . ý,.,!i,.ý,ý,5ý----,-4-,-1ý;,e4 -- - ý 1ý ... 1 . 4>,ýIU% -ýý4T, él *È .IMM LFýý.i«,-";:ýý!YýV1- 19 .. . - --,,IlKýtUL-*nl-, ý'75 -1 .ý "ý ý . -"-..-,ý-.. - 1 -eý .--- -.ýýf ý -- .1 --r 1 Il 1,ýý'-1,-Z-Z-- , . ý. - . 4: . ý - 1 ' elîý1*"-41eýý 11"-ýË ,,l- ý ;;;zm ý - . i . ' Il . c . ý1 1 ;', -- 1 1 .ý. . , ïw-ý ý ý ý .-- --- . - 1. - i tMit . ïî+ ý-- - - - . . - . t rý- - . T - - ' ý ii - ý 1 1 1 1 ý, - -- ý, 1- - . lý - ý 1 - i . - - i ., ý . ,ý - 1 - ý . i ý-Ç , , m r i O N - 1 . ý ý J7 ý -': ý l - ,4 c - ý - .iiýt e ý ý r- . . . ý . ;- ý. . ... Il. . . : ;__ THE- (J'A 19 àýD 1A1i1 ý, 'S A: - - t -iî .ý ý - -, .ý ý 1 ý 1 1 .. , . 1 - ý ý .- I.K 1 'l ý . , ý - - . . - . ai. e ý ., . -> ...- . 't -- ,- 1 ;- : zl- .-ý , - is pmtblehoweywill.*Pt t repay betterattendedT An4willitil4 _ , , taud 1 h' it ý 1 bý , ý1. 1 - -- - ý, , > . -Il; « tien ý té -bè-tomm .Iithln t vote It . Pý ý tell the Hamaiýui et; . la Jý» -- .. lui bis , - ý1i 1 1 ýý . ..1-1 1-11 - , - 'Won the By- portation of liquor fi 'l'WC ng thé dteird boldielleor o t;enip.-Thel vo U Probibi , 0 ' ' , , = ,a doIýIee- noter q# fmuolt montb4 aller 4q. àlkged offence. bosome a ' $112 rýcki "ab to thal, the uwé" : 1 lie *04ý Il i ý o c 119 -1ý ... , ý Ica T W woqgbeâlleOwit :7ellers,ýýzFl-t Oýsj two, oom 1 . rroin palet Id ý ý 'l -1 fr.lu d nd in vins Om'b wi e ik ý :,ý '*.ffl '- et, Il ' **'O» -à 1ý Fu '102" 499d*ý yèý Wud ý rues bc. ý bon the UOTOM-4 t mil ce MON off' «' i ' y ho Inoluded inor-e rojWt iâ, o P 'toc " "'%%iittii , -ýwbIèh- * 'ID ; F .i,-17.ýy.'wou e 1 ý, , -P -ÎT Iýoeb4lcf W*' , tin , rrolu the a ton a cy #nd Atten- 009011 ma ý - CrIrooffl ýoispoéwtn TY.1 ý' 1, fý ,ým- - '- , y I, ý, r. hèffl',ôf' ilim -ý,M '» , - . necudt, of ..t.bli.h.i =-eéd OfbitýIy fur afichn Complainte but la au de; . ý - Il 1 1 Thon t" W& cim amongst un Weil IF" sr 1 la ,Oqut ý z pýeî . ý n., IMUrM . ment woùld Me th fer ý oh ou" the maxi- méroi !fuir 40 big ilï laiezing, ,..» î a1ao .111te. - publie le ' ý - ý es Il - .r ; '. ý. crise, 4m M . -if .il t a "" I'tmrd os tba 1111 00tig main or t= alty Impose while thé dî7ý@îmîke te ibqod*d mai le, %&--,ý les a t idw4, i id wbo, * 0 L if al a *id té C ', 'ý - " il ' -ý .- -- . ilert, 1 h,- a would a . V*a m 'W, _ibis ýfor al, ir£àroing ý. ýges ý . - - _ * W& Ménd ýï"ib»:6t the - iiiiàg il ,o - - fll. 1 ý, iàs'dm a %ý , 1. 1ý ', ï- ý WIMIl Illingt Pay Ibo toix requi;îÀ liait av '8100; and Wany osso amolli, - mayh pu reosé - the t . of &O w -I, l'! 4 ' " r 1- iW ' ad as èhm 1 - cliew:gb pli ýý J'tn illes. -,P,,Od$V&àOm î-« forfis support; ri . t fémors, ho WU ab Niags ~Canada' §hall net - . . ý - , .1- -fIl ... --- fi t 1 ý, î wifli àfi6-!Iuýjp .*« midogt iëýbX- 4'ým&Jbdbýý > . maybe Il ' hollr social Il IhW Tb 'I y, Il' ýý ' 1 . . , ;.;CbMýtotli -fette- th ,ýe, i . 'th' l-,-P-ôàmution isi*dismimd. trou binto me nie . olà . ý = . 41,- .11 1 l lil ý . - Ève. The o a irgod. them, te cibere, è " .. e ' ý. . - Ill 40à: ,ý .will ubver have remont ta. question uio:r Thè.Axte made o ý ý1 W sbïutd, ho bî of ion siTheàxte i e fir -thé, Xeid more ý -, ý 1 ,ý . 1 1 qui%@ - a. ,M M 1 ý 1 . be-ofilèver lintoïti. 1 -----.« '-i ,. Il orl or thii . ý , , Or . ýomm Ilye ý ft visit nt tbele"wa WýftI whieh --"îý - Il 'Je il 3 ë . ' ý.; i 1. ý Coulé 2..ei mdvote 4Wnit - -, Ir loyalty,' ý -.. 1 ,ýý ' ý . 1 ý L aý;d tato: - Z. . 1 #'Jmtioiýý ,.1. 1 . ., runes 1 of It * a probable -oiuseoi?.ýtl.0 cating liquors, ttbec princi thé revoit lm, they go -tirerai. ;.,ý+,U1 Je* M le ý, W - Wd- 19 ohm - the làko - * ' - , --- -- - ----- le bill, thOrObY P ýcitiuý such A élite O' A short lime âge, we reSivOd B t -t ' ..., - ... oui "Il lis4ng be&OOMII weit vientilatede »d ilefff. GOLDBUITil, 'Lïmuait.-As thinÉs ta 1 1 .-,, Having thanked the i -folks who brouellit Complaint, aboli Dot amaril te the défend. il,«.. thýttd.lJe.d,.by th. Sp.niar pulque, 1 ;rr.qe,ý-.18- Il, - ýî , ý .,.; ., - fil soma of Our town mil b.ýj men noyer buy by the lentille, lanleste ,when , * ...... i ý -1 il kih Ili listening te bit re- hâte a .or on 00 le et or tborougldy, string the abints, ooverlots re tàýk i1cectint feu a prosSutor. Tb@ of,, the Alde, ut if a drunk, and thaler certainly would râotý Pur- , ', privioualy annouiioScd la toile la th as& promut- ftcln--thO-Bim- *nt coule a.-Oinât th loraborn of le & C . - and mattroices, in- thé moireint; befors In , 411, Georgetown, mark*, ho r -m the piailleras. 1 Witi.ýýý6% ý ' Turkied, dolivery of liquor in Ciller . tient: priyato ,,,,,,eà,n,,,, tliey Challe five gallons. The.reimIt would. bc 0211 0 li., M, - - z. -r ,i place fil the Town' gireat quart i y i gut drunk CI: mette '. ýý cou. ... lit of 1. ý 1%, ý . . - Il chic throwliing b is body thât they would bc soller, tisýfàl mombers pokici. them, up in ý the force ofa Dandy lin Saturday ovening et Thore viens 11 - ý &a., te Sad te the bousep,%bal! bc evidoiice of a sale wbeth OnmdylPunoh.,It-q 111 I.. ., .. Il . "i ý -.«»- re w-irth,,- y ..go CI; if ri hou qotblgj,'but . . ý 1 ' ý illout 300 .te th. htk * . os! Il - , 't 1ý Mao bzdl-Journal of Bealtfi. 'Perâonsý = t- t, 110,dr which vie arefurnished. i ce no resson te belleve tbat w - Ili l Ë. -1 ho Rev'd lib .1 Jre paid or net. el and if a comme, Zürsou of Society. 1 a Il , , 11 î:- IN . Id le in large quantities and will glive »y tg 1ý 1. 1 ý 1 1 --elle ý . - appetille. , le bey olutoïïiix., r *lm fq 1 - -11 - - -111 . 1 . , , 1 te the ohnir, ýew» of the Week or money bo 1 "- - -- -ý . Mèli tiiweo-ýýà-diâ--. , 'rJÏk"IU b,.,u,,Y.b. de net do W. -- i à ý Il.. lie waï es il! Su you sec, Mr. Editor. th»ý we are Dot - -"=ý- ý! foi ib3 niai ea lave 14ï.! limil ardshipa' aflxT ' .t . 10 after thenoual preliminari, . ti - sufféring vuay gréait 'hl while death was thé ,w liait Lpxacto*e lm plqdîre,, 8 Dow ,Inâ .,!Pg., = " 1 : 1, l.1iý ' . ' ; es, the Roi. Iyi tlierthe 1 ý 7. û 1mt -91ý41lliplon 1 eait ! AýXItICA1ç. sa. On Tueeday the lot imst:4 the bat- yof the next." I do net kne how eau ibey,-r" t' , fief * . - . M2 e 1! -ý, 94 4ý1 ., (foncopoitýtùcr. Now, we have no nz1ný:,lt idée, of the finit part oflîbetftli Partam'ilh. thi évýaM 1 .41=â i nq , ltctàrïr arose, ând'in bis usual oloqii spécial Anneau liera, but par. , ,- ,-,ý,ý ,W----;--,à : , The M - tailion was inspecteil bY blajor Gen. - . un and a , 'léri. - = 1, _-.,.-, Oz laiqed,:the, Teciperance-Act isting à N «er c. a ,sien 1 was greaily ploused --------- t meant that the nid licence lawnhiio bollavenev«ýowented;âélwdjai&ow ,ý, ,ý à It cavalry campaign con, a a Iiiuelly artange tli...the .t:..Yiulutedl G" jýUacy.4o.-got'mean te '. ÙM1èýýI. FEBltlUÀRY 16, 1M . le Oum . - - Ce 1" ' " bý aIItOn ment vil 1 1 rien men - ' ý ý ' i erousstaliptiie, Citer. . a grec ; WMthé, diSCiPlitýC tend aPI)COTtInCO Orthi! To the Edren 01 Lu. Ca..dian Champ'... sonthmi Confaderacy, &o long n of' ýZto. ' . 1 ý clieit ý 'Iý, - .4 i ý 1 1 ; tu te lie derived from its imeextraordinary ýmoyomcnt through the whicla al a aloyery te say tient the temperit, blettir put onde lie onutM'.1 il. . ý - --ý F ý -, ý ý - ý - ý . w .,..-.~ý O""ý 'I 1 ,CI men u the following ýpeavad 1 ý 1AWI', Have thé Inzl- No one- questions the ý elle ýt4atqm&bR»l - th ý rd4y Jast will county of Halton, tbore existsI, might onnble Pur î teetotal- have vioiated the ý .. i g ,ahd'elo!ýd by making Feb. Sth, 1765. lait; te enforce the more lenient Penalty. keepers donc no? %Ço luive, givèU î cul -- -- - ý 't' LOCAL NEWS ' ý , 9 al' cotton Gulf States, u About te toits place. atnong the 'orders' of Satu f ll.%Qor bu Banni& ., 19 ý ýb ,ý ý', ont... E ý ing i.1.8I 1 . th C ýq : - . %%,il son are about te 1 My DFAR SIR:- - ý 1 a le Il ta ,.ýiiý." 1 appe Il iLh b=miýg many., Naturo'bon tuAî.bêiï,mà., l ý , , 1 ý - Ph eo.G. TheConimnndini Let us rojoiceL Thom, Aziecs, howaver. w crédit for botter thingi. If they have velue kliveP.ýbtLtàto-.utoý-b .Àlio;' al te the electors te bc et the TWIls Générale Tbo&uignd fully show. officer hftvi - o ,yed me, th beau watil àbstalngers.,birýlico 1 ; . ,ý-.-, ý ! - , commenut thie force, w , The dawn of the Millatilliuli, iâ indeed révérence fýr age wore careful te restrtet iý A ' lnly dunýk'ru'n'e:Î'exid. ,.ér.à là ,Le ïii4,i on: ilié 20th a'd 'reéord til veto la .Iý ^il I la ý -Itve ,Branla vemin car r k i'ný raciale Bill. i 1 hich, Will bc ample received froin C t t 1 " ,rBkine Il vý et ,d%.ld .ce, .. L .. 1 1. fier the pUrpose. 1 Montgomery, Soluis, and Brigade Major of iue'Àiàtriet a letter ex- now nt band, and open thu 20th day of titis severity by ordninilg th ' kt "After te an ez týnt thst c-alia' for rëform.ý, They ,hem b7s1.CýI Io lie ZCý el"lu .1 io&4ýq" the-milnion in* the Court Ai the eonelusion'tkiw chairmon:hnviiïg Ta - 0 iez'ishnuld bc full, We could net enfance ilbel Tetàber' *mes .bý,(,i.t., . 0. or cio«difq " fa j. 1 . .ý Mobile no te bc visited, and there will bc preui tification experienc- this datant nionth of Februüry, in the seventy yean of égal oith r ý trin ý ý' .rt --one 0 larke; ý n froln- General Canby. The cd by ajor Gan. , intoxicate4,11 bancs wé Aà of 1864, if it, attentif, .cariý. , W* vont stimulation, ud o by th . çir nie tg ri 0 ý "; )Iôùeeý'hialon, on Wednesd - t t'o invitea apy wielikikt ka ton "At"' 'at ' N.Pie, C. B. ut bis yeartor Ornée 1865, the hright Son of' permitted te gel ý tir th Ir q>el :Vi i.e ,- -'- - Uine The Directorsolf the lutitu.'O Mi,'Park tr: and, mad-3 - ' P"" récent inspection or the battàlion Daller teetotaligni will leurst iipon ibis bellight- May, think. infer, tbat women proof Of that, belle). a we clin réceille rate an thev ranch te a b 1 $ .11 cocos remarks which we gire - eldw. ut 1 expeditIcýn will, 8 t about the midile of hie conlinand, ho, the eninmaÙding ,fR," cd world in its full glory, se fer, al ti tic& te esjr.y ibis pleasure ai Ans Assertion,, Surely the couaiLv, clin tort in voile ý il Il ýll.,t L ý-ý Or ItiBladie airich bill of fard. y poriod not-a horde ofmiscreants 1 Who An theY toult ý 0 i . 1 1 - 1 ý danikh repellea * altiport. foels.that no trente of bis Own c'In ex- latente -cry of f .. . .. 1! Il . 1 , 1 - - , of fi o. 1 a. .ore ex .. by r.ýr th: jooncluion Urffl au 1 next week, frein " our own belovcd sotte, lati We.tohali ne 0 ce 1 , 1, ý 1 -, -The Sociè - ý The openIng the Alabama and Tom- presh more ably Major Gan. Narier's 1 Il tient will vielate the 1 . - w ýýý ýl W . ý - . SOCIAL - - Z usual fqvcibIýotyI éý . . . . . 1 hy Brigade Haitun May bd eaid te portain te th 1 Ni, your Pro- miterancemen turnipginfiýacril, tract or O r Do a -lier. ýý . ý. -' .1 nt .I.u. t 'O L 0,111ý-,- id ' in the Orange Hall. %vorld. Ilow .étrange 1 thut net on use Cas ý remgrkio, on the Ase ité no Coud of that, as WC havé public ta my ta the cibler -, b ý , glrnýThur3diy i 1 the occupation of Battais, satisfaction titan those us& &PM biglant riverý ' À» il. .hèct by 1 th ý t * à - Te-mgeraneoi meeting. - , M ajor Hall in hic letter, which ere as Io : *miniW vu tory tuemz.l. ý , -- . ýý , ý 1 1 Obvious incolivelicrîcelto wltieýjariners. Servante whose duty fi is te liée the Iowa libertY'ôf tillinc the .1 11,11:% . ý - Thll ý ý Y ontgomern ai> 1 Mobile, will virtually Iowa :- . . 1- man's reasca, but even divine ravelatil.r re 90 est.re . 1 1 - - ý rocce4 - ly submit toi bc impugne .11 are respected and aliciut(rthetýbt,ýrCoteuncellg1tio- ,ýeinthyolourjtesoutrý-traingamigiguoit ,tu- .) et A Ise m ' a, ý travellers, 'nd ail otlièr wayl'a nt, we Con' memor4lize ý lir . ! i M & Qt 150 peli an4 the Tempérance Meeting woâýbsId et compiete oùï'mi itary work in the cotton 1 "Thé Major Gan. was plc.' a with ail net ultimente A mve , r louait recul 0 à . 1 el States of the GnIf. ho miel, but hie partienlar attention wu$ atid after elle the efforts of former -Aigau- ,hrin-ra tient ý 1. over $f4ý The walle were decorilt. ý ; ' 1 le suýjec1ed by thé ,,,,,,,,,,,nrs W, et. offcet, and publie servante 1111 bc '" ,,,, ý ., 1 ', , ,. - - ' fi i." iDg 'rite Richmond Examiner, or the Bill, attracted by the folle, Agitation , . .CW i. ý gtrhe - 1 observe of a viidonsýY." î.number if ffiii pain linge . antî Postville, iràiialÏar, ý ân Fridajr n illing points whicla tic infidels were botatless, must iiow e . ..j. séquence of t 1 bc général proiaptiad'to theit duilr. Bue « Tue tqkiijjç 1. ande -' la « The Êoussi won crowded; ever7 itývm:-Tt appclefs that the encolf cuit show the bigla state of officiency thütthe ouccumb te this puny outburst et 3108- rhup. .rail Ions and Taverne from an extqe T'eu gave As In your lut -iý.'ïtA, ý - . unie both j«a and in ont: . . varices e . - - - a 1 .,."hu,..ýý. 'W . , available standing jýýca Was océ Pied. holdn hi defences on Ratchees Bon, where battalion bas arrived et under Buch a -a Papitit. ,,il If Ir .a ý 1 , Pr Cr. A la , - it . -1 ý *Dmeubd addéa le the plein= of u loin fanaticiant, guided by issue, front, the'NDva Sentis, * ooXrespondent CouhlY Couhel la eMaloty, 4offl"9% . . ' ý short perio o yýur 1- accommodations under ý metteur@.' cirebinot&iM, 1 iiiiission The'speak ho le reported té bu h avily intrenched. Thot old book, the Bible, centaine a ent;permit me more- wu M > W. Mccraney,ýE3q., ! --- .. - comtnand. of the 8t. Xary's Argus, tient a- lever srrcry té ente Ibat ÇW C ,dàg - , tin ý-, ý .ý -.: , . ý ! Crik WC" The ...-- -..-méellent;-they stand the propose entictire . ". , A ut [%Pàé.ctltlýonl encre te ulterior po4tiol--pùiý"'-,'Iiïaii ý: : . . W. Ir. Young, Ésq. ý Dra. Crooker and o un tire weil sin,«ùlarly curions chronoIeýy of aicient ly te advert te the very générons , sug y simllar te êtur Temporelle f benft W-161*1él Ma morement, of cavalry in the direction steadil er t eir arma and .f Gli«D t Dinwiddi. C ý Cation etone of your corrtiertondents. in ni'iny municipall in, NOYOLgLotis for the PrOmOtinn of-thé citons of Ttminre-oce.' : .-Aommmm op - TRu,;xý--pe , . set UP - 1864 bu been In most i- me fal '! ý 1 Onrt Balise accueil te have 8ýt UP articularly c6noiderinli the short dnys, front whicli it appeurs that one ,, r J , 1ý .B poil. At the cloBe ttme t ut t ey sire con et drill. Noqh, a liutibandiijsn, like miny of un. týat thefte easily advised formelle n Cam, and ledit th forre, l This gen. t mperanc- men have, before coq, tend - . ý ý -twwu ton and' elsvpu ë'Clock O M ay - 'ýe tollotr'ng m bien planitud and excetited go give hie In- ' ý will , anly - 1 1 i ý ý. . , ý . iolutions waicanied uoï-njmously: . The fou, incréments the .Major. Grm Irais the lire( who, in thie world, 'Plant- net only bc persuaded te subellit obber- ..an citron thât lnyarmnutt4 A Populace malle une offà'tln'iaràe"wày.,: ambitions 1 the enntracted ses port town, he tient onlysben one drunk- 'tien- who trente! lifte te have UjpýI ho& ,ý ýÏwrÏing eci 13th inst,* a p ger ' fontry Cime te Iltrench et Hatcher'a 'Rua, wag enabled, owing te * , -ilge i ý 1 - lm off-the, tumack: lot Rosi - th Id te witnesa were And d,.,ýk of th. wine fully te dite inconvenience. být further, en man in three mont lin theli@ psttrcriymic very freq«entii,ý Il ý ý . ý ý - l . . il )I71à, Thst 'ibis mOéing which they scerfi te have dons, véry effertu nator' rfýi7 showed 1 el a vne",d"ý - hs.-ý, Aoeailx)rtoffers . '. t t - . ,"!tes-to reedrël iti dirapprèvid: orcer- City; ' of g a .et drink wht,,. . ý gg , ; . throira 44 6 ri 'U' 1 tant nt- dýunken.' Now,'théý toi ngrce ent(lially, te disregard the piti. 1 tacilitime for cInadestine- *and illidit. asles, Te,,npe o*' *tiC ii - C y . 1 auk sr ce y tlli;g . r il, Co Am matterle; stand', the Yankees have !,,-.a a rAnh. thtý,..f, .et .. -ind thRt it is full noms (barcly soma thonsiends iiiltliatH&Itonwilinot i r- ýi1-- z ý ictubtef 01161;p1L Sevel ý tcetotallera coeurs ni uffer from, and yet in ne' "' .. ', le mmentinients ' ntýinedinaIetterrub- t..t,. yp id Il ,7d le er fr A Ill ta i N -et lu Ilsbed in . thé ý 4, _ i a clos. .. ..a rd naughty amenai) àerivi-d te the iliMnieipalities y ' As been and 1 la enfore- lit .. . ý -*-a njured. HuIta. (Ihi.plô.,, utendti thoir Unes two or tierce mil, es, but Th n Iyon 0 1 kindrid nets that luine , airm ,.,.n , ne -, , 'lu 1 * rd - 1 la i 0 following 1 er of the bar- te ý c th th failli b 1 't'o B of our presc;, t crimes nre owing. fmil, the sale of li itke boum . - 1 ..ý affere, avoir the isilmatuýe of 11J. . Lintil racks ý utile' cotises, that ta te say, Il tt Ji in nation? ý This saili neroirement on a Diviine'onde, orMokaIity.ý* iî ý1 * -ID*Dmw ana enlève ý ftmon . g; . si 'rs,-. have net adrançed litanie. -rooins would bc a credit te any te dý la Itrby .Pt . . . . . * Oh t what OVse!ý ý 1 0 Ce r pla ýý! 1 The BIchmoýd Examiner of the Bill, req le ; 1 fi hohby hor»e.low*bt . 1 ;-1111f.1 flugh tili#dbeh, Buker, anklé. 4a., Chairm= of thié! Lii-keepers Cominittee, . . u.1au giment, a blessid world, then, titis thcy Will willingly ý de . oeillet the 16troduc- te oitéb Us VoiW@ or 1;- 1. . - . umes tient the ire.e.t passion of the South, T o .,ci muet have bien ers liant unhappy dis o t' t Pay Or lion of the In- s'tes; the decreaine of lm- e rànesýnien. 't -1 ý: 1 *ý ',derýwvm*lly hurt; M . -- i i ý plincofthebattallion appearle - these out of their ONFn pleketgl and i Illoirality and crine ý ý.e Snell l'al 1ime, and T mp@ 1 Sbere lg:&"Cutunevr 1- ' fuThet i ý ý il bottrever. ,m lis% Thompoon. viz *f - a tuellus of intoxication 1 1 - thil Point, t"tl>re- ', te bc ofthe firail otider unionget ail racks, ,Overy of. . ij - :1 ý .flic Bkr. Cam. Agoras à place -u-dbytheýeaultofthe postes conter- when they consideý that thisârifle would, .... conneqnendeseý'"eok firtlii couaty = lie f Ille Lezlolitive Bâille. '-4o-'. > erhùý É Tfioipý.ý,boià 1 The arme and accoutrements 1 t Riblllty'. . , M ý 5 ce, bc made 4vailable hérons le ettapo- liseré re- And then liow erroneous thut old record indeed 1,,,,.,tl,.etot or ol'H ItnnýýW oýFayon*yt . ý eukèe t 1 markably clean and in eocd lorder. .Pied -sa inuch space, ýwith ing elqqu 'i : ,1, ýthnaltoultupir ji - - L?(d:e7yý as ýfCr the Young mon, 01 Our 00anty, te en . ho a merle fira-eite " Il ý - orottaývs.iivt ringilig.- . 114HOD. M. v.l., 1 ý, . votes. ý hioh reprentents it as a tact tient Pre 1 ILIr. ý 1! - 7 - - . Your having estqblished in a - imposte with wilich, for the r ý . ý , 1 ,., i ý ; M" ý i1231234114 in thd, client al he ý èi1joy moicty.11 i ' i Cela a q -flic ý yen ' what 1 conctive te lie the radi Points At . -rhis. bottratier. la In; the w4y, of lepLmat; 1 ý i . - - ý . , This --tiï auch àtat@mont8 The V,-minýr aise mys thst there wu short time an officer's mette, a cacteen , a viens te introduction of nny intozi- they are likely te bu sadaloli- If they ý I.,, tient I bave little ppace I2ýI fur minor Let no onp" thât Ballon ley a migoriW or stabilité -0cy. l( iýi 8 ýau cating drink, 'Goa saw-that the wický a thiiik well of the matt'ir th Mit For instýnéCJ the Inn- one.-or more, bu ula -Yeâ lý te conkid - Aà Cutrâ1geý "Ontbe moral sentiment îePort in the City that charleston-bati boeil library and récréation room. and ail thèse , ,Y Plat and aide tenues. -ý4,--,:-. . C. ý 1 l :and common mais el a treramunity who 'avansted; butthe %Var Départaient liait workinesolwell uni[ do ably mariageli, iiesa of man was gréai; upon the carth, yield S«îMp1ýy te th as in Il kerpýrs deny tirait nll are *Bgre te place Ililtnn hyýà nisjority V 60.'bïfemId --Nay,,; TILL Xziýýclý-A Soitile wffl ýke 'regard Incrâlity se essentiel te virtue. ne confirmation of lit. ment with. the Major Génie; bixhest ap- and that every imagi.,ution or die peratio-,, '-let the tow go with file alcoholLe drtinkluuinder lega . restrictilien. which corporation vill blettis volingliontrel tl" it ýetecordy's Schoolàleuee cueille thouglits of bis heurt Was coly ovil cou- buck %%bat, 0130 1 'uk, doeq the icense law flaitois doit 1 &y"* Monfilliste, taxi lier, XII. - - i . .- val* . -et," and théreby testl ho, ,,ry tri 7 TI eriltore, fer lieusta , we'have ton. or Miltni. ho« teleen a%#n" fer the * i ý bc son F te this 1111alton (;,,tm- Thé Worlcte Wuhl The i 2hgratified ai tinually., supericer they rire Io any coièiýdcr&tinn or about 1,000 intiabitanto,.nnly, Severi of tient orto.trst6vt.rni..., by ber own set utlum. - ý*0i-1i. Tra-b-Ipr.oix.Thuàaoiy ..xt,ý2M : ý 2d. Resolvid ,1,62t the forégoing m Geneist flood bas resehed Richmond. Pro '%tajdr Gen. was mul , right « - Il .' solution nÈton Spécial sales th bal rt ho veccived frein you. - ter in this unfaithful what the poct 0 . ý .. ,itïv.,, lirecors. L 1 penre bu been conclude 1 ', ,or, "' invarinbly jecelv- Another old wri ail Il a tien of ex- Daladier have4be légal rightý of retailing p,,mtian. 'Thê."Ilmba of the lawl, miy au. of th., s- - h record BOY$ thut wine linaketh glad the - licÏL: thé Rey.T. Ge.1ds.mith,éfMilton; Pion for insertion. CI between Spain , .1--1 - . .. !Bro,ýmaùdDanardofd.,C- - and perd. ý ' .a ,voul tF àt ýý:. n.n,,d.er your commande panses." "' .piritiioti'x lietintrit, and tbeke ýký $50 c.cla ill-31pâte a rileh barvest. 4, W Scott of witte 1 rdo , and ý xr. Goldimifas Lecture. and you will bc oeuseil te express .te the heurt,' aud advises it te bc g perannumf4rtberIUhttodoýso. lethix But th-- greLt qu ý - 1 ptic--âý ell.!III, îîî--ý, Il . .ivel. in -r..,: &cn ý nier rêgiricti'on-,%, tobacro, 9 arec th _el O., obx-&-I, -ES.J., tof 1 oron - ý those cifficers the :lajor Gen'a. apprecia- the sOrrOwfîI ; alla, as a testilitony of . restriction ? -Aealn, thev golf 4he trotte la annemy. The abroïatl.)n -Cf ýthe Iiieialng - ', ,M*-,iRov., .. . wn i General Grierson le la Washington. . - T ý le. halve o. m,:idày èvecting lait, -the Court Prealdent Lincoln and O eneral, Grant et- . ý . KýSlý',T ýLEE- rýcf1tteLjm- mugi cause 8, huer - It al ýJtMAIj'oCI à tien. of their zeal and oonduct in général. mirth, Wiorts man te boy and drink ý ; jimply placed tir and coffee or% and for the - - '- & ýthoýben'e& et Cam el diniel 1 pqcksa te hoar the - ien. te inform you that the M ajor 0 en. * Tel th. Zale! let th. Ch..Ii... ý sonne remon, te raisea-rovenue for the lier àseâd drails aie meeting. R ý i tended Ford'ithestre tact night. In conclusion; I am directeil by the M ,lier it Awny 1 say the teetotallers, Witte !,,, ..ý . anliff, ttýtl&e Suger, Pt TORICIG ý ? bas had grent pleadure. in rerorting te 1 ofthecountry.". Do.theymean-to wi ni glciýftqtdil démond fier fi;Wenue ijIl1ýbe fifftu- -Prideddi ýf the Pendre 1 1 y N. . ! ý cý Oncle abominable tiostrunis, -beliove net le &.. - , - ý 11: - i ý . abov@ gientlime 'el eiplanation 012 the The évidence that Fmace'wl" lu accun the Lieut. Ob . 9 a word of dicte, but let 'tes Dow Pau a Tempérance Act of 1861. 1 . ýa ili on accolent of U.pýa bring ý ýa'-irimlnal Tempérance Act of 1864. - ri comm Lnding, with the 1 . that grocers re4nire té Il . Italienne a. - 1. : , ý ; . , - , , ý . way or other recogalze the South, fi ad. by-law whielà allait foncier prohibit the 1 - - te cueille thom te Vil a I)Uàkin,ý 'rethimthute',kçt Jls folind , ýý .- Il swat lffMW . - Il - . . - -,,ý, 1 -1. . . vieillir ta hie report beinâ: forwarded te '.ý ' . . ý11.11 ;zip ta t.b.iri. qý Estat'i thé àdidrdwtra. - ý 1 .ý ý ý . 1 - big Excellency the Gov. en.oftheviaý- . . ý . vour klot issu%.., a crellineurtiontion officiai- keeprrm for il ion ofjiiloé.-irill*re4ulre -es i.doWY;dhbe., l ýTà coRExqýo1qrùNýg.1T.he- eri(inal, lu the unavolâble' ilisence 'of the cumulating. a-de of oncle vils- truelle or any of il& Bute- Mr. Edîtcrfý-I am haiýpy te Sen in aumt-, We allait bave in go ,th e I - t 1 1 - .r information" on,4i hi ': " by 'IL. E." in thankfully cwc-&,NR.TOT ý Pd by the lýrésiient ýf the Inn- But 1 have trempa . a y , u crier fi dide- Ver ýJ ý 1 ' hi b state of efficieuv, thit the battallion etitutes. re , Johnoton :Harrison, Bail., wu Capt. Sherrard Osborn in adracating the - y .7-e"bir-the -,sonial ý,ti mlleil te the ' mondial; of an exp 'ICI. IV sigle, , mer" te bé rdaiigè'iitédlisi W. Indice or 11,1 -ý âaà ýîII hé inserted ,11,,tg,. ' À dCa,ýý. .,-.obair ý . Austin Wilmett édition ta the North polo, bas .-irrivcd-,ut o a yeur conim-ind. Well, thon, the vole o-i the 20th ,*cerq eulnOsitte. in re,4%. to lo%- tenace. r'lettoriof]Flaltont- Il y- ' 'Colleetnrofialand'tevenum-wili cause au ; . 'a 'Esq., % aident ofý4e Ilaltau Temper- . ne culte et ety - additiloitl :t'.emand for, loduingFL -,ht the- ý - llýý ý perance and sec batt-iiiion lidving 0 verily believe the Îhe 2,0 in-t. Thiq co'r(ý-4riot;deni,-e will Sliall the drinkibg %hbeyodlirrin vie . 1 -ai"tiod ïkom, 0mogi, on 4etin .. mu likely te effect the object. The enihm.tidi.g 2cer trusta th2t the will show those Il r letter of . canote, Bn&Mtotjt 111 . , . ;!ýý o. argnes that the lut twenty-oný expeditions ýgm it will bc both a those te whoui oncle are a inere pretf ino havA the effect or aw-ikeniiig attrfttiýn tape. - 1-roat i'tait Dot . ý - -à.d.d out An -hl. -, 1 imit, A"uoolatlon aud: thé, Ber. M r. , n.w Won for iteelf tic , dictates &ni une-ratives of Scriptural and on ne of voire 7 %% ilonypopu, . ý ýý . ý J 1 a reputition. the tery itremirtiut Wué -ans, berore end intiiience te - ng drluk B.-or.' 40es net llit well.nu thé ofémmb ' -' 'ýtýý*IiIà6,1hèî 'SM 1 v 1 1.1 O tded vrith, ail their or an. '! ý aide Liquor'Liw,", frotta si . . *eretodiwoler Sir John Franklin, and , pleasurc and a pride toc dry officer, non- 1 f Society, alter ,ngli@bM&n. Fat and Soei sr. ýl ) ai à relever te bc coaiapNred, in tlieir e>ti- Iii, electors cf Ilaiton, and' may sur-l"y dgreeadestiol train of rimé, and roin; perec:lyiesclepi;"Pnt ofwhlbkçy, rLen on' . . 1 Bette wore on. the pýatf0rm. ThoChair. net il north . co-,lnii&-!inned officers au(l men beIëifigiýR Ir. t. t Ille W i poverty, r ý bc t-0%wwiuiami- in declined as if la unac- . -West passage. ý motion te tac dictate of teetotnlisiii. inf, Io hositite ne te eito et your bondit, t the othey le.ile or All fonce but Intapes)s - ..: 1. . te the régiment te uphold and miintitin ' "Il "In ý and allait these rec 1. ý l . 1 mats after, a fow aýprcplrîà4 rdinaiks in. There la a ý pç>werful Parliainenbu7 in- Tt in, in gencral, difficult te enc.iunt- ivh et Co.17 K shoul 1 pursue in the lemn ilancti-Ils and-phelter of, law 7 on NP 1 &"ý b4le m Ili bave Il., .- ,,*,' 1' - ý! . , "W -a thBIIeciUý.er. , . 1 . finance in Britain for an Act similar te lois of enthusians Witli ràtional flecially that Monday next, tlic 20th, yotir, yerdict wili Hoiri@ibéàt.lloliiëyjathe Iteveliqq ta . 1 - , lmùàiýea with, ', ut , 1 of t a . . ý -- . 1 a chiracter se honorable te thein And Vnin glnd, ce ' se . 1 ý ý l" . th are la . 1 the I)retnis2s. But, ý 1 J.Ml - hich -wç i.,.:Z. no! 9 for publi-' Il . o-)ilimandingofficer." Our.comilanv fins the P the 'l'emixý,rancecoiuniunitý;hnveatla-%t bc calleci filir., Qu yon -(leva les the ]ne- bc made gnoc! t 'l'ho pront.eterit of thla mil i * 1 -0 . ý - so fair 4 a . What thny advance " a dulv autlienficlited docutuènt. offléltliý, .poraitility of clecidine the !%Rite 1 bave an Ides tient the t im. The -ý .ý - .1 et .. - ý , . . . 4 .catina course but as a, guarantee of -, F!W,:*bo boa thé Plemare of listening Dunkin'a Temperance Act. - pt op its go-,)d nime. -grgtinients - y ,ailf moite ,ýý . : . ý bit,- réputation et* cin enjZly reniedies for niiy evil are Ircry orlon 8-giléi and viven te the PuVe over the 1ý ity..'. ý -, . 1 Louis Napoléon will shortly issine hic ira- cilvi L the o T. DO'LE«ITU. n(ýc--Rury clerattioltticil or tire. se el" blibly - .1 *i . ý 90 ibis Oï"obiwill, aller liýnget il. 'The ý . -et has rot IIR u non on eitl er ào fiaitibl * ad t us . the President of thcýInii- Milton, Fêla. Isth, 1865."W =. y . . ý l and the pathe- Meuse work, fthe Lire of Casser; foi, whivh eomPany th il 1 1 te re signature of' ý t.x,.(l nos ais they ctn, y-11-1eai. and the ý ý ý ý put 'Obinciitoranv'kind. 1 ,, now clos mind elle or t;,eyin'Unl.b ien whieli keercrr Couruittce. This docanieht is -ý i dqflcittnslqt'lieniltdeup*ljvdirte taxation. - 1 - »d able Communication sourching S"Y@ii le ý Il .. - ý" ,ý aq Ili ,on tIIe>ýTempcranCe i . 1 . ho expects te bc ellecteil à mculýr of the "'l'e'n ke 1 . . ý«O Rit.-payer$ 01 klaàt-,t 1 thè wb-àoýsohqlnse la ' . :, -l ,,'Wptow id tic ippealofrhýtorie werebrought tobear thiqý11etterandwillulaybç givc you au- muet tuiriculo,.s'y resùove.î ail polia themriovnlnibleto oufrarinsc, in.ipu- ;ý .1 - ., . 6 - i , A - CI ' other-barcru long.' The Temperan a . ý Il : . 1 ý ce em * -r froin the burnt fin,-er of a child, or they -nucli lis it ie nut the opinion of a MAN, ý 0 Act il 1864. tw.t.r,ý vrai. ny-) ôuév.,t.. vtiuleinýqhut ale a' The dr,-.dful ..!dent .à the Cath.lie O .V. ý,,rese:ttAivc bolly of our otý - cn.vrii *wànttaverne or pIAý"i tri Stop et . l,àf il tbiqi..;It va bale âdhered te thé with affect in à epceeh of ose hour an Y du. il tr 1 everv invern.vlath'iii yeur lien te. 1 Il you d 1 :ý1 .rr 011» in th@"& 1 1 .NWIJK. arc ,o pn poiterou % mi L& re"* 1 te us thu but of the ri, T. th. Editý of th. C..*.lý- os. ý :ý,r te publieh îâti FF ý lent COMMUO» -ha1f,ýwhich occulta in faet but à fou, schonis in Wutmingter -bu brought te ý *1 hie l'ocument La. Ibert, delta ýiàii in whiob thoi aile r0ýî - extravagaiizaj the fanatie who, on évery t'ollellt.,;. - rit. la( liaitan, Fâ. 13th let$. Witby-urteâm«.@-.yýéo. Vù-e ntbelron- oived. The ! 1 of the leigliest character. and as such of 100meute. W* dbubt if thore was ever ngbt a newmource of ýperi . Under the 1 afflio*,iýrr,. would .iiiaiàt oa a filerai and 1 . tirer Sir.-Tliý r..;riia.on dipplayed Il the- Unes. Irvouwi.hthabd.),Ptl(lnoo"ýritionai . . article haillided ,R«ruifinu for the ignited ý 1 . ý; !ý 1 1 -. pressure of lire hundred people the boum Temperance Act of 1864. indiscruitintite interprétation of tfie thc. verv creut, 0184xi-toN ln nllç-iiinz fer liq eblttmag te balle hem tient iA.0111el preilervé -accCmddatiori -- .. . - anyýîingeq" toitdeliniedilimilion- , - - Central enininitto3 of the mime tiffl do &ISSI Et" iii liquidait; te ma -Xusagaweya i - - ý ,ho iùe% .f th- ivdifeciel qýieILlo--i. noir azitated r'le»tl'vetIL"- andlat ýý , . . M, wttich supporteil the tient grappeil azunder, text: 'if týY band Or tout OffoIld thee, men or. 11altdit may f,,, ,,,;;,",i",7,,.ra.nee in thlm C.Illntv Iýv pil.1 jectu : sud O;hei. %ville the tippling drinking -ttmf,*, vnte- vèl-iIîbg&,ý1,-.-.ý ý.:ý -. , ýý- , , J... 1 en. women t them off, &a., and if thine eye of- igsue a inaluifeso ou the ýnbject, Dur ýi.e, 1. eluiy ý pl;récýuted. . X.tyll on'thn 20tii and a -Place of!-lisu-keep- ýý. !;2122 88 viui'-Pp- F-a At the Conclualowofthé lecture iL Dose. We have been solicitail by bath si3es eu vers - ý ' And p.,clpitnted a hundred m' . . a :j ý . . . ý imoin vSài Wlas c3wirel, predging te givé a brief @«yitop.-tis of the aboie acte fond tilde, pluck it out nndenst it wouitl 1 ant'icili-.Itp thrir action in the ;ngýwili bepulimitLf.dtooqýrýcoligittgration. ,ý. ýiým2 -1ý: ýý .. ,ý -j,ý.ý . ý 1 :. . and childreri'into the Tours beneath. 'This 1 %Ir IÀt.4ýny lins very prnPérly g1ren (lx i; : ,'ebRA SÔ-M, 1 * i tic moetià,g ta o fliee," &o., and Il Ir thine huila or tfruni reilliscle had net the Cloninittee of Inn- pre% e m of the tt-ern ýke,-pn.re, .t),.med on commun sentir and la perfuoi keep- ., ,ý,ý sol: CIE -ý This, Soirée Vock ý ý and as the eteefors of ibis County are; - the honor of publiolling r,ý.nI . ceminc the a4aptinti or Ibo go ctllr-d lait Witli the grecti motbarebical cunfeders- positiv action at flic baient, itappcars, hadbeenceràpletelyeaten hine P alonto the vi ixj ý. Èe fc1I§ý and this in face of béants that à sway Il AB the effect Won te lie called open on the 20th inst., to'foot offind thon eut -it off &c.," and keepersdone me lion. ý , . ( ; 1. walice ffl . . ! . ,a clauses, maintain thut thenc textq actua'.1y justi thiq doétiiii-cdt in rat)]%, te inje@ letter, T, , Act lit lsr.&. Tlu-y (the lien enforce or reject the probibito;y rý ay bc Weil. in -c6ýducting titis ký.e.peýr-.) are the cln". &-eil aèsiii.st whnm ý why coin WC net lettrâtince a rectelonable 1. , iiordin th'aqnouaùetýw,éný by the dry rot, al 1 . -mpnr.neý ýU , , ., ., , . ý - 1 . Il] suicide. Let o& Cherefore, ces whether friendly colltmvem)" in eXý1nline, hOr %Ir. Dtieik;ii'-i legielaliot 1- m-,ýU .-pccially . àiý rïâ1ý,»à *Î8 wçü, ittinded. The contra résolution wbulti bc darried. net externally visible, thei wasnolucans Tt ni. ý .le trou of fou keeping liste Canada. l"d et- ,! ý- ý A .'r, m Arter - .11 . . . ka te the 0 sim"44 il Britieblinstice tient tiýèmtnetimegivek-rarv,()reosingimvellprà ff 1 or nglwo proceedtogive the.,made of con- thil, ii)ucli lauded camion, the pana- manvpoitit.q;iffecting thisiisuc we are, ý And it trale l'Il Il - 1-,,,ýý'd -,fýw -cil * 1 tape acatutrophe. This âhoultIcall the atten- > t1intý voice sleqald he- lieftrd hefbre tiieir lin thé chantent reprue fraite front; or ý desth. - ; ý Ll M 'veredieBAM . bles",Treni 1 » , ladorty lVýtO of liber, f knowjng (if Re existence, or o are t. . th ductiug the eloïation and aubsequo:.t ces or the teatotaller, bc or bc i.ct aveu a=(týi Thât Ise amenait tic withimi bouties f4 sonoüs. 1; - . WtàDý sied «lever 1 - - , . Las thi8 will nnrrow down the quàlied condrinnation. It mfty tic( lm- Araild of . Br"pton -. .h., ý - . snob as ilisse. 1% is net the osé, but it 'l tri the azAL points of difFerenoe. ý mn.lattnti la certain, tient Timperailoillouses - '_ - - 4mýý a d'meeting d» -a, f-licg tien of beailders te the kind of Wood used ; >:,)(t- , ' P'rb4mditigs for énforcement of ite Pro- ly-medemlýpý'.hnwKne.!%,tlýtnmg'v -la wider . .O@Md - this. . .ý is the abus3 or Gud*s girls that ouglit te Thé, rhnkeepers state in ýthe cloning ' ng mi Illimpply the nroCs!yyýý,>U)rt!ý1tà la . ; . ' . - that nil :vRlid 4iléotions boa beau la the oonstrýcÙcn of public édifice%. - - 1 %lie SI il %ntly. ver. -Mil referring 'een'Iniry;iuto lien. ýff,!ct whiéti *.I.ô adopt ý ý ib,:,,L ý moetingin thé Order their trision, , iëd. - ,- --a-- vision§. je tojhe s1lilcule. . f, ýUmu-ireeýM.-.*Rev. r. Travaliyne ** - ý . . bE restràinud. - la then the petthibition linWof their sectind panv 1 ' li.',', iii6re-tlien do.btlél. ý ý 1 ,- . , - - ý . 7 . -" , The Act flint et the meet te the subject of drunl.enTýegs. "Aithoilgh or the net wili Italien retenti %unýher clin of ý* Teifflessonft men >'Fà-ýýýxnu Ulrd . . 0 .bl . -- -- 1 - . W.Rgàra Correspondance. - - liera advocated capable of pioducing the ýý7, made a fe* apriepriate remiake, desling , . . 1 ing iit cash = the crime may not lie public, it iq no less ut the :ýmmuuI ty, and replié the commuulty thile queuticin fortheuàulies. Yp7l"i.gl con ,ý*,lm ."WY..iiý-tliéwaty0ftiléord;i.làir Xr Parkais ýpeechj -. - ill CallOd fgr the resuluanticipated? Now.inmyyoting- acrime being don 1 ý live by ihe1ý luttroitàge- ma ý.thfetr4veIlInIr 1ý -1. .. . !.ý 1 M ýurposeof sSuring âe votýs of the or du re a in «cerot." Thau ai IarVýi. . -,wm 1 1 , *edý ' 1 oqueult. V'e publiait th oiia - ý Flanwink Birraclis, F 1 je I end well remember that %,the WC tigrée drunkennelui is À CELIMF. I When th- qinstion of' riiinIng a enrtalit, comrnuiilty 1. , ý '. ; . 1 1 , triai; COM-U ce. Il eh. 6th 1865. ý 1 te ladre, or in bis absence, 1 thon àwelt, &Il ordinar p-,trtlettiar bel of Ilidultriat porsuit ut the nid price. . ý 'r -'. r 15 Gb" *thfono' : and .i ,à , . ni ï o oc rs, the 1 Y intoxicating auppnilealsoitwilibe ehce-'.fullv conce, or ý Our-Temperiume friends 'Value îlielli eau m IL - ' P031tica' . - Dicut Sim ý lie Ceuiieil, or in -the drinks wore lienvily taxed, whilo fîtreign ded that men gel te bc drunkards by ha. h; brûught te the * rie, 19 [a, certsioly ho- , :4,4 tÈé',nàiuýv ýflàw , thé ý- .- . tionfrome Geor wn,ýby spécial voquest . -In DIT faut letter te you 1 any member of -; absence of any mortifier of the Couqcil, laie Connpqiiýncê%, Initesd veYhighty. Ilseyattemptilodomoreillien ' i: *,' 9" ýîbOUId t44k. -la, r 'to'àd- 1 Ca.thO.RuIr. Mr. Goldiffaith, toking hie promised ta, let YOD have d'short Scenunt liquilirs were, in guiieral (what the advo- bitiint 4Irinking-.ý el-e hoiv Iuýe drunkftrds camion te calcui ý législation wlIchý ever tt.nýOnst Ruler ltsdiototL, ;Io bas 1, ý "' ý 1 thon any municipal alector who moy bc iundê,9 «Have iint the Innkeepers liit of vuelleinir heaffi 1,19 laie - Idt but. Id. W .viser. :'. 31r. Avadd 80IL4 the Cbai-iý-8e and said If ény per- of triant the Volunteers on 1 frnnii,, entes of abstitience*propose that allshould cont-mllatrm no lower an ohj Let thon a coin-' J)Iqced lin an rrobatiniler bure.rbçnouMed ' . . . . dot'* ýcholm!it by the Ineetingshall présidé, ( > , 11,;ý.follo«M, in »;, Tory humôront 1 "doch'; ý . ý, ý - . for- et ibis placé bel) totally prohibited. There theje in a lima the vital secret of the proS-w, when P:te @(;Ciel rý%-nlliti-li. i 1 with tamptae on. l'bey mould, improleqau wwdto staite thài remous fer, -ce épient passe thi: and suit pardon allait have ail the pow. eue almoit ideiitical-witty tient thcv tell un tient "man is & social uni- Ualemý prement opitt;oris grestiv changf his work and sur no templation. ýýIBI clin. »Im;fcIJi§OAIOPOýJeýthBy irerelaedtid were d6lnjr. and janis, tney ý -. tran"oi frôm gave. îo gây,ý èauüng r finie in ibis new kind Of ors vested in the Returning Officer nt thon do. which nil'>*' and is it net a pretty clear cage aulnv menlibte rama %vill veto ataither --Vus" a illon. 1 wotllil*jnxt. Pay te Ibo men-orýHal. -!,ý1 werÀjài ' . ý 1. the pasalus of býnillem Bill. ý i . .. ry sanguine and well .- tnn'tbink un Ibo conierquences; Calumet t mil lilffl. A." Very life . BOX Municipal Blection, for the preser ale would initiale with un. And nature 1 _tinv" net the qte-tioli. ý$qmehow or your iiiUreàtx Il-you thiuk thst Temporelle 1 ý! i' . - X. , .. 1 ý the ,,aniiu-.%I" gels drunk ? Nnw ciller Ilbe adv cat- of i)uukià's Act. flair 4, ý ioumtiy. ý, aérerai, vérices . bayfug called for M 1 - individyte moan'ng that'In quest of gratification. hi@ social or - -; on 'On the Plat- - ., le admitted, thon it incontestibly got the ldeu Oint t5eir me.iwurâ wid tJiaL 1 h:: bouffl w-111 dy'bonesitlY w1pu. ,they never ý , :. -ýan . . ,ý r. 1 met vation of the ýubliC 'Pouce; Aud thé wbat-was the venait? Why, that foreign rWIECT'ille book bis! Posai I wiU DOW Procéda te perrform il if Iiiiie . . alisse yitýgIve ý&1%â .TàzTznnu.AxozA-r.oriSUý-Oï: (bien, 4 lilloi. In - ifr lin daing, sold It rerantise, ne well as 1 cani et the came cierk of thé Township @hall attend lits tiquera bocame alvil os abundânt in fnlhjw!s that in proportion as iptoxicating cetu.u'Idoi.te.1 a-e ,ynonytnmiii terme and "Ille liez SR "W -,m t the ,, tecting with the callessuient voile, or ou*ommuiiity as dishIwaterwhile every stiniulents are bnniedied, front Social cir- ma"y r""P'ýcla""ý men are deterred by Ib,-ý lentré, çommunisy- ý , , .eâu.! &o. 't 1 . - pr,ýsou te their tube ý:+ 1 the 20th 6W, the éleetc rs.: of ibis couâty. w",n.-t hc Minm tg . . Comment On the Cime, trusting that yen lxiii pardon ail IL . - a ,*qbeodlw on te décide for thimulvet very Just delivered by the the errera and abort-ecruings of my pen. !certified copies[ thereof, and the only man tliere scorued te teste the boue- cleq druikennexe; will il ,Cf infoiciing this sée «irbieh . bc abated. le,,cte - . .. ý J1ý W. l'i théýïmtià .g . business te ho trAnsaotdd, crier the sel. made Illeverage. ,nly point of difforence 1 clin percelve L Caner: etiont; et LI.- . ùIhale Tt was thon, as a pop. E on t o su". , ý2Uûol toit thýX- W,1lr1â»,'ý . lev Boit , WcaId! lie a gréai, ;. -1- '. pi.j. A «._.M'Ptide'on hic paie, ever te - Ilen,1 last wrote you wë weré in IIIII, ýection DI,'a Chiirtuan, shall bc the tak. ular author, Who under like -circuin. polli, They de) lent w Il te 4 atlgmatised 1 ý > 1 hm bc= rècently Pl Iý of .CI. al am e 3 is: Will the ,T perance a, ,ppnnp.nto% nt tien 0 'Ot ers aými-i ý .. a.r. thing; but bc ;;onid &Bk ý..r et . - ,ý ý Act nflRG4 havé the efféet of %. ilitlhing Who ciel -ne, fuir elliar-le -tif f e"IIht are m V ý -. ý , -ýý. , ,.ý, ail the statate . Oddy's Ilotel, but now we have 0 . - 1 . - ,ý.i, thons te bear withý faim a faier minutele i iug of à poli, vibich I-hali bc dose Cy , - ý , 1 -ýý , 1! ', -J1,ý,.,ý, « ý - -ýýcck..ý We .ha,ïé laid W 'nto the School Il use, wkicb[ . toncas remarked, 'l'iliere iq a great lenbolie stimulants froui Incieil circles- coniiàced ý of the Jmpr6àfQýMI ly of the "To Talc TAN=Z'ý Ï,ýAaAýT8 ri . t Of smuggling carried on rilong our ý mu" that th.-V ale.. In, lieled, Iý leti the -hl Ore thera the whileý ho offèred, à filme. rouillas, all remoyed il 0 aach chaude desiring tol-voite prellenting "rade ' . . . - - tsofboih iidà.,Iaudhave Dot Duikin'i Bill; but ,before. in doing, lie -bu Pl rpose 1 - aspeviallv of' the Young? " We believe , ý "The Amèritànoriiït fils ini;:Jh - la - - _Brzmen . . béton acell for filet pu et the' himself in fur" te lits Pell Presiding. cellule, which, however destructive te the W.,ill. *The lokeerers ile& of a diffeT- time9t bc ltitrcýlisoed. and t4là the lliteutItY - 1 ;ý - in the leut etified à publie diwuseoe of would uk titane, present tll eventnir, elle, dinresal of the Gov't, by tha truc and giving bis eote citber jus or nay. ý ut 1 have the eftý-et o(gqtluh. Cafy te bé: met by t'bc' moif : In -, !ýI .. i . were presentst the lecture delivIered a idet. . tees. . ý , intere&te of the kingdom et, large, Our- ont npinion. Now lies th& vent is.que ? .If itl-.h,-Jmbug . ý t- - ý1 - , - ý th#t is. for or *gains . a soute, but toc laften nt Ail the mintir obipet -nfgurop jug Lhq incespaiti cIntiller sied agitation IL'nt cd swaffl . And blr.'P.àncih, 1. - . - - e and bu or laie yearnlieeii k--pi op ta make men atituting himulf, basa &W . le. iLe t'lie prohibition tainly ourselve . ý ".. gon IsV-"'Tb oý fTomb' Rua follèst dimus evoulDW4 since, totems ber the mannar B-3fore wetmnvecl into the barracks eacli ýy,.IaoI ions pendillé , , - - ý - râ oi»Ïfth6watierrmtekeýplacëdwôukh in whiéh tbeýIêCturer Speke of :theý clattenco. mqniaatý&fillhisi;trnw bel and, (oh snob votes %hall bo-recorded the expeuse of our iiioralm." Io this the T-est npon thin. If this fali . none of the te hl ,Aèt of Parti& British nationt, É*r-e4y1ýl. in . out Owing pur peculi ri ciall lien eng4ed In in a poil book l te bc opened by the state of social lire tien re! t état stand. Should'thi enforcement ment. , ý ý .ý il ! . ceintures. ter po. te Il your correspon. . .: - -&ter In of thie'Act resnIt in confusing their býus- 1 Hélice. ,-vên If tIlý. R:Iti»piiers lhy th'l' .Yankee jourdala lidýh tilleuls as loud . ý. to.lCiiing i uors.ý! lie was'a *dk Jerusalem!),straw rillow %end then curry Cierk. Thon entitled te vote are file dent se sagely deoire tu are hors prQva- iness or m. i nul, curry of;lbëing't*he'o , journal in the liýIners'him f.andhedfdnot-hesitatein them on Éisiback sarclas frotte thé Store duly quilified municipal elcotors; and lent ? 1 trow net. But expérience bas nerty, (wh il toing the value of thoir pro- vnte« alept the liv-l.pw. it telit 1 end ahrieks" à: 5dv:î'ý-ýjà-*t*FtC*j. - coqety of Halton, WC 1 avre Consielerediî testimg bis CIýraCteý villa that of any Other banal te Cur own barr.iok@, about ons. if ut au finie It 1 ( ich Ise do not, think it would) thp moral lienite, ii th publie lonq %Ville le. - edâtý te iMOsý bôt4ý i4 . in the Couentyp bc hé dealer In liquors'or , . . m the opeuing of the (aught thé world thut ibis effact will 1 sýnuId for one regrâ their ]ose. but we and prove wor*c t'...ýeil.ele«14" Il r'eillir.. - long- e, ýýC19V1 . nd it bedaine pretty h f il Ce balf bOur 01&Pses end, indeed, muât inevitably- follow the ],,et iut littie nenrtration ta fý,reýoeo ibat quitter . 1 ý i aftdl lienrink not , Ho *quid nôt occupy the lime of hi, thira ofgrnile & opeuingyO 10 lolie à 1 War wit 1:1 iýd1IBd' !1én ýý rl 5 liciPal the rersonril interest tend con-fo t f a Ille ol),iriticit.,,f Dankinlo Act. gociety, botte friçýde, hy telling them bis opinion of Ihe bY the tiine a fellew got te bis ion env 1 y . cannot admit, lier will they cleiiiii, t - ex-1ý,1, 1) ricellanqu. are - .:;,*Rd let 1 tÉemulveÏ. being 1 offered, the poli 1 enactinent of ibis prtjected mur - _q yeut,47 têts, ýPCbIic doci lei fur il wi. Lliont a vote ,7,, __1 -_ ,,J May lié oýoxed,-(matk t 1 the - ý -.; ,%ýt!.Irlrl-.--.,ýýýl,-.,-tpý%vill hi, !ýorC il t moral izrd 1 han , ;iýý* W ub !Ddy il a ligg - - - . . . 1 natal keendra ci Halton Inelividuallv. but. --A ý y. , __ _ ___: _____ - :' ho word May. 1 prohibition. rÉw should bc maint-iiiied nt ri , I>tainers nuit IbON, m leu hidalgo .r1ly, t a .. . .. -- .r r.1,1- ýýinn (whiâli tbey'admit M.'J ýl...#ý'. ..I.ýi ilig,ýý , - , , tïjv m - -à ý,-ý'..-.- .- -.Z- 0 e - ": iý,r"t,,;- I. - --.-.àyjxýiii -. .I... ,W.. tut cýà-thà originateu out zuiii v»ýup&à- ý -n on liýe ýour offiaprilige or placé. Te ithow thât this is not se te the Aot, chell be, tirnnkpnn-". Ai' v ers wôültl. snsoveý f1bý Avicalisse'. 1-1 ý t_ - . ý_ . habituai. Let our teetotallers then deý,IoIié thrir w-dal ilistinc1% in a ptirer from )or pr.-j et. ma 1-diýid-- -a et leu thau $20 ?r, biit:r themselves rationally, and imme lie ap Y. !il, = the Neir Zeeland 1113UTC2 "Mo@'F' li-bl. te ou-,Il geq jha& it Io liquidated.11 wlàil* lie thouglWit @P*e weil for EaIton, ýràj@e 1 extract the following from the o Don ary n nà more Imililiv rnitianuntel hfoýrrcee4tlinotf 1 vIici-ry- sOcrine.baiiialawYo f YoUr 'e',hoi go huy a borne whieh lie 'W" liq or 1 , ýýcuIc&tj»g %uel, an when ho belle"d lie was vight in stating letter nflthe correspondent of the 'Ilamn. more than 85 for c4éh olfence, end iw Dg te show tw aisâ. ahis èaid I^Ihat et presérit car IMI c-pntitlùed only one toi TiiýùP?_ v_ ' diately set about devi3ing and introduc- may homme the im, i clipendiaiy lecturers, tied' end thirati r lave for W- 1 f the li ýtor being sold by a clerk in i &va never been- awgre Revd or otberwise. 11 ne a W'Ouia sweep,-Iike el of the li atioý,& ne will teA mm, a tarte . ler, thora for ut. J asile tuous cligracter. ýîhe barui 'Âfteir parade ig really' ci They. are ton 'he throckh usilseute, ýlows end. ter -cin. i lul would- show thst 'Ta ses thein on g such exciting recre Dy paucity of socipty for iaen - et oommon, bous9y. il - Ceiidin interertine; the Toronto ooràeî Or $Pu& ta win the Interest and rouge the energios that thora wax -grand k'1à49ý1&t Lho borée dOd," Qdiug Dot dmibkenum Dot lé numarDU& in CM, %mot, ou clork or aigent &hall ho Il ç%"ýýjU ho thé , paniCs &ely drilled sud[ mm 46 able to ýthe Mally. ADY-ýprosé virtuoui &Ùd intelligent g7g menin mi[- much interceted Inirecurlag ilicir umý» Wý 9- a 7 f &Il ; and this accompliab t ey. may K.ý,- After setting ton, nor difliculty in findi , sceau ta it, ulgiâtly pa to'give ý»y attention ta the à" .4ti wowore eu Ad IL was for the wuaty ta' a pri in op gring te advantaü oution moly bmbgbt by or in the wis6msin. W4 d forth en ebtno f«ward with aome face Loi -6 liciglibors mmi 1 . 1 i ton and Collingorzli .08 thst may net be overcoine by the poucii-ý ràld qbeyyý.-.* .ýmakjig ai thair re-uninn of r0lOel et Idi0birOl Whffl- le Whilst. me léow of -Inland Iwven. or. lie". thd t bill, nà -spiritool and op the Meef ho wcan the poopleq èven-by géode compui. sien of à good character. . Now the 1nný Ignoa and'obsýtj-le., et ait 4ba the ý- Je tN4or byqr t Oorpora. r(bil6werii are me erect 'Piiil ffl- iiitigh couarcié Voeu pred"ýlm griot Zl, mien -Bot Only from the abuse, but aven keepers thommalves, sdmjý that tlais By- Their i ni ïDu tue burob ne éno* a Mt n M 0101 y ffl ers A*Mgei or P41. ty, or by.orýýn the froin the use of y the the amomt of dwim 810000 a utoxieâting liquors, Law vili chut upthe bUýr00 la fer PrOulOnstele:iO d«@ýý,omueuit 11)910 b PM"" tic of the' gré *001M 1 wIn ho Siam any î Wbotber ,uÉbori-d 'thepublicta u th' r enais ,il or tic,,Ionginvogue ûl il Ire La the -gala bý iào'&i -xùeani'no lo.igèf omis. Dr yon ticethit the siocinuirt gré and a la 14 4à, 0 0 il Cr Iý -"""Y Fe *iltuot-lémn the onsof -youth. il" Of un d en tzstt,.ioe. O1ý= omee. t h y it W Thorn why fi not our public, TeWing-mom 9binklag enrille We fi f . aide te iiit O-.!d 3, las ward 11-OF FZ Àý_ iý Al